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Do Not Disturb ignored by Tasker

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Terry Wysocki

Aug 17, 2023, 12:33:36 PM8/17/23
to Tasker
I have my Samsung Galaxy DND setting enabled at night to not wake me up. Unfortunately, Tasker is mostly ignoring that setting and blasts out beeps and notifications at 3:00am. All Alerts that I have set up for "beep" or "say" ignore DND (except for Say with the stream set to "Ringer"). For some reason, ringer alone is the one that respects DND.  Is there any way to have Tasker behave like every other app and respect my sleep with the other noises that it makes?


Aug 18, 2023, 10:41:58 AM8/18/23
to Tasker
There are a couple of additional settings you might want to consider setting.  I had the same problem for a while, but no longer have that issue.

Alarm volume level 0
BT voice volume level 0
System volume level 0
Media volume level el 0
Notification volume level 0
Ringer volume level 0
Do not disturb mode priority 

When I get up in the morning, I eeset all to max volume.   Occasionally, something might slip through, but for the most part, this blocks everything for me.

Terry Wysocki

Aug 18, 2023, 6:46:23 PM8/18/23
to Tasker
Thanks, Steve. I may have to resort to this kind of fix. But it does add complexity to my phone instead of Tasker's goal of making life simpler. On some days, I may want to allow notifications, etc to interrupt me (like airline alerts that my 6am flight has been cancelled!). So it'd be best to have only one place to temporarily turn off DND instead of also having to go into Tasker. This seems like an oversight in design since it overrides normal phone functioning. It should at least be elevated to a feature request or option.


Aug 18, 2023, 6:50:33 PM8/18/23
It works pretty well for me, especially as it's own task.  Then I can call it through normal routines or time based events.

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Brenden M

Aug 19, 2023, 2:06:26 PM8/19/23
to Tasker
In fact, using DND mode, many users wish to watch a movie or listen to music. Ringer is the only one people need to protect from disturbance. Their Alarm is the thing that turns DND mode off to wake them up. And so on.
If your phone rings and you don't hear it, but you do see it, and you want to answer and hear your friend, Ringer is the only thing to mute. Your earpiece and mic should be unaffected. This last point might be obvious, but the first two points are also obvious to me.

In short, what you notice is the designed behaviour. If you turn DND on, the user experience is intended for Ringer to only respect DND.

I have found this totally useful because I assign everything to a channel of my choice. I have become accustomed to 3-5 actions in any task, specifically to set the volume of a notification I always want to hear and leave the task, setting it back to whatever the level was before the task ran. This way, I no longer miss reminders I most certainly want every day (like medication), even when I turn my phone down randomly.

Working within the limitations or design of Android is sometimes the way to go. At least when it gets quite annoying to chase such wiring. It took me some time to sort out the logic, but now I find it straightforward. One of the keys for me was indeed placing virtually every custom notifier on Media, and like I said, controlling its volume per task was the way to go that was cleanest rather than sending "what I want" through four output categories.

You mention "one place to temporarily turn off DND."
I literally designed this Tasker Scene, which I show by tapping a shortcut on my home screen.
Mute is essentially a perfect DND, as you describe (in audio terms). My phone visually stays the same; calls appear. It's not quite Android DND via quicksettings.
Then ZzZ is, audio-wise, more like DND, as you have a complaint about (Media still plays).
Day, Outside, and Loud get progressively louder. I made these to change all volume categories with a button, so media, ringer, and alarm would be where I needed them.
"LongTap HERE" does the following: if my Current state is "day", then I change the volume rocker on my phone and make changes, and LongTap HERE will overwrite Day with the settings of the moment.
It's kind of like self-monitored "machine learning."

In very short terms, what you said in the subject "Do Not Disturb ignored by Tasker"...
I describe it as "Android being Android, before even considering Tasker."

Terry Wysocki

Nov 19, 2024, 3:31:49 PM11/19/24
to Tasker
I finally went through all the possible combinations of settings and sound streams and came up with this chart, solving my own issue. Here you can see which streams play when and where. Interestingly, the Notifications only play through the right channel of my ear buds. From this chart you can see that DND blocks ringer, media, and system on the phone. I finally decided to use Media for my "say" commands since it plays on a normal phone and through my buds when they're connected. It also is silent in all cases when DND is activated.

2024-11-19 12 21 14.png
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