Task: Reply To Text
A1: Wait Until [
MS: 519
Seconds: 0
Minutes: 0
Hours: 0
Days: 0 ]
If [ %PACTIVE !~ *,Google Assistant,* & %PACTIVE !~ *,Notifications,* & %PACTIVE !~ *,Phone Call,* & %PACTIVE !~ *,Bixby,* ]
A2: Media Volume [
Level: 0 ]
A3: System Volume [
Level: 15 ]
A4: Array Pop [
Variable Array: %SayStack
Position: 1
To Var: %say ]
A5: Variable Split [
Name: %say
Splitter: ¦ ]
A6: Say [
Text: New message, from: %say(1), %say(2)
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A7: Popup [
Title: %say(1)
Text: %say(2)
Layout: Popup
Timeout (Seconds): 5
Show Over Keyguard: On ]
A8: Say [
Text: Reply, Cancel or Repeat?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A9: Get Voice [
Title: Reply, Cancel or Repeat?
Language Model: Free Form
Maximum Results: 1
Timeout (Seconds): %TIMES ]
A10: If [ %VOICE ~ *cancel* ]
A11: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A12: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 4 ]
If [ %SayStack1 Set ]
A13: Media Volume [
Level: 14 ]
A14: System Volume [
Level: 3 ]
A15: Else
A16: If [ %VOICE ~ *repeat* ]
A17: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A18: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 6 ]
A19: Else
A20: If [ %VOICE !~ *send*/*message*/*reply*/*tell*/ ]
A21: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A22: Say [
Text: Didn't catch that. Let's try again.
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A23: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 8 ]
A24: Else
A25: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A26: Say [
Text: What's your message?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A27: Get Voice [
Title: What's your message?
Language Model: Free Form
Maximum Results: 1
Timeout (Seconds): 30 ]
A28: If [ %VOICE !Set ]
A29: Say [
Text: Didn't catch that. Let's try again.
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A30: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 26 ]
A31: Else
A32: Variable Set [
Name: %MessageContent
To: %VOICE ]
A33: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A34: Say [
Text: You said %MessageContent.
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On
Continue Task Immediately: On ]
A35: Popup [
Title: You said
Text: %MessageContent
Layout: Popup
Timeout (Seconds): 8
Show Over Keyguard: On ]
A36: Say [
Text: Do you want to send it?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A37: Get Voice [
Title: Send the message?
Language Model: Free Form
Maximum Results: 1
Timeout (Seconds): 30 ]
A38: If [ %VOICE ~ *send*/*yes*/*ok*/*yup*/*yeah*/*go ahead* ]
A39: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A40: Send SMS [
Number: %say(3)
Message: %MessageContent ]
A41: Say [
Text: Message sent
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A42: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 4 ]
If [ %SayStack1 Set ]
A43: Media Volume [
Level: 14 ]
A44: System Volume [
Level: 3 ]
A45: Else
A46: If [ %VOICE !~ *no*/*nah*/*nope*/*cancel*/*go home*/*nevermind* ]
A47: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A48: Say [
Text: Didn't catch that. Do you want me to send the message?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A49: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 37 ]
A50: Else
A51: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A52: Say [
Text: Do you want to rewrite the message?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A53: Get Voice [
Title: Re-enter the message?
Language Model: Free Form
Maximum Results: 1
Timeout (Seconds): 30 ]
A54: If [ %VOICE ~ *yes*/*ok*/*yup*/*yeah*/*go ahead* ]
A55: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A56: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 26 ]
A57: Else
A58: If [ %VOICE !~ *no*/*yes* ]
A59: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A60: Say [
Text: Didn't catch that. Do you want me to rewrite the message?
Engine:Voice: com.google.android.tts:eng-usa
Stream: 1
Pitch: 5
Speed: 4
Respect Audio Focus: On ]
A61: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 53 ]
A62: Else
A63: If [ %VOICE ~ *no* ]
A64: Variable Clear [
Name: %VOICE ]
A65: Goto [
Type: Action Number
Number: 4 ]
If [ %SayStack1 Set ]
A66: Media Volume [
Level: 14 ]
A67: System Volume [
Level: 3 ]