Call for volunteers: Emergency GIS Response Team

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Nonie Castro

Mar 3, 2016, 2:40:07 PM3/3/16
to Tampa Bay GIS User Group

Dear GIS Professionals,


I have been in discussion with others around the State of Florida, including Richard Butgereit with the Florida Division of Emergency Management, about starting up an Emergency GIS Response team to help local governments during special events and disasters. Picking up on efforts like GISCorps ( and Texas EGRT (, we all agree that we need something within the State, primarily focused on local-to-local government support, which can be deployed fast on-site anywhere within the State.  State-to-state support is available through EMAC ( by coordination with state emergency management, and these missions may be extended to local government as well, but it too can take time. 

It is our thought that this group of GIS volunteers would be trained in ICS/NIMS as a base and have various levels of GIS skills. This volunteer group would be “on-call” for a lack of better words should there be a need for their assistance. Obviously, details still need to be worked out on how requests would exactly work but we want to start building a group to discuss it.

If this interests you and you’d think you’d like to hear more then please sign-up here and we will be in contact with you as we continue our discussions. 


Please feel free to share this email with your local GIS user groups.  We are wanting to reach out to those of you in Southern Georgia and Southern Alabama as well to bring you into the discussion so please feel free to sign up if you are in this area as well.


Thank you,

Scott Warner, GISP, FPEM

Public Safety GIS/ 9-1-1 Specialist/WebEOC Administrator/

Special Needs Registry Technical Specialist

Bay County, Florida Emergency Services

700 Highway 2300

Panama City, FL 32409-5090

Main:    (850) 248-6040

Direct:  (850) 248-6041

Fax:       (850) 248-6059

LAT:  30.2990648    LONG:  -85.6622406
USNG:  16RFU2864152683


President- Florida Chapter of URISA


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