Facebook Automatic Messaging

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Peter Zēng

Oct 14, 2014, 11:51:41 PM10/14/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
So I figured out how to set up automatic messaging for SMS, but how would I go about doing the same with Facebook? I want to auto-message a group chat on Facebook at a certain time. IE: "Good morning!" at 7:00 am. Is this even possible with Tasker?

Jermaine Wilson

Oct 15, 2014, 2:37:08 AM10/15/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
They seem to have things pretty well locked down.  But I managed to accomplish this with a combination of AutoShare and AutoInput plugins for tasker.  

Create a day and/or time based profile.
Create a task with the following actions:
Create AutoShare Action (plugin > Autoshare)
use the find compatible apps option and select Messenger from the list.
Then set the text to share to "Good morning!".  

Add a wait action and set it for 2 seconds (this is so the Messenger screen will load)

Create an AutoInput Action action (plugin > AutoInput Action) with the following settings:
  1.  set the type to "Text" 
  2. set the action to "click" 
  3. set the Value to the group name (ie. Group1). 
Create another AutoInput Action action with the following settings:
  1. Action: Click
  2. Field Type: Id
  3. Field Id: com.facebook.orca:id/send_button
This is optional:
You can have tasker go back to the home screen by adding the action: App > Go Home
You can also kill the app by add the action: App > Kill App > choose "Messenger" in the list.
Create a notification that will let you know the message was sent.


Oct 15, 2014, 4:54:08 AM10/15/14
to tas...@googlegroups.com
You can also go back to the home screen by using the "AutoInput Global Action" Tasker action with the "Back" option :) That exits the app in a cleaner way.
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