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(Free!) Sermon on Pentecost

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Rowland Croucher

May 6, 2003, 11:40:12 PM5/6/03
A Church On Fire

Jesus: 'I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already
kindled' (Luke 12:49).

Yesterday I had a vision. Your former pastors/spiritual leaders from India
and other places were all together in one place, with one question: 'Why
have some of our people lost their fire since coming to Australia / your

What was I supposed to say? When I was a staffworker with students and
graduates of our Australian universities, I discovered that about 50% of
'fired-up' Christian students lost that fire within ten years. Why?

When Billy Graham started preaching in his twenties there were two other
very gifted young men with more promise than Billy Graham's. A seminary
president called Chuck Templeton the most gifted young preacher in America.
When Bron Cliffort went to Baylor University to speak, some students cut the
ropes of the bells in the tower, so that nothing would interfere with his
preaching. He held them spell-bound for two and a half hours with a
discourse on 'Christ and the Philosopher's Stone'. At the age of 25 he
preached to more people than anyone his age in America. But why haven't you
heard of those other two talented preachers? Templeton left and ministry and
lost his faith. Cliffort died of alcoholic poisoning in a rundown hotel at
the age of 35.

Yesterday, Saturday, the Anglican Prayer Book for Australia which I use for
daily devotions had this prayer:

As we rejoice in the gift of this new day,

so may the light of your presence, O God,

set our hearts on fire with love for you;

now and for ever. Amen.

There's a Hillsong chorus which Charismatics/Pentecostals (but not
Evangelicals or Liberal Christians) sing in some of the churches I visit,
about being 'a church on fire'.

What does that mean?

A village priest in England was called out late one evening with the
alarming news that the church building was ablaze. By the time he reached
the scene the church was half destroyed, and he stood helplessly watching
the leaping flames. Then among the spectators he saw old Tom, the village
drunk, renowned for his stealing and poaching habits. 'Well, Tom,' said the
pastor, 'I see you've come along to the church at last.' The old man smiled
naughtily. 'Weel, ye see, meenister,' he said, 'Your kirk has never been on
fire before.'

We are soon to celebrate Pentecost. On that day the Holy Spirit fell on the
church like a rushing mighty wind, 'and tongues as of fire appeared among
them and rested on each of them' (Acts 2:1-4). Pentecost is 'the birthday of
the church'.

Fire is associated in the Judeo-Christian faith (and indeed in all
religions) with mystery, healing and power, purity and judgment, and



Rowland Croucher
(9700+ articles)

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