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(14) Baptism; sprinkling. OK for Christians?

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May 31, 2023, 1:37:17 PM5/31/23
Baptism; sprinkling. OK for Christians?

To many people, it doesn't make much difference. But for Christians,
what the Bible says is what God says. (2 Tim3:16) So they pay close
attention to what it says.

The Bible DESCRIBES baptisms, but doesn't define it. For example Mr

"At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by
John in the Jordan.
10. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being
torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove." (NIV)

Notice at the end of the Baptism, he was coming "up out of the water".
There was no sprinkling here but apparently full immersion. But we
would like to have more proof. Notice John 3:23 and Acts 8:38:

"Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was
plenty of water, and people were constantly coming to be baptized."

Thus for baptism, there had to be "plenty of water". Again no
sprinkling implied.

"And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the
eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him." (NIV)

If it was just a sprinkling, a mud puddle would do, but again a large
enough body of water was needed so as to go into the water.

Thus a sprinkling of water would not baptize a person, according to
the Holy Bible.

Sincerely James

Thus baptismal sprinkling of water finds no basis in the Holy
Scriptures, as well as infant baptism. (but that is another subject)


May 31, 2023, 9:47:57 PM5/31/23
1. What is the purpose of baptism?

2. How exactly is one properly baptized?

3. Who has the authority to baptize?

4. Where do they get this authority?

5. How were you baptized?

6. Why were you baptized?

7. What did baptism do for you?

8. What happens if one is not baptized as you prescribe?



Jul 29, 2023, 12:26:27 PM7/29/23
On Wed, 31 May 2023 20:50:32 -0500, QWERTY <qwe...@qwerty.qwerty>
Contrary to what some teach, baptism does not wash away our sins. The
apostle John makes this clear at 1 Jo 1:7,

"However, if we are walking in the light as he himself is in the
light, we do have a sharing with one another, and the blood of Jesus
his Son cleanses us from all sin." (NWT)

So it is Jesus shed blood which removes sins, not the act of baptism.

So then what is its purpose? Notice this short comment from this Bible

" After referring to Noah's constructing of the ark in which he and
his family were preserved through the Flood, the apostle Peter wrote:
"That which corresponds to this is also now saving you, namely,
baptism, (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the
request made to God for a good conscience,) through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ." (1Pe 3:20, 21) The ark was tangible evidence that
Noah had dedicated himself to do God's will and had then faithfully
done the work assigned by God. This led to his preservation. In a
corresponding way, those who would dedicate themselves to Jehovah on
the basis of faith in the resurrected Christ, get baptized in symbol
of that, and do God's will for his servants would be saved from the
present wicked world. (Ga 1:3, 4) No longer would they be headed for
destruction with the rest of the world. They would be saved from this
and would be granted a good conscience by God." (Insight on the
Scriptures, Vol I, p. 251.)

Thus baptism is a symbol of dedication to do God's will, as well
asking God for a good conscience. And it is a requirement for
Christians. (see Mt 28:19,20)

>2. How exactly is one properly baptized?

Total emersion.

>3. Who has the authority to baptize?

I don't think any Scripture covers that. If you know of one, please
let me know.

>4. Where do they get this authority?

It would have to be the Bible.

>5. How were you baptized?

Born as a Catholic, sprinkling. After studying the Bible, total
>6. Why were you baptized?

To show that I dedicated my life to God.

>7. What did baptism do for you?

Made me a better Christian.

>8. What happens if one is not baptized as you prescribe?

Since it is a requirement for Christians (Mt 28:19,20), I don't know
how God would view it with no baptism.

Sincerely James
Illness: What
to do.
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