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United we serve- first update of the year, free open house classes tonight, promenade 10 year anniversary January the 8th, etc....

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Moti Buchboot

Jan 3, 2012, 3:37:43 PM1/3/12
Hello Friends,
Hope you had a good new year celebrations.
In case one of your resolutions were to help others, look no further.
Check this web site. There's something for everyone.
As for the updates:
*  Tonight Open House free classes in Santa Monica.
Beginner class 8-9:15pm
Intermediate class 9:15-10:30pm
See more information at
*  From the beginning of the year Santa Monica classes will take place on Tuesdays.
* January 8th will be the 10th year anniversary of the San Telo nica Promenade milonga  we will be there 4-8pm.
As well as the 22nd and 29th of January from 4-8pm.
* In February I will start teaching group lessons in the South-Bay stay tuned for location, day, and times.
See you around.
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