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Finding A GIS Job

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William Winikus

Nov 20, 2014, 9:09:56 PM11/20/14

Hello everyone,

My name is William, and some of you may remember me from the past two meetings. I graduated from USF Tampa two years ago with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography. Since then I have been attempting to get a GIS job and I have had absolutely no luck. I also have internship experience as I interned with Walt Disney World using GIS.

Does anyone have any idea as to why I haven't been able to find any work in this field or any helpful advice or even know of any openings that I might actually at least get an interview for? I've used job boards such as Monster and Indeed but to no avail. I wish there was more to say but that's pretty much it. I know more education is always a good thing and I've looked into getting a GIS certificate from USF, but I never imagined that I wouldn't be able to find some sort of GIS work with just a Bachelors!

Any help is appreciated. Really, it is.

Thank you so much.


Kristi Savio

Mar 23, 2015, 2:44:11 PM3/23/15
Have you had any luck finding something yet?
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