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Tao Te Ching, UCLA workshop on Thursday the 22nd of September, Return of the San-Telmo- nica promenade milonga, new beginner and intermediate lessons.

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Moti Buchboot

Sep 19, 2011, 6:04:14 PM9/19/11


True perfection seems imperfect,
yet it is perfectly itself.
True fullness seems empty,
yet it is fully present.

True straightness seems crooked.
True wisdom seems foolish.
True art seems artless.

The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.
Hello Friends,
*Thursday 22nd of September I will be teaching in UCLA at Haines Hall Room A28 340 Royce Dr.
Lesson 7-8, practice from 7-9PM  $8-for students $10- for general.
* I'll be resuming the Promenade San-Telmo-Nica In October.
* Regular classes (beginner, intermediate) to start at October.
* Tango Technique DVD with Moti, Gabrielle, and few other from the community will be out in October as well.
See you around.
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