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Using Google assistant routines to run Tasker task

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Dec 30, 2024, 11:49:41 AM12/30/24
to Tasker

I'm using the Google assistant routines ACTIONS statement to run tasks e.g.

run mytaskname in tasker

This works fine, but ONLY if the Google assistant language is set to 'English (United States)'. If I set it to 'English (United Kingdom)' (I'm in the UK so in theory I should set it to that) then it doesn't run the task I just get a list of search results. 

Have I got something setup wrong, or is that just the way it is the language HAS to be 'English (United States)' to get the assistant to run tasks?


Brenden M

Dec 30, 2024, 6:46:13 PM12/30/24
to Tasker
In Tasker "Help" view for some Google Assistant related events and actions, I do indeed read the following:

"English Only
Assistant App Actions is a feature Google allows apps to have in English only for now. I'll add support for other languages as soon as App Actions allow it."

Perhaps 'App Actions' allow it now, and support might be added?

Gilles P

Dec 31, 2024, 3:37:28 AM12/31/24
to Tasker
You may try that alternate method (from Joäo itself) : Do Anything On Your Phone From Google Home With Tasker!
it uses Google Assistant native voice recognition and this work perfectly (it use your phone notifications as a "bridge")
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