FW: HR LIAISON NETWORK NEWS: Week of December 7, 2015

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Bethany Edwards

Dec 7, 2015, 4:12:38 PM12/7/15

Please see attached and email below.


Thank you,



From: Pendleton, Mary A
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2015 3:01 PM
To: Alex Hernandez; Alex McIntosh (w-mci...@tamu.edu); Sakamoto, Arthur; Lakkimsetti, Chaitanya; Daniel Howard (dho...@ppri.tamu.edu); Liu, Dongxiao; Poston Jr, Dudley L; Murguia, Edward; Gabriele Plickert (gpli...@tamu.edu); Prechel, Harland N; Heili Pals; Ono, Hiroshi; Foster, Holly A; James Burk; Jane Sell; John Thomas; Feagin, Joe R; John Eason (ea...@tamu.edu); Jewell Joseph O; Judith A. Linneman; Dietrich, Katheryn A; Kathryn Henderson (hen...@tamu.edu); Suzuki, Kazuko; Keith, Verna M; Fossett, Mark A; Mary Campbell; Nancy Plankey Videla; Thornton, Patricia H; May, Reuben A; Mackin, Robert S.; Pat Rubio Goldsmith; Sam Cohn (s-c...@neo.tamu.edu); Gatson, Sarah N; Stjepan Mestrovic (pic...@yahoo.com); Theresa Morris; Woods, Timothy S; Waren, Warren P; Wendy Moore (wlm...@tamu.edu); Bethany Edwards; Christi Barrera; Jennifer Runnels (jrun...@tamu.edu); Pendleton, Mary A; t-e...@tamu.edu; Zuleika Carrasco (zul...@tamu.edu)
Subject: FW: HR LIAISON NETWORK NEWS: Week of December 7, 2015


Bethany – Please send to grad students.



From: VPFA-HR- Liaison Network Shared
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 2:55 PM
To: VPFA-HR- Liaison Network Shared <hrne...@tamu.edu>
Subject: HR LIAISON NETWORK NEWS: Week of December 7, 2015





Please make the following information available to employees in your department as appropriate.


December 7, 2015




End of Semester Employment Actions Impacting Benefits

Duo Two Factor Authentication Updates

Duo Two Factor Authentication:  Manage Devices

How Does HR Communicate to Customers?

Total Compensation Statement – Now Available in HRConnect

WELCOA Health Awareness Bulletins

Flexible Spending Account Claims Submission Deadline Reminder

Home or Mailing Address Changes

Revised HR Web Forms/Docs



January 2016 Pay Date



Training Compliance Reports for December – As of December 1, 2015



Holiday Pay for Flexible Work Schedules






December 7:

 PPRs available online

December 9:

 Supplements due at noon

 Uploads due at 1pm

 TimeTraq due at 4pm

December 10:

 Monthly EPAs due at noon

December 11:

 Biweekly EPAs due at noon





Processing Schedules
Payroll Reports





End of Semester Employment Actions Impacting Benefits

The end of the semester usually means a heightened amount of employment changes within the departments which may have an impact on the employee’s benefits. Therefore, Benefit Services would like to remind HR Liaisons of the following employment actions impacting benefits:



An EPA is needed to change an employee’s status from active to terminated which triggers the cancelation of benefits. Please remember to process EPA’s timely to ensure coverage is canceled appropriately. If you have an early-month termination, please continue to work with your designated benefits representative to ensure the insurance premiums can be taken out of the paycheck properly. The terminating employee’s benefits will go through the last day of the month they are in an active status provided all premiums are paid accordingly.



Benefit Services will send a signed Employee Retirement Acknowledgement Form to the department HR Liaison for any employee who has been confirmed retirement-eligible and has completed the proper retirement process through our office. This form will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the retirement date or as quickly as possible after the retirement counseling, whichever is later. This should be the trigger for the department to process the EPA to retire the employee. Benefit Services cannot code the benefit coverage until the EPA is processed, so it is critical this is processed timely. An EPA should not be coded as a retirement without the signed acknowledgement form attached to the EPA.



Duo Two Factor Authentication Updates

The A&M System Office will be adding new features to SSO on Friday, December 11 to help employees with Duo Two Factor Authentication on new mobile phones. Two new administrative buttons will be added to the employee Status tab in SSO. The new buttons are only available to SSO Dept Admins with password reset ability and they are located in the two factor authorization section of the Status tab.


Unlock Account: This button will only appear next to the employee’s Duo account status if the Duo account is locked. Clicking this button will unlock the employee’s Duo account. (Note that it is possible for the SSO account to be locked while the Duo account is unlocked so you might check the status of both accounts before taking action.)


Send Activation Text: This button will only appear next to a smart phone that uses the Duo Mobile app. Clicking the button will send an automated text to that phone. The text has an activation hyperlink in it. If the Duo Mobile app is installed on the new phone, clicking the link in the text will reactivate the app on the new phone.


For more information on these changes, please visit the Status page (http://it.tamus.edu/sso/help-system/key-concepts/administrator-navigation/status/) and Administering Two Factor Authentication (http://it.tamus.edu/sso/help-system/key-concepts/administrator-navigation/status/administering-two-factor-authentication/).



Duo Two Factor Authentication:  Manage Devices

Effective Friday, December 11, it will be possible for an employee to add/delete devices at any time using the Manage Devices feature on the employee’s Profile tab. Employees with new phones aren’t aware that they must reactivate the Duo Mobile app on their new phone. As a result, they often lock their Duo account after 10 unsuccessful authentication attempts. The easiest way to reactivate the app is to use the Manage Devices feature to delete the device and reenroll it in SSO. Unfortunately, this feature was only available during the log in process and was often overlooked.


Employees needing help can be directed to the SSO Help website (http://it.tamus.edu/sso/) to learn about the new features. In addition, help tabs have been added to the Duo Two Factor Authentication page in SSO. For more information on the recent changes, please visit the Manage Devices page at http://it.tamus.edu/sso/help-system/key-concepts/employee-navigation/profile/using-two-factor-authentication/managing-devices/.



News to Share: please distribute the following five articles to employees in your department.


How Does HR Communicate to Customers?

Human Resources strives to communicate timely information to Texas A&M University employees regarding human resources policy changes, benefit updates, new procedures, or other items that impact you. The HR Liaison Network News is one element of our communications but we have many others. We have created a webpage that lists all the ways that HR communicates to job applicants, employees, retirees, and departments. We also list the ways that A&M System Benefits Communications connects with employees and others. Check out our new page at http://employees.tamu.edu/about/communication on the HR website. If you have questions about our communication methods, please contact us at HR-fe...@tamu.edu. We appreciate your feedback. We’re here for you!



Total Compensation Statement – Now Available in HRConnect

Do you know how much your benefits are worth and do you know your TOTAL compensation from Texas A&M? It is important to understand that your compensation is not just what you receive and see in your paycheck each payday. Total Compensation Statements help explain the value of ALL compensation provided to you as an employee of Texas A&M. These letters are available in HRConnect under the “Payroll Documents” section of the “Payroll” tab.



WELCOA Health Awareness Bulletins

The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) is one of the nation’s premier resources for workplace wellness. The December monthly WELCOA Health Awareness Bulletins are posted online for your use. Read the monthly bulletins then take the quiz for a chance to win prizes!



Flexible Spending Account Claims Submission Deadline Reminder

Employees have until December 31, 2015 to file claims using any remaining balance from their FY2015 Healthcare Flexible Spending Account for eligible expenses that were incurred on or before November 15, 2015. Claims must be received at PayFlex by December 31 to be eligible for reimbursement. Options for filing a claim are included online at www.healthhub.com through the express claim option or by printing a paper claim form available for download from their website and faxing or mailing directly to PayFlex. Unsure if there is an account balance? Log into the HealthHub website to check account history and balance information. 



Home or Mailing Address Changes

The change of semesters also brings with it address changes and it is a good time for employees to review their personal information. As a reminder, employees can update their home and mailing addresses online through HRConnect available from Single Sign-On at https://sso.tamus.edu/. While in the system, don’t forget to also review and update the email address. Updates recorded online will be electronically submitted to the insurance and benefits carriers, including Teacher Retirement System (TRS). Employees who are enrolled in Optional Retirement Program (ORP) or a voluntary Tax Deferred Account (TDA) or Texa$aver Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) should initiate a change of address directly with their retirement vendor.



Revised HR Web Forms/Docs

} WELCOA Health Awareness Bulletins

} Network News Archive – last week’s issue posted




payroll services


January 2016 Pay Date

Please share this information with employees in your department.

The Biweekly and Monthly payday of January 1, 2016 will be moved to Monday, January 4, 2016. This is due to January 1, 2016 being both a Federal Reserve and University holiday.




employee & organizational development


Training Compliance Reports for December – As of December 1, 2015

Attached are the monthly compliance reports for System-required employee training: 1) Required Employee Training Assignments Report, and 2) Required Employee Training Departmental Progress Report. The latter report lists, by ADLOC/Departments (M Workstation), the completion and past due percentages on all five required courses.



·         81 (48%) of the 168 M Workstation ADLOCs have 100% of employees up-to-date or current on training assignments.

·         The total number of past due assignments increased 27.4% from 1322 to 1684.

·         The total number of past due employees increased 29.7% from 711 to 922.

·         The total number of past due Faculty employees increased 156.0% from 125 to 320.

·         The total number of past due Budgeted Staff employees increased 26.7% from 135 to 171.

·         The total number of past due Wage Staff employees increased 5.4% from 221 to 233.

·         The total number of past due Graduate Assistant employees increased 90.0% from 40 to 76.

·         The total number of past due Student Worker employees decreased 35.8% from 190 to 122.


Required Employee Training Compliance Key Performance Measure

·         Percentage of employees in M Workstation ADLOCs up-to-date or current on five required courses:

Creating a Discrimination-Free Workplace, EEO – 98.1%

Ethics – 97.8%

Information Security Awareness – 97.1%

Orientation to the A&M System – 99.3%

Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse – 99.1%

Required Training for Athletics Task Workers – 91.2%






Holiday Pay for Flexible Work Schedules

Did you know not only are there eligibility rules for holiday pay, but also a number of hours rule? Holiday compensation, the number of hours given a full-time employee for a holiday, is standardized at eight hours for each recognized holiday. If an employee normally works an approved flexible schedule or varied hours, the employee can elect to use vacation leave to account for the full 40 hours or the supervisor can allow a different schedule that pay week. More information on holiday pay is at http://employees.tamu.edu/benefits/leave/holidays/.





Next Network Meeting:
February 16, 2016


HR Liaison Network News (LNN) is distributed weekly to departmental HR Liaisons at
Texas A&M University. If you have questions about LNN contact:


Laura Dohnalik, Liaison Administrator @  ldoh...@tamu.edu OR  979.862.3854


Human Resources Main Contact Information:
PHONE:  979.845.4141      MAIL STOP:  1255 TAMU
750 Agronomy Road, General Services Complex, Suite 1201
College Station, TX   77845-1255   






Required Employee Training Assignments Report - 12-1-2015.pdf
Required Employee Training Departmental Progress Report-M- 12-1-2015.xls
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