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Reminder - 3 days left to submit abstracts for the Global Digital Health Forum

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Steve Ollis

Jul 5, 2019, 6:35:05 AM7/5/19
to tanzania-mhealth@googlegroups. com

Hello all - Reminder that the deadline for abstracts for the Global Digital Health Forum, being held December 9-11, 2019 in Washington DC is Monday July 8 at 23:59 EDT

Please submit using the link below

We're looking for great examples in the following areas:
- Digital Health for Clients
- Digital Health for Healthcare Providers
- Digital Health for Health Systems Managers
- Digital Health Hardware
- Cutting-edge Technologies: AI, Blockchain, digital IDs, virtual reality,
micro-mapping, etc.
- Lessons from other sectors: Agriculture, Education, Finance, Social
Services and other areas
- Data Use strategies, people and processes: Capacity building, demand
generation and other key topics across health system levels
- Human resource capacity building for sustainable digital health systems
- Private sector engagement: innovative business models and the role of the
private sector in national digital health systems
- Sustainable financing for digital health and the roles of digital health
in support of health financing, including UHC
- Health Information Systems architecture: Enterprise Architecture,
OpenHIE, etc.
- Country digital health strategies, governance structures and emerging
best practices 

Thank you!

Steve Ollis | Senior Digital Health Advisor
2733 Crystal Drive, 4th Floor, Arlington, VA, 22202 | 410-443-3916
Skype: ollisste |  

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