The PHILOSOPHER is missing in present democracy

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Wise TibetanMonkey

Mar 20, 2014, 11:47:51 AM3/20/14
And that means the rich have taken over the democracy. Yes, many people go and vote --usually the elderly-- and the elections are a big spectacle, but, besides missing the direct input from direct democracy, the figure of the philosopher is missing in present democracy. In other words there's no democracy.

Have anyone out there tell you the name of a philosopher. Then ask who Donald Trump is. See what I mean? Please, don't name me. My last name is "most humble philosopher."

Here's a philosopher of great wisdom:

We live happiest when we are free from the pains of life, and a virtuous life is the best way to obtain this goal. This is, in a nutshell, the view of the Samian philosopher Epicurus (342-271). In his opinion, we are unable to understand the gods, who may or may not have created this world but are in any case not really interested in mankind. Nor do we know life after death - if there is an existence at all after our bodies have decomposed. Therefore, we must not speculate about gods and afterlife. In Antiquity, Epicurism was the most popular of all philosophical schools, a popularity which it partially owed to the fact that its founder had explained his thoughts in several maxims, which even the illiterate could remember. Predictably, Christian philosophers attacked Epicurus' ideas about the afterlife and divine providence.

Greek philosophers

I like how Epicurus reached the illiterate with maxims and rhymes. I have the following question for the masses: IS YOUR COMMUNITY HAPPY OR CRAPPY?

People love this question and usually say "crappy." I think while Epicurus was the "philosopher of the garden" I am the "philosopher of the community." You need a community to be happy, a green, clean community, not a gated community. See what I mean, philosophy can make our lives better.


Wise TibetanMonkey

Mar 20, 2014, 12:44:31 PM3/20/14

It goes a lot deeper than just a "philosopher" being missing. Nothing wrong with being a philosopher as I consider myself to be somewhat philosophically inclined, but what happened to the the Greek civilizations where philosophy was so prevalent?

Greek philosophy is no better or worse than Religion. It was very political. Political is not always good.



Epicurus is famous for "hiding in the garden" to avoid politics. You need a big garden to be happy though.

The term community makes more sense though it will lead to politics. May we say politics is good if it produces good results in a community?

Wise TibetanMonkey

Mar 21, 2014, 12:52:52 PM3/21/14

On Friday, March 21, 2014 1:11:48 AM UTC-4, Sharxster wrote:
> "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
> <> wrote in message

> > And that means the rich have taken over the democracy. Yes, many
> > people go and vote --usually the elderly-- and the elections are
> > a big spectacle, but, besides missing the direct input from
> > direct democracy, the figure of the philosopher is missing in
> > present democracy. In other words there's no democracy.
> >
> YOU could also be rich, IF you didn't waste your time either
> masturbating and/or peddling around on your bike.

No philosopher wants to be rich. His views would be compromised.

Pedaling my bike is a way to complement the Greek ideal: "Mens sana in corpore sano"...

Person in SUV should not even be allowed to vote.

Wise TibetanMonkey

Mar 21, 2014, 10:49:21 PM3/21/14
I think this is a great way to change the world... "monkeying around."

I launch a crazy idea that actually makes sense:

"Why doesn't Russia join the EU and they kick out America?"

Then a lady posts this most insidious comment:

"I understand the Monkey part...but not the Wise Tibetan?"

And I finally reply:

"WARNING: There are other 'tibetan monkeys' around --impostors you may call them-- but none 'wise.' A simple search will show that there's only one 'wise tibetanmonkey... most humble philosopher.' Nevertheless I don't deny my monkey heritage. I like to 'monkey around' with ideas."

I think all philosophers like to monkey around with ideas.

Wise TibetanMonkey

Mar 22, 2014, 5:23:25 PM3/22/14
On Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:58:49 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> On Sunday, 23 March 2014 00:05:07 UTC+8, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher  wrote:

> > Hey, listen to this: I'm saying the philosopher is missing in present society and in its absence the rich kidnap the process. In other words, only the philosopher can guide democracy without the risk of become a "plutocracy."
> --------
> In the USA, the rich(powerful interest groups) has kidnapped democracy...NOT because the philosophy is missing in the USA...but because of a fatal flaw in democracy itself.
> Using money, the rich has the all the policians (both democrat and Republican) in their is so bad and so smelly that NO voices (of philosophy or poor morally upright politicians) can be heard...because the media is under the total control of the rich.
> Now, in the USA you need MONEY to stand for and to win election ..people like Obama had to sell their soul to the rich in exchange for campaign funds from the super rich.
> In this environment,  a philosopher  has NO VOICE, NO spread his message to the people...What can he do ?  NOTHING.

How about the Internet? That's the only democratic system we got, and if we know how to use it, it can have an effect. You don't know how deep is the effect but you may have an effect. You may also hand out fliers, and this flier is one of a kind:,

It does have a strong effect on people as if they see the light for the first time. I know it's a drop, but those fliers are passed around rather than wasted. A BANANA REVOLUTION loaded with humor and spicy content is a killer combination. And the power of the finger should not be underestimated.

Anyway, that's the best I can do as monkey philosopher. Yes, anyone is invited to make a copy of it. Notice, it all fits on one single sheet of paper. What the heck, I'm having fun.
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