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May updates: Rumi love poem, a new alternative music practica and promenade milonga.

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Moti Buchboot

May 7, 2013, 3:23:20 PM5/7/13

Hello friends, it has been a while since the last update...

Here is what’s happening:

Tonight Tuesday night after classes I’m starting a regular weekly alternative tango music practica.

Beginner/technique class 8-9pm

Intermediate class 9-10pm

Practica* 10pm-12am

Class $15

 Class & practica $18

 Practica $8

*By the way, I believe in moderation, so there will be some regular tangos as well…


Promenade milonga: on Sunday the 12th of May 6-10pm in tan, and as always free.


See you around.



All through eternity- Rumi

All through eternity

Beauty unveils His exquisite form

in the solitude of nothingness;

He holds a mirror to His Face

and beholds His own beauty.

he is the knower and the known,

 the seer and the seen;

No eye but His own

 has ever looked upon this Universe.     


His every quality finds an expression:

Eternity becomes the verdant field of Time and Space;

Love, the life-giving garden of this world.

Every branch and leaf and fruit

Reveals an aspect of His perfection-

They cypress give hint of His majesty,

The rose gives tidings of His beauty


Whenever Beauty looks,

Love is also there;

Whenever beauty shows a rosy cheek

Love lights Her fire from that flame.

When beauty dwells in the dark folds of night

Love comes and finds a heart

entangled in tresses.

Beauty and Love are as body and soul.

Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond.


They have together

since the beginning of time-

Side by side, step by step.

Moti Buchboot

May 7, 2013, 6:06:40 PM5/7/13
Hello all,
I forgot to include the address to the practica... Sorry.
Here it is:
Location: Varieties International

2523 17th Street Santa Monica, CA 90405
See you around.
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