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Pray for the World

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Rowland Croucher

Jan 17, 2002, 4:58:58 AM1/17/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 151 - Wed 16 Jan 2002


The events of 11 September 2001 forced a 'watershed moment' (RLP
135) on the government of Pakistan: would it side with militant
Islam, or the US-led 'coalition against terror'? To his credit,
President Musharraf courageously led Pakistan in the direction that
could well radically transform it from being a nation dominated by
extremist Islam to one that is progressive and internationally
respected. This high-risk choice had the potential for civil strife
if the country's Islamist forces were allowed to vent their anger.

The 13 December 2001 terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament has
now made President Musharraf deal decisively with Islamic
militancy. He could not allow hostilities between India and
Pakistan to escalate further and he needed to maintain Western
support. The attack has been blamed on Pakistani militant Kashmiri
separatist groups. Pakistan quickly denied the Indian accusation
that Pakistan's military Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agency
was involved.

Musharraf's government resolved to crack down on madrassas (Islamic
schools) and radical Islamic parties, starting in early January.
Official sources say that some 1430 activists from five outlawed
groups have been detained, with around 470 offices across the
country being sealed. On 12 January, the president unveiled on
national television the government's strategy to eliminate 'hatred,
militancy and sectarian extremism from society'.

In his address, President Musharraf blasted hardline Islamists for
tarnishing Pakistan's image internationally, causing the economy to
suffer. He called for an end to all sectarian hostility and quoted
Quaid-e-Azam (the founder and first Governor-General of Pakistan),
declaring that Pakistan belongs 'to followers of all religions;
that every one would be treated equally'. In his attack on the
militant Islamists, Musharraf said, 'They started killing other
innocent people in mosques and places of worship... Today, people
are scared of entering these sacred places of worship...' The
government is resolved to stop mosques and madaris from 'spreading
political and sectarian prejudices...If any Madrassa is found
indulging in extremism, subversion, militant activity or possessing
any types of weapons, it will be closed.'

All this ought to open up serious dialogue on religious liberty and
the removal of the Blasphemy Law from Pakistan's penal code.
President Musharraf closed his address by saying that Pakistan must
'strive to emerge as a responsible and progressive' nation. They
cannot do that while they imprison, torture and hang Christians and
others for 'blasphemy'. Maulana Abdul Aziz, Imam of Islamabad's
main Red Mosque, warned of a backlash against Musharraf's
crackdown. 'This government is paving the way for Islamic
revolution,' he said. Pray for Pakistan.


* President Pervez Musharraf, for safety and the strength to
maintain his resolve; may he be introduced to Jesus Christ and to
God's word, the only source of truth, wisdom and transformation.

'I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession
and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those
in authority, that we may live in all godliness and holiness.'
1 Timothy 2:1,2

* the rule of law in Pakistan to be strengthened so that sectarian
hostilities will be quashed, reforms implemented, and Christians
at worship and in witness will be safe.

* significant international pressure to be applied concerning the
Blasphemy Law - Pakistan now has real motivation to change.

* religious freedom to become a reality in Pakistan, so that
honour killing of converts and persecution of believers will no
longer be tolerated.

* the door thus to open for confident evangelism and for Pakistanis
to come to Christ without fear.


Since the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 in USA and on the
Indian Parliament on 13 December, Pakistan has been forced to make
a clear and decisive stand against Islamic militancy. President
Musharraf's government has arrested some 1430 activists and banned
five Islamist bodies, closing their offices across the nation. On
12 January, President Musharraf unveiled to the nation on TV his
government's strategy to eliminate 'hatred, militancy and sectarian
extremism from society'. Islamic schools, mosques and groups will
have to conform to strict new standards or they will be closed. He
said sectarian prejudice must end if Pakistan is to emerge as
'responsible and progressive'. Now is surely a time to pray for
religious liberty in Pakistan and for removal of the Blasphemy Law,
so that Christians can witness and Muslims can convert without fear.

Please pass this along to others with attribution to
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty
Prayer List <>

The WEA Religious Liberty Commission sponsors this
RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.


Shalom! Rowland Croucher

Rowland Croucher

Feb 14, 2002, 5:38:29 AM2/14/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 155 - Thu 14 Feb 2002


Islam is the official state religion of Egypt. Tension between its
Christian and Muslim communities dates back to 642 AD when Egypt
fell to the invading Muslim armies of Abu Bakr, the first caliph and
successor to Mohammed. Egypt had been predominantly Christian for
the previous six centuries.

Egypt has a long history of oppressing and persecuting Christians.
Ancient discriminatory laws have been used to prevent even basic
maintenance to church properties and the building of new churches.
Through systematic discrimination in education and employment,
Christians have been forced into crippling poverty. Many emigrate,
many stay and suffer, and a very few convert to Islam. Militant
Islamists have murdered and massacred Christians and the government
has often treated the perpetrators of this violence with impunity,
thus unofficially sanctioning it and giving permission for more.

In the past year, though, the Egyptian government has worked at
improving the situation. Egypt's Coptic past is now included in the
teaching of history and the government has implemented policies to
facilitate church repairs. Seven Christians became deputies in the
People's Assembly, three of whom were the first to be elected to
parliament in ten years and four were appointed by the President.
This is a trend to be encouraged with prayer. However, serious
discrimination against Christians at a societal level remains a
real problem, especially for Muslims who choose to follow Jesus.

As in many places, militant Islam has been on the rise in Egypt,
along with a marked increase in Islamic religious fervour and
corresponding sectarian tension. On Sunday 10 February, Christians
gathered to celebrate the opening of their newly renovated church,
in a village near El-Minya, southeast of Cairo. When the church
bells rang, Muslims in the community rioted, claiming the bells
were too loud. They pelted the new church with rocks and lit fires
around it, as well as torching several cars and Christian homes.
Some Christians reportedly fired buckshot at the Muslims who were
attacking them. According to the Western media, three Muslims and
one Christian were injured in the melee, although Al-Jazerah TV
reported that ten Christians were hurt. At least 15 homes were
destroyed and up to 50 people were arrested, including 19 minors.

The continued imprisonment of William Shaiboub Arsal, a married 39-
year-old Christian with three children, is a reminder of a blatant
injustice. In August 1998 two Christian youths were murdered in El-
Kosheh (upper Egypt). Over 1,000 Christians were summarily detained
and tortured in police efforts to extract a 'confession', even
though eye witnesses testified that a group of five Muslim youths
had dumped the dead bodies back into the village. On 5 June 2000,
Shaiboub was sentenced to 15 years with hard labour, despite more
than twenty pieces of evidence that demonstrated his innocence. His
two accusers, both army conscripts, withdrew their statements which
they claimed had been made under duress, with logbooks showing that
they were at their army posts on the day of the murder and could
not have been in Al-Kosheh.


* wise, sensitive and strong leadership in the Egyptian churches,
enabling Christians to stay focused on Jesus while their leaders
pursue justice graciously.

* the spirit of God to comfort and heal the hearts of Egyptian
Christians who have lived for generations with discrimination,
persecution and the resentment and fear they breed. 'Let the
peace of Christ rule in your hearts...' Colossians 3:15a

* strength, faith and hope for William Shaiboub Arsal in prison,
that an appeal date will be set and justice delivered. Pray also
for his wife and three young children.

* religious liberty to be seen on the political agenda, especially
since 11 September with governments being asked to demonstrate
their professed moderate, tolerant, non-militant stance.

* President Hosni Mubarak to demonstrate decisively that violence
against religious minorities will not to be tolerated; may
President Mubarak and others in authority come to know Christ.



Islam is the official state religion of Egypt and Christians have
suffered discrimination and persecution for generations. Whilst the
government is now slowly responding to international pressure on
these issues, societal tensions between the Christian and Muslim
communities can run high. On 10 February in a village southeast of
Cairo, Christians celebrating the opening of their renovated church
were attacked by Muslim rioters who claimed the church bells were
too loud. There were 50 arrests after several people were injured
and property was destroyed. Pray for peace. Pray also for William
Shaiboub Arsal, a 39-year-old Christian father of three, who is
serving 15 years' hard labour for a false conviction of murder. In
August 1998, police tortured over 1,000 Christians to secure
'confessions' for a trial that was a farce.

Rowland Croucher

Mar 4, 2002, 5:43:46 PM3/4/02

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: KNS RUSSIA: Landmark ruling vindicates Salvation Army


KESTON NEWS SERVICE: 11.00, 4 March 2002.
Reporting on violations of religious liberty and on religion in communist
and post-communist lands.

VINDICATES SALVATION ARMY. The Constitutional Court of the
Russian Federation has ruled that a religious organisation registered prior
to the adoption of the country's 1997 law on religion may not be
liquidated purely for failing to re-register by that law's deadline of 31
December 2000. Legal rulings made in relation to the Moscow branch of
the Salvation Army which differ from this are now "subject to
reconsideration". Speaking to Keston News Service on 26 February,
before making the 7 February Constitutional Court ruling public, lawyer
to the Salvation Army Vladimir Ryakhovsky described it as "very
positive", while the public relations officer for the Moscow Salvation
Army commented that the church was heartened by the ruling: "It gives
us hope that there is justice."


by Geraldine Fagan, Keston News Service

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has ruled that a
religious organisation registered prior to the adoption of the country's
1997 law on religion may not be liquidated purely for failing to re-register
by that law's deadline of 31 December 2000. Legal rulings made in
relation to the Moscow branch of the Salvation Army which follow a
divergent interpretation, stipulates the Court, are now "subject to

Made public by the church's lawyers on 28 February, the 7 February
ruling comes in response to a complaint lodged with the Constitutional
Court by the Moscow branch of the Salvation Army on 10 September
2001. By stating that a religious organisation must be liquidated by court
order for failing to re-register by 31 December 2000, argued the church,
Article 27, Part 4 of the 1997 law on religion is in violation of Article 28
(the right to freedom of conscience), Article 30 (the right to assembly)
and Article 55, Part 3 (prohibiting the limitation of rights by law except
exceptional circumstances) of Russia's 1993 Constitution.

This disputed provision of the 1997 law currently threatens the existence
of the Moscow branch of the Salvation Army, which failed to re-register
by the end of 2000. Although the church attempted to re-register on 18
February 1999, its application was rejected by Moscow's Municipal
Department of Justice for including a charter which had allegedly not
been brought into line with the new law. A 12 September 2001
liquidation ruling by a local city court came into force on 6 December
2001, when the church's appeal against it was rejected by the Russian
capital's Municipal Court. To date no subsequent measures have been
taken, however.

While upholding the Salvation Army's complaint, the 7 February ruling is
not limited to the church's case. The Court's previous rulings (23
November 1999 and 13 April 2000) regarding the 1997 law determined
that certain of its provisions - such as the 15-year "probationary period"
for religious organisations - did not have retroactive force. The new ruling
similarly stipulates that the 1997 law's changes to the procedure for
founding a religious organisation "may not in themselves act as an
obstacle to the re-registration of religious organisations which were
founded earlier, as these are already in possession of legal personality
status, full legal capability and function on a legal basis." Since re-
registration concerns only those religious organisations registered prior to
the law's adoption, this provision loses its legal sense now that it has
declared to be without retroactive force.

A religious organisation may now be liquidated, states the Court, only if
"properly proven to have ceased its activities" or to be in violation of its
constitutional obligations as a legal personality. Specifically, the ruling
continues, judges moving to liquidate a religious organisation for not
having re-registered - even if it is defunct - may not confine themselves to
the formal grounds for liquidation stipulated by Article 27, Part 4 (not
having re-registered within the allotted period) and Article 8, Part 9 (not
having submitted necessary information).

Speaking to Keston on 26 February, lawyer to the Salvation Army
Vladimir Ryakhovsky described the Constitutional Court ruling as "very
positive," since, he said, it meant that a religious organisation could now
be liquidated only if it no longer existed or was found to be in violation
Article 14 of the 1997 law (for example, caused harm to the health of its
members, incited religious hatred). On 4 March public relations officer
for the Moscow branch of the Salvation Army, Galina Drozdov,
commented to Keston News Service that her church was heartened by the
Court's ruling: "It gives us hope that there is justice." (END)

Copyright (c) 2002 Keston Institute. All rights reserved.

KNS may be reprinted or quoted providing acknowledgment is given,
such as "Source: Keston Institute". We would
appreciate receiving a copy of any publication which quotes KNS.

Rowland Croucher

Mar 14, 2002, 3:37:24 AM3/14/02

Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 158 - Wed 06 Mar 2002


Article 24 of the Constitution Of The Republic Of Sudan (enacted in
July 1998) states, 'Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience
and religion and the right to manifest and disseminate his religion
or belief in teaching, practice or observance. No one shall be
coerced to profess a faith in which he does not believe or perform
rituals or worship that he does not voluntarily accept.' But
Section 126 of the Sudan Criminal Law 1991 makes apostasy (leaving
Islam) a criminal offence punishable by death. Non-Muslims,
however, are allowed to convert to Islam. One look at the reality
of life in Khartoum for Muslims who choose to follow Jesus will
tell you which prevails - the Constitution or the Law.

When Alladin Omer Ajjabna Mohammed (then 23) become a Christian 11
years ago, he was expelled from University and disowned by his
family. Some years later, he managed to enrol in an Arabic-language
Christian seminary abroad, but was forcibly deported back to Sudan
in June 2001 when local Muslim authorities learned that he was an
'apostate'. Mohammed was arrested at Khartoum Airport and charged
with apostasy. Held incommunicado, he was tortured and ordered to
revert to Islam. He was released in September 2001 on medical
grounds but had to report daily to security. While doing so,
Mohammed disappeared again on 26 September 2001. This was only days
after the arrest of Mohammed Saeed Mohammed Omer, a new believer
who was charged with apostasy and subsequently tortured by police
(see RLP 139).

On 30 January 2002, security police stopped Alladin Mohammed from
boarding a flight to Uganda. Though his papers were fully in order,
they said their computers identified him as a criminal. While
detained, he was forcibly injected with unknown drugs. Pursuing his
plan to apply from Uganda to study theology in Kenya, Mohammed
attempted to fly out of Sudan again on 3 February 2002. Once more
he was prevented and ordered to report daily to security. Mohammed
has now gone into hiding and the authorities have mounted an
extensive manhunt for him. Sudanese church leaders say there are
two other Christians in a similar plight.

Tolerance in Khartoum has certainly deteriorated since Easter 2000
when hardline Islamists were shocked to see 210,000 people turn out
for an Easter Celebration in Green Square, run by the All Sudan
Council of Churches. The government cancelled the Easter 2001
Celebration when Islamists threatened violence (RLP 113). With over
100 Christians meeting in All Saints Cathedral then arrested and 53
of them summarily sentenced to be flogged, church leaders noted,
'The language of tolerance and coexistence is fading fast.'

* To view past RLPs, go to


* the faith, hope and perseverance of the Christians whose lives
are at risk.

* the safety, courage and provision of all the needs of Alladin
Omer Ajjabna Mohammed and others in hiding and on the run from
arrest and torture on charges of apostasy.

* great wisdom for church leaders in Khartoum as they witness to
ALL people and then seek to protect and care for those with
earthly lives at risk as soon as they accept Christ as Saviour.

* international pressure to challenge the Government of Sudan (GoS)
to be consistent and faithful to its Constitution and so uphold
the principles of freedom they boast about.

* God to intervene and bring peace to Sudan as human efforts at
peace fall apart, with GoS bombing of civilians in the South
appearing to escalate.

'Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O
Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath
remember mercy.' Habakkuk's Prayer - Hab:3:2



At Easter 2000, Islamists in Khartoum were shocked to see 210,000
people turn out for the Easter Celebration put on by the All Sudan
Council of Churches. When the event was due to be repeated in
Easter 2001, Islamists forced its cancellation. The Government of
Sudan's persecution of Christians in Khartoum, especially of
Muslims who choose to become Christians, has intensified over the
past year. Whilst the Sudanese Constitution boasts religious
liberty with 'Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience and
religion ... no one shall be coerced to profess a faith in which he
does not believe...', Sudanese Law makes apostasy (leaving Islam) a
criminal offence punishable by death. Alladin Omer Ajjabna Mohammed
(34) is one of several Christians who have been detained and
tortured for apostasy and are now in hiding.

Rowland Croucher

Apr 4, 2002, 4:41:24 AM4/4/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 162 - Thu 04 Apr 2002


The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a time of great
religious openness and activity in the former Soviet Central Asian
State of Kazakhstan. According to Operation World (21st Century
Edition), growth has been exciting, from no ethnic Kazakh believers
in 1990 to around 6,000 today. Backed by oil money, Islam also has
flourished, with Qur'ans and mosques flooding Central Asia. The 60
mosques in Kazakhstan in 1991 rose to 5,000 in the year 2000.

Like most former Soviet states, Kazakhstan sought to control the
perceived threat of the rapidly growing churches. In October 2000
the government proposed a religion law that seriously attacked
religious liberty (RLP 109). In March 2001, the Turkic-Arabic
Centre in Kazakhstan held a Protestant Evangelical Forum so that
believers could explain the Christian faith to national and
regional leaders and intellectuals (RLP 112). This was a God-
glorifying event and on 3 April 2001, the government of Kazakhstan
replaced the proposed religion law with a version that was no
longer a major threat to freedom of religion.

However, earlier freedom is eroding and in January 2002, the
parliament passed a new restrictive law on religion, despite
objections from human rights and religious liberty groups. Kazakh
officials are citing state security since 11 September as the
reason for the law, but analysts say the way it restricts religious
bodies is unjustified. If enacted in its present form, the law will
permit any unregistered religious group to be banned and
registration will be more difficult. The number required to form a
religious association would rise from 10 to 50 and meetings will be
restricted. Those unregistered will be banned from all missionary
activity and it will be easier for the state to eliminate religious
groups they merely regard as undesirable. Clearly the aim is to
tighten control of all non-traditional religious movements.

Adding to its stated sensitivity about security issues, the
Kazakhstan government is presently in political turmoil. President
Nazarbayev's re-election in 1999 was criticised by international
monitors and the US Embassy now detects 'an effort to intimidate
political opposition leaders and the independent media'. One
Opposition MP has been arrested and another has sought refuge in
the French Embassy. The Opposition has accused the Government of
unleashing 'a massive attack on freedom of speech, independent
media and democratic parties', noting that at least four
independent newspapers and several regional TV companies have been
shut down recently. The climate is one of repression under a
constitution that grants the President over-all ultimate power.

Kazakhstan's Constitutional Council is now reviewing the new
religion law before it goes to the President for his signature,
some time early this month. President Nazarbayev (who was the
Communist Party leader during the Soviet era) has declared the law
'urgent'. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom says
that the new law would move Kazakhstan away from democracy and
reform and would violate freedom of religion.


* the Kazakhstan Constitutional Council and the President to accept
advocacy that the law as proposed is an unacceptable violation of
religious freedom. 'Let the morning bring me word of your
unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.' Psalm 143:7

* great wisdom for all Christian leaders in Kazakhstan, for
strength, for guidance through the Spirit, for eyes focused on
Jesus and for courage and leadership in this time of increasing
government control and repression. 'Show me the way I should go,
for to you I lift up my soul.' v8

* Christians in other former Soviet states also, where early
freedoms have already given way to oppression, especially in
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. 'Rescue me
from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in you.' v9



The Government of Kazakhstan has been tightening its control. The
re-election of President Nazarbayev in 1999 was criticised by
international monitors and he has recently shut down four
independent newspapers and several regional TV companies. Added to
this is a stated desire to increase security since 11 September.
Citing that, a proposed new religion law has been passed by the
parliament and is now being reviewed by the Constitutional Council
before it goes to the President for signature, some time early this
month. According to several human rights and religious liberty
groups, it is a violation of religious freedom. If enacted, it will
permit any unregistered religious body to be banned whilst making
registration much more difficult. Clearly the aim is to tighten
control of all non-traditional religious movements. Ps 143:7-9

Rowland Croucher

Apr 25, 2002, 12:03:41 AM4/25/02
April 23, 2002

Steven Snyder

Two More Arrests in Saudi Arabia
Sentencing Includes 150 lashes for "Participating in Religious Activities."

Washington, DC, April 23, 2002 - - Two Filipino Christians were quietly
whisked away from their homes near Jeddah early Wednesday morning, April 10,
according to the Washington, DC based human rights organization,
International Christian Concern (ICC).

The two detained Filipino Christians are Benjamin P. Diaz and Danilo L. de
Guzman. Steven Snyder, president of ICC said, "Ten days had passed before
we even learned of their detention. Many Christian foreign nationals in
Saudi Arabia are afraid to even pray together. They are becoming
increasingly fearful of meeting together - and that is exactly what the
Saudi government hopes to accomplish. Terrorism of Christians is a real fact
of life in Saudi Arabia."

Benjamin and Danilo, both new to the Christian faith, were previously
arrested a year ago on April 1, 2001. They were released three days later
after suffering beatings while in police custody. Following a number of
appearances in court, a lower court ruled that the two men would be flogged,
each receiving 75 lashes. However, their case was sent to a higher court,
which ruled that instead of the 75 lashes they would each receive 150 lashes
and then deported.

A representative from Resource Sciences Arabia, Ltd., Benjamin and Danilo's
employer, along with the company's Saudi representative, Mr. M. Al Anazi,
met with the two Christian men at the Abqaiq police station shortly after
they were last arrested. The two visitors were told that the prisoners would
be transferred to the Abqaiq general prison where they would be detained for
30 days and then deported. It is not known if the men have received visits
from their embassy consular. ICC is concerned about the fate of the two men
should the earlier sentence of the 150 lashes be administered and should the
two men be imprisoned for longer than the stated 30 days.

At the police station, the prisoner's two visitors inquired as to whether
the men would be allowed to return to Saudi Arabia. The unidentified
official curtly replied, "No, for sure they can never come back." When the
official was asked by the men's employer if they could obtain a copy of the
report that describes the charges and what sentence or judgments would be
handed down to them, the reply was again curt: "No, we don't issue papers."

ICC is urging the public to protest the arrest and flogging of the two
Christians by contacting their representatives in

Washington and calling the Embassy of Saudi Arabia at: 202-342-3800.

International Christian Concern (ICC) is a Washington, DC based human rights
organization that advocates on behalf of Christians persecuted for their
faith. Telephone: 301-989-1708 Email:


Shalom! Rowland Croucher

"Rowland Croucher" <> wrote in message

Rowland Croucher

Apr 26, 2002, 7:30:53 AM4/26/02

KAZAKHSTAN: When the parliament passed a new restrictive religion
law that was labelled 'urgent' by the President, it seemed to be
unstoppable. However, praise God, the Kazakhstan Constitutional
Council ruled that it was partly 'unconstitutional'.

* UPDATE: According to President Nazarbayev's office, he will not
be appealing against the Constitutional Council's ruling, and so
the existing religion law remains in force. Before the Council's
decision, some local authorities were applying the proposed new
law during February and March, resulting in several cases of
pastors and evangelical fellowships being persecuted. Ninel
Fokina, the chair of the Almaty Helsinki group, commented, 'I am
sure that in time the authorities will launch a new campaign
against believers. But for now we have a breathing space.' Pray
that the churches will grow and strengthen.

COLOMBIA: where the Archbishop of Cali, Isaias Duarte Cancino, was
assassinated on 16 March, and on 7 April, Catholic priest Juan
Ramon Nunez was shot while giving communion. Also, FARC guerrilla
commanders have declared that Evangelicals are legitimate targets
because of their perceived political involvement.

* UPDATE: With the Colombian Presidential elections due on 26 May,
violence is escalating. On 11 April, some 25 FARC rebels
disguised as an army bomb squad invaded a provincial parliament
building and kidnapped 13 legislators and four aides. Days later,
presidential candidate Alvaro Uribe survived a 15th assassination
attempt. The guerrillas mean business. Pray that God will
protect his Church, which they have threatened to target.

NORTH KOREA: The 90th birthday celebrations of the deified 'Eternal
President' Kim Il-sung (who died in 1994) raised our call once
again to pray for this repressive nation where the suffering of
the remnant Christians is severe in the extreme. Rev 3:8,11



On Sunday 21 April, 14 died and some 60 were injured as a series of
bombs exploded around the predominantly Christian city of General
Santos on the Island of Mindanao in the Southern Philippines.
Implicated are three of several Muslim groups fighting for Mindanao
to become an independent Muslim state. A caller purportedly from
the extremist Abu Sayyaf claimed that group's responsibility, but
other representatives denied this. The Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) has targeted General Santos in the past. Two MILF
members identified by eye-witnesses were captured with firearms and
are being questioned. Due to intelligence, the police also suspect
an obscure group called the Indigenous People's Federal Army, which
is campaigning for a federal state for tribal groups.

Some believe the bombings are a response to the 12-year prison term
given to Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi, an Indonesian self-confessed
terrorist suspected of having links to al-Qaeda. Al-Ghozi had
stashed a cache of explosives in General Santos and is implicated in
the foiled plot to bomb several targets in Singapore, including the
Australian High Commission building.

So the Jihad for Southern Philippines continues. Pray for balanced,
strong Christian leadership and wise government. Continue to pray
for strength, safety, courage and freedom for missionary hostages
Martin and Gracia Burnham, held by the Abu Sayyaf since May 2001.

Please pass this along to others with attribution to

World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) Religious Liberty
Prayer List <>

The WEF Religious Liberty Commission sponsors this

RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.


Rowland Croucher

May 9, 2002, 3:16:51 PM5/9/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 167 - Thu 09 May 2002


Whilst Jaffar Umar Thalib, the head of Laskar Jihad, was arrested
on 4 May, it is imperative that we keep praying over the situation
in Ambon, the regional capital of Maluku, Eastern Indonesia. Last
week's RLP on the massacre in Soya, a Christian village on the
outskirts of Ambon, included a brief profile of Thalib as well as
some historical and political background to the conflict. (See for RLP 166.)

It reported how Islamic militants killed 14 people and left 21
wounded in a pre-dawn raid on Soya on 28 April. Not only were the
victims sleeping when they were attacked, they were totally
defenceless, having surrendered their weaponry under the Malino
Peace accord. This occurred only 35 hours after Thalib urged
thousands of Muslims in Ambon to rally together in holy war against
the Christians, sending shockwaves of terror into the community.

Maluku governor, Saleh Latuconsina, whilst branding Jaffar Umar
Thalib as a provocateur responsible for much of the violence in
Maluku, predicted that arresting Thalib would be problematic. 'We
need to think carefully of the consequences, especially for the
local people,' he said, referring to security concerns. Maluku
lacks law enforcement. The court system is barely functional as
most judges and prosecutors have fled the strife-torn region.
Nobody at all has been prosecuted for the violence that has killed
some 8,000 people and left around 700,000 displaced. Because Thalib
has intimate links to high places in Jakarta and enjoys popular
support, he is virtually untouchable and extremely confident.

However, on 4 May, Indonesian police did arrest Thalib at Surabaya
airport. They used a recording of Thalib's provocative speech on 26
April as sufficient preliminary evidence to arrest him, although he
denies it is his voice on the tape. As a pre-trial challenge,
Thalib is preparing to sue the police for what he claims is illegal
detention. (He was arrested last year and released again when the
courts, under pressure, ruled it was unlawful.) The central
government has supported his arrest, saying all provocateurs must
be detained. Thalib will be charged under two articles of the
Criminal Code, for agitation and also for slander against the
president and vice president. Student protesters have marched in

A spokesman for the Laskar Jihad claimed that Thalib's arrest was
the 'big design of the United States and its allies. The government
has taken a big risk with the arrest and it will just make things
more complicated,' he said. Sure enough, his arrest has unleashed
further hostility. When it became known, Muslim protesters
descended on a Christian area in Ambon, but police intervened to
prevent major bloodshed. Gunfire, exploding bombs and mortars were
heard all through the Saturday night. Two people were killed, 22
injured and the Silo church was burned for the third time within a
few weeks. Two Christian villages were also attacked but the
civilian nightwatch was armed and able to defend them. Security
remains on high alert. This is a critical time for Maluku.


* the arrest of Jaffar Umar Thalib and for the will of the police
to enforce the law, with the support of the central government in
its denouncement of provocateurs. (Last week we quoted 'In the
morning bring me word of your unfailing love...' Psalm 143:8)

'The Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you
compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who
wait for him.' Isaiah 30:18


* justice according to God's will, in relation to Jaffar Umar
Thalib, the Laskar Jihad militia and any other group or
individual who threatens the peace of Maluku - for the sake of
God's children and the witness of his Church there.

* strong, wise Christian leadership in the churches and in the
Christian communities, promoting peace and proclaiming hope.

* God to encompass his people, protecting their bodies from harm
and their spirits amidst doubt, anger or confusion. May Jesus be
glorified amongst them in their trials and sufferings, thus
strengthening hope and faith.



In a bold move, Indonesian police arrested Jaffar Umar Thalib, head
of the Laskar Jihad, on 4 May. The central government has supported
the police action against Thalib as a provocateur of sectarian
violence. This was in response to Thalib having urged thousands of
Muslims in Ambon, Maluku, to rise up in holy war against the
Christians. Soon after, Islamic militants massacred 14 people in a
pre-dawn raid on the Christian village of Soya on the outskirts of
Ambon city, on 28 April. Thalib had always been untouchable, not
only because he is embraced in Jakarta, but also because Maluku is
seriously lacking law enforcement - no one has ever been prosecuted
over the violence there. Predictably, Muslim militants in Ambon
have responded with more violence against Christians, leaving two
dead and 22 injured.

Rowland Croucher

May 15, 2002, 5:27:01 AM5/15/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 168 - Wed 15 May 2002


This RLP differs slightly in not addressing a religious liberty
issue in a particular nation, but examines instead how the Church
in Southern Sudan and Uganda is suffering at the hands of the
blasphemous, terrorist cult-militia: the Lord's Resistance Army

The LRA receives much of its support from another Ugandan rebel
group, the Holy Spirit force established by the Catholic heretic
and self-proclaimed prophetess, Alice Lakwena. She is known to have
anointed her child soldiers with Mooyaa (shea butter), telling them
it made them bulletproof, before she pushed them into frontline
guerrilla warfare. When Yoweri Museveni (a Christian) became
President of Uganda in 1986, the Holy Spirit militia and the LRA
fought his government. The Holy Spirit militia was defeated in 1991
but Alice Lakwena and many of her followers settled as refugees in
Kenya, from where they support the LRA.

In 1991 the LRA agreed with the National Islamic Front / Government
of Sudan (NIF / GoS) to support its jihad against the predominantly
Christian Southern Sudanese in exchange for the NIF / GoS training
and arming the LRA. The LRA army is mostly kidnapped Ugandan
children, with at least 12,000 having been taken by LRA rebels
since 1986. Many people, including Christians with groups such as
World Vision, are working with rescued or escaped child soldiers.

The GoS has recently stopped supporting the LRA in exchange for
Uganda withdrawing support for the SPLA (the South Sudanese
militia). In mid March, the GoS gave the Ugandan Army permission to
pursue the LRA on Sudanese soil with the main aim of catching the
LRA leader, Joseph Kony. By mid April the LRA was 'cornered' in the
Ngong Hills north of the Uganda border.

However in the three weeks to 7 May, over 300 civilians were killed
by the retreating LRA, including about 60 people massacred at a
funeral on 26 April in the nearby Agoro hills. On 8 May the LRA
raided three villages in Magwi county, Eastern Equatorial Southern
Sudan. Local priest, Leon Buga, said, 'The men and boys were all
brutally killed publicly whereas young girls between the ages of 5
and 16 were defiled before their parents.' The girls were abducted
after being raped. (We have spared readers some of the horrific
details that denote the demonic nature of these atrocities.)

The Catholic Church in Southern Sudan has appealed desperately to
the international community after the LRA slaughtered more than 470
civilians in a violent rampage on 12 May. This took place in
several villages along the Imotong mountain range in the Eastern
Equatorial Southern Sudan. Another 500 people have fled their homes
and are now scattered and vulnerable in the bush. As the LRA was
pursued from the area by the Ugandan People's Defence Forces, they
torched another six villages which had just started cultivating
their crops. Bishop Akio Johnson Mutek of the Torit diocese
implores us to please 'come to the aid of these destitute people'.


* God's compassion and justice to prevail. Isaiah 30:18

* spiritual wisdom and insight, and strength of conviction for
Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni (described as 'a God-fearing
man'), as he seeks to liberate the people totally from the curse
of the blasphemous, terrorist, LRA cult-militia.

* God to bring judgement on these militias who blaspheme most
appallingly by equating his name with murder and terror.

* much wisdom, patience, love and grace for those working with
freed child soldiers and for healing for the children. "If the
Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36

* wisdom and strength for all Ugandan and Sudanese pastors in
counselling traumatised victims, grieving relatives, and the
terrorised populace.



Since 1986, the blasphemous, terrorist, Ugandan cult-militia called
the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has fought against the Ugandan
government. In 1991 the LRA agreed with the Islamic Government of
Sudan (GoS) to support the jihad in Southern Sudan in exchange for
the training and arming of the LRA soldiers, who are mostly
kidnapped Ugandan children. However in a recent political deal, the
GoS has withdrawn its support for the LRA and in mid March, gave
the Ugandan Army permission to pursue the LRA on Sudanese soil. The
LRA are retreating from the offensive Uganda has launched, but as
they flee they are terrorising and murdering hundreds of Southern
Sudanese civilians. The South Sudanese Church has called
desperately for help.

Rowland Croucher

May 18, 2002, 11:02:56 PM5/18/02
From: "Brendan Bowles" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 1:42 AM
Subject: Free Ian Stillman - Update 18-05-02

This update is based on a letter from Elspeth Dugdale (Ian's sister)


Dear all

Jerry (Ian's brother-in-law) has arrived back from a busy and hot week in
India - glad to be home.

Jerry and Sue (Ian's wife) met with lawyers and the British High Commission
in Delhi to discuss Ian's options, then travelled to Chandigarh to meet the
doctor who examined Ian. They then made the long train journey to Shimla to
tell Ian that his appeal had been finally refused.

Typically, Ian was more upset about the judge saying that disabled people
are involved in drug smuggling than he was about the rejection of his
appeal. Ian felt the judge revealed a deep prejudice against disabled people
that runs throughout the legal system. It is amazing that three Indian
courts have proved incapable of recognising that Ian is deaf.

Some good news. The British High Commission seemed to have changed their
attitude towards Ian's case (perhaps because the Head of Consular Division
attended the hearing and saw and heard everything). They were very helpful
in contacting the prison authorities to ensure that Jerry and Sue had time
with Ian to discuss properly the way ahead.

The prison authorities also became more helpful. Even they were baffled by
the Supreme Court's inability to recognise Ian's deafness. They also seemed
concerned about the international interest in Ian's welfare and were
extremely co-operative in helping us apply for Ian to be moved to Chennai
(Madras) in South India. He will be closer to Sue and we hope will receive
the much-delayed medical treatment he needs. Sue has stayed in Shimla to
organise the paperwork.

So what next? Human rights lawyer Stephen Jakobi remarked that the problem
in the courts was about facts, not about the law. Unwilling to accept the
fact of Ian's deafness, the courts were unable properly to consider his
innocence or guilt. But now we are now out of the legal system. We need the
proper and full support of the British Government, and perhaps others, to
secure Ian's release. There are several possibilities and we will keep you
informed when the strategy becomes clear.

The international petition continues to grow fast. For more information, see

Finally - we have just been told that the promised article will be in this
week's Sunday Times - honest! But my advice is to look BEFORE you buy!

Thank you for all your wonderful support.

Brendan Bowles
for Friends of Ian Stillman

Friends of Ian Stillman -

NEW READERS START HERE: Ian Stillman has been a world-renowned aid pioneer
among the deaf in India for 27 years. He himself is totally deaf, and also
an amputee. Ian was jailed in North India in August 2000 after police
claimed to find drugs in a public taxi in which he was a passenger. Ian
denies all knowledge of any drugs. Ian was excluded from his own trial -
refused a deaf interpreter and a Hindi translator. For months he was held in
cramped, insanitory conditions without medical care. The local police insist
he is a wanted criminal hunted by Interpol for 30 years. Interpol and the UK
Government officially deny this. On 11 January 2002 the High Court in
Himachal Pradesh decided that Ian is "not deaf" and rejected his appeal. On
6 May he was refused leave to appeal to the Supreme Court in Delhi. For more
info visit <>

YOU CAN WRITE to Ian Stillman, Central Jail, Kanda District, Shimla
171011, Himachal Pradesh, India. Letters are censored so please do NOT write
about prison, the court case or negatively about India. Remember that Ian
cannot usually reply.

From the internet:
Or email to: (or to report problems)

Thank you for your support - the fight goes on.

Rowland Croucher

May 19, 2002, 11:27:45 AM5/19/02

<> wrote in message
> What's the big deal? If god didn't want this to happen, it would happen.
> could it be otherwise? Unless, of course, you believe he's setting back
> watching the drama unfold. Maybe he's amused by it all. After all,
what's more
> humorous than christian killing christian.
> So, answer please -- how could this be happening without god's tacit

What's your understanding of human free will?

Rowland Croucher

May 20, 2002, 11:18:08 PM5/20/02
From: <>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: KNS RUSSIA: Anti-Catholic feeling on the wane?


KESTON NEWS SERVICE: 11.00, 20 May 2002

Reporting on violations of religious liberty and on religion in communist
and post-communist lands.


anti-Catholic feeling in Russia be on the wane? Keston Institute
investigates the latest developments, revealing a mixed picture. Although
hostility remains evident in some areas of public life, it seems to have
little resonance with the general populace. However, although there has been
an upturn in the situation of some foreign Catholic clergy, there is still
no progress in the case of the expelled Polish bishop Jerzy Mazur.



by Geraldine Fagan, Keston News Service

"All is quiet on the Russian front," writes Catholic monk Fr Wilhelm Spirito
in his 28 April Moscow diary entry. Published by the German newspaper
Rheinischer Merkur on 9 May, Fr Spirito's diary observations of 23 and 26
April by contrast refer to his order's telephones apparently being tapped
and Catholic clergy postponing trips abroad for fear of being denied
re-entry to Russia in the same way as Bishop Jerzy Mazur and Fr Stefano
Caprio (see KNS 11 and 22 April 2002). But on Sunday 28 April, notes Fr
Spirito, only some 300 to 500 anti-Catholic demonstrators gathered on a
central Moscow square as part of a Russia-wide action co-organised by the
Union of Orthodox Citizens and the People's Party of the Russian Federation:
"this is hardly a big turn-out in a city of officially 12 million!" Official
police figures put the number of Moscow protesters rather higher - but still
at only 1,500.

Could the wave of anti-Catholic feeling in response to the Vatican's 11
February decision to upgrade its ecclesiastical structures in Russia to
dioceses thus have passed its peak? Speaking to Keston News Service on 16
May, Andrei Sarychev, a presidential administration official specialising in
relations with the Catholic Church, thought that the apparently low turn-out
at the 28 April protests was due to their being individual local initiatives
largely subject to regional variation: "I didn't hear of anything in
Kaliningrad, for example." If there had been a command from above or an aim
set, he maintained, the demonstrations would have been on a much larger
scale, like those of 1 May. (A May Day communist march in central Moscow
observed by Keston filled major thoroughfares for almost two kilometres or
just over a mile.)

In Sarychev's view, those anti-Catholic protests which did take place on 28
April were not the consequence of "strong indignation", but constituted "a
natural reaction to the unexpected raising of the status of Catholic
structures to dioceses without sufficient consultation." As the Orthodox saw
it, he explained, there had been regular dialogue and meetings between the
two Churches until the Catholics suddenly "put a spanner in the works." By
this, confirmed Sarychev, he meant the way in which the Vatican had notified
the Moscow Patriarchate of its decision regarding the four new dioceses in
the absence of both the patriarch and Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and
Kaliningrad, as well as coming shortly after a Russian Orthodox delegation
had met papal representatives in Assisi, "where nothing had been said".

The apparent lack of resonance of anti-Catholic feeling among the general
populace did not enable Sarychev to speculate upon whether Bishop Jerzy
Mazur would be likely to return to Russia in the near future, however: "It
would all be guesses and conjecture." Still in Poland, Bishop Mazur has
begun conducting services in Irkutsk's Catholic cathedral by telephone at
the request of his parishioners. Speaking to Keston from Warsaw on 16 May,
he reiterated that both the Polish foreign ministry and the Holy See had
demanded a full explanation for his expulsion from the Russian authorities,
but had yet to receive "any kind of answer". All chances of his possible
return, remarked the bishop, were thus "in the hands of diplomats".

There does appear to have been a recent upturn in the fortunes of certain
other Catholic clergy in Russia, however. While Keston was unable to contact
Fr Michael Screene in Saratov on 16 May, a Catholic source in Moscow told
Keston the same day that the Saratov department of justice had on 8 May
informed Fr Screene that he could continue to work as parish priest,
inviting him to apply for a residence permit immediately. (Fr Screene had
earlier been warned by Saratov's department of justice that he could not
function as parish priest after 1 May since he is a foreign citizen - see
KNS 24 April 2002.)

The Moscow source also told Keston that Magadan Catholic parish priest Fr
Michael Shields had returned to Moscow on 2 May and travelled on to Magadan
on 7 May without obstruction. Magadan's department of justice had threatened
to liquidate US citizen Fr Shields' parish since he does not have a
residence permit (see KNS 22 April 2002), but on 15 May, according to the
Moscow-based Slavic Centre for Law and Justice, Magadan's municipal court
ruled that the justice department had acted unlawfully.

There are signs that another local conflict involving the Catholic Church in
Russia may also be close to resolution. Local authorities in the western
Russian city of Pskov had halted construction on a Catholic church building
in the wake of a complaint by local Orthodox Archbishop Yevsevi (Savvin)
(see KNS 22 April 2002). In a meeting with Pskov's Catholic parish priest
Krzysztof Karolewski - according to a 15 May article in NG-Religii, the
religious affairs supplement to Russian daily newspaper Nezavisimaya
Gazeta - the governor of Pskov region Yevgeni Mikhailov admitted that
construction of the church had been halted due to Archbishop Yevsevi's
letter. He also reportedly encouraged Fr Karolewski to "come to a
compromise" and reduce the height of the planned church's spire so that it
did not rise above city's Orthodox cathedral. On 16 May Andrei Sarychev told
Keston that the Pskov situation would be "sorted out".

Elsewhere Catholic clergy continue to report difficulties, however. Asked by
Keston on 16 May whether he had latterly encountered increased anti-Catholic
feeling, one parish priest and foreign citizen wishing to remain anonymous
said that he had: "No one from the authorities wants to talk to you
officially." This was the case, he said, even though the authorities in the
southern Russian region where he serves were not particularly close to the
local Orthodox bishop: "bureaucrats are still afraid he might say
something." Prior to the formation of Catholic dioceses in Russia on 11
February, said the parish priest, his relations with the regional
authorities had been improving, but the parish, which has not been able to
regain its historic church building, had since been informed that there was
now "no chance" of their obtaining land upon which to build a new church.

According to the priest, however, there had been no public protests in his
region, and the local Orthodox bishop had even told his clergy "not to get
involved in the debate". In his view, the anti-Catholic protests had not
been inspired by the Russian Orthodox Church in the first instance, but by
"communists who are apparently Orthodox - they are the biggest problem". In
the view of the Catholic source in Moscow, the current anti-Catholic
momentum in Russia did not amount to "a campaign as under [sixteenth century
English queen] Elizabeth I, but more a concerted and consistent policy of
pressure from the Orthodox side, in cahoots with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and possibly the Ministry of Justice".

That momentum is still evident in other areas of public life. On 16 May
"Slushaetsya delo" ("Court in session") television programme on Russian TVTs
channel considered a case against Catholicism brought by Leonid Semyonovich,
leader of Russia's Union of Orthodox Banner-bearers, who characterised the
appearance of four Catholic dioceses in Russia as "a continuation of the
Vatican policy to incite religious hatred and spread values alien to the
Russian Orthodox people". And when parliamentary deputy Viktor Alksnis'
proposal to ban the activity of the four Catholic dioceses (see KNS 24 April
2002) finally came before parliament on 15 May, 169 of the 240 deputies
present voted in favour. However, this fell short of the 226 votes necessary
for the motion to be adopted. (END)

Copyright (c) 2002 Keston Institute. All rights reserved.

Subscribe to the free weekly KNS Summary, or to the almost daily Keston News
Service, through our website where donations may also
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other publications: the bimonthly magazine Frontier and the quarterly
academic journal Religion, State & Society.

KNS may be reprinted or quoted providing acknowledgment is given, such as
"Source: Keston Institute". We would appreciate
receiving a copy of any publication which quotes KNS.

Rowland Croucher

May 21, 2002, 6:54:13 PM5/21/02
From: "HCJB World Radio" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:09 AM

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

The American Embassy in Eritrea has informed SIM that the Eritrean
government has closed all churches in the country other than the Orthodox,
Roman Catholic and Mekane Yesus (Lutheran) denominations. All other groups,
including the SIM-related Kale Hiwot Church of Eritrea, have been shut down.
Other sources in Eritrea indicate that this action may
be related to the large number of Eritrean soldiers who turned to Christ on
the battlefield during the long war with Ethiopia as a result of believers
witnessing and Christian radio broadcasts. SIM's missionaries in Eritrea
will remain in the country
pending clarification of government action. Meanwhile, church leaders are
trusting in the Lord and are organizing
themselves into house churches. Mission and church leaders are calling on
believers worldwide to stand with them in prayer as they seek God's guidance
to deal with this new situation. (SIM)

New Tribes Mission is calling on Christians to set aside a time of concerted
prayer this Memorial Day weekend, asking God for the release of New Tribes
Mission (NTM) members Martin and Gracia Burnham. Monday, May 27, will mark
the one-year anniversary of the couple's kidnapping by the Muslim rebel
group, Abu Sayyaf, in the Philippines. "We are
issuing a call to prayer for Sunday and Monday," states an e-mail update
from NTM. The ministry is asking churches to set aside time for special
prayer Sunday morning and for individuals to set aside time to pray for the
Burnhams on Monday. NTM is also organizing a one-hour prayer service at
Christ's Commission Fellowship in Manila on
Sunday. Norvin and Betty Jo Jones (Gracia's parents) will be at Camp Hosanna
in Mammoth Spring, Ark., on Monday to participate in a special time of
prayer. Paul and Oreta Burnham (Martin's parents) are doing a series of
interviews with Fox News to help spread word about the missionaries' plight.
NTM continues to get conflicting information about the
location of the hostages. "We are also still receiving and investigating
unconfirmed reports that Martin and Gracia are ill," reports NTM. "As you
pray, also remember their children, Jeff, Mindy and Zach, fellow hostage
Deborah Yap and the Burnhams' parents." (New Tribes Mission)

The continuing Russian-Chechen war has been characterized by brutality and
human rights violations on both sides with up to 200,000 civilians being
forced to relocate to refugee camps. However, Russian Ministries' George Law
says Russian Christians are being empowered to help by distributing food,
clothing and other essentials to these Muslim
people. "The Chechen refugees are very much surprised as to why a Russian
would do anything for them. It was actually Russian bullets that drove them
from their homeland. This obviously gives an opportunity for the gospel to
be presented." Law says the relief assistance is leading to opportunities to
start small-group Bible studies among the Chechen people. "As a result, one
church made up primarily of refugees has been started." (Mission Network

A Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy against Islam has been sentenced
to two life sentences under a law the U.S. has unsuccessfully urged the
nation's leader, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to repeal. Aslam Masih was handed
the sentence in the same week the U.S. Commission on International Religious
Freedom released its third annual global report in early May in which it
said "grave violations of religious freedom" were still either being
perpetrated or tolerated by Pakistan's government, reported.
Masih was arrested in 1998 and charged in Faisalabad under Pakistan's
blasphemy laws which mandate heavy penalties for those convicted of defiling
the Koran or blaspheming Islam's founder, Mohammed. The double life term was
accompanied by a fine equivalent to US$1,670. Critics say the blasphemy law
is "deplorable" and is easily exploited by any Muslim with a grudge against
a Christian or member of another religious
minority. In its annual report released May 5, the U.S. Commission on
International Religious Freedom noted there had been some improvements in
Pakistan's human rights record. However, the commission said "grave
violations of religious freedom" were still occurring, and the commission
may add Pakistan to a short list of those designated "countries of
particular concern," including Myanmar, China, Iran, Iraq, Sudan and North
Korea. (Baptist Press)

Papua New Guinea is likely to experience a massive increase in HIV cases
similar to sub-Saharan Africa, reports the Australian government foreign aid
agency, AusAid. Dr. Jenny Gordon told Reuters that AusAid has had a "real
concern about HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea for some time." The agency is
concerned that the disease is not perceived as
a problem there, she said. "There are many similarities between Papua New
Guinea and Africa. There is a very large commercial sex industry, a lot of
people coming into cities and then going back to villages, and very high
rates of sexually
transmitted infection." Her research indicates that if HIV infection rates
in Papua New Guinea follow those seen in Kenya, the population between the
ages of 15 and 49 will decrease by 13 percent by 2020. If a high impact is
experienced, similar to Zimbabwe, the population in the same age group will
drop by about 38 percent. (Council for World Mission)

Gospel outreach in a country that is 98 percent Muslim provides as much
opportunity as it does challenge, says
Operation Mobilization's Ian Heringa who is based in Turkey and operates a
legal New Testament distribution ministry. "We do free distribution events
at Christmastime and at New Year's," he says. "We'll do it at a specific
event, and at
those specific events we still do get arrested. In Turkey, there's freedom
of religion in the constitution, but the police are often not aware of it."
Heringa says that despite run-ins with authorities, the evangelistic work
continues with encouraging
results. "We've had a tremendous response, especially since we opened up a
prayer hotline. People call in, they give their problems, we pray in Jesus'
name, we share verses from the Bible, and we organize follow-up. People are
very open.
We're just actually seeing many people come to the Lord that we've never
seen before." (Mission Network News)

Rowland Croucher

May 22, 2002, 6:10:46 PM5/22/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 169 - Wed 22 May 2002


Earlier this month, postal workers in the Turkmenistan village of
Deinau (near Turkmenabad) opened a parcel from Kiev and found a
Christian magazine. They reported this to the local police. The KNB
(formerly KGB) then summoned all the eight or so Christians in the
village and ordered them to renounce their faith publicly. Three
believers - Murad, Jamilya and Nurmurad - refused. As punishment,
they were expelled from Deinau.

However, when the local KNB reported this to their headquarters,
the central KNB ordered the three defiant believers to be seized so
that the authorities could 'take measures' against them. In recent
years, KNB 'measures' against believers have included fines,
detention, torture and long-term imprisonment. These three men are
now in hiding. In early 2001, four ethnic Turkmen Christians went
into hiding after being tortured for having Turkmen language Jesus
videos. They eventually escaped and are now refugees in Europe.

The huge personality cult surrounding Turkmenistan's President
(former Communist Party chief) Saparmurat Niyazov is much like that
of Kim Jong-Il and Kim Il-Sung in North Korea. Niyazov's image is
everywhere, in giant statues, posters, and even on the world's
largest 300 square metre hand-made carpet. Niyazov is the president-
for-life head of state and of government, in total dictatorial
control of the parliament and judiciary. Niyazov has vowed to
'strangle' the Church, even though he is the self-appointed head of
Turkmenistan's Human Rights Commission.

In March, Niyazov massively purged and reshuffled his cabinet and
the National Security Committee (KNB). Analysts theorise that he is
unsettled by some high profile, top level defections and is
instilling into the KNB that he will not be undermined. Niyazov
wants USA to extradite one such defector, former Foreign Minister
Boris Shikhmuradov, who is now operating an opposition-in-exile.
Shikhmuradov has been busy on the US lecture circuit, speaking out
boldly against the religious oppression in Turkmenistan.


* the tyrannical rule of President Niyazov to come to an end
(Isaiah 40:23,24).

* religious freedom in Turkmenistan, so that believers will no
longer suffer serious, violent persecution, and the lost can hear
the gospel of salvation.

* God to sustain, bless and encourage Murad, Jamilya and Nurmurad,
hiding for safety and even in fear for their lives.

* Christians in Turkmenistan to be assured of God's presence and
to be kept strong and faithful as they await his deliverance.

'We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power
so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need.'
Colossians 1:11 (NLT)



President Niyazov of Turkmenistan is a tyrant orchestrating a
campaign he says is to 'strangle' the Church. Whilst one defecting
diplomat recently said that Niyazov had 'crushed the Church', there
is a small but growing Church in Turkmenistan, though it is
suffering severely. Three Christians are currently in hiding,
wanted by the KNB (formerly KGB) for refusing to renounce their
faith, which was exposed when postal workers intercepted a
Christian magazine. In January 2001 the KNB tortured four believers
for possessing Jesus videos. Several high level diplomats have
defected recently. One is speaking out boldly on the US lecture
circuit about the religious repression in Turkmenistan. Pray for
Niyazov's dictatorship to come to an end soon, for the sake of the
Church as well as the lost who need to hear the gospel.



Martin and Gracia Burnham, serving through New Tribes Mission (NTM)
since 1985, were kidnapped by the militant Islamic group, Abu
Sayyaf, in Southern Philippines a year ago, on 27 May 2001. NTM,
with friends and family of the Burnhams, have issued a special call
to prayer next Sunday and Monday, asking that you please pray for
their release, soon and safe, along with their fellow hostage,
Deborah Yap.

While praying for the Burnhams, please ask God to uphold all
Christians who are held hostage by criminals or terrorists, or are
captive to cult-militias or slave owners.

Previous RLPs may be viewed at
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was forwarded to you, you may receive future editions
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Rowland Croucher

May 22, 2002, 10:20:27 PM5/22/02
From: ICCSteve
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 5:29 AM
Subject: Sudan Bombers Kill 11

International Christian Concern .

Contact: (301) 989-1708 .

Sudan Government Kills 11 in Air Raid
Government Violates Agreement to Protect Citizens

(Washington, DC - May 22, 2002) Sources in Southern Sudan report that at
least 11 people were killed and more than 40 others seriously injured in an
early morning air raid today that was carried out by the Government of Sudan
's (GOS) National Islamic Front (NIF).

Russian-made Antonov bombers dropped a total of sixteen shrapnel bombs on
the Western Upper Nile village of Rier in Mankien county. Eyewitnesses
report that the carnage was horrendous, with body parts littering the ground
as molten pieces of steel ripped through the bodies of the helpless victims.

The area targeted by the GOS bombers served as a relief center for the many
thousands of displaced people of the region. The militant Islamic regime in
Khartoum had agreed to protect the civilian population of the Upper Nile
region as part of a mutual agreement signed in March between the GOS and the
southern rebel forces of the SPLM/SPLA.

This latest attack serves as another setback for the Bush administration,
which has been attempting to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the
19-year-old bloody conflict that has taken the lives of nearly two million
people, mostly Christians and others of indigenous religions. So far, the
GOS has repeatedly violated confidence-building measures that were presented
by US Special Envoy,

Senator John Danforth, which included a humanitarian ceasefire to allow for
immunization programs for children and an end to slave trading. Today's
attack further violates an agreement brokered by the U.S. that was to
effectuate a ceasefire between May 19-25. The ceasefire was to allow time
for a US humanitarian delegation, led by President Bush's Humanitarian
Coordinator for the Sudan Andrew Natsios, to travel to the areas of the
Western Upper Nile, the Nuba Mountains, and Bahr el Ghazal to assess the
humanitarian needs. Mr. Natsios is scheduled to be traveling to these areas
on May 23.

Recent attacks in which the GOS have violated ceasefire agreements include:
February 19, 2002 on the village of Miri; February 20 on the World Food
Program distribution center at Bieh, killing 24 civilians; April 20 when GOS
Muslim forces raided Marialbai in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, abducting 300

International Christian Concern (ICC) assists and advocates on behalf of
Christians worldwide who suffer persecution on account of their faith. More
information is available on their web site at

Rowland Croucher

Jun 30, 2002, 3:22:40 PM6/30/02
Praying for the unreached, persecuted, and oppressed *
June 30, 2002

"What more could I have done for my vineyard? Why didn't it produce the
good grapes I expected?"
Isaiah 5:4

Civil war and poverty have plagued the 1.5 million Arabs of Chad since
they gained their independence from France in 1960. Their country,
which is about three times the size of California, is desert in the
north, dry grassland in the middle, and thick bush in the south.
Nomadic herdsmen or village farmers, the Chadian Arabs celebrate
Ramadan and other Muslim holidays, but they also sacrifice animals and
use charms to protect themselves from evil spirits. There are currently
less than 10 known Christians among them. Lift the Arabs of Chad to the
Father in prayer. Ask him to pour his spirit out on this handful of
believers and through them make his name great among their people. Ask
God to send workers to share the good news of his love with this people
group. Pray for the fire of the Spirit to sweep through Chad.

Recently, a believer visited the Sorani Kurds in their homeland and saw
firsthand the precarious position of the people -- protected from
Saddam only by the U.S. no-fly zone, stifled by 10 years of sanctions,
and diminished by the "brain drain" of their best people leaving their
homeland. From a human standpoint, it seems hopeless -- and the despair
can be seen in many eyes. The Enemy wants to steal peace in this
region, to destroy lives, and to kill hope. In Christ, however, there
is hope -- hope of fullness of life here on earth as well as
everlasting life. Ask God to send his messengers with the good news of
hope in Christ Jesus. Pray that multitudes of Sorani Kurds would
personally discover this hope and bring glory to God's name.

A missionary couple in Senegal was telling Bible stories in a village
until problems with a religious sect and rebel activity caused many to
flee the village and left the remainder in great fear. Almost a year
later, one of the men who had attended the storying sessions traveled
to the couples' home to ask them to come back and start teaching again.
They felt the Lord leading them to agree, but on their return they felt
an evil presence in the village and experienced constant disruptions.
"Even with all of these problems, there are several who are very
interested in hearing Bible stories," the missionaries reported. "Pray
that there will be peace in the village, that the people will be
allowed to come and hear, and that they will continue to be interested
in the stories." <>

In Nigeria, a wall adjacent to a pastor's two-room house collapsed, and
his small congregation wanted to raise the wall and repair his home.
Instead, he gave up his meager salary and insisted that any extra money
be used to put up a church building for a village on the other side of
a river -- whose residents can't get to his church when rainy season
floods the stream. The congregation hurriedly set to work in the other
village, trying to collect grasses, make mud blocks and prepare a place
of worship before the rainy season started. Praise God for this
pastor's servant heart. Ask God to honor his sacrifice by showing
himself strong among the Hausa and using this congregation to draw a
multitude to Christ.

No gospel materials -- not even the Bible -- are available in the heart
language of the Komering of South Sumatra, Indonesia. A team of
Christian workers committed themselves to making the good news of God's
love available to the Komering. They asked other believers to pray with
them for a Komering believer who wanted the people to hear and read the
gospel message in their own language. Now God has answered! A Komering
believer has joined the team, and God has burdened her heart to
translate evangelistic and discipleship materials for her people.
Praise God for answering the prayers of his people! Ask God to glorify
his name by speeding the production of gospel materials and using them
to draw remarkable numbers of Komering into the Kingdom. Ask God to
protect this believer and her family and guide her in the translation

Only a few years ago, there were no indigenous Christian churches among
the Bashkirs and Tatars, two Islamic people groups of Russia's Ural
region. In the past six years, however, Christian workers have started
two missions schools, which in turn have trained church planting teams
that have planted more than 50 new congregations. At the end of 2001, a
Tatar New Testament was published. Rejoice in these inroads for the
gospel among the Bashkirs and Tatars. Ask God to make these church
planters bold and effective witnesses to multiply the church in the
Urals. Pray that the goal of 100 self-replicating churches by 2003
would be far surpassed.


Eight Christian women who were brutally raped by six Muslim kidnappers
two years ago have been denied justice by a court in Pakistan. Despite
eyewitness testimony and police and medical reports, the court
succumbed to pressure from Muslims attending the trial and ruled the
charges could not be proved. Three of the accused were acquitted; three
others were sentenced to the time they already had served in prison and
fined the equivalent of US$200. Cry out to God over this injustice. Ask
him to strengthen and protect these young women and their families in
this tribulation. Pray that his spirit would visit great conviction on
the hearts of their oppressors. Contact elected officials in Washington
by visiting <> or fax Pakistan's
ambassador to the United States, Maleeha Lodhi, at 202-387-0484.

A Christian woman in Pakistan, Maria Samar John, is fighting for
custody of her son in a divorce proceeding against her Muslim husband.
Four years ago, she was kidnapped by her Muslim uncle, who kept her
locked up for five months and then sold the 17-year-old to a Muslim
man. Armed men forced her thumbprint onto marriage and conversion
certificates, and her son was born 16 months later. Beaten repeatedly
by her husband and mother-in-law and pregnant again, she escaped a year
later. Although Pakistani law would not allow the father to take the
children because of the circumstances, supporters are concerned whether
the law will be enforced on her behalf because she is a Christian. Ask
God to give your sister justice in her custody battle. Pray that her
son would grow up in the Lord's ways and be a mighty man in the Spirit.

Fourteen pastors were arrested in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and
taken to an unknown location. Their arrest brings to 26 the known
number of Christian pastors laboring in Vietnam's rural prison system.
Though the Communist government claims it is taking steps to improve
its human rights record, it actually has been pressing a campaign of
brutal persecution against Christians in tribal areas. People who
accept Christ suffer discrimination: losing jobs, receiving fines,
having their movements restricted, their children expelled from school,
and government assistance withheld. Despite extreme difficulties, there
are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of believers among the Hmong
and other tribal groups. Intercede for these 26 pastors suffering in
labor camps. Ask God to encourage them and use them to draw multitudes
to Christ. Pray that the multiplication of the gospel would continue
among Vietnam's tribal peoples. <>

Three Indonesian Christians -- Salmon Ongirwalu, Yanawardi Koto, Robert
Marthinus -- languish in prison after being convicted in 1999 on false
charges of abducting and raping a Muslim girl, who told them she had
become a Christian and needed their help. She later accused them of
kidnapping and rape. The three men appealed to the Indonesian Supreme
Court, but in early 2001, the court refused to hear the case. Grieve
over the injustice Indonesian Christians are enduring. Ask God to
deliver them and exalt the name of Jesus Christ throughout the country.
Ask God to stir the consciences of government officials and media
powerbrokers who can bring an end to such injustice.


A Baptist church in Raleigh, N.C. (USA), has named a lesbian as co-
pastor. Nancy Petty served 10 years as minister of Christian education
at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church before being named co-pastor. She
reports that her first intimate relationship with a woman occurred
during her seminary days in Wake Forest, N.C. Stand in prayer against
the deceiving spirits that have drawn this church away from its first
love. Ask God to deliver Nancy Petty from her subjection to lesbianism.
Pray that God's spirit would fill church members with zeal for missions
and evangelism.

More than 98% of the pregnant women who sought counsel from Planned
Parenthood in 2000 ended their pregnancies with abortion. That same
year, PP clinics performed 197,070 abortions, which at an average cost
of $350 would have generated nearly $69 million for the group. Since
1977, PP has made an estimated $815 million from 3 million abortions.
Planned Parenthood's business plan starts with "sex education" that
multiplies youth promiscuity, which in turn increases pregnancies and
eventually creates clients for their abortion mills. Cry out to God for
the lives -- both mothers and children -- destroyed at the hands of
greedy abortionists. Ask God to mete out his judgment against Planned
Parenthood and destroy their immoral enterprise. Ask God to show you
how you can minister his love to women with crisis pregnancies.

Homosexuals molest young boys far more often than heterosexuals molest
girls, according to a new study. Researchers found that male homosexual
offenders violated an average of 150 boys each, a staggering number
when compared to heterosexuals violating 19 girls on average. Child
molesters not in prison admitted homosexual abuses ranging in number
from 23 to 281 each. Stand in prayer against the demons of
homosexuality that bind so many men and ravage so many boys. Ask God to
dispel the blindness that keeps even many Christians from recognizing
the depraved, predatory nature of homosexuality. Ask God to show your
church the ways he wants to use it to rescue homosexuals from spiritual
bondage. <>


Thirty-four Chinese church leaders who were kidnapped April 16 have
been released and are safe. The house church leaders were captured by
the Eastern Lightning cult, which believes that Jesus has already
returned as a 30-year-old woman who lives in China's Henan Province.
Eastern Lightning members pretending to be fellow believers lured the
house church leaders to a phony leadership conference then took them by
force to separate locations. The cult targets tries to recruit house
church Christians resorting to kidnapping, beatings, torture, drugging,
sexual entrapment and intense brainwashing if believers refuse to
accept their teaching. Dozens of Christians have been murdered by
Eastern Lightning over the years. Shout to the Lord for miraculously
delivering these brothers from the Enemy's clutches! Ask the Lord to
heal and help them as they recover. Pray that the testimony of their
faithfulness in captivity will bring conviction to the hearts of those
who persecuted them. Ask God to use their suffering and deliverance to
multiply the gospel across China. <>

Christians around the world prayed for a youth outreach on the
Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, and a speaker from the United
States encouraged the youth to live lives of passion and purity. Doors
opened with unexpected ease for the speaker to address the youth on
radio, television, newspapers, and even in the schools. A total of 74
young people made professions of faith and 40 rededicated their lives.
Even a newspaper reporter accepted Christ! Pray for the Christian youth
who have taken responsibility for following up with the new believers.
Pray for their commitment to this task and for boldness. Pray that the
new believers will "hunger and thirst" to know more about Jesus.

"Advance!" subscribers were among many believers worldwide who prayed
for a Jordanian Christian widow who lost custody of her two children in
late March. Now the Jordanian government has told her the children will
not be taken from her because the case has received "international
attention." She had been ordered to relinquish custody of her children
-- a daughter, 13, and a son, 12 -- to be raised as Muslims, based on
the alleged conversion of her Christian husband to Islam three years
before his death. She challenged the validity of the conversion
certificate, which did not even carry her late husband's signature.
When he died abroad in 1994, his body was brought home for Christian
funeral rites. His wife only learned of his alleged conversion several
months later, when she applied for his military benefits for herself
and the children. Glorify God for this answer to prayer. Ask him to
give government officials the resolve to honor the promise. Ask him to
reveal himself as the Protector of widows and orphans. Pray that he
will meet their needs out of the abundance of his riches.

An undercover police officer in northern India was assigned to
investigate the Christian community by posing as a Christian preacher.
Over time, as the Muslim man read and preached the Bible, he came under
conviction and opened his heart to Christ. Now he genuinely proclaims
the good news of God's love and salvation in Jesus Christ among his
people group, the 44 million upper-caste Rajputs of northern India.
Praise God for the power of his Word! Ask him to speak through this
brother to bring many Rajputs to faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that the
Holy Spirit would sweep through this people group and spread into all
of Indian society.

Hundreds heard the gospel and 99 people prayed to receive Christ during
an outreach among the Deaf of Barranquilla, Colombia. Deaf believers in
the city told a missionary co-worker that God had spoken to them and
that they needed not one church but seven churches! The missionary
asked supporters to pray for the Deaf believers as they conduct follow-
up on the outreach and begin work toward starting these new
congregations. Praise God for the vision of these Deaf believers. Ask
God to protect and mature the new believers and use them to draw many
others to Christ in this overlooked and isolated people group. Ask God
to bring glory to his name among the Deaf of Barranquilla.

A group of Christians visited a Banta Themne village in Sierra Leone
and were taken to the headman, who was eager to tell them about the
community. When one of the group members told him they wanted to bring
the Christian message to the area, the headman replied that there were
many people in the village who wanted to become Christians but they did
not know how! A missionary asked: "Pray that there will be someone to
tell the people in this village how to become Christians." Praise God
for the hunger he places in the hearts of his lost children. Ask him to
guard the hearts of these seekers until someone can go there and lead
them into the Kingdom. Ask him how he would use you to take the good
news of salvation in Jesus Christ to the Banta Themne.

Pro-life activists are rejoicing over television ads for a new
ultrasound device from General Electric Medical Systems. The GE 4D
Ultrasound creates an image of an unborn child with a clarity similar
to high-quality photograph. Pro-lifers believe that pregnant women who
see the image will find it extremely difficult to regard it as anything
but a baby -- and will be far less likely to kill it with an abortion.
The TV ad shows a married couple reacting with awe to the sight of
their unborn child as a narrator says, "When you see your baby for the
first time on the new GE 4D Ultrasound system, it really is a miracle."
At $120,000, the device is extremely expensive for crisis pregnancy
centers, but pro-life activists believe it could help dramatically
decrease abortion rates when put into widespread use. Praise God for
giving us technology that reveals his marvelous creation. Thank him for
GE's willingness to pay for commercials that beam light into the
darkness of a country in bondage to abortion. Ask him to use the new GE
ultrasound device to rescue many babies from the jaws of death. Ask God
to provide the resources crisis pregnancy centers need to acquire these
new machines. <>


"Prayer and Fasting for Kids" is a lighthearted, fast-paced short video
-- narrated by kids for kids -- that encourages children to fast and
pray for other nations. The heart of the video is Isaiah 58's emphasis
on the poor and needy and having a heart for justice. For information,
e-mail <>.

Experience God through daily devotionals by Henry Blackaby, published
by the North America Mission Board at

Christian workers are promoting 1 billion hours of prayer for God's
spirit to move among the world's 1 billion Buddhists. For information,
visit <>.

"WorldVue: The Great Commission Map Collection" contains more than 500
missions and political maps and graphs in popular digital graphics
formats. View on screen, print, or copy and paste into documents. No
royalty fees required for most Christian ministry purposes. Windows and
Mac. To order, go to <> or e-mail

Children's missions training resources, including numerous free
downloads, are available at

"Operation World For Youth" is a youth-friendly version of Patrick
Johnstone's "Operation World" prayer manual. The first 50 countries are
now online at <>.


They scoff at Christians, but skeptics are the ones who
put irrational faith in things that can't possibly be true!
See "No More Lies!" at <>.

What does the Bible really mean?
See "God's Revolution" at <>.


"Advance!" is offered free of charge. Please circulate it freely.

To subscribe, send an e-mail to
<> or visit

Address questions and comments to <>.

Copyright © 2002, Kainos Press



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jun 30, 2002, 4:12:53 PM6/30/02
From: "Update Overseas" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 1:12 AM
Subject: UPDATE

The Barnabas Fund



A local Muslim politician at the head of a mob of young men stormed a church
in Dakar on Sunday 26 May. Insulting and assaulting Christian worshippers,
the youths, armed with knives and stones, drove them out and occupied the

The church, which has only recently opened, first encountered opposition
from the local politician when it met with officials to receive formal
approval before beginning to hold services. Having failed to prevent
Christians from establishing the church local conservative Muslims took the
law into their own hands and decided to assault the church claiming that
Christians were making too much noise during services and disturbing the
local community. Despite the involvement of the police and local
authorities the church building has still not been returned to the

Pray for wisdom and guidance for Church leaders as they continue to pursue
this case through the correct legal channels.

Pray that the church building will be swiftly restored to the congregation.


A church in a village in north-western Kazakhstan has been pressured to halt
their activities, especially work with children, until they gain
registration, something the congregation is unwilling to accept. Although
under Kazakh law registration is not obligatory, a local official made it
clear that the church would have to register in order to continue with its

Pray that this church would be able to continue to operate, especially its
children's work, despite this opposition from the local authorities.

Source: Keston News Service


Pervaiz Aslam Chaudry, the Christian lawyer who is currently defending
Pakistani Christians Saleem, Rasheed and Aslam Masih, and Wajihul Hassan (a
Muslim) on blasphemy charges, is facing intimidation and death threats. On
8 June Pervaiz's car was surrounded by four men on motorbikes who forced him
to pull over and shouted threats and abuse saying "This is your last
warning . Stop this case of Wajihul Hassan today or you will be killed."
Pervaiz and his wife have also received a number of threatening phonecalls
at their home in Lahore in recent weeks, and Pervaiz has noticed that his
movements are being followed by a man on a motorcycle.

In Faisalabad four men recently turned up at the home of Khalil Tahir, a
Muslim attorney who also defends blasphemy cases,
after he had left for work. His wife refused to let them in. On 28 May the
family received a threatening late night call in which Khalil's wife was
told "Your children, you and your husband will be killed" and, when he took
the phone, Khalil was warned "Your days are numbered now. Soon you will be
no more."

Days after the two lawyers received the threats Yousaf Ali, a Muslim facing
a death sentence for blasphemy, was shot and killed by a fellow inmate in
Kot Lakhpat jail, Lahore. Christian brothers Saleem and Rasheed Masih are
also being held in Kot Lakhpat on blasphemy charges.

In October 1997 a High Court judge in Lahore was shot and killed by Islamic
gunman for acquitting two Christians on blasphemy charges

Pray for Pervaiz, Khalil and the other brave lawyers who defend Christians
and others accused under Pakistan's blasphemy laws. Pray for protection and
safety for them and their families. Ask the Lord to give them support and
courage in the face of threats and intimidation.


A young church leader in one part of Turkey has recently been tortured for
his faith, leaving him with permanent damage to his kneecaps.

Pray that this brave young Christian will be protected from further harm.


Christians in the Indonesian province of Papua (Irian Jaya) are fearful that
a violent campaign could be unleashed against them later this year as Laskar
Jihad Islamic militants continue to flood into the province. A number of
Laskar Jihad military training camps are now situated in the province and
military instruction is also taking place quite openly in the compounds of
some mosques. Several Christians have reported discovering stockpiles of
weapons. A number of Pakistani and Afghan mujahideen have been sighted.
Laskar Jihad's magazine, which contains articles attacking Christians, Jews
and the US, is now being sold openly in markets in Papua.

Laskar Jihad is forming links with local authorities, police and army units,
and most disturbingly with the pro-Jakarta militia Satgas Merah Putih which
opposes Papuan calls for independence from Indonesia. Local Christians who
have reported Laskar Jihad activities to the authorities say that they have
been harassed, threatened with arrest themselves, and even received
intimidating phonecalls late at night.

Pray that Christians in Papua will be protected, that the efforts of the
Laskar Jihad will be frustrated and that no massacres of Christians will

Pray that the authorities will act with mercy, compassion and justice to
enforce the law and protect the local population, and that they will not
turn a blind eye to the Jihad's activities.



Formed out of previously British colonial territories in the Malay peninsula
and Borneo, modern Malaysia emerged in the 1950s and 60s. Its original 1957
constitution confirmed special political privileges for the 60% of the
population who are indigenous Malays or Orang Asli (tribal peoples). This
was in exchange for granting citizenship to the large Chinese and Indian
populations (today making up 33% and 10% of the population respectively) who
dominated the region's economy. Malays were defined as Malay speakers,
practisers of Malay cultural traditions, and, crucially, Muslims. Islam is
the official religion of the state. Despite historic inter-ethnic tension
Malaysia today is largely recognised as being one of the most moderate
nations in the Muslim world. The 6-10% of the population who are Christians
are largely able to worship freely.

The biggest threat to Christian freedoms in Malaysia today is the growing
influence and power of the Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) the main opposition
political party. Formed in 1952 PAS is a devoutly Islamic party which is
working hard to transform Malaysia into an Islamic state under Shari'ah law.
The party holds 27 seats in parliament and controls two states. In 1993 an
attempt by the PAS led Kelantan State Government to introduce full Shari'ah
law was blocked by the
federal government. Now PAS is pushing for Shari'ah law in Terengganu, the
other state it controls.

Christians and other non-Muslims are fearful that under Shari'ah law their
rights and freedoms will be eroded and they will become second-class
citizens. Shari'ah law, which prescribes harsh penalties such as amputation
for theft and stoning for adultery, requires converts from Islam to another
faith to be put to death and counts the evidence of non-Muslims and women as
worth only half that of Muslim men in legal courts, in some cases
discounting their testimonies altogether.

Tension and uncertainty has been further heightened by the announcement that
Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, will be standing down in favour
of his deputy in sixteen months. Whilst often criticised on human rights
grounds, Mahathir has done much to create a strong and multicultural,
multiracial state. Christians are deeply concerned about the power vacuum
his departure will create.

Pray that moves to impose full Shari'ah law in Malaysia's Terengganu State
at the expense of the rights of women and non-Muslims will be frustrated.

Pray that Malaysia's traditionally moderate, pluralist and tolerant stance
in matters of religion will be maintained.

Pray for encouragement, guidance and wisdom for Malaysian Christians at this
time of uncertainty and change.


UPDATE ON THE SUFFERING CHURCH is produced monthly by

The Barnabas Fund, The Old Rectory, River Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire, SN9 5DB
tel: 01672-564 938, fax: 01672-565 030, e-mail:

PO Box 56185, Dominion Road, Auckland 1003, New Zealand, tel: 09 630 6267

web: (Compiled 28.6.2002) [37 (69)]

The Barnabas Fund's e-mail news service provides our supporters
with short urgent news briefs and prayer requests for suffering
Christians around the world.

Please do share these news items with your Christian friends and
churches. All news items are available on our website in a more
colourful user-friendly presentation format which you can access,
print and pass on.

If you are not already receiving these news briefs directly from
the Barnabas Fund and would like to, please contact us with your
name, postal and e-mail addresses, and details of the church you

The Barnabas Fund, The Old Rectory, River Street, PEWSEY,
Wiltshire, SN9 5DB, UK, Tel 01672 564938, Fax 01672 565030,
E-mail Web



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 4, 2002, 6:43:08 PM7/4/02

For immediate release

July 4 2002


The rape of a 16-year-old girl in Pakistan has been ignored by police
because of her religious beliefs.

Shakeela Siddique, a Christian from Fatewala village in the northeastern
Gujranwala district, was reportedly raped by an influential local Muslim
landlord in February 2002.

Traumatised and ashamed, Shakeela kept quiet about her ordeal. The incident
only came to light two months later when she realised she was pregnant.

In order to avoid social stigma, she was forced to have an abortion (illegal
in Pakistan) at the end of April and has suffered from severe depression
since the attack.

When her father, Siddique Masih, attempted to confront the alleged rapist,
he was badly beaten up.

He told Christian Liberation Front, a Pakistani human rights group: "My
everything has been ruined as my daughter is now a living corpse. No
Christian in our village dares to raise his voice against the Muslim

There are about 150 Muslim families and 50 Christian families living in
Fatewala and most of the Christians are poor peasants employed by Muslims.

In February 2001, Naira Nadia, a 14-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped
and gang raped by a group of Muslim men.

This was apparently a reprisal for sharing her faith with her school
friends. The group forcibly converted her to Islam and sent her parents a
certificate of conversion. Despite evidence that Naira was underage and
therefore could not marry or convert to another faith without her parents'
consent, the presiding judge at Lahore High Court ruled in favour of the

Naira has been missing for almost 17 months. Her family filed an appeal to
the Supreme Court in February this year, but they are under increasing
pressure from local Muslims to drop the case.

In May 2000, eight Christian girls were allegedly gang raped by six Muslims.
Their case went before the Ferozwala District and Sessions Court in May 2002
and the judge ruled against the girls. It is widely believed that he did so
because of pressure from extremists who packed the courtroom at every stage
of the proceedings.

Minority women who are rape victims are often forcibly converted to Islam
and married to their rapists or sold into prostitution. According to a
ruling of the Lahore High Court, if a non-Muslim married woman converts to
Islam, her marriage is automatically dissolved. In some cases, the rape,
conversion, marriage and even subsequent divorce can take place in a single

In Pakistan, women who have been raped are at risk of being accused of
committing adultery, the penalty for which is death by stoning. To
successfully defend a charge of adultery, the burden falls on the victim to
prove rape, requiring four adult Muslim males to testify that they have
witnessed the act.

Pakistan has been a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) since 1981. CSW is calling on
the government of Pakistan to bring its law and practice in line with CEDAW.
CSW is also urging the government of Pakistan to bring to justice those
responsible for these crimes and to hold independent inquiries into those
officials who seem to have acted impartially in these cases.

Stuart Windsor, National Director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said:
"Shakeela's ordeal has had terrible consequences for her but the injustice
in the way her case is being dealt with by the authorities adds to her

"Women from minority religions such as Christianity have virtually no voice
in the Pakistani criminal justice system and Shakeela's case is an outrage
about which the international community should not be silent."

For more information contact Richard Chilvers at Christian Solidarity
Worldwide on



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 8, 2002, 1:24:05 PM7/8/02
From: "Mission Network News" <>
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: [mnn-news] Mission Network News

News headlines for July 5th 2002

(Israel)--Headlining today's news many Christians in Israel live in fear
today, fearful of when the next bomb may explode, or when soldiers will
overtake their neighborhood. That's the word from High Adventure
Ministries'[1] Jackie Michum-Yockey. Yockey says their staff needs a lot
of prayer. She says even their director sounds discouraged. "Isaac
Gronberg called in the other day. He was very tired - a lot of fatigue.
And of course that would affect our staff. I know when I get calls in
from the broadcasters as they're leaving they'll say, pray for us we still
got to go home." High Adventure broadcasts Christian programming from
Jerusalem. Yockey says despite the fear, fatigue and violence, these
problems are actually forcing people to ask questions. "We're getting an
excellent response. People are beginning to start wondering, hey maybe
those things that are in the Bible, are they true? And, we have people
call in."

(Sudan)--Next, there are fears that Sudan's civil war has recently reached
its deadliest phase. Civilian targets were hit this week by the Khartoum
government, resulting in more casualties. The conditions have
deteriorated to where security is despaired of by human rights groups.
Voice of the Martyrs'[2] Todd Nettleton. "We're very concerned about the
situation in south Sudan, particularly for the Christians there and for
our workers, and other aid workers who are there. The situation right now
is extremely unstable, and, in spite of all the good talk that we've
heard from the government in northern Sudan, good action has not
followed." Nettleton says, despite the danger, they have not abandoned
their project. Please pray. "I think we definitely still choose to stand
with the Christians in south Sudan who are being persecuted for their
faith. Some of the changes we've made will enable us to stay focused on
the Christians who are persecuted. Some of the things that we were
formerly doing, we have turned over to the Sudanese people."

(International)--The United Nations says AIDS will kill 70 million people
over the next 20 years unless efforts are stepped up to curb the disease.
The AIDS 2002 World Conference in Barcelona begins July 7th, and World
Vision International[3] is sending 11 delegates. They hope to help
mobilize the church and Christian community in the fight against the
pandemic. World Vision shares the hope of Christ as they work to meet
both physical and spiritual needs.



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 9, 2002, 8:53:58 PM7/9/02
Congregation's Activities Accused of 'Offending Society'
by Barbara G. Baker

ISTANBUL, July 9 (Compass) -- Turkish security police ordered a Protestant
Christian congregation meeting for 40 years in the southeastern port city of
Iskenderun to close its doors in mid June, declaring the church had "no
legal basis" and that its activities were harmful to society.

Pastor Yusuf Yasmin, 71, was served official notice by the security police
of Hatay province to close and stop all activities of the New Testament
Church in Iskenderun.

The abrupt two-page order was dated and delivered on June 14 to Yasmin, who
was ordered to remove the church sign and list of worship services from the
building by 5:00 p.m. the same day.

According to a copy of the directive obtained by Compass, the church was
ordered to close "because your activities will incite religious, sectarian
and dervish-order discrimination; will harm religious and national feelings;
and will create offense in the society."

Signed by District Security Director Salih Gokalp, the order declared that
the church's location had not been approved in the municipal zoning plan and
that no religious or other private education of any kind could be allowed on
the premises without the express permission of the Ministry of Education.

The church has met in its current location for the past seven years without
previous complaints from the Turkish authorities.

Yasmin and the majority of his congregation, averaging 80 to 90 worshippers
at Sunday services, are Turkish citizens from a variety of ethnic Christian
backgrounds. The Protestant church has met for worship in the city since
1963, although after its original place of worship was torn down in 1970,
the congregation met in the church facilities of the local Armenian Orthodox
Church for 25 years.

In 1995, the congregation purchased and moved into its own church facility
in Iskendurun's Piri Reis district, notifying local authorities on June 26,
1995, of the location and set times of worship, Bible studies and religious

In compliance with local zoning regulations, Yasmin informed all the other
owners of residences and shops in the building that his church had purchased
Flat C to be used as a place of Christian worship. "None of them had any
problem with this, and all of them signed the notarized forms giving their
consent," Yasmin said.

In an indirect admission, the police order acknowledges that "there is no
provision in our laws concerning the construction and use of 'places of
worship.'" But it goes on to insist that "it is not possible for places of
worship to be built in random places" under the country's zoning laws.

"We are not enemies of the state," a bewildered Yasmin said today by
telephone from Iskenderun. "We love our nation. So why are they doing this
to us?" After pastoring and preaching for 43 years, Yasmin admitted he had
found it very difficult to be forbidden to worship with his congregation for
the past month.

A lawyer retained by the New Testament Church confirmed today that he is
preparing to file a case later this week before the administrative courts on
behalf of the Iskenderun Protestants to regain their constitutional rights
to freedom of worship and religious activities.

Iskenderun is located just 25 miles from Antakya (ancient Antioch), where
the New Testament says Christ's followers were first called Christians. With
a population of 160,000 population, Iskenderun still bears the name of its
4th century B.C. founder, Alexander the Great.


Copyright 2002 Compass Direct

Compass Direct Flash News is distributed as available to raise awareness of
Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith. Articles may be
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Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 12, 2002, 4:49:10 AM7/12/02
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 5:25 AM
Subject: [MNet] 11 July 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

MissionNet is a ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

A United Nations report released last week on human development in
Arab countries shows that countries lacking fundamental freedoms are
also likely to suffer underdevelopment in key areas, including
education, technology, and the economy. The report on the Arab
League's 22-member nations unveiled at the League's Cairo headquarters
indicates that Arab countries are the least free in individual
liberties, civil participation and press freedom. It also points out
that more than half of Arab women are illiterate, and female
participation in government is the lowest in the world. The report,
prepared by some 50 Arab scholars under the direction of the U.N.
Development Program, demonstrates the correlation between the
restriction of fundamental human freedoms and continued
underdevelopment. Compared to other world regions, Arab countries had
the lowest freedom score in the late 1990s. The attitudes of Arab
public authorities ranged from opposition to manipulation to "freedom
under surveillance," according to the report. It also says the media
is at best "partly free." Labor productivity has been low and is
declining, and Arab countries have not developed as quickly as other
comparable regions, the report notes. (Adventist News Network)

Millions of people in Southeast Africa are at risk of starving if
something isn't done soon. World Concern's Kelly Miller says the
people of Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Angola are most at
risk. "To date there are upwards of 13 million people at risk of not
having enough food to eat. It's not a potential situation," said
Miller. "It is already a phenomenally huge crisis ... one that needs
immediate response today, tomorrow and weeks and months to come to
avert a lot of death and help get people back on their feet."
According to Miller, relief coupled with the gospel is the key to
seeing many people turn to Christ. "Communicating the truth of the
gospel obviously is needed, but if somebody is not alive, it doesn't
do them a whole lot of good, so the physical care is a complete
reflection of Christ and the love of God." (Mission Network News)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 12, 2002, 4:47:13 AM7/12/02
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 5:25 AM
Subject: [MNet] 11 July 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

MissionNet is a ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:



Today's News Stories:



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 18, 2002, 12:10:50 AM7/18/02
From: "The Voice of the Martyrs" <gpe...@PERSECUTION.NET>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 3:06 AM
Subject: The Persecution & Prayer Alert (July 17, 2002)

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, July 17, 2002

A summary of news concerning the Persecuted Church and how you can

Attention all Canadians! If you have not yet added your voice to
Canada's public apology to the people of south Sudan, go to

1. Church Groups Attacked by Mobs (Georgia)
2. Attacks on Christians Raise Fear of Retaliation (Indonesia)
3. Police Question Activities of Church Leaders (Latvia)
4. Witnessing for Christ from Death Row (Pakistan)
5. Question of the Week


1. Church Groups Attacked by Mobs (Georgia)

Two Orthodox priests led an attack on a Russian-speaking Pentecostal
church in the Nadzaladevi district of Tbilisi over the weekend,
resulting in several people being beaten. "They arrived to blockade the
house on Friday evening," the daughter of Pastor Nikolai Kalutsky told
Keston Institute. "On Saturday, incited by the priests, the mob of about
thirty or forty people burst into the house, beat people, frightened the
children, stole Bibles, rummaged through people's bags and uttered very
many threats - to the believers and to our family." Unlike similar
attacks in the past, the police arrived to intervene and help the

In a separate incident, a mob led by two Orthodox priests attacked a
Catholic pilgrimage in eastern Georgia on July 3. They told the
pilgrims that they had no right to walk in their diocese.

The headquarters of a leading human rights organization in Tbilisi was
also attacked. According to eyewitnesses, ten to fifteen young men
walked into the headquarters of Liberty Institute around 2:30 p.m. on
July 10. Without saying a word, they severely beat the director and
other staff and smashed computers, furniture and other equipment. While
the Liberty Institute is not a Christian organization, they have been
working vigorously to confront the religious mob violence and
intolerance that has led to many attacks on non-Orthodox groups in the

Pray for safety for the believers in Georgia. Pray that there will be
increasing tolerance among the authorities and the Orthodox Church
leadership toward other religious groups in the country.

2. Attacks on Christians Raise Fear of Retaliation (Indonesia)

Mob violence has struck again in Indonesia, with several Christians
injured and homes destroyed. Christian Aid Mission reported that, on
July 12, 10 Christians were traveling by vehicle to Ruku, near Tobelo on
the northern Halmahera Island when they were attacked by a mob of around
300 people armed with rocks and machetes. The driver was struck several
times, but managed to get away. No one was killed, but several were
injured and admitted to hospital in Tobelo.

Nearby, the village of Tolonuo on a small island two kilometres from
Tobelo also came under attack. Though the village was guarded by the
Brawijaya 512 (a division of military from East Java), it was reported
that the military watched passively and did nothing to protect the
Christians or their property.

The Christians fled the village in canoes, but it was reported that one
family was left behind. There is no news on the fate of that family.
When the villagers fled, the Muslim mob looted and destroyed the homes.

While Christians have not retaliated for these and similar attacks,
church leaders in Tobelo are concerned that the fear and anger could
lead to a violent response. Any action could give militant Muslim
groups justification to attack.

Pray that the peace of Christ will rule in the hearts and minds of the
Christians. Pray that they will stand firm in the face of provocation
and will not repay evil for evil. Pray that the authorities will
respond to stop the violence from escalating further.

3. Police Question Activities of Church Leaders (Latvia)

The head of the Confessional Lutheran Church in Latvia, Gundars Bakulis,
has raised concerned about a "dangerous precedent" of police questioning
of leaders of local congregations about their activity. According to
Keston Institute, this church group has been denied registration as a
"religious association" under Latvia's religion law, but instead has
the lesser status of a "new religious movement", which requires
registration to be renewed every year for the first ten years.

Acting under instructions from the Religious Affairs Board of the
Interior Ministry, police interviewed Bakulis as well as lay members of
the church. Ringolds Balodis, the head of the Religious Affairs Board,
told Keston that he had no knowledge of any police questioning of
Confessional Lutheran leaders and he denied that there was any demand
that the municipal authorities or the police question individual members
of such communities. "We don't ask them to go and ask questions."
However, police showed Bakulis a letter from the Board asking for very
detailed information.

While the police were polite, actions such as this raise concerns about
government interference in this former Soviet republic. The lay members
were also quite upset about having police coming to their homes to
interview them.

Pray that the freedom of religion enjoyed in Latvia will not be
jeopardized in any way and that the Gospel of Christ will continue to
spread throughout this country.

4. Witnessing for Christ from Death Row (Pakistan)

Though locked in solitary confinement awaiting a death sentence, Ayub
Masih has found ways to continue serving the Lord. Though he has little
contact with other prisoners, in part for his own protection, he has
found ways of ministering to others around him. According to a July 11
news release from Open Doors USA, Ayub told his family recently that as
a result of conversations, Bible reading and prayer with a fellow
prisoner, Ashraf Masih, "Ashraf has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord."
Ayub has designed a system with mirrors so they can see each other while
Ayub reads his Bible and prays with Ashraf.

Ayub has also been writing extensively about his spiritual journey,
including several of his favorite scriptures such as "Love your
enemies."; "God works all things together for good to those who love
Him."; "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in

In 1998, Ayub Masih was sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy. His
appeals have repeatedly been denied and his case is presently before the
Pakistani Supreme Court.

Praise God for these opportunities to minister for Christ in the midst
of suffering. Pray that God will continue to give him strength of mind,
heart, and body. Pray that the Supreme Court will rule quickly on his
case and that he will soon be free. Pray for others facing death or
life in prison in Pakistan under similar charges.

5. Question of the Week

Stories of victory in the midst of suffering can be an encouragement and
challenge to us. As we reflect on the testimony of Christians like Ayub
Masih, our question this week is: "If you were sentenced to prison for
your faith, what Bible verses would be the greatest comfort to you?"

We welcome your thoughts and comments. To participate in our
discussion, go to and click on "Discussion Forum."
If you have not registered on our forum in the past, click on "Register"
and select a username and password.

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the
Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit,
Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)

Contact Person: Glenn Penner, Communications Officer.



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 19, 2002, 1:04:36 AM7/19/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines


Today's News Stories


Two Orthodox priests led an attack on a Russian-speaking Pentecostal

church in the Nadzaladevi district of Tbilisi, Georgia, last weekend,

resulting in several people being beaten. "They arrived to blockade
the house on Friday evening," the daughter of Pastor Nikolai Kalutsky
told Keston Institute. "On Saturday, incited by the priests, the mob
of about thirty or forty people burst into the house, beat people,
frightened the children, stole Bibles, rummaged through people's bags

and uttered very many threats -- to the believers and to our family."

Unlike similar attacks in the past, the police arrived to intervene
and help the people. In a separate incident, a mob led by two Orthodox
priests attacked a Catholic pilgrimage in eastern Georgia on July 3.
They told the pilgrims that they had no right to walk in their

diocese. (VOM)

The lawyer for a Protestant church in the town of Kostroma, 370
kilometres (230 miles) from Moscow, has condemned a court ruling that
has once again given the go-ahead for a suit to liquidate the church
based on secretly filmed footage of a religious service. The regional
public prosecutor has been seeking to have the Kostroma Christian
Centre closed down for what he claims is the use of hypnosis during
services. "This is a dangerous precedent," the church's lawyer,
Vladimir Ryakhovsky, told Keston News Service. He said the Slavic
Centre for Law and Justice, of which he is a director, intended to
lodge a complaint in the Russian Supreme Court against the decision to
declare secret recordings of services admissible. He called the ruling
"a scandalous violation of citizens' privacy".(Keston News Service)

Missionary Prabash works in an area of India inhabited by tribal
Hindus and some Muslims. They speak Oriya, Telegu, Kui, Bongu, and
Adivasi languages. There is no school within 25 miles. "The people are
very illiterate, just like in the Stone Age," Prabash said. "In these
remote villages some men and women don't even wear clothes." Recently
his wife was attacked by the deadly "dengue" fever. Many people in the
area died from this disease, but God was merciful and his wife
recovered. Later, while Prabash was conducting village evangelism he
was bitten by a deadly poisonous snake. "Many people bitten by that
kind of snake died," Prabash said, "but God delivered me from that
snake poison. God is so good to us." Prabash preaches an average of
seven times a week, and in the last six months led 296 Bible studies
or prayer meetings. Even without a motorbike, Prabash and his
disciples were able to take the gospel to seven villages in the last
six months. "Many people were open to the gospel and asked us to come
back," he said. But one village bitterly opposed them. "They chased us
out of the village and severely beat our team members," he said. One
person was struck in the eye with a bamboo stick and lost sight in
that eye due to damage to the optical nerve. "But the enemy couldn't
stop us," Prabash told Christian Aid. "We led 97 people to faith in
Christ." (Christian Aid)

Niger is rated by the United Nations as the second poorest country in
the world after Sierra Leone. The vast majority of the children are
not being educated, resulting in a high illiteracy rate, which can
complicate evangelistic work. However, SIM's Janna Henze works with
the youth through the urban outreach program. "We have a weekly
evangelism meeting ... we have about 50 kids that come each week. We
have a two-hour program. We start and play simple games like checkers
or Parcheesi. Then we have a half hour of a video, and then we go into
a Bible story, and then we do the rest of the video." Henze says in
spite of the fact that Niger is 80 percent Muslim, the young people
are hearing the gospel message. "A lot of them don't even have
electricity in their own homes, so the video is a real draw to get
them to come to the event. We kind of sandwich the Bible story in the
middle so they get exposure to who Christ is and why He came."
(Mission Network News)

Despite interest in spiritual matters being sparked by the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, Americans' confidence in religious institutions is
at a 30-year low. According to an annual Gallup Poll, just 45 percent
expressed trust in organized religion. In comparison, the
televangelist scandals in 1989 regarding sex and money pushed down
American confidence in religion to 52 percent, "The Washington Times"
reported. But while the Protestant confidence rate of 59 percent is
about the same as a year ago, Catholic trust plummeted to 42 percent,
which is largely blamed on the sex-abuse scandal. For this year's
Gallup survey on 16 kinds of institutions, religion ranked sixth.
First was the U.S. military, with 79 percent of respondents saying
they had a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence. In contrast,
only 26 percent of respondents had a great deal of confidence, and
just 9 percent had quite a lot of confidence in organized religion.
Between 1973 and the mid-1980s, religion ranked the highest of all
institutions in confidence ratings, the "Times" reported. The poll,
which interviewed 1,020 adults, found religion lagged behind the
police (59 percent), the president (58 percent), the U.S. Supreme
Court (50 percent) and banks (47 percent) on the confidence scale, the
"Times" reported. (Charisma News Service)

Two ministries assisted by Christian Aid were honored at the India
Missions Association Silver Jubilee National Conference in Bangalore,
June 26-28. Gospel Echoing Missionary Association located in Chennai
(Madras) but working primarily in the new state of Jharkhand (formerly
part of Bihar State) was honored for "Excellence in Training." GEMS
operates two elementary schools, three children's homes and seven
daycare centers and has 370 workers serving among them plus other
mission stations and churches in Jharkhand. P.M. Thomas, head of
Himalaya Evangelical Mission in Uttar Pradesh State, also received the
prestigious Yokefellow Award by the Direct Mission Aid Society of
Annandale, Minnesota. The award honors those who have excellent
educational, medical or other social outreach programs along with
their evangelical witness. Thomas pioneered the ministry, which began
in Jammu-Kashmir as Kashmir Evangelical Fellowship, in 1953.
(Christian Aid)

Former President of RBC Ministries Richard De Haan, 79, passed away on
July 16, after a long illness. De Haan was the voice of Radio Bible
Class, a weekly program for more than 30 years. In 1968, De Haan added
the nationally syndicated television program Day of Discovery. The
program originated in St. Petersburg, FL. The son of RBC Founder M. R.
De Haan, Richard took over the ministry in 1965 when his father passed
away. (NRB)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 21, 2002, 2:33:11 PM7/21/02
To: "HCJB Daily" <>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 11:33 PM
Subject: [Daily Update] 19 July 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines


Today's News Stories

Christians in the Plateau State of central Nigeria have been killed
and forced from their land by extremist Islamic militants. Attacks
have been mounted against Christians in the area surrounding Jos,
leaving several dead and many more wounded and displaced. Christians
in a village outside Jos were roused from sleep by church bells at 5
a.m. on a morning at the end of June. When they began making their way
to church thinking it was the bell for morning prayers, they were
ambushed by Islamic militants from the Hausa and Fulani tribes. Four
were killed and 20 injured. During the last three weeks of June,
several churches were burned, shops and homes looted, and Christian
property destroyed in Yelwa Shendam. Christians were chased out of the
town and were forced to take refuge in Jos. In a separate incident in
Wase, Christians were attacked and killed and no church building was
left standing. Farmland and crops were destroyed and all the
Christians there were forced to flee to Langtan. (Christian Solidarity

Vishal Mangalwadi, one of the best-known Christian writers in India,
sees signs of a "religious revolution" in India. Driven by "a
spirituality of hate" at the heart of the conflict between Pakistan
and India, Muslims and Hindus are heading towards war, while a growing
number of people are looking for a way out of the established Hindu
caste system. Some 50 million 'Forward Caste' Maratas in Western
India, for example, are considering starting a new religion. Some
members of the lower "Backward and Forward castes" are starting to
open to the gospel, with unpredictable consequences for India's
religious structure. "In my Northern Indian hometown Allahabad, 7,000
new believers meet in one church -- mega-churches in Northern India,
who would believe it?! And 12 groups have planted 2,000 house churches
in a state in the heart of the Hindu North, and hope to reach 1
million new churches in the next 10 years. We should not forget the
role of the written word in this coming revolution," Mangalwadi
continues. "Not many remember that the Protestant Reformation was
mainly the work of writers, translators, printers, illustrators and
preachers. In every important Reformation city in Europe, six or seven
printing companies were busy around the clock, and religious
literature dominated Europe for the following 350 years." (FridayFax)

More than 50 percent of the current Chinese government is expected to
retire this year, making room for a new generation of leadership and
change. The Chinese church is facing the same issues, and new leaders
are focusing on pastors' training to strengthen the church. Aside from
the Bible school they're helping to build, China Partner's Erik
Burklin says there are other developments in Jiangxi Province. "In
addition to this Bible school, there are 17 small training centers now
that are all conducting short-term training courses for mostly poor,
grassroots pastors; most of them are farmers. These are happening in
all registered churches all across that province." Burklin says the
robust lifebeat of the church in China means the future is bright.
"What was so thrilling for me was to see the devotion and spiritual
fervor of the their students there; it just thrills me to see a new
generation of Christian leaders being trained for their future
ministry in China." (Mission Network News)

A professor recently filed a lawsuit against a college affiliated with
the United Methodist Church, charging that her salary was cut and her
teaching duties taken away after she distributed a Christian magazine
in her classroom. Janis Price, an elementary education teacher at
DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind., ran into trouble after she put
out copies of "Teachers in Focus," a publication produced by Focus on
the Family, United Methodist News Service (UMNS) reported. The copies
she distributed featured articles on combating pro-gay activism in
schools, but a student in Price's class filed a complaint. "She never
instructed from the magazines or assigned anything from the
magazines," said John Price, an attorney representing the professor
but no relation to her, UMNS reported. Several weeks later, DePauw
officials told Price that her salary was being reduced 25 percent and
her job responsibilities were changing, her attorney said. In her
lawsuit, Price says officials told her that her actions were
"intolerable." A full-time employee at DePauw since 1992, Price is
still with the school, but is no longer teaching classes. In her
lawsuit, she is requesting that her teaching duties and full salary be
restored, and that the disciplinary action against her be dropped. The
case will go to trial this fall, UMNS reported. (Charisma News

There were banners waving, hands upraised, smiles and tears, old
people and children lifting their voices as one in worship,
intercession and gratitude. This may not seem so remarkable except
that the 450 people present represented 20 Mexican churches of many
denominations. This unprecedented "Fiesta Familiar Jesucristo 2001"
took place at an outdoor theater in Chiconautla, a hillside community
on the outskirts of Mexico City. Even a couple of years ago,
cooperation between churches and denominations was unheard of, not
only in Chiconautla, but in many parts of Latin America.
Denominational lines have typically made evangelistic efforts
disjointed at best and competitive at worst. Two years ago, when
Manuel Vivanco, Latin America Mission (LAM) missionary and pastor of
the Iglesia Bautista Bet-lehem in Chiconautla, saw a video entitled
Transformations (by Global Net Productions), he caught a vision for
what God could do through the united efforts of Evangelical churches
that were willing to lay aside their differences for the sake of the
kingdom. Manuel saw in these remarkable stories two common threads --
focused prayer and unity among churches. If God could radically
transform other cities for Christ, why not his city? Having ministered
in Chiconautla for almost 15 years, Manuel was well aware of the lack
of cooperation between the Evangelical churches. So in November 2000,
he contacted the pastors of the 28 churches in the area and invited
them to a breakfast at Iglesia Bet-lehem where they were given a copy
of the Transformation video. The eight pastors who attended viewed the
video together and began praying that God would do the same thing in
their midst. "I'm amazed and delighted at what God is doing," says
Manuel. "Our initial expectations have already been surpassed. In the
past year, the number of churches involved has more than doubled."

Up to 60 people were feared buried under tons of mud on Wednesday
after a landslide in southern Ecuador engulfed a dozen vehicles on a
remote highway, officials said. Red Cross rescue director Daniel
Arteaga told Reuters workers recovered the body of a teenage girl at
the site some 170 miles southeast of Quito, and the state Civil
Defense Agency said scores more people were feared buried. Arteaga
estimated more than a dozen vehicles, including two buses, were
trapped by the slide on Tuesday that swallowed a section of road in
the jungle province of Morona Santiago on the eastern flanks of the
Andes leading to the Amazon region. Downpours and dense fog made
rescue efforts difficult and frequently forced workers to retreat from
the area out of fears for their own safety. According to the Civil
Defense Agency, cattle remains and car parts have been found in the
mud along the road, which was 500 feet deep in some places. Heavy
rainfall is common on the eastern flanks of the Andes mountains and
Amazon jungle in July and August, and often triggers landslides and
floods. (Reuters)



Rowland Croucher
(Now 7000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jul 23, 2002, 7:18:40 AM7/23/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 178 - Tues 23 July 2002


It is not uncommon to hear of Christian girls in Pakistan being
violently raped. These girls are either victims of a vicious hate
crime or a reprisal attack after they have shared or professed their
faith or refused the advances of Muslim men. It is also not uncommon
to find that when these attacks are brought to the courts, the
courts rule in favour of the rapists. This sort of injustice merely
sanctions more violence. It says that anyone who wishes to, may
violently assault Christians without fear of the law.

On 15 June, a young Pakistani Christian girl named Gulnaz (17) from
the slums of Faisalabad, was attacked with acid for refusing the
sexual advances of a group of Muslim men. These men, who worked
where Gulnaz worked, had first insulted her before trying to seduce
her. They tried to get to her leave Christianity and embrace Islam.
Eventually, because Gulnaz could not get support from her employer
to stop the harassment, she resigned her job. Before that day was
over however, Gulnaz was sexually assaulted by one of these men, who
manhandled her inappropriately. Gulnaz fought him off and he angrily
threatened to get revenge.

The following day when Gulnaz went to collect her pay, this man and
his friends were waiting for her. They attacked her with sulphuric
acid. She is severely burnt on her face, neck, breasts arms and
legs. Acid was put in her eyes and down her throat. She may die from
her injuries. Her parents, who are extremely poor, are under great
pressure to accept money and not file charges.

Presently Pakistan is in the spotlight because of the international
attention brought to bear on a girl who was publicly pack-raped at
the decision of a Punjabi tribal council, in order to punish her
family over an alleged misdemeanour (one that in actual fact never
occurred). The event has caused national and international outrage
and President Musharraf is demanding justice. Let's pray that
Christian girls will also be considered worthy of justice.


* Gulnaz and her family to know the presence and love of God in the
midst of this terribly trial (Rom 8:35-39), and that their faith
will remain strong and that God would mercifully bless them.

* healing for Gulnaz, that God would touch her.

* All Christian girls in Pakistan who are especially vulnerable to
hate crimes, especially rape - may God protect them.

* Discriminatory laws (such as the blasphemy law) to be removed from
Pakistan's penal code, and that social discrimination and
persecution against Christians will not be reinforced and sanctioned
through lack of justice in the courts.

"The Lord despises those who acquit the guilty and condemn the
innocent." Proverbs 17:15 Pray for justice.



In Pakistan, Christian girls are regularly the victims of vicious
hate crimes, especially rape. The situation is made worse when,
either the police refuse to report the rape or the courts rule in
favour of the rapists. Either way, justice is not done, giving
sanction to more violence. On 15 June, a 17 yr-old Christian girl
named Gulnaz from the slums of Faisalabad was attacked with acid for
refusing the sexual advances of a group of Muslim men who despised
her Christian profession and moral integrity. Her family is being
pressured to accept money and not lay charges. The issue of violence
against women in Pakistan is presently under the spotlight of the
international media. Let's pray that Christian girls will also be
considered worthy of justice.

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RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.

Elizabeth Kendal researched and authored this message.

Rowland Croucher

Jul 23, 2002, 9:16:02 PM7/23/02
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:50 AM

Subject: Detained Vietnamese Church leader released after sit down protest
by Church


For immediate release

July 23 2002


A Vietnamese church leader arrested for his religious activities, was
released after a sit down protest in a police station by members of his

Pastor Nguyen Dang Chi, 39, who leads a church in Phu Ly, Tri An, in
Vietnam, was arrested on July 6.

He was held in a cell for 24 hours, with his feet shackled and was denied
water, a blanket, and the use of a toilet. Despite the conditions, he sang
hymns and prayed through the night.

The following day, more than 20 of his congregation went to the offices of
the Phu Ly Commune security police and demanded to be allowed to visit their

When this request was denied, they staged a sit down protest until midnight
when the security forces eventually released Pastor Chi.

Pastor Chi and his church, which grew rapidly from a few people in 1995 to
more than 800 today, have faced harassment from the Communist authorities
from the outset.

The authorities questioned the validity of Pastor Chi's ordination
certificate and ordered him to ask permission to preach. When he submitted
the forms as requested, he was forbidden from preaching as he did not have
written permission. His ID papers were repeatedly confiscated and this was
followed by frequent fines. He was repeatedly summoned for interrogation,
and when he insisted on asserting the right to religious freedom and his
responsibility to preach the gospel, he was arrested.

A statement from believers in Vietnam says: "The lives of religious
believers in Vietnam are still suffering an epidemic of abuse.

"Even to quietly preach the Gospel is like a thorn in the face of the
regime. Why? Because the Communist regime wants to implement the policy of
keeping its citizens ignorant, prevent them from becoming moral and
educated, and from exploring the basis for religious faith. For as long as
citizens have faith, and as long as citizens have a basis for morality in
religious faith, the Communists will not be able to force people into their
atheistic ideology."

Earlier this month, CSW urged the UN Human Rights Committee to raise concern
about the frequent abuses of Protestant Christians in Vietnam and the
country's breaches of its obligations to respect religious freedom under the
UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

CSW cited numerous incidents of abuse, violence, restrictions and harassment
instigated by the Vietnamese authorities against the Protestant community in
Vietnam. CSW also submitted a list of 12 evangelical pastors currently in
prison in Vietnam.

The Committee raised concern over religious freedom with the Vietnamese
authorities, specifically highlighting refusal to recognise religious
groups, misuse of laws on religion and restrictions on religious activities,
including training of religious personnel."

Mervyn Thomas, Chief Executive of CSW, said: "The mistreatment of Pastor
Chi, including how he was held with his feet shackled and without water, a
blanket or even the use of a toilet, is a disgrace. It is the height of
duplicity for Vietnam to come before the UN claiming it practises religious
freedom while it is carrying out such flagrant abuses of this right.

"We commend the bravery of the congregation in taking a stance, but sadly
believe the report from inside the country suggesting that Pastor Chi and
his congregation will surely face more serious abuse in the future. We call
on Vietnam to honour its international commitments and truly protect the
right to religious freedom."

For more information, contact Richard Chilvers at Christian Solidarity
Worldwide or go to

Rowland Croucher

Aug 4, 2002, 7:56:17 AM8/4/02
From: Gail Wahlquist
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 5:25 AM
Subject: Flash News: Ethiopia

Global News from the Frontlines

Local Police Fail to Respond During Attack
by Barbara G. Baker

ISTANBUL, August 2 (Compass) -- A mob of Orthodox Church members led by
priests attacked and killed an evangelical Christian pastor in his home two
weeks ago in Merawi, a town in northwestern Ethiopia.

According to an Ethiopian evangelical who visited Merawi on July 21, Brother
Dantew was fatally injured on the evening of July 17, several hours after he
had asked for police protection for his church's new property and its

A teacher by profession, Dantew was the leading elder in Merawi's Full
Gospel Church. Last May, authorities allocated land to the congregation for
a church compound.

But when the congregation started to fence their new property on July 15,
local Orthodox Church leaders reacted violently. That evening, a mob came
and tore down the fence the church had built. Dantew informed the police and
applied for their protection in writing. The next day they started
constructing the fence again.

A night later, priests from the Mecha Wored Orthodox Church organized a
larger, agitated mob to attack the compound; the attackers dismantled the
fence and a storeroom on the property. Dantew sent messengers to the local
police station for help. Oddly, they found it unmanned.

By 9 p.m. that night, the evangelicals had fled to their homes, which they
locked and barricaded after hearing gun shots. "We were hoping that the
police would come to our rescue," said some of the evangelicals. "But it did
not happen."

A half hour later, eyewitnesses said, a large mob surrounded Dantew's house,
throwing stones and breaking down the fence and main gate. They smashed the
doors, tore windows out of their frames and even dismantled the roof.

When Dantew's wife, Tsige, was hit in the face by a stone, he begged her to
try to escape from the house, which she managed to do. When the attackers
got inside, they assaulted Dantew, finally felling him with an axe blow to
the head. This left him bleeding from a gaping wound.

Dantew's two teenage sons, 15 and 17, hid under the bed with a woman
servant. When the attackers discovered them and wanted to beat them, the
Orthodox priest directing the attack ordered them not to harm them,
reportedly saying, "We want only the main leader."

The attackers ransacked the house, stealing or smashing everything, then
left guards behind to prevent anyone from rescuing Dantew through the night.
This included a neighboring doctor who asked to treat his injuries.

The house servant was allowed to leave, but Dantew's two sons spent the
night in the same room with their dying father. When the guards left the
next morning, Dantew was alive, but very weak. He died mid-morning on July
18 while his wife was taking him to the hospital.

The homes of eight other evangelical families also came under attack that
night, which left their furniture and belongings destroyed. A believer
identified as Melkamu was hospitalized from a severe beating with axes and
sticks. His wife broke her left leg jumping from the fence around their
compound while attempting to escape. The next morning, some 50 evangelicals
fled to Bahir Dar, 25 miles away, to take refuge in the Full Gospel Church

Local police who failed to intervene in the attack later declared that the
situation was "beyond their capacity," the visiting source said.
Reinforcements summoned from Bahir Dar only arrived mid-morning on July 18,
after the incident was over.

Full Gospel Church leaders requested a formal investigation into the attack
by Bahir Dar authorities, resulting in the arrest of some 40 Orthodox Church
members, including six priests. Three of the priests were identified as
Melake Selam, Merigeta Bekatu and Meriget Addis.

Some 60 miles northwest of the capital Addis Ababa, Merawi has two
evangelical churches -- the Meserete Kirstos Church and the Full Gospel

Since Protestant activities began in the area in 1987, both churches have
faced growing persecution from the majority Orthodox Church leadership, who
consider them a heretical sect and call them derisively "Pentes," or

"Persecution has happened sporadically, by means of beatings, robbery and
social isolation," one evangelical believer said.

Over the past 40 years, Protestant Ethiopians have grown rapidly from less
than 200,000 to 12 million, nearly 20 percent of the population.


Copyright 2002 Compass Direct

Compass Direct Flash News is distributed as available to raise awareness of
Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith. Articles may be
reprinted by active subscribers only.

For subscription information, contact:

Compass Direct

Gail Wahlquist
Compass Direct News Service

Rowland Croucher

Aug 4, 2002, 7:51:21 AM8/4/02
From: "HCJB World Radio" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: [Daily Update] 2 August 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Indigenous mission groups in northern India report that three
missionaries have been beaten and threatened in recent days. In
Haryana state, police woke a missionary and four other church members
in the middle of the night last week and took them into custody on
apparent false accusations. They spent the night in jail with an angry
mob surrounding the building. Later, non-Christian friends helped
secure the release of the believers. That same evening a residents'
committee met to decide whether a local church planter and his family
could remain in the village. Assailants had broken into this worker's
church in April and tried to stop the meeting, accusing him of trying
to "convert" people by giving them money. He filed a police report
despite threats on his life if he told anyone about the incident. In
Madhya Pradesh state another missionary, his wife and daughter were
attacked in the night while they slept, beaten by a tribal group with
whom they had been sharing the gospel. Three years ago local officials
bulldozed this same missionary's 30-year-old church building, causing
many members of the congregation to leave the church out of fear.
(Christian Aid Mission)

* In partnership with FEBA Radio, HCJB World Radio airs weekly
Christian programs to eastern India via shortwave in two languages:
Chattisgarhi and Mundari. HCJB World Radio also broadcasts 11/2 hours
of English programming daily to India via shortwave from South
America. The ministry is investigating potential opportunities to help
launch local Christian stations in key cities across India.

Three Catholic priests in China were sentenced to three years of
forced labor for carrying out their ministry without the consent of
the communist authorities, reported Zenit. Chinese security police
arrested Pang Yongxing, 30, in his home in December. Then, during the
Easter season, both Ma Shunbao, 50, and Wang Limao, 32, were arrested
while celebrating mass. The three priests belong to the underground
church in Baoding, Hebei. On July 7 they were sentenced to a labor
camp for "disturbing the peace of society" under the "cult" law and
have been transferred to the Balizhuang labor camp in Baoding. (Voice
of the Martyrs)

Heavy rains are again causing severe flooding in Asia, devastating
parts of the Indian subcontinent. In the Indian state of Assam more
than 750,000 people from 830 villages have been affected. The
situation is similar in Bangladesh where 500,000 people have been
directly affected. In Nepal the heaviest rain in 30 years fell on
Kathmandu, and in some places was the heaviest in more than 200 years.
A local mission leader said that water in the Chopar Gorge that helps
drain the Kathmandu Valley had risen to depth of 30 feet. Two entire
Rai villages in eastern Nepal were washed away, and flood-induced
landslides in central Nepal had killed 110 people belonging to the
Chepang tribe. More than 3,760 houses had been reported damaged or
lost as of last Friday. Baptist World Aid, the relief and development
arm of the Baptist World Alliance, is one of many aid organizations
that are sending funds and funds and relief supplies to the region. At
least two villages in Bangladesh, including two churches, have been
swept away by the floods. "Sadly, floods in this part of the world are
all too regular, but that does not mean that we stand idly by," says
Baptist World Aid Director Paul Montacute. (Baptist World
Alliance/Christian Aid Mission)

Today (Aug. 2) was to have been the day the Autocephalous Orthodox
church in the village of Pahranichny close to Belarus' western border
with Poland was consecrated. Instead, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, the
village was surrounded by troops in camouflage uniforms, all roads
were blocked off, and the church was destroyed. Cranes and bulldozers
were brought in, together with a bus full of people to conduct the
demolition. "They destroyed the church completely," said church
official Aleksandr Antonyuk. The church has repeatedly been denied
registration in Belarus, and various officials have described the
church as being a "nonexistent religious group" even though it has
some 70 parishes in the country. The demolition is believed to be the
first case where a place of worship in any of the former Soviet
republics outside of Central Asia has been deliberately destroyed to
prevent religious activity from taking place. (Keston News Service)


Despite interest in spiritual matters being sparked by the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, Americans' confidence in religious institutions is

at a 30-year low. An annual Gallup Poll indicates that just 45 percent

expressed trust in organized religion. In comparison, the

televangelist scandals in 1989 pushed down American confidence in

religion to 52 percent, The Washington Times reported. But while the
Protestant confidence rate of 59 percent is about the same as a year
ago, Catholic trust plummeted to 42 percent, which is largely blamed
on the sex-abuse scandal. For this year's Gallup survey on 16 kinds of

institutions, religion ranked sixth. First was the U.S. military with
79 percent. Between 1973 and the mid-1980s, religion ranked the
highest of all institutions in confidence ratings. The poll, which

interviewed 1,020 adults, found religion lagged behind the police (59
percent), the president (58 percent), the U.S. Supreme Court (50

percent) and banks (47 percent) on the confidence scale. (Ministries

Rowland Croucher

Aug 5, 2002, 9:47:24 PM8/5/02
From: "HCJB World Radio" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:55 AM
Subject: [Daily Update] 5 August 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Gunmen attacked the Murree Christian School in Pakistan at about noon
today (Aug. 5). The attackers fired shots indiscriminately after
walking into the school compound. The dead were identified as security
guards and staff. No students were among the dead. At least three
others were wounded. As many as five attackers then fled on
motorcycles and on foot into the nearby woods. The school, established
in 1956, trains children of missionaries in Pakistan and neighboring
countries. Almost 150 students attend the school, many of them
children of missionaries from foreign countries, including the U.S.
"This latest attack on Christians in Pakistan is further indication of
the volatility of this nation and extremists' response to faiths other
than Islam," said Open Doors President Terry Madison. "Understandably,
Christians in Pakistan are nervous and concerned. This most recent
attack should be a motivator for all Christians in America to pray for
our beleaguered brothers and sisters in Pakistan." (Assist News

All three kidnapped aid workers from World Vision have been freed in
southern Sudan. The first of three hostages, a German, was released on
Aug. 1, while a second German and a Kenyan were released and flown out
to Kenya two days later. The three had been abducted July 29 by a
rebel splinter group in the village of Waat. Kenyan World Vision
worker Charles Kibbe, 46, was killed when armed rebels first stormed a
prison in the village of Waat, then ambushed the nearby World Vision
camp and took the development workers hostage. (Evangelical News
Agency IDEA)

Hmong listeners to Christian programs from Far East Broadcasting Co.
(FEBC) are giving explicit reports about the severe persecution that
they are experiencing. One Hmong listener in Vietnam sent a cassette
with this message: "At this time we don't know why our government has
sent soldiers and policemen to guard all of the Christian villages. It
seems as if we are criminals or are preparing to do something against
the government. They watch every one of us very closely. We cannot
hold church meetings any more. These officials have also come to check
every Christian home and check for Bibles, hymnbooks and other
literature. If they find anything, it will be burned." Christian
households that do not display "spirit signs" are fined the equivalent
of US$10 (more than a month's salary for many area residents), and
Christians can be jailed with no questions asked. "Because of these
difficult times, many of our church leaders have sold their homes,
their land, livestock and have moved to the south," says the listener.
"This alternative is very hard, because it takes four days to relocate
to the south, and the journey is across hard terrain. The biggest
heartache is leaving our homes behind." (FEBC)

A mob of Orthodox Church members led by priests recently attacked and
killed an evangelical Christian pastor in his home in the town of
Merawi in northwestern Ethiopia. The pastor, named Dantew, was fatally
injured just hours after he had asked for police protection for his
church's new property and its members. Dantew, a teacher, was the
leading elder in Merawi's Full Gospel Church. The problems began last
May when authorities allocated land to the congregation for a church

compound. But when the congregation started to fence their new

property on July 15, local Orthodox Church leaders reacted violently,
and an angry mob tore down the fence. The next evening priests from
the Mecha Wored Orthodox Church incited a larger mob to attack the
compound, dismantling the fence, damaging the facilities and forcing
the workers to flee to their homes. Then the mob attacked Dantew and
his family in their home, and he died from his injuries on July 18.

The ongoing drug war in Colombia has created warlords, rebels and
countless victims. Escalating violence against Christians has prompted
some concern among mission agencies. Evangelical Free Church Mission's
Tim McIntosh says the recent trouble may be the result of several
rebel leaders' turning to Christ. "As the rebel leaders have come into
contact with churches and have threatened them, the Christians have
shared the gospel with them, and a number of them have come to the
Lord. That's not very pleasing to the FARC rebels, so what they've
done is they have targeted Christian leaders throughout the country."
McIntosh says the Evangelical Free Church doesn't have a direct
ministry in Colombia, but it helps support believers. "My perspective
is that they (Christians) are handling the situation very well. . . .
The conflict in Colombia has been going on for 40 years, so although
it's difficult, it's something that they've learned to handle, I
think, quite well." (Mission Network News)

SAT-7, a Christian satellite television channel that reaches viewers
across the Middle East and North Africa in the Arabic language, will
begin Christian programming in Farsi to Iran and Afghanistan. Farsi is
the primary language of Iran and is also spoken in parts of
Afghanistan and surrounding countries. SAT-7, a partnership of some 30
agencies, has worked with Iranian Christian Broadcasters to produce a
pilot program in Farsi with regular broadcasts expected to begin in
September. "This is magazine-format production that includes a variety
of appealing elements for the culture of the Iranian region," said
SAT-7 spokesman J.B. Kump. "Included are music video segments, a soap
opera, man-on-the street interviews on spiritual topics, movie
reviews, documentaries and a teaching segments -- all with biblical
content designed to appeal to Christians and non-Christians." (Assist
News Service)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher

Aug 5, 2002, 9:52:10 PM8/5/02
From: ICCSteve
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 11:40 PM
Subject: More Jihad Attacks in Indonesia

International Christian Concern - - (301) 989-1708

Jihad Terrorists Strike Again in Poso, Indonesia
by Joko Harmono

(August 4, 2002 - Poso, Indonesia) In the early hours of Sunday morning as
the seaside village of Matako, 32 km east of Poso slept peacefully, jihad
terrorists struck terror into this Christian community.

The attack began at 3.30 am with cries of "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" as
the sleepy night burst into a blaze of fire, bullets and bombs. The attack
came from two directions. Some of the jihad terrorists entered through the
middle of the village having come down jungle pathways from the mountains
while others landed on the beach in speedboats. The attack force was
estimated to be between 80-100 men.

Reports from eye-witnesses in the village state that late last night, around
10.00 pm gunshots were heard near the village and the Police Mobile Brigade
were called in to investigate, but finding nothing were withdrawn from the

As an extra security measure, four villagers were placed on guard duty,
including the son of the village chief, Holmes Toea (24), who with his three
fellow-guards were still missing late this afternoon.

According to the pastor of the Pentecostal Church (GPdI) Rev. Usu Lassa, the
attack on his church came from two directions, the mountains and the coast.
He described the sound of the blazing bullets as "a never ending song" that
just went on and on. His house was next to the church and he fled in the
dark, crawling through the long grass and through a coconut plantation. It
was here that Rev. Lassa witnessed his church being set on fire and being
bombed, and people in the village being shot at. Only one of his members,
Mr. Salmon Toboe (35), was wounded in the attack, being shot in the back as
he fled. Fortunately the wound struck no vital organs and he was evacuated
to the nearby village of Silanca where the bullet was removed.

Rev. Lassa witnessed six homes of his members being burned down before he
was able to escape. He was unsure of how many other homes were destroyed. As
daylight began to dawn just after 5.00 am, the jihad attackers made their
retreat from the village leaving a pathway of destruction in their wake.

During the attack many of the people in this Christian community made their
escape to the local military post where they were protected by about 10
soldiers, who due to staying to protect these fleeing Christians, were
unable to enter into the village to pursue the attackers.

According to eye-witnesses, the Presbyterian Church (GKST) was also attacked
and damaged, but the exact extent of the damage was still unknown. Five
members of their church were shot and wounded, four seriously. The four
seriously injured have been transferred to the Tentena Hospital:
Mrs. Wemu Tangali (66) was shot four times through the hip penetrating
through to her buttocks. She is still being operated on to have the bullets
removed. Her son, Silas Mokeo (26) was shot in the left leg. Mrs. Nona
Pedengka (32) received a serious bullet wound in her left arm. Mrs. Netty
Toeya (49) and Miss Ulce Doda (20) both received bullet wounds to their
right legs.

According to the victims, the jihad warriors entered their homes wearing
black ninja outfits and were fully equipped with weapons. They were
threatened that they would be killed if they did not immediately vacate the
village. Some of the victims were deliberately shot from close range within
their homes.

In the meantime, the women, children and the aged have been evacuated to the
neighboring village of Silanca, while others have gone further infield to
Kawua and Tentena. The men of the village have returned with an increased
military presence to protect the village from being left deserted and
therefore an easy target for the jihad to raze the rest of the village to
the ground.

Over the last several days rumors have been rife that the village of Silanca
would be attacked, but despite these rumors there was no increased military
protection provided.

Mr. Ferdinand Saerang of the Poso Watch Network appealed saying, "How many
more Christian villages have to be razed to the ground, and how many more
Christians have to be shot and killed before the government cracks down on
these terrorists who with impunity raid, attack and terrorize these innocent

International Christian Concern is a Washington, DC based human rights
organization that advocates on behalf of Christians suffering from unjust

Rowland Croucher

Aug 13, 2002, 5:22:39 AM8/13/02
From: <owner-r...@XC.Org> To: "Religious Liberty Prayer List"
<rl-p...@XC.Org> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 6:41 PM Subject: RLP 181
Indonesia: Terror in Sulawesi

Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 181 - Tue 13 Aug 2002


In the past few weeks, there has been serious religious violence in both
Pakistan and Sulawesi, Indonesia. In Pakistan on Tuesday 6 August, two
Christians were amongst those shot and killed in the militant assault on the
Murree Christian School. Then on Friday 9 August, three Christian nurses
were killed and 32 others injured, six seriously, when grenades were thrown
into the chapel at the Presbyterian-affiliated Taxila Eye Hospital just
outside Islamabad. Meanwhile in Indonesia, Islamic militants have yet again
inflicted terror on the population of Central Sulawesi. As this violence is
not receiving international media coverage, we will devote the body of this
RLP to the situation in Sulawesi.

At 3:30am on Sunday morning 4 August, 80 to 100 well-armed jihad militiamen
in black ninja uniforms arrived in speedboats at the coastal village of
Matako, 32 km east of Poso. At least seven people were shot and wounded
(including five women) and four others remain missing. The Pentecostal
Church, the Presbyterian Church, and 27 houses were burned to the ground. On
Tuesday morning 6 August, a similar attack was mounted against Malitu
village. On 8 August, unidentified gunmen attacked a bus travelling through
Pamona Selatan, Central Sulawesi, killing a Western tourist.

More than 2000 people, mostly Christians, from Matako, Malitu and the
neighbouring villages of Galuga, Malei-Lage and Tongkoyang, have been forced
to flee their homes. At least 1,200 are now seeking refuge in Tentena in a
scene reminiscent of the crisis eight months ago. (See RLP 146 Indonesia:
Laskar Jihad Ravage Sulawesi, 5 Dec 2001).

The Jakarta Post (JP) reports, "Foreign soldiers (mujahideen) have
reportedly arrived in Poso for unexplained reasons and motives." The JP adds
that operatives from the Army's elite special forces, Kopassus, specialising
in intelligence, have been sent to investigate. This is the worst violence
to hit Central Sulawesi since the Malino Declaration peace accord was signed
on 20 December
2001. The JP also reported, "Military Commander Maj. Gen. Amirul Isnaeni,
said he has no plans to deploy troops to assist security authorities in Poso
despite the increasing violence."


* believers in both Pakistan and Indonesia who are grieving over loved ones
killed in the recent terror attacks. "Give your burdens to the Lord, and he
will take care of you." (Ps 55:22 NLT)

* those who are suffering injuries and/or displacement, that they will
receive the care they need and be encouraged in their faith.

* security to be established in Pakistan and Sulawesi, so that Christians
may be protected from the assaults of Islamic militants. "The Lord's loved
ones are precious to him; it grieves him when they die." (Ps 116:15 NLT)

* wisdom and courage for Christian leaders in Pakistan and Sulawesi, so that
they will know how best to comfort and lead their people and how to promote



Violence has once again broken out in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, eight
months after a peace accord was signed. Islamic jihad militiamen attacked
Matako on 4 August and Malitu on 6 August in terrifying pre-dawn raids.
Churches and homes have been destroyed; Christians have been injured, have
gone missing, and have been forced to flee their homes. Christians have
taken refuge once again in Tentena. On 8 August, unidentified gunmen
attacked a bus, killing a Western tourist. Authorities are investigating
reports of 'foreign' mujahideen operating in the area. Though this is the
worst violence since the peace accord of December 2001, authorities say
there are no plans to deploy troops to assist in security. So that's a
further prayer point!


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issues, and in particular to uphold the Church where it is suffering

Elizabeth Kendal researched and authored this message.


Rowland Croucher

Aug 16, 2002, 6:10:25 AM8/16/02


Yesterday, [15/8] Tempo interaktif posted seven reports on Monday's
attacks on the villages of Silanca, Sepe and Batugencu, about five km
from Poso. I've translated extracts from six of them to give some idea
of how the events have been presented in Jakarta's secular media.
Kompas, Gatra and Jakarta Post have had far less detailed accounts.
Christian accounts of course have been far more graphic.

Poso 14/8/02 "The attacks began at 7pm local time, just hours after
the meeting to evaluate the Malino Declaration...concluded. In the
dark hundreds of men attacked the three vilages with a variety of
weapons. The attackers also destroyed hundreds of the refugee's homes.
The attack finished about 11pm. [Five were killed... and thousands
tried to flee to Tentena and Tagolu but could only get as far as
Watuawu due to a lack of transport.]

"According to Noldy Tacoh, Secretary of the crisis Centre of the
Christian[Protestant] Church of Central Sulawesi in Tentena, the
attack on Batugencu occurred when 17 people from [Brimob -security
force] tried to enter the village. Their excuse was taht they were
looking for a comrade... missing since Saturday.

"The people of Batugencu succeeded in preventing them. But not long
after, explained Noldy, dozens of soldiers attacked [from another

"The Central Sulawesi Police Commander ... Zainal Abidin Ishak
disputed that. ...He admitted that a number of Brimob were looking for
a missing comrade. 'But, they didn't carry out the attack', he

Jakarta 14/8/02 "From Police Headquarters, Police Inspector General
Saleh Saaf, confirmed that the attackers were not members of Brimob.
And they were not from the Christian and Muslim communities who had
pledged to live in peace through the Malino 1 [agreement]. ...' We
shall catch the perpetrators,'Saleh promised.

Jakarta 14/8/02 "Police Commander General Da'i Bachtiar ... believes
that the attacks were carried out by outsiders. He didn't identify
[the group]. 'It's still being investigated', he told reporters.

"He suggested that the attackers had tried to take advantage of [six
months of peace leading to a decrease in security forces] to return
Poso to chaos.

"Besides [Monday's ] trouble Da'i also commented on the case of the
shooting which killed an Italian tourist between Tentena and Toraja.
Following investigation, the police suspected that the victim was shot
by bullets and a gun usually used by the military or police. So far no
autopsy has been carried out because the victim's family and the
Italian Embassy haven't given permission. The Police are having
trouble identifying the type of gun and bullets.

"'The fact is many [military] weapons are held by civilians. And, in
the south, between Tentena and Toraja - is the most secure district,
there's previously never been an incident', he said."

Jakarta 14/8/02 "[Coordinating Minister] Yusuf Yalla... supported
tough action by police [to prevent Malino I being derailed]. The
Minister had been a mediator and facilitator in the discussions
between Muslims and Christians in S. Sulawesi... which had
produced a number of [outcomes], including an agreement to end the
three year-old conflict.

"Kalla acknowledged that the rehabilitation program in Poso, along
with other items in the Malino peace agreement, had continued
[unhindered] for six months. Gradually calm had been restored and
security increased. But [in relation to the three villages attacked on
Monday night], 'The police there are working hard. But, because of the
size of the area, catching the trouble-makers is often difficult'.

"Chairman of the Central Organising Body of the Muhammadiyah [the
largest Muslim organistaion in Indonesia SB], Ahmad Syafii Ma'arif,
said that the key to restoration of Poso was the resolve of the
security forces... Syafii was of the opinion that the [troublemakers]
in Poso were small insignificant groups. How did he feel about the
view that security forces were involved. He was hesitant...'It may
have been true of Maluku in the past, but surely thats been resolved,'
he said."

Jakarta 14/8/02 "Commander of the Laskar Jihad, Ja'far Umar Thalib
viewed the attacks on three villages in Poso on Monday night... as
reprisals for the disappearance of an ojek [taxi-bike] driver and a
Brimob soldier which [he blamed on] Christians. He 'provided the
information' that the attacks were carried out by Muslims from Poso.

"Ja'far passed the information on to the Tempo newsroom by telephone
on Wednesday afternoon. The attacks occurred ..., explained Ja'far,
after Brimob soldiers failed to carry out an inspection of Batugence
to look for [the soldier] and the ojek driver. He suspected they were
already dead. It was this that made the Muslims angry. '[This anger
led to] the attack on the villages', he explained. [It] was difficult
to control, he explained, because it was a spontaneous mass movement.

"And so, where were Laskar Jihad members at the time...? Were they
involved? '...[they were in their respective places', he said. As it's
known, the Laskar Jihad have a network in Poso, as well as in Ambon.

"Ja'far's explanation differs from Police Headquarters which blamed
the attack on outsiders who had entered Poso with the intention of
confusing the peace process there.

"Ja'far considered that the Police were just trying to divert
attention. "That's an attempt by the Police to cover up their
inability to control the situation there,' he said. What about the
suggestion that [police] were involved? 'At this stage we can't be
certain,' he said.

"Ja'far suggested that if security forces wanted to investigate the
incident, it was best to be balanced regarding the two groups
involved: those who triggered the attack and those who retaliated.
'(If not) I'm certain it will become the source of further conflict.'"

Jakarta 14/8/02 "Police Commander General Da'i Bachtiar called
attention to a mysterious group working to create havoc in Poso,
Central Sulawesi. He linked this to the attack on the villagers of
Silanca, Sepe and Batugencu on Monday night which killed five. 'We
have sent an intelligence team to track down the group' [he] said on
Wednesday afternoon.

"Da'i rejected the news of Brimob involvement... Elite Police soldiers
were just trying to find their comrade...who was missing suspected
abducted. 'That Brimob member hasn't yet been found... so he couldn't
be the perpetrator,' he said.

"According to Da'i, the trouble erupted after several Brimob members
from Jakarta entered [the 3 villages] to look for Andi Amir who went
missing after catching an ojek. The abductors Da'i considers to be the
group intending to wreak havoc on Poso.

"The villagers barred Brimob. Then there were negotiations between the
people and the police about when a search could be carried out.
Following agreement, the Brimob soldiers left... But after they left,
hundreds of people attacked the three villages.

"Does the mysterious group come from outside Poso? 'We see internal
[involvement] too. The evidence is the bomb that exploded in a church
on 31 December 2001, after the Malino agreement. ' Those groups still
don't want a peaceful Poso. 'However, for six months there has been
calm and forces from Jakarta have begun to be withdrawn,' he said.

"He didn't name the group/s. Or whether they were linked to Christians
or Muslims who were in conflict for three years... However, the Police
chief's explantion linked the activities of the group to the bombing
of the church in Poso... He also regretted that the bomber had only
been given a six month sentence. 'Now, he's free again,' he said.

"Da'i mentioned that attackers were carrying out their actions in
remote areas and in several other areas were attacking from the sea in
boats. 'So it's very difficult to track them', he said.

"Apart from the intelligence team, one army and two Brimob companies
have been sent from Jakarta order to bring calm and look for the
organiser behind the trouble... Motor and air tranport has also been
sent.' If it's not enough we'll send more', he said

Please don't stop praying for Indonesia, for Christians there, or for
any of the other Christian-Muslim issues and problems worldwide!

Rowland Croucher

Aug 17, 2002, 2:38:36 AM8/17/02
I'm just sending this as an SOS, knowing that some will receive this from
other sources. This is one of at least half a dozen that have arrived in the
past 24 hours on the situation in Central Sulawesi. This is very REAL and
needs PRAYER!

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002 09:01:23 +1000, "Ramon A Williams"
<> wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: Ian Freestone Sent: Saturday, August 17,
2002 12:15 AM Subject: E-Alert Tentena!!

IFC (International Friends of Compassion)

Tonight it is thought that Jihad terrorists may storm the 'Christian
heartbeat' of Central Sulawesi, the refugee enclave of Tentena.

SMS messages received at 7.00p.m. (Indonesian time) from local sources

"Intelligence reports intercepted warn that Tentena may be attacked by Jihad
tonight. Tomorrow is Indonesian [independance] day and Jihad plan 2
celebrate it in Tentena. Urgent prayer needed."

A few hours earlier the message received was as follows...

"Since yesterday 5 more villages destroyed. Several shot dead. Child
strangled. Military overrun. Jihad with fully automatic weapons. Jihad =
State enemy. Must be stopped. Situation v.urgent"


Similar SOS's were being sent late last year. People prayed. The Indonesian
government sent in troops. Calm was restored. WE NEED A REPEAT OF THAT
MIRACLE. Furthermore, jihad forces that inflict terror must be removed.

The local people of Central Sulawesi implore your prayers and advocacy.

The Australian Government has been told of this critical situation. I trust
our American and English friends can pursue this during your work day

IFC, Australia

MEDIA CONTACT: Ian Freestone IFC (International Friends of Compassion) Web

Rowland Croucher

Sep 19, 2002, 2:58:28 PM9/19/02
From: "Ramon A Williams" <> Sent: Thursday, September
19, 2002 4:11 PM Subject: WEA (Rlgs Lbrty): Tracking freedom in Hong Kong.

Date: Thursday 19 September 2002 Subj: Tracking freedom in Hong Kong. To:
World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty E-mail Conference From:
Elizabeth Kendal, Conference Moderator <>

The eroding of freedom in Hong Kong has been done so gently and slowly that
it has scarcely attracted any attention, like a burglar tiptoeing so quietly
that he manages to steal without setting off any alarm bells. However,
Beijing's insistence that Hong Kong start enacting controversial
anti-subversion legislation just might trigger the sensors, especially when
we understand that it is China's definition of subversion that will stand,
as it is China's National People's Congress in Beijing that has the final
word on all matters pertaining to interpretation of Basic Law in Hong Kong.



In 1985, Britain and China ratified the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
Under its terms, China would regain sovereignty over Hong Kong on 1 July
1997 and Hong Kong would become a Special Administrative Region (SAR) with
its economic and social systems remaining unchanged for 50 years.

In 1995 all seats in the Legislative Council were declared vacant and
democratic elections were held. Pro-China parties polled poorly, winning
only 16 of the 60 seats, while candidates in favour of increasing openness
and democracy won 26 seats and pro-business, politically neutral candidates
won those remaining. China was so incensed that they threatened to dissolve
the Legislative Council after 1997, even though that would be a clear
violation of the 1985 Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Hong Kong passed from British to Chinese hands on 30 June 1997 and the
Chinese immediately dissolved the Legislative Council and replaced it with a
handpicked body.

In 1999 Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal acknowledged the primacy of
China's National People's Congress in Beijing as having the final word on
all matters pertaining to constitutional issues and interpretation of Basic

On 11 July 2002 a bill was passed that gave Beijing the power to dismiss
Hong Kong's leader. The BBC reported, "Under the proposal approved by Hong
Kong's legislature on Wednesday (11/7/01), an
800-person committee will choose Hong Kong's next leader - but Beijing can
fire the person."

"Critics say the law - proposed by the government - demolishes a crucial
pillar of the autonomy the territory was promised when it was returned to
China four years ago. The controversy over the bill is just the latest row
that has raised fears that Hong Kong's autonomy is slowly being chipped

"The government is reportedly considering following China's example by
banning the Falun Gong spiritual movement. However, Mr Tung said he told Mr
Bush the territory would continue to tolerate a broad range of religious
expression. 'Freedom of the press and religion are alive and kicking and
doing well,' said Mr Tung. 'Four years since the return of Hong Kong, one
country-two systems is everyday reality'." ("HK leader says freedom is safe"
BBC 12 July 2001)

However, during 2002, journalists, Falun Gong and activists such as Harry Wu
have been restricted, harassed, detained and deported. As the BBC notes, "A
clear message is being sent - if Beijing doesn't like you, you will find it
hard to get into Hong Kong." (See Link
1 - "Fears for Hong Kong's freedom" BBC 1 July 2002)


An article entitled "Hong Kong signals it could soon enact anti-subversion
law" (AFP 13 Sept) states: "The Hong Kong government has signalled it could
soon move to enact controversial anti-subversion legislation it has been
obliged to introduce since returning to Chinese rule five years ago.

"Justice Secretary Elsie Leung told reporters 'it is about time' to enact
the law, which would punish offences against the state. Her remarks follow
reports that a consultation paper on the issue would be issued as early as
next month.

"Senior Chinese officials led by Vice Premier Qian Qichen, who is
responsible for Hong Kong affairs, have told the territory to enact the
subversion law as soon as possible.

"But some legislators fear such laws could run counter to Hong Kong's
policies on freedom of speech and have argued that prohibition of treason
and subversion are covered by existing legislation." (Full article - see
link 2).

The Anti-subversion law in Article 23 of the Basic Law requires Hong Kong to
legislate against treason, sedition, secession and subversion.

The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported the same story under the
headline, "Groups meet to share views on proposed subversion law". Law
Yuk-kai, director of Human Rights Monitor, is quoted as saying, "It will be
a serious test of the willingness of the government to maintain Hong Kong as
a tolerant and free society. Should the administration seek to interfere
with Hong Kong's freedom of expression, freedom of information and academic
freedom through such a law, it will fundamentally change the nature of Hong
Kong's society."

"He (Mr. Law) said Human Rights Monitor and the Hong Kong Christian
Institute had jointly called today's (Friday 13 Sept) meeting with NGOs
including green groups, trade unions, religious groups and student
organisations." The non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are meeting
together to decide on a joint response. ("Groups meet to share views on
proposed subversion law" by Angela Li, SCMP 13 Sept

Chinese authorities have denied that the law would affect freedom of
expression in Hong Kong. However Mr. Law believes there is a need to take
action. "'With the draconian law in place, non-governmental organisations
which have dissenting voices would be banned gradually,' he said."

Pro-democracy legislators are seeking to widen public understanding of
issues concerning the anti-subversion law. According to the SCMP, "They hope
to provide campaigners against the proposed laws with substance to back up
their slogans."

"Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, non-affiliated legislator representing the legal
sector, is due to release to the media today (19/9) an information pack on
Article 23 legislation. Another pro-democracy legislator, Cyd Ho Sau-lan, of
the Frontier, plans to launch a Web site on Article 23 legislation in a
fortnight's time." ("Legislators in push to broaden public knowledge of
Article 23" by Angela Li and Jimmy Cheung, SCMP, 19 Sept 2002).

The NGOs will meet again on Monday 23 September to finalise the action they
will take. ("NGOs weigh subversion law action" by May Sin-Mi Ho, SCMP 18
Sept 2002).

- Elizabeth Kendal


1) "Fears for Hong Kong's freedom" By Damian Grammaticas, BBC Hong Kong
correspondent 1 July 2002.

2) "Hong Kong signals it could soon enact anti-subversion law" AFP 13 Sept

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Rowland Croucher

Sep 21, 2002, 2:34:32 AM9/21/02
Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Authorities in Indonesia have arrested the man they believe is
responsible for the Christmas 2000 bombings of churches. Omar al-Faruq
allegedly confessed after being taken to Afghanistan for more than
three months of interrogation by the CIA. Al-Faruq also reportedly
confessed to planning a string of attacks against U.S. embassies in
Southeast Asia on the first anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
He is accused of helping establish Laskar Jundullah, a militant
Islamic group behind attacks on Christian villages in Central Sulawesi
province. He also reportedly planned to assassinate Indonesian
President Megawati Sukarnoputri, then running as a candidate for the
presidency in May 1999, but failed to get the needed weapons into the
country. Another plot against Megawati failed in August 2001 when a
bomb accidentally went off ahead of time, blowing the leg off the
designated bomber. (Christian Aid Mission)

Loyalist forces readied on Friday to recapture cities held by renegade
troops after former junta leader Robert Guei was killed in what the
government said was an attempt to seize power again in the West
African country. The worst strife to hit Ivory Coast since turbulent
polls in 2000 revived fears the world's top cocoa grower, riven by
ethnic and political quarrels, could tumble into the anarchy that has
ruined nearby Liberia and Sierra Leone. The minister in charge of
police also was killed in Thurday's coup attempt, Defense Minister
Lida Moise Kouassi said on state television, which had been off the
air during 12 hours of gunfire and explosions in Abidjan, the
commercial capital. Presidential aide Alain Toussaint blamed the
former junta leader for calling out rebellious forces during President
Laurent Gbagbo's trip to Rome. The former French colony, also called
Ivory Coast, has been regaining its political balance after stormy
elections in late 2000 which brought Gbagbo to power. Hundreds of
people were killed then by political and ethnic violence in a country
split between the largely Muslim north and the more Christian and
animist south. (Associated Press/Reuters)

Wei Jingyi, a bishop in China's underground Roman Catholic Church in
China, was arrested on Sept. 9in Qiqihar, a city in Heilongjiang
province, reported Zenit. Wei is no stranger to persecution. He has
served time in Chinese labor camps in 1987-1989 and 1990-1992. The
Cardinal Kung Foundation, a Catholic human rights organization,
reported that "Every one of the approximately 50 bishops in the
underground Roman Catholic Church is either arrested, under house
arrest, under strict surveillance, or in hiding." (Voice of the

A new Bible is expected to help evangelism in Croatia, a country that
has become apathetic to the gospel. The World Bible Translation Center
(WBTC) is about to finish a translation that could give missionaries a
new tool in outreach. WBTC's Brian McLemore reports, "We hope to have
this printed and completed and in the hands of the Croatian people to
make a wonderful Christmas gift. Now we hope to have the birth of a
new Word, a fresh Word, that will reach the youth -- children and
those who have never had a chance to know who Jesus Christ is, so
that's a very exciting thing for us." McLemore says communism has had
an impact the spiritual climate of Croatia. "So, it leaves almost a
vacuum, a generation that may not be traditionally religious in their
beliefs, and they've grown up with really no religion. So this is a
chance to reach (them)." (Mission Network News)

More than 1,000 Christians marched through Berlin Tuesday in protest
against the 300,000 killings of unborn children each year in Germany.
The protesters, dressed in black, carried 1,000 white crosses. One
week before Germany's general elections set for Sept. 22, pro-life
activists criticized all political parties for their lack of action
against abortion. Claudia Kaminski, head of the Federal Pro-Life
Association, called attention to the injustice that "each working day
1,000 innocent children lose their lives in Germany." Since 1995, when
the country's abortion law was reformed, 1.8 million children have
been aborted. Hartmut Steeb, general secretary of the German
Evangelical Alliance, says it is irresponsible and off balance that
politicians do nothing to prevent what he calls the "biggest human
catastrophe" while they are quick to set up commissions and provide
large sums of money for flood victims in eastern Germany. (IDEA)

The 14th Asian Games set for Busan, South Korea, Sept. 29-Oct. 14,
will provide many opportunities to present the gospel as 10,000
athletes from 43 countries are expected to compete. This includes
athletes from 38 countries that are considered "closed" or
"restricted" in terms of missionary activity. A small team of
Independent Baptists is being assembled in the U.S. to travel to Busan
to work with Korean Christians in ministries to the athletes and
Korean spectators. Literature is being prepared in Korean and most of
the languages represented by these nations. (Independent Baptist

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio

U.S. Ministries

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Rowland Croucher

Sep 23, 2002, 6:59:42 AM9/23/02
From: "WEA Religious Liberty Commission" <>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Belarus - Advocating for religious freedom

Date: Monday 23 September 2002
Subj: Belarus: Advocating for religious freedom.

To: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty E-mail Conference
From: Elizabeth Kendal, Conference Moderator <>

The government of Belarus is presently considering introducing a
highly restrictive religion law that would drive Belarus back into
Soviet era oppression, crippling the numerous small Protestant
evangelical and non-traditional groups that have revived, or come
into Belarus, since Perestroika and the collapse of the Soviet
Union. Prayer and advocacy is requested.


If adopted as drafted, the new religion law will outlaw unregistered
religious activity and only those religious communities that consist
of more than 20 Belarusian citizens will be able to gain
registration. This will threaten smaller groups and make the
founding of new communities impossible. Also, the leader of any
religious organisation will have to be a Belarus citizen. This is
highly discriminatory and will cause serious difficulties for many
religious groups after so many years of Communist oppression.

If the law is passed religious meetings will not be permitted to
take place regularly in private homes and all religious literature
will be subjected to State censorship.

If the law is passed, a denomination seeking registration as a legal
entity will have to have at least 10 separate registered groups, of
which one must have existed in 1982 - at the height of the Soviet
oppression. Julia Doxat-Purser, Socio-Political Representative and
Religious Liberty Coordinator of the European Evangelical Alliance,
notes, "This means that many Protestant Churches and other faiths
cannot and can never become associations. Only religious
associations can train clergy, invite foreigners to come and be
staff, establish missions and schools or run mass media (Articles
27 - 29). Denying faith communities the right to train leaders or
have foreign staff would make continuing existence impossible."


There had been great secrecy around the proposed religion law and
most people were completely unaware of its contents until it was
brought before parliament for discussion. The lower house of
parliament voted to have the reading of religion law postponed, but
this was overthrown and the law was hastily passed in the lower
house on 27 June. However, on 28 June, the final day of the spring
session, the upper house voted to postpone the reading until after
the summer recess, citing lack of time get acquainted with the text.
The reading in the upper house will now take place on 2 October, the
first day of the next parliamentary session.

The postponement has given churches and human rights lawyers in
Belarus a window of opportunity to raise awareness of the issues and
to advocate for religious freedom. Many analysts believe the law is
part of a wider political policy of supporting the Orthodox Church
(who are in full favour of the bill) in an effort to strengthen
Slavic identity / nationalism and unity. This fails to acknowledge
the immense social contribution and positive influence the
Protestant Church has made to all spheres of life in Belarus ever
since the fifteen century.

Julia Doxat-Purser reports, "The Baptist, Pentecostal, Full Gospel
and Adventist Churches are united as they stand together to talk to
politicians. They are working closely with human rights lawyers.
They are helping to organise a conference on the proposed law for 30

Church Representatives were also able to distribute information
about the religious situation in Belarus at the OSCE (Organisation
for Security and Cooperation in Europe) conference in Warsaw, held
from 9-19 September 2002.


It would be very helpful and supportive if you would consider
sending even one letter (sample letter provided below) - however,
for your information, this is the request from church
representatives in Belarus: "Five letters need to be posted, having
been faxed first. Copies should be sent to Sergey & Dinna Shavstsov
(Church representatives) at so they can publicise
the fact."

I would urge everyone who is able, to write a letter, then fax it
(if you have the facility) and mail it to the following five
addresses at the earliest possible opportunity.

Letters to be sent to:


1) Republican Soviet of National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus
220030, Belarus, Minsk, Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., 4
fax +375 17 227 23 18

2) Chamber of Representatives of National Assembly of the Republic
of Belarus
220050, Belarus, Minsk, Sovetskaya Str., 11
fax +375 17 227 37 84

3) The Religion Committee of the Republic of Belarus
220029, Belarus, Minsk, Kommunisticheskaya Str., 11
tel +375 17 284 89 52, 284 63 44

4) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
220030, Belarus, Minsk, Lenin Str., 19
fax +375 17 227 45 21

5) The President Administration
220016, Belarus, Minsk, Marx Str., 38
fax +375 17226 06 10



(This letter can be used as a guide, modified or copied and sent to
all five addresses.)


Your Excellency,

I appeal to you to please give serious consideration the issue of
the law "On freedom of conscience and religious organisations" that
has been proposed for Belarus and is up for discussion before the
Council of the Republic on 2 October.

The religion law as drafted contradicts the Constitution of Belarus
and contravenes international human rights norms. If passed, the law
will introduce discriminatory limitations to the freedom of
religion. It will cripple and even threaten the very existence of
many small religious groups that have been meeting and operating
peacefully in Belarus. The law also contains a number of unclear
law-terms, which will make it possible to apply its standards
arbitrarily. It would prove to be a serious violation of religious
liberty and could be used as a tool of religious persecution.

The European Union Presidency's declaration concerning the proposed
religion law states: "If the said law receives final approval this
will further weaken freedom of conscience in Belarus." And - "The
European Union encourages the Council of the Republic not to approve
the law in question." (Brussels 26 August 2002).

I hereby also express my concern for religious liberty in Belarus. I
wish to protest the draft law "On freedom of conscience and
religious organisations" and urge that it be rejected for the sake
of all the people of Belarus who desire and deserve their full
rights to freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of
association and freedom of peaceful assembly. (Universal Declaration
of Human Rights articles 18, 19, and 20 - also article 18 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.)

(signed and dated)


Rowland Croucher

Sep 23, 2002, 3:06:13 PM9/23/02
From: "Mission Network News" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 10:00 PM

Subject: [mnn-news] Mission Network News

News headlines for September 23rd 2002

(South Africa)--Headlining today's news, 14-point-five million people in
seven countries in southern Africa could be in danger if the United States
attacks Iraq. Drought and political upheaval are causing a major food
shortage there. World Vision's[1] Steve Matthews is asking people to
pray. "The prayer request first and foremost [is] that we don't see a
flare up in the Middle East, because if that happens, the world will be
become greatly distracted from this humanitarian disaster that's happening
in southern Africa." Matthews says disasters open doors for people in the
West to share their finances and their faith, but this situation is
unique. "We're having a bit of trouble because there's not a lot of focus
on this emergency. I don't think very many people in the world even know
it's going on. There are shortfalls in funding and food, air in all of
those seven countries." If you'd like to help call 1-888-511-6598. Your
gift of 50-dollars will feed four families for one month.

(Ivory Coast)--We turn next to the Ivory Coast where there's been a coup
attempt. An army mutiny killed the Interior Minister and a former
military ruler. Renewed fighting began again, going into the weekend,
disrupting air travel and communications. Evangelical Baptist
Mission's[2] David Hague says their academy staff is viewing the situation
gravely. "They've said that some students have not been able to reach the
Academy; [and] that everybody who lives in the outlying parts of the
campus has been brought in to stay in the main part of the campus where
they think a higher degree of security is available. But they also said,
classes seem to be going on as much as possible as usual." Hague asks
people to pray for the staff at the academy during this difficult time.
"Safety is definitely a prayer request regardless of how the military
perceives their level of safety at the academy. When you can hear
automatic weapons being shot off outside your window, it's no small

(Zimbabwe)--Food shortages in Zimbabwe are pushing a desperate situation
into the critical stage. Bible Pathway Ministries[3] says one of their
team members reports that in some villages, parents are exchanging their
children for food. The church is having difficulty meeting the growing
needs, however, they are teaching survival skills through farming. The
local church also has designated the entire month of September for
revival. Please pray for that the needed support would open doors for
the hope of Christ.

(Papua New Guinea)--Meanwhile, Christians are helping people in Papua New
Guinea see physically and spiritually. Christian Blind Mission
International's[4] John Jeffries says there's an incredible need for
ophthalmologists in that country of about five million people. Jeffries
says they like to train nationals to do the work because..."Westerners
eventually leave. But, if we train national surgeons in ophthalmology,
they stay. They're familiar with the language. They're familiar with the
customs. They're familiar with the culture. In Papua New Guinea, this is
proving to be very difficult for us, because there aren't a lot of
educated people in that area." Jeffries says the church is instrumental
in making this outreach more than a health care initiative. "We always
look to work with churches or mission agencies, and that's exactly the
case in New Guinea; and we find that it's actually the local parish
workers who actually go out into the highways and byways. We're able to
open their eyes in a spiritual sense and, in that sense, we say that we're
following the work of Jesus."

(Tanzania)--And, a far-reaching new ministry of starting high schools is
moving ahead through Grace Ministries[5] in Tanzania. The lack of high
schools in the Rukwa province resulted in only three-percent of grade
school students ever attending high school. But this is changing as the
local population is beginning to see the importance of educating their
children. Pray for the spiritual impact GMI's missionaries are having on
their students.


Mission Network News, a service of Cornerstone University of Grand
Rapids, Michigan, USA.



Rowland Croucher
(7,500+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Sep 23, 2002, 3:18:55 PM9/23/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

There is growing concern about the safety of 200 students and staff,
most of them American, who are trapped at a missionary compound in
Bouake, the second largest city of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), the
county's second largest city with a population of 500,000. The
compound is home to the International Christian Academy (ICA), a
missionary boarding school with seven nearby dormitories. David Haag
of Evangelical Baptist Mission, one of the partners that operates the
school, says everyone in the compound is safe despite
"sensationalized" news reports from sources such as CNN. "Rebel
soldiers have been seen in various places right around the campus,
patrolling the perimeter outside the walls," Haag said. "But the
people in the compound have not been the target of any hostilities.
Rebel troops are patrolling the perimeter outside the walls." Haag
said there is plenty of food and water within the compound. "The power
has been cut off, but they have a generator which they're been running
for short periods as needed. Safety is definitely a prayer request

regardless of how the military perceives their level of safety at the
academy. When you can hear automatic weapons being shot off outside

your window, it's no small thing." ICA Director Dan Grudda wrote in an
e-mail report that the situation is under control. "We can lock down
this campus in one minute and account for every person here," he said.

The national soccer teams from Senegal, Sierra Leone and Gambia are
also trapped in Bouake. The hotel they are holed up in has little
water and food left. Ivorian officials say 270 people have been killed
and 300 wounded in insurgency so far. The rebels in Bouake and in the
northern city of Korhogo appear to have ignored government demands for
them to surrender in return for an offer of talks. Abidjan is now
quiet, but in Bouake rebel soldiers said on Sunday that they had
beaten off a heavy attack by loyalist troops. Meanwhile, French troops
have reached the capital city of Yamoussoukro as they are seeking to
protect French and other foreign nationals caught up in a coup attempt
that began on Thursday. The convoy of dozens of vehicles left the
country's commercial capital of Abidjan late Sunday, hours after
France had flown up to 200 reinforcements drawn from its other bases
in West Africa. France describes the move as a "precautionary
measure," and it is thought the troops will set up a forward base to
be able to stage evacuations, if necessary, from nearby Bouake which
this morning still remained in rebel hands. Some 20,000 French
nationals are thought to live in the former French colony. France has
agreements with the country to help restore order if necessary.

Following a national address by President Laurent Gbagbo, hinting that
the rebels had been aided by a foreign power, hundreds of foreigners'
homes in the Abidjan were burned down and thousands of people packed
up and took to the road in search of safety. Defense Minister Moise
Lida Kouassi told the BBC that the army's only aim was to regain
control of territory from rebels. Prime Minister Pascal Affi Nguessan
offered an olive branch to rebels in a televised address on Saturday
evening. Thursday's uprising began with coordinated attacks on
military installations, government sites and cabinet ministers' houses
in Abidjan and other cities and towns. The man the government has
blamed for the uprising, Gen. Robert Guei (who seized power in a 1999
coup), was killed. Foreign news stations, including the BBC, have been
taken off the air in the country. (HCJB World Radio/BBC/MNN)

The Protestant Church of Jesus Christ in the Uzbek town of Gazalkent,
40 miles north of the capital city of Tashkent, is typical of small
religious communities which do not have the required 100 adult citizen
members required for registration. As a result, any meetings of church
members are considered illegal. Pastor Maksim Yakovlev said his
church, which only has about 15 members, almost never meets because of
fear of persecution by authorities. Since the church is illegal, it is
subject to surveillance by the police and the National Security
Service. Such strict controls have forced many small churches to adapt
their practices, splitting up into "cells" of no more than five people
that meet secretly in homes. "When such a small group meets in an
apartment, then it can be presented not as a religious gathering but
as an ordinary tea-drinking session -- and we really do drink tea,"
Yakovlev said. However, even when they meet in private homes, their
safety is not assured. "In the end, there is a very subtle line
between a religious meeting and a tea-drinking session, and we are
always at risk of being accused of not just drinking tea," he noted.
"What is more, a denunciation by any of the neighbors would be quite
enough to finish off our meetings." Asked how such small religious
communities in Uzbekistan can function if they are treated as illegal,
Begzot Kadyrov, an official in the government's Committee for
Religious Affairs responsible for non-Muslim faiths, was
unsympathetic. "They should join a registered community nearby and go
there to pray," he said. (Keston News Service)

Three Peruvian Christian men and women, unjustly imprisoned and
separated from their families for almost a decade, appear to be only
one step away from release. Wilbert Apaza Vargas, Darwin Aquino Ortiz
and Olga Gonzalez Zevallos (among others) have been recommended for
release by the Peruvian government's Pardoning Commission but need
President Alejandro Toledo's signature for the process to go forward.
Toledo has not signed any pardons for those deemed innocent since
April, apparently due to political pressure. Under former president
Alberto Fujimori during the 1990s, hundreds of innocent Peruvians were
rounded up and convicted by "faceless judges" whose identity was
hidden. The accused were unable to cross-examine witnesses, challenge
government evidence or call witnesses in their defense. Hundreds were
convicted on flimsy evidence and remain in prison, often in appalling
conditions with little hope of justice. (Christian Solidarity

As the German "Bible TV" is about to be launched, President Johannes
Rau and other political, sports and church leaders have welcomed this
new Christian 24-hour digital channel. Programs start Oct. 1 and will
include Bible readings, documentaries, movies, cartoons, music clips,
a Bible quiz and talk shows. Bible TV is broadcast free of charge via
the satellite Astra 2C which covers large parts of Europe. About 1.8
million German households have a digital receiver. Executive Director
Henning Roehl expects an initial audience of 100,000, but he is sure
this number will "rapidly expand." Publisher Norman Rentrop, a
majority shareholder, said that while he can find a Bible in almost
every hotel room, it is "extremely hard to find Christian programs on
television." (IDEA)

While reports say that 9/11 had little lasting impact on the spiritual
lives of most Americans, the terrorist attacks have served to open
doors for the gospel in many nations throughout the Muslim world,
reports International Mission Board President Jerry Rankin. Speaking
to the members of the executive committee at their Sept. 17 meeting,
Rankin said, the aftermath of 9/11 "made us realize through reports
that were sweeping across North Africa and the Middle East that God
was moving and shaking the hearts in the Muslim world, that those
barriers were beginning to crumble. There was an openness to people
looking for that which would give them hope and security that they had
not found in their Islamic faith, and I report to you today that we
now have more than 1,200 personnel assigned to more than 300 Muslim
people groups in 75 predominantly Muslim countries around the world."
Rankin said the gospel is crossing the "stronghold of Islamic
resistance" like never before. "This is a time of unprecedented
harvest and opportunity around the world," he said, noting that 34,000
Southern Baptists participated in volunteer missions projects overseas
last year even though most of the volunteer program was closed down
immediately after 9/11. (Religion Today)

Amidst word of sectarian violence throughout Nigeria and an attempt to
impeach President Olusegun Obasanjo (who is a Christian), evangelist
Sammy Tippit is encouraging church leaders. Tippit recently held a
conference at Obasanjo's invitation n spite of the difficulties.
Tippit believes the unrest was a timely setting for the conference.
"Because of the situation there, it caused the believers, these
leaders, to have a spirit of prayer, to seek God on behalf of their
nation and there was a great time of calling out to the Lord and
seeking the Lord to intervene within the country." Tippit says church
leaders face great challenges in the days ahead. "We need to pray that
God would strengthen them as they go back to their communities. But I
think, most of all, if you were to ask them that question, they would
say to you please pray that they would be able to do what God has laid
on their hearts to do, that they will be able to reach their
communities, their nation, and the surrounding nations with the
gospel." (Mission Network News)

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Rowland Croucher
(7,500+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Sep 24, 2002, 7:37:12 AM9/24/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

World Relief President Clive Calver returned last week from Zimbabwe
where he was assessing the needs in what many say will be the worst
famine Sub-Saharan Africa has faced in more than 60 years. Calver
describes the situation in Zimbabwe as "ghastly." A severe drought and
dubious government policies have crippled the food supply throughout
Zimbabwe. "These people here have absolutely nothing to eat, and they
are beginning to die," Calver said. The U.S. Agency for International
Development reported that 6 million Zimbabweans alone will face death
if action is not taken. "This famine facing Zimbabwe is the worst one
seen in years," Calver said. " This one dwarfs the Ethiopian and
Sudanese famines." Calver said that churches are key in the response
to the growing famine in the region because churches understand the
needs of their communities better than outsiders do and can distribute
aid more effectively. (Religion Today)

The Persecution Project Foundation completed an emergency relief
intervention in Western Upper Nile region of Sudan Sept. 1 in response
to desperate appeals from church leaders. The foundation's emergency
relief mission involved seven flights and the distribution of more
than 70,000 pounds of lifesaving supplies for the refugees. The
intervention was coordinated in response to appeals from Rev. John
Sudan Gaduel, director of the indigenous South Sudan Operation Mercy
who witnessed Sudan government-sponsored attacks this summer after the
signing of the Machakos I Peace Agreement. "The initial estimates of
displaced and dead have turned out to be very conservative
underestimates," says Brad Phillips, who led the team from Warrenton,
Va. "More than 250,000 people from Mayom county were displaced into
eastern Bahr el Gazahl and northern Upper Nile last month. Another
60,000 people from among those displaced flocked to our distribution
center in Western Upper Nile," he says. Another 23,000 members of the
host community who had also fled returned to the area seeking help.
"Thousands of women and children are dying of malnutrition, malaria,
tuberculosis, parasites and other diseases, because of lack of food,
shelter and medicine. (Religion Today)

Local Baptist congregations in Kazakhstan that refuse to register with
authorities have reported an increase in the number of fines and court
orders closing down churches, reports Ninel Fokina, the chair of the
Almaty Helsinki Committee. Kazakhstan's religion law states that
registration of religious communities is not compulsory. However, in
2000 a special amendment made the activity of an unregistered
religious organization illegal, and officials now argue that the
amendment has greater legal weight than the law, which is disputed by
human rights groups. (Keston News Service)

A missionary working near the India-Bhutan border says that even
though it is difficult sharing the gospel among Hindus and Buddhists,
the demonstrations of God's power are bringing people to Christ. "We
face many challenges, but each time we also see the glory of God,"
said the missionary. "One day a poisonous snake bit one of our
believers. Friends brought him to the church, we prayed for him, and
he survived. We prayed for one demon-possessed man, and he was set
free in the name of Jesus. After this, three other men accepted Christ
as their Savior. One of these men was a staunch follower of the Hindu
goddess Kali. He had built his own small temple to the goddess in his
house and worshiped her regularly. One day he became convinced that
she was demanding that he kill his family as a sacrificial offering.
Not being happy with this conclusion, he called out that if there was
a true God to reveal Himself. Yet he proceeded with preparations to
kill his family unless such a revelation occurred. He had his weapon
in his hand when suddenly a bright light entered his room. Believing
that the true God was signifying His presence, he threw his weapon
from his hand. The weapon struck and destroyed his small Kali temple.
I heard about this and went to his house the next day. I told him
about the Lord Jesus Christ who died for him and rose again, and he
immediately accepted Christ as his Savior." This missionary serving
with an India-based mission has led 45 people to Christ in the last
six months. (Christian Aid)

Despite the challenges facing evangelistic outreach in India,
thousands are turning to Christ. Many are doing so in response to
Dayspring International's movie on the life of Christ. Dayspring's
John Gilman just returned from India. "In India, the people are
certainly some of the most religious people on the face of the earth,
and they have a great hunger for spiritual knowledge in their life.
When they see our all Indian-acted life of Christ motion picture, it
overwhelms them, and so many of them ask for prayer." (Mission Network

The Humanitarian International Services Group of Colorado Springs,
Colo., has been invited to participate in the Balikitan exercises to
be conducted by the U.S. military in the Philippines next April and
May. "The group will help coordinate the humanitarian activity
portions of this joint exercise between the U.S. and Philippine
militaries and civil affairs units. The group will mobilize the
efforts of non-profit organizations and international organizations to
work strategically with the similar groups in the Philippines. "This
is unprecedented, and we are humbled in being asked," said Executive
Director Kay Hiramine. "The Philippines initiative has evolved far
beyond the impact of a simple action-oriented coalition. At this
point, the Philippines initiative now provides an opportunity for the
piloting of an operational model that could change the way
humanitarian operations are conducted throughout the world." (Assist
News Service)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(7,500+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 15, 2002, 5:16:28 AM10/15/02
From: "HCJB World Radio" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 3:01 AM
Subject: [Daily Update] 14 October 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Although Belarus' repressive new religion law has not yet been signed
by President Aleksandr Lukashenko, an official says that religious
meetings held by registered religious communities in private homes are
banned under a law issued by the Minsk city executive committee last
year. A campaign against services held by registered religious
communities in private homes was launched last month in the capital,
saying that "preaching the gospel and Christian hymn singing outside a
church is a violation of Belarus' laws." Local believers are urging
Christians everywhere to pray that the law will be repealed. (Keston
News Service)

Cargo is flowing from the West Coast of the U.S. now that workers are
in an 80-day cooling off period. The dispute delayed a World Concern
relief shipment to Haiti which was recently hit by extensive floods
and storm damage. While other containers holding food rotted on the
docks, World Concern's Coleen Ragsdale says this wasn't the case for
her organization's shipment. "It contained clothing, medical items and
items that aren't going to perish," she said. "But we do have a top
priority to get these needed supplies out to the families and
hospitals as quickly as possible, so we are just praying that things
will begin flowing . . . and smoothly." Once the supplies arrive in
Haiti, local believers will distribute them and share the gospel with
the needy recipients. (Mission Network News)

A total of more than 1 million Indians gathered at Marina Beach in
the southeastern Indian city of Chennai (formerly known as Madras)
Oct. 10-13. Being called "world's biggest beach party for Jesus," the
event took place even though it was held during the unpredctable
monsoon season in the state of Tamil Nadu which recently passed an
ordinance forbidding "forced conversions." The meetings were led by
Rev. Lee Jae-Rock, senior pastor of the 75,000-member Manmin Joong-Ang
Church in Seoul, South Korea. Many people reported that they were
healed of various illnesses at the event. (Assist News Service)

Business is opening doors for evangelism in hard-to-reach areas, says
Tom Sudyk of Evangelistic Commerce. "As many people know, missionaries
aren't real welcome in these countries, but businessmen are much more
protected than a what you would call a 'traditional tent-maker'
ministry because you're bringing jobs to the community," Sudyk said.
This often leads to covert opportunities to share the gospel, and he
says it's working. "One factory in a country we have associated with
us, more than 80 percent of the people have come to Christ because of
the witness of the factory managers," he said. "Basically, you get to
share Christ 40 to 50 hours per week." (Mission Network News)

The Presidential Prayer Team has honored veteran radio news
broadcaster and commentator Paul Harvey with the American Inspirations
Award for October 2002 because of his "strong and positive values and
his willingness to speak out about his faith." Harvey's trademark
voice is one of the most recognized in the world. His warm and folksy
accent was shaped by the heartland values of Tulsa, Okla., where he
was born and raised. The son of a Baptist preacher, he followed his
passion for radio broadcasting while still in high school, and in 1933
he began working at KVOO-AM as an announcer. During his college years,
Harvey continued at KVOO, eventually becoming the program director. In
1944 he moved to Chicago where he quickly became the most listened to
newscaster in that city. By 1951 his "Paul Harvey News and Comment"
became syndicated on stations across the country. Harvey then launched
his popular "Rest of the Story" program that delves into little-known
or forgotten details about well-known people and stories. Now in his
80s, Harvey is still the most listened to radio personality in the
U.S. with more than 22 million regular listeners. (Presidential Prayer

Research shows that conservative Protestant churches are generally
growing while those categorized as "moderate" and "liberal" are losing
members, reported The New York Times. "I was surprised to see that
most of the shrinking churches are moderate or liberal," said
professor Ken Sanchagrin, director of the Glenmary Research Center at
Mars Hill College in North Carolina. "The more liberal the church, the
faster it is shrinking." The study of more than 150 Christian and
non-Christian religious groups is performed every 10 years by the
Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. The fastest
growing religious group in the U.S. during the last decade was the
Mormon sect which now has a membership of 4.2 million. The Southern
Baptists remain the largest Protestant denomination with 19.9 million
members, but grew only 5 percent in the last decade. (Friday Fax)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

James A. Ferrier

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Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 16, 2002, 8:09:20 PM10/16/02
Clergy/Leaders' Mail-list No. 2-204 (Apologetics)


by Elizabeth Kendal

The 'Good News' is this - the Church of Jesus Christ is presently
growing at a phenomenal rate, comparable only with the early-Church
/ apostolic era. In fact, evangelical Protestant Christianity is
the fast growing religion in the world today.

This might seem difficult for many readers to believe because it is
not our experience - Christianity in the West is not growing and in
some places it is even in decline.

Phenomenal Church growth is found however in the non-Western world -
in places like Nepal where the first church was gathered in 1959
with 29 believers but where there are now an estimated 500,000
believers in some 3,000 congregations. Likewise in Sudan, where in
1960 only 5 percent of the Southern Sudanese were Christian, but
today it is estimated to be around 70 percent.

India is one nation that has seen several major revivals and an
enormous passion develop for mission. It is now one of the world's
leading missionary sending nations. The first Indian mission
agencies appeared in the 1960s and today there are over 440 of them
sponsoring more than 44,000 missionaries.

The Bad News is that the Church has an enemy - Satan - and he is
fighting against this harvest. Persecution is not only a human
rights issue, it is also a spiritual warfare issue and a mission
issue. Persecution and attacks on religious liberty are Satan's
weapons. Mission and prayer are our mighty weapons, and with them
we can demolish his strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

There are around two billion Christians in the world today and more
than 70 percent of them live in the non-Western world, which
is rife with corruption, poverty and conflict - where freedom is
limited and human rights abuses are commonplace.

In Belarus, Central Europe, where evangelical Protestant groups
have revived and flourished since Perestroika and the fall of
Communism, freedom is now being taken away. As soon as President
Lukashenko signs the new religion law, only groups that had a
registered community in 1982, at the height of Soviet oppression,
will have the right to exist as an association and train pastors,
run schools and charities and publish literature. All groups and
churches that fail to meet the new restrictive standards needed for
official state registration or re-registration will be rendered

It is estimated that some 200 million Christians suffer
persecution and a further 400 million suffer non-trivial
discrimination and restrictions on their basic freedoms simply
because they are Christians.

Only strong faith empowered by the Holy Spirit, and a deep love for
Jesus, can keep believers faithful in times of severe trial. Often
this demonstration of extreme faith is in itself a profound witness
and people are led to Christ through it.

The International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for the Persecuted Church is
a day to set aside for united global prayer for suffering
believers. This is an initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance
Religious Liberty Commission (WEA RLC) and this year is set down
for Sunday 10 or 17 November.

The problem of the persecution of the Church is not going to
go away. It is a contemporary issue and it is increasing.
Rather than ignore it, we must choose to engage in this
spiritual battle and support our sisters and brothers who
suffer on account of their faith.

- Elizabeth Kendal (WEA RLC)

Join the world's largest prayer group!

On Sunday 10 or 17 November this year, IDOP 2002 will be observed
by more than 300,000 congregations, praying together in unity of
spirit, across more than 130 nations.

To help you pray, a resources pack of Information, Devotionals,
Critical Prayer Requests, Children's Activities and OHTs can be
obtained on CD, together with a PowerPoint presentation. Order by e-
mailing <>. Alternatively, these resources
may be viewed at <> and downloaded.

(In Australia the options are: Resources Pack on CD $10 /
Paperbased & OHTs $15 / Both $20 [incl p+p & GST])

*** The least we can do is the most we can do: PRAY! ***

[Elizabeth Kendal is Principal Researcher and Writer of World
Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission. Ron Clough (who
moderates CLM) is a commissioner of WEA RLC.]


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Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 17, 2002, 6:48:03 PM10/17/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

In a rare show of solidarity, Christian, Islamic and Dalit (people
outside of the caste system) leaders met in Madurai, India, Oct. 10 to
plan action against a new law passed in southern India's Tamil Nadu
state. The law, issued on Oct. 5, prohibits "conversion from one
religion to another by the use of force or allurements or by
fraudulent means and for the matters incidental thereto." Violators
face prison sentences of up to five years and fines of about US$2,000.
Christian and Muslim leaders have denounced any suggestion that they
are involved in forced or coerced conversions. However, there are
concerns throughout the religious communities that the law will be
used by the predominantly Hindu authorities to prevent any
conversions. The leader of one militant Hindu group, the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh, said recently, "No one converts voluntarily. It is
motivated by greed." There are concerns about similar laws spreading
throughout India, with support being expressed by various leaders,
including the president of India's ruling BJP party. Demonstrations
and rallies are planned for Saturday, Oct. 19, to protest the new law.
The United Christian Council, various political parties and other
organizations also called for a day of fasting on Thursday, Oct. 24.
Institutions run by minority groups in India will be closed that day.
(Voice of the Martyrs)

A recent dramatic increase in attacks by Kony rebels in Uganda has
caused about 175 members of Seventh-day Adventist churches to scatter,
and their situation is currently unknown, reports Beat Odermatt,
president of the church in southern Sudan. An increase in attacks on
the highway between the Ugandan cities of Kampala and Arua has also
resulted in the death of one church member, a merchant from Sudan who
was killed when the bus he was riding in came under attack. Kony
rebels have also attacked refugee camps in Acholpii and burned more
than 150 grass huts, causing about 25,000 refugees to flee further
south, leaving their possessions behind. The risks involved in
transporting food and other necessities have caused many groups,
including the U.N., to suspend deliveries to towns and refugee camps.
In mid-September a U.N. driver was killed and several others were
seriously injured. (Adventist News Network)

Seventeen innocent men and women in Peru, some of whom had been
imprisoned for more than 10 years, will be freed from prison this
weekend. The inmates had all been recommended for release as early as
May but were unable to walk free because Peruvian President Alejandro
Toledo did not sign their pardons until this week. One of the
prisoners, 34-year-old Apaza Vargas, described the agony of waiting
each day to hear whether or not his pardon had been signed. "I have in
my memory beautiful stories which I have lived through these more than
seven hard and difficult years," he said. "The glory of our Redeemer
fills me with the blessing of being helped by brothers and sisters
whom I never imagined would worry about this humble servant. I will
never forget this beautiful experience, and it will always be a
blessing that Christ gave me in the midst of this familiar pain [as I
awaited the] signature of the president of Peru." (Christian
Solidarity Worldwide)

The gospel message will be preached simultaneously to all of the
world's 237 sovereign nations via the Internet on Friday, Oct. 18. The
event will coincide with the 81st birthday of veteran missions leader
Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and chairman of the
Global Pastors Network which is hosting the historic "WorldCast
Celebration" in Orlando, Fla., Oct. 18-19. Bright is one of 16
prominent mission leaders and pastors who will make presentations
during the two-day event. His half-hour message, "Grace for Every
Race," will be heard simultaneously around the world starting at 10:15
a.m. EDT Friday. To listen, visit
(Global Pastors Network)

In a "mutual desire to cooperate in ministry," International Bible
Society (IBS) President Peter Bradley and Salvation Army National
Chief Secretary Col. Thomas Lewis signed a memorandum of understanding
in Colorado Springs, Colo., Friday, Oct. 4. "By complementing each
other's strengths," the memorandum states, "we can expand the impact
of our respective organizations." IBS will produce a new version of
its disaster booklet, "When Your Whole World Changes," to be used by
the Salvation Army when reaching out to disaster survivors. IBS has
also formed a team of volunteer staff members who will minister
alongside the Salvation Army during times of disaster. "The potential
of releasing God's power through His Word coupled with God's love and
mercy through the wonderful outreach of the Salvation Army is beyond
measurement," Bradley stated in a letter to Lewis. (International
Bible Society)

Brazil could be one of the key countries that will evangelize the Arab
world, says David Shibley of Global Advance who recently returned from
the Frontline Shepherds' Conference in Manaus. More than 1,000 pastors
and church leaders attended the event. "What was particularly
thrilling to me was to see literally hundreds upon hundreds of pastors
who committed to plant at least one new church within the next 12
months," he says. "Hundreds of young Brazilian pastors and church
leaders also committed themselves to cross-cultural missionary
service." Because of cultural similarities, Shibley says Brazilians
could be the key to reaching the Arab world for Christ. "They
laughingly joke about even their skin type being similar to that of
many of the Arab-speaking peoples. I believe there are some natural
parallels that the Brazilian church has that makes them prime
candidates to be missionaries to the Islamic world." (Mission Network

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Mary Beth

Oct 18, 2002, 11:56:42 AM10/18/02
Thanx for great article! If we all want to be serious about stopping
war and creating happiness joy and abundance view this powerful
mini-flash movie that has hit the internet on October 6th and has
currently reached close to a million viewers... help us spread the
message of peace and prosperity! Do your part.... and pass on "Conversation With An

Rowland Croucher

Oct 20, 2002, 9:10:51 PM10/20/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

The Laskar Jihad, an extremist Islamic group responsible for much of
the violence in Central Sulawesi and the Moluccas in Indonesia, has
announced that it is disbanding. In a surprise announcement, a lawyer
representing Laskar Jihad said the organization was closing its
headquarters and offices and would be withdrawing its warriors from
the region. Up to 1,000 Laskar Jihad fighters have already left Ambon
on a ferry bound for Jakarta. Christians in the region are welcoming
the decision, especially if it results in an end to the attacks that
have continued despite peace agreements signed at the beginning of
2002. The Laskar Jihad's lawyer, Wirawan Adnan, insisted that the
decision was an internal one taken prior to the car bomb attack in
Bali Oct. 12 that killed at least 183 people and injured more than
300. Sheikh Rubi ibn Hadi, a Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia, recently
called for an end to the "holy war" in eastern Indonesia's Moluccan
Islands. Anti-Christian violence in the region since 2000 has left
more than 15,000 Christians dead.

Evidence is emerging that the attack on Bali is linked to the al-Qaida
terrorist group. Secret U.S. documents reportedly indicate that
al-Faruq, arrested by Indonesian police in June and handed to U.S.
authorities, was a senior al-Qaida representative in Southeast Asia
with responsibility for planning and coordinating attacks against
American targets in the area. He also has been linked to attempts to
assassinate Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri. Although
al-Faruq's origins and movements are shrouded in mystery, there is
evidence that he was involved in training and leading Islamic
extremist groups during anti-Christian violence in the Moluccas.

Meanwhile, a mob destroyed a church in the predominantly Muslim city
of Makassar in South Sulawesi after it was reported that the church
had been built without the necessary permits. The building of churches
requires a permit from the city authorities who consult with the local
population. Churches cannot be built in predominantly Muslim areas.
Some participants in the destruction claimed that the church would be
demolished unless it vacated the premises. Although the local police
chief criticized people for taking the law into their own hands, no
action was taken by authorities to prevent the destruction. Official
investigations into the existence of a building permit are ongoing.
(Barnabas Fund/Religion Today)

Indigenous Christian ministries in Myanmar (formerly called Burma)
continue to proclaim the gospel despite pockets of severe persecution.
Officials have authority to close church meeting places and select
Christian workers and new believers to serve in forced labor without
pay. Myanmar's government promotes Buddhism as a national religion,
offering interest-free loans and supplemental rice to Buddhists while
excluding Christians. Officials also offer large sums of money to
Christians to become Buddhists, and public schools indoctrinate pupils
in Buddhism. Christian children, along with all others, are expected
to bow before Buddha. Churches also experience harassment from the
police who have the authority to close down meeting places that don't
have proper registration or own their own land and buildings.
Christians meeting in houses or apartments are especially vulnerable.
Despite the hardships, indigenous churches and mission agencies in
Myanmar first planted by American missionary Adoniram Judson more than
150 years ago continue their forerunner's diligence. There is a
climate of openness to the gospel among most people, including many
younger Buddhists. (Christian Aid Mission)

A surge in Islam in predominantly Christian Rwanda (65 percent Roman
Catholic and 9 percent Protestant) is being attributed to
disillusionment with Christianity following the 1994 genocide that
claimed 800,000 lives. Fourteen percent now follow Islam, up from 7
percent before 1994. New mosques are being built across the country in
an effort to build unity among Tutsis and Hutus. (World Pulse)

More than 100 leaders from six African countries -- South Africa,
Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Nigeria -- gathered in Cape
Town Oct. 8-10 for a strategy session on expanding churches in the
region. The event was the fourth annual National Consultation on
Saturation Church Planting hosted by the Church Planting Alliance of
South Africa. "While not large in number [with 110 delegates
attending], the group represented the different denominational and
missions structures in the country, especially those committed to
seeing more cooperation and focus on strategic integration of the
evangelism task in and from South Africa," said spokesman Johan
Combrinck. "The consultation also served as a forum for various
transformation streams to converge into a broader flow of potential
blessing for the nation." Delegates agreed that South Africa needs a
"more coordinated and strategically integrated national evangelism
initiative, focused on the discipling of nations," Combrinck said.
Rev. John Thomas, pastor of Fishoek Baptist Church and an HCJB World
Radio partner in Cape Town, added that the AIDS epidemic is opening up
doors to share the gospel in the region. "AIDS has given the church in
South Africa its greatest chance for impacting the nation and the
world." (Assist News Service)

Staff at an Army Infantry Training Center in North Yorkshire, England,
are reporting a rush of cadets wanting to hear about God and coming to
faith in Christ. Soldiers arriving for basic training are given a New
Testament from Scripture Gift Mission produced together with the Naval
Military and Air Force Bible Society. Chaplains say they are taking
the special camouflage editions with them on exercises. More than 100
cadets are reported to have trusted Christ in recent weeks. (Scripture
Gift Mission)

In addition to voting for a new president, Ecuadorians will choose 100
lawmakers, 67 provincial officials, 667 town councilors, two mayors
and five representatives to the regional Andean parliament. Ten
candidates are vying for the presidency, including two former
presidents, Rodrigo Borja and Osvaldo Hurtado. If none of the
candidates receives more than 50 percent of the vote, a run-off
election involving the top two vote-getters will be held on Nov. 24.
The next president will be charged with rescuing a nation mired in
economic woes, struggling with foreign debt and rising government
salaries it can't afford to pay. Ecuador, which two years ago adopted
the U.S. dollar as its currency, is an oil-rich nation, but roughly 70
percent of the population lives in poverty. The new president will
also have to address rising unemployment. Ecuador's Indians, who
comprise between a quarter and half of the nation's 12 million people,
hope their recent efforts to better organize will pay off with
increased influence via the ballot box. The Indian community,
disproportionately poor, is a significant voting bloc that traditional
political parties have not yet been able to attract. (HCJB World
Radio/Miami Herald/EFE)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 20, 2002, 9:17:11 PM10/20/02
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 2:48 AM
Subject: Tensions Rise for Pakistani Christians

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941
Washington, DC 20006-1846
Tel: 301-989-1708

Tensions Rise for Pakistani Christians After Hard-Line Islamic Party Makes
Election Gains

A hard-line Islamic political party made significant gains during Pakistan's
recent parliamentary elections held on October 10. Christians fear a rise in
Islamic extremism and more attacks on the already battered Christian
community from pro-Taliban militants. The Muttahida Majlas-i-Amal (MMA), an
alliance of six clerical parties, won 20% of the parliamentary seats and was
elected the majority party in two regions - the North West Frontier Province
(NWFP) bordering Afghanistan and the Balochistan province bordering Iran.
Known as open supporters of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime, the MMA has
publicly called for the imposition of Islamic shariah law in Pakistan.

Already tense from five deadly attacks since last year, Pakistan's
Christians fear the MMA may create an even harsher environment for the
country's non-Muslims. Some Christians in NWFP and Balochistan have already
considered migrating to friendlier areas of the country or even overseas. A
Pakistani human rights leader told ICC: "The future picture looks very bleak
and gruesome in Pakistan. The religious minorities find that their plight
will further be made miserable." Islamic extremist groups are reportedly
already meeting with MMA politicians in Islamabad. There is concern that
these are some of the same groups that brutally murdered workers of the
Peace and Justics Institute in Karachi on September 25 and carried out
lethal attacks at Christian churches and institutions.

The Muthida Majlas-e-Amal (MMA) party is known to vehemently oppose
President Musharraf's cooperation in the War Against Terrorism. After
winning the majority in NWFP and Balochistan, the group took out processions
in the capital cities of these provinces during which they displayed
portraits of Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar and hailed the two as their
heroes. An MMA leader, Munawar Hasan, was quoted in the press as saying:
"The Taliban and Al-Qaeda members are our brothers." It seems likely that an
MMA-controlled provincial government will provide a safe haven for Al-Qaeda
and Taliban members evading arrest. As the provincial government controls
the police, this will hamper efforts to bring down Pakistan's terrorist
network and most likely result in less protection for the Christian minority
in these areas.

ICC has also learned that on October 16th three mail bombs contained a note
saying "This is a gift from MMA, hearts and flowers, hope everything comes
up for you" exploded in Karachi. The bombs were addressed to several people
investigating Al-Qaeda links in Karachi. It is not yet known whether MMA
members were truly behind the bombs, which injured nine people. Considering
these bomb attacks on Muslims, the Christians seem justified in their fears
of what the MMA may do to the Christian community.

International Christian Concern is a Washington, DC based human rights and
humanitarian aid organization.



Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 21, 2002, 12:21:04 PM10/21/02
From: "Mission Network News" <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:00 PM

Subject: [mnn-news] Mission Network News

News headlines for October 21st 2002

(Kenya)--Topping the news, both the Zimbabwe and Kenyan education systems
are in crisis. Subsidized teachers are in a whole scale revolt against
the government. In a society where education is a way out of poverty,
their strike comes right before crucial national exams. Worldwide
Christian Schools'[1] Dale Dieleman says this is having an impact on
their work. "It's a very serious issue. It's an issue that effects not
only government, but also Christians because many of those Christian
schools have to depend on the government subsidies for teacher salaries."
Dieleman says the difference between secular teachers and Christian ones
is the message of the Gospel. "These teachers are rather dedicated
people, at least the ones in the schools that we know of; I think it's
their faith that brings them to the classroom everyday. So, I would just
continue to pray for the administrators and teachers on the local level.
Pray for the students, that somehow this situation will be alleviated."

(India)--Next, an anti-conversion law in Tamil Nadu State is raising alarm
among the evangelical community. Due to the religious implications,
members of India's lowest caste and the Muslim population are joining
Christian protests. The Bible League's[2] Jay Kumar says because it came
'out of the blue', the ordinance's passage is suspect. "There are a lot
of local nationalist Hindu parties, that just jump on board, once one of
their leaders says 'jump'. They say, 'how high?'-But, in my opinion, I
know there's some speculation that this ordinance is kind of like a smoke
screen." Kumar believes the real issue is a water shortage, but thinks
the law is aimed at diffusing tensions. Yet, there is an unintended side
effect. "The plus side is that a lot of these pastors who previously did
not meet together, and who were just kind of doing their own thing, are
now meeting together and praying together. They're saying, 'This is
against us; it's no longer against me and my ministry.'"

(USA)--College and Universities are in full swing around the United
States, providing opportunities for college ministries to share Christ
with new students. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's[3] Phil Evans
says this is a key time of year for evangelism. "New students, especially
freshman are very open to new ideas. They've left home. They're
investigating and exploring new things. So, if they can be introduced to
Christians they are more likely to investigate the claims of Christ. And,
so there's an openness in the fall that you might not get in the second
semester or in the spring time." Evans hopes the number of small group
Bible studies grows over last year's numbers because he says they're
effective. "Last year, InterVarsity had more than 4,000 small group Bible
studies all over the country. And approximately half of them were
designed for non-Christian students and we saw almost 2,000 students come
to meet Jesus Christ." Evan is asking Christians to pray for many campus
missionaries who lack sufficient support.

(China)--Meanwhile, heresy and false teaching are huge concerns for
Christians in China. Christian workers say various cults are infiltrating
the church, and because theological training is lacking, my believers are
led astray. The Bridge International[4] is trying to change that by
sponsoring 40 full time evangelists in 12 minority ethnic groups. They
would like to do more. 40-dollars a month can help train more of these
leaders. Pray that Christians in the west will help with this incredible

(USA)--And, with Halloween less than ten days away, the American Tract
Society[5] is reminding people that the day can be used to teach children
about evangelical opportunities. ATS has partnered with a number of local
Christian bookstores to provide "Halloween Rescue Kits". The kits include
candy, stickers and a tract that shares the Gospel message. Mark Brown,
with the ATS, says the children can hand them out as they go door-to-door,
or pass them out from their own homes.




Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 21, 2002, 8:06:48 PM10/21/02
Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Pakistan's religious and ethnic minorities continue to face threats of
serious sectarian violence, a new report from Minority Rights Group
International warns. The report recommends that those responsible for
crimes of ethnic and religious hatred including recent killings,
destruction of property and places of worship, and crimes of sexual
violence, must be brought to justice and steps taken to instigate
independent inquiries into these acts. The killing of seven Christian
charity workers in Karachi on Sept. 25 was the latest in a number of
attacks on religious minorities (including Christians, Hindus, Ahmadis
and Shia Muslims) which have escalated in recent months. Pakistan's
Hindu minority, traditionally marginalized within Pakistan, have been
further targeted due to continuing political discord between India and
Pakistan regarding the disputed Indian state of Kashmir. (Minority
Rights Group International)

Two U.S. diplomats and their translator have been barred from visiting
the site of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church which was bulldozed by
authorities in the village of Pahranichny on Aug. 1. They were also
not allowed to meet local parishioners. The diplomats were stopped on
Oct. 9 by police who said they were violating a restricted border
zone. Pahranichny is a few miles from Belarus' western border with
Poland. All roads into leading to the village were blocked by police,
border guards and unmarked vehicles. It is thought that this happened
because the diplomats had informed Vladimir Savchenko, chairman of the
Hrodna regional administration, that they intended to visit
Pahranichny. (Keston News Service)

A week after the controversial ordinance banning forcible religious
conversions came into force in the southern India's Tamil Nadu state,
the Dalits (people outside of the caste system) in Koothirambakkam are
bristling with defiance. "Let the government drag us to court or put
us in prison, but we will not remain Hindus anymore," said an
80-year-old man who was born a Dalit. "When the government cannot
ensure that we are not treated like inferior animals by caste Hindus,
why is it coming up with this anti-conversion law?" Many Dalit
intellectuals view the ordinance as anti-constitutional. "It works
against the Dalits," said the coordinator of the Center for Dalit
Studies in Hyderabad. (India Mail)

Raadio 7, a Christian radio station based in Tallinn, Estonia,
affiliated with United Christian Broadcasters International and
supported by IBRA Radio in Sweden, has launched an Internet radio
station called 24x7 aimed at Estonian youth. The first Estonian
Internet radio station which began a trial transmission on Oct. 10,
already has had thousands of hits. The official launch will be on Dec.
1. Anti Tiik, the project's technical director, said the format of the
programming is designed to attract young listeners. "In Estonia 40
percent of the population uses the Internet daily, which makes it
possible to reach young people who are interested in computers, the
Internet and music," he says. The Internet station had more than
60,000 hits during the first week alone. The programming features
about 80 percent music -- mostly in Estonian and English -- and 20
percent speech. To listen, visit (Assist News Service)

With colleges and universities in full swing across North America.,
many opportunities to share Christ with new students have opened up,
says Phil Evans of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. "New students,
especially freshmen, are very open to new ideas," he says. "They've
left home. They're investigating and exploring new things. So if they

can be introduced to Christians they are more likely to investigate

the claims of Christ. There's an openness in the fall that you might
not get in the second semester or in the spring." Evans expects the
number of small-group Bible studies with students on campuses to keep
growing. "Last year InterVarsity had more than 4,000 small-group Bible
studies across the country. Approximately half of them were designed
for non-Christian students, and we saw almost 2,000 students come to
Christ. (Mission Network News)

Ecuador's presidential election in Ecuador Sunday, Oct. 20, appears
headed to a second-round runoff with the possibility of a coup leader
in the final vote becoming Ecuador's next president, reports HCJB
World Radio's Ralph Kurtenbach in Quito. With 62 percent of the votes
counted by early Monday morning, coup leader Col. Lucio Gutiérrez, 45,
was leading the pack of 11 candidates with 20 percent of the vote
followed closely by Ecuador's richest businessman, Alvaro Noboa, 51,
with 17 percent. Noboa lost the 1998 runoff against former president
Jamil Mahuad. He is no relation to the current president, Gustavo
Noboa. The runoff election will be on Nov. 24.

In January 2000 Gutiérrez helped lead an Indian insurrection that
resulted in a short-lived ruling trio composed of him along with
Indian leader Antonio Vargas and a Supreme Court judge. In just hours
the group was replaced by the administration of Mahuad's then-vice
president Gustavo Noboa who did not run in this election. Vargas was a
presidential candidate but did not place among the top vote-getters.
Socialist Party Congressman León Roldós had 16 percent of votes cast
while former president Rodrigo Borja had 15 percent. Xavier Neira and
Jacobo Bucaram finished with 13 and 10 percent respectively. After the
short-lived coup in 2000, Gutiérrez was jailed but later granted
amnesty. He founded his political party, calling it the January 21st
Patriotic Society -- referring to the coup. He dismisses comparisons
with populist Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez who led a botched coup
before winning office at the ballot box.

Gutiérrez is backed primarily by leftist groups while Noboa finds
support among Ecuador's poor masses. Ecuador has suffered a decade of
tumultuous politics that saw two presidents and a vice president run
out of office. The economy collapsed three years ago, causing a turn
to the U.S. dollar to stabilize the country's finances. But prices
soared in 1999, and Ecuadorians are still feeling the pinch. The
nation of 12 million has a foreign debt of $11.4 billion and little
outside investment to help pay it off.

HCJB World Radio provided national coverage of the election from 6:30
a.m. until 10:30 p.m. with five blocks of programming. "We had an hour
break every now and then to allow for some rest for the on-air team,"
said National Radio Director Allen Graham. "It was a long day, but a
good day. Our team did a super job. We're all tired today, but very
happy with what God allowed us to do." The broadcasts were carried on
HCJB World Radio's AM and FM stations in Quito and on repeaters in
Manabí, Esmeraldas, Tungurahua and Papallacta. The broadcasts were
also carried on HCJB-2 (an FM station in Guayaquil with a repeater in
El Oro), on the Vozandes Satellite Network with nine affiliates, and
worldwide via shortwave.

"We were able to provide coverage to 14 of Ecuador's 22 provinces,"
Graham said. "This is was the first time we not only had a large
number of stations retransmitting the signal, but also participating
with reports from their respective communities. This provided a
totally new flavor to the coverage, which we have not had in the past.
For instance, in one 30-minute segment we went from Radio Punto in
Ibarra (northern Ecuador) to Ondas de Esperanza in Loja (southern
Ecuador) to Radio Caliente in Lago Agrio (eastern Ecuador) to Radio La
Voz de los Caras (western Ecuador). This provided a real richness to
our coverage which we've not had in the past. I also feel that it has
created more of a two-way bond between HCJB World Radio and our
affiliate stations in the satellite network.

"Together we were able to provide Christ-centered election coverage in
a way that no one of us could have done by ourselves," Graham added.
"I think it is especially exciting since several of the affiliate
stations in the satellite network are secular, but they want the
programming that we have to offer. Three of the four stations that
carried the signal off-air are secular, but they are willing to use
our programming, including the spiritual content. What a great
opportunity God has given us to be able to change lives for the
kingdom!" (HCJB World Radio/Miami Herald/AP)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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lists are distributed for information purposes and to encourage prayer.
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Rowland Croucher
(7,700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 23, 2002, 1:14:13 AM10/23/02
From: exodus
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:26 AM
Subject: from Peter Lane, Exodus Asia Pacific at present travelling in India

Date: 21st October, 2002.

Place: Vijayawada, Andra.Pradesh, India.


Indian Christians Plan Civil Disobedience

By Peter Lane

As from October 26th conversion to Christianity is illegal in the south
Indian State of Tamil Nadu. Independent Churches with no denominational
affiliation will be closed and those pastoring with no official
qualifications will be imprisoned up to three years.

Indian Christians are planning a campaign of civil disobedience in response
to the anti conversion ordinance Bill introduced recently by the Tamil Nadu
State of India. An ordinance in being introduced is not initially subject to
the usual democratic Parliamentary processes that involves the approval of
the people, the State Council and the Governor of the State.

Christians see the Ordinance Bill, which are usually only introduced in an

1. Contravenes the Indian Constitution which allows freedom of religion.
2. Is seen as a move to restrict Christianity in Tamil Nadu which has up to
7% of Christians.
3. Is really directed against the educating of women and dalits (scheduled
castes) who get education in Christian institutions in order to prevent them
from knowing their constitutional rights.

With the passing of the ordinance bill by the State Assembly in Tamil Nadu,
then the fears are that a similar Ordinance Bill could be introduced in
other Indian States where Christians are an even a lesser minority.
Nationally it is estimated that Christians make up 2% of India's population,
which currently has a BJP led coalition government. Since the election of
the BJP Government three years ago there has been an increase in opposition
to minority groups including Christians.

Rallies were held by Christians in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu on
October 19th as well as in other Indian cities and the troubled state of
Gujurat, already the scene of violence against minority groups such as
Muslims and Christians. The rallies failed to bring the removal of the
Ordinance Bill, so further action will be taken. Catholic Bishops and other
Christian leaders will plan to demonstrate outside the Tamil Nadu Assembly
on October 24th, which is the opening day of the Assembly.

If there is no reappeal to the Ordinance Bill then there will also be a
public closure of all 5,000 Christian Schools for a day in Tamil Nadu. This
is an attempt to mobilise sympathy for Christians from secular Hindus and
Muslims many of whom have children in Christian places of education.

If there is still no response a mass civil disobedience will take place in
the form of mass Public Baptisms of converts from Hindu background. Those
performing the baptisms will refuse to pay the fines and thus be sent to

The Indian Christian Solidarity group is mobilizing a response to this
situation as a time for prayer and action for Christians to assert their
constitutional rights. In doing so they fulfil their slogan "To protect and

Perhaps this situation is prophetically fulfilling the words of India's
first Prime Minister, Mr Nehru who warned against awaking the sleeping
Christian lion.



Rowland Croucher
(7,800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 23, 2002, 10:43:26 PM10/23/02
From: "ENS"
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:30 AM
Subject: [ENS] Christian leaders from Jerusalem blocked from attending
interfaith meeting in London

October 23, 2002


Christian leaders from Jerusalem blocked from attending
interfaith meeting in London

by James Solheim

(ENS) A high-level delegation of Christian church leaders from
Jerusalem was harassed at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and
prevented from flying to an important three-day international,
interfaith meeting in London, beginning tomorrow.

The meeting, called by Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey,
was a follow-up to a breakthrough interfaith meeting that
produced the Alexandria Declaration, signed by Christian, Muslim
and Jewish leaders who are working to resolve the Middle East
crisis. "The meeting is intended to promote the Declaration and
come to grips with the root causes of the conflict," said Bishop
Riah Abu El-Assal, the Anglican bishop in Jerusalem and the
Middle East. "We believe that Jerusalem is central to peace

The First Alexandria Declaration of the Religious Leaders of
the Holy Land was originally issued in Alexandria, Egypt, on
January 21, 2002. In addition to a cease-fire "respected and
observed on all sides," it also calls for "the implementation of
the Mitchell and Tenet recommendations, including the lifting of
restrictions and return to negotiations" on the part of Israelis
and Palestinians.

Signatories included: Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey;
Sephardi Chief Rabbi Eliahu Bakshi-Doron; Deputy Foreign
Minister Rabbi Michael Melchior; President of the World
Conference on Religion and Peace Rabbi David Rosen: Minister of
State for the Palestinian Authority Sheikh Tal El Sider on
behalf of the Palestinian delegation; a representative of the
Greek Patriarch Archbishop Aristichos; Melkite Archbishop
Boutrous Mouallem; and Bishop Riah of the Episcopal Diocese of
Jerusalem and the Middle East.

In an interview, Riah described how he and his colleague,
Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Jerusalem, were stopped at a road block on the way to the
airport. Despite repeated promises of special VIP treatment from
the Israeli government agency that deals with Christian
communities in Israel, they were asked to get out of the car and
submit to a search. Riah refused and urged the soldiers to check
with their officers about the special arrangements, suggesting
that the humiliating treatment was because they were Christians.
After a while they were allowed to proceed to the airport.

When they arrived at the VIP lounge at the airport, Riah and
Munib soon discovered that the two colleagues waiting for
them--Archbishop Boutros Mouallem of the Greek Catholic Church
and Father Elias Chacour, president of Mar Elias College in the
Galilee--had suffered similar treatment. "We were humiliated as
never before," said Riah in a phone call to the Rev. Andrew
White in England, Carey's staff person during the meeting in

Security at the airport insisted that the church leaders
identify and open their luggage before the flight, in clear
violation of normal VIP treatment. The church leaders refused to
comply or to allow staff to comply, escalating the incident.
Archbishop Mouallem was asked to provide a certificate proving
that he was a bishop, and then asked to step into a private room
at the airport for interrogation. The stalemate ended when the
church leaders asked for return of their passports and tickets.
When told that a supervisor would meet with them, Munib said,
"It's too late." When they returned to Jerusalem they learned
that officials of the Ministry for Religious Affairs had mounted
a quick investigation.

"We need not only an apology but an end to these attempts to
humiliate us," said Riah. "This is very serious."

Chacour said that the Greek Catholic archbishop, who carries
a Vatican passport, had never experienced such humiliation.
"Every non-Jew is seen as a potential enemy," Chacour said
during an interview after the return to Jerusalem. "We want to
be friends with the Israelis and build bridges between our
communities but it is becoming very difficult. We either build
this state together or it won't be built," he said. "Unless they
can overcome their paranoia, their feeling that they are
victims, there will never be peace."

Munib said that pressure against the Christian community and
its leaders has been increasing. "It's constantly like this," he
said in describing his difficulties during recent border
crossings. "If we are treated this way how do they treat normal
Palestinian Christians?"

Israeli authorities representing the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the Ministry of Religious Affairs rushed to meet
with the delegation. Rabbi Melchior of the Israeli Foreign
Ministry called from London to personally apologize. All
involved have promised "a turning point" in their relationships
and promised that the group would receive appropriate treatment
when they attempted to leave again on the afternoon flight.
Reports from the airport indicated that there were no further
incidents and that the delegation continued the journey to


--James Solheim is director of Episcopal News Service and
reports from a trip of journalists in the Middle East sponsored
by Church World Service of the National Council of Churches.



Rowland Croucher

Rowland Croucher

Oct 23, 2002, 10:50:07 PM10/23/02
The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, October 23, 2002

A summary of news concerning the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.
1. Massacre Witness Faces Police Harassment (Pakistan)
2. Militant Muslim Group Disbands (Indonesia)
3. Question of the Week
4. Attacks Against Priests Continuing (Colombia)
5. Militant Buddhists Strike (Sri Lanka)
6. Persecution Conference - November 2 (Canada)

1. Massacre Witness Faces Police Harassment (Pakistan)

Earlier this month, The Voice of the Martyrs reported that the only witness
able to testify on the execution-style attack on the Institute for Peace and
Justice (IPJ) in Karachi, Pakistan on September 25, was in police custody.
Though authorities claimed that Robin Piranditta was in protective custody,
there were signs of cigarette burns and other indications that he was
suffering psychological and physical torture by the police.

On October 22, Compass Direct reported that the Sindh High Court ordered
that he be released. A court-ordered report said that he had suffered
"severe physical and mental torture" and that his detention was illegal. As
he was leaving the courthouse, however, he was re-arrested by police. Three
lawyers with him at the time were injured, as Piranditta was beaten, kicked,
and thrown into a van. He was then formally declared a suspect in the

Last night, Piranditta was once again released, as his lawyers files
contempt of court charges against the police. According to Fayyaz Leghari,
who heads the police investigation into the case, "We have released him, so
we have asked him to remain in the city. We will keep a watch on him."
Leghari said that they did not have enough evidence to keep Piranditta in
custody. Piranditta, a Christian, had worked for IPJ for 16 years.

The only other survivor of the attack, Robin Sharif, recently regained
consciousness after having been in a coma since the attack. The police hope
to interview him within the next few days.

Praise God for this latest news on Piranditta's release and Sharif's
recovery. Pray that justice will be served in this case. Pray for
protection for Robin Piranditta, both from the police as well as Islamic
militants. Pray for a continued and full recovery for Robin Sharif.

2. Militant Muslim Group Disbands (Indonesia)

The militant Islamic group responsible for much of the violence in the
Maluku region of Indonesia has reportedly been disbanded. On October 12, a
lawyer for the Laskar Jihad announced that they were closing their
headquarters and offices and withdrawing their warriors from the Malukus and
Central Sulawesi. In an interview reported in the Chicago Tribune, their
leader, Jafar Umar Thalib, said, "Our purpose to help our Muslim brothers
has been achieved. We are now concentrating on offering only social help to
our brothers in the Moluccas,"

According to CNN, 700 Laskar Jihad members left Maluku's provincial capital
of Ambon by ship on October 15, returning to their homeland of Java. Others
have also been seen leaving. The headquarters for the organization appears
to be closed and the official website is down. One source estimates that
there were 3000 Laskar Jihad members who are being withdrawn in stages.

While Christians in the area are rejoicing at this news, there is fear that
the organization may be simply going underground, making it more difficult
for the authorities to track their activities.

There have also been speculations circulating around the timing of the
announcement. The announcement was made only hours before the devastating
bombing that killed more than 200 people in a nightclub in Bali on October
12, bringing international attention to terrorism in Indonesia. There has
been pressure by the government against the Laskar Jihad in recent months
and many sources in Indonesia are speculating that the organization, which
has received unofficial support from some in the Indonesian military, may
have been losing that support in the wake of the recent crackdown.

Pray for peace in the Malukas and central Sulawesi. Pray that Christians in
the area will be able to rebuild their lives and that the authorities will
be willing and able to keep the peace in this area that has known so much
violence since 1999. Pray that God will thwart the plans of those who seek
to harm His people.

3. Question of the Week

Almost everywhere you look today, you read reports of attacks and threats of
violence being made by militant Islamist groups. Reports of Indonesia's
Laskar Jihad's disbandment are being received by many with a mix of cautious
hope and skepticism. Can we really believe that this organization is
closing up for good?

That is the question of this week: Do you believe that the Laskar Jihad is
really disbanding?

To participate in our poll and discussion, go to and
click on "Discussion Forum." If you have not registered on our forum in the
past, click on "Register" and select a username and password.

4. Attacks Against Priests Continuing (Colombia)

In unrelated attacks within hours of each other, two Catholic priests were
murdered in Colombia on October 18.

In the early morning, as Father José Luis Cárdenas Hernández, 31, was about
the leave his home to jog, he answered a knock on the door and found five
men in civilian clothes and armed with long-range weapons. They spoke for
ten minutes before Cárdenas was shot five times in the head. Cárdenas was
the parish priest for Chalán, 400 miles northwest of Bogotá. Authorities
believe that his murder was the work of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC). A FARC spokesman has denied this allegation.

Later that same afternoon, Monsignor Gabriel Arias Posada, 66, vicar of the
Diocese of Armenia, was reportedly traveling to help secure the release of a
kidnapped official, Ancízar López, when he and his driver were shot and
killed in the town of Anserma.

Reports of priests being killed have become common in Colombia recently, in
the ongoing strife between the government and rebel groups. Pray for peace
in Colombia as well as for safety for those trying to make a difference in
this nation torn apart by war and the narcotic industry.

According to Zenit, armed groups in Colombia have killed 47 priests and two
bishops in the past 18 years. Over the past decade, the internal conflict
has claimed 40,000 lives.

5. Militant Buddhists Strike (Sri Lanka)

The Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (EASL) reports that an Assembly of God
worship centre in Weerawilla in southern Sri Lanka was burned to the ground
on October 13. According to the report received by The Voice of the Martyrs
on October 21, a group of men set fire to the worship hall as well as the
home of a believer who lived nearby. Both buildings were completely
destroyed and the Christian lost all his possessions.

Earlier that week, VOM also received a report from EASL recounting how a
pastor and his family had recently been attacked in their car. Pastor
Stephen Yogarajah, his wife, and 11-year-old son all sustained injuries and
their car has badly damaged when they were assaulted by a group of 10-15 men
in Kodolkela, 12 km from their hometown of Chilaw, Sri Lanka.

Believers in Sri Lanka often face harassment from militant Buddhist groups
in the country. Pray for the Christians who have recently suffered this
persecution. Pray that the Church in Sri Lanka will continue to stand firm
in the face of opposition. Pray for those who persecute the Church in Sri
Lanka. Pray that God will lead them to repentance and a knowledge of the
truth of God.

6. Persecution Conference - November 2 (Canada)

The Voice of the Martyrs and Open Doors with Brother Andrew invite you to
their 4th annual joint conference on the Persecuted Church on Saturday,
November 2 at City Centre Baptist Church in Mississauga, Ontario. The theme
of this year's conference is "A Strategic Response to a World in Crisis:
Gaining a Christian Perspective on Religious Freedom, Human Rights And the
Persecution of Christians." Speakers to this year's conference include Paul
Johnson (Open Doors), Glenn Penner (The Voice of the Martyrs), Magid
El-Shafie (Egypt), Martha Kenney (The Voice of the Martyrs), and Jeff Taylor
(Open Doors). Pre-registration is required. Please pre-register before the
end of this Friday, October 25 by calling 905-670-9721.

For more details, see our website at This is
one conference that you will not want to miss!

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs,



Rowland Croucher
(7,800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 29, 2002, 6:12:59 PM10/29/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

The leaders of a Protestant church in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous
republic in northwestern Uzbekistan, have been charged with
"participation in the activity of illegal religious organizations" and
could face up to three years in prison if convicted. This follows a
police raid on the Mir (Peace) Presbyterian Church in Nukus, attended
by some members who came from a traditional Muslim ethnic background.
Police also accused church leaders of luring minors into their
activities. However, the parents of the children who attend the church
have all signed declarations saying they do not object to the
religious education of their children. Entry to the church office is
now forbidden by the police. Officers also confiscated a computer and
religious literature. Some suspect that the crackdown on the church
may be linked to the fact that it's in the final stage of gaining
official registration in Uzbekistan. It is unclear when the
investigation will be completed and when the church leaders will face
trial. (Keston News Service)

Exactly 485 years after the publication of Martin Luther's famous "95
Theses," a monument commemorating the reformer will be inaugurated in
Santiago, Chile, Thursday, Oct. 31. Martin Breitenfeldt of the
Evangelical Faculty of Theology in Santiago said the area near the
corner of Recoleta Ave. and Paragua St. will be named Reformation
Square. "It is the first time that a public space in Latin America
will be dedicated to the impeller of the evangelical movement and his
inheritance," he said. "For the celebration, massive participation of
evangelical believers from numerous churches is expected, plus the
presence of representatives of the different sectors of Chilean
society and the embassies of the countries in which the reformation
started." In Chile, celebrating Reformation Day is a tradition not
only marked by Lutherans, but of evangelicals from many denominations.
A new religion law in Chile recently gave Protestants "legal equality"
with the Roman Catholic church in the country. (Assist News Service)

Political and religious leaders in Nigeria continue an intense debate
over the implementation of Islamic law (sharia) by 12 of the country's
36 states. Some Muslim politicians appear to agree with Christian
leaders that the imposition of sharia is undemocratic. Bola Ahmed
Tinubu, governor of the state of Lagos where 60 percent of residents
are Christians, told a gathering of journalists and religious leaders
that members of the Muslim community have been pressuring him to
introduce sharia. He rebuffed the attempt. Tinubu, a Muslim, expressed
sadness that some politicians are deliberately dismantling the
Nigerian state. "The nation's crisis can be traced to the desperation
of people who want to gain power," he said. In the three years since
states introduced sharia, more than 100,000 Nigerians have been
displaced, and more than 3,000 have died in riots. (Compass)

Two new outreaches are hoping to touch the hearts of the people of the
West African country of Chad. Book of Hope's Bob Hoskins said that as
the country recovers from civil war and faces incredible economic
turmoil, opportunities for the gospel abound. "Some of our colleagues
got a license for what's called Hope Radio," he said. "On Nov. 15 the
station will begin broadcasting from N'Djananja, the capital city of
Chad. In connection with the launch of Hope Radio, we're launching the
Book of Hope distribution in the schools there." While Chad is
predominately Muslim, Hoskins explained to government leaders that the
Book of Hope, based on the Bible, can help in the battle against AIDS
and drug and alcohol abuse. "I said, 'I know you don't believe Jesus
as God as I do, but your Koran says that Jesus is one of the greatest
of the prophets, and His teachings are acceptable in Islam. And so
these are the teachings of Christ on ethics and morality. Because of
the need and because of that rationale, they're accepting it.'"
(Mission Network News)

A ministry that encourages English-speaking people to read through the
Bible in one year is making it easier for people to read the
Scriptures in other countries. Bible Pathway Ministries' Karen Hawkins
says the organization's reading-through-the-Bible material is already
online, and it's growing. "In January we will have German online,
making it our 11th language online. And we will add six more Indian
languages soon after that." Hawkins says having the material online is
important. "We are even receiving e-mails from Arabic-speaking
countries now," she says. "Often there are no pastors or anyone who
has had Bible training, particularly in the Islamic-controlled
countries. Many of them have never had Bible school, and this helps
them." For details, visit (Mission Network News)

A Christian AM radio station started with HCJB World Radio's help in
the central Honduran city of Siguatepeque is broadcasting the gospel
in the area for the first time, culminating a two-year process. "Radio
El Shadday began test broadcasts on Oct. 18, and an inauguration will
be held in a few weeks after some technical glitches are solved," says
Anabella Cabezas, HCJB World Radio's radio planting administrator for
Latin America. The equipment was purchased with help from the
ministry's Engineering Center in Elkhart, Ind.

Milton Pumisacho, an Ecuadorian engineer with ALAS, a Spanish
satellite radio network operated in partnership with Trans World
Radio, will travel to the city to install a downlink, connecting the
station to the network, as soon as he obtains the necessary visa.

The process to plant a radio station in the city with an area
population of more than 75,000 began about two years ago when a friend
of HCJB World Radio visited the partner church and met with interested
people. The church then applied for and received a broadcasting
license that was approved in April 2001. "Their vision is to cover the
central part of Honduras with the gospel," Cabezas says. "The
Christian programming will be directed to every social group in the
areas, becoming an affiliate of ALAS in the process."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio

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Rowland Croucher
(7,900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 30, 2002, 8:08:03 PM10/30/02
The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, October 30, 2002

A summary of news concerning the Persecuted Church and how you can

Attention all Canadians! If you have not yet added your voice to
Canada's public apology to the people of south Sudan, go to

1. Christians Not Tolerated (India)
2. Forty Believers Arrested & Tortured (Bhutan)
3. Updates on Previous Alerts (Libya, Belarus, Uzbekistan)
4. Question of the Week

1. Christians Not Tolerated (India)

Sources for The Voice of the Martyrs report that acts of violence
against Christians in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu have
increased in light of recent legislation forbidding religious
conversions. The legislation is similar to that which was earlier
passed by the state government in the northern state of Orissa. On
October 28, we received the following message from one of our sources in
Tamil Nadu. We cannot identify the source for security reasons.

"At the moment there is a lot going on between Hindus and Muslims in
this area. There are protest rallies by Hindus. Churches are being
burned, including the church of our pastor. Other Christian buildings
and schools are closed. The Hindus are very radical and won't tolerate
Christians in their area. They want to convert everyone. When a Hindu
converts to Christianity, he is cast out by the whole community (family,
friends, neighbours). Please remember the situation here in your

VOM also learned this week how four Christian families were recently
beaten in the streets and the young girls raped when they refused to
take part in a Hindu festival in the state of Orissa. When the police
were told, they did nothing.

Pray for Christians facing a renewed onslaught from militant Hindus in
India. Pray for strength and protection. Pray that the authorities
will act to protect all Indian citizens. Pray for the salvation of
those who persecute Christ in India.

2. Forty Believers Arrested & Tortured (Bhutan)

Forty Christian believers were arrested on September 24 and have been
tortured for their faith, according to sources from Gospel for Asia
(GFA). According to the report received this week, authorities have
told church members, "I will persecute the Christians and put an end to
them in Bhutan." They have also told one pastor to stop evangelism or
they will cut off electricity and water to his home.

In the October issue of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter, you can
read of how two Bhutanese evangelists recently faced prison and torture
for their faith in Christ. To read their incredible testimony and to
subscribe to the monthly newsletter, go to

Pray for believers in Bhutan facing pressure from the Buddhist
government where the open practice of Christianity is forbidden and
citizens have been expelled from the country for believing in Christ.
Pray that they may be equipped with God's armour, "so that when the day
of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have
done everything, to stand" (Ephesians 6:13).

3. Updates on Previous Alerts (Libya, Belarus, Uzbekistan)

The Voice of the Martyrs is frequently asked for updates stories
previously carried. Unfortunately, updates are not always available.
However, news has been received this week on three stories covered in
recent months by the Persecution and Prayer Alert.

(a) Students Arrested in Libya

VOM first reported on August 21, 2002 that fourteen students from Nasser
University in Tripoli were on trial for converting to Christianity. One
concern was that, even if released, they could be killed by their
families for converting from Islam.

Recent reports being circulated said that the students had been
executed. On October 25, The Voice of the Martyrs received confirmation
that they were still alive, but had been sentenced to death. Pray for
efforts to pressure Libyan authorities to reconsider. Pray that God
will minister to these students who have been given the choice to reject
Christ or face death and have chosen Christ.

(b) Oppressive Religion Bill in Belarus

On October 2, 2002, The Voice of the Martyrs reported that the most
repressive religion bill in Europe had passed in Belarus and only needed
the president's signature to become law. At the time it was reported
that the president was to sign within days (see

If signed, the new law would outlaw any unregistered religious activity.
It would require prior censorship on all religious literature and ban
any foreign citizens from leading a religious organization. Any
publishing and education would be restricted to faiths that had at least
one registered community in 1982 and now have at least ten registered
communities. There would also be a ban on most religious meetings in
private homes.

To date, the bill has still not been signed into law by President
Aleksandr Lukashenko. Many are surprised that this bill has not been
signed, since it has strong support in the government and the dominant
Russian Orthodox Church According to Keston, The deadline for signing
is imminent and if the president does not either sign it or return it to
the lower house of parliament, the law will come into legal force
anyway. The churches in Belarus are not giving up. They are fasting
and praying for the law to be repealed.

Will you join them? Pray that President Lukashenko will reject signing
the bill. Pray that freedom to worship will be entrenched into law in

(c) Leaders Arrested in Uzbekistan as Church Seeks Registration

The Mir Church in the town of Nukus in the republic of Karakalpakstan in
northwest Uzbekistan has faced problems with registration for two years.
Previously, The Voice of the Martyrs has reported on problems it has
faced with the paperwork required for registration as well as a raid on
the church in May 2002. As a result of that raid, the pastor was warned
to not hold meetings.

According to a report from Keston News Service on October 29, the church
had only one document left to obtain before it would be officially
re-registered when it was raided and the church leaders were charged
with "participation in the activity of illegal religious organizations."
There were also accusations church leaders were luring minors into
religious activities, even though all children in the church have a
signed statement from the parents permitting religious education.
According to Pastor Konstantin Kmit, police investigators have been
interviewing only church members from traditionally Muslim backgrounds,
raising speculation that they intend to charge the church leaders with
proselytism, which is illegal. While the investigation is going on, the
police have closed the church office.

Pray that all charges against the church leaders will be dropped. Pray
that any roadblocks will be cleared so that the church can obtain
registration. At present, there is only one registered Protestant church
in Karakalpakstan and they have been refused permission to build on the
land they own.

4. Question of the Week

In both India and Uzbekistan (and in many other countries as well),
authorities seem to be under the impression that no one willingly
changes their religion without either being threatened or receiving
financial incentives. This week's Question of the Week is simply this:
"How did you become a Christian?"

Share your testimony with the world as testimony to God's gracious work
in the hearts of people in bringing them to Himself.

To participate in our discussion, go to and click on

"Discussion Forum." If you have not registered on our forum in the
past, click on "Register" and select a username and password.



Rowland Croucher
(7,900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Oct 31, 2002, 6:51:27 AM10/31/02
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 193 - Wed 30 Oct 2002

WELCOME to the 65 intercessors who have joined the list this month.

* The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church *
* For resources and links to national websites - *
* *


SUDAN: where the Government of Sudan (GoS) had walked away from
Peace Talks to launch a major offensive against the South. After
meeting resistance, the GoS suspended all humanitarian aid
flights in and out of Southern Sudan.

* UPDATE: We can praise God that after a tense and seriously
difficult few weeks, the flight ban was lifted from most areas on
6 October. We can also praise God that against all odds, no doubt
in answer to the prayer of many, the GoS returned to the Peace
Talks in Kenya on 14 October. A cessation of hostilities has been
agreed to during the talks. Praise God also because President
Bush has signed the Sudan Peace Act which includes a formal
finding of genocide against the Government of Sudan and requires
an investigation of war crimes. Whilst failing to provide for
capital market sanctions, the Act does oblige the Administration
to report to Congress on the progress of the peace talks. If the
GoS is not negotiating in good faith, then the US will oppose
international loans, credits and oil revenues to Khartoum, and
initiate moves for the UN Security Council to impose an arms
embargo on the GoS.

On 27 October it was announced that the GoS had lifted
humanitarian aid restrictions to ALL areas in the south, giving
Operation Lifeline Sudan, for the first time in its history,
unfettered access to the entire south of Sudan. This will be the
first time in 13 years that some areas have been permitted to
receive aid. The Peace Talks are extremely delicate. The issues
of power sharing and sharing of oil revenues are not easily
resolved. Peace on the front-line is difficult to maintain.
Please continue to pray for peace and that promises will be

CHINA: where the South China Church leaders who had been sentenced
to death for using an 'evil cult' to undermine the law, had
their sentences commuted to life imprisonment on false charges of
assault and rape. Justice has NOT been served. We continue to
pray for justice and for the much persecuted South China Church
believers to be sustained in their faith and strength while they
wait for God's deliverance.

BELARUS: where both houses of parliament have now passed the
oppressive religion law that threatens to drag Belarus back into
Soviet era oppression.

* UPDATE: Most amazingly, President Lukashenko has still not
signed the law, which he was supposed to do by 14 October.
Everyone is waiting. The President is under great pressure with
many appeals having come from around the world, urging him not to
sign. Meanwhile the churches in Belarus are reportedly 'not
giving up' as they continue to fast and pray for the law to be
repealed. We will add our prayers to theirs!

IVORY COAST: where a failed coup on 19 September led the country
into a conflict that has split the nation along ethnic and
religious lines, with rebel Muslim soldiers demanding a change of
government. There is a tense peace under a ceasefire that paved
the way for talks. Christians (who support the government)
trapped in rebel (Muslim) held areas have suffered terribly as
they have fled south for safety.

* UPDATE: There is evidence of a much wider Islamic plot to claim
Ivory Coast for Islam, with considerable outside help. Expensive,
sophisticated arms and ammunition are abundantly available in
northern (Muslim) Ivory Coast. One rebel leader, Mr Soro
Kigbafory, even boasted that they could fight the government for
two years without a supply problem. The media have pictured
rebels and their supporters in central Ivory Coast wearing Osama
bin Laden t-shirts. Some analysts now suspect an al-Qaeda
connection. Peace and mission in Ivory Coast are seriously
threatened. This is a spiritual battle for Ivory Coast.



On 5 October, the Tamil Nadu State in southern India issued a
decree prohibiting religious conversion by force, allurement or
fraudulent means. Whilst that sounds fair, it needs to be
interpreted according to the ruling government's ideology of
Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism). Hindutva says, 'Freedom of religion
is not freedom for conversion' (VHP) and 'No-one converts
voluntarily. It is motivated by greed' (RSS). Hindutva regards
Christian education and spiritual blessings and rewards as
'allurement' and divine displeasure (judgement) as 'force'. All
conversions must be reported to a magistrate. Primarily targeted
are the oppressed low caste Dalits, who have been deserting
Hinduism in multitudes. Pray for international protest and for the
law to be repealed.


On 28 September the Jakarta Post reported that Aceh Province, on
the north-western tip of Sumatra island, has introduced caning and
imprisonment as the punishment for people 'who tempt Muslims to
desert religious teachings' or 'who propagate beliefs other than
Islam to Muslims in the province'. Aceh has been under Sharia
(Islamic) law since 1 January 2002. Christians in Aceh are often
under intense pressure to convert to Islam. This new ruling will
make life even more perilous as the cost of Christian witness could
be high. Apart from such acts of tremendous courage and self-
sacrifice, this also closes Aceh's millions of Muslims to the name
of the only one who can save them. Pray for freedom for Aceh, and
for God to supernaturally protect his courageous witnessing


'We are human, but we don't wage war with human plans and methods.
We use God's mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down
the Devil's strongholds.' 2 Corinthians 10:3,4 (NLT)

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Rowland Croucher
(7,900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Nov 6, 2002, 4:56:50 PM11/6/02
"HCJB Daily" <>

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:23 AM

Subject: [Daily Update] 6 November 2002 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio

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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

the case of A native missionary in Nepal has been filed with the country's
Supreme Court. The first hearing has been slated for Nov. 14 in Kathmandu.
Falsely accused and convicted of murder, the missionary is serving his third
year of a 20-year prison sentence. "Once some sober-minded judges look at
this thing, they will see that he's totally innocent," says Gospel for
Asia's K.P. Yohannan. "Our leaders tell me that he's in good spirits. He's
saying that, 'My God has allowed me to be in jail for some wonderful plan.'"
Despite his imprisonment, the worker is planting seeds of the gospel. "I'm
told that not a day goes by that someone is praying with him to receive
Christ in this life," Yohannan says. "He's in prison with these people who
are going nowhere. As he witnesses about the Lord and talks to them, they
are opening their hearts to Him." (Mission Network News)

Christian leader says that the lynching of five Dalit youths in Jhajjar,
India, on Oct. 15 has sent "horror waves among the
250 million Dalits of India." Joseph D'Souza, president of the All India
Christian Council, said, "The Dalits were lynched because they were skinning
a dead cow by a mob of several thousand people who were urged on by the
fanatical, extremist Hindu group Vishwa Hindu Parishad
(VHP). Police officials silently watched and supported the killings." The
skinning of dead cattle is the occupation into which many unfortunate
Dalits -- people outside of the caste system -- were born into as
"untouchables." The youths were mobbed and killed for skinning a dead cow
and transporting cowhide, D'Souza said. "It didn't matter that the Dalit
youths, all less than 22 years of age, were doing this legally and with all
the proper documents." Meanwhile, Christian leaders say that tens of
thousands of Dalits will leave Hinduism and embrace Christianity in Chennai
(formerly called Madras) in December. The southern Indian state of Tamil
Nadu recently passed an anti-conversion law. "Dalit leaders in Tamil Nadu
are strongly protesting against the anti-conversion law and have announced
that tens of thousands of Dalits will embrace Christianity in early
December," D'Souza said. "This first phase of embracing the Christian faith
will begin on Dec. 6 which is also the anniversary of the death of Bhimrao
Ambedkar, the leader of the Dalits who fought for their emancipation. The
Dalit leaders announced that this is the first step of a massive exodus from
the Hindu socio-religious system that has enslaved and dehumanized them for
centuries. This move is unlike the conversions last November because this
time the faith of first choice of the Dalits is Christianity [instead of
Buddhism]. (Assist News Service)

prominent Cuban human rights activist and devout Christian, was released
from prison on Oct. 31 after serving a three-year sentence. Biscet, founder
of the Lawton Foundation, a human rights organization, seemed "determined
and ready to carry on in the struggle for human rights." Biscet was
imprisoned for "dishonoring public symbols," "public disorder" and "inciting
delinquent behavior" after he organized a peaceful silent march in support
of human rights and freedom for political prisoners. He was arrested on Nov.
3, 1999, and imprisoned in a state security facility in Cuba's Holguin
province -- a day's journey from his hometown. This made it difficult for
his wife, Elsa, to visit him. Biscet's Bible was confiscated a number of
times, and he was consistently denied the right to pastoral visits. He was
also frequently denied medical treatment, family visits and access to the
prison library. He was repeatedly forced to share a cell with mentally ill
inmates as a form of punishment. Cuba is one of the only countries in the
world that bars the International Red Cross and other humanitarian agencies
from visiting its prisons. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Union of Pentecostal churches in Belarus has declared publicly that it will
defy the repressive new religion law signed by President Aleksandr
Lukashenko on Oct. 31. "The entry of this law into force will be a blow to
freedom of conscience, one of the fundamental freedoms given to individuals
by God and on which basic democratic institutions are founded," the head of
the Union declared a written statement Nov. 1. Other Belarusian religious
and human rights organizations, together with the U.S. State Department,
have also condemned the new law. (Keston News Service)

Third World countries -- among the world's most neglected children -- are
finding comfort through Christian agencies such as Buckner Care
International. Spokesperson Tiffany Taylor says the numbers are staggering.
"These children are literally housed in institutions -- we're talking about
more than 600,000 children in Russia alone. There are also millions of
orphans in Africa . . . the needs are overwhelming." The ministry is
collecting shoes to give to orphans because most of the orphanages are not
equipped to supply anything beyond the basic needs of shelter and food,
Taylor said. She urges people to pray for their workers as they share the
love of Christ with these orphan children. (Mission Network News)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

James A. Ferrier Web:

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
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Rowland Croucher
(7,900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Nov 7, 2002, 9:18:46 PM11/7/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Elders of the Church of All Nations in the Bayangol district of
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, are facing criminal charges and possible
confiscation of all tithes and offerings. A criminal investigation has
been launched against the church and two of the elders for nonpayment
of taxes. If convicted, they could face eight years in prison. The
church applied for registration with the government in both 1999 and
2000. In 2001 the church faced an investigation for not paying taxes
but, since it wasn't registered, there was no way to submit the taxes.
Mongolia is a predominantly Buddhist country, and the communist
government is heavily influenced by Buddhism. As a result, Christian
churches have often faced opposition from officials. (Voice of the

The churches of India are growing even faster than the churches of
South Korea, P.G. Vargis, founder and leader of Indian Evangelical
Team (IET), told Christian Aid on Monday. India has 10 churches with
more than 10,000 members and 30 with more than 3,000 members. As an
example of the readiness of India's people to accept Christ, he said
that Ezra Sargunam, bishop of the Evangelical Church of India,
baptized 2,231 people on a single day in 1999. IET missionaries
baptized 11,700 people in 2001. An average of one church is planted
every day through IET missionaries. The organization now has 2,088
missionaries, up from just 60 in 1977. Vargis said that in 2000 God
gave him a vision to plant 7,777 churches by 2010. If each church
started another, that goal would be reached next year. (Christian Aid

Since rebel forces failed in a coup attempt on Sept. 19, the West
African nation of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) has been embroiled in
civil war with rebels fighting to overthrow the government while
taking control of the mainly Muslim north. Increasingly, it appears
that the rebel forces are receiving funding from outside of the
country; either from another nation or from a militant Islamic
network. There are some indications that Libya and the al-Qaida
network are involved. In September, rebels captured a boarding school
for missionary children in Bouake. All 200 students were later
released unharmed. In October those living in mainly Christian
villages in rebel-controlled areas fled, fearing for their lives.
While Muslims make up just 26 percent of the citizens of Ivory Coast,
the influx of immigrants means that more than 50 percent of those
living in the country are Muslim. Ivory Coast has a secular government
with freedom of religion and a growing Christian population. There
are, however, ethnic and religious divisions within the country that
were intensified when the courts ruled that the opposition leader,
Alassane Ouattara, was not Ivorian and, therefore, could not run in
the 2000 presidential election. The rebels are calling for the
resignation of the president and new elections. Peace talks were set
to resume in Lome, Togo, on Monday but the rebels failed to show.
Talks resumed on Wednesday, but there was little sign that the West
African mediators hosting the talks had made progress in bringing the
foes closer to a compromise. "There is still a big problem of
confidence between the sides," one official said. Talks were expected
to continue today. There is an uneasy cease-fire in the country
monitored by French troops. There are fears that if the Islamic rebels
take control of the country, this would have serious implications on
not only Ivory Coast, but also other African nations with strong
Christian populations. (Voice of the Martyrs/Reuters)

World Relief, the National Association of Evangelicals and the World
Evangelical Alliance are calling Christians everywhere to pray for
HIV/AIDS victims on World AIDS Day Sunday, Dec. 1. "Since this day
will not fall on a Sunday again for the next 11 years, this is a great
opportunity for the church to be involved," said World Relief
President Clive Calver. World AIDS Day was first designated by the
World Health Organization in 1988. Sub-Saharan Africa is hardest hit
by the disease, infecting nearly 30 million people in the region. In
Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia, Angola and
Botswana more than 18 percent of the adult population is HIV positive.
In some areas as many as one in three people are infected. HIV/AIDS
also exacerbates the food crisis by causing agricultural productivity
to decline as patients become too ill to farm their land. There is
also a lack of resources, supplies and essential drugs for patients.
"Since there is no AIDS vaccine, we believe that the church is
instrumental in stopping the spread of the disease," said Calver.
"Through education, awareness programs and prayer, churches can
prevent more infections and care for families already affected by the
disease." (World Relief)

A pastor is leading an effort to reduce the killings in Oakland,
Calif. Bob Jackson is the leader of Black Men First, a group of 200
African American professionals who have started walking the streets,
trying to connect with some of the local drug dealers. "I blame a lack
of education and family structure," Jackson told The Los Angles Times.
"There are no men at home or in the city schools. These youths have no
role models but rap video stars and drug dealers." Will G. Blass Jr.,
a business consultant and former church sports coach, has joined the
project. "We've got no choice but to go in and fight for these kids,"
he said. "If you feel it from your heart and are honest in your
approach, the kids will feel it, too." Jackson has founded the Men of
Valor Academy where 50 young men are housed and fed while they finish
their education. "These boys have never been mentored or taught by
anybody," he said. "Most come from single-parent homes where their
mothers talk about how they're growing up to be just like their
no-good fathers . . . they're programmed to be bad." (Religion Today)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier

HCJB World Radio
U.S. Ministries



Rowland Croucher
(8000 articles)

Rowland Croucher

Nov 9, 2002, 4:57:41 AM11/9/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

In recent years Sri Lanka has seen the rise of an increasingly
aggressive Buddhist nationalism, complete with disinformation,
discrimination and violent persecution. The movement gained momentum
during 2001, especially after Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake
suggested there was a conspiracy against Buddhism in Sri Lanka, and
urged young men to enter the priesthood in order to "protect the
religion." Buddhist leaders have been lobbying the government to ban
conversions to Christianity. The Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka
pointed to three recent examples of persecution. On Sunday, Sept. 15,
an independent church in Padukka, a predominantly Buddhist area south
of Colombo, was attacked by a mob led by a Buddhist monk. More than 30
believers were gathered for Sunday-morning worship when a monk from a
nearby temple barged in with a mob of about 100 people. The monk began
assaulting pastor Shun Turin with his umbrella and struck him in the
head with wooden chair. Then the mob overran the church, attacking the
congregation with chairs, window bars, and iron rods removed from the
church drum set. The church building was demolished. On Oct. 18 pastor
Stephen Yogarajah from Bethlehem Church Chilaw was returning from a
prayer meeting in Karukupana village with his wife and 11-year-old son
when more than 10 hooded men with masks blocked the road and started
attacking the vehicle with bars, poles and clubs. Yogarajah suffered
injuries to his hand and head, his wife has a fractured arm, and the
son suffered head injuries requiring stitches. On Oct. 13 the Assembly
of God worship center in Weerawilla was destroyed by an unidentified
group who set fire to the worship hall and to a believer's home
nearby. (World Evangelical Alliance)

Dozens of phone calls flooded into Far East Broadcasting Co. Russian
Ministries' Moscow station, (AM 963) on Tuesday, Oct. 29, as
best-selling Christian author Philip Yancey visited the facility to
answer listener's questions about suffering. Yancey is well known in
Russia, partly because of his books, "Where Is God When It Hurts" and
"Disappointment With God," which FEBC Russian Ministries assisted in
translating and publishing in a single volume. This was a timely
subject as Russians are asking the same questions that Yancey explores
in his books, especially since the tragic hostage situation in a
Moscow theater. "Philip answered questions such as, 'Where was God
when helpless hostages were sitting in the theater?'" explained Rudi
Wiens, director for FEBC Russian Ministries. "He turned people's
attention to what we must do in tough situations that we encounter.
The interview continued for more than an hour, and there was a
mountain of questions for Philip." A week earlier, Yancey's books were
distributed at FEBC's first listener rally in Moscow. The gathering
attracted more than 1,200 listeners, giving them an opportunity to
meet their favorite broadcasters and learn more about the ministry.

More than 20 million Christians around the world are focusing their
prayers on Muslims during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which
falls on Nov. 6-Dec. 5 this year. Since 1993 an initiative called 30
Days Muslim Prayer Focus has encouraged thousands of churches,
ministries and small groups to join in prayer throughout this annual
event. Many Christians have commented on how much they have learned
about Islam and how their negative attitudes about Muslims have been
changed as they read about and prayed for Muslims. Prayer guides for
adults and for children are available to help believers pray
specifically for Muslims during Ramadan. For information visit (Ripe for Harvest 201)

Alaska-based SOAR International Ministries will again bring Christian
cheer to needy Russian children, but instead of shipping in shoeboxes
full of gifts, the organization has partnered with Russian Inland
Mission to launch a project called "Stuff a Stocking." "In the past
seven years we have worked in Russia with shoebox gifts for
Christmas," explains SOAR Director Richard Page. "In Russia, however,
importing the shoebox gifts has become increasingly more complicated,
time consuming and expensive." Through Stuff a Stocking, donors are
giving money to purchase Christmas stockings and their contents within
Russia. "I wish you could have seen the excitement in the eyes of the
children during our pilot project earlier this year," Page says. "The
project has also earned the enthusiastic approval of Russian officials
as purchasing these gifts in Russian will help boost the Russian

The stockings will be packed with hygiene items, school supplies,
clothing, candy, toys and a fresh item such as an apple or orange.
Stockings will also include a personalized gospel insert with a
message and photos from the donor along with a pamphlet telling the
Christmas story. "It's also our goal to provide each child with a
Russian children's Bible," Page says. SOAR began its ministry in the
Chukotka region of the Russian Far East across the Bering Strait from
Alaska, flying in ministry teams and humanitarian aid. However, the
ministry has since expanded to western Russia with work teams
ministering primarily to orphans. Teams also minister through vacation
Bible schools, camp programs, gospel clowning, evangelistic meetings
and outreaches to widows and youth. SOAR also flies in doctors,
dentists and other medical professionals who minister to children and
adults in remote areas. For details visit or
call 1-888-388-7627. (SOAR International Ministries)

"Voodoo is Haiti's only hope," reported the Associated Press in an
article that encapsulates much of the feeling there. At a time of
deepening poverty and despair, many in Haiti see only one way out. Men
for Missions' Wayne King, however, is determined to fight the occult's
influence with the gospel. "Voodoo in the country has been going on
for 200 years, and it has been renewed with fervor as the time has
been approaching for rededication of that country. If we can Haiti
with the gospel before the end of the year 2004, we can be a factor in
reaching that country for Jesus Christ," King says. "We're doing that
through solar-powered radios that are fix-tuned to Christian radio
station 4VEH. Our goal is to distribute 250,000 solar-powered radios
to the people of a country where 70 percent of the people are
illiterate. If they are going to hear the good news, it will have to
be through the spoken word." (Mission Network News)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier




Rowland Croucher
(8000 articles)

Rowland Croucher

Dec 6, 2002, 8:45:30 PM12/6/02
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Stories:

Indian police have obstructed the mass conversions of an expected
10,000 Dalits -- people outside of India's caste system -- by beating
up believers and blocking roads. A mass conversion event had been
planned for today in Chennai (formerly called Madras), but authorities
in Tamil Nadu state took harsh measures to stop it. Police harassed
and threatened Dalit pastor Victor Dharmaraj, the owner of the land
planned for the event, and later returned to remove 1,000 chairs and
ejected the volunteer workers. Eight of the volunteers were arrested,
taken in for questioning and beaten up All the roads leading to
Chennai were blocked, and 60 truckloads of Dalits were stopped from
coming in. "This is very horrible," said Joseph D'Souza, president of
the All India Christian Council. "It is a clear violation of our
constitution as well as the fundamental rights and religious freedom
of the Dalits." The Dalits planned to publicly convert from the Hindu
faith to Buddhism and Christianity in a bid to free themselves from
the caste system.

The BBC reported that up to 500 Dalits managed to reach the area where
the event was due to be held and made symbolic conversions to both
faiths. Conversion events also took place outside of Chennai. Tamil
Nadu and Orissa are the two states in India that have the power to ban
conversions alleged to be "by force or by fraud." Christians,
Buddhists and Muslims are small minorities in Tamil Nadu, but the
recent conversions of entire low-caste Hindu communities to other
religions has alarmed militant Hindu groups such as Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (VHP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Many Christians
say that laws prohibiting "forced conversions" compromise the right to
religious freedom. They are also concerned that additional states will
adopt similar laws. Some Hindu leaders accuse evangelical Christians
of bribing the poor to become Christians, and they see the law as a
way of protecting them. Christian leaders insist the conversions are
voluntary. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide/BBC)

A Christian leader in Nepal reports that he and his missionary staff
are being threatened by Maoist rebels. Maoists approached one
missionary and demanded a donation. "Once they know who you are, they
force you to take sides," the mission leader said. He said there were
no Maoists in his village a year or two ago, but now they have set up
their own government. (Christian Aid Mission)

Voice of the Martyrs has started a Legal Defense Fund to help insure
that courageous believers receive the best legal assistance possible
under the circumstances. For example, a year ago 17 members of the
South China Church (an unregistered denomination in China), including
founder Gong Shengliang, were put on trial for various false charges,
including rape, assault and being members of an "illegal cult." For
the families of the 17 who were arrested, the cost of their legal
defense forced them, and in many cases their close relatives, into
financial bankruptcy. Their houses were demolished by Chinese
authorities, church offerings were confiscated and any useful assets
were taken away by the local authorities. Situations such as this are
not uncommon in nations where Christians are persecuted for their
faith. In many cases, Christians languish in prison because their
families cannot afford decent legal representation. Situations such as
this led to the formation of the Legal Defense Fund. (Religion Today)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier

HCJB World Radio

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Rowland Croucher
(8200+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Dec 12, 2002, 4:39:04 PM12/12/02
eni-summary list
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
12 December 2002

Hindu victims of Gujarat earthquake move into new church-built

Mavnugam (ENI). About 150 Hindu families whose homes in the
remote village of Mavnugam were destroyed in a powerful
earthquake in the Indian state of Gujarat almost two year ago
have moved into a new village built under the auspices of the
Church of North India. "The earthquake has changed our lives for
the better," said Harji Kachara, whose family of six now has
running-water in their house in the rebuilt village.

Millions-strong Christian alliance launches campaign to change
trade rules

Geneva (ENI). An alliance representing hundreds of millions of
Christians world-wide has launched a global campaign in favour of
"fair" trade practices and human rights. The "Trade for People,
not People for Trade" campaign aims to make the rights of people
and the protection of the environment essential criteria for
trade agreements between countries. "We accept that trade can
bring about good in our world," acknowledged Christoph
Stueckelberger, director of Bread for All (Switzerland), a member
of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), which is sponsoring
the campaign.

ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published
This summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information
printed below is retained.

Individual paragraphs may be reproduced provided ENI is
acknowledged as the source.

ENI Online -


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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Violence in Nigeria has been a major news story in recent weeks with
riots centered on the Miss World competition resulting in more than
200 deaths. This week a report came from a representative in Nigeria
detailing some of the results. Along with the many deaths and
injuries, he reported that 102 churches in the northern Nigerian state
of Kaduna were burned down and two pastors killed as the rioters
attacked anyone suspected of being a Christian. All of the churches in
Lemu Road, Kaduna, were either burned or vandalized by Muslim rioters.
This isn't the first time that violence has erupted in Kaduna. In
February 2000 riots led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people.
Earlier this year, Voice of the Martyrs opened a new office in Kaduna
after the previous office was destroyed in the riots. At the opening
of the office, many believers told about the high cost of discipleship
in Nigeria. (Voice of the Martyrs)

A leaked Russian policy paper on the prevention of "religious
extremism" could seriously threaten non-Orthodox churches and groups
in the country. Details of a 15-page draft paper to be discussed by a
joint session of three government bodies in January, came a day after
reports that foreign missionary workers are facing stiff resistance
from local authorities. Russian media reports say the document
mentions first the Roman Catholic Church, accusing leaders of "winning
over individual priests and representatives of the Russian Orthodox
Church as converts to Catholicism." But the document also singles out
Protestants. "Under the pretext of providing humanitarian aid, many
new Protestant organizations are fostering self-alienation from the
Russian state within various sections of the population," reported the
Gazeta newspaper, quoting the draft paper. The Moscow-based Slavic
Center for Law and Justice and the Institute of Religion and Law
called the draft paper "scandalously incompetent and
anti-constitutional." While Russian authorities say the new policy is
in the interests of "national security," human rights watchers are
concerned that it will lead to an "increase in inter-confessional and
inter-ethnic tension within our country." The paper also warns about
"foreign pseudo-religious communities," including Jehovah's Witnesses,
Moonies, Scientologists, Satanists, Eastern religions and Islamic
extremists. (Assist News Service)

Executives of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID) gathered at Catholic
Relief Services (CRS) World Headquarters in Baltimore Dec. 3 to launch
a global campaign to help save more than 34 million people at risk of
starvation in Sub-Saharan Africa. "What we now see in Africa is a
looming food crisis of great proportion," said CRS Executive Director
Ken Hackett. Populations throughout the continent are suffering from
massive food shortages caused by drought, flooding and restrictive
government policies that threaten to mushroom into a disaster
comparable to the Ethiopia famine in the mid-1980s. USAID
Administrator Andrew Natsios said the situation has reached crisis
levels. "When you see faces of emaciated children on television it's
too late; you've failed. The time to act is now," he said. Leaders at
the meeting unveiled the "Baltimore Declaration," a unified pledge of
non-governmental organizations and the WFP to help prevent famine from
taking hold in parts of southern, eastern and western Africa. "This is
truly a unique gathering, and we commit ourselves to this declaration
and to averting a famine in Africa," said Hackett. "We plan to carry
this out with full intensity." (Catholic Relief Services)

While new reports indicate a dismal picture for some believers in
China, the good news is that the church is cultivating more leaders.
Vernon Brewer of World Help describes how his ministry is responding
to the need. "We are actively involved in helping to print and
distribute Bibles to the underground house churches. We have heard
indirectly from the pastors that at least 50 percent of all the
Christians in house churches do not have a copy of the Bible. We're
also involved in helping partner with them in providing training
centers." However, Brewer says the underground church is still
struggling and needs prayer. "The government is trying to intimidate
the pastors of the underground church to register [so the government
can better control their ministries]. The persecution is still very
strong and very great, especially for the underground church at this
time." (Mission Network News)

A Christian leader in China who built a Bible school with Christian
Aid Mission's help in 1994 tells of the continuing influence of the
school both among trainees and in the community. The school and church
hall -- built in an unnamed province in just 52 days -- has become a
model for biblical training in the country. Using the school as an
example, trainees have started 30 other Bible training centers. In the
past seven years, thousands of Christians have been trained for
leadership, meeting the needs of more than 6,000 churches in that
province. "The influence of the Bible schools is truly amazing," said
the leader. "The number and impact of cults and false teaching has
markedly decreased ... the relationship between the unregistered
underground churches and those officially registered with the
government is improving ... the spiritual lives of believers are
maturing ... and established Bible schools are upgrading their level
of teaching and are sending out teachers to train disciples in other
places." The leader added that while believers are "still facing much
pressure and many hardships and difficulties," their hearts are
stirred and encouraged by the support and prayers of Christians
overseas. (Christian Aid Mission)

More than 3,100 poor Ecuadorians received both spiritual and physical
nourishment as they attended the sixth annual Christmas party at the
Quito City Dump, Saturday, Dec. 7, led by HCJB World Radio partner
ministry Extreme Response International.

Attendees who glean a living at the dump in Zambiza heard a clear
gospel presentation via drama and puppets, ate a hot nutritious meal,
played carnival games, made crafts and received a Christmas gift of
more than 15 pounds of staple food items. More than 1,300 "Operation
Christmas Child" boxes from Samaritan's Purse were also handed out
along with bags of Christmas goodies. The event was made possible
through donations from people worldwide and more than 150 volunteers
from six countries.

The Christmas party is a celebration of the ongoing ministry that
takes place at the dump year-round. In Ecuador, Extreme Response works
with local leaders to provide medical attention, counseling, basic
hygiene and clothing through its "thrift store." Out of these
humanitarian efforts has grown a Bible study that meets Friday

Ramiro Baez, the "Dump Pastor," said that two days after the dump
party he was having lunch at a small roadside restaurant near the HCJB
World Radio compound in Quito when he was approached by a 9-year-old
boy, begging for something to eat.

Baez bought the boy lunch and asked if he could sit with him. As the
boy sat down his face lit up, and he said, "I know you! You are the
man from the Christmas party at the dump. Would you tell me more about
Jesus?" Baez continued with tears in his eyes, telling how in the
middle of lunch, this little boy accepted Christ.

At the party everyone received a flyer with the plan of salvation and
a few sentences from the event's sponsors and why it is held. The last
page of the leaflet includes telephone numbers of each member on the
"dump pastoral team."

The Monday after the party, a lady called Baez, explaining that she
was at the party and read the flyer. She was a teacher in an
impoverished area of Quito and asked if he could come to her school to
put on a program for the children. "They are so poor and have
nothing," she said.

"I can come," Baez replied. "But we don't have any more gifts or food
to hand out." The teacher said it didn't matter. She just wanted him
to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Baez is scheduled to visit the
school on Dec. 19.

HCJB World Radio, in partnership with Extreme Response, is empowering
nationals to minister to the poor in Africa, the Caribbean and South
America. (HCJB World Radio)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier

HCJB World Radio

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Rowland Croucher
(8400+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Dec 16, 2002, 8:17:29 PM12/16/02
eni-summary list
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
16 December 2002

'If this is God's will, we have to face it', says bishop after
pro-Hindu victory

New Delhi (ENI). Christians in India were taken by surprise over
the scale of the election triumph of the pro-Hindu Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) in Gujarat, an Indian state rocked by
inter-religious violence earlier this year. Surpassing all poll
forecasts, the incumbent party in Gujarat won a landslide,
capturing 126 of the 182 seats in the state assembly after the
ballots in the 12 December election were counted on Sunday. [520
words, ENI-02-0456]

Resignation of Boston cardinal 'only first step' in dealing with

New York (ENI). The resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law as head
of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Boston has closed one
chapter in the sexual abuse scandal that has engulfed the Roman
Catholic Church in the United States. But critics say efforts to
reform the church and help survivors of abuse are far from over.

ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published

This summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information
printed below is retained.

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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Belarus have told
Christians and other religious communities they can no longer hold
meetings in their homes without prior permission. Keston News Service
quoted the senior religious affairs official in the Belarusian capital
of Minsk, Alla Ryabitseva, as saying that if "more than 10 people
gather together for a religious meeting without official permission,
they would be committing a crime." She made the remarks to religious
communities registered in the Frunze district of Minsk at a meeting to
explain new religious legislation that human rights watchers describe
as "Europe's most restrictive law." Dina Shavtsova, a Minsk-based
lawyer involved in religious liberty cases, said that the "uncertainty
surrounding the norms of the religion law allows local officials to
give their own interpretation" to the legislation that came into force
Nov. 16. Shavtsova said this legal development "leads to the direct
limitation of the rights" of citizens, and could stop evangelical
churches without buildings from renting halls. "They can now only meet
in home groups, although even this possibility is now dependent on the
whims of one or another bureaucrat," the lawyer added. Several church
leaders and Christians have reportedly been summoned by local
officials to explain their activities. (Assist News Service)

After a number of terror attacks and more credible security threats,
authorities in Indonesia are on heightened alert. Police have arrested
at least three suspects with ties to al-Qaeda that sources say had
plans to blow up a church at Christmas. It is not known yet if these
bombings are tied to the deadly Bali blasts. Darla Trout of Teen
Missions was in the country when the Bali hotel was bombed and says
Americans need to be especially careful. "I was pulled out because of
my being an American, and we weren't sure about my safety while I was
there. With the bombing in Bali and different things that were going
on there, with the threat of al-Qaeda and the possibility of war with
Iraq, I was pulled out earlier than expected." Teen Missions operates
five missionary Bible schools in the country, equipped national
believers for the ministry. "At this time we have no intentions to
close any of those schools or to slow down the work at all," Trout
says. The four schools operating in Indonesia have a total of 93
students. (Mission Network News)

Christmas will be bleak for many of Vietnam's 150,000 ethnic Ede
Christians. The Vietnamese government has been pressuring Christians
in the last three months as authorities have disbanded most of the
group's 441 churches. The latest crackdown began in September as
public officials and security police informed church leaders that
their congregations were illegal. The only religious activity
tolerated is "within the family, inside the house and quietly." Prayer
meetings, Bible teaching and worship are forbidden as are weddings,
funerals and baptisms. Pastors are even ordered to turn away
Christians who might come to them for help. The crackdown on minority
Christians in Vietnam's central highlands comes after some
demonstrated last year against the illegal loss of their lands to
ethnic Vietnamese settlers. The persecution of the Ede church comes at
a time when Vietnam is touting its adherence to international human
rights standards, including "complete freedom of religion." (Compass)

More than a month after the new law on the legal status of foreigners
came into force in Russia, it remains unclear how it will affect
foreigners working in the country at the invitation of religious
organizations. The law, which entered force on Nov. 1, prescribes a
procedure for an organization to receive permission to attract skilled
labor and to receive permission for foreign citizens to work in the
Russian Federation. "The law regulates relations that previously were
not subject to regulation," said Vladimir Ryakhovsky, co-director of
the Moscow-based Slavic Center for Law and Justice. "But in the law,
religious activity is put on the same level as working activity, and
that is incorrect." In Ryakhovsky's view, a "special procedure must be
established, defining the manner in which a religious organization
should invite foreign citizens." Fr. Igor Kovalevsky, secretary of the
Russian Catholic bishops' conference, said this has resulted in
"complete confusion." (Keston News Service)

Nearly half of adult Americans say they know someone who doesn't
believe in God but will celebrate Christmas this year anyway, shows a
recent survey of more than 1,000 people conducted by Scripps Howard
News Service and Ohio University. The study found that more people
will set up a Christmas tree than will attend a worship service on
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Americans also overwhelmingly believe
Christmas has become less focused on the birth of Jesus than it used
to be, the report said. "As a free thinker, I believe the holidays are
a great tradition regardless of the underlying basis for them," said
Ron Barrier, a New York leader of American Atheists, a 2,500-member
national organization defending the rights and interests of atheists.
Atheists such as Barrier are likely to enjoy celebrating holidays such
as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and even the winter solstice. James
Draper Jr., president of LifeWay Christian Resources, urges believers
to take advantage of people's openness to the gospel during the
Christmas season. "Give the gift of hope that is only possible through
a relationship with the Savior who came to earth at Christmas."
(Religion Today)



Rowland Croucher
(8400+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 14, 2003, 1:33:51 PM1/14/03
From: "Jim Ferrier" <>

To: "HCJB Daily" <>

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 5:24 AM

Subject: [Daily Update] 14 January 2003 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio To subscribe, E-mail to:
<> To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <>

Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

document titled "Work Plan of the Baoding Municipal Public Security Bureau
to Prohibit Christian Illegal Activities" calls for specific action against
unregistered house church Christians in China's Hebei province in the months
leading up to the Communist Party Congress last November. The document
states the aim of the repressive campaign is "to protect legal [religious
activities] and to prohibit illegal ones; to resist infiltration and to
strike down criminal acts; and to ruthlessly strike down all cult activities
masquerading under the banner of Christianity." A special leadership team
led by Li Yunlong, head of the Public Security Bureau, carefully coordinated
the campaign. The incident, say China watchers, provides proof of continuing
government action being taken against unregistered house churches in China.
(Religion Today)

Christians in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, say traditionalist
"caciques" (village leaders) have renewed persecution against
Tzotzil-speaking believers. "The year 2002 was a tough one," said veteran
pastor and religious rights attorney Esdras Alonso Gonzįlez. "There has been
a change in the Chamula district government. They are looking for ways to
thwart evangelical growth." Evangelical Christianity has grown steadily
throughout Chiapas since taking root there 40 years ago. Census figures
indicate that 35 percent of the state's population is evangelical, up from
16 percent in 1991. Chiapas now has more Protestants per capita than any
state in Mexico. In the caciques' view, evangelicals are a bad influence on
the local population because they don't take part in semi-pagan religious
festivals or drink large quantities of alcohol as Tzotzil custom dictates.
Caciques have resorted to threats, beatings, arson and other forms of
harassment to drive Christian families from their rural communities.

Democratic Republic of the Congo a peace accord has evaporated and a
humanitarian crisis appears to be spreading. Paul Calhoun of Medical
Ambassadors International says despite the renewed fighting, his
organization continues to minister in the area. "The essence of community
health evangelism is that it will be sustainable, by itself, indigenously,
because the projects are really owned by the people of the villages. But
this was a test that was rather severe, and we were holding our breath." The
ministry has expanded to 113 villages, and Calhoun maintains that the future
is bright. "We continue to visit and get our headquarters' people into the
area four times a year, but if that again is thwarted, we still will be able
to rely on the fact that this program is community owned and will not only
sustain itself, but increase." (Mission Network News)

80,000 young European Christians -- evenly split between Eastern and Western
Europe -- attended a five-day meeting sponsored by the France-based Taizé
Community in Paris Dec. 28-Jan. 1. Each day the participants, mainly
teenagers and those in their 20s, joined together for prayer in the vast
exhibition halls of the Porte de Versailles. In addition, workshops provided
opportunities to reflect on the sources of faith and on people's commitment
to their home, church, local communities, workplaces, towns and cities.
Participants from the Balkan countries said the event helped them renew
their faith in humanity after a decade of ethnic strive. A young Croatian,
in spite of his experience of the Balkan wars, said, "I rediscovered my
faith in humanity. I discovered that human beings can be good." The Paris
event came a year after a similar meeting in Budapest, Hungary, one of that
country's biggest Christian youth events since the collapse of communism in
the region in 1989. The Paris meeting was part of what organizers described
as a "pilgrimage of trust on earth" when the planet is struggling with
conflicts and the U.S.-led war against terrorism. Taizé is an ecumenical,
international community founded in
1940 in Taizé, France (about 235 miles southwest of Paris) by Brother Roger.
(Assist News Service)

found that wealthier nations tend to place less importance on religion --
with the exception of the U.S. -- than poorer nations. The 44-nation survey,
conducted by the Philadelphia-based Pew Charitable Trust, found that
religion is "very important" in the lives of 59 percent of Americans. The
study reveals that Americans are more religious than other wealthy nations,
making them more in tune with the religious views of those surveyed in the
developing countries. This percentage is about four times higher than
wealthy countries in Western and Eastern Europe, and nearly twice that of
Canadians. People in Japan and South Korea are "far less likely to cite
religion as personally important than those in poorer nations of the
region." In countries such as Indonesia, India, Philippines and Bangladesh,
religion is important to up to 80 percent of the population. Kermit
Netteburg, communication director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
North America, says that while a majority of Americans claim to have
religious values "more people also exhibiting a lack of ethics in business,
politics, personal lives, and education. Americans seem to have lost sight
of the central issue: Christianity provides the principles by which we make
decisions in our lives, or Christianity does not have value." Eddie Gibbs, a
world Christianity expert at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena,
Calif., said in a commentary reported in Charisma News that the "predictions
from the 1960s that American church attendance and conventional belief would
decline did not come true. But I think it's true that beliefs are no longer
impacting the culture." (Adventist News Network)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * James A. Ferrier HCJB World Radio

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Shalom - and Happy New Year!

Rowland Croucher
(8600+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 15, 2003, 12:28:11 AM1/15/03
From: ICC
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 2:03 AM
Subject: Pamphlet Urges Pakistani Muslims to Kill Westerners and Christians

International Christian Concern

Pamphlet Urges Pakistani Muslims to Kill Westerners and Christians

An inflammatory pamphlet being distributed in Pakistan by Islamic
fundamentalists calls on Muslims to kill Westerners and Christians wherever
and whenever they may be found. The pamphlet, which is printed in Urdu and
Arabic, was distributed on January 9, 2003 in Bulochistan and North West
Frontier Province (NWFP), as well as in some other major cities. Pictured on
the pamphlet is a monogram of Mecca surrounded by swords. Government
authorities have reportedly collected a number of the pamphlets and have
started an investigation.

The main purpose of the pamphlet is to encourage armed jihad among Pakistani
Muslims, stating that: "The non-believers have made the lives of Muslims
miserable leaving them with no option except jihad." The pamphlet also
expresses extreme anti-Western sentiment, saying: "It is the supreme duty of
the Muslims to trace out Americans, Israelis, Russians, Indians and
Westerners, whether they are army men or not, and kill them, whether they
are in the city, air, sea or desert." Muslims are also instructed not to
work with Christians or make a contract with them because they are the
enemies of Islam.

Not surprisingly, the majority of the inflammatory pamphlets were
distributed in the two provinces controlled by the MMA, an Islamic party
that supports the imposition of sharia law and has been known to shelter
Taliban and Al-Qaeda members. The MMA also recently blamed the death of
three Christian young women on the Christian community and called for the
release of an Islamic cleric who was arrested for inciting violence in a
Christmas Day attack near Daska in Punjab Province.

There has been a significant rise in Islamic militancy in Pakistan since
US-led forces attacked and brought down the fundamentalist Taliban regime in
Afghanistan. Pakistani clerics have also increasingly called for revenge
against the West. Pakistani Christians have felt the brunt of much of this
anger, as they are associated with the West because of their religious
affiliation. International Christian Concern calls upon the Pakistani and US
governments to do all that they can to protect Pakistani Christians, as well
as foreign citizens in Pakistan. The Pakistani Embassy may be reached at
202-939-6200. The Department of State Public Affairs Office can be reached
at 202-647-6575.

Rowland Croucher

Jan 15, 2003, 6:34:17 AM1/15/03
From: "WEA Religious Liberty Commission" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 6:28 PM
Subject: Nigeria's Presidential Election slated for 19 April 2003

Date: Wednesday 15 January 2003
Subj: Nigeria's Presidential Election slated for 19 April 2003

Nigeria's Presidential Election slated for 19 April 2003

Nigeria's Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has
announced that the election of the federal parliament will take
place on 12 April 2003, to be followed on 19 April by the
presidential poll and state governorship elections. The election of
regional legislatures will be held on 3 May.

There is much anxiety that these elections could be marked by ethnic
and religious bloodshed as religious sensitivities are running high
and religion is threatening to play a key role.


Obed Minchakpu reports to Compass Direct (January 2003) that
religious tension is evident at every level of society. Minchakpu
quotes Borno state police commissioner Azubuko Udah as saying,
"Religious hatred has now become a common feature within our country
's communities. Every little misunderstanding is now seen in the
light of religion. This has largely contributed to the numerous
religious crises that we have witnessed in the country."

Since the 1999 election that brought Olusegun Obasanjo to power, the
nation has been wracked with religious violence and a deepening
polarisation along ethnic and religious lines.

Stratfor Global Intelligence notes, "For Nigeria, Obasanjo was the
right candidate at the right time in 1999. He was well-respected in
international circles and relatively popular domestically for having
opposed the brutal dictatorship of Gen. Sani Abacha. Because he is a
southern Yoruba with ties to northern elites, Obasanjo also was
uniquely capable of reaching across ethnic lines to help narrow the
gap between the two halves of the country."

For decades northern Muslims had ruled Nigeria through a succession
of military dictatorships. All that time, Shari'a was never an issue
and the secular nature of the Constitution was respected. However,
the democratic election in 1999 of a southern Christian to the
presidency left the northern Muslim powerbrokers feeling sidelined.
It also inflamed their Islamic sensibilities.

Finding themselves disempowered politically, the northern governors
reinvented themselves as Islamic religious reformers, using religion
as an emotive platform from which they could discredit and
destabilise the democratically elected government and garnish
attention, power and influence for themselves across Muslim-majority
Northern Nigeria. It was only months after the election of Obasanjo
that the push for Shari'a in the northern states was on and the
government did not have the foresight to curtail it at its

Nigeria, now a divided nation, is facing a Presidential election
with strong religious overtones. President Olusegun Obasanjo has
been elected as the candidate for the ruling People's Democratic
Party (PDP) and Major-General Muhammad Buhari has been elected as
the candidate for the main opposition party, the All Nigeria's
People Party (ANPP). Olusegun Obasanjo is a Christian from the
southwest, and General Buhari is a Muslim from the northwest.
General Buhari, an ardent supporter of Sharia, is urging all Muslims
to vote for a Muslim.

It has been nineteen years since a civilian administration has
organised elections in Nigeria. Previous attempts, in 1966 and 1983,
were accompanied by widespread electoral violence that resulted in
military intervention. Stratfor Global Intelligence doubts whether
today's ethnically divided Nigeria can hold together without the
re-emergence of a military dictatorship.


The BBC has good coverage of Nigerian election issues. Here are two
excellent articles that also contain links to profiles of the main
candidates and articles on related issues.

Analysis: Nigeria's challenging poll. 13 January 2003

African media watch. 10 January 2003


If these elections do not succeed it will be a disaster - if they
succeed peacefully with rights and freedoms in tact it will be a
miracle. It is vital that religious liberty observers monitor the
rhetoric in these months leading up to the elections, and that all
intercessors pray for God to have his hand on Nigeria at this time.

- Elizabeth Kendal

**WEA Religious-Liberty e-mail Conference**

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Rowland Croucher

Jan 15, 2003, 4:41:52 PM1/15/03
eni-summary list

Ecumenical News International

News Highlights

15 January 2003

Hate campaign root of violence against minorities, say Pakistan

New Delhi (ENI). Church leaders in Pakistan say ongoing attacks
on Christian and other minorities is a fall-out of unchecked
hatred against the minorities. The National Council of Churches
of Pakistan (NCCP) this week endorsed a statement the Commission
for Justice and Peace of the Catholic church issued expressing
"deep concern over hate speech and provocation of religious
frenzy against non-Muslims". [370 words, ENI-03-0013]

Churches in forefront of aid effort for battered Pacific islands

Sydney (ENI). Church-run organisations are in the front line of
providing aid to Solomon Islanders battered by a cyclone almost
three weeks ago. The Church of Melanesia, a member of the global
relief alliance Action by Churches Together (ACT) International,
plans to use its own vessel to deliver relief supplies to the
remote islands of Tikopia and Anuta, which were hit by the
cyclone. Meanwhile, critics have charged that the disaster
response of the Solomon Islands government was impeded by police
demands for special allowances. [575 words, ENI-03-0012]

ENI Online -


A ministry of HCJB World Radio

To subscribe, E-mail to: <>
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

A 67-year-old American Christian missionary and his colleague were
injured when a suspected gang of Hindu extremists attacked them with
swords and iron bars in southern India, police said. Joseph Cooper,
along with his Indian colleague and family, were walking home from a
gospel meeting on the outskirts of the Kerala state capital,
Trivandrum, the evening of Monday, Jan. 13, when the attack occurred.
A dozen suspected activists from the radical Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS), the ideological parent of India's ruling Hindu
nationalist party, are accused of setting off a crude bomb before
attacking the two men, said District Police Chief T.K. Vinod Kumar.
Cooper, visiting from the U.S., was admitted to a local hospital with
a hand injury while his Indian colleague only suffered minor injuries.
His family was unhurt. One man was arrested following the attack, and
police were hunting for more suspects, Kumar said. RSS officials were
not immediately available for comment. Christian workers across Indian
have been facing increasing attacks by Hindus in recent years.
Hard-line Hindu groups accuse minority Christians of forcibly
converting poor Hindus. But missionaries say they only offer charity.
More than 80 percent of India's 1 billion people are Hindus, and less
than 3 percent are Christians. (Reuters)

The government of western India's Gujarat government is introducing
anti-conversion legislation called the Freedom of Religion Bill. The
proposed law integrates the strongest provisions of similar bills
enacted in four other states. When asked how the bill could be
constitutional, Mission India's John DeVries replied, "It fits under
the constitution which guarantees freedom of religion if there is no
coercion to change [faiths]. But people would have to prove to the
police that if they want to become a Christian, they're not being
coerced to do this. So the police would have to begin monitoring all
conversions." DeVries says that because enforcement may become
subjective, the bill's passage could be problematic for Christian
ministries in the area. He is unsure what impact the law would have on
Mission India's outreach. "It's very much in the hands of the Lord. We
only know that when you persecute Christians, the church grows like
weeds." (Mission Network News)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 16, 2003, 8:32:49 PM1/16/03
From: <>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 3:48 AM
Subject: eni-summary: 03-01-16

> eni-summary list
> Ecumenical News International
> News Highlights

> 16 January 2003
> Rights report criticises US war on terror, Chinese religious
> repression
> New York (ENI). Echoing concerns by some US religious
> organisations, a prominent New York-based human rights group has
> criticised the United States government for its war against
> terrorism, saying the Bush administration "has refused to be
> bound by human rights standards". In its annual report on
> international human rights globally, Human Rights Watch said that
> while the US government was not among the worst human rights
> offenders, its "willingness to compromise human rights to fight
> terrorism sets a dangerous precedent", particularly because of
> its unique leadership role. [403 words, ENI-03-0015]
> ENI Online -


Shalom - and Happy New Year!

Rowland Croucher
(8700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 17, 2003, 4:43:36 PM1/17/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

At the request of all parties, a team from the International Committee
of the Red Cross (ICRC) evacuated 25 religious personnel to Chad from
northern Central African Republic Thursday, Jan. 16, on "humanitarian
grounds." This morning they were handed over to representatives of the
ecclesiastical communities and consular services concerned in
N'Djamena, the capital of Chad. The workers come from Brazil, the
Central African Republic, France, Italy, Madagascar and Poland. The
ICRC has its regional delegation in Cameroon and offices in Chad and
the Central African Republic. Among its activities in these countries,
the organization visits detainees, supports medical facilities that
treat war wounded and promotes international humanitarian law among
the armed forces, security forces and political authorities.
(International Committee of the Red Cross)

Only one month after signing a new religion law considered the most
restrictive in Europe, Belarus President Alexander Lukaschenko has
allowed Alpha Radio in Minsk to transmit one hour of Christian
programming each day. Gator Henry, head of Alpha Radio, said the
station held intense negotiations with the government for 18 months.
Christians worldwide prayed for two years that the station would
obtain the necessary permission. The radio ministry is supported by
the Florida-based charity Project Belarus, reaching some 1.5 million
people in Minsk and neighboring Vitebsk. (Friday Fax)

For the past year, a Christian family in the remote village of
Kirimetimulla in southern Sri Lanka had been facing intimidation and
threats from those trying to force 49-year-old Indrani Abeysinghe to
stop holding worship services in her home. A report received this week
from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, said
that around midnight, Dec. 26, a mob of 10-15 hooded men smashed the
windows of her home, forced their way in and assaulted her sons while
she and her daughter hid. One son was hospitalized with a serious head
wound when he was struck by a sharp spade. While a complaint has been
filed with the police, no one has been identified. Abeysinghe has left
her home and is now living with friends near the capital city of
Colombo. She is determined to continue her ministry, but her children
fear for her life. (Voice of the Martyrs)

Twenty-seven years after forcibly shutting down the Nha Trang
Theological Seminary, Vietnamese authorities on Jan. 3 granted
permission to the Evangelical Church of Vietnam-South to open a class
for training church leaders. Although a few see it as a hopeful sign,
most of Vietnam's Protestant leaders see it as only a small step on
the road to religious freedom. The denomination, representing more
than half of Vietnam's 1.2 million Protestants, received official
recognition in April 2001 after some 27 years of legal limbo. Hundreds
of thousands of minority Christians historically related to the
organization are still considered "illegal" by the communist
government. More than 400 churches in Dak Lak province were forcibly
disbanded last fall. The denomination had made the opening of a Bible
college its foremost request since legal recognition was granted in
2001. For years the church had sought the return of its substantial
seminary campus at Hon Chong in Nha Trang, confiscated in 1976.
Authorities told the church that new negotiations to open a school
could not include reference to the seized campus. Rather, the church
could prepare a temporary facility in Ho Chi Minh City and, pending
permission, use it for two years while it built a new seminary.
Through this arrangement, authorization is in place to train 100
students. (Compass)

Israeli geologists say they have examined a stone tablet detailing
repair plans for the Jewish Temple of King Solomon that, if
authenticated, would be a rare piece of physical evidence confirming
biblical narrative. The find -- whose origin is murky -- is about the
size of a legal pad with a 15-line inscription in ancient Hebrew that
strongly resembles descriptions in 2 Kings 12. It could also
strengthen Jewish claims to a disputed holy site in Jerusalem's Old
City that is now home to two major mosques. Muslim clerics insist,
despite overwhelming archaeological evidence, that no Jewish shrine
ever stood at the site. The sandstone tablet was uncovered during
recent renovations of the mosque compound on the Temple Mount. From
there, it reached a major antiquities collector in Jerusalem. Gabriel
Barkai, a biblical archaeologist, said the Israel Museum could not
determine the authenticity of the inscription and was unable to rule
out a forgery. However, experts at Israel's Geological Institute said,
"Our findings show that it is authentic." Carbon dating confirmed the
writing dates back to the 9th century B.C. In the outer layer, Ilani
and his colleagues found microscopic flecks of gold that could have
been burned into the stone when a building containing both the tablet
and gold objects was destroyed. This could mean the tablet was part of
Solomon's Temple which was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.
Barkai said the inscription's resemblance to biblical passages "has
far-reaching implications of the historical importance of the biblical
text." (Associated Press)

Twenty-five key leaders from one of Ecuador's poorest areas recently
received training on the importance of clean water through a joint
effort of HCJB World Radio and Lifewater International in Morro Bay,

"Infant mortality due to water-transmitted diseases is still a serious
problem in Ecuador, so we are pleased to have Lifewater working
alongside us," said César Cortez of HCJB World Radio's Vozandes
Community Development team in Quito. He handpicked leaders from
churches and schools in the Borbón area of northwestern Ecuador's
Esmeraldas province for six days of intensive training Dec. 7-13,

Staff members from HCJB World Radio along with four volunteers from
Lifewater taught classes that "covered the importance of clean water
and hygiene, teaching students to value and practice it," Cortez
explains. "A team of trained technicians from that area have been
drilling wells and maintaining them since 1997 with the support of the
two ministries. They are dedicated Christian men concerned about the
health and spiritual needs of their people.

"The reaction of the 25 participants was very positive," he added.
"After the seminar, they decided it was time to complete the
sanitation model by building latrines and changing some cultural
habits. Now they are educating the people in their communities and

Future cooperative projects include a "spring development" seminar in
February for some Shuar Indian communities in Ecuador's Amazon basin.
"The visitors from Lifewater will be teaching hygiene at that event,"
Cortez says. "Later this year, they will be sending another group to
train us on a new well-drilling rig that they donated for our use in
Ecuador." The rig is on its way and expected to arrive soon.

Bruce Rydbeck, director of HCJB World Radio's water projects, said the
ministry drilled its first wells in Esmeraldas province in the
community of Anchayacu in 1996 after promises of clean water from
other organizations and government agencies failed to materialize.

"When we helped them accomplish their goal of having potable water, a
solid trust relationship was formed," he explains. "That trust
relationship enabled César Cortez to begin training pastors in that
area where missionaries rarely visit. As a result of this training, a
pastors' association began to promote mutual encouragement of pastors
and the small rural churches in the area. The blessing of giving a cup
of good drinking water in the name of Jesus is quite evident, and it
continues to grow."

Since constructing those first wells in Anchayacu, community
development staff members have built 40 wells in Esmeraldas. In the
past 23 years, HCJB World Radio has installed hundreds of well pumps
nationwide. Since 1988, the staff has also helped more than 35
communities (including more than 3,000 homes) build their own potable
water system with spigots at each home.

In an ongoing partnership that began in 1997, Lifewater began working
with HCJB World Radio after finding that the two ministries had
similar goals in providing clean water to rural communities. "Since
then they have been helping us with well-drilling equipment and
hygiene training," Cortez says. "We reciprocate and help Lifewater by
sharing our experience in Ecuador. Our relationship with Lifewater
allows us to gain a worldwide perspective in potable water supply. The
volunteers and staff who come to Ecuador bring a well-rounded
perspective of work in other developing countries."

Lifewater's 150 trained volunteers are committed to making pure
drinking water accessible to the world's poor, helping them break the
cycle of disease and poverty caused by unsafe drinking water. They
teach local people to drill wells and maintain them--giving residents
ownership and responsibility for their own water supply. Volunteers
include well-drillers, geologists, engineers, healthcare
professionals, scientists and businessmen. In addition to teaching
technical skills to improve drinking water supplies, workers also
present "living water," the message of salvation, to villagers.
Lifewater, founded in 1979, has completed water projects in 30
countries, helping install 650 wells and water systems that serve more
than 200,000 people.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Shalom - and Happy New Year!

Rowland Croucher

Jan 20, 2003, 3:01:54 PM1/20/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

When a wildfire hit Canberra, Australia, Saturday, Jan. 18, destroying
more than 400 buildings and leaving four persons dead, it didn't spare
the New Creative Ministries Centre. Even though the church, associated
with the Apostolic Church of Australia, was razed, it didn't stop
senior pastor John McNamara from conducting a Sunday-morning service
in a nearby park. More than 2,300 evacuees are being cared for in four
evacuation centers where the Red Cross, Salvation Army and ADRAcare is
helping with food, clothing and temporary accommodations. Residents of
Canberra's northern suburbs are now bracing for a possible fresh
onslaught of fires as the flames continue to spread across dry grass.
Dozens of firefighters were posted along the outskirts of Canberra,
ready to fight the advancing flames. Some residents were seen hosing
down their roofs. The fires are thought to have started 10 days ago
when lightning struck forest areas. At first there was nothing fire
fighters could do as the fires were in inaccessible mountainous areas.
When they came closer to the city, teams of rural fire fighters,
reinforced with 200 extra personnel, tried to control the fires. Then
wind gusts up to 60 mph sent the flames reeling out of control.
(Religious Media Agency/AP)

Pastor Bian, the only pastor in Datong in China's Shanxi province, was
arrested on Dec. 26 after he refused to give up leadership of the
church on orders from the government. Bian received notification on
Dec. 24 from the Religious Affairs Bureau that all Christians in his
church had requested a change in leadership. But a church member who
asked to remain anonymous said that only three or four of the 4,000
members wanted him removed. Bian was released after church members
threatened to go to the Datong government. They are urging Christians
everywhere to pray as the Religious Affairs Bureau continues to
investigate, looking for grounds to remove Bian from leadership.
(Voice of the Martyrs)

An electrical fire in Malawi has seriously affected the work of Teen
Missions International, said spokesman Steve Peterson. The fire hit
Jan. 3, destroying the warehouse where all of the boot camp supplies
were stored. Peterson said this is a big loss. "One of the
difficulties is that a lot of the equipment that the teams use is not
readily available in Malawi or in many of the other African countries.
So it's not just the financial aspect." Damage is estimated at
$10,000. Peterson believes the fire was a spiritual attack following
the completion of a successful camp. "Missions training had just been
held for Malawian teenagers," he says. "Six teams with 111 kids were
there. They saw more than 1,400 people accept Christ, and 75 of those
kids made decisions to enter full-time service." (Mission Network

Nearly two weeks after arriving in the U.S. from Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory
Coast), West Africa, where he was trapped by rebels for 29 days, Dr.
William "Doc" Foster says his left ear still isn't back to normal.
When a band of rebels broke into his house in the village of
Toulepleu, near the Liberian border, on Dec. 1, they tried to
intimidate him by shooting an AK-47 assault rifle several times close
to his ear, damaging his hearing. Even though the experience scared
him, "I knew that if I died I was going to heaven -- it was no big
deal," said 58-year-old Foster. A physician, Foster has served
Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod (LCMS) World Mission for more than
six years as a medical missionary in Ivory Coast. He became trapped
last month when several rebel factions -- totaling more than 100 men
-- took up residence in the village. In November the ministry withdrew
five missionary families from the country because of the escalating
conflict, but Foster became trapped before he could leave. Foster said
he was under house arrest for little more than a day, then moved to a
Red Cross compound where he treated patients -- both rebels and
civilians -- with shrapnel and gunshot wounds and a variety of
injuries and illnesses." Because of increasing pressure from U.S.
government officials, the rebels released Foster and two other
foreigners on Dec. 28. A member of Zion Lutheran Church in Wellington,
Colo., he returned home on Jan. 3. Foster says he would gladly serve
overseas again. "I have a call," he said, and wants to "return
something to God." (LCMS World Mission)

While most ministry in Suriname, a country bordering Brazil, is
welcomed, Gurudatt and Nadira Shiwdatt say their work carries risk.
The Shiwdatts are missionaries to the Hindus in Suriname, a
little-reached people group in that area. "As we enter into the
communities of the Hindustani, there is persecution," Gurudatt says.
"Once they see that you have made inroads into their community, and
that people are being reached for the gospel of Jesus Christ, when
they see that we are laying a good foundation, then they will
persecute us." As the Shiwdatts get ready for their work's next growth
phase, they are seeking more people to help with the task. "Pray that
God will send more workers. There is a great need for more
missionaries. There is only a handful of missionaries that work among
the Hindu communities, and only about 2 or 3 percent have been
evangelized." (Mission Network News)

One of the first Wales-specific resources ever produced, a bilingual
video called "Land of My Children" has been sent to 850 leaders
throughout Wales to encourage initiatives in evangelism. Church
attendance in the country has fallen steadily to about 200,000 from
400,000 in 1980. The video was produced by the Evangelical Alliance in
Wales, drawing from international models and featuring eight creative
approaches now being used in various parts of the country.
(Christianity & Renewal)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Shalom - and Happy New Year!


Jan 20, 2003, 3:33:45 PM1/20/03
"Rowland Croucher" <> wrote in message news:<3e2878e4$0$7816$>...
a question i would like to ask .
why do u hate saddam ?????????????
am a muslim and i hate him ,i have my reasons ,but u americans ,why do
u hate him? is it because u hate every muslim (or more precisely who
ever so called muslim),
i really need to know about this ,i never been to usa ,but the thing i
know is that u poeple are just two types some of you hate muslims just
because u was teached from young to do that and if u are among them u
are considered to be a follower ,u have no brain ,u have no knowledge
,u never look into their beleives and u just hate them ,in that case
if we hate something without a reason then we are simply stupid ,now
we go to the other part and the rest of the poeple that hate muslims
for whatever happened from some muslims or so called muslims ,9/11
......................etc these poeple think that they have enough
evidence that muslims r terrorist ,violent , i ask the
question why they r like that ?and are they all like that? and if u
think they are all like that means their religion ask them to do that
,therefore we have to hate islam as a violent religion ,in this case u
r also stupid because u judjing religion from poeple's behaviour ,tell
me how many christians has been caught thiefs ,criminals ,rapists,etc
,,,,,,,,billions and how many jews and how many budhist hindou
whatever .....billions is that so this does not mean all christians
are like or christianity ,judism ,budhism bad ,
do u poeple like to be taken for stupids ,then go read about islam
first ,let me tell u something ,the quran was sent 1500 years ago
,till now it is the same not even a letter of it has been changed or
altered why?because it contains a mathematical equation if u change
one letter with another one the equation will not be right ,do u know
that if we total all the letters of quran one by one they all will be
divided by the same odd number for example
if we have 11A and 33B both can be divided by 11 so if we alter one A
by one B we will have 10A and 34B ,they r not didideable by 11 anymore
,remember prophet mohamad was illiterate so he could not do that
complicated equation ,one more do u know that IRON (the metal) is
prooven to be a foreign metal to the earth by recent scientists ,this
was mention in quran 1500 nyears ago ,and the best thing is that it
was mentioned in the verse 26 of quran and do u know that in the
recent science the numeric number of the metal iron is 26,and do u
know about the role of the wind in bringing rain ,and the role of the
mountains on the earth it is all mentioned in quran 1500 years ago ,so
please do not be stupid read about islam ,go to then go
to video then look for the miracles of quran and after that judge
muslims ,do not look at saddam ,saddam will never save you from god
nor your bush ,u only can save youself .
my e-mail:

Rowland Croucher

Jan 20, 2003, 4:30:48 PM1/20/03
"cherif" <> wrote in message

> "Rowland Croucher" <> wrote in message

> a question i would like to ask .

> why do u hate saddam ?????????????

I don't.

Rowland Croucher

Jan 21, 2003, 4:32:13 PM1/21/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

The studios of Wind-FM, Mongolia's only Christian FM radio station,
were devastated by a fire Monday, Jan. 13. Tom Terry of Eagle TV in
the capital city of Ulaanbaatar (where Wind-FM is temporarily housed)
said the fire appears to have started in the control room while a live
show was airing. He was on the scene the day of the fire. "I'm not
sure if they were able to save any equipment, but it doesn't look
good," Terry said. "The inside of the building looked very damaged
from fire, smoke and water. Smoke was pouring from the top of the
building and coming out of the main studios on the top floor. Nine
emergency vehicles were on hand, including three or four water
trucks." Wind-FM General Director Batjargal Tuvhintsengel was on
vacation in Hong Kong with his family when the fire broke out. He
estimated damage at $120,000. Wind-FM, which began broadcasting in May
2001, employs 15 staff members and airs 24 hours a day, reaching
across Ulaanbaatar, a city of about 1 million. (Assist News Service)

The survivors of a brutal Christmas Day attack in Pakistan are
demanding justice and protection. Although the government promised to
take quick and stern action against the perpetrators, no charges have
been laid. In response, the evangelical community is mounting a
growing protest, said Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton. "There's
definitely a call for the government there to take action, and there's
a very real fear among the Christians that, if the government will not
prosecute this case, which is so blatant, they won't prosecute any
case against those who attack Christians." Three girls between the
ages of 6 and 16 were killed and a dozen others were injured during a
Christmas program when a grenade was tossed into a church 160 miles
south of Islamabad. A fourth girl died the next day. Nettleton says
the situation in Pakistan could become even more dangerous for those
involved with Christian work if no police action is taken. "They
(Christian workers) have become targets in their own country," he
says. "In fact, churches and Christian institutions there have been
told to take down all their signage so that they are less visible and
less of a target. It's a challenge for them to try to continue to
carry out their ministry, and at the same time, keep a low profile and
not be as visible." (Mission Network News/Assist)

Sudanese government troops continued an "ethnic cleansing" offensive
in the western Upper Nile oilfields by attacking five villages the
morning of Thursday, Jan. 17, said Taban Deng Gai, a senior official
with the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM). The village of
Kual Kouny had been occupied by government forces, and the communities
of Kermyang, Lienepra, Kerial and Thargena were strafed by two
helicopter gunships and shelled with heavy artillery from the
government garrison at Mankein. The offensive has resulted in more
than 200,000 mostly Christian refugees as people flee their homes.
Since the offensive began on Dec. 31, almost no emergency humanitarian
aid has been delivered by the U.N. and various relief agencies.
Refugees are surviving mainly on leaves, roots and berries. Gai
appealed to former U.S. senator John Danforth, who is on a mission to
Sudan, to witness the devastation and press the U.S. government to
deliver more humanitarian aid. Gai added that Sudanese government
troops attacked the village of Lare on Jan. 13 for the second time in
two weeks. On both occasions, troops set fire to buildings, including
the facilities of four relief agencies. (Christian Solidarity

As the potential of war with Iraq looms larger and forces continue to
mobilize, there are estimates that the refugee population could reach
6 million if fighting breaks out. In response, International Aid is
readying its response to refugee camps in Jordan, says spokesman Myles
Fish. "The products and services that we're going to try to provide
will be healthcare-related. We're sending a whole healthcare clinic.
We'll be sending pharmaceuticals, personal hygiene items and a water
treatment plant that will be leaving Spring Lake, Mich., when we begin
to see the flow of refugees leaving Iraq." Fish believes the refugees
will come to know at least one thing about Christians. "They'll know
the local indigenous church through which we are sending the aid," he
says. "It's our hope that by giving these local indigenous churches
the means for ministering to the refugees, that they then will have an
opportunity to both demonstrate and proclaim the gospel message."
(Mission Network News)

Leading information technology companies in the U.S. have suspended
donations to an American-based charity following reports that the
organization channeled the funds to militant Hindu groups for use in
propaganda campaigns targeting Christians and other religious
minorities in India. Cisco Systems, one of several high-tech companies
in the U.S. that contributed funds to the Indian Development and
Relief Fund, suspended donations to the organization following
publication of an exposé in France titled, "A Foreign Exchange of
Hate." The report confirmed that the charity has been funding Hindu
fundamentalist groups linked to the militant Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) group which misused monies donated for charitable purposes
to pressure tribal Christians to reconvert to Hinduism. Meanwhile, a
BBC investigative report that aired on Dec. 12 revealed that Vanvasi
Kalyan Ashram received millions of dollars from two U.K.-based
charities to fund campaigns to stage violent attacks against
Christians and Muslims. The Charity Commission of the British Treasury
immediately ordered an investigation. (Religion Today)

Modern advances in DNA research discredit the Book of Mormon and show
that Mormonism's founder, Joseph Smith, engaged in deception, says a
cultural anthropologist and lifelong Mormon. The recently published
research of Thomas Murphy, chairman of the anthropology department at
Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, Wash., drew sharp rebuke from
officials with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often
called Mormons. Murphy was threatened with excommunication from the
church, a matter left pending after a Dec. 8 hearing was postponed.
Murphy, 35, traces his personal lineage through the first Mormon
pioneers who settled in the West. But contrary to Mormon doctrine, he
contends that it is "highly unlikely" that Mormons can trace the
lineage of American Indians through a Jewish remnant the Book of
Mormon calls Lamanites. According to the Book of Mormon, a "lost tribe
of Israel" migrated to the Americas in 600 B.C. The introduction to
the Book of Mormon describes these Lamanites as the "principal
ancestors of the American Indians." The Lamanites allegedly lapsed
into apostasy, but Joseph Smith claimed to have been shown golden
tablets bearing their story by an angel named Moroni. Smith said he
translated these tablets in 1823 from an unknown language called
Reformed Egyptian, thus creating the Book of Mormon. "So far, DNA
research lends no support to traditional Mormon beliefs about the
origins of native Americans," Murphy said. "Latter-day Saints should
not expect to find validation for the Book of Mormon in genetics."
Scott Woodward, a professor of microbiology at Brigham Young
University in Utah, said the truthfulness of the Mormon Scripture is
not something that can be proved by scientific evidence. "I am a
believer. I think that the Book of Mormon is what it purports to be,"
Woodward said. In an interview Jan. 14, Murphy acknowledged that he's
not an active member of the church. "I'm a cultural Mormon," he
explained. "I prefer to be called a latter-day skeptic." However, he
continues to identify with Mormon traditions. (Associated Baptist

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(8700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 22, 2003, 7:08:13 PM1/22/03
From: "The Voice of the Martyrs"
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: The Persecution & Prayer Alert (January 22, 2003)

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

A summary of news concerning the Persecuted Church and how you can

1. Arrest Sought for Christian Mother (Jordan)
2. Shooting Leaves Two Dead and Six Wounded (Colombia)
3. Converts Face Ostracism and Fear (India)
4. Christian from India Deported (Qatar)
5. Libya Elected Head of Human Rights Commission (UN)
6. Question of the Week

1. Arrest Sought for Christian Mother (Jordan)

For several months, The Voice of the Martyrs has been following the
plight of a Christian mother in Jordan, Mrs. Siham Qandah, who has been
ordered to surrender her children. Because her husband allegedly
converted to Islam before his death, Jordanian law states that the
children are Muslim and require a Muslim guardian in order to receive
their father's death benefits. Mrs. Qandah's Muslim brother was
appointed the guardian but he then fought for, and was given, full legal
custody of the children. For several months there has been an on-going
custody battle.

According to a report received this morning from Middle East Concern,
Mrs. Qandah's brother, Abdullah al-Muhtadi, filed an appeal on January
16, asking that she be arrested until the children are surrendered to
his care. Yesterday Mrs. Qandah's lawyer filed an appeal, but Mrs.
Qandah and her children have again gone into hiding to prevent the
children from being taken from her.

Jordanian authorities have indicated to Mrs. Qandah that the reason they
have not executed the court order and taken the children is the many
petitions made on her behalf. We ask that you continue to pray for this
situation. We also encourage you to contact Jordanian authorities,
appealing to them to allow this mother to keep her children.
The Persecution & Prayer Alert from December 4, 2002 contains more
details on this unfortunate case. You can view it online at

Below are addresses and fax numbers to contact authorities in Jordan.
We also encourage you to contact the Jordanian embassy in your country.
For information on UN and embassy addresses, go to

His Majesty King Abdallah bin Hussein
Office of H.M. the King
Royal Palace
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Fax: 962 6 462 7421
Salutation: Your Majesty

Dr Fayez Tarawneh
Chief of the Royal Court
PO Box 80
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Fax: 962 6 463 1452
Salutation: Dear Dr Tarawneh

His Royal Highness Prince al-Hassan Bin Talal
Majlis El Hassan
Royal Palace
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Fax: 962 6 4634995
Salutation: Your Royal Highness

2. Shooting Leaves Two Dead and Six Wounded (Colombia)

Four gunmen entered St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church during Mass on
Sunday, January 19 and began shooting, killing two people and wounding
six others. According to Zenit, Authorities are speculating that one of
the victims was the primary target, perhaps settling a grudge. Ten
people have been arrested, suspected of involvement in the attack.

In recent months, Christians in Colombia have faced increasing violence,
particularly from guerrilla groups and those involved in the drug trade.
This is the latest of several attacks in the past year, including a bomb
attack in May that killed more than 100 people.

Pray for safety for Christians in Colombia. Pray that their attackers
might see the hope that lies within believers and turn to faith in

3. Converts Face Ostracism and Fear (India)

Twenty-three tribal families in a remote village in West Bengal are
facing social ostracism and intimidation after converting to
Christianity and are living in fear for their safety. According to a
January 21 news story in the Hindustan Times, the families from the
village of Kasundipara have been threatened, relatives have been
prevented from visiting, and other villagers have been told not to speak
with them. According to the news story, police in the area have been
informed of the threats, but no protection has been provided for the

Militant Hindu groups have been arguing that people have been lured into
converting to Christianity through promises of material goods, jobs,
free education and healthcare. In some states in India, new laws have
been passed to severely restrict religious conversions. Earlier this
month it was announced that the Gujarat government is introducing
anti-conversion legislation similar to that of four other states in
India. Christian workers in India have also been facing increasing
pressure and violence from militant Hindus, including an American
missionary and his Indian colleague who were beaten on January 13 in the
Kerala state capital of Trivandrum. According to an AP article on
January 17, there have been four arrests in connection with that attack
and more are expected. Those arrested are from the RSS, a militant
Hindu group opposed to Christianity and western influence in India.

Pray for safety for the Church in India. Pray for safety for these
families and others who face the cost of turning to faith in Christ.
Pray that Indian Christians will be a good testimony to those around
them who are persecuting them.

4. Christian from India Deported (Qatar)

A Christian from India who had worked in Qatar for the past twenty-two
years has been deported, along with his wife and twelve-year-old son.
As of yesterday, authorities had given no reason for the deportation.
Arokiyasamy Stanislas Chellappa, 51, worked in a hospital in Doha, as
well as leading a fellowship of Tamil-speaking Indian Christians in his
home. According to Compass, when he was arrested on December 9, he
asked police what he had done. "We don't know," they replied. "It is
just written that you have to go back home." All that anyone can
surmise is that it is because of his religion. Despite advocacy from
his employer and from the Indian embassy, Middle East Concern reported
on January 21 that all appeals have failed and that the family is to
leave Qatar today.

Qatar has been considered a leader in democratic rights in the Arab Gulf
states. While non-Muslims cannot proselytize nor meet for public
worship, private services such as Chellappa was leading have been

Pray for the family as they establish their life in India. Pray for the
other Christians in Qatar who face similar uncertainty.

5. Libya Elected Head of Human Rights Commission (UN)

In a move strongly opposed by many nations and human rights
organizations, Najat Al-Hajjaji, Libya's ambassador to the UN, was
elected on January 20 to the influential position of chairman of the
United Nations Human Rights Commission. The position is normally chosen
without a vote, but the USA insisted on a vote because of its
opposition. Of the 53 nation members of the commission, only three
voted against Libya as chair: USA, Canada, and Guatemala. Several
European nations were opposed, but for fear of offending the African
nations who supported and nominated Libya for the position, seventeen
nations abstained.

Libya has a terrible human rights record, including torturing its own
citizens. They have been facing US sanctions because of involvement in
terrorism such as the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people.
Libya is very closed to any religion other than Islam. In August 2002,
the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on fourteen students who had
been arrested for converting to faith in Christ. At last report, they
had been sentenced to death, but we have received no reports since
November 20.

On hearing of the election results, Glenn Penner, Communications
Director for The Voice of the Martyrs said, "I can hardly think of
something more inappropriate than putting such a violator of human
rights in this position. This really is a case of the fox guarding the

Pray for Christians in Libya and for these fourteen students facing
death for Christ. Pray that, in spite of this leadership choice, the UN
will be effective in aiding the cause of human rights in general and
specifically freedom of religion in our world.

6. Question of the Week

One of the most difficult aspects of writing the Persecution & Prayer
Alert each week is knowing how to prioritize the stories that we cover.
While each person has different interests and concerns, what would you
put as the top priority if you had to choose? We'd like to hear your
reasons as well.

(1) Stories of victory in the midst of persecution
(2) Stories of needs that affect a large group of people
(3) Stories of individuals who stand in the midst of their suffering for
(4) International issues that could affect religious freedom around the
(5) Updates on stories previously covered
(6) Other

To participate in our poll and discussion, go to and

click on "Discussion Forum." If you have not registered on our forum in
the past, click on "Register" and select a username and password.

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the
Martyrs, Canada.



Rowland Croucher
(8700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 23, 2003, 5:45:14 PM1/23/03
eni-summary list
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
23 January 2003

Palestinian bishop urges Swedish prime minister to play mediating

Stockholm (ENI). Giving hope in a hopeless situation is a must
for the church, believes Palestinian Bishop Munib Younan, who
told Swedish journalists: "The church is not only a building
where you sing hallelujah. We have a political responsibility."
Younan, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem,
which works in Palestine, Jordan and Israel, met a large group of
journalists after talks with Swedish Prime Minister Goran
Persson. [325 words, ENI-03-0027]

Churches open schools to homeless as cold wave kills hundreds in

New Delhi (ENI). Christian institutions in India have opened
their buildings to the homeless as a bitter cold wave has claimed
more than 1000 lives in India this winter. More than 500 people
have also died in neighbouring Bangladesh - where the climate is
normally tropical and people lack warm clothes and proper shelter
- since temperatures far below normal swept into southern Asia
over Christmas. [413 words, ENI-03-0026]

Churches take Bible message to Germany's city centres

Bielefeld (ENI). A 10-metre-high translucent blue cube is a
centrepiece in Germany for the "Year of the Bible" which is being
promoted by Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. The cube,
called the "Bible Box", will be placed in the centres of 10
German cities and will serve as a theatre backdrop, an art
gallery, and a multimedia exhibition on biblical themes - all
with the aim of getting people interested in the Bible. [255
words, ENI-03-0025]

ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published
This summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information
printed below is retained.

Individual paragraphs may be reproduced provided ENI is
acknowledged as the source.

For details of subscriptions to the full ENI News Service, which
contains full text articles, contact ENI at the address below.

ENI Online -



Rowland Croucher
(8700+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 25, 2003, 1:04:55 AM1/25/03

Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 6:15 AM

Subject: Flash News: Jordan

Global News from the Frontlines

Eleven-Month Child Custody Standoff Still Unresolved
by Barbara G. Baker

ISTANBUL, January 24 (Compass) -- A court in northern Jordan has ordered
a Christian widow sent to jail for 30 days if she refuses to hand over
her two minor children to be raised as Muslims.

Siham Qandah was notified by telephone at her home in Husn four days ago
that a court warrant for her arrest had been issued January 16 by the
Irbid Court of First Instance. According to the caller, unless she
immediately surrendered custody of her daughter Rawan, 14, and son Fadi,
12, to their court-appointed Muslim guardian, she would be arrested and
sent to prison.

Qandah was shocked by the court order, since she had received firm
assurances from high-placed officials in Amman three months ago that a
solution would be found for her to retain custody of her children, who
have been raised as Christians.

"Siham was told [in October] to go back to her home, put her children in
school again, and relax, because no one would be allowed to touch her,"
a close friend commented.

But once again, Qandah and her children no longer feel safe in Husn.
With a week left in their winter school break, Rawan and Fadi are
"living from house to house," a close relative told Compass today.
"After this week, it would be very dangerous for them to stay at home.
And if the police find their mother, they may take her to prison."

As soon as Qandah's lawyer obtained a copy of her arrest warrant three
days ago, he filed an appeal for a temporary stay on the order. The
Irbid court has issued no decision on the appeal, although it is
expected to do so early next week. Until the court responds officially,
Qandah was told, she is protected from arrest.

"But even if the judge accepts the appeal," one of Qandah's brothers
told Compass today, "they are going to delay only for one week, or at
most two weeks. So we don't know what will happen then."

"The appeal is just buying time," a friend in Amman agreed. "I don't see
any hope."

After a four-year legal wrangle, Jordan's Supreme Court made a final
ruling last February that Qandah must relinquish her children. But
Jordanian authorities have not yet enforced it, apparently due to
international media coverage and appeals to the Jordanian royal family
to resolve the case.

The youngest of 10 children, Qandah has two sisters living in Canada as
well as a brother pastoring a Nazarene church in Illinois. Her brother
in the United States has offered full support for her and her children,
if they are allowed to leave Jordan.

But Qandah's children are blacklisted by court order from leaving
Jordan, although Qandah herself is not. And so far, Western governments
have been unwilling to cause a potential flap with Jordan by offering
visas to her and her children.

In the face of growing diplomatic inquiries into the moderate Arab
state's handling of the case, recent developments are being watched
closely by Prince Hasan, brother to the late King Hussein. On November
14, Jordanian King Abdullah II was reportedly briefed on the young
widow's judicial dilemma.

According to one of Prince Hasan's advisers monitoring the case,
government officials cannot "play around" with the ruling of the
nation's highest judiciary court, which is constitutionally independent.
"But we are trying our best to find a way to defer the matter, until we
find a solution," he told Compass.

"She is terrified. I know that," he admitted. "But I hope, I hope
nothing will happen."

The drawn-out custody case is based on the sole "evidence" of a highly
irregular document claiming that Qandah's Christian husband had secretly
converted to Islam several years before his death. Under Jordanian law,
that automatically makes his minor children Muslims, as well.

Qandah found the claim preposterous, since the so-called "conversion"
certificate was written and signed by two Muslim witnesses, with only a
scrawled "X" for her husband's signature. But she could not legally
contest it, since it was certified by an Islamic court. As a Christian,
she could not even draw her children's inheritance benefits, but was
forced to find a Muslim to be their court-appointed guardian.

So she tracked down her long-estranged brother, who had converted to
Islam as a teenager. Now a mosque prayer leader, he agreed to be the
children's legal guardian. But when he later learned the children were
enrolled in Christian religion classes at school and becoming active in
the local Baptist church, her brother began to object. In May 1998, he
filed a civil case demanding custody of her children in order to raise
them as Muslims.

"Despite all this, the Lord has put a peace into her heart," one of
Qandah's friends told Compass today. "But she is tired from all of this.
And she knows that even if she somehow wins the case against her
brother, he will still be after her, even to the last day of his life."


***Photos of Siham Qandah and her two children are available
electronically. Contact Compass Direct for pricing and transmittal.

Copyright 2003 Compass Direct

Compass Direct Flash News is distributed as available to raise awareness
of Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith. Articles may
be reprinted by active subscribers only.

For subscription information, contact:

Compass Direct



Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Father Stavros

Jan 26, 2003, 3:36:57 PM1/26/03
cherif wrote:

> a question i would like to ask .
> why do u hate saddam ?????????????

Generally speaking, we don't. Most americans are only dimly aware that
Saddam Hussein exists. His name comes to us in news reports about
murders, and bombings, and reprehensible acts, which is most of what we
hear from the mideast in general.

Our government doesn't hate him. They fear him, which is a different
thing. They believe that he is preparing war against the United States,
that he is training killers and may be planning widespread destruction
by chemical, biological, or atomic weapons. They may or may not be
right; we have little direct information in the matter.

Those of us at all familiar with Islam and what it stands for dislike
him (and several others) for taking a doctrine of peace and turning it
to war and power.

The american perception of the mideast is that the culture in place
there is locked in a continuing war many generations old, which flares
and kills a million more innocent people every few years -- that the
area seems to be steeped in hatred and divisiveness and treachery and
corruption and killing, and that it is so entrenched in the cultures
there that the area can never be developed, that its people can never be
understood. Every religious impulse we hear about in the Mideast winds
up turned to corruption and violence and killing, no matter how pure it
may have been in its beginnings. To us, the place looks like despair.

The "hate" that most americans feel for the mideast is more a matter of
having given up hope that the place can ever leave its bloody history
behind as long as its people and cultures survive. The "hate" that most
middle easterners here experience is, very simply, based on fear that
they carry that legacy of blood within them and that at any time, for
reasons we may never understand, they may lash out and kill. In most
cases the fear is unfounded. In a few it is not.

Americans are baffled and confused by the middle east. We cannot
understand the place, and the rulers, nations, and regimes change so
fast we can't in general keep up with the changes. Religious belief
there seems to embrace jihad and killing, and undergoes a new and deadly
mutation every few years giving rise to new extremists and killers, and
every time we try to do anything in the area it turns against us.

We feel guilty because we know that our need for oil has fed much of the
corruption in the place by concentrating too much wealth in too few
hands, and we feel scared because we fear that each new unpredictable
development will cut off our supply of oil. We try to intervene to
protect our oil interests, and every time we do, history turns and
whatever we did turns to corruption and hatred and wasted lives and
useless deaths. We try to make the place better by building things or
by teaching people to build things, but everything that gets built gets
destroyed by some lunatic on a jihad.

Finally, we throw up our hands. We despair. We find that there is
nothing we can do there that doesn't result in killing and hatred, so we
cease to even care what we do there.

And then something like 9/11 happens, and our despair about being able
to do the right thing in the place is joined by a fear and certainty
that we must do *something*. The result isn't pretty. But I don't know
anything better that could have happened. And frankly, most things that
could have happened would have been much worse.

> evidence that muslims r terrorist ,violent , i ask the
> question why they r like that ?and are they all like that? and if u
> think they are all like that means their religion ask them to do that
> ,therefore we have to hate islam as a violent religion ,in this case u
> r also stupid because u judjing religion from poeple's behaviour ,tell
> me how many christians has been caught thiefs ,criminals ,rapists,etc
> ,,,,,,,,billions and how many jews and how many budhist hindou
> whatever .....billions is that so this does not mean all christians
> are like or christianity ,judism ,budhism bad ,

You're right. Every religion that has many followers, has many
criminals. But americans personally know methodists, catholics, jews,
and often buddhists who are not killers. Every time mideastern muslims
are in our news it is because people are dead. We tend not to have
personal experience with mideastern muslims who aren't killers. You can
blame the media if you like, but muslims need to start making news in
ways other than by killing people, quashing the religious structures and
icons of others, and participating in bloody mindless violence, if they
are to be known for other things.

Yours Sadly,
Father Stavros

Rowland Croucher

Jan 27, 2003, 6:35:55 PM1/27/03
From: "World Relief News Release" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 4:53 AM
Subject: News Release: Famine in Mozambique: Worse than Reported



World Relief President Returns from Mozambique:
Famine Worse than Reported

BALTIMORE, January 27, 2003- World Relief President Clive Calver returned
last week from Mozambique, where he said the famine is worse than what is
being reported.

Calver traveled to Chicualacuala, an isolated, virtually uninhabitable area
in southern Mozambique near the Zimbabwe and South Africa borders. "There is
a grotesque unawareness about what is happening in the remote areas of
southern Africa where the people in need are difficult to reach," said

What Calver encountered in Chicualacuala was horrific. "There were people
lying beneath trees dying, while others were eating worms and vegetation
that normally only the elephants would have," said Calver.

A village pastor told Calver about a couple who died in the famine,
orphaning their three children. The children were apparently so shocked from
the loss and hunger that the neighbors smelled the bodies decomposing days
before the children acknowledged that their parents were dead.

USAID estimates that there are 590,000 people at risk of starvation in
Mozambique. The Mozambique National Disaster Management Institute projects
that the number of people at risk will rise to 1.4 million because of a lack
of rain during the planting season in late 2002.

Calver explained that churches are key in the response to the crisis because
they [churches] are some of the only institutions that exist in remote areas
like Chicualacuala. "Churches understand the needs of their communities
better than outsiders do and can distribute aid more effectively," said Calv

For nearly 60 years, World Relief has worked with local churches to create
sustainable solutions that help the desperately poor. Operating in more than
20 countries and 26 cities in the U.S., World Relief's programs include
disaster relief, refugee assistance, AIDS outreach, urban ministries,
community health, agricultural development, and community banking.



Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 27, 2003, 7:31:56 PM1/27/03
From: <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 7:42 AM

Subject: eni-summary: 03-01-27

eni-summary list Ecumenical News International News Highlights

27 January 2003

Zimbabwe police stop six visiting Lutheran Aids and feeding projects

Geneva, 27 January (ENI)--Six people intending to visit famine relief and
Aids projects being run in Zimbabwe under the auspices of the Lutheran World
Federation have been detained at a hotel in central Zimbabwe because
authorities suspect them of acting illegally as journalists, say church
officials. The six people were apprehended in the mining town of Zvishavane,
400 kilometres south of Harare, at the weekend as police halted a planned
tour of projects that were being highlighted ahead of the federation's
forthcoming global assembly in Canada in July, the Harare-based Daily News

Key witness in trial over Guatemalan bishop's murder is killed

Tegucigalpa (ENI). An important witness who testified in a trial for the
murder of a Guatemalan Roman Catholic bishop has himself been killed as have
other witnesses in the past. The witness, Noe de Jesus Gomez, gave evidence
in a 2001 trial over the brutal 1998 killing of Juan Gerardi, the auxiliary
bishop of Guatemala City who was a prominent human rights advocate.

ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published today. This
summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information printed below is

Individual paragraphs may be reproduced provided ENI is acknowledged as the

For details of subscriptions to the full ENI News Service, which contains
full text articles, contact ENI at the address below.

ENI Online -


Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 28, 2003, 5:51:31 PM1/28/03
Global News from the Frontlines

Greater Communist Infiltration of Religious Organizations Planned
Special to Compass Direct

HO CHI MINH CITY, January 28 (Compass) -- The powerful Central Committee
of Vietnam's Communist Party went into its Seventh Plenum on January 13
promising to carefully address the sensitive issues of religion, land
and ethnic minority unrest. It emerged nine days later, on January 21,
to announce that it had passed four new resolutions, including one to
better control religion.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan, this was the first time the
Central Committee has passed a resolution specifically on religion.
Usually, religious matters are left to lower, less powerful governmental

The issues arose because of minority unrest in the Central Highlands two
years ago over confiscated land and lack of religious freedom. Vietnam
responded to that unrest in a heavy-handed way. It has been accused by
organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International of
serious human rights violations of Montagnards, a collective name for
Vietnam's many minority tribal groups inhabiting the Central Highlands.
Compass reported last month that authorities had disbanded over 400
churches in Dak Lak province alone in the fall of 2002, falsely accusing
virtually all minority Christians of involvement in a political plot to
overthrow the regime.

According to an official communiqué provided to Compass by Vietnamese
sources, the resolution on religion appears aimed at Vietnam's six
approved religions. It calls for the establishment of cells of Communist
Party members within the approved religious organizations.

A January 27 "South China Morning Post" article described the
development as "cementing the control of religion from within."

Vietnam observers believe this will cause problems for the Evangelical
Church of Vietnam (South), which received legal recognition two years
ago. So far, the ECVN (S) has successfully resisted being controlled by
a small number of "government-friendly" leaders who have close relations
with the Bureau of Religious Affairs.

Protestant Christian leaders, many of whom belong to groups still
considered illegal by the government, express even more alarm. They
reason that if "legal" religious organizations will be subject to an
"increase of state management and guidance of religious affairs," then
pressure will increase on the majority of Protestants, especially
Montagnard and Hmong Christians, whom the government considers illegal.
These groups have long been subject to Vietnam's internal policy on
religion, with its systematic campaigns of harassment, control,
repression, and persecution.

Vietnam also calls on religious believers to "volunteer" in the struggle
"to foil hostile forces who abuse religious and ethnic minority issues
to sabotage the great national unity and act against the political
regime." Any questioning of the regime's policies is illegal and
considered a hostile activity.

It is certain that the effects of harsher scrutiny of religion will
serve to drive even more religious activity underground. This is
happening at a time when Vietnam has been severely criticized by
governments and by human rights organizations, and has been on a public
relations blitz to try to convince the world that it is making steady
progress in the area of human rights.

"Vietnam is clearly going backwards," is how one long-time Vietnam
observer summarized recent events. "When you hear words like 'guidance'
and 'control' and 'hostile forces' in connection with religion, you can
be sure people of the Christian faith will suffer even more."


Copyright 2003 Compass Direct

Compass Direct Flash News is distributed as available to raise awareness
of Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith. Articles may
be reprinted by active subscribers only.

For subscription information, contact:

Compass Direct



Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 29, 2003, 6:24:40 PM1/29/03
eni-summary list
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
29 January 2003

Iraqi Christians make preparations for war

Geneva (ENI). Like their compatriots, Chaldean Christians in Iraq
are stockpiling food and fuel and preparing for the war
threatening their country, an Iraqi archbishop told reporters.
For the past month, they have also been gathering daily for
prayer, "hoping God will help us avoid a war", Gabriel Kassab,
the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Basra, said at a news
conference on Tuesday at the Geneva offices of the World Council
of Churches. The archbishop was in Europe to urge the end of
United Nations' sanctions on Iraq and the prevention of a new
war. [774 words, ENI-03-0036]

Swedish church leader's support for boycott of Israeli products
stirs debate

Stockholm (ENI). A statement signed, among others, by the
(Lutheran) archbishop of Sweden, K. G. Hammar, and the Swedish
ambassador to Germany, Carl Tham, urging a boycott of Israeli
products from territories occupied by Israel has provoked strong
protests from opposition political parties. Hammar's name was at
the top of a list of 73 Swedish public figures who signed a
statement urging a boycott of goods produced by Jewish
settlements in territories occupied by Israel since 1967. The
signatories hope a boycott will pressure Israel into dismantling
the settlements. [403 words, ENI-03-0034]

ENI Online -

Ecumenical News International


Today's News Headlines:




Today's News Stories:

A short-term mission team from Teen Missions International has been
expelled from Rwanda. Spokesman Steve Peterson says mistaken identity
caused the expulsion of the 20 team members who came from Kenya,
Uganda and Sudan. "When the team came in, some people looked and saw
the luggage, the cooking equipment, and started to spread rumors that
perhaps the team might be part of a military group," he said.
"Eventually there was pressure put to bear on the team to leave the
country. They were surrounded by armed soldiers and told to leave. All
of their belongings were searched thoroughly at the border, and they
were sent out." Peterson added that while hearts are open to the
gospel, fear of another genocide in Rwanda lingers. "It's a barrier
that anyone wishing to take the gospel into the country has to
overcome. It's just the distrust and the fear that is still gripping
people's hearts. Pray that even as the Lord has opened people's hearts
to the gospel that there will be enough stability in the country that
outreach will be able to continue." (Mission Network News)


The Central Committee of Vietnam's Communist Party went into its
seventh plenum on Jan. 13, promising to address the sensitive issues

of religion, land and ethnic minority unrest. It emerged nine days

later only to announce that it had passed four new resolutions,
including one to "better control religion." Deputy Prime Minister Vu
Khoan said this was the first time the Central Committee has passed a
resolution specifically on religion. Such matters are usually left to

lower, less powerful governmental bodies. The issues arose because of

minority unrest in Vietnam's central highlands two years ago regarding
confiscated land and lack of religious freedom. Officials responded by
cracking down on the Montagnards -- a collective name for Vietnam's
many minority tribal groups inhabiting the region. Last fall
authorities disbanded more than 400 churches in Dak Lak province
alone, falsely accusing minority Christians of being part of a
political plot to overthrow the regime. The resolution on religion
appears to be aimed at Vietnam's six "approved religions." It calls
for the establishment of cells of communist members within the
approved religious organizations. Observers said this is bound to
cause problems for the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) which
received legal recognition two years ago. Protestant Christian

leaders, many of whom belong to groups still considered illegal by the

government, expressed even more alarm. They reason that if "legal"

religious organizations will be subject to an "increase of state
management and guidance of religious affairs," then pressure will

certainly increase on "illegal" Protestants, especially Montagnard and
Hmong Christians. (Compass)

Fundamentalist Hindus won a recent landslide victory in a state
election in India with anti-Christian and anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Defying every poll forecast, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by
Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, won 126 seats in the 182-seat
state assembly, giving it a two-thirds majority. This followed the
worst genocidal attacks against the state's religious minorities since
the partition of India 50 years ago. The victory is a harsh blow to
Christians and other religious minorities. Fundamentalists vow to turn
India into a Hindu nation within two years, threatening a "death
sentence against all who oppose Hindutva (nationalist Hinduism)."
Gujarat politicians promise to pass an "anti-conversion bill" similar
to a law enacted last October in Tamil Nadu. Possible election fraud
may have contributed to the BJP victory as names of more than 200,000
voters were purged from the registration rolls. The government is
blaming the problem on computer error. (Religion Today)

James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Jan 30, 2003, 4:20:51 PM1/30/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Some members of the Central Baptist Church in Tbilisi, Georgia, were
beaten on Friday, Jan. 24, as they prepared for an ecumenical worship
service. This comes nearly a year after last February's attack on the
church's warehouse where hundreds of Bibles were burned beneath the
shadow of a cross. "Many people had been invited to the service,
including parliamentarians, politicians, academicians, diplomats and
representatives of all major Christian confessions in Georgia," said
Malkhaz Songulashvili, president of the Evangelical Baptist Union and
pastor of the church. "Before all of these people arrived at the
church, however, a group of ultra-fundamentalist Orthodox Christians
led by [defrocked Orthodox priest] Basil Mkalavishvili, started an
attack on the church." After trying to defend the church by locking
the gates, members of the church, on site to prepare for the worship
service, were physically and verbally abused. It is unclear whether
anyone was seriously injured. "After the mob had left, the area police
made the necessary investigations, and we were able to continue with
our service," Songulashvili said. "This attack was an action not only
against the Baptist Church, but against all Christian churches in
Georgia." Church leaders in the country are urging Georgian President
Eduard Shevardnadze to end the "intolerable religious situation in the
country which represents a threat to the state." (Baptist World

Indian Christian Stanislas Chellappa and his family were deported from
Qatar Wednesday, Jan. 29, by order of the Qatari Interior Ministry,
which still refuses any explanation for his arrest and expulsion.
Chellappa, along with his wife, Esther, and 12-year-old son, Gnayna,
flew back to their home near Madras in India's Tamil Nadu state
Wednesday evening. "They are not saying the reason," Chellappa said
two days ago as he was loading his family's personal effects into a
container. "I am a Christian, and [I think] that is why they don't
want to say why." Chellappa, who speaks openly about his faith,
pastored a small congregation of Tamil-speaking Christians in Doha,
the capital of Qatar. After working for the Hamad Medical Corporation
in Qatar for 22 years, Chellappa was arrested without warning in early
December and sent to the country's deportation center. Known as one of
the more moderate Gulf states, Qatar has expanded its democratic
freedoms in recent years by allowing expatriate Christians to meet
freely for private worship. (Compass)

Christians in China are optimistic that 60-year-old Hu Jintao, who has
been appointed to be the country's president starting next spring,
will give them greater freedoms to worship and spread the gospel. "I'm
sure that initially he will prove to the state and to the communist
regime that he can be very strong," said Eric Burklin who serves with
China Partner in Littleton, Colo. "But I think after several years he
might even loosen up, and I think there is great opportunity for the
gospel to move even further. I believe that eventually some of these
restrictions that we know of today that relate to religious groups
will be softened." Burklin says the government keeps a close eye on
parts of China where the church is growing rapidly. "We do hear from
different government officials that they are concerned about that fast
growth, and I think they are more concerned about those Christian
groups that are growing that are unregistered. On the positive side, I
have had government officials tell me that they are actually
appreciating the fact that churches are being built in certain areas."
China Partner is constructing a seminary in China that will allow more
students to have Bible training. (Mission Network News)

Nigerian federal police officers reportedly killed four Catholics and
injured eight others for refusing to pay a bribe, according to Compass
Direct. A group was returning from a crusade and prayer vigil on Dec.
14 when police stopped their bus. One of the passengers who managed to
escape said the bus driver refused to pay a bribe because of his faith
and was then shot at point-blank range. When others in the group
intervened, they were also shot while the rest fled on foot. In
response to the killings, the governor of Enugu, Chinwoke Mbadinuju,
ordered all federal police units to leave the state and is calling on
the federal government to address the issue of violence by security
forces. Bribery of officials in Nigeria reportedly is "extremely
common." (Voice of the Martyrs)

Despite the activity of Maoist rebels, the gospel is going forth in
the Himalayan country of Nepal, winning souls, planting churches and
training leaders. A ministry run by Nepali leaders said this week that
despite the disruption in their country through terrorist rebel
activities, their Bible correspondence course is reaching thousands.
"Even though many hundreds of post offices have been destroyed, our
Bible correspondence course is increasing day by day, and more and
more students are coming for training, especially in remote parts ...
more than we expected," the leader said. New worship fellowships are
being formed as more people place faith in Christ. The ministry has an
extensive leadership training program that reaches Christians in
Nepal, India, Bhutan and Tibet. This year the ministry plans to send
five missionaries to different parts of Nepal and others to Bhutan,
India, and to the border with Tibet. Despite the critical situation in
Nepal, the ministry completed four leadership training seminars in
different parts of the country last year. Five additional seminars are
being planned for Nepal and one among people of Nepalese ancestry in
India this year. (Missions Insider)

In the midst of hostile Hindu rhetoric and persecution, one indigenous
ministry working in northern India reports "a tremendous breakthrough"
in the north India state of Uttar Pradesh and in the region. The
ministry focused on training Christians amid 12 states of northern
India last year. Some were trained in the group's "Great Commission
Training Centers" and others in church-based video Bible schools. "As
a result, thousands of new house churches were established," said a
local church leader. The group now has 700 missionaries on the field
and has trained more than 3,000 lay workers. Together they have
established at least 9,000 worshiping groups (including 7,000 house
churches) in 12 states of northern India. The group operates a number
of balwadis (informal schools) and primary schools in two major cities
of North India. Many non-Christians attended the Christmas programs
put on by these schools, and some have opened their homes for
fellowship and learning. One of the schools in Kashmir attracted 1,000
people, including 400 pupils. Many of those attending heard the gospel
for the first time. War in the region prevented such gatherings in
2001. One of those who came to Christ was a former Muslim cleric. When
he confessed Christ, his own brothers tried to kill him with a spear.
He dodged the spear, but it struck and killed his 12-year-old son. He
escaped with his wife and three other children. His younger brother
also came to the Lord and was stoned. He is in serious condition in a
hospital. His wife and three children also are under the protective
custody of another former Muslim leader who came to Christ. (Missions

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(8800+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 5, 2003, 5:59:24 AM2/5/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

As people across the U.S., India and Israel mourn the loss of seven
astronauts on Feb. 1, members of Houston's Grace Community Church are
remembering two of their own. Space Shuttle Columbia Commander Col.
Rick Husband and Payload Commander Lt. Col. Mike Anderson were both
strong Christians and active members at the church. "Rick Husband is
probably the godliest man I've ever met," said pastor Steve O'Donohoe.
"He was such a lover of God and a worker for God, a kind person to
everyone else. He was the type of person that everyone wants to be
like." Rick sang in the choir, performed solos at special events, was
active in the men's ministry and helped his wife, Evelyn, in the
children's church. He always signed his autograph with Proverbs 3:5-6.
"The only time Rick was not at church is when he was doing NASA
business," said O'Donohoe. He described Mike and Sandy Anderson as
"kind of quiet" but equally respected. "Just three Sundays ago we
prayed for both families in the service," he said. Both astronauts
spoke about their upcoming missions and their love for family and the
Lord. They always looked at their missions with NASA as a way to share
the gospel. (Religion Today/Mission Network News)

Educational Services International (ESI) reports that it's becoming
increasingly difficult for Christian teachers from North America to
get visas to serve in Hungary and the Czech Republic. ESI's Carice
Blazo says it can take months just to receive an answer from the
authorities once an application is submitted. "When it finally comes
back, they might say it's rejected. That makes it very difficult for
our timing. If it's rejected at the end of the summer, then our
teachers are sitting around waiting to go fly overseas and start
school. It's become progressively more complicated." Blazo says more
people are needed who are willing to teach and share the gospel. "We
probably need another 20 teachers right now. They need to apply and be
accepted into the Czech program by March 1. And for those wanting to
go to Hungary, they need to apply and be accepted into the program by
March 15." ESI gives Christians an opportunity to serve God through
teaching English, business and other subjects in Morocco, Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine and
China. ESI has trained 2,000 Christians to be teachers overseas,
helping them to be a strategic bridge between cultures. (Mission
Network News/ESI)

Near-record crowds for a public event came to the Monumento de los
Españoles in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the nights of Friday and
Saturday, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, for the "Festival of Hope" featuring top
Latin American Christian musicians and evangelist Luis Palau. A
combined audience estimated by city officials at 1 million braved hot
weather and the threat of severe thunderstorms to attend the festival.
It came at a time of great political and economic turmoil in the city
of 13.5 million where unemployment, poverty and hunger are
commonplace. Besides helping with the event, some 22,000 volunteers
distributed food to 20,000 needy families and visited more than 3
million homes throughout the region. Palau also met with political and
spiritual leaders during festival week, including Argentine President
Eduardo Duhalde and the mayor of Buenos Aires. Local and national
media covered the festival as an event of national significance and
impact. An estimated 350,000 to 400,000 people attended Friday's event
followed by more than 600,000 on Saturday. Palau's evangelistic
message of hope through faith in Jesus Christ resulted in tens of
thousands of first-time decisions and rededications to Christ. (Assist
News Service)

SIM Director Jim Plueddemann is challenging leaders from its sending
and field offices in Latin America to come alongside the emerging
mission movement that is sweeping the region. SIM delegates met in
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Jan. 13-17 for strategic discussions on
SIM's potential role. Thousands of Latin Americans are willing and
ready to go and share the gospel where it has not been heard. After
many years of encouraging autonomous sending agencies in Latin
America, SIM's willingness to play a more active role is in response
to invitations from key Latin American mission leaders. Plueddemann
said pointed out similarities between current trends in Latin America
and those present in Asia two decades ago. Mission efforts emerging in
Asia in the 1980s have now matured to the point where SIM has full
sending offices in both Singapore and Seoul, South Korea, with active
councils in about 10 other Asian countries. Initiatives resulting from
the Guatemala consultation will be tailored to each South American
country where SIM has relationships. In addition to missionary-sending
partnerships, SIM will also serve as a catalyst in training candidates
and equipping churches to fulfill the Great Commission. (SIM)

The world is becoming more religious as the growth of Christianity and
most other religions continues to outpace the growth of atheism and
nonreligious people. U.S. statisticians David Barrett and Todd Johnson
count one in three of the world's 6.28 billion humans as Christians
(2.1 billion). One in five (1.3 billion) are Muslims; 13.5 percent are
Hindus (849 million); and 5.9 percent are Buddhists (371 million).
Almost 15 percent (938 million) are non-religious and atheists, but
their annual growth rates of 0.8 and 0.2 percent lag well behind the
world's population growth rate of 1.2 percent. Muslims record the
fastest annual growth rate at 2.1 percent followed by Hindus at 1.5
percent. Christianity continues to grow, but only by 1.3 percent -
just slightly faster than the world population growth. The number of
Buddhists is rising by 1 percent annually. Although nearly 5 billion
Bibles and Scripture portions are distributed worldwide each year, the
gospel has not yet reached one in four persons (26.3 percent), say
Barrett and Johnson. (IDEA)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
HCJB World Radio
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher
(8900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 6, 2003, 11:59:05 AM2/6/03
Indonesia: Laskar Jihad Leader Acquitted; Christians Sentenced

One Indonesian court acquitted Laskar Jihad leader, Jaffar Umar Thalib, last
Friday on charges of inciting Muslims to attack Christians, while two
Christian separatist leaders were each sentenced to three years'

The different verdicts show the apparent disparity in justice between
Muslims and Christians in Indonesian courts and society.

Mr. Thalib was head of the Laskar Jihad that boasted 10,000 followers,
including some 3000 fighters who terrorized the Maluku provinces and Central
Sulawesi in the last three years. He was arrested after making a speech to
5000 Muslims in front of the Al-Fatah Mosque in Ambon on April 26 in which
he said, "From today, we will no longer talk about reconciliation.
Our...focus now must be preparing for war--ready your guns, spears and

Before dawn that Sunday black-masked, heavily armed Islamic militants
entered the town of Soya, less than three miles east of Ambon city. They
went from house to house killing Christians while they slept, stabbing to
death up to 21 persons (including a 6-month-old baby), decapitating some,
and burning others alive. The attack destroyed 30 homes and a Christian
church. Moreover, the Christians had already surrendered their arms to
authorities in accordance with the Malino Peace Accord. Many Christians felt
Thalib's speech had encouraged the violence. He was arrested on May 4 on his
way back to Jakarta.

The two Christians, Alex Manuputty (55) and Samuel Waileruny (45), who were
sentenced to three years in prison, had merely encouraged compatriots to
raise the flag of a banned separatist movement with barely 100 followers.

In the wake of these two imbalanced judgments, Christian peace activist Rev.
Renaldy Damanik went on trial Monday on the charges similar to those Thalib
faced. He was accused of carrying weapons in the back of a car and of
instigating violent attacks [against Christian communities!] in Central
Sulawesi this past August.

Damanik's record is far different from Thalib's. He is the secretary-general
of the Christian Synod in Central Sulawesi and operates the Sulawesi Crisis
Center there. Known for dissuading Christians from reacting in kind to
violent attacks by Muslims, he is the much-loved and respected leader of the
Christian community.

In Damanik's case, police stopped a car in which he was riding and asked him
to stand aside while they searched it. He did and only the next day did he
learn the police reportedly found guns in the car. Damanik was enticed to
Jakarta, where he presumed he was being asked to testify as a witness and
where he was suddenly arrested and jailed. He was later transferred to the
jail in Palu where he received poisoned food while in police custody.

Police claimed Monday they found homemade rifles and bullets in Damanik's
car and the two cars accompanying him. Damanik denies ownership of the guns
and claims they were planted by the police. After Monday's hearing, the
trial was adjourned until February 10 when the defense will present its

Please pray that true justice will prevail and that this man of God will be
spared an unrighteous judgment. This story was written with the help of
reports from Elizabeth Kendall of World Evangelical Alliance Religious
Liberty Commission and International
Christian Concern Stories providing the history of the
violence in the Moluccas in which up to 10,000 lives have been lost and over
500,000 persons displaced from their homes can be found in back issues of
Missions Insider at the Christian Aid Website

Missions Insider



Rowland Croucher
(8900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 9, 2003, 6:13:30 PM2/9/03
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 205 - Wed 05 Feb 2003

D R CONGO: CHURCH SUFFERING INTENSELY [plus two urgent extra items]

This RLP departs slightly from the norm, as it does not
involve a religious liberty issue. It is however a suffering
church situation that is so severe and so hidden that the WEA
RL Prayer ministry is greatly burdened to highlight it for your
urgent intercession.


Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) is abundantly blessed
with rivers, rainforest, agricultural potential and vast energy and
mineral resources, including oil, copper and diamonds. Congo could
be Africa's richest nation if it were not torn to shreds and
reduced to poverty by corrupt dictators, war, and greedy

Many turned to Christ during the 20th century and the Christian
proportion of Congo's population rose from 1.4% to over 95%.
Though suffering greatly, the Church emerges today as the only
viable, credible national structure, providing education, health
care and leadership. The suffering has created a hunger for God and
a revival of prayer. Large numbers of Pygmy people have come to
Christ. Congo has unfettered religious freedom, many Bible schools
and several significant theological colleges. Congolese church-
planters are moving out with the gospel. Mission continues despite
the many dangers.

But what is currently happening in Congo is beyond imagination and
can only be described as demonic. The atrocities being committed
are beyond description in their extreme cruelty, savagery and
inhumanity. One story that emerged in September 2002 was of
Christian Congolese and expatriate medical missionaries leading
some 900 patients through 170km of dense jungle on foot for a week
after their hospital in Nyankunde was attacked. Some 1000 were
massacred at this major Christian centre in the northeast, with the
principal chaplain at the Evangelical Medical Centre reportedly
being cruelly and savagely murdered. To reporters, it was a miracle
that those who survived the massacre also survived the jungle trek.

Silvano Ruaro, an Italian priest who has served in Congo for 33
years, once thought things could not get worse, but now they have,
with the "unbelievable things" he's seen. He says, "It's like a
very dark painting, and then you look closely and there are bits
which are even darker." Cannibalism, butchery, executions,
systematic rape, torture and kidnapping are used as weapons of war
against civilian Congolese men, women and children. UN spokeswoman
Patricia Tome says, "These armed groups are composed of freaks, and
these freaks are out of control." The extent to which these
"freaks" are "out of control" and the Church is suffering,
indicates an insidious demonic persecution. The Church in Congo
needs our prayers. Ephesians 6:12,18


* protection for all Christians in Congo, that nominal Christians
will come and cling to Christ in a new and meaningful way and
that faithful believers will remain strong and faithful.

* spiritual, emotional and physical healing for those who have
suffered terror; may broken hearts and bodies be healed and may
they know the peace of God that passes understanding. (Phil 4:7)

* demonic powers persecuting the Church to be bound and rendered
powerless by the mighty, authoritative will of Christ, "who has
gone into heaven and is at God's right hand - with angels,
authorities and powers in submission to him." 1 Pet 3:22 NIV

* peace to prevail in Congo, with foreign rebels removed and
criminals brought to justice.


D R Congo could be Africa's richest nation if it were not shredded
by war. Great suffering has created a hunger for God and a revival
of prayer in a country where last century the Christian proportion
of the population rose from 1.4% to over 95%. Today there is
complete religious freedom, and mission continues despite
indescribably cruel, savage and inhumane atrocities. Cannibalism,
butchery, executions, systematic rape, torture and kidnapping are
used as weapons of war against civilian Congolese men, women and
children. A UN spokesperson has described the armed rebels as
"freaks" who are "out of control". The Church is really the only
viable, credible national structure surviving in Congo, providing
education, health care and community leadership. The Church is
suffering intensely from what is really demonic persecution. They
need our prayers.


* The trial of Rev. Renaldy Damanik commenced in Palu, Central
Sulawesi, Indonesia, on Monday 3 February. It was adjourned
until 10 February. This notable Christian leader was arrested on
manifestly fabricated charges last September. Pray for justice.

* Islamic rebels in Ivory Coast are blaming their lack of success
so far on the prayers of Christians. Therefore they are
threatening to target Christian leaders, especially those who
have worked amongst Ivory Coast's Muslims. Urgent interecession is
requested. Ephesians 6:12

Previous RLPs may be viewed at
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Please send this RLP to others, with attribution to
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty
Prayer List <>

The WEA Religious Liberty Commission sponsors this
RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.

RL Prayer is moderated by Ron Clough, a commissioner
of the WEA RLC and convenor of the Australian EA RLC.

Elizabeth Kendal researched and authored this message.



Rowland Croucher
(8900+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 11, 2003, 1:41:28 PM2/11/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Just a month after three Southern Baptist medical workers were shot to
death at a Baptist hospital in Jibla, Yemen, the facility has
reopened. Although not yet operating at full capacity, workers at the
hospital are excited about the future, Lee Hixon told members of the
Association of State Baptist Papers meeting in Charleston, S.C., via
telephone from Yemen. He said the 45-bed hospital opened 14 beds in
three wards on Feb. 1, and is averaging 40 clinic patients and a
half-dozen surgeries daily. Last year the staff saw 120 to 140
patients a day and conducted about 15 surgeries daily. The hospital,
which was preparing for a transition to Yemeni administration even
before the Dec. 30 killings, is operating with only half of its normal
staff. Many of the hospital's contract workers left in fear after a
lone gunmen murdered three missionaries, Martha Myers, Kathy Gariety
and Bill Koehn. After the attack, the Yemeni government pledged to
keep the hospital open and appointed experienced staff to oversee it
while inviting Christian organizations to send additional workers.
"The agreement with the Yemeni government provides for Southern
Baptist medical workers to serve alongside Yemenis and other
international workers," said Elias Moussa, administrative associate
for International Mission Board's work in the region. "We believe this
agreement will carry the hospital to a new level of cooperation among
the IMB, the Yemeni people and other Christian organizations with a
heart for the people of Yemen." (Baptist Press)

U.S. President George W. Bush shared his ideas on faith-based
initiatives during a special session of the 60th annual National
Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville, Tenn., that ends
today. A capacity crowd of 2,500 attended the event with an overflow
audience viewing the speech via video feed. Bush thanked America's
religious broadcasters for bringing "words of truth, comfort and
encouragement into millions of homes. Today I ask our religious
broadcasters, those who reach into every corner of America, to rally
the armies of compassion so that we can change America one heart, one
soul at a time." He then emphasized the role of faith in the national
arena. "I welcome faith to help solve the nation's deepest problems,"
Bush said. "The days of discriminating against religious groups just
because they're religious are coming to an end. I have issued an
executive order banning discrimination against faith-based charities
and social service grants by federal agencies." Bush also addressed
the "continuing threat of terrorist networks that hate the very
thought of people being able to live in freedom. They hate the thought
of the fact that in this great country, we can worship the Almighty
God the way we see fit. And what probably makes [the terrorist
networks] even angrier is we're not going to change." More than 5,100
religious broadcasters were registered for the five-day convention.
(Assist News Service)

Three weeks after grenade-throwing assailants attacked a village
church in Pakistan's remote northern Punjab region on Christmas night,
Gujranwala's deputy inspector general, Malik Iqbal, announced that one
of two accused suspects were taken into custody. Iqbal refused to name
the suspect or his counterpart who is still at large. Three young
girls were killed and another 13 worshipers were injured in Chianwali
while Christian families had gathered in a small Presbyterian chapel
for their annual Christmas program. Local Christians accused Muslim
cleric Mohammed Afzal of instigating the attack through sermons in
which he repeatedly called on "every good Muslim" to kill Christians.
In the past 15 months, 42 Pakistanis have been killed and another 88
injured in attacks mounted by Islamic militants opposing Pakistan's
support of the U.S.-led offensive against the Taliban regime and the
al-Qaida movement. (Compass)

When 68-year-old American missionary Joseph Cooper was attacked and
then deported from India, it brought attention to visa regulations. At
least 50 missionaries could be deported in the near future if
government authorities act on a list of names compiled by the World
Hindu Council. Cooper sustained major injuries on Jan. 13 when a gang
believed to be members of militant Hindu Rashtriya Swaysamsevak Sangh
group attacked him with knives, sticks, swords and crowbars. Seven
Indian Christians participating with Cooper in a preaching service at
the Koppam Harijan colony in Kerala state were also injured in the
brutal attack. Indian church associations have issued statements
asking evangelists to exercise sensitivity to local religious
sentiments. The incident has created difficulties for a number of
foreign missionaries who teach at seminaries or Bible colleges in
various parts of the country. (Compass)

Millions of Muslim pilgrims have made their way to Mecca, Saudi
Arabia, to observe religious rites as the shadow of war looms in Iraq.
They thronged holy sites in the city, preparing for the peak of this
year's pilgrimage that fell on Monday, Feb. 10. Meanwhile, anti-U.S.
sentiment is running high in the Muslim world because of the threat of
war against Iraq. However, CAM International's Tony Vasquez, who
mobilizes Latin American missionaries to Muslim countries, has
observed a growing response to the gospel message. "I travel a lot in
many of those countries, and the openness is just unbelievable. In the
last 12 years we've seen more people in those places coming to know
the Lord than ever before. It seems to me that it's a unique time in
those places -- harvest time -- and the opportunities are now. We've
got to be ready and willing to go and share the gospel with them."
(Mission Network News)

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is intervening as a member
of the Interfaith Coalition on Marriage and the Family to defend the
universal recognition of marriage as being between a man and a woman.
The British Columbia Court of Appeal is hearing the controversial case
this week. "For Christians, marriage is a religious practice and has
great religious significance," said Janet Epp Buckingham, general
legal counsel for the EFC. "It is deeply offensive to Christians and
many of the other religions in Canada to redefine marriage. Iain
Benson, representing the Interfaith Coalition at the Court of Appeal,
says the issue is whether limiting marriage to being between a man and
a woman violates the "equality rights" of homosexuals. The coalition,
including Roman Catholics, evangelical Christians, Muslims and Sikhs,
argues that across all religions and cultures in Canada and worldwide,
marriage is understood as being between a man and a woman. In October
2001 the B.C. Supreme Court upheld this definition. Bruce Clemenger,
director of the EFC's Center for Faith and Public Life, added, "Rather
than reinventing marriage, governments and the courts should affirm
marriage and provide marriage with the legal and economic support it
needs." (Evangelical Fellowship of Canada)



Rowland Croucher
(9000+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 19, 2003, 1:43:32 AM2/19/03
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 207 - Wed 19 Feb 2003


The Christians of Iraq have an ancient heritage. Like Christians
everywhere, they love their homeland. Some 1.5% of Iraqis are
Christian, mostly Catholic or Orthodox, with small numbers of
evangelicals mainly in the cities. Many Christians have emigrated
since the Gulf War. Iraq is a secular Arab socialist state, not an
Islamic state, and as such has had a fairly good record of
religious freedom for Christians.

However, religious tension has been rising in Iraq, especially
since October 2001 with the start of the 'War on Terror', described
by many in the Muslim world as a 'Crusader' attack on Islam. In
this context, and because Islam is the most obvious flag behind
which to unite the Iraqi nation, Christians will predictably find
Muslims increasingly questioning their loyalty, or venting their
fears and anger on them because they share the religion of the
'enemy'. On top of that, the frightening possibility of a war in
their homeland looms equally before Iraqi Christians. They are
facing very difficult times.


* God, by his Spirit, to give strength, courage and abundant grace
and forbearance to Iraqi Christians, so that they will radiate
the love and peace of Christ in a way that affects all those
around them.

* God to protect and deliver believers who are attacked because of
their faith in these days of heightened religious tension.

'In times of trouble, may the Lord respond to your cry. May the God
of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.' Psalm 20:1



Iraq is a secular Arab socialist state, not an Islamic state, and
as such has had a fairly good record of religious freedom for
Christians. Religious tension has been rising however, primarily
due to the start of the 'War on Terror', described by many Muslims
as a 'Crusader' attack on Islam. In such a time of heightened
religious tension, Christians predictably may be challenged or even
targeted by Muslims who question their loyalty to Iraq. Yet Iraqi
Christians, like Christians everywhere, love their homeland. Please
pray that God will protect and deliver believers attacked because
of their faith in these days of heightened religious tension.



In RLP 205 (5 February 2003) we prayed for the horrific situation
in Democratic Republic of Congo. Of great concern was the demonic
nature of the violence, which includes cannibalism and unspeakable,
barbaric cruelty poured out on the largely Christian population.

At talks on 7 February, Makabe (also known as General Lendu), the
most prominent leader amongst the notorious Mayi Mayi militia,
convinced all four factions of the militia to disarm and stop

On 9-10 February, peace talks were held between Congo and Uganda.
Their relations will be normalised and all Ugandan fighting troops
will be withdrawn. The Ituri Pacification Committee will be set up
to restore order to the northeast where the Movement for the
Liberation of Congo (MLC) cannibalism and horror has occurred.

A Christian doctor in Congo has described the instability there.
Much tribal warfare has resulted in several large mission centres
being razed and evacuated between September-December 2002. He says,
'Many church people have lost family members, homes and all their
possessions in the fighting here. However, the churches are full
and growing. By and large you need to get to church early to get a
seat in this area. The greatest needs are for food, shelter and
employment for the many displaced people.'

Please continue to pray for peace, for the binding of demonic
forces, and that the MLC also will disarm. Pray that the flow of
small arms into Congo will be stopped.

With this encouragement, please pray also for the critical
situation in Ivory Coast, which once again appears to be on the
brink of civil war.

Previous RLPs may be viewed at
If you downloaded this message from a website or it
was forwarded to you, you may receive future editions
by sending an empty e-mail to <>

Please send this RLP to others, with attribution to
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty
Prayer List <>

The WEA Religious Liberty Commission sponsors this
RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.

RL Prayer is moderated by Ron Clough, a commissioner
of the WEA RLC and convenor of the Australian EA RLC.

Elizabeth Kendal researched and authored this message.


Rowland Croucher

Feb 19, 2003, 2:40:22 PM2/19/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Rev. Rinaldi Damanik, general secretary of the synod of the Protestant
Church of Central Sulawesi in Indonesia, went on trial in a Palu court
last week, accused of carrying weapons while traveling between
Christian villages being attacked in August 2002. An advocate of
peace, Damanik is one of the Christian representatives who signed the
Malino agreement, a treaty designed to end the violence that has
flared between Muslim and Christian communities since 1998. Muslim
militants have forced most of the Christians out of the city of Poso
and destroyed villages near the lakeside town of Tentena. The armed
forces in some cases have joined Muslim extremists to "cleanse" the
area of Christians. Meanwhile, Ja'far Umar Thalib, the leader of the
Muslim extremist group Laskar Jihad, was acquitted by the East Jakarta
District Court of provoking violence and spreading hatred. The Laskar
Jihad, which was disbanded after the Bali bombing in September 2002,
reportedly had ties to al-Qaida and trained some 10,000 followers in
the martial arts and bomb making. (Religion Today/Compass)

While thousands of soldiers prepare for possible war with Iraq, U.S.
chaplains are getting ready for potential ministry opportunities. "As
chaplains our primary role is to encourage all soldiers as U.S.
citizens to be able to freely exercise their own religion," says Col.
David Kennedy, a senior chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserve. "For those
who are seeking, and for those who are interested in learning more,
certainly we're always available and interested in talking to soldiers
and their families." Kennedy, a professor at Cornerstone University's
Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, describes his ministry as one of
counselor, minister and adviser -- even extending beyond the soldier.
"A very important aspect of our operations is keeping in touch with
families, being a point of contact for families, especially family
members that have soldiers overseas." Meanwhile, Operation
Mobilization is gearing up to help Iraqis who would be affected by the
fighting. Spokesman George Smith says workers are preparing for two
potential scenarios. "Our organization and many others are putting
together contingency plans," he says. "If there's actual fighting, the
Christian community needs to be in a position to be able to assist. If
there's a solution outside of war -- let's say a leadership change --
then we still would need to respond as quickly as possible." Despite
the tensions, Smith says there is a growing openness to the gospel in
the Middle East. "We have seen an increase of people seeking to know
more about Jesus. Of course that varies from country to country," he
says. "At the same time, there is a sense within a smaller portion of
the population of increased hostilities and potential persecution."
(Mission Network News)

More than 600 Kenyan Christians trained by the Bible League recently
celebrated "Partners' Day" at the ministry's office in Nairobi. While
only 200 people were expected, hundreds more arrived to rejoice in the
power of God's Word to change lives. "The grass was trampled as if a
huge herd of buffalo had grazed there," said the ministry's national
director. Those invited included pastors and evangelists from Nairobi
who are active in the Bible League's Scripture placement and church
planting training programs as well as regional representatives from 30
ministry centers. "This was clear proof to us how believers treasure
the Bible as the central authority of church ministry, and of the
outstanding effectiveness of using Project Philip for evangelism and
discipleship," he said. In 2002 more than 47,000 Kenyans completed
Project Philip Bible studies, and 43 church planters scheduled Bible
studies with 10,851 evangelistic contacts. (The Bible League)

The International Bible Society has launched a program for pastors
called the "Ezra Network." Introduced at the Promise Keepers pastors'
conference in Phoenix, Ariz., this week, the goal is to help keep
Scripture fresh in pastors' daily lives while encouraging them to
teach the same principles to their congregations. A deepening
relationship with Christ could result in more people sharing their
faith. (Mission Network News)

When gifted singer, choir leader and instrumentalist Dave George of
Citrus Springs, Fla., suffered a stroke five years, disabling his left
side, it may have ended his musical ministry, but it opened up a new
outreach. "While in rehabilitation I learned that I could be an
encourager," he said. "I would scoot down the hallways in my
wheelchair and find all kinds of people who needed encouragement and
who were in much worse condition than I was." When he was well enough
to return home, George bought a computer and started sending messages
of encouragement to three friends. "They started sending me the names
of their friends, and today a ministry called E-Cheer has grown to a
worldwide outreach with more than 1,500 daily readers in 20
countries," he says. E-Cheer goes out weekdays and is available on the
Internet at (



Rowland Croucher

Feb 21, 2003, 3:36:56 AM2/21/03

From: Andrew Tuck
To: OD Australia
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: Open Doors News Release #52 - Northern Iraq - 21 Feb 2003

Open Doors News Release
No. 52, February 20, 2003

Country: Northern Iraq

Kurdish Convert Assassinated


Kurdish convert Ziwar Mohamad Ismaeel was shot dead February 17 in the city
of Zakho in Iraqi Kurdistan. Local sources report that Ziwar, a taxi driver
by profession, was killed by a man about 40 years old wielding a machine
gun. As yet, the motive for the killing is unknown. However, friends of the
victim said that following Ziwar's conversion several years ago, his
openness about his Christian faith created tension with local Muslims. At
press time, Ziwar's relatives were unwilling to give him a burial due to
their strong opposition to his conversion. When Ziwar first became a
Christian, family members consulted a mullah, who reportedly recommended
killing him. Ziwar refused offers to remain in hiding after subsequent
attempts on his life. "With Jesus on my side, I have nothing to fear," he
told friends. "Even when they kill me, I will never deny Christ." Ziwar
leaves a wife and five children.

Full Story:
Kurdish Christian Ziwar Mohamad Ismaeel was shot dead February 17 in the
city of Zakho in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Local sources report that Ziwar, who was a taxi driver by profession, was
killed with a machine gun by a man about 40 years old. The motives of the
killer are not yet known, although friends of the victim confirmed that
after Ziwar's conversion several years ago, his openness about his Christian
faith had caused controversy among local Muslims. He leaves behind a wife
and five children.

From the beginning, Ziwar's relatives had strongly opposed his conversion.
Reportedly his body still remains in a Zakho hospital, with his family
unwilling to claim it and bury him.

When Ziwar became a Christian, his family went to a local Muslim mullah
(mosque leader) to ask what to do, since he had left Islam. The mullah
declared him an apostate and recommended he be killed. So some of his
relatives captured him and took him out to a remote place, where they gave
him the choice of either renouncing his faith or being killed.

However, some of Ziwar's friends managed to rescue him and spirit him away
into hiding. But Ziwar refused to stay there very long as he did not want to
show fear. "With Jesus on my side, I have nothing to fear," he commented at
the time. "I have to go back to my family to tell them that even when they
kill me, I will never deny Christ."

In the years that followed, Ziwar boldly testified to his new faith. Many of
the passengers in his taxi heard the gospel, as he told everybody who wanted
to listen.

In 2001 when he was arrested for the first time, policemen found three
Bibles in his car. At the police station he was told that he would be killed
if he did not return to Islam. However, he was released some two weeks
later. When he returned home, his father was waiting there to shoot him on
the spot.

Friends who witnessed the heated argument that broke out between family
members thought Ziwar's last hour had come. Quickly, they collected his most
precious belongings, including two boxes of Bibles and books, and fled with
them to the church office. To their surprise, Ziwar showed up the following
day to pick up his belongings. He was even a little displeased that his
friends had doubted he would survive.

In May 2002, Ziwar was again arrested, allegedly for political reasons.
During police interrogations he was told that some people did not like it
that he was witnessing about Christ.

Since the Gulf War of 1991, the church of Iraqi Kurdistan has experienced
remarkable growth. Local authorities in the safe-haven north of the 36th
parallel do not hinder church activities, but Islamic groups operating in
the region have persistently threatened the Kurdish Christians.
For further information on how you can help persecuted Christians around the
world, contact Open Doors,


Rowland Croucher
(9100+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 24, 2003, 12:26:27 AM2/24/03
----- Original Message -----
From: "WEA Religious Liberty Commission" <>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Papua - A Conflict-in-waiting.

Date: Friday 21 February 2003
Subj: Papua: A Conflict-in-waiting.
To: World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty E-mail Conference
From: Elizabeth Kendal, Conference Moderator <>

On 19 February 2003, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) published
an article by John Martinkus, entitled, "Islamic extremism gains a
foothold in Christian Papua." This article confirms widely held
suspicions that while the Laskar Jihad did disband in Maluku, it did
not disband in Papua. In fact the SCMP article paints a picture of
escalating levels of co-operation between the Indonesian military,
Korpussas and the Laskar Jihad.

Commenting on the co-operation between the Indonesian military and
the Laskar Jihad, Johannes Bonay, the head of ELSHAM - a group that
monitors human rights abuses in Papua says, "The rhetoric of the
Laskar Jihad groups fits comfortably with the aims of the Indonesian
military in Papua. One of their objectives is to protect the unity
of Indonesia in Papua. They are using Islam to claim they are
fighting against the Kaffir here in Papua." (Over 90% of the
indigenous population of Papua is officially Christian - mostly
Protestant. Operation World 21st Century Edition.)

The Indonesian military is using the issue of separatism (which in
Eastern Indonesia is very non-threatening) as their reason for
pursuing increased powers. In Papua, both the military and the
Islamists are motivated by their humiliation and anger over the loss
of East Timor. Clearly, predominantly Christian Papua is a

Also in this posting - The Indonesian President Megawati
Sukarnoputri has signed a controversial presidential decree to
expedite the dividing of Papua into three provinces, weakening its
autonomy and opening the door for the isolation of the Christian
majority in one eastern province, enabling the other provinces, and
eventually the entire region, to be gradually Islamised.


The following paragraphs are excerpts from the SCMP article.

The mainly Christian Papua province-PNG border area has become home
to Islamic fighters of Muslim extremist group Laskar Jihad, Papuan
militia groups trained by Indonesia's Kopassus special forces, and
Free Papuan Movement (OPM) guerillas.

What has emerged (from police investigations) is that the northern
area of the Papua-PNG border is now a training area for Islamic
militants backed by the Indonesian military.

"Laskar Jihad is now in several forms," says Thom Beanal, head of
the pro-Independence Papuan Presidium Council. "They can be militia
or a kind of military supporting group, with some local Papuans
recruited by the military," he said. "Laskar Jihad is consolidating
itself here. When they said they disbanded in the Malukus after the
Bali bombing, it does not mean that they have stopped their
activities here."

The Islamic militants of Laskar Jihad have been arriving in Papua
from the conflict in Ambon for the past two years. The setting up of
an office in the town of Sorong last year was a front for their
activities in that area which locals say included the establishment
of 12 training camps that were in remote areas and guarded by
members of Kopassus. According to presidium member Willy Mandowen,
the office in Sorong was visited by members of Jemaah Islamiah
before the bombing in Bali last October.

Now they are operating in the border area with Papua New Guinea.
"They have weapons from the Indonesian military. They are trained in
these camps by Kopassus," says Lawrence Mehui, who has carried out
an investigation of these groups for the presidium.

In the transmigrant settlements near the town of Arso, close to the
border, the Javanese members of Laskar Jihad have been recruiting
and training transmigrants and local Papuans in conjunction with
members of Kopassus. "We have information from when Kopassus had a
meeting with the local people in Arso in November. The local people
come and tell us that there is a direct connection with the Kopassus
members and the Islamic groups," says Lawrence Muhui.

ELSHAM says the groups of Laskar Jihad and locally recruited militia
on the border are being formed into operational support groups for
military operations trained by Kopassus. "If we analyse the reports
made by the people and the investigations made by the police we can
ascertain that Kopassus is behind this," Mr Mehui said. "The
rhetoric of the Laskar Jihad groups fits comfortably with the aims
of the Indonesian military in Papua. One of their objectives is to
protect the unity of Indonesia in Papua. They are using Islam to
claim they are fighting against the Kaffir here in Papua," says Mr



In his June 2002 report "The Future Could be Genocide", Reverend
John Barr alluded to the issue of dividing Papua.

"Population distribution throughout Papua is not even with at least
three of Papua's major centers now demonstrating a Muslim majority
(Sorong, Timika, Merauke). Informants indicate the TNI (Indonesian
army) are now proposing the possibility of establishing a number of
new military districts based on Sorong, Timika, Merauke and
Jayapura. A long established practice in Indonesia where military
and civilian government structures mirror each other would see the
creation of a majority of districts/new provinces in Papua that are
dominated by Muslim migrants. Papuans see this as a sinister
strategy designed to isolate indigenous Christian majorities in the
eastern section of Papua while most of Papua would then come under
the control of newcomers. Many Papuans see this as another strategy
aimed at the eventual Islamisation of Papua." (Link 1)

In early February 2003, Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri
signed a presidential decree (Law No. 1/2003) that called for the
implementation of a 1999 law to divide Papua into three provinces -
Papua, West Irian Jaya and Central Irian Jaya. It had been widely
believed that the 1999 law (Law No. 45/1999) had been rendered void
by the 2001 special autonomy law (Law No. 21/2001).

Papuan religious leaders from the Catholic, Protestant and Islamic
congregations have issued a joint statement opposing the plan.
Church and human rights groups, as well as Papuan political and
community groups see this move as a direct violation of the special
autonomy law of 2001 and as a strategy to dilute autonomy and
increase military control. (SCMP "Papuans say a plan to split their
province is aimed at diluting autonomy" by Marianne Kearney in
Jakarta, 8 February 2003)

It is interesting to note that demonstrators in the largely
Indonesian Muslim western regions of Manokweri, Fak Fak and Sarong
are in favour of the division of Papua, saying it would be good for

According to the Jakarta Post, 21 February 2003, Bram Atururi, a
political leader in Manokweri, has already been appointed acting
governor of the unilaterally declared West Papua province. Aturuni
has suggested that those opposing the division of Papua should be
labelled separatists.


The Indonesian military is presently facing a huge challenge - not
from separatists (as claimed), but from popular pressure to get out
of politics, and return to the barracks and let the police look
after internal security. The military's political role is scheduled
to end by 2004 and in 2000 a decree was issued that limited the
military's role to defence (under Suharto is was security and
defence). This explains much of the impetus behind the troubles in
Eastern Indonesia - the military wants its former powers reinstated
it and is even willing to incite conflict in order to justify its
existence on the security front.

Generals Hartono and Wiranto have expressed concerns about "serious
problems of separatism" in Papua and they are using this as their
excuse to pursue increased powers for the military. Army Chief of
Staff Gen. Ryamizard Ryacudu has also said that the military's
security role should be reinstated due to the threats of separatism
and other security disturbances.

Military analyst Ikrar Nusabakti of the National Institute of
Science (LIPI) criticized the Army's view on its security roles,
saying that the officers were likely frustrated after they once had
omnipotent influence, both in politics and security, which is now
being pared down before their eyes. (Jakarta Post "Army wants power
again" by Tiarma Siboro, 21 Feb 2003)

Maluku has suffered, Central Sulawesi has suffered - can we prevent
Papua being next?

- Elizabeth Kendal

Link 1

"The Future Could Be Genocide: Reflections on Papua." 20 June 2002.
The full report, complete with maps and photographs, can be found at

Reverend John Barr is the Executive Secretary for Unity and
International Mission for the Uniting Church in Australia National


Rowland Croucher

Feb 25, 2003, 1:01:19 AM2/25/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
To subscribe, E-mail to: <>
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Kurdish convert Ziwar Mohamad Ismaeel was shot dead Monday, Feb. 17,
in the city of Zakho in Iraq's Kurdistan region. Local sources say
that Ismaeel, a taxi driver, was killed by a man about 40 years old
wielding a machine gun. The suspect was apprehended by other taxi
drivers. The motive for the killing is unknown, but friends of the
victim said that following Ismaeel's conversion several years ago, his

openness about his Christian faith created tension with local Muslims.

At press time, Ismaeel's relatives were unwilling to give him a burial
due to their strong opposition to his conversion. When he first became
a Christian seven years ago, family members consulted a mullah who
recommended killing him for being an "apostate." Ismaeel was arrested
for the first time in 2001 when policemen found three Bibles in his
car. At the police station they told him that he would be killed if he
did not return to Islam. He refused, and two weeks later he was
released. Ismaeel refused offers to remain in hiding after subsequent

attempts on his life. "With Jesus on my side, I have nothing to fear,"
he told friends. "Even when they kill me, I will never deny Christ."

Ismaeel leaves a wife and five children. (Open Doors/Assist News

Since Hong Kong was handed over to Chinese rule in 1997, China has
consistently violated the agreement signed by the Chinese and British
governments regarding the governance and autonomy of the island. In
the agreement, Hong Kong was to retain its economic and social systems
as a democratic society for 50 years. However, China has since assumed
more control of the government than what was agreed upon. For example,
an article that could become law by July states that any group in Hong
Kong which receives funds, direction or leadership from a group
already outlawed by Beijing would also be banned in Hong Kong. Also,
appeals by organizations banned under the new law would potentially be
heard only by closed tribunals, barring group members and their legal
representatives from the proceedings. Catholic Bishop Joseph Zen says
this law could effectively remove freedom to worship for Hong Kong's
347,000 Catholics. The Roman Catholic Church, banned in China, was
replaced by the Chinese government with a Catholic organization loyal
to the state rather than the Vatican. While the new law specifically
targets groups in Hong Kong that are controlled by illegal
organizations based in China, the Chinese government has frequently
shown its resolve to remove any religious organization that is not
subservient to the state. (Voice of the Martyrs)

Colombian Seventh-day Adventist pastor Gonzalo Cardona was released
Feb. 6 after being kidnapped by guerrillas nearly six months ago.
Cardona, who pastored an 800-member church in Uraba in northwestern
Colombia, was abducted Aug. 19 while traveling in his car with his
family. "I have been reborn, thank the Lord," Cardona declared after
his release. Church members, pastors, leaders and friends welcomed
Cardona with signs and cheers as he and his family arrived in the city
of Medellín Feb. 9. "He has undergone some stress tests, and has a
mild case of malaria due to the unhealthy conditions while being
exposed to the elements of the jungle in captivity," said José Rojano,
communication director for the church in Colombia. In the last year,
six Adventist members were kidnapped. All were later were released
with the exception of church auditor Dionisio Galindo who disappeared
earlier this year. (Adventist News Network)

More than 1,000 inmates of a women's jail in St. Petersburg, Russia,
heard Christian radio programs broadcast for the first time Tuesday,
Feb. 18, while in their cells. "From now on we are going to be
broadcasting Christian programs in this jail for up to five hours a
day," said Yan Volkov, head of the prison ministry of the Association
of Christian Churches of Russia. "We installed a pre-tuned radio in
each cell of the jail. During the installation, many women told us
that they've been waiting for these programs. We've been praying for
the possibility of Christian radio broadcasts in this jail for a year.
Today we praise God for He hears our prayers and equips us with all
that we need for the ministry. We believe that many inmates will
receive salvation and grow spiritual spiritually through this
ministry." Plans are being made to install similar radio systems in 16
more prisons in the region. Meanwhile, the warden of the women's jail
has offered the prison ministry a position on the jail's council. "The
task of this council is to help those who are misbehaving and those
about to be released," Volkov said. "The warden said something that
was a pleasant surprise for us: 'Please, come to us and teach us God's
Word. Give us lectures in the form which will be understandable for us
and our workers.'" (Assist News Service)

While the U.S. amasses forces in the Persian Gulf in preparation for a
possible war with Iraq, Bible Pathway Ministries is taking advantage
of the uncertainty by spreading the gospel in the conflict zone. "I do
not think it will setback the ministry," said a mission spokesman. "I
believe the door may be more open inside of Iraq. The Iraqi people are
tired, hungry in darkness, and they are searching to find the switch
to turn the light on." He says response to Bible Pathway's outreach in
the area has been encouraging with more and more Iraqis realizing that
true freedom is only found in Christ. (Mission Network News)

Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright, 81, re-entered the
hospital on Feb. 16 as his health continues to deteriorate. He was
diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable lung disease, in the
fall of 2000. "It appears that what God has prepared for Bill in
heaven is about ready for him," said his wife, Vonette, in a website
report. Doctors recommended that he enter hospice care. "Bill has
surprised all of us with an additional two years of productivity.
During this time he has [continued writing] books . . . and launched
the Global Pastors Network and the Discover God Movement which is
currently unfolding." Meanwhile, friends and family are praying for
God to intervene. "We have known from the beginning of diagnosis that
without a miracle Bill's time on earth is limited," Vonette said. "We
have been and are surrounded by the most wonderful doctors who have
given their very best to provide healing care, and godly people,
including you, who are praying." Campus Crusade for Christ, founded by
Bright in 1951, has grown from a tiny outreach to a major worldwide
ministry with more than 25,000 full-time staff and 553,000 trained
volunteer staff in 196 countries. (Campus Crusade for Christ)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier


Rowland Croucher

Feb 25, 2003, 8:39:35 PM2/25/03
From: "Mission Network News" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:00 AM
Subject: [mnn-news] Mission Network News

News headlines for February 25th 2003

(India)--We begin today in India where another missionary has been beaten
for sharing his faith. Gospel For Asia's[1] John Beers says the
incident happened in north-east India to one of their film teams. Beers
says villagers were open to the story of Jesus, but an extremist group
didn't like it. "They began to beat the team. They grabbed the leader,
a young man named Titus. They grabbed him by the scarf (and) began to
strangle him. (They) beat him, punched him, kicked him until he fell
unconscious. But, by God's grace one of the villagers who was a Christian
took him to his house and tried to take care of him." Titus was able to
escape a second beating and is recovering. According to Beers, this
violence is common against Christians and prayer is needed. "These are
brothers. They're flesh and blood just like us. And, they have fears and
they have difficulties and they have struggles, but by God's grace they've
made the commitment to continue to go forward. In fact, some of our
leaders in a meeting, they said, if it means martyrdom it's okay we're
going to go. And so, they're continuing to go forward even in the midst
of the threat."

(Uzbekistan)--Elsewhere, recent reports indicate several Central Asian
governments were coming down hard on believers. However, Educational
Services International's[2] Jennifer Teske says they were spared from a
government crackdown in which the Uzbek government threatened to expel
Christian groups. "The government sent out a notice that they were going
to evaluate everyone's work there, and they were hinting that they were
going to throw everyone out. The American government actually intervened
on behalf of a lot of these Christian groups, and for now, we're still
there, and hopefully that will continue, but we'll have to see what
happens." Teske says while teaching skills to the Uzbek people is one
part of their mission, there is another part. "They want to get to know
you, they want to know what makes you tick, and so, they will spend time
with you and it's a real time of fellowship. So, as you grow closer to
these people then the door is opened for you to share that what makes you
tick is the love of Christ."

(Congo--Kinshasa)--Civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo isn't
stopping the spread of the Gospel. Sammy Tippit Ministries[3] was in
this war torn, rebel held, region to hold Gospel meetings last week.
According to Tippit an estimated 35-thousand people attended the meeting
the first evening at a stadium in Kisangani. Nearly six-thousand people
responded to the Gospel that evening. Tippit says they weren't prepared
for such of move of God. Pray that these new believers will grow in their

(Lesotho)--Next, Lesotho (leh-soo-too) is among a group of six African
countries faced with the monumental challenges of food shortage, disease
and drought. The United Nations calls the plight of the people a
'humanitarian crisis' and is asking for more help. Mission Aviation
Fellowship's[4] Jon Lewis says while some areas are difficult to fly
supplies into, this south African nation is a different story. "The one
place where we are doing quite a bit at the moment is in the country of
Lesotho, which is right in South Africa. We have a very extensive program
there because it's very mountainous." Lewis explains their work makes
sure mission groups have supplies in the region, which, in turn, helps
them meet spiritual needs. "They are beginning to feel the effects of the
drought in that particular area. I heard reports of us starting to take
not only food supplies, but also, continuing to do the medical work in
that area too, through the "Flying Doctors" program."

(USA)--And finally, Campus Crusade officials are asking people to pray for
their founder Bill Bright. It appears as though his pulmonary fibrosis of
the lung is taking its toll on the man who founded Campus 52 years ago.
There is no known cure. According to Bright's wife, Vonette, they're
seeking help from Hospice care after his last visit to the hospital over
the weekend. Bright was diagnosed with the disease in 2000, just after he
resigned as Campus Crusade's President.




Rowland Croucher
(9150+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Feb 28, 2003, 5:35:58 AM2/28/03
From: "Missions Insider" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:15 AM
Subject: [Missions Insider] Vietnamese Execute Montagnard Christian

Missions Insider Report by Christian Aid
February 26, 2003 Vol. 4 No. 8
Visit our website at
John Lindner, Editor

1. Vietnamese Police Torture, Execute Montagnard Christian
2. India: Police Join Hindus in Expelling Missionary
3. India: Spiritual Hunger Prevails
4. India: Militant Hindu Group Cleared in Staine's Murder
5. Indonesia: Aid Provides Hope for Maluku Refugees
6. Photo of the Week: Indonesia Refugee Aid

Note: It is the policy of Missions Insider to refrain from mentioning names
that could make the subjects targets of anti-Christian activity. Names are
sometimes mentioned of ministries conducting work commended by authorities
or located in areas of greater religious freedom.

1. Vietnamese Police Torture, Execute Montagnard Christian

In Vietnam, one can be beaten, raped, jailed and even executed for doing

Vietnamese authorities recently executed one jailed Montagnard Christian.
They also have brutally treated an 80-year-old grandmother and an
18-year-old girl, all apparently for doing "nothing." They just happened to
be related to someone authorities do not like. And these are but a few among
hundreds of Montagnards so mistreated.

Montagnard is a Vietnamese word meaning "mountain people" and includes
several tribal groups dwelling in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Most of
them are Christians. Vietnamese authorities have seized part of their lands
and the Montagnards staged peaceful mass protests demanding land rights and
religious freedom in February 2001. The government cracked down on the
protest using tanks, helicopter gunships and 13 regiments of soldiers.

Thousands of Montagnards fled for their lives into neighboring Cambodia.
Then the Vietnam government offered bounties for the return of the
Montagnard refugees, and the Cambodian government rounded up many of them
and returned them to Vietnam for a price.

Vietnamese authorities blamed Kok Ksor for the uprising and hate him for
publishing news of their repressive acts. Plus, Kok Ksor and the Montagnards
sided with the U.S. in the Vietnam War. Kok Ksor is a Montagnard who escaped
from Saigon the day before it fell and has lived in the U.S. since 1975. He
heads the South Carolina-based Montagnard Foundation that advocates for
Montagnard rights in Vietnam.

Kok Ksor's 18-year-old niece, H'Ngon, was among those the Cambodians
forcefully turned over to Vietnamese authorities. They then took her to an
undisclosed location where she was repeatedly raped over three days and
nights as retaliation for her uncle being a political activist in the USA,
though she, herself, had done "nothing." She continues to suffer trauma from
the horror.

When Kok Ksor's 80-year-old mother, H'ble Ksor, refused to read a document
denouncing her son over Vietnamese TV in May 2001, security forces beat her,
breaking three ribs, and threatened to kill her, even though she "never did
anything to criticize the Vietnamese government," according to the
Montagnard Foundation. She now suffers pain from her injuries, but is
forbidden to leave her village to seek medical help.

Similarly, on Friday, January 31, Vietnamese authorities tortured and
executed Y-Su Nie with lethal injection. He was arrested last November for
being a Christian and land-rights advocate, though no specific words or
actions have been cited. In Buonmathout Prison he was tortured by beatings
and electric shock and forced to publicly denounce Kok Ksor and Christians
before other Montagnard villagers, even though he apparently was never tried
in an open court or found guilty of anything.

They handcuffed him on January 30 and told him he "would soon die, but
because the Vietnamese government is merciful, we will allow you to see your
family one last time." Then they injected him with a lethal poison and
released him. When he reached his family, he cried and told them, "The
government let me come to see you for a few moments before I die; the police
have already injected my body with poison."

He died the next evening, even though he, also, apparently had done

These are only three of 264 victims of brutality the Montagnard Foundation
lists on its website Vietnamese Communist
officials continue to persecute the Montagnards mercilessly. Pray that they
may stand steadfast while suffering terribly at the hands of Vietnamese
authorities. Information on indigenous Vietnamese ministries working among
them can be obtained by writing to and putting
MI-408 740-PERS on the subject line.

Messages expressing your concern can be sent to:
Nguyen Tam Chien
Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Embassy of Vietnam
1233 20th Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-861-0737
Fax: 202-861-0917

2. India: Police Join Hindus in Expelling Missionary

Police in a village in northern India have joined radical Hindus in
expelling a native missionary from their village.

The missionary is a native of India who graduated from a locally run
training institute in that region.

"He was leading the most successful ministry in one of our stations," the
leader said. "In the last two years, he established a congregation of more
than 40 believers and had another 40 who were being prepared for baptism. He
recently conducted a crusade in his village where about 500 people came and
heard the gospel. Many were miraculously healed."

The leader said as news spread throughout the surrounding villages and his
ministry gained reputation, he became a target of the fanatics from nearby
cities. The Hindu radicals went to his village, threatened him and took him
by force to the police station, saying he was converting Hindus to
Christianity. The police sided with the fanatics, threatened him and told
him to leave the place.

"He showed up here with all his belongings this morning during our church
worship," the leader said Sunday. "The whole congregation was moved as he

Both the missionary and the believers he left behind stand in need of
prayer. One of the local elders is continuing the ministry in that place and
the missionary will go to a new place.

Such incidents are becoming more and more common. On the same day, Gospel
for Asia reported one of their missionaries was undergoing the same kind of
drilling at the hands of local authorities.

For more information about this ministry or to learn how you can support it,
write to and put MI-408 660-HEM on the subject

3. India: Spiritual Hunger Prevails

Despite opposition from hostile Hindu groups, local ministries in India are
seeing a great spiritual hunger among the people of India.

In one month, one missionary saw 200 people accept the Lord in Andhra
Pradesh State. Over 100 responded from one village, while the rest came from
a number of other villages.

In the Bastar tribal district of Madhya Pradesh State, missionaries took the
gospel to more than two-dozen villages. Though no tally of conversions was
given, the missionary said, "People are taking great interest and are coming
in large numbers to hear the Word of God."

The same ministry saw six youths accept the Lord in Uttaranchal State in
North India, and at least 41 persons accepted Christ in Chattisgarh, the
state that was formed out of the northernmost part of Uttar Pradesh in 2000.

Another ministry held a gospel crusade in Karnataka State. The night
meetings were attended by more than 4000 people, and 70 persons accepted
Christ as their Savior.

Christian Aid gives financial assistance to over 130 indigenous ministries
in India. To learn how you can support these ministries, write and put MI-408 600-WMN on the subject line.

4. India: Militant Hindu Group Cleared in Staine's Murder

Four years after the murder of Australian missionary Graham Staines and his
two sons, India's Central Bureau of Investigations (CBI) has claimed that
none of the suspects are members of the militant Hindu group, Bajrang Dal.

Graham Staines and his two minor sons--Philip and Timothy--were burnt alive
as they slept in a vehicle in a rural village in Orissa State on January 23,
1999. Eyewitnesses to the murder said that those torching the vehicle were
shouting, "Bajrang Dal Zindabad" ("Long live Bajrang Dal"). Several of those
arrested for the murder also were said to be members of that group that
actively opposes Christianity and Islam in India and trains volunteers to
fight against them.

The website for Bajrang Dal ( acknowledges that they are
a militant organization, saying, "Hindus who love India and wish to protect
Hinduism and are willing to die for it are behind this organization."
However, Bajrang Dal denies any responsibility for the attack on Staines.

Christian spokesmen in India believe the group benefits from its close
association with national leaders of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

Pray that the truth will be found as the trials and investigations continue
and that Christians will have complete freedom of religion throughout India
to believe, practice, and promote their faith. This article appeared
elsewhere and is adapted for Missions Insider readers.

5. Indonesia: Aid Provides Hope for Maluku Refugees

Indonesian refugees from the Maluku Islands have been driven from their
homes by Muslim Jijad terrorists and forced to live in squalid refugee
camps. Sadly, many children have been separated from their parents. Some
were forced to watch in horror as terrorists murdered their parents before
their eyes.

Though all are considered "Christian" by their Muslim attackers, many are
Christian in name only and have never heard the gospel that they can be born
again through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the regenerating
power of the Holy Spirit.

Hundreds have responded to articles published over the last two years on the
attacks on Christians in Indonesia. Several times Christian Aid has sent
financial help to those aiding Christian refugees. In recent months an
indigenous ministry utilized funds sent by Christian Aid to reach out to
some of these refugees in camps near Tobelo in North Maluku Province. The
group distributed clothing and food among hundreds of refugees and gave this

"We were blessed to minister to the refugees, their children, and the youth
in particular. God enabled us to help them overcome the trauma of war and
loss through care groups and Bible study. Praise God for the 200 adults and
450 young people who came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
through this outreach. All glory and praise to Him."

Back articles on Indonesia persecution can be found at
by paging through back issues of Missions Insider. (Sorry, our Index and
Search mechanisms are not ready, yet.) Contributions are still being
received for this ongoing, massive need. Inquiries please reference MI-408

6. Photo of the Week: Aid for Indonesian Refugees

A Christian refugee family rests in an alley beside an abandoned cinema
building used as a dormitory for refugees. In the last three years, Islamic
terrorists have murdered thousands of adults and children, run thousands of
Christian families off their homelands and forced those who stayed behind to
become Muslims or be killed. Recently, a group using funds sent by Christian
Aid brought material aid and spiritual hope to hundreds of homeless families
in a refugee camp near Tobelo in North Maluku Province of Indonesia. For
more information see item #5 above. Christian Aid is continuing to receive
contributions to help Indonesian "refugees." For more information, see back
issues of Missions Insider or write and put MI-408
750-PERS on the subject line.

Mission Statement:

Missions Insider is a free weekly email report from Christian Aid Mission,
your link to the world of indigenous missions. We seek to establish a
witness for our Lord in every tribe and nation (Matthew 24:14) by supporting
highly effective native missionary ministries based in poorer countries
overseas, or where believers are persecuted. Christian Aid has contact with
more than 6000 indigenous ministries that have a total of 300,000
missionaries on the field or ready to go when support is available.

Permission to Republish

The content of Missions Insider is Copyright 2003. You have permission to
share this newsletter with any evangelical Christian whom you think would be
interested in reading it. Permission is granted to reproduce articles in
whole or in part on websites, e-mail networks or print media as long as
the stories are faithfully replicated and credit is given to Missions
at Please send notices of publication to Thank you.

Rowland Croucher

Mar 1, 2003, 9:31:31 AM3/1/03

From: "HCJB World Radio" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 5:33 AM
Subject: [Daily Update] 28 February 2003 Update From HCJB World Radio

A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

In a repeat of an earlier verdict, the Sohag Criminal Court in Egypt,
Thursday, Feb. 27, acquitted nearly all 96 suspects charged with
atrocities in connection with violence that broke out in the village
of El Kosheh more than three years ago, leaving 21 Coptic Christians
and a Muslim dead. As in the previous February 2001 ruling, only four
men received sentences. Mayez Amin Abdel Rahim was sentenced to 15
years for killing the sole Muslim victim (an increase of five years
from the previous verdict) while three other Muslim men got one- and
two-year sentences for setting a truck on fire. The rest of the
suspects were acquitted, disappointing Egypt's Christian minority that
had hoped for justice at the retrial. Coptic Bishop Wissa said he was
dismayed at the judgment. "If those accused are really innocent, where
are the real killers?" he asked. "If the perpetrators of the murders
are allowed to walk free, it will be seen as a green light to kill
Christians." The three days of violence which began in El Kosheh Dec.
31, 1999, stemmed from a dispute between a Muslim trader and a
Christian shop owner. In addition to the deaths, 33 Christians were
wounded, and 260 Christian homes and business were destroyed.
(Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

While the Laskar Jihad, a Muslim extremist group, was disbanded in
eastern Indonesia's Moluccan Islands last October, it's still active
in Papua, reported The South China Morning Post Feb. 19. The article
paints a picture of escalating levels of cooperation between the
Indonesian military and the Laskar Jihad. "The rhetoric of the Laskar
Jihad fits comfortably with the aims of the Indonesian military in
Papua," said Johannes Bonay, head of ELSHAM, a group that monitors
human rights abuses in Papua. "One of their objectives is to protect

the unity of Indonesia in Papua. They are using Islam to claim they

are fighting against the Kaffir in Papua." More than 90 percent of
Papua's indigenous population is officially Christian -- mostly
Protestant. "The Indonesian military is using the issue of separatism

(which in Eastern Indonesia is very non-threatening) as their reason

for pursuing increased powers," Bonay said. "In Papua both the

military and the Islamists are motivated by their humiliation and
anger over the loss of East Timor. Clearly, predominantly Christian

Papua is a conflict-in-waiting." (World Evangelical Alliance).

Muslim youths went on the rampage in Ibadan, Nigeria, Feb. 19, beating
up teachers and staff at several Christian secondary schools in the
city. The attacks were triggered by the alleged refusal of some staff
to allow female Muslim students to wear the hijab (headscarf) in
school. Believers are urged to pray that Muslim activists seeking to
enforce sharia (Islamic law) be prevented from taking the law into
their own hands. (Barnabas Fund)

* HCJB World Radio, together with partners In Touch Ministries, SIM
and the Evangelical Church of West Africa, began airing weekly
half-hour programs in the Igbo language in 2000. The programs air via
shortwave to Nigeria's 15 million Igbo speakers.

The government of Arab Gulf state of Qatar has authorized the
construction of churches in the country, something unprecedented in
this country, reported Zenit Feb. 25. A government representative said
this is part of "Qatar's conviction in favor of freedom of worship."
Although Islam is the dominant religion in Qatar, thousands of
Christians live in the country, many of them immigrant workers. (Voice
of the Martyrs)

A new denomination called a Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
was officially launched earlier today. Seven congregations scattered
between Auckland in the north and Gore in the south met at the
Christchurch Branch of the Bible College of New Zealand this morning
to establish the denomination. Some of the participating churches had
withdrawn from the Presbyterian Church of Aoteaora New Zealand. Others
were independent but wanted to join a denomination, and the remainder
are new church plants. "The new denomination is committed to the
authority and inerrancy of the Bible which will distinguish it from
the current position of the Presbyterian Church of Aoteaora New
Zealand," said pastor Peter Boyd. "What we are finding is that many
people are hungry for biblical teaching. Churches that preach God's
Word faithfully appear to he the ones that are growing and are
relevant. We hope that this denomination will be faithful to God and
will fill the spiritual vacuum left by liberalism." The seven founding
congregations have a total membership of about 600, but Boyd expects
this number to multiply. "We're eager to establish and grow more
congregations throughout New Zealand," he says. "We hope the new
denomination will become a vital part of New Zealand society and that
many will enjoy biblical teaching in an environment of genuine
friendship." (Religious Media Agency)

As U.S. President George W. Bush pushes for federal funding of
faith-based relief initiatives for the poor, at least one evangelical
organization is pushing for more church involvement. "Churches have a
biblical obligation to get involved," says Life Inner City's Ted
Gandy. "Many people want to do something, but they don't know what to
do." In response, the ministry has initiated a program called
Compassion by Command. "This is an innovative, video-based Bible study
designed to motivate and train Christians to reach out to the poor in
their communities." Gandy says there's much which people can do such a
teaching English as a second language, leading job training, teaching
life skills and helping with childcare. "All those things are not ends
in themselves, but because they're caring in a compassionate way for
people, it's a tremendous opportunity to share Christ and lead people
to the Lord," he says. (Mission Network News)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Rowland Croucher

Mar 2, 2003, 6:43:02 PM3/2/03
Ecumenical News International
Daily News Service
28 February 2003

Israeli wall around Rachel's Tomb to divide Bethlehem

By Ross Dunn, Jerusalem, 28 February (ENI)--Israel is preparing to build a
security wall that will divide the birthplace of Jesus on the
West Bank, on the grounds that it will safeguard a sacred Jewish
religious shrine in Bethlehem.

The move will divide Bethlehem's Palestinian areas and is likely
to further isolate the town that is so holy for Christendom. For
more than two years, few tourists have been to Bethlehem because
of violent clashes in the town.

At issue is the site known as Rachel's Tomb, at the edge of the
town which has become a frequent flash point of violence between
the Israeli military and Palestinians.



Rowland Croucher
(9200+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Mar 3, 2003, 8:41:06 PM3/3/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

From Colorado Springs to Cameroon and Budapest to Bangkok, Christians
around the globe are setting aside time today to pray for revival in a
broken world, especially with an impending war against Iraq. In the
Hungarian capital of Budapest, Bible-believing Christians began
praying at 3:33 p.m. local time after similar events in Asia and the
Pacific following Internet appeals from the World Prayer Team based in
Colorado Springs, Colo. Believers everywhere are being urged to pray
for at least three minutes at 3:33 p.m. today -- the third day of the
third month of the third year of the third millennium. Church
observers said this is also a key date for the non-Christian world as
the New Age movement is holding a worldwide "experiment into global
consciousness." Tamas Kiss, spokesman of the Agape Church, an
evangelical congregation involved in the project with dozens of groups
across Hungary, said that non-Christians around the world are voicing
their opposition to believers today. "So our pastor asked everybody to
pray for Christians around the world as well as the spiritual health
of the planet." The World Prayer Center is asking Christians to pray
that Saddam Hussein would step down, that any weapons of mass
destruction employed by Iraq during the war would be "powerless," and
that God's light would overcome the darkness. (Assist News Service)

Police in a village in northern India recently joined radical Hindus
in expelling a native missionary from the area. The missionary
graduated from a locally run training institute in the region. "He was
leading the most successful ministry in one of our stations," said a
mission leader. "In the last two years he established a congregation

of more than 40 believers and had another 40 who were being prepared

for baptism. He recently held a crusade in his village where about 500
people came and heard the gospel. Many were miraculously healed." As
news spread throughout the surrounding villages and the missionary's
reputation grew, he became a target of the fanatics from nearby
cities. Hindu radicals went to the missionary's village, threatened
him and took him by force to the police station, accusing him of
converting Hindus to Christianity. Police then threatened him and
forced him to leave the area. Such incidents are becoming increasingly
common across India as Hindu extremism increases. (Missions Insider)

After a lengthy battle pitting an expanding California church against
a local government eager to carry out its own development plans,
Cottonwood Christian Center in Cypress (near Los Angeles) has reached
an agreement with the city that promises to end the widely publicized
conflict. At the heart of the dispute was an 18-acre tract that the
church bought more than three years ago for a building expansion that
local officials then blocked by not granting construction permits.
Located in Orange County, Cypress city officials wanted to develop the
land commercially with the hopes of attracting a large discount
retailer. As the conflict escalated, the church sued the city which
then took steps to seize the congregation's property by "right of
eminent domain." With the help of the Washington, D.C.-based Becket
Fund for Religious Liberty, the congregation won a preliminary
injunction last August, barring the city from taking the land. Cypress
officials approved an agreement a week ago that will allow the city to
buy the property it once threatened to take by legal force. (Religion

Americans' belief in the existence of Satan roughly mirrors the
country's general religious profile, yet the devil transcends
categories that typically determine religious attitudes such as age,
religiosity and education. Sixty-eight percent of Americans believe in
the devil while 20 percent do not and 12 percent are unsure, according
to a Gallup poll released last week. In 1999 85.5 percent of Americans
said they believed in God. Seventy percent of Catholics believe in the
devil compared to 79 percent of Protestants and 83 percent of
self-identified conservative Christians. Republicans, at 79 percent,
are the most likely to believe in the devil compared with 67 percent
of Democrats and 59 percent of independents. Across age and education,
however, belief in the devil varies less. Seventy percent of adults
ages 30-64 said the devil is real, along with 66 percent of adults
ages 18-19. Similarly, 70 percent of high school graduates say the
devil is real, along with 68 percent of college graduates. Fifty-five
percent of people with postgraduate degrees also acknowledge Satan's
existence. (Religion Today)

Discipleship and evangelism are the focus of a Bible distribution
program in Rwanda. Genocide and AIDS in that African country nine
years ago resulted in 500,000 orphans. World Help's Vernon Brewer says
literacy and discipleship programs through the church will help turn
the tide. "To help rebuild the country of Rwanda they need to rebuild
it on the Word of God. So we want to flood that country with copies of
God's Word. We can provide a Bible in their own language and dialect
and have it printed and distributed [within the country]." Brewer adds
that the ministry is involved in more than just distributing Bibles.
"We immediately are setting up a child sponsorship program," he says.
"We're also making plans to help construct an orphanage facility for
AIDS prevention and a training center to teach these orphans a trade."
(Mission Network News)

In 1989 retired Capt. Warmolt Houwing of the Dutch Merchant Navy
discovered the illustrated Bible storybook, He Lived Among Us. After
obtaining the copyright, he started giving the books away to fellow
seamen in the port of Antwerp. Giving away these books has become the
lifelong mission of 65-year-old Dutchman Warmolt Houwing. By enlisting
the support of others, he has printed and given away more than 18
million copies in 27 languages. He distributes the books at no charge,
working with various non-profit organizations. Houwing's purpose is to
proclaim the gospel in this attractive, nonintrusive way, especially
in China, Indonesia, India and the Middle East. Houwing served in the
Dutch Merchant Navy from 1953 to 1983. Starting as a cook boy, he
finished his last 10 years as captain, sailing all kind of vessel from
freighters, to tankers, to passenger ships and tugboats. In 1986 after
a dramatic conversion, he gained a fresh start in life. His conversion
led to sailing as relief captain on the Mercy Ships vessel Anastasis
and the Operation Mobilization ship Logos. In 1988 he began working as
an evangelist to fellow seamen in Antwerp. "Our main target group was
the Russians," he said. "Every day about 17 Russian ships docked in
Antwerp with approximately 1,000 sailors. I smuggled tens of thousands
Bibles and New Testaments to them." Since 1989 he has concentrated on
printing and distributing the illustrated Bible storybook. The book is
also available on the internet in 18 languages at (Assist News Service)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
James A. Ferrier

HCJB World Radio

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Rowland Croucher

Mar 3, 2003, 8:41:57 PM3/3/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

* * * * * * * * * * * * *



Rowland Croucher
(9200+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Mar 5, 2003, 1:29:32 PM3/5/03
Religious Liberty Prayer List - No. 209 - Wed 05 Mar 2003


Religious tensions are simmering across the Indonesian archipelago.
In Maluku, four Pakistani Islamists were deported on 26 February
for provocative activities. These included preaching sermons that
the police said had the potential to re-ignite religious conflict.

In Central Sulawesi, Rev Renaldy Damanik (who survived an attempt
on his life at Christmas while in custody) remains in detention in
Palu. His health has deteriorated seriously due to liver disease
and Hepatitis B. He was admitted to the Salvation Army Hospital on
25 February, but the next day the judge ordered his removal to the
Undata Public Hospital of Palu. The charge of possessing illegal
weapons was so weak that Damanik is now accused of being a
provocateur of religious violence. That is a flimsy charge against
one known as a signatory to the Malino Peace Accord, an active
Christian leader, the head of the Crisis Centre for the Church of
Central Sulawesi, humanitarian, peacemaker and advocate for
disarmament. He is protesting the charge by boycotting his trial.

Papua is a potential flashpoint. Police in Sorong recently arrested
a Pakistani Islamist for possessing 12 hand-made bombs, 1650
arrows, and hundreds of slingshots. A large number of Laskar Jihad
militants are being trained by the Indonesian military in camps on
the northern border with PNG. Transmigrant Javanese now form Muslim
majorities in several Papuan towns, with Islamist activities such
as jihad training and the delivery of provocative sermons, videos
and Islamist literature taking place openly. The Indonesian
government has signed a decree that violates the 2001 Special
Autonomy Law by dividing Papua into three provinces. Church leaders
are strongly opposing this as it will weaken Papua's autonomy and
marginalise the Christian majority, most of whom will be in just
one province.

To top all this, the Indonesian military has drafted a 'Military
Bill' that is presently before the Assembly. They aim to secure
greater military power, giving 'separatism' as the reason they
should control security as well as defence. They want to be free to
declare an emergency and deploy military forces to any 'security
disturbance' without first consulting the President. Thus, the
military could cite 'separatism' in Central Sulawesi, Maluku or
Papua as an emergency and send in troops. Powerful supporters of
the bill include the chairman of the Golkar Party, Akbar Tandjung,
and the chairman of the National Mandate Party, Amien Rais, who is
also the chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly, the
country's highest legislative body.


* God to work through local police to remove the many, many
provocative foreign Islamist militants from Indonesia, thanking
him for the recent expulsion of several Pakistani Islamists from
Ambon and Sorong.

* speedy justice in Rev Renaldy Damanik's trial; and for strength,
comfort, healing (from liver disease) and divine protection. May
his Christian witness be profound.

"The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which
shines ever brighter until the full light of day." Prov 4:18

* God to protect Papua from the bloodshed that has stained Central
Sulawesi, Maluku and East Timor, and put a stop to the flow of
arms and militants. May the Laskar Jihad be seen as the terrorist
militia it is - not a 'humanitarian mission' - and be banned.

* the failure of the Military Bill that would give the Indonesian
military virtually unlimited powers, and so put Christians (often
labelled as 'provocateurs' and 'separatists') at great risk.



Whilst Indonesia may appear relatively peaceful these days,
religious tensions are simmering across the archipelago. Foreign
Islamists continue to infiltrate Eastern Indonesia to stir up
hostilities and recruit jihad fighters. In Central Sulawesi, the
head of the Protestant Synod, Rev Renaldy Damanik, continues to
suffer detention and the humiliation of the false charge of being a
provocateur of religious violence. He is also seriously ill with
liver disease. Meanwhile in Papua, the Laskar Jihad is building up
its forces and receiving training from the Indonesian military
there. Moves are afoot to weaken Papua's autonomy (granted in the
Special Autonomy Law 2001) which seriously concerns the Papuan
Christian leaders. To top all this, a bill is presently before the
Indonesian Assembly that aims to grant the Indonesian military
virtually unlimited powers. There is much to be praying about.

Previous RLPs may be viewed at
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was forwarded to you, you may receive future editions
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Please send this RLP to others, with attribution to
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty
Prayer List <>

The WEA Religious Liberty Commission sponsors this
RL Prayer List to help individuals and groups pray
specifically and regularly for religious liberty
issues, and in particular to uphold the Church
where it is suffering persecution.

RL Prayer is moderated by Ron Clough, a commissioner
of the WEA RLC and convenor of the Australian EA RLC.

Elizabeth Kendal researched and authored this message.


Rowland Croucher

Mar 9, 2003, 11:05:21 AM3/9/03
eni-summary list
Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
07 March 2003

WCC tells Myanmar's junta of concern about treatment of

Yangon (ENI). The leader of Myanmar's military government has
told a church group that the minority Christian community in this
predominantly Buddhist nation "will not be discriminated
against". General Khin Nyunt made his assurance when he met a
six-person group led by Rev. Konrad Raiser, general secretary of
the Geneva-based World Council of Churches. Raiser told the
general and other government leaders at the meeting that the
country's Christian minority and other groups were facing
"intentional or involuntary discrimination" in some parts of
Myanmar. [557 words, ENI-03-0102]

Violence is no solution for minorities, says WCC's Raiser in

Bangkok (ENI). Even if they feel threatened, minority groups
should not resort to violence to defend their interests, Dr
Konrad Raiser, general secretary of the World Council of Churches
(WCC), warned during a visit to the south-east Asian nation of
"Minorities feel that they are increasingly in need of security.
They begin to defend militarily against a global culture that
threatens their existence," Raiser said. "What we see today is
that instead of minimising violence, provocations lead to
violence." [325 words, ENI-03-0104]

Opposition to a war in Iraq brings together Indonesians of
different faiths

Jakarta (ENI). Common opposition to a war in Iraq has brought
Indonesians of different religions closer together, said the head
of the south-east Asian country's main ecumenical organisation.
The Rev. Natan Setiabudi, general secretary of the Communion of
Churches in Indonesia, recently returned from a trip to Europe
with an interfaith delegation of Indonesian Muslims, Christians,
Hindus and Buddhists. The group met Pope John Paul II in Rome and
European Union leaders in Brussels to urge peaceful alternatives
to war in Iraq. [376 words, ENI-03-0103]

Detention of clerics panned, Zimbabwe bishop quizzed after
cricket protest

Harare (ENI). Church and civic groups in Zimbabwe have condemned
arrest and detention in Harare last week of 23 clerics who
demonstrated against police brutality and intimidation. The
protesters who belonged to the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe
(EFZ), Ecumenical Support Services (ESS) and the Zimbabwe
National Pastors Conference (ZNPC), were arrested outside the
police headquarters where they intended to petition the police
commissioner, Augustine Chihuri, on human rights violations by
Zimbabwean police. [386 words, ENI-03-0105]

ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published
This summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information
printed below is retained.

Individual paragraphs may be reproduced provided ENI is
acknowledged as the source.

For details of subscriptions to the full ENI News Service, which
contains full text articles, contact ENI at the address below.

ENI Online -

Ecumenical News International
PO Box 2100
CH - 1211 Geneva 2

Rowland Croucher

Mar 11, 2003, 1:33:59 AM3/11/03
A ministry of HCJB World Radio
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Today's News Headlines:


Today's News Stories:

Evangelical church leaders Kiros Meles and Abebayeh Desalegn were
released from prison Friday, March 7, after being jailed without
charges for 10 months in the northern Ethiopian town of Maychew. "It
is a shame for them to be in prison," said the magistrate who ordered
their release at a March 5 hearing. She found no evidence against the
two Pentecostal elders under investigation for alleged murder and
ordered the men transferred the same day from prison to the local
police station, where they were discharged today. "They have been
released this morning, and are at their homes, celebrating with all
the believers," said a local believer. Meles, 46, and Desalegn, 35,
were arrested after a two-day riot last April led by a mob of Orthodox
Church extremists. When a young Orthodox man was shot dead during the
last day of the rampage, local police accused the two evangelical
leaders of the crime. However, the fatal shot came from the local
police chief's gun, and an off-duty policeman was also jailed.

As a blind Christian human rights activist marked his one-year
anniversary inside a Cuban prison March 4 without being brought to
trial, Christian Solidarity Worldwide is calling on the international
community to renew pressure on Cuban authorities to release him. Juan
Carlos González Leiva, who was arrested last March along with a number
of human rights activists, says he is in poor health and has faced
mistreatment at the hands of the prison authorities. His wife said
authorities never let him out of his cell to receive visitors,
claiming the key has broken. She has also been harassed by the Cuban
government, forcing her to move. Although González was formally
charged with "acts of disrespect towards Fidel Castro, public
disorder, resisting authority and disobedience," he was never been
tried for his alleged crimes. After his arrest, González was severely
beaten by government security agents and suffered a blow to the head,
requiring four stitches. He and a number of other human rights
activists had gathered at a local hospital in an attempt to draw
attention to the plight of a journalist who had been admitted there
after being attacked by Cuban police. González has carried out a
number of lengthy hunger strikes to protest his arrest, resulting in
ill health. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Voice of the Martyrs and Oklahoma Wesleyan University have launched an
unprecedented partnership combining rigorous academic study, research
and service to focus on the persecuted Christian church in restricted
nations. Beginning this fall, Oklahoma Wesleyan University will offer
the only undergraduate degree program in North America dedicated to
the experience and theology of the persecuted church. (Mission Network

"Scientists have recently revived the age-old discussion about the
validity of faith," writes Dr. Eberhard Rieth, former director of the
Ringgenhof and Höchsten clinics. Rieth refers to an extensive global
study performed by epidemiologist Prof. Ronald Grossarth-Maticek, head
of the European Union-funded Institute for Preventive Healthcare
Research in Heidelberg. Faith is demonstrably one of the most
important factors influencing a person's physical wellbeing and
long-term health, significantly affecting life expectancy and the age
at which the first serious chronic illness occurs, he said. The study
showed that those who have a "personal emotional relationship to God"
live on average 12.7 years longer than "churchgoers without a
relationship to God" and 21.7 years longer than "neurotic atheists."
Their first severe chronic illnesses occur 10 years later than nominal
churchgoers, and about 20 years later than neurotics, whether
religious or atheist. Following the outbreak of cancer, for example,
those with a personal relationship to God live an average of 14.6
additional years, compared with only 7.9 years in a reference group of
other forms of religiosity. "Dare healthcare providers ignore the
healing potential of personal faith?" asks Rieth. "Is it not necessary
that they verify Grossarth-Maticek's results by testing these claims
for themselves, and drawing conclusions which can help their
patients?" (Friday Fax)

With the advent of the Internet, the goal of the Jesus Film Project to
make the gospel accessible to every person on earth is quickly
becoming a reality. "The Internet is definitely a global community,"
says Jesus Film Project spokesman Mike Waid. "Most of the content on
the Internet is in languages other than English. The Internet doesn't
have any geographic boundaries." Waid says the Internet is a powerful
evangelistic tool. "Of the 808 languages we have available, 59
languages are available online," he says. Since the Internet has no
geographic boundaries, a French version of the "Jesus" film, for
example, could be viewed online "by somebody who speaks French who
lives in Canada, or they could live in France," Waid said. "It really
doesn't matter. The thing that is common is they both speak the same
language." (Mission Network News)

A new range of ice cream bars named after the seven deadly sins has
drawn the ire of a Christian group in the Netherlands. The Magnum
brand ice cream bars come in seven new flavors: vanity, jealousy,
gluttony, lust, revenge, greed and sloth. Devil horns and a forked
tail have been added to the "M" of the word Magnum on the wrapper.
"Lust," for example, offers creamy vanilla ice cream covered in pink
strawberry chocolate while "gluttony" features chocolate ice cream
coated with white chocolate. The protest comes from Christians for
Truth, a South African organization with branches in Europe. The group
is urging consumers to boycott outlets that sell ice cream produced by
the Anglo-Dutch food giant Unilever, the makers of Magnum. Jan de
Bruin, chair of the group's Dutch branch, wrote in a letter to a
Unilever subsidiary that the promotion was "blasphemous" because it
"trivializes" sin. The limited-edition bars have already gone on sale
in South Africa and Australia, and the company is planning to launch
the product in the Netherlands later this year. In Australia, the
company's ice cream sales have risen with "vanity" already sold out
and "lust" close behind. (Episcopal News Service)


Kurt E. Matthews

Mar 13, 2003, 8:12:08 AM3/13/03
I enter into this thread feeling as if I am treading on raw nerves. Why
would you say if I told you that the Earth and entire cosmos is a
miscreation of God's son and not a creation of God? Massacres and genocidal
pogroms are not new. History is full of them and will continue to be so.
With all due respect, you are suggesting that people look anywhere except
inside themselves to find peace. The Catholic church does a wonderful job
distributing physical hunger and disease, but it's Byzantine and
labyrinthine so-called theology also make your people dependent on the
Church, not only for food, but for intercession with YOUR creator. In four
years between 1861 and 1865, Americans succeeded in killing over 600,000 of
their fellow countrymen in a civil war based on the institution of slavery
disguised as "state's rights". And both sides of the conflict fervently
prayed to God to ask for themselves, only, that which you are now asking for
some of your people. Bad things happen to good people because God didn't
create humans and has no concept of good or bad. The Kingdom of God is
perfect peace of the kind that comes from the inside of humans and is not
merely a state of non-war. I also note that the Congo's abundance of
natural resources are a matter of grave concern. Do you believe in God and
the promises he has made through Jesus and other prophets? If so, bodies
are illusions and nothing "real" (our spiritual reality) can be threatened
even by machine guns and machetes. You will see your friends and relatives
again, unhurt and smiling to greet you. We should pray to God that he keep
his promise to end the hell this Earth has become and to do it quickly. We
all now know that time/space is a construction (per. S. Hawking)
approximating the shape of a large, relatively flat rectangular box. Inside
that box, all of our troubles are created by us and exist so long as it is
our will. If "His Will Be Done....," then we must make sure that our wills
coincide with his and we have a lot of cosmic help in doing it if we have
just a little bit of faith. You might be the one to fully accept the
"atonement" for yourself and then you can watch how many thousands of others
just sort of automatically do the same. I believe that is the method of
extending peace.

I also do not deny any person the right to protect himself from
physical or other harm if it becomes necessary and that may involve killing
a killer. Pray for the inspiration and strength for you and your countrymen
to beat down the murderers and rid your country of genocide forever.

I suspect that your forefathers a hundred years ago would not
understand the concept of individual "ownership" of any part of nature,
including your country's natural resource treasures. I also suspect that
the marauders believe in nothing except ownership of valuable assets and are
willing to commit mass murder to acquire sole rights to it. Perhaps you are
fighting for the same materialistic reasons. My prayer is that you
experience a touch by God even if only for a fraction of a second. Your
thinking will be instantly replaced with clear knowledge of your situation
and you will be given the strength to protect your people. The only other
alternative is to appeal to nations having the massive military strength to
break up the two fighters in the ring. But right now one country that could
do it is busy and the United Nations will do nothing. It's all up to you.

"Rowland Croucher" <> wrote in message

Rowland Croucher

Mar 14, 2003, 4:12:28 PM3/14/03
From: ICC
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: Hate Campaign Waged Against Pakistani Christians

International Christian Concern - - 301-989-1708



(Washington, DC, March 12, 2003) The Washington-DC based human rights group
International Christian Concern was informed today that an intensive hate
campaign is being conducted against the Christian minority of Pakistan by
various militant Islamic groups. Christians in Pakistan represent about
2.5% of the total population. Large demonstrations have been held over the
past two weekends in Karachi, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi protesting the
expected war in Iraq, and urging citizens to boycott Christians and to wage
a jihad against them. The Christians of Pakistan are targeted by these
Islamic extremists solely because of their religious affiliation in this
critical situation. Muslim clerics are openly asking for jihad against
"infidels" in the mosques, and many Islamic youth groups are taking this
religious obligation seriously. The Christians of Pakistan are expecting the

The demonstrations have been called by the MMA, a coalition of Islamic
radical parties linked with al Qaeda and the Taliban. Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, the Chief of Operations for al Qaeda was captured in a house owned
by one of the officials of Jamiat-I-Islami, an Islamic radical party in the
Rawalpndi district. The MMA and Jamiat-I-Islami have declared Khalid Sheikh
a "hero of Islam" for his part in waging a holy war against the "infidels."

Pakistani Christians are feeling insecure, helpless, and unsafe as the
government is not taking significant practical steps to protect the
Christian community. The concerns and the plight of the Christian minority
in Pakistan should be considered a serious issue by the international
community, as the situation could turn violent with the outbreak of war in
Iraq. Pakistani Christians appeal to the world for security against this
rising tide of hatred as fueled by Islamic militants.

International Christian Concern is a Washington, DC-based human rights and
aid organization that assists Christians worldwide who suffer oppression and
persecution. More information is available on the ICC web site at



Rowland Croucher
(9300+ articles)

Rowland Croucher

Mar 14, 2003, 4:16:30 PM3/14/03
From: "The Voice of the Martyrs" <gpe...@PERSECUTION.NET>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:42 AM
Subject: The Persecution & Prayer Alert (March 12, 2003)

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, March 12, 2003

A summary of news concerning the Persecuted Church and how you can

1. Talisman Sale Finalized (Sudan)
2. Jailed Church Leaders Released (Ethiopia)
3. Churches Not Allowed (Saudi Arabia)
4. Persecution and Prayer Alert Celebrates 5th Anniversary
5. Question of the Week

1. Talisman Sale Finalized (Sudan)

Following three days of contradicting media reports, Talisman Energy
confirmed today the final sale of all of its interest in the Greater
Nile Oil Project in Sudan to ONGC Videsh Limited ("OVL"), a subsidiary
of India's national oil company.

Talisman Energy of Calgary, Alberta has been under intense pressure from
human rights organizations because of its involvement in this oil
project in southern Sudan. Oil revenues have been used extensively by
the government to finance weaponry and attacks which have often targeted
civilians, including hospitals, churches, and relief centres. Runways
supposedly for oilfield purposes only have been used by military planes
to conduct these bombings. Government-backed militia groups have been
guilty of involvement in massacres, torture of civilians, and other
atrocities, including slavery.

With the sale of its interest in Sudan for $1.13 billion CDN, Talisman
is hoping to leave behind the problems and controversy that have
followed the company since its purchase of these assets in 1998. The
problems that the oil development has brought to the people of Sudan,
however, will not be as easily disposed.

Pray for the people of southern Sudan who face these ongoing attacks.
Pray that the peace talks will be successful and that the government
forces will live up to the ceasefire agreements. The feature story of
the April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter reports on the
state of the church in south-eastern Sudan following a visit by Voice of
the Martyrs earlier this year. Subscribe today to receive a
twelve-month subscription to Canada's only monthly magazine on Christian
persecution. Go to

2. Jailed Church Leaders Released (Ethiopia)

Evangelical church leaders Kiros Meles and Abebayeh Desalegn were

released from prison on March 7 after being jailed without charges for
10 months in the northern Ethiopian town of Maychew. According to a
report by Compass Direct, the magistrate found no basis for the charges,
calling their imprisonment "a shame."

The men were arrested after a riot in April 2002 in which an Ethiopian
Orthodox man was killed. The local police accused the two evangelical
leaders, even though the shot came from the local police chief's gun and
an off-duty police officer was also jailed. Local Christians are
skeptical that charges will ever be laid against the police officer.

Join with us in thanking God that these men have been released. Pray
for Ethiopian Christians as they face opposition. VOM has released a
brand new video on the persecution facing evangelical Christians in
Ethiopia. "Faith Under Fire ... Ethiopia" is available online at

3. Churches Not Allowed (Saudi Arabia)

Saudi Arabia, as the birthplace of Islam, will not allow churches to be
built on its land, said the Defense Minister, Prince Sultan to reporters
on March 8. According to a March 10 AP report, Sultan said that
foreigners are allowed to worship freely in their homes, but churches
would not be permitted, since it would affect Islam. Calling those who
want churches "fanatics," Sultan told reporters, "We are not against
religions at all ... but there are no churches - not in the past, the
present or future."

Saudi Arabia is well known for forbidding any religion other than Islam.
Despite assurances from Sultan, foreigners have been arrested and
deported for worshipping in their homes and Christians face
imprisonment, torture, and death.

Last week the P+P Alert reported that Saudi Arabia was to be left off
the US State Department's list of "countries of particular concern" as
religious rights violators. While he would not comment directly on
Sultan's comments, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said that
they are seeking opportunities to work with Saudi Arabia to improve the
state of religious freedom. Other countries left off the list were
India, Laos, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Vietnam, even though the US
Commission on International Religious Freedom strongly recommended that
they be labeled as "countries of particular concern."

Pray for Christians in Saudi Arabia, that they may stand firm in the
face of constant danger. Pray that world leaders will see religious
freedom as a fundamental human right that must be upheld by all
countries regardless of political allegiances.
4. Persecution and Prayer Alert Celebrates 5th Anniversary

It was a Friday afternoon on March 13, 1998. Believing that prayer on
behalf of persecuted Christians around the world was a priority and that
email now made it possible for people to brought up-to-date more quickly
on urgent prayer requests, VOM's Glenn Penner sent out a brief email to
12 friends and colleagues inviting them to become part of a prayer
network. Some of them, in the following weeks, forwarded the emails to
their friends, who asked to be included in the mailings. At the time,
there were virtually no email lists on persecution, so the P+P Alert (as
it became known) filled a unique gap. With the launch of VOM Canada's
website in September of 1999, membership in the list
exploded. With almost 6000 active subscribers today, the Persecution
and Prayer Alert continues to fill an important role in informing the
Christian community of the needs of their persecuted brothers and
sisters. The emphasis is still on the priority of prayer.

It is hard to believe that once we sent out the P+P Alert using Hotmail
or that once we kept the addresses of all of our subscribers on Glenn's
Outlook Express address book or that it used to take us over 2 hours
every time that we sent out a mailing. With the move to an automated
Listserv program in 2001, we have been able to save valuable manpower
expenses and devote more time to researching and writing stories that
continue to impact thousands very week. We praise God for how He has
blessed our modest efforts. We have seen prisoners released, lives
saved, prayers lifted up, and thousands of letters written to, and on
behalf of, those are in chains for Christ's sake. We want to thank each
of you who take the time to read and distribute the Persecution and
Prayer Alert each week in your prayer groups and churches. If you know
of others who you think would benefit from receiving the P+P Alert, may
we recommend that you go to our website at and recommend the latest P+P Alert to
them using this special form. Make a new friend for the Persecuted
Church by urging them to receive the Persecution and Prayer Alert.

5. Question of the Week

Some of you have been receiving the Persecution and Prayer Alert for
five years now. For others, this is your first edition. We thank God
for each of you. For our question of the week, we want to know how
valuable you have found the Persecution and Prayer Alert in equipping
you and others for more effective prayer on behalf of persecuted
Christians. We also welcome your suggestions for improvement.

To participate in our poll and discussion, go to and
click on "Discussion Forum." If you have not registered on our forum in
the past, click on "Register" and select a username and password.

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the
Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit,
Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)

Contact Person: Glenn Penner, Communications Director.

Important Notice: The Persecution & Prayer Alert is an open email news
service sent only to those who have specifically requested it from us.
We do not send it unsolicited and ask that subscribers show the same
discretion in forwarding it to others.

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