Wow, that is confusing. (Not against you)
I copied the two lines from your code and pasted them in mine.
Then I had the fun of changing all the names. That was fun.
I did one bit different. Slightly I think.
On the TOGGLE thing on the CHANGE part:
(poor attempt to explain follows)
IF -------- %new_val ~ on
Default ringtone
Type ringer sound silent
notify title ringVolume
IF ---------- %new_val ~ off
Default rintone
Type ringer sound (my ringtone)
notify title ringVolume
Flash %new_val
Variable Set -- %ringMode to %new_val
The %ringMode toggles if I press the button.
But if I exit the scene and come back it is not honoring the value like yours does.
So I think I am missing something.
The code that makes the scene:
(again: poor effort)
Variable Set -- AltnotificationLevel to 4
(few more like this)
CreateScene ControlScene
Element Value Scene name Control Scene element Match AutoReadName to Value @AutoReadName
(and a couple more like this)
Then your two lines:
Element Depth ......
Which - to me - is confusing.
The other ones that I did with `ELEMENT VALUE` work.
You are using `ELEMENT DEPTH`
No offense but I may try `ELEMENT VALUE`.
I'll let you know what happens.
Oh, that means I will only need one line of code.