RIP Pieter

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Oct 4, 2016, 12:03:45 PM10/4/16

Andy Gotz

Oct 4, 2016, 1:03:25 PM10/4/16
Dear Nicolas,

thanks for letting us know. I feel his going like a loss. He warned us
that he would choose how to go and he did. I will always remember him
for his unique style. Easy to get along with. Great to have a discussion
with and hack some code or ideas together. It was funny when we first
met and discovered we were found out we were both born and bred in
Africa. We realised we shared more than just a passion for software.

At the ESRF the Tango team started looking at zeromq thanks to a tip we
got from our colleague Matias. We tried it out and found it was really
fast and worked well. Manu then implemented the Tango events with zeromq
and the result was good. We decided it was in our interest to pay Pieter
some money to support his work. He proposed to visit the ESRF as part of
this contract. I will not forget his visit to the ESRF in 2013. He drove
down to Grenoble from Belgium in his own car. There were two reasons -
he wanted to keep it cheap and bring his own coffee machine! He brought
his own coffee machine so he could be sure to have good coffee! He
carried it into our meeting room and made us very good coffee. The only
problem we had was we didn't know where to put the used coffee grains.
We ended up putting them in the waste paper bin. We spent two days
talking about software designs based on zeromq and how to replace corba.
He was always keen to write some code to test our ideas. He gave one of
his "no slides" talks to the group. I remember it was well attended and
there were people from other groups and I enjoyed it very much. He then
went on to visit CERN and discuss with them. He wrote in his blog about
these two visits and even mentioned Tango. The blog title was "Charlie
and the X-ray factory":

It is great to read it again this evening. He had such a probing mind
and so much energy. The next time we met was at the PCaPAC conference in
Karsruhe. We spent the evening together where he spent most of the
dinner in animated discussion with Alain.

He left a great legacy behind in terms of software (not only zeromq).
His fight against software patents brought some fruits. His books are a
pleasure to read. His blog entries about his fight with cancer are
inspiring and humbling and contain a ton of notes about life to meditate

Every time Tango sends or receives an event is uses zeromq. I therefore
suggest that all Tangoers who read this, wherever they are, have a glass
of their favourite beverage in memory of Pieter tonight. I know what
mine will be - a glass of Belgium beer!

So long Pieter and thanks for all the software and writings !!!

Long live zeromq!


On 04/10/2016 18:02, LECLERCQ Nicolas wrote:

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