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Fwd: Invitation to Innovation Week 2019

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Mar 12, 2019, 2:41:05 AM3/12/19
to Tanzania-mhealth
Dear mHeath CoP members,

I hope this email finds you well.


The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) is a UKAID challenge fund programme that aims to identify and support innovative and market‐driven solutions that have the potential to create social impact in Education, Health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) across Tanzania.


HDIF will be hosting its flagship event, Innovation Week, which is a week-long series of events held in Dar es Salaam curated by the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) and COSTECH with support from UKAid. This year we have partnered with DIAL, Vodacom Foundation, Dlab, the Swiss Embassy, 10 School of TECH, BUNI, SmartLab, Ndoto Hub, Digital Opportunities Trust, Sahara Ventures and St Joseph’s University to host a bigger and better Innovation Week than ever before. The event will take place from the 25th – 30th of March 2019. To attend , register for your FREE ticket and sign up as an attendee through the online ticketing system on this link: Please circulate this invite to your networks – everyone is welcome and there is a wide diversity of events in health, education, WASH, inclusion and the innovation ecosystem!


Among interesting health event taking place during the week which may specifically interest you will include a HDIF hosted session” Enablers and Barriers to Scaling and Sustaining ICT -Driven Solutions in the Health Sector. The session will engage four organization who have previously, or are currently, implementing ICT solutions within Tanzania with the support of HDIF funding. They will each make a 10-minute presentation about their ICT based health solutions in the provision of health services , their lessons, experiences, and challenges in scaling or sustaining their solutions with a focus on public sector engagement. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with panelists from the government, private sector, and civil society. The panel discussion will aim on digging into the challenges, looking at the causes behind those challenges, and identifying ways in which partners in different sectors can work together to ensure successful piloting, scaling, and eventual sustainability of mhealth solutions in the health sector. Get your ticket here.


Partner events you may also be interested in include:


The Path to Institutionalizing a National Digital Community Health Platform in Zanzibar


Methods and techniques for promoting innovation through participatory technology design


Engaging Girls with Kuwa Mjanja


Smart IPC/WASH solutions for Healthcare Facilities


Voices from the field – learning from girls and boys how they relate to menstrual hygiene and handwashing. Insights from Well Told Story work and expert discussion



We look forward to seeing you there!

Kind regards,




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