Error reading SPAR files in command line on Linux

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Mar 30, 2022, 7:41:18 AM3/30/22
to TARQUIN users' group
Hi Martin,

I have a problem when trying to run Tarquin from the command line on a linux system (Ubuntu 20.04). Basically it gives me an error message saying:
error loading FID: SPAR file '<filename>.SPAR' does not exist.

Note, the GUI will load the same files fine, (and the *.SPAR file is there) it's just the command line that has a problem, hampering my ability to use a script to automate my analysis.

Any ideas? (apart from use SPANT instead - which I may end up doing)

Note, works fine on my Mac, just a problem on linux.

Martin Wilson

Mar 31, 2022, 3:44:05 AM3/31/22
to TARQUIN users' group
Hi Paul,

It's probably to do with some weird unicode character in the file
name. Can you rename the files to something simple like TEST.SPAR and
TEST.SDAT and see if it goes away?

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Paul Mullins

Mar 31, 2022, 5:55:13 AM3/31/22

Hi Martin, I can try this next week when I’m back on campus, but I don’t think that’s the problem. Tried it on several different files, some already renamed, but will give it a go anyhow just to see. I tried to revert the version to 4.3.10 or 4.3.9 but not actually sure how to do that with the “snap” install process.


Has anyone else used Tarquin on a Linux box with Philips data?


Prof Paul Mullins

Ysgol Gwyddorau Dynol ac Ymddygiadol

Ffôn: 01248 383631

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Prof Paul Mullins
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Phone: 01248 383631

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Martin Wilson

Mar 31, 2022, 6:27:58 AM3/31/22
to TARQUIN users' group
Hi Paul,

If you're using the snap version, that's the most likely cause. snap puts everything into a secure isolated container and probably doesn't like tarquin searching around the file system for extra files. Will see if I can reproduce at my end...


Martin Wilson

Mar 31, 2022, 6:55:28 AM3/31/22
to TARQUIN users' group
I see the problem, just wasn't giving the command line version the same access to the filesystem as the GUI. Will let you know when a fixed version is available on the snap store...


Paul Mullins

Mar 31, 2022, 6:56:34 AM3/31/22
Great news mate, and thanks for always being so responsive.

Martin Wilson

Mar 31, 2022, 7:46:32 AM3/31/22
to TARQUIN users' group
Ok Paul "snap refresh tarquin" should do the trick!


Paul Mullins

Mar 31, 2022, 8:00:57 AM3/31/22

Cheers Martin, will get to it on Monday.

Hope you are well.

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