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Thomas Message #1

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Bindy Sekhon

Jul 31, 2002, 7:59:57 AM7/31/02

I am posting the attached message for all who wish to help in our ascension
This is significant....the time has come.

Love to all.

Subject: New Thomas Message #1
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 14:52:41 -0700
Beloved Friends,
Last week a friend sent me an e-mail regarding the US government's proposed
use of low frequency sonar to guard against aggressive submarine attacks.
The sonar apparently has a devastating effect on ocean-life, in particular
whales and dolphins. The e-mail caught my attention, but it did not inspire
me to act.
But then something wonderful happened. I felt the presence of a child
I've grown accustomed to this past year, the one we call Thomas who I
originally met at a monastery in Bulgaria last year. It felt like a gentle
tap on the shoulder, but there was also a level of seriousness in the energy
I had never experienced before. It has been many months since I forwarded a
message from Thomas to our list, but in that moment I felt a new journey
beginning, a journey we have all been being prepared for.
Will we step forward and respond? Will we heed this warning and accept the
role each one of us has in creating a world based upon the laws of peace
rather than the rules of war? I believe it's time to really listen to this
message, and become part of the solution. If you feel the same way, I hope
you'll forward this to everyone you know. There are already tens of
thousands of people responding to the message of these amazing Psychic
Children. But millions more are needed.
I begin by offering the e-mail I received regarding LFA, the low frequency
sonar. You can judge this information for yourself. Then I share the first
of three new messages from Thomas, and will send out the other two in the
next two days. (For those of you who are not familiar with Thomas or the
other Psychic Children, they are the subject of my new book Emissary of
Love: The Psychic Children Speak to the World. It is the true account of my
journey meeting with and learning from four children who were being trained
at a monastery in Bulgaria. That book should be available everywhere if you
want more information, or you can order it from
James Twyman
Navy's Whale-Killing
Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar
Approved by National Marine Fisheries Service
"This is an outrageous move," stated David Phillips, Director of Earth
Island Institute's International Marine Mammal Project. "The Navy's Low
Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar system has the potential to deafen every marine
mammal living in the world's oceans. There is no driving need for deploying
LFA Sonar."
"The Bush Administration's proposed 'mitigation' plan for LFA Sonar is a
complete sham," Phillips added. "The Navy is trying to white-wash the deadly
effects of LFA Sonar by proposing a 'if we don't see it - we don't harm it'
approach to blasting the oceans with deafening sounds."
Today, the federal National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) approved the
granting of "small take" permits to kill and harass whales and other
endangered species for the U.S. Navy's Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar. LFA
Sonar makes sound pulses underwater that are the equivalent of standing next
to a Saturn V rocket on take-off. The sound supposedly bounces off silent
submarines miles away and echoes back to the LFA vessel. LFA Sonar and other
active Navy sonars have been implicated in many cases of stranded and killed
whales around the world. It is a dumb bomb that threatens marine life in our
oceans. Alternative systems exist that do not have adverse impacts on whales
and other marine life.
Earth Island Institute and a coalition of environmental and animal welfare
organizations are opposed to issuing any permits to deploy LFA Sonar.
From Thomas:
Are you beginning to understand? Do you FEEL the opportunity that is before
you? I say the word FEEL instead of understand because it would be
impossible for you to comprehend it. Why? Because there's nothing for you to
understand, at least not with your mind. But your heart KNOWS, and it's this
knowingness you must learn to access. You will not be able to solve this or
any other problem with your intellect alone because it will constantly
mistake where the real problem is. The problem is not in the ocean, or in
the air, or on the land. It is within you now. But the solution is there as
well, and you can BECOME that solution if you want. That is the only message
the Children are here to bring.
I have said before that your higher consciousness is directly linked to the
whales and dolphins of the world. I even told you that it will be easy to
know which path you have chosen for the world, the path of peace or the path
that leads to war. [This was in the second message sent out earlier this
year when Thomas said the activity of the whales and dolphins would reveal
the path we have chosen.] But we did not think that this crossroad would
come so soon. There has been an escalation in the energy that leads away
from the Truth, and you are beginning to kill yourselves through your ocean
brothers and sisters. Why do you think this technology of yours is having
this deafening effect on the whales and dolphins? It is because you
intuitively know that they hold the key to your survival, and you don't want
to HEAR the message they would offer. It's that simple. By stealing their
ears you are stealing your own. The results could be devastating.
Why would you do this? Because you do not yet understand how close you are
to the TRUTH. And if you did, the part of you that is still afraid would use
that fear to deny the reality you could enter at any moment. It is time for
you to make a choice. Will you accept with your heart that you have
everything you need to solve this and every problem? Or will you stuff
cotton in your ears, deafen and kill the ocean creatures that could save
you, and stay in the darkness of your own fearful mind?
You are reading this because you are ready to choose peace. Over the next
two days we will tell you exactly how this can be done, and how you will be
asked to save the world. Do not think that it is anything less than this.
There is more at stake than you can know with your mind, and that is why we
are calling you to return to your heart. This is the moment you have been
waiting for. Your response is critical.
We love you,
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