Hello Friends, here are the updates:
· Classes are back in session. Santa Monica –Tuesday night, Hermosa Beach-Thursday night.
· Tomorrow, Sunday January 13th will mark the eleventh year anniversary of the promenade
The longest running year round outdoor milonga in the WORLD!!!
You are cordially invited to drop-by and dance…
It is color themed, and tomorrow we will be wearing something green.
We will be there 4-8pm, and please dress warm, once the sun goes down its chilly.
Location: Santa Monica’s 3rd St. Promenade (northern end) Cost: Free (as always.)
· Couple of month ago I heard the story in NPR how the pop music video “Gangnam style”
became the most watched video on YouTube. Two days later I woke up, and the first thing I did was to write “Count Dracula style” on a piece of paper. I just posted my parody version of that video. I was joined by few from the local tango community especially the talents of Ayona, Sara, Avis, Krista, Bob, Jeff, Yury and Galina. Behind the scenes we had Eric Fink, Miguel and Sabrina. Thank you so much for your help.
Here is the end result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeifH0aEjtI
Please help me promote the video, watch it, post it, pass it on, etc…
· On Saturday January 26th Toni, Joe, and myself will host the first annual Pjlonga.
Always wanted to dance in your comfy wear? Now’s your chance! Bring your winter Pjs, lounge wear, Etc…
This will be a community Free event in a private residence in Bel Air.
930 Roscomare Road Bel Air 8pm -12am
Also, bring your favorite midnight snack to share with others….
Please call Moti if you have any questions.
Here is the definition of PJ’s :
Pajamas, also spelled pyjamas and often shortened to PJs or jammies, can refer to several related types of clothing, The original paijama are loose, lightweight trousers fitted with drawstring waistbands and worn in South and West Asia by both sexes. In many English-speaking nations, pyjamas are loose-fitting, two-piece garments derived from the original garment and worn chiefly for sleeping but sometimes also for lounging, also by both sexes. More generally, pajamas may refer to several garments, for both daywear and nightwear, derived from traditional pajamas and involving variations of style and material.
Traditional pajamas consist of a jacket-and-trousers combination made of soft fabric, such as flannel ;The jacket element usually has a placket front and its sleeves have no cuffs.
See you around.