Announcing TourGuide : titanium alloy mobile app (android & ios) for tourml publishing

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Gautier Michelin

Sep 23, 2013, 10:31:04 AM9/23/13
Hi Kyle, hi every one,

I've started to work this late summer on a project that could interest android app askers.
It's called TourGuide and has a repository on github :
It uses Titanium sdk to build compiled and native iOS & android apps.

Titanium is an opensource mobile sdk, using javascript (neither java nor objective-C).
Moreover, TourGuide uses the Titanium Alloy MVC framework.

As I've built TourGuide on an existant framework, built up for charity organisations (, the project has already social features like facebook events listing, flickr galleries, and so on.
For TourML functionalities, what's inside now :
- a tourML to SQLite parser (xml parsing is to slow on small android devices, so let's do it only once)
- stop group display
- audio stop display and audio playing on iphone (broken on android, I'm on it)
- very basic image stop display
- beginning of a keyboard implementation
- basic gps map view implementation under iOS (show stops on a map only)

The project is in a pre-0.1 state : It compiles and run under iOS (tested on an iPhone 4, ios 6 & now ios 7) and under android (tested on a Nexus 4).
Note : As the android emulator is really a pain under MacOS, I start to write functional code for iOS and then see what bugs on Android. But Android is the real target here.
That could be an answer to the recurring question here : "do you have an app for android ?"

Don't hesitate to join!forum/tourguide_app to ask questions on this new project, or react here if Kyle is OK, for sure.

If you have an android phone or a tourml bundle in english, I'm interested in your returns.
Small support messages will be greatly enjoyed too :-)


idéesculture, France

Who we are : We're a tiny company offering services to museums & sites, and are commited in the development of CollectiveAccess, opensource web app for collections management.

Glen Barnes

Sep 23, 2013, 3:03:21 PM9/23/13
Nice work. Have you tried the genymotion emulator for Android? It is a lot faster than the Google emulator. 

Gautier Michelin

Sep 23, 2013, 3:26:24 PM9/23/13
Thanks Glen,

For now, I was playing with the JoliCode tutorial and Eric Butler one, as I found it easier to launch from Titanium Studio. I'll give a second chance to Genymotion.
Thanks for the trick.


Le 23/09/13 21:03, Glen Barnes a écrit :
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Kyle Jaebker

Sep 23, 2013, 9:49:14 PM9/23/13

This is great news, thank you for providing this resource. We will give it a whirl and let you know how it goes. It sounds like this will be a nice complement to apps that we have been developing.


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