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Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches

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David Dalton

May 31, 1998, 7:00:00 AM5/31/98

Summary: best up-close-strong-compatible matches for Whoopi, Brandi,
the prince, the king, the stepmom, the sisters, Jessica Lange,
Michele Pfeiffer, Sarah McLachlan, Rebekah, Erykah Badu,
Jacob Dylan, Bob Dylan, Ennis Sisters, loads more.
My matchmaking sensitivity has returned and today I will first post
a few new celebrity and other matches and then concentrate on making
corrections to the errors I made after the sensitivity had gone sour
a few months ago. I expect this sensitivity to last a week at most
and then for it to fade away and perhaps return in a month or two or three.

Some I will focus on for corrections include Oliver Stone, Kevin Costner,
Nicholas Cage, Nastassia Kinski, Lizband, Richard Gere, Keemu Reeeves,
remaining Beatles, Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, all eight women I said
were bridge-attractive lesbians,
and more. Probably I will scan the 3-part summary I posted and
repost only the corrections but will get the corrected summary of
matches on the web page this week. I will make a note on this
thread when I do that.

I will also try to replace the ->F, ->M, resurrection exemption with
direct matches where I can, as I have for Sinead O'Connor below, e.g.

I _may_ also tomorrow extract movie related matches and post that
list to rec.arts.movies.people . Probably I should do something
similar with the music related ones but will have to think about that.

Rare-4's and Rare-5's and 4th orientation should be of particular
interest to alt.polyamory. Oh, and though a rare-4 could be two twos
I think the full foursome family is stronger, and though a rare-5
could be a two and a three or two twosomes and a lonesome, I think
the full fivesome family is stronger due to ability and personality
complementation and mutual stability support.

Now for some matches!

Whoopi Goldberg rare-2 with Prince Charles

Brandi rare-2 with Ivan of the Railway Club in Vancouver

actor who played the prince in Whoopi Goldberg's Cinderella
rare-2 with Bernie Stapleton, St. John's Newfoundland

actress who played the more muscular sister is compatible with
the fellow (Glenn?) who played electric guitar with Ron Hynes
as a duo when they toured opening for Kashtin and Lennie Gallant
(I think he is still in St. John's, Newfoundland).

actress who played the tall slim sister is compatible with
Colin Farquarson, from Scotland, UBC geophysics (Earth
and Ocean Sciences dept now) Ph.D, finished, not sure
where he is now but I could find out.

actor who played the king is compatible with Celia (Makepeace?) of the
W.I.S.E. Club in Vancouver who I think is a teacher and who leads
a choir that has released one or two tapes. Again when I say
W.I.S.E. Club it means the basement lounge, west entrance, and
I will specify upstairs and/or Rogue Folk Club (uh oh I have to
think about them some more) if I mean it.

actress who played the evil stepmom, I think Bernadette Peterson,
is in a rare-5 with Sarah McLachlan, me, St. John's Newfoundland
singer/songwriter Natalie Nivera, and the woman who took my cover
at the Rose and Thistle on May 21 at the reggae/world beat jam.
Apologies to Natalie for saying she was lesbian before (and
to the other seven in that group of eight, none lesbian).

OK, I'll keep on in a movie frame of mind for now.

Jessica Lange compatible with Mike Keenan, Vancouver Canucks (hockey team)
general manager I think.

The actress who played the 4th wife in Raise the Red Lantern is
compatible with Shaolin monk Shi Xiao-feng who has all faded reverse
teardrop eyebrows. Hence if he has vows of chastity and wants to
stick to them she would have to look for another guy with eyebrows
like that (all faded sideways teardrop with bulb on outside). He
was in a group of touring martial arts whizzes and I saw his picture
in the paper a few months ago. Then I just saw the movie a few
days ago, what luck.

Kim Novak is not lesbian (apologies) and is compatible with
"teddy bear" Terry Reilly who is a singer/songwriter here in
St. John's Newfoundland.

Raquel Welsh is compatible in a rare-4, 2m+2f, with the St. Pierre (island
off Newfoundland) fellow who was at the Rose and Thistle May 21 when I
showed up late for the reggae/world beat jam (as listener, unless I get
in lyric generation mode sometimes) and with David Street of the W.I.S.E.
Club in Vancouver and with Jenny Lawn who probably finished a
graduate math degree at UBC in Vancouver a couple of years ago.

Hugh Grant is compatible with Sharon Cavanaugh, St. John's, Newfoundland

Michele Pfeiffer is in a rare-5 with Elton John, Joe-el Sonnier,
Andy Jones (Newfoundland comedian/actor/writer, was in Codco, more),
and Simon (British origin) of the W.I.S.E. Club in Vancouver (when
I say that it means more the downstairs lounge, west entrance).

Wendel Clark, hockey player, compatible with the woman whose first
name I'm getting mixed up right now, is it Roseanna or Patricia,
anyway, the famous Arquette who played in Desperately
Seeking Susan (again, Madonna comp. with 3 from the
Tea Party and Sean Panting, St. John's singer/songwriter of Drive)

Kate Elson, model, is Vico (I wondered was she Vico or Hain a few
months ago after my sensitivity had gone.)

Again, Jodi Foster compatible with Newfoundland comedian/actor Rick Mercer
(I'll recap other old matches I did, such as Nick Nolte, oodles more,
tomorrow, or may just post corrections and put the rest on my
web page. Also I said I'd extract and post old and new movie-related
ones to rec.arts.movies.people tomorrow too.)

Again, Matt Dillon compatible with Zola Budd, BUT
Carmen Diaz and her F partner are not lesbians, apologies, they are in a
rare-5 with James Belushi, Newfoundland origin artist Anne Pickard
(now in BC, in the islands I think) and Newfoundland singer/songwriter
Susan Gale.

Janet Jones in hockey section below.
Olivia Newton-John in music section below
Yahoo Serious in music section below

Now for some more hockey-related ones:

blonde woman who sometimes works at Healy's pharmacy who I said was
lesbian, apologies, is compatible with Scott Nedermeyer

Dyhan Roberts, suburb of Vancouver singer/songwriter, compatible
with Adam Oates!!! Good luck Dyhan!
Dyhan's m partner in rare-5, if all have oral cold sore virus, with:
"Stan" the doorman of the Railway Club
his m partner
(those three have no oral cold sore virus yet)
Brad, Railway Club sound tech
Chantelle? (is that her name) who is Brad's partner
(those two have oral cold sore virus, and for them to be
compatible with the first three the first three would have to get it)

Gino Odjick compatible with Karen Parent, Vancouver suburb

Jyrki Lumme compatible in rare-5 with Wayne Gretzky, Janet Jones Gretzky,
St. John's NF artist Grant Boland, and Casper (friend of Greg) who
used to play softball for the W.I.S.E. Club in Vancouver sometimes
three years ago. Again this could be a twosome and a threesome
though I think for family strength a fivesome is stronger.

Joey Maynard, Green Sleeves hockey forward locally, compatible
with NATASHA OF THE RAILWAY CLUB in Vancouver!!!

Zarina, newspaper classified/phone psychic, compatible with Mark Messier.
Her two female and one male partners are in rare-5 with his two female
partners, so it all works out nicely.

As I said yesterday, the woman who was the lawyer here for Daniel
Cosgrove a few months ago and who works out of Montreal is compatible
with the Canadiens coach, I think he's the coach anyway. She has
eyebrows that are like the dark shaded area between an upper curve
and a lower curve, with the upper one like a flat roof with intilt
and slanting eave and the lower one a smooth curve down from top
to bottom. The area between them is fairly thick, unlike mediator,
and it is as though there is a 45 degree pointing triangle on top
of the smooth curve.
Daniel Cosgrove compatible with Donald Ross (co-defendant in the
drug case) and Mary Cusky (plays fiddle with Sharon Shannon sometimes)
and Joan Morrissey's daughter (not Phyllis) whose name I forget, she
is a Newfoundland singer/songwriter.

basketball (so far, hey do I have to start reading the paper again):

I just matched those last few from clippings of a few months ago. Now
I'll look at this clipping of Michael Jordan... compatible with
blues guitarist/vocalist Rita Chiarelli of Calgary, Canada.

more music:
Boyd Chubbs (Newfoundland & Labrador poet and instrumental guitarist
whose second instrumental guitar CD is coming out next weekend I think)
is compatible with Kim Linekin, Vancouver (or Toronto now?)
singer/songwriter, former backup singer for Sarah McLachlan

Kim's m partner compatible with Ennis sister who was audience left at the
St. John's folk festival (Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival, come)
last year (1997) which caused me to vote for them for Entertainer of
the Year but not Folk Album and they won best folk album.

Kim's m partner's other f partner compatible with Marcel Levandier,
Lizband lead guitarist her in St. John's NF.

The centre (on stage, at the festival) Ennis sister is compatible in
a rare-5 with: Stephanie, Vancouver BC Irish fiddler, very good
Gary Collins, St. John's area teacher
his wife
and the tall blonde woman who used to jump up on the bar
at the Railway Club in Vancouver and who knows Ivan and
who is a really good stepdancer (dances on the steps)

The audience-right Ennis sister is compatible with
the uillean piper in Irish band Craobh Ruah (The Red Branch)
who I think is named Jim but I forget. Rawlins Cross and
Plankerdown may have met them that Vancouver festival they played.

Land of Ennis! :-) [a guy in Vancouver told me
Inistiogue means land of Inis and I have some roots there]

Olivia Newton-John compatible with a really good sound tech who did the
Brian MacLeod benefit concert at the Sundance and works at Eastern Audio,
and had short blonde-brown hair I think. (in St. John's Newfoundland)

Now I know the two main guys in Kashtin are Florent Vollant and Claude
McKenzie but I forget which is which. Thus

Fara, Vancouver area native singer/songwriter, compatible with the lighter
haired, slightly lighter skinned of the two, who on the Innu CD cover
is on the bottom.

Kim Mullaly, Capital Formals, St. John's, compatible with the darker
haired, slightly darker skin Kashtin fellow, on top on cover of Innu,
had his coat open to fly on the back of the booklet.

Alanis Morissette compatible with Barney Bentall (at least since she
got oral cold sore virus)

Rebekah, US singer/songwriter, compatible with Wayne Hynes,
St. John's NF singer/songwriter
Wayne's f partner compatible with Jacob Dylan.
Jacob's 3 f partners compatible if all have oral cold sore virus
and if all have oral cold sore virus are in a rare-5 with a woman
I shook hands with at the Rose and Thistle on May 21 whose name
I forget (Diane? Catherine? light brown hair, skier type, late 30s?, tall)

brassy-haired shorter-than-Diane Fat Cat bar personage who I said was Dorothy
Livesay is compatible with a guy I think with darker hair who busks on
a tapered drum on Water Street north side west of the Rose and Thistle
late some nights.

Sinead O'Connor I said was compatible with Colin Roach who is deceased.
Today I thought about it some more and tried to find a living match
and came up with a guy who grew up a five minute walk from where I
grew up, in Lakeview, Harbour Main/Chapel's Cove/Lakeview,
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, and who may be in Memorial
University engineering these days. His first name begins with
C. but I forget whether it is Clem or Clive, he is the younger
brother of Michelle/Tyrone/Helene/Owen and maybe others and is
probably late twenties. His last name is Fewer. But if his
eyebrows aren't like Colin Roach's (his picture is in the liner
notes for I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got) then I might be wrong.

Milla (Jovovich) is compatible with Lizband's drummer Mike here in St. John's.
Again, Liz Pickard of Lizband is compatible with Alain Stivell,
Marcel Levandier, Lizband lead guitarist, is compatible with
Kim Linekin's m partner's other f partner, and Lizband bass player Mike
(a different Mike) is compatible with all-faded peaked roof eyebrows
woman such as the one coming back here from Ireland in three days time
who was gentle fister model for the Waterlily gentle fister cover.
Steve, ex-of Lizband, of Fred's Records, is compatible with Trudy who is
on the front counter at Hair Factory Hotel Newfoundland fairly often,
at least late in the week and late in the day.

The woman who had bare shoulders at The Edge who I said was lesbian
is not, apologies. She is compatible with the older Gallagher
brother (I already did the younger one, compatible with Erica Andrews,
who local restauranteur Barbara Williams might be able to locate.)

Uh oh, Barbara is compatible with John Prine!!!

Bonnie Raitt compatible with Jimmy Whiffen, Newfoundland country artist.

Erykah Badu, who I incorrectly said was lesbian, apologies!
compatible with Newfoundland origin singer/songwriter Chris LeDrew,
now in Halifax more often.

The Spice Girl who I said was lesbian, whose name I don't know
(hey I might have to watch them tonight or is it on now and
match them all) is compatible with the Australian actor
who played Yahoo Serious in that screwball comedy movie.
(I just got my hair cut).

Melissa Etheridge is in a rare-5 with her partner and
Cheryl Soricelli of FTE list and John Shepard of FTE list
and a woman I know from pendulum, a bipolar support list.
Again this could be a twosome and a threesome but I think
it would be stronger with the fivesome.

Bob Dylan is compatible with the dark-haired woman who lives
next door just uphill from me who I saw out mowing her lawn
earlier today.

Now I meant to get some corrections out today too to some of the
late stuff of a few months ago but I've been on for 4.5 hours
and this isn't my computer so it will have to wait for tomorrow.
David Dalton

David Dalton

Jun 1, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/1/98

I have a bunch more new matches to post today, some royal related.
However I also have a couple of corrections to yesterday's batch. Why?
Because I had forgotten I had already matched some names, such as
Milla, Bernie Stapleton, Susan Gale before. I need to index all
the names or something. If I get it right the first time and then
forget and try the same name I often get it wrong. But in terms
of corrections of those I had wrong the first time (Nicholas Cage, etc)
I don't forget the first time but it is like a revelation/unveiling
of the correction (like I guess now's the time with her on stage here).

After the corrections I may type in a few of what I have on paper
but probably will leave some of those until after I correct my
three part summary of matches of a few months ago. I will post
those again in full with corrections and then the new ones on paper,
which keep accumulating at a steady pace. (David Dalton) wrote:

>actor who played the prince in Whoopi Goldberg's Cinderella
> rare-2 with Bernie Stapleton, St. John's Newfoundland
> comedienne/actor.

That is incorrect, I did Bernie before, to quote:
"First some inspired by CBC news Mar. 4 night.
CBC provincial news Advil commercial mom in rare fivesome with
her ex-husband, her ex-husband's other ex-wife,
one woman she is involved with, and Bernie Stapleton,
Newfoundland comedienne/actor".
Oh, the four women have no oral cold sore virus and the
guy does so for a compatible fivesome the four women
would all have to get oral cold sore virus.

The actor who played the prince is compatible with May Lou Retton
(I think that's her name) America's darling Olympic gold medalist gymnast.

Now for some royal-related insertions (not corrections).

Queen Elizabeth is compatible with
Prince Phillip and 3 women he is involved with, if all 4 of these
get oral cold sore virus (which Queen Elizabeth has).

The Queen Mum is compatible with (retired teacher?) Pat Strapp of
Harbour Main, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, who lives
in a house just next to the church.

The Emperor of Japan is compatible with the mum of the
early 90s W.I.S.E. Club 1882 Adanac, Vancouver, west/basement entrance
president Phil.
The Emperor's wife is compatible with A.N. Richardson, semi-retired
St. John's Newfoundland area optometrist and badminton player

Prince Andrew is compatible with the blonde woman in the Subaru ad
who drives off and leaves Paul Hogan behind.
Fergie is compatible with Paul Hogan.

Dodi is compatible with Theresa of The Railway Club in Vancouver.
(Oh, and David the blonde Railway Club bartender who said he was gay
is compatible with the woman with colourful stockings who used to
[may still] sometimes open the Book Warehouse on West 4th)

The guy who had his toes tenderly loved is compatible with
Raquel Hoekman, St. John's Newfounland jazz'n'more singer.

I forget whether William is younger or Harry right now, maybe when in
this loose mode my specific memory is slightly lower. But anyway,
for future reference, of Charles and Diana's two sons:

the older one is compatible with the daughter of Kathleen Wall of
Lakeview, my home town, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland,
who I think used to deliver the paper sometimes. She is 11 or 12.

the younger one is compatible with Elizabeth ex-of Ramea who now
lives on Burgeo Street in St. John's and is another friend of my
nieces. She is probably 11 and spent a year in Toronto last year.

Wow I'm getting way more name blocks than usual. Right now I have
a name block on the first name of my older niece's Woodford friend.
That friend is compatible with the male child actor in Raise the
Red Lantern. Now suddenly the name block lifted, her name is Lydia.
Oh, now I have to do the girl child actress in Raise the Red Lantern.
She is compatible with Kevin from up the street where I'm living in
St. John's, who is another friend of my nieces.

>The actress who played the 4th wife in Raise the Red Lantern is
>compatible with Shaolin monk Shi Xiao-feng who has all faded reverse
>teardrop eyebrows. Hence if he has vows of chastity and wants to
>stick to them she would have to look for another guy with eyebrows
>like that (all faded sideways teardrop with bulb on outside). He
>was in a group of touring martial arts whizzes and I saw his picture
>in the paper a few months ago. Then I just saw the movie a few
>days ago, what luck.

Now I'll digress from corrections to insert more Raise the Red Lantern matches:
actress who played the 3rd wife is compatible with Dustin Hoffman
actress who played the 2nd wife is compatible with
famous Canadian retired hockey goalie Ken Dryden
actress who played the first wife is compatible with hockey commentator
and former coach Don Cherry, also known by the nickname Grapes.
actor who played the master is compatible with actress Angela Lansbury
actor who played the young master is compatible with former Canadian
women's badminton champion Claire Backhouse-Sharpe
Her competitors Denise Cloutier? and Julie ? compatible and are
compatible with Newfoundland basketball player Glenn Taylor and
the very tall staff fellow in the 1978 Miquelon Summer School of French.
actor who played the housekeeper compatible with
Newfoundland harpist Gayle Tapper who recently released a solo CD
and is also in Bannerman Park band
his real life wife is compatible with Bob, second accordion,
in Bannerman Park Band here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
the actress who played the foot massager Auntie ____ is compatible with
Peter Bunton, Vancouver, BC psychiatrist (may have retired)
(then I did a series of psychiatrists and other medical sorts but will
leave those for later)

>Again, Matt Dillon compatible with Zola Budd, BUT
>Carmen Diaz and her F partner are not lesbians, apologies, they are in a
> rare-5 with James Belushi, Newfoundland origin artist Anne Pickard
> (now in BC, in the islands I think) and Newfoundland singer/songwriter
> Susan Gale.

Oops, I did Susan Gale before, she is compatible with Vancouver BC
flashy rockish-blues guitarist Mark Peterson, quite good 5 yrs ago, young.

Instead of Susan Gale, Sarah McLachlan will be glad to know perhaps, is
a woman mentor of Sarah's who is an artist-groomer type who left Nettwerk
to go to Sony Records (Canada I guess) but I forget her name. I think
Sarah made her a big set of love beads or something. Sheis in the rare-5
with Carmen Diaz, Carmen's f lover, James Belushi, Anne Pickard.
Carmen's husband Matt Dillon is compatibe with South African runner
Zola Budd, famous for running barefooted.

>basketball (so far, hey do I have to start reading the paper again):

I got a whole bunch of matches from the local Sunday paper last
night but will save those for later.

>Milla (Jovovich) is compatible with Lizband's drummer Mike here in St. John's.

OOPS! I did Milla before, months ago. She is compatible with
probably-in-Winnipeg Newfoundland-origin button accordion virtuoso
also good on flute and I think maybe concertina GEOFF BUTLER!!!
He may be working as a doctor now but I'm not sure.

And Lizband's drummer Mike/Bud different from Mike the bass player
is compatible with BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, or rather the
actress who plays her. He is early twenties I would bet.

>The woman who had bare shoulders at The Edge who I said was lesbian
>is not, apologies. She is compatible with the older Gallagher
>brother (I already did the younger one, compatible with Erica Andrews,
>who local restauranteur Barbara Williams might be able to locate.)
>Uh oh, Barbara is compatible with John Prine!!!

OOPS! I did Barbara before, she is compatible with St. John's
Ward. 4 Councillor Gerry Colbert.

John Prine is compatible with my first cousin Shirley, not the same as
the singer/songwriter in St. John's, but the one who is now of Chapel's Cove,
Newfoundland, who has multiple sclerosis. She is the daughter
of Bert and Minnie Dalton of Gallows Cove, Harbour Main, Newfoundland.
Uh oh Angels at work... Bert, who has Parkinson's, is compatible
with Doris Lessing, author. Minnie is compatible with Clint Eastwood.
My Aunt Madeleine Dalton, New York, is compatible with mayor
Julliani's father. My uncle Luke is compatible with Ted Rogers' mom.
Shirley's husband is compatible with a woman he is involved with,
Molly Johnston, and two women she is involved with.
Mariah Carey compatible with my first cousin Albert Dalton jr.
Cinder Calhoun of Saturday Night Live (stage name I think) is
compatible with Bobbie O'Donovan, fiddler, originally from Kelligrews,
Newfoundland. There, all that came when I tried to do John Prine.
Oh, and love can work healing miracles sometimes. Speaking of
Parkinson's, Muhammad Ali is compatible with my nieces' piano
teacher, who is a retired nun, Sister Margaret.

>The Spice Girl who I said was lesbian, whose name I don't know
> (hey I might have to watch them tonight or is it on now and
> match them all) is compatible with the Australian actor
> who played Yahoo Serious in that screwball comedy movie.
> (I just got my hair cut).

If they were on I missed them while typing and writing so will
have to worry about it later... No, I'm getting a sign to do
Baby Spice... she is compatible with the Colin fellow whose
last name I forget who is a really good Newfoundland-origin
softball player who now plays for a mainland team. He is
from Outer Cove. Oh, yeah, his last name is Abbott. He is
probably on the Canadian national team as well as I think the
Ontario Gators team. So Baby Spice and Colin Abbott.

I have loads more on paper since yesterday but I have those now
at least and will after I fire this off first focus on preparing
a corrected probably three part again version of the summary of
the matches of the Eyebrows: LONELY TEARDROPS & MORE; CELEB MATCHES
thread of March. The three original summary parts were posted
March 24 and March 25 and if you are in a rush they might be traceable
by . However note that I will post a
corrected version probably next after this one, hopefully by late
today Monday June 1, 1998, Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time. I won't
be on any later that midnight but it may take a bit of time to get to
you depending on newsserver feeds. And right now my Internet Service
Provider's incoming feed is not working well and is behind so that
I won't see any followups for a while unless you e-mail me a copy.

Now the draft eyebrow theory on my web page isn't really useful yet,
especially without graphics, for someone to do much in the way of
self-matching (actually it may help some). I hope to give that an
overhaul after I come out of sensitive mode. While I am in sensitive
mode I should spent my time making matches (dictating them to my
assistant who then releases them while I carry on making matches;
just kidding, I don't have an assistant) and then later I'll worry
about doing a big catalogue and a computer matchmaking narrower-downer
with collaborators perhaps. I wonder, other than eyebrows including
their positioning, tilting, fine details, etc, is there any other
data that could be used by those other than me in my matchmaking
mode? Maybe aura analysis if there is such, like Kirlian aura. Also
I think that some others (not sure about 4th orientation now that I
am not 4th orientation) may be able to do some matchmaking by learning
as many types as possible and then keeping an open third eye for new
types, and certainly watching for rare-4's and rare-5's.

I should post another one within a few hours after this one.

Oh, right, I shouldn't forget Nicholas Cage, though I wanted to post all
the actors in that local play together. Nicholas Cage is compatible in
a rare 1-1 M-F duo with Anna Stassis, St. John's, Newfoundland
actress now on stage at the LSPU Hall in Good Night Desdemona,
Good Morning Juliet. They were in a pic on p.21 of the Fri
May 29 Evening Telegram,
(don't know if the pic will be on the web page though).
I'll post the other three local actors later, and probably repost this
match at the same time... Oh well, I've getting vibes that I have to
do it now...
First, Kevin Costner is compatible with Collen Tapper, St. John's
Newfoundland softball player.
Richard Gere is compatible with Gioia Irwin, Vancouver Iyengar yoga
teacher. (I did Nusrat earlier in a rare-4 which I will edit.)
More on that later in the corrections later.
Now the other three actors in the local play:
Allan Hawco is compatible with someone who e-mailed me.
Selina Asgar is compatible with Mike Oldfield of Tubular Bells fame.
Janet McDonald is coompatible with Charlie Sheen.
Oh, and Emilio Estevez is compatible with the shorter light-brown haired
F front clerk at Healy's pharmacy Water Street location St. John's,
and the taller light-brown haired freckled F clerk is compatible
with Healy the pharmacist with dark hair who ran for council
IF he gets oral cold sore virus, which she has.

David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Again, here are some more new matches, mostly, perhaps some
corrections, and tomorrow I will resume the correction of the March
summary with more followups to the first part of that correction.
I have printed out the whole thing and will work on it after I
have to get off this computer in less than an hour.

Oh, first, I forgot to do the Whoopi Goldberg Cinderella Vizier.
He is compatible with Olwyn (or Olwen?) a Vancouver area (as of
around 1992-93) singer/songwriter/harpist who does some filk
music (folk music with a science fiction/fantasy theme).

Anne Murray compatible with David Lindley.

Nastassia Kinski comp. Mystery Machine drummer at least as of Feb95.
They are on Sarah McLachlan's label and are a Vancouver band.
Oops I mean the label she is on, Nettwerk, distinct from the label
she owns, Tide Records.

Kris Tyler who I saw on a Country Music Television video while channel
surfing is compatible with Randy Arsenault of the band Rock Island Sound
who may still be here in St. John's or may be away.

Alexandra Nikita, 12 year old painter, is compatible with the voice of
Bart Simpson.

Peg Power, daughter of John and Margaret Power (compatible again if
John gets oral cold sore virus) of Holyrood Newfoundland, is
compatible with the voice of Homer Simpson AND
voice of carnie guy with red cap in carnival show 9:30 p.m.
channel 38 here last night (Sunday night)
and the voice of Bart's mom, in a rare-4. Three other than
Peg have oral cold sore virus, Peg compatible with them if she
gets oral cold sore virus.

Peg's husband compatible with Tanya Tucker.

Peg's brother Loyola Power is compatible with
Jessica, Evening Telegram carrier of the month for May 1998 whose
pic is in the May 30 Telegram AND
Ralph Macchio, who played The Karate Kid, AND
the voice of Pippi Longstocking on recent TV cartoon Pippi shows
probably on Family Channel or Teletoon locally, half hour shows.

Robert Redford compatible with University of British Columbia (UBC)
computer science professor Maria Klawe

Jeff Buckley's ex-girlfriend was not compatible with him, and I
guessed she is the voice of the blonde cartoon girl (Lou Anne?)
on a King of the Hill episode last night,
she is compatible with St. John's singer/songwriter Dan Fizieri.

On the Telgram page on the back of the one with Jessica on it
is a picture with 3 guys, the one on the left with oral cold
sore virus, the other two with none. They are Fraser
Senciall, Rob Eddy and Chad Legge and are in a rare-5
with the guy in the Massage Therapy ad above them (no oral
cold sore virus) and Mimi Leder (Action Woman) (oral
cold sore virus), a female action film director who is
featured in an article on the same page. They are all
compatible if the ones without oral cold sore virus get it.
These divine coincidences (all on same page) never cease to
amaze me.

Robert Duvall compatible with
Stephen Spielberg's wife (I'll do him tomorrow in March summary corrections)
Doug Letto of local St. John's TV news
Cindy who used to work at the Fairview, then the UBC grad centre,
then the Yale (blue bar, she may still be there) in Vancouver
in a rare-4.

John Truesdell compatible with Willowkendra, who posted to
soc.religion.paganism a few times last year.

I have here that the Oliver Stone 1 million lines is true but
I'll address that again in the March summary corrections tomorrow.

Oh no, I said Kevin Costner compatible with Colleen Tapper (local
softball player) but the bit about the postpartum mom and her
husband is still true. But it is a rare-4. I'll repeat that
tomorrow in the corrections of the March summary.

Nicholas Cage compatible with Anna Stassis, local actor.

Paul McCartney compatible with Owen Mahoney and his wife
Anita of Avondale, Newfoundland and they were with Linda
and another of her type is a woman who 3-4 years ago was in
charge of paying Vibe Smith, then hall manager, for use of
the upstairs of the W.I.S.E. Hall in Vancouver for a Wiccan

Michele Healy, local basketball player, compatible with Tiger Woods.

Keemu Reeves comp. with Charlotte who is in Bev Winsor's Iyengar
yoga classes here in St. John's, Newfoundland and also does meditation
in a group that includes Lizband's bass player.

George Harrison is compatible with Pia of Gioia Irwin's Iyengar
yoga classes in Kitsilano, Vancouver.

Gioia Irwin compatible with Richard Gere. (I said she was compatible
with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan but he is in a rare-4 which I will correct
tomorrow in the corrected March summary.)

Ringo Starr compatible with Gloria Thistle, who just released a
country CD here in St. John's Newfoundland.

Paul Simon is compatible with the woman who was behind the bar late May 21
for the regular Thursday reggae/world beat jam at The Rose and Thistle
pub here in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Art Garfunkel is compatible with local singer/songwriter Sheri Ryan

a sub for Madame Chiang in her group (I'll post that again tomorrow)
is Hayley Wickenheiser, top Canadian women's hockey player, so
she is compatible with Rob who ran for schoolboard here under
"A Voice for Children" and three older guys, or I'll think about
younger subs later.

Mairead ni Mhaonaigh of Altan was compatible with Frankie Kennedy, R.I.P.,
and I guess one of his type is the actor who played Chewbacca the wookie
in Star Wars. I haven't seen his eyebrows though, if they are different
from Frankie's then I must be off somehow.

Priscilla Presley was Elvis compatible when oral cold sore balance was right,
and one of his type is Jay Triano, Simon Fraser University basketball
coach now I think, former national team member I think, Canada,
SFU is in Burnaby, suburb of Vancouver.

She Sha he the pipa player and her husband He are compatible.
(I forget how to spell her name, sorry.)

Jen Couch, biotechnologist, vegan, compatible with
Ralph Wiggins, geopphysicist, time series analyst, was stock market
analyst for a while, Buddhist. I'll repeat that in the March edits

SF author R(oberta) A. MacAvoy compatible with Pierre Bensusan, who she
used as a model for her character Damiano in the novel Damiano
(which she dedicated to Pierre) which may be availale in trilogy
part form in Damiano: A Trio for Lute.

Stephen Mitchell, translator of Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet
compatible with Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) English
professor and Dracula-knowledgeable Elizabeth Russell Miller.

Sunday Telegram, p. 19, may 31, writer Michael Printover (oops my writing
is messy, so that might not be spelled right) of Southam who did an
article on sleep clinics is compatible with the woman in the picture.

Smiling young Frenc tourist girlwoman in red jacket at left of front page
picture (? May 31, I don't know if
they have pics on there, I'll have to look sometime but am in a rush
now) compatible with MacAulay Culkin. Trip was a ritzy Concorde
one arranged by Daniel Weis director general of Gallic Aviation.

Ex-Boston Bruins player Sheldon Kennedy in rare-4 with my old neighbour
Kim Kennedy, her husband (Jim?) and Manon Rheome, who was/is a
women's hockey goalie. I may have spelled her name wrong.

Graham James, who abused Sheldon, is compatible with
Eliot Leyton, MUn prof,
Sister Miriam Martin (p.3)
Presentation Sister, St. Paul University theology prof
AND Angela Lansbury in a rare-4

Sister Elizabeth Davis, CEO of Health Care Corp. of St. John's
comp. with Danny DeVito if he gets oral cold sore virus.

p.3. Amanda Winsor, fire fighter recruit, compatible with the
lead male actor in Titanic.
Thomas Clarke also in the pic. is compatible with his wife.

I have oodles more on paper but have to be out of here by midnight
when my sister will be on her way home from an evening shift
(some remember when I had to be off by 8 p.m. recently) so must
run. It is her computer. Anyone want to donate an old laptop to me?
So later and tomorrow lunchtime I'll work on the March summmary
printout with a pen and then tomorrow get to the
Chatelaine+tennis and loads more, Paula Cole, etc.


David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

It's now Tuesday 2:35 p.m. NDT (NYDT+1.5h) and last night I didn't finish
the corrections to the March summary since I got sidetracked on the
Cheap Trick Live at Budokan record sleeve puzzle which led to
a match for Yoko Ono and the Double Fantasy record jacket puzzle
led to HIV C,D antibodies (Greg Malone has A,B antibodies). I
will post all this later but first will post some corrections,
again mainly because I had done someone earlier and forgotten
about it (e.g. Angela Lansbury comp. with John Lee Hooker).
I also did the outgoing president, incoming president, premier
of China and loads more, will post later. (Tricorner hat comp Edith Bunker)
Also I did Stephanie before so will have to fix one Ennis sister.
The sensitivity has been on for about 80 hours now so I'm hoping I'll
get another day or two out of it. But I may have to concentrate on
doing corrections and new matches more now and then worry about getting
some of the typing in done later. But I will do the HIV A-D antibodies
posts today!

>(again, Madonna comp. with 3 from the
> Tea Party and Sean Panting, St. John's singer/songwriter of Drive)
The 3 who were in an Evening Telegram picture a few months ago on the
entertainment page.

>Dyhan Roberts, suburb of Vancouver singer/songwriter, compatible
> with Adam Oates!!! Good luck Dyhan!
> Dyhan's m partner in rare-5, if all have oral cold sore virus, with:
> "Stan" the doorman of the Railway Club
> his m partner
> (those three have no oral cold sore virus yet)
> Brad, Railway Club sound tech
> Chantelle? (is that her name) who is Brad's partner
> (those two have oral cold sore virus, and for them to be
> compatible with the first three the first three would have to get it)

Oops, I did "Stan" before, he is in a rare-5 with
Alex Chisholm, Steve the drummer who works at The Railway,
and Randy and Stephanie are rare fivesome. Stephanie is
one of the best Irish fiddlers in Vancouver.
Randy and Stephanie had an oral cold sore imbalance which they just fixed
Steve and Alex have no oral cold sore virus yet but have genital herpes.
"Stan" has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes. Oh, Steve and Alex are
right now getting oral cold sore virus... both have it 2:50 p.m. NDT June 2.
All five are compatible if the first two get genital herps virus voluntarily.

Brad and Chantelle(?) just fixed an oral cold sore imbalance 2:54 p.m.
and are a rare-2.

Dyhan's male partner is in a rare two with Nadia Comanici, gymnast,
whoe last name I may not have spelled correctly.

>Gino Odjick compatible with Karen Parent, Vancouver suburb
> singer/songwriter

oops I did her before, compatible with Stephen Giles, guitarist,
ex-of the band Shine in Vancouver.

Gino Odjick is compatible with Buffy Saint-Marie in rare-2.
Her husband is compatible with Gino's oldest sister.

>The centre (on stage, at the festival) Ennis sister is compatible in
> a rare-5 with: Stephanie, Vancouver BC Irish fiddler, very good
> Gary Collins, St. John's area teacher
> his wife
> and the tall blonde woman who used to jump up on the bar
> at the Railway Club in Vancouver and who knows Ivan and
> who is a really good stepdancer (dances on the steps)

Oops, I did Stephanie before, see above.
The centre (on stage, at the festival) Ennis sister is as I type
getting involved again with someone by rectifying an oral cold sore
imbalance... fixed 3:03 p.m. NDT. it is a woman and I'll try to
complete the group...oh wait they know who...someone else fixed,
is a guy, at 3:05 p.m. But who are the other two women or other
one guy...oh, they know, a guy, fixed for o.c.s.v. but has something
else, 3:06 p.m. What does he have as well? Genital herpes as well,
so the first three would get genital herpes virus to be compatible
with him in a rare-4.
The second guy's wife is compatible with Gary Collins and his wife
if Gary's wife gets genital herpes (she is right now 3:10 p.m. and
has it), also Gary's wife's F lover is getting it (has it 3:11 p.m.)
and one more F, Gary's lover, is getting it (has it 3:12 p.m.).
This is a rare-5. Cheap Trick _crowd_ were similarly keeping me on
the ball late last night, I may have to edit my notes some when I
type them in. (On inside of Live at Budokan each figure is different and
each is different from the four on outside and some are women.)

The tall blonde woman mentioned above is comp. with Shaquille O'Neal.

David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Some more quick duplicate corrections. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Peg Power, daughter of John and Margaret Power (compatible again if
> John gets oral cold sore virus) of Holyrood Newfoundland, is
> compatible with the voice of Homer Simpson AND
> voice of carnie guy with red cap in carnival show 9:30 p.m.
> channel 38 here last night (Sunday night)
> and the voice of Bart's mom, in a rare-4. Three other than
>Peg have oral cold sore virus, Peg compatible with them if she
>gets oral cold sore virus.

>Peg's husband compatible with Tanya Tucker.

Incorrect, I already matched Tanya Tucker to Calgary based
singer/songwriter James Keelaghan!!!

Peg's husband is compatible with Tammy Wynnette.

>Oh no, I said Kevin Costner compatible with Colleen Tapper (local
> softball player) but the bit about the postpartum mom and her
> husband is still true. But it is a rare-4. I'll repeat that
> tomorrow in the corrections of the March summary.

Oh, I mean Kevin Costner, Colleen Tapper of St. John's Newfoundland,
and a couple probably of British Columbia of whom the woman was
in mental hospital recovering from postpartum depression the same time
that I was in, UBC hospital, I think May92 but may have been Sept-earlyOct91.
If she still has mental health problems at all then the entire rare-4
rather than two separate twos I bet would solve it.

>Keemu Reeves comp. with Charlotte who is in Bev Winsor's Iyengar
>yoga classes here in St. John's, Newfoundland and also does meditation
>in a group that includes Lizband's bass player.

I earlier did a match involving Keemu Reeves that rose out of a
train of thought related to Kathryn Tickell, British smallpipes
and fiddle player and more. I had her incorrectly in two
different rare-5's and then the supposed Keemu match in a rare-4
was incorrect.

The above later match with Charlotte is correct.

Now for the the others I had mixed up with Kathryn Tickell:

John Cunningham, Scottish fiddle virtuoso, and Kathryn Tickell a rare-2.
I think one recently got oral cold sore virus to fix the imbalance.

Roy Forbes of Vancouver and his wife are in a rare-4 with
Tonya Kearley and Kelly Russell of St. John's and all now have oral
cold sore virus, one of the first couple just got it (4:45 p.m. NDT)

Maria Kaliemari (spelling) Green Linnet Records, five-row
button accordion whiz, European I think, compatible with Nolan Ryan,
famous baseball player (retired I think). Oh, those Ryans!

>Gioia Irwin compatible with Richard Gere. (I said she was compatible
>with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan but he is in a rare-4 which I will correct
>tomorrow in the corrected March summary.)

I fixed all that up in another followup just a little while ago,
Richard Gere is compatible with Cathy Jones, Newfoundland
comedienne/actor, Gioia is in a rare-5 with Bjork and others.

>Graham James, who abused Sheldon, is compatible with

> Eliot Leyton, MUN prof,

> Sister Miriam Martin (p.3)
> Presentation Sister, St. Paul University theology prof
> AND Angela Lansbury in a rare-4

Uh oh, this is the third time I did Angela Lansbury too, and the
match with John Lee Hooker is correct.
The rare-4 above is correct except instead of Angela Lansbury
STARHAWK, well-known Wiccan author.

Sister Christine Bavis is compatible with Francois Mitterand.

>p.3. Amanda Winsor, fire fighter recruit, compatible with the
> lead male actor in Titanic.
> Thomas Clarke also in the pic. is compatible with his wife.

Oops, that is vague, I meant Thomas and his own wife are a rare-2.


David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Peg's husband is compatible with Tammy Wynnette.

Oops, I did't read my own writing correctly there.

They are in a rare-4 with Ted Turner and Jane Fonda.


David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Some corrections, especially the Cheap Trick ones with the Yoko and
then the HIV C,D antibody pointer, for you New Yorkers. I'll
repeat the bit about Greg Malone of St. John's (has A,B antibodies)
as well. (angel Tommy influence, angel John influence?) (David Dalton) wrote:

>Don Walsh of Tickle Harbour compatible with Diane of Herbs 'n Garden
>Things here in St. John's (near the Delta Hotel).

Tickle Harbour cello player Francesca Swann is a group that arose
out of China leaders matching. So why don't I do that now.

guy who was president of China last year and visited Washington DC
and is a buff of American history and tricorner hats, is
compatible with the actress who played Archie Bunker's wife
(I think named Edith in the show) on the LONG running TV show
All in the Family which ended its run a few years ago but may
still be around in reruns.

premier of China is in a rare-5 with
actor who played Archie Bunker (actor Carroll O'Connor)
actor who played Meathead
new president of China
Marie Osmond

actress who played Meathead's girlfriend in rare-5 with
Chelsea Clinton
Francesca Swann (cello player in Tickle Harbour)
Jackie Kennedy, prob. 35, of Avondale, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
Donny Osmond

>whereas a sample Vico foursome with Suzanne Vega would be
>Suzanne Vega, Edie Brickell (not from picture again),
> Julian Lennon, and the bass player in The Wingnuts and
> Bob's Your Uncle (I forget if he's James or Bernie

I felt the need to do the other fellow of the James, Bernie
two and the other Wingnut. They are compatible and are in a rare-4
with Suzanne Little and Michele Gould who were the leaders of
Lava Hay, a Vancouver based band that was on the same label as Sarah McLachlan,
Nettwerk Records. All four are now compatible 5:35 p.m. NDT. Tuesday
after one guy and one woman got oral cold sore virus (the woman just
recently). This is correct, Cheap Trick Live at Budokan had an interseting
number of characters on it that I will discuss below and the previous
match with Suzanne and Michelle was incorrect.

>Holly Cole compatible with Ian Kearey of Oysterband. Neither has oral
> cold sore virus so if one gets it the other would to remain compatible.
> That can happen partway through a marriage, and has to many.
> (e.g. Jean Chretien and Aline)

I think Jean and Aline fixed that last night, if my divination is correct.

>Holly Near compatible with Jackie Daly.
Jacky Daly's wife and two ex-wives and my sister Anne's boyfriend Pan Hann
and Frankie Gavin's wife are in a rare-5.
Frankie Gavin (of De Danann) compatible with my sister Anne.

>Mary Black compatible with Neil Diamond
> [If Mary Black gets oral cold sore virus.]
She has it, as of just now 5:46 p.m. NDT.

>Leonard Cohen compatible with woman with eyebrows like Archie's,
> maybe again (Suzanne?), so solid teardrop, bulb on outside.
> [Only if "Suzanne" gets oral cold sore virus.]
She has it, just now, 5:47 p.m. NDT. (GMT-2.5hrs, NST=GMT-3.5hrs)

>I have David Travers-Smith written down somewhere
>but can't find it and don't have the CD (Oliver
>Schroer and the Stewed Tomatoes) here but think
>from fuzzy memory he is Vico, maybe Hain. Remember
>I used to call Vico Niah.

>[I still don't have the CD here again but intuit he is not
>Hain or Vico, I'll have to check the CD later, and is
>compatible with the Paula whose name has come up with
>Bill Clinton's some lately (Paula Yates?)]

Oops, David T.S. is Vico, and I once mentioned him on the same line
as Kim Stockwood, for example.

Paula is compatible with well-known Irish musician Ron Kavana.

Miriam Kavana is compatible with St. John's singer/songwriter and
trad pub player John Graham.

>John Power, Jeff Kirk, Dave Aldridge, Tony Enders, Tony's wife
>rare fivesome. [John and Dave and Tony's wife are compatible
>and have no oral cold sore virus. Jeff and Tony are compatible
>and have oral cold sore virus. For all five to be compatible
>the first three would get oral cold sore virus. Most
>importantly right away would be that Tony's wife get oral
>cold sore virus.]
She just did, 5:54 p.m. NDT.

>My brother John in Banff AB rare fivesome with his high school prom
>date, Paula, Marcelle, Laurie, all compatible again, if STD
>balance including oral cold sore virus, no yeast infections.
>[At the moment the four women have oral cold sore virus
>and John does not, and has to get it to be in a compatible
>fivesome with them.]
John has it, 5:55 p.m. NDT.

>My brother George rare fivesome with four previous lovers,
>the bicycle one flipping gender. Oh, that would mean the
>guy on a bicycle was not a previous lover but if he flipped
>gender could be or a woman with same ultra-fine eyebrow
>details could. That fellow visited NF on cross-canada
>or at least eastern Canada trip shared partway with George.
>[Make that the three previous lovers who have oral cold
>sore virus and are compatible and George if he gets
>oral cold sore virus and Sook Yin Lee of Bob's Your Uncle
>and Much Music.]
George got it, 5:56 p.m. NDT

>Cheap Trick I think are compatible but I forget, it may involve
>two gender flips to a rare foursome, or it may be Vico.
>[I'm just going by fuzzy memory here and intuition/focus
>since I don't have the LP here, but the Live at Budokan
>LP cover,

My memory was fuzzy indeed, and actually I had it wrong back in
March too. What a trick! Every single figure on the inside of the
LP sleeve is different, several are women, and all are different
from the ones on the outside. There are 8 drummers in total! This
sounds untrue but have a real close look yourself.

>two in middle form a rare foursome with the two leaders
> of Lava Hay, Suzanne Little and Michelle Gould. At the moment
> left middle is comp. with Michelle Gould and right middle
> with Suzanne Little. The first two should get oral cold sore
> virus to become compatible with the other two.

This is incorrect. Suzanne and Michelle are in a rare-4 with the
two other than the bass player in Vancouver band The Wingnuts.

>two on outside form a rare foursome with the woman who does
> the duet skits with Bernie Stapleton on CBC news sometimes
> whose name I forget and the woman Zola Budd was alleged to
> have knocked over during a race. The one on the right and
> the two women are compatible and the other will be if he
> gets oral cold sore virus.]

The duet woman is Amy House and she will come up in the Cheap
Trick corrections below. I haven't yet done the tall
runner woman. ... She is compatible with Joe Kennedy.

Now the Cheap Trick corrections. Last night in the wee hours
I had a close look at the Cheap Trick Live at Budokan LP jacket
expecting a quick bit of work and getting a huge amount, that
was a tough one.

The guy with the hat on the left on the back cover is Hain.

Drummer on right on back cover and two on front cover have oral
cold sore virus (and just now genital herpes too, 6:25 p.m. NDT)
and are compatible in a rare-5 with inside left, in the left of the
centre big picture, standing blonde guy in yellow with yellow guitar
who also has genital herpes and oral cold sore virus,
and the woman who played Roxanne in the movie Roxanne
(which had Steve Martin as Cyrano) who has nothing and would
have to get oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus to
be compatible with the above four.

Steve Martin is compatible with Nancy Sinatra.

Now the rest of the inside of the LP case.

Redhead inside cover right top is compatible with Canadian poet Lorna Crozier.

The drummer on the lower right, drummer2, is compatible with
Vancouver drummer Sherry Lee.

3rd drummer, lower left with towel is compatible with Canadian tennis
player Helen Kelesi, hurricane Helen

4th drummer inside right center (in small pick second column from right
edge, third from top) is compatible with Lesley who used to work at
the grad centre at UBC sometimes from 1994-1995 and then went to
Ontario in 1995.

5th drummer just left of lower right corner, standing,
compatible with the Miss America who had sex with Bill Clinton.

6th drummer centre of the left edge compatible with
7th drummer, the woman in the big middle centre picture low background.


8th drummer upper right inside edge left of redhead in corner pic,
is a woman who is in a foursome of her, two other women and
a guy. They are in a rare-5 with YOKO ONO.


fellow blue shirt white guitar in diagonally from right top
is like Eugene Whelan (R.I.Party)
so he needs
Yoko Ono male type: Owen Fewer of Lakeview, Newfoundland
John Lennon type: centre pic left of centre in red shirt and cap, standing
Joan Morrissey male type: diagonally in from inside lower right in
yellow with eyes closed
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley type: woman in the picture with the 8th drummer,
standing under red star light with mostly bare arms, needs oral cold sore

kid (then) behind her is female and is compatible with Sean Lennon.

I'll do some more John and Yoko related stuff below.

upper inside left corner is female comp with
woman in pic just to the right of it in yellow
the woman in that pic in red too all three have oral cold sore virus
woman in pic below that with makeup stubble who has clamydia as well
as oral cold sore virus
guy in pic to left of her who has clamydia and no oral cold sore virus.
For all five to be compatible they all would have to have clamydia virus
and oral cold sore virus.

guy inside centre standing in beige o.c.s.v., gen. h., clam.
guy left edge second from bottom, oops I missed the one on the left,
the one on the right in that picture, smiling
guy on the lower left o.c.s.v.
two on either side of drummer5, one bare chested, one woman with apple
have gen.h., no o.c.s.v.
So to be all compatible they would all have to have
o.c.s.v., gen. herpes, clamydia (... they know, these
guys are keeping ahead of me so the virus list might not be right by
the time you see this).

OK, the one I missed last night, that I mentioned above, just
sticking in the corner of that small picture second from bottom
on left edge in red shirt with cap.
woman. compatible with Reggie Miller, basketball star.

woman in red shirt just left of woman with apple
guy in pic left of lower right with long bare chest strip and guitar
guy who looks a bit like a woman just to his right
the guy doing the pushup in the same picture
guy in big centre pic on right in red shirt

woman in middle of trio in pic on middle of right inside edge gen.h.
guy on her left gen. h., syph, clam., gon., hep. B.
guy on her right o.c.s.v.
woman in pic just above no viruses. Rare-4.
Oh the fourth got o.c.s.v 3 a.m. NDT earlier today in 24 hour terms.
Woman in middle of trio got o.c.s.v. a couple of minutes later.
Guy with 5 got o.c.s.v. a couple of minutes later.
4th got gen.herpes 3:09 a.m.
guy on right of trio got it 3:10 a.m.
4th got syph., gon., clam., hep. B 3:12 a.m.
woman in middle did 3:14 a.m.
guy on right did not yet I think (no HIV present)

Now for Amy House.

Two below the trio.
on left guy with gen.herpes, syph.,hep B, clam
on right woman with fake chest hair, has those plus o.c.s.v., gon.
fixed 3:50 a.m. (he got o.c.s.v., gon)

They are in a rare-4 with

Amy House, Newfoundland comedienne/actor, who has
gen.h, syph, hep. B, clam., o.c.s.v., gon., and right now
a yeast infection she could get rid of to be compatible with the
above two.
Philip Gardner or was it Philip Gard, anyway the guy who was a chef
at 290 Restaurant when I worked there in the summer of 1980.
He has nothing and could get the six viruses to be compatible
with the above three (after Amy fixes the yeast infection).

Others have to watch out for yeast imbalance too!! That can cause
short term disruptions in relationships and if it is during courtdhip
can end a promising courtship and if badly timed during a marriage
a chronic yeast infection can even end one there, just ask Steve Tyler.
Anyway, wash the hands after baking bread is my advice.

That's it for the Cheap Trick LP for now. Oh wait, the photographer.
Male. compatible with Margot Adler who wrote Drawing Down the Moon,
or if I have the name wrong, the author of Drawing Down the Moon

I'll do the John and Yoko Double Fantasy LP cover puzzle below.

> Raven Alan MacLeod has oral cold sore virus and
>nothing else and is in a rare-4 with the main woman
>vocalist in Celtic Connection and Jeremy Hughes
>who has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes
>and Janet Forsythe who has nothing. So for
>all four to be compatible the first two would get
>genital herpes virus and Janet Forsythe would get both
>oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus.]

Janet just got oral cold sore virus, 6:03 p.m. NDT.
Celtic Connection is a Newfoundland band which Feldman is agent for.
Jeremy was accordion player and keyboardist and co-leader of the
Paperboys in the early days of the Paperboys.
Alan MacLeod won a Juno with Bill Bourne for Dance and Celebrate
in 1991 beating out Figgy Duff and others and also once was
in The Tannahill Weavers.
Janet is Spirit of the West manager and Railway Club booker.

>Rita McNeil is compatible with a fellow with close-cropped
>hair who sang at June Hiscock's Wom/men Jammin' [a] Tuesday.
>Probably he's in the Collaborators now and I'll start going
>to that again soon, more likely if any lyric snippets flow.
Th Collaborators Circle is suspended until the end of summer.

>Stoaters, Robert Ford, Dale O'Sullivan, Sid Morgan
>Doug Schmidt, with Colleen Eccleston, rare five-some.
>[Right now the four guys have oral cold sore virus
>and Colleen does not and she would be compatible with
>them if she got it.]
Colleen does, as of 6:09 p.m. NDT.

Now some more LP related stuff. First The Queen The Game LP.
The guy on the right front is compatible with Princess Anne.
Freddy Mercury was Vico.
Guy on the left is Hain.
Guy next to him is Hain.

I'm getting intuition to do the photographer....
male compatible with the Spanish princess who was going to
marry the handball player, who is compatible with
Nancy Griffiths, singer/songwriter.

Now the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Double Fantasy LP puzzle.

First, last night I didn't think of the photographer.
Female. Compatible with Isaac Bonewits, ADF druid.

And also I glanced at the front at Yoko's pendant and earring
and the back at Yoko's belt and got indications to do something.

The jewellery maker is compatible with the belt maker if
the belt maker gets oral cold sore virus.

Oh, and I spied "geffen records". David Geffen is compatible
with David Foster and D.F.'s wife and Betty Parsley, Harbour Main,
Newfoundland. Betty's husband Ray is compatible with Michelle Fewer
of Lakeview, with oral cold sore virus just rectified 7:33 p.m.

Now can I type the old stuff?

Look at the back of the LP. The car in centre (front car). The owner
then is compatible with the person on the sidewalk standing to the
right of the pole.
The owner as of before 1:45 p.m. NDT June 2 (NY 12:15 a.m. today)
is compatible with my first cousin Jackie.
Her husband is compatible in a rare-4 with my second cousin Jeff,
Charlotte Lane of Lakeview originally,
and the woman who used to deliver the Vancouver Sun to 4503 W. 12th
back in around 1990-91 who was very afraid of dogs.

The car owner as of after 1:45 p.m. NDT is compatible with the
woman just to the left of the pole.

Person just sticking out of John's left shoulder is compatible with
the dark figure just to the left of the woman of the paragraph
above, near the building.

person behind the pole, hard to see, is compatible with
Ronald Reagan junior (once a ballet dancer?)
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Gregory? Hynes who played in White Knights with Mikhail
Yoko Ono's former as of 1:12 p.m. soprano sax player who has been
in a relationship with her. oops is again her sax player
1:23 p.m., then immediately undecided, still undecided
If the last mentioned gets o.c.s.v. (got it 1:48 p.m.).
For a Yoko match see the Cheap Trick section above.

Now look at the garbage can. The paper on top was picked out by some

The S-folded page was gotten by one compatible with Mayor Julianni (Giuliani?).
and this is a rare-2 and hence it is a female.

The lower page, still tilted 45 degrees, was picked out by one compatible
with Mayor Giuliani's wife and her three lovers.

An even lower dark print horizonal page was picked out by one
compatible with the one who picked out the tin can
again if the second gets oral cold sore virus.

The first's partner is in a rare-2 with the second's partner.
The first of those has HIV D AND HAS ANTIBODIES TO HIV C D.
The second of those has o.c.s.v. and HIV A.
Now I have divined that Greg Malone of St. John's Newfoundland HAS
ANTIBODIES to HIV A,B but this is unproven. To become compatible
the first above would get HIV A and o.c.s.v. and the second would
get HIV D. However I don't recommend this without proof that the
antibodies are working.

Now I will repeat the series with Greg Malone.

Oh no, that came off an incorrect old Spice match, and I have since
corrected their matches. But their ex-manager?

I wrote in the March summary:
>Their (SG) ex-manager has HIV A,B has been spreading B
>knowingly, STOP HIM..

Make that he has been spreading A,B knowingly, more recently.

>He -> F, comp with Greg Malone
>and is HIV A,B positive. ANTIBODIES MEAN A CURE.

That is true except Greg does not have antibodies for C,D,
but does HAVE ANTIBODIES FOR A,B. See above for C,D.
Greg is a well-known Newfoundland, Canada comedian/actor.
If he was checked before in a way that would have succeeded
only if he had antibodies for C and/or D then his blood
should be tested again before writing off my divination,
and this time for antibodies to A _and_ B.
(I think he is getting it tested now, 8:08 p.m.)

Now who is an ex-manager F type? Danielle French,
Vancouver/Calgary singer/songwriter, who has o.c.s.v.
Greg Malone does not have o.c.s.v. but has HIV A,B.
They are a rare-2.

Who is a Greg Malone F type? An e-friend of mine
named Tanya Park from Tasmania, who has no viruses.
The Spice Girls' ex-manager has HIV A,B, has had no
oral cold sore virus and is getting it now 8:03 p.m.,
has it, 8:03:30 p.m.
They are a rare-2.

Now I need a short supper break.


David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Some more corrections of Tuesday May 2, due to repeats, mainly.
And remember when I give a match there are probably some others around
the world of similar fine eyebrow details including positioning with
respect to the eye. But some eyebrow types are very very close and
it is hard to tell the difference. Right now I'm going more by
some kind of loose focus missing piece location tantric resonance
flower completion sensitivity than eyebrows though, for these rare groups. (David Dalton) wrote:

(re Raise the Red Lantern)

>actor who played the master is compatible with actress Angela Lansbury

oops I did her before, she is compatible with John Lee Hooker.
He is compatible with Princess Stephanie of Monaco.

> Richard Gere is compatible with Gioia Irwin, Vancouver Iyengar yoga
> teacher. (I did Nusrat earlier in a rare-4 which I will edit.)

Oops I did Gioia three times too and that was the second one, and the
first one is correct. That is:

"Gioia Irwin, Elizabeth, the puffy-eyed tall dark-haired
woman at the yoga gala I went to, Rob Wilson --> F ,
Rob's M lover form a rare fivesome."

So who is a female type like Rob? Bjork, European singer/songwriter.

Now who can I match Rob with? Obviously three guys and a woman.
I intuit such are involved already and are Heather Nova's
band minus Heather.
Heather Nova as I said in March is compatible with Dudley Moore.

"Stan Rogers res. exemption rare foursome with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
and two women lovers of his."

So who is a living Stan Rogers m type? Sam Peavy, originally
of Merryville, Louisiana, now may be teaching in a college
in South Carolina (I left my address book home). So they
could go to 2,2 or 4, and are a rare foursome. But I don't
remember Sam being like Stan in temperament at all.

Now Richard Gere I newly matched in my notebook... He is compatible
with Newfoundland comedienne/actor Cathy Jones of This Hour Has
22 Minutes on CBC the last few years (I think it finished its
run this past year).

> Allan Hawco is compatible with someone who e-mailed me.

Someone else who e-mailed me is compatible with the woman who played
the lead female role in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The person says
he is female but I'm sure it is a male.

Someone else who e-mailed me is compatible with Martin Sheen.
She says not.

I think all three are agents, Russia, US and China in order, and
don't want their cover blown. But even if not, I will respect their
privacy though if say someone compatible with one wanted to get
a message to one I would pass it on.

David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98

Theis is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY
TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
putting in quite a few insertions.

I will leave the stuff in on ->F and -> M and resurrection
exemption but unless there are major new age changes it now
could read, instead of transformation or resurrection, look for
someone of that eyebrow type of that gender. Also in cases where
matches are few only if homo sapiens has split into 55 species
tantrically if that is not true then there are more matches.
[CORRECTION: in the below I have tried to provide direct living
matches instead of the resurrection exemption, -> F, -> M
stuff. Also I'm pretty sure that homo sapiens has NOT split
into 55 species tantrically so there are more matches than
the ones I give, in general.]
Double triangle Halifax Joe Murphy bluesman type --- compatible with
Jean Hewson of Newfoundland (for him) but I forget her type.

Low hyperbola type only with a triangle on the outside --- compatible
with Rufus Guinchard eyebrow type. The first is the type of a woman
I walked east past, her walking west with 1--2 friend, about 5:55 p.m.
on a Tuesday in March on the North side of Water Street near the Post
Office downtown St. John's/
[Insertion: Since Rufus, who was one of Newfoundland's master fiddlers,
died at the age of 91 a few year I will try to guess a young living guy
for her. I'm getting the guy who breaks the tape in Chariots of Fire
but don't remember if he has eyebrows like Rufus. If he doesn't
then I'm probably wrong]

Like valley lesbian only with triangle (solid unless specified
otherwise) on outside compatible with short slanting SOLID eave,
no roof projection but I forget the degree of intilt or not.
The first type is like my sister Mary now but probably not in all pictures.
The second which is like a relatively tall mid-brown medlength
hair moustached fellow I saw in Fiefield's store about 5:50 p.m. on
a Tuesday in March, with a long coat on I think.

the woman with rev-Shania teardrop
[she, who I saw in the Avalon mall by Pasta Plus with a backpack
on and looking a bit lonely, is compatible with the
Villeneuve champion racecar driver, I forget his first name.]

[Shania Twain is compatible with her husband.]

[Celine Dion is compatible with her husband.]

Don Walsh of Tickle Harbour compatible with Diane of Herbs 'n Garden

Things here in St. John's (near the Delta Hotel).

flat bottom, top hyperbola, wide, thin, solid, eyebrow
like Brian Cheeter (compatible with Bridget Noonan)
the Mi'kmaq brochure plaid shirt fellow (compatible with
Alan Doyle's sister) sort of trickster teacher sorts.
Oh, Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea, compatible with Ariane
Behrend of BC, friend of the Paperboys, and the other three of
Great Big Sea in a rare fivesome.

Emile Benoit type compatible with Claudine type.
Noel Dinn was Hain.

Colin Roach resurrection exemption compatible with Sinead O'Connor!
[See previous post in this thread, that Sinead is compatible
with the living C. Fewer of Lakeview, Conception Bay Central,
Newfounland, now studying engineerling at MUN]

Joe Burke (accordion player), Hughie Gillespie, Noel O'Dempsey,
Anne Marie Desplaniques and Seamus Creagh are a compatible
rare-5 only if all 5 have oral cold sore virus. Those that
do not have it would not be compatible with those that do.

Christina Smith (fiddle, cello) compatible with flat roof with
ultra-shallow slanting eave hispanic looking ponytailed (?)
fellow at The Fat Cat once.

author Arthur Ransome was Hain.

Mickey Joe Flynn, Cathy Foley, Ron Fagan, Teresa Flynn rare

Deborah Fewer --> M, + Joe Fewer, + Debbie's husband +
Joe's girlfriend + her husband = rare fivesome.
[OK, in here, substitute, David Lee Roth for Debbie]
[But what about Debbie? She is compatible with the rest of
van Halen on the Jump song in a rare-5.]

Susan Gale compatible with Ellen J. Doody's husband,
Shiraz, Ship Inn bartender with the wool vest in
rare foursome.

[This is true, and I just realized I had done Susan Gale three
times. So who is Mark Peterson compatible with?
Lorraine Conway, Newfoundland country/etc singer.]

Oh, Mercedes Sosa is compatible with Greg Fewer of Fort McMurray,
Alberta, of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, originally.

Tammy Fassaert is compatible with Patricia Conroy's
husband. Patricia Conroy is compatible with a
Nervous Fellas fella, I think the drummer, at least
back in 1990-1991, but am not sure. His wife is
compatible with the teacher/leader of the Fogo Island
accordion group, Newfoundland.

Geraldine Nolan of Avondale, Newfoundland is compatible
with all of Aerosmith except Steve Tyler, who is compatible
in a fivesome with his wife and three ex-wives (comp. again
if all have oral cold sore virus).

Pamela Anderson Lee is compatible with the 5000m Olympic
speedskating foursome Canadian gold medal winners.

[Oops I thought Tommy Lee was in Aerosmith, he is compatible
with a female fiddler other than Mary Cusky who toured with
accordion ace Sharon Shannon when she played a Rogue Folk
Club gig upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall in 1995 I think.]

Karin of the W.I.S.E. Club is compatible with Dave Swarbrick.
Watch out for yeast infections, if no fire in past, that's why.

Christine of the W.I.S.E. Club is compatible with Derm English
if Christine gets oral cold sore virus.

Bob Seger is compatible with Dolores Keane.

Bev Ezekiel of Harbour Main originally and her husband are compatible
in a rare foursome with the starry panted fellow inside of Bob Seger
Live Bullet double LP and his wife. Joanne Doyle, Linus
Doyle and their spouses are Vico. Rhonda Doyle is Hain.
Phil Cunningham Hain.

On the back of the Night Moves LP by Bob Seger and The
Silver Bullet Band. front left --> F, back right --> F,
and then the two back left and those form a rare foursome.
[Lets see if I can get direct matches. Replace front
left with Happy Rhodes, singer/songwriter, and
back right with Victoria Williams, singer/songwriter.
Then they and the two back left form a rare foursome.
But for the front left and back right who are the
two women? Jennifer Warnes and Cynthia Lennon.]

Paul McKenzie of the Vancouver band The Real McKenzies and
who sometimes works at The Railway Club is compatible with
the woman Peter Gabriel is involved with.
Peter Gabriel is Vico and an e.g. foursome
(not same as rare-foursome) compatible with the woman
involved with Paul McKenzie, fellow with his head in
the light back of Bob Seger's Night Moves LP, and
Kim Stockwood. [But there are many possible Vico matches.]

Colin James is compatible with a sideways solid teardrop, bulb on
inside, no hangdown, not even as much as Tammy Fassaert's,
woman such as the the one I saw at the Village Mall 10
days ago or the one I saw at the Fat Cat bar 6 days ago,
or maybe she had a slight hangdown. Oh, maybe ex, comp, again,
from junior high? [Colin James will be compatible with his
junior high ex if he gets oral cold sore virus.]

Ray Davies, Lola, Marianne Faithful, Mick Jagger, rare foursome.
["Lola" and Mick Jagger are now compatible and have oral cold
sore virus. Ray Davies and Marianne Faithful are now compatible
and don't have it. All four will be compatible if all four
have it.]

Brian Davies (IFAW), Brian's wife, Bridget Bardot, Roger Vadim
rare-4. [Brian, Brigitte have no oral cold sore virus
and would get it to be compatible with Brian's wife and Roger]

Tom Landa compatible with Brenda Wade.

Jenice Boland (Tom's her husband) compatible with Paul Snow.

Ellen J. Doody compatible with Meatloaf, Jean-Pierre Rampal,
and the two dancing on back of Bat Out of Hell LP, woman --> M.
[Substitute in UBC Earth and Ocean sciences and Electrical
Engineering prof Matthew J. Yedlin for her.
Matt's wife Gail-Ann McLellan comp. the fellow who left the
Beatles in the early days.
The above woman who I had transforming to M will not, I guess,
so I will guess four guys for her. The Monkees! Are there 4?]

e.g. Stevie Nicks, Ike Turner, Tina Turner, Suzanne Vega
are a sample Vico 4-some.
[Oops, a Vico 4-some would be 2m, 2f at the right phases,
so Stevie Nicks, Ike Turner, Tina Turner, Mac Babb, e.g.
(Mac runs the Sunday jam, 6 p.m. to late at Erin's Pub in St. John's,
and I don't remember ever seeing him.)

whereas a sample Vico foursome with Suzanne Vega would be
Suzanne Vega, Edie Brickell (not from picture again),
Julian Lennon, and the bass player in The Wingnuts and

Bob's Your Uncle (I forget if he's James or Bernie but he
knows how to adjust his amp for best chi generation). He
is in Vancouver, BC. Again those are sample foursomes and
there are more Vico matches than in the rare-4's but I guess
with the phase stuff it is harder to find a match than for Hain.
For more info on Hain and Vico see my web page, though that is
in need of edit.]

Phil Cunningham Hain, compatible e.g. with Rhonda Doyle of
Phil Cunningham's wife compatible with Dave Kootnikoff and
three guys Dave is involved with, in Vancouver I guess.

Colleen Peterson resurrection (whenever) compatible with
current Quartette lineup, with Colleen P. --> M.
[I guess the resurrections didn't happen, and I'll
try to guess a male. Garth Brooks.]

Ferron compatible with Ian Telfer of Oysterband.
Ferron squeeze compatible with Tonya Kearley's sex-changing
sister (i.e., she is in female form, in six months will be fully M phys
and is now male tantrically.)
[OK, I'll try to guess a male... Barry Narod, known for his
fluxgate magnetometers, associated some with UBC geophysics
(now in Earth and Ocean Sciences Department), lives in Vancouver.
And for Tonya's sister, Tiny Tim of Tiptoe Through the Tulips fame.]

Holly Cole compatible with Ian Kearey of Oysterband. Neither has oral
cold sore virus so if one gets it the other would to remain compatible.
That can happen partway through a marriage, and has to many.
(e.g. Jean Chretien and Aline)

Holly Near compatible with Jackie Daly.
Sylvi compatible with a Mi'kmaq doing selective logging on
the Sunshine Coast who wears a jewel around his neck. Sylvi's
recent lover is lesbian, e.g. Theresa compatible. Alison is
rare fivesome compatible with Netti Farrell, a sax player
and one other that the sax player knows that Alison has been in
a good threesome with with the sax player., and the Arabic
descent male bartender at The Fat Cat here. (Oh, the tall bald
Fat Cat male bartender is compatible in a rare fivesome with
one woman he is involved with, plus the one with glasses and
her drunker friend on a Tuesday in March, plus the one who went up
to the left of the inner bar to ask something and then left
shortly after.)
Salma Hayek (sp?, Mexican actress) compatible with Conne River Mic'maq brochure
one-tooth-missing-grinning fellow now on Baha peninsula?
[No, he was there in March and is now in Conne River, come for the powwow.]

Mary Black compatible with Neil Diamond
[If Mary Black gets oral cold sore virus.]

Tammy Greer compatible with Archie Fire Lame Deer of the Lakota.

Leonard Cohen compatible with woman with eyebrows like Archie's,
maybe again (Suzanne?), so solid teardrop, bulb on outside.
[Only if "Suzanne" gets oral cold sore virus.]

Joan Osbourne compatible in rare-foursome with
OLiver Schroer
Rick Greenspoon
Janis Joplin resurrected, try.
[Joan Osbourne is involved with someone who is Janis Joplin type.]

David Travers-Smith's wife, Shelly Woodford,
Geraldine Leonard, and Guy and Brygida Cross
of Vancouver form a rare fivesome.

I have David Travers-Smith written down somewhere
but can't find it and don't have the CD (Oliver
Schroer and the Stewed Tomatoes) here but think
from fuzzy memory he is Vico, maybe Hain. Remember
I used to call Vico Niah.

[I still don't have the CD here again but intuit he is not
Hain or Vico, I'll have to check the CD later, and is
compatible with the Paula whose name has come up with
Bill Clinton's some lately (Paula Yates?)]

Wanda Lee MacDonald, Rosella Doyle, and two guys they
are involved with are a rare foursome.

Les Barker, Atilla the Stockbroker, Martin Carthy, Dave van Ronk
and M.(ichelle) Dean Kennedy of Lakeview, Newfoundland are a
rare fivesome. Les and Martin are compatible now and have
no oral cold sore virus. The other three have oral cold sore
virus and are compatible. For all five to be compatible
Les and Martin would get oral cold sore virus.

M. Dean's husband Larry Kennedy, now in Banff, Dennis Crews of
The Stoaters, Dennis's blonde ex-girlfriend, and a woman other
than Dean that Larry WAS involved with in early March are a rare
foursome. Larry and Dennis are compatible now and have
oral cold sore virus and genital herpes. Dennis's
ex-girlfriend and Larry's ex-lover are compatible and have
oral cold sore virus. For all four to be compatible the two
women would have to voluntarily get genital herpes virus.

Keri Hulme is Vico.
Deborah Terry's husband is Vico.
Kerry Kirk Hain
Tom Cruise Hain
Ann M. Davis Power Hain.
Chris Woodford of Harbour Main is Hain
(but there are loads of Hain matches)

John Power, Jeff Kirk, Dave Aldridge, Tony Enders, Tony's wife
rare fivesome. [John and Dave and Tony's wife are compatible
and have no oral cold sore virus. Jeff and Tony are compatible
and have oral cold sore virus. For all five to be compatible
the first three would get oral cold sore virus. Most
importantly right away would be that Tony's wife get oral
cold sore virus.]

My brother John in Banff AB rare fivesome with his high school prom

date, Paula, Marcelle, Laurie, all compatible again, if STD
balance including oral cold sore virus, no yeast infections.
[At the moment the four women have oral cold sore virus
and John does not, and has to get it to be in a compatible
fivesome with them.]

My brother George rare fivesome with four previous lovers,

the bicycle one flipping gender. Oh, that would mean the
guy on a bicycle was not a previous lover but if he flipped
gender could be or a woman with same ultra-fine eyebrow
details could. That fellow visited NF on cross-canada
or at least eastern Canada trip shared partway with George.
[Make that the three previous lovers who have oral cold
sore virus and are compatible and George if he gets
oral cold sore virus and Sook Yin Lee of Bob's Your Uncle
and Much Music.]

[The bicycle fellow compatible then with four women, who are
the other three Spice Girls, other than the one compatible with
Yahoo Serious and Baby Spice, and Amanda Hughes, Vancouver

My brother James rare fivesome with Jean Fewer and 3 other guys
they know. Right now James and Jean are compatible and have
oral cold sore virus and the other three guys are compatible
and don't have it, and for a compatible fivesome they
would get it (oral cold sore virus).

My sister Marg and her ex Neil are Vico (need two more
I guess?).

[That is incorrect. Marg is compatible with former MUN
basketball coach Bill Redden.
Neil Tilly is compatible with an Irish singer named Danu.]

Cheap Trick I think are compatible but I forget, it may involve
two gender flips to a rare foursome, or it may be Vico.
[I'm just going by fuzzy memory here and intuition/focus

since I don't have the LP here, but the Live at Buddhakan
LP cover,

two in middle form a rare foursome with the two leaders
of Lava Hay, Suzanne Little and Michelle Gould. At the moment
left middle is comp. with Michelle Gould and right middle
with Suzanne Little. The first two should get oral cold sore
virus to become compatible with the other two.

two on outside form a rare foursome with the woman who does

the duet skits with Bernie Stapleton on CBC news sometimes
whose name I forget and the woman Zola Budd was alleged to
have knocked over during a race. The one on the right and
the two women are compatible and the other will be if he
gets oral cold sore virus.]

Roger Waters, ex-wife of 13 years ago and before a bit,
William Peter Smith, his date at "junior high prom"
are a rare foursome. [Right now WPS is comp. with RW's
ex-wife and they have oral cold sore virus and RW
and WPS's date have no oral cold sore virus and they
should get it to become compatible with the other two.]

Back to the Real McKenzies, a Vancouver band, for a minute.
I already mentioned Paul.

Gay Philipps (of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland,
grad. high school 1980) compatible with all the McKenzies
of the first CD lineup except Paul, Angus McFuzzybutt and
Alan MacLeod but including Tony Walker.

Deborah Terry (of CBC, same year) comp. in rare 5-some
with Angus McFuzzybutt, Youri Younakov,
Gay Philipps' husband, and the white jacketed fellow in
the picture in the liner notes of my Hannibal Records
CD of Ivo Papasov & his Bulgarian Wedding Band's
Orpheus Ascending, which Youri is also in.

Bob Redmond, his wife Michele, Dolores Kelly (all of
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland and 34-35ish)
and the guy in the Hannibal Records CD Orpheus
Ascendning by Ivo Papasov & His Bulgarian Wedding
Band in the picture in the back row centre form
a rare foursome. So obviously Dolores and
the last guy are a good 2 match before 2+2 if
needed. Dolores is of Harbour Main, Newfoundland originally.
[At the moment Michele, Dolores and the Bulgarian guy
are all compatible and have oral cold sore virus and
Bob has both oral old sore virus and gonorrhea so
for all four to be compatible the first three would have
to voluntarily get gonorrhea virus. Or I guess Michele
could get it and then it would be two twosomes.]

Anita Best of Newfoundland 5-some with Ivo Papasov,
Ben Grossman, David Woodhead, Andrey Kamzabaiov.
Ben and David are in Oliver Schroer's band.

Nechko Neshov (of Ivo's band too) accordionist compatible
with Vibe Smith, Raven Alan MacLeod who is --> F, and
the Commitments movie lead vocalist but use protection for
now though I think HIV is cured.

[Now I have to fix this one up. Nechko, Vibe,
and the Commitments movie lead vocalist have nothing
more than oral cold sore virus and are compatible
in a rare-4 with Alexa ? former federal NDP leader
whose last name I forget who I think is involved with
the UN or something now.]

Raven Alan MacLeod has oral cold sore virus and
nothing else and is in a rare-4 with the main woman
vocalist in Celtic Connection and Jeremy Hughes
who has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes
and Janet Forsythe who has nothing. So for
all four to be compatible the first two would get
genital herpes virus and Janet Forsythe would get both

oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus.]

So that's the McKenzies (Raven was in.)

Rita McNeil is compatible with a fellow with close-cropped
hair who sang at June Hiscock's Wom/men Jammin' [a] Tuesday.
Probably he's in the Collaborators now and I'll start going
to that again soon, more likely if any lyric snippets flow.

Joseph Wall is compatible with a peak roof with solid on top
and shading on bottom of the eaves. I don't have his picture
here. C.B.C. 1980 grad.
One guy at the Fat Cat in March has eyebrows with a peak roof with
bottom half of the eaves faded and hence would look for a woman
with eyebrows like Joseph Wall's, with same oral cold sore balance.

[new insertion: he is compatible with Martina Navritalova,
tennis player. Her F partner compatible with Ford Pier,
Vancouver rocker. Oops, this is incorrect, Martina and
her F partner and her two ex F partners are compatible
with Ford Pier in a rare-5. At the moment Martina and
Ford and Martina's F partner are compatible and have no
oral cold sore virus and would get it to be compatible with
the other two, who are now compatible.]

All faded peak roof eyebrows compatible with the type of Lizband's
bass player who is compatible with the model for the gentle fister
on Heather J. Henry's gentle fisting cover of Waterlily magazine,
the model has been, I intuit, in Ireland in Waterford
town, may be in St. John's in the next couple of days (now June 1/98).
His name is Mike but I forget his last name and my CDs are elsewhere.
Great new Lizband CD I've Been Here Before out since late fall, no pic of
him though. He is into meditation and hard rock music and more and this
may be a compatible-again thing again; they had previous good vibes that
ended due to oral cold sore imbalance. I'll get his eyebrow
type sometime.

But do think of old ex-es, even junior high or (I doubt) earlier), and
possible oral cold sore onset splits and yeast infections.

Rory Gallagher resurrection (try) comp. 5-some with all
4 ex-wifes, so all 4-ex wives compatible (again?) now.
[OK, all 4 F are compatible, and we need another guy...
Jimmy Flynn, of Lakeview Conception Bay Central, may now be
in Holyrood nearby, younger brother of Mickey Joe Flynn,
and not the same as the well-known comic
Jimmy Flynn who
I now have to do... comp with the woman who is Ireland's
president, I forget her name (I know a guy, oh no I have
to do him too, is prime minister)...
Bertie Ahern is
compatible with his wife and the Conception Bay Central
Jimmy and Mickey Joe's younger sister Denise and her husband.
Well, even if they stick to 2, 2 they are examples for others.

All of Rumours F. Mac lineup except Stevie is compatible
as a rare 4-some now that the fellow in the cap on the
LP is --> F.
[oops no he didn't, who is a F replacement in the relationship?
Marilyn Woodford of Harbour Main, Newfoundland.]
[and who does the fellow in the cap match? Betty Fleming
of Lakeview, Harbour Main, Newfoundland, her husband,
and a woman racecar driver who has been doing well on the
Indy race circuit. The first three have oral cold sore virus
and the driver has no oral cold sore virus so for a compatible
foursome (or even to grab the guy in the cap for two
twosomes to start) she should get oral cold sore virus.]

Frankie Gavin (of De Danann) compatible with my sister Anne.

His wife compatible with Pat Hann (Anne's boyfriend) and
Jacky Daly's wife and 2 ex-wives in a rare-5.

Graham Wells (18) compatible with B.J. Kennedy of Lakeview (15?).
Graham Wells world class accordion, bodhran and whistle player,
already. Bridget Jacqueline should get a fretless roundback acoustic
bouzouki (5 string I guess, aren't they all) and has voice potential too.

Maire ni Chathasaigh !!! compatible with Phil Badcock, friend
of Graham's, v.good bodhran, accordion, fiddle player, 20?
(supposedly I might need lessons from her on metal-strung)
Phil Badcock is a younger brother of Jim Fidler and
Paddy Keenan could provide intros probably, he is an honourary
Newfoundlander now, by the way.

Stoaters, Robert Ford, Dale O'Sullivan, Sid Morgan
Doug Schmidt, with Colleen Eccleston, rare five-some.
[Right now the four guys have oral cold sore virus
and Colleen does not and she would be compatible with
them if she got it.]

Hugh McMillan Vico, compatible e.g. Camille Henderson and
[two other Vico at other two phases, e.g., Meredith Brooks, Vico,
and Billy Joel, Vico.

Cassandra Wilson Hain
e.g. male Hain: Albert Collins]

I had to break off and post this first part of March matches with
corrections and some new related insertions now since my intuition
started fooling up and I intuited I was supposed to post this.


David Dalton

Jun 2, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/2/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>>Again, Matt Dillon compatible with Zola Budd, BUT
>>Carmen Diaz and her F partner are not lesbians, apologies, they are in a
>> rare-5 with James Belushi, Newfoundland origin artist Anne Pickard
>> (now in BC, in the islands I think) and Newfoundland singer/songwriter
>> Susan Gale.

>Oops, I did Susan Gale before, she is compatible with Vancouver BC
>flashy rockish-blues guitarist Mark Peterson, quite good 5 yrs ago, young.

Oh, no, in the March summary edits I found out that I did Susan Gale
N times, with N=3, and there was a valid one before the incorrect
Mark Peterson match. It is:

Susan Gale compatible with Ellen J. Doody's husband,
Shiraz, Ship Inn bartender with the wool vest in

rare foursome. Ellen J. Doody is I think of Avondale,
Newfoundland, originally. Shiraz is of St. John's and
was once on pendulum list and at MUN and may be at MUN now.

Mark Peterson compatible with Lorraine Conway. Again,
Mark is a versatile Vancouver guitarist sort of in the
Stevie Ray Vaughan style five years ago.
Lorraine Conway is a Newfoundland country singer/songwriter
from Conception Harbour, Conception Bay Newfoundland.

Now I was going to post more of the edited March summary tonight
but the edits take a while since I have to do new matches in
some cases. Thus I am going to print out the whole thing and
take it home and finish the fixes in pen tonight and early
tomorrow and then post it later tomorrow.

Instead I will post some more of the new matches I have on paper
from the last couple of days, including some Chatelaine related
ones, Evening Telegram related ones, tennis related ones,
some movie ones, some music ones. But I only have an hour
and 5 minutes of time left on this computer (it isn't mine)
so don't know if I'll get it all in (plus I need a 5 minute
tea and cookies break right now). Oh, some more Lilith Fair
ones too but I don't know who's at this year's, I'll have
to look at the tour dates list tomorrow.

I'll try a quick one:
Indigo Girls compatible again if the non-Emily one (I forget her name,
but guess Amy) gets oral cold sore virus. They are compatible with
Chris Evert Lloyd (does not have oral cold sore virus yet),
Cathy Roper, UBC Audiology/Speech Language Pathology graduate
(who has oral cold sore virus)
and UBC Astronomy prof Harvey Richer (no oral old sore virus)
For all five to be compatible, the three without oral cold
sore virus would get it.

Harvey Richer's wife is compatible with Carl Sagan.


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Some more corrections of Tuesday May 2, due to repeats

again, this one for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (who when I couldn't
remember his name once my friend Jim Fidler quickly reminded me).
Jim is in Toronto in Needfire, check it out.

>"Stan Rogers res. exemption rare foursome with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

>and two women lovers of his."

Oh no, I earlier had Stan Rogers was Vico, which I now intuit is correct
so I have to match Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan now ....
he is compatible with the wife of the Mohammed who with her runs
Eyeglass Boutique on West Broadway in Vancouver

That Mohammed is compatible with:
the Mohammed who is a drummer and qafali (sp?) singer
friend of Baba Farid (Sufi, was Ted Katrensky),
the Mohammed who Cliff the social worker from Nova Scotia who
played for the W.I.S.E. Club softball team a few years ago and
probably recently too introduced me to once at the W.I.S.E. Lounge
Baba Farid (was Ted Katrensky)
and Baba Farid's wife
in a rare-5. Wow!

>So who is a living Stan Rogers m type? Sam Peavy, originally
> of Merryville, Louisiana, now may be teaching in a college
> in South Carolina (I left my address book home). So they
> could go to 2,2 or 4, and are a rare foursome. But I don't
> remember Sam being like Stan in temperament at all.

Sam Peavy is compatible with Clara Doyle in a rare-2
one got oral cold sore virus 10:20 p.m. NDT

David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98

(I'm fading fast, and have to sign off soon and continue corrections on
paper after a break, but here's one more duplicate correction. (David Dalton) wrote:

>On my sister's tape of The Benedictine Monks of
>Santa Domingo fellow on left middle --> F and they
>are now a rare fivesome.

>[F substitute: young grandma who teaches Tai Kwon Do here in St. John's

>now for the guy who I had a -> F after, a five:

>martial arts grandma male type: Ron Clowes, UBC geophysics prof
>Ron's wife
>Bob Ellis, UBC geophysics prof, retired
>William Slawson, UBC geophysics prof (retired?)

Oh no, I did Bob and Mary before, they are in a rare-5 with John Hiew
and Ophelia of John Hiew Watch and Clock Repair in Vancouver near
the downtown A&B Sound and Mary Barry, Newfoundland origin
singer/songwriter with jazz influences, now in Vancouver I think.
Oh wait, I had Bob --> F. A Bob F type is the woman who I said
was sangoma who is not I guess and is on the door of the Blarneystone
here in St. John's on Wednesday nights often.

In the above group with the martial arts grandma, substitute in for Bob
Li Kai Sheng, billionnaire owner of much of False Creek

And Bob is in a rare-5 with
MaryF m type: Wade Pinhorn, newfoundland bass player
John f type: Jenny Gear's mom (Jenny is a NF singer/songwriter)
Ophelia m type: Jenny Gear's dad
MaryB m type: Gerry Strong, Newfoundland celtic musician

>Bob's wife Mary Fitzpatrick comp. with. Bill's wife
>in a with Carole Gephardt and her husband
>and Lydia

oops, did Mary before, instead rare-5 with Carole, her husband,
Bill Slawson's wife, Jimmy Carter and his wife

>Lydia's husband is compatible with Steffi Graf]

OK, that's it for Tuesday posts. I'll continue with the March summary
edits tomorrow, including some movie ones, and also I have some more
on paper that I may not get to until I do the corrections. Also feel
free to let me know if I've done someone twice. (Did I match Rob
Luzitano twice? I'm in a rush now but will check tomorrow, sinc
it isn't as easy to scan the paper ones. I'll check tonight.)

Oh, and another CIA agent, F, who part-e-mailed me is compatible with
Harrison Ford. Does she have a hat?


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Stan Rogers res. exemption rare foursome with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

>and two women lovers of his.

>[OOPS. I said Stan was Vico before, and that is true, so I

>have to match Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan now ....
> he is compatible with the wife of the Mohammed who with her runs
>Eyeglass Boutique on West Broadway in Vancouver

> That Mohammed is compatible with:
>the Mohammed who is a drummer and qafali (sp?) singer
> friend of Baba Farid (Sufi, was Ted Katrensky),
> the Mohammed who Cliff the social worker from Nova Scotia who
> played for the W.I.S.E. Club softball team a few years ago and
> probably recently too
introduced me to once at the W.I.S.E. Lounge
> Baba Farid (was Ted Katrensky)
> and Baba Farid's wife
>in a rare-5. Wow!

>Sam Peavy is compatible with Clara Doyle in a rare-2

David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Some more quick duplicate corrections.

one quick one, then I''ll get back to typing in a longer post.

> (David Dalton) wrote:

>>Peg Power, daughter of John and Margaret Power (compatible again if
>> John gets oral cold sore virus) of Holyrood Newfoundland, is
>> compatible with the voice of Homer Simpson AND
>> voice of carnie guy with red cap in carnival show 9:30 p.m.
>> channel 38 here last night (Sunday night)
>> and the voice of Bart's mom, in a rare-4. Three other than
>>Peg have oral cold sore virus, Peg compatible with them if she
>>gets oral cold sore virus.

>>Peg's husband compatible with Tanya Tucker.

>Incorrect, I already matched Tanya Tucker to Calgary based
>singer/songwriter James Keelaghan!!!

>Peg's husband is compatible with Tammy Wynnette.

When going through my paper notes I discovered an earlier match of Tammy
to Ayan Kumar Dey, a Newfoundlander living in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who
has a letter on p. 11 of the May 31 Evening Telegram, which has a web version
at .

Peg's husband is compatible with Tammy's younger sister.


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Oh, and another CIA agent, F, who part-e-mailed me is compatible with
>Harrison Ford. Does she have a hat?

In typing in paper notes I found an earlier Harrison Ford

Carolyn Lim Chau, editorial and administrative manager
for Chatelaine Magazine November 1996.

Then I redid the woman I said was compatible with
Harrison Ford and she is compatible with
Teddy Kennedy if he gets oral cold sore virus.


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

> Also feel
>free to let me know if I've done someone twice. (Did I match Rob

>Luzitano twice? I'm in a rush now but will check tomorrow, since
>it isn't as easy to scan the paper ones. I'll check tonight.)

I found a Rob match on paper, that I had forgotten.

Debbbie Callaghan-Dyer (doctor, Churchhill Square, St. John's)
her husband
Rob Luzitano (Golder Associates, Vancouver)
Lori Fung (Olympic gold medal winner rhythmic gymnast of Vancouver)
are a rare-4

Hence I must match Liona Boyd again!
She is compatible with Hank Williams junior.


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>This is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY

>TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
>this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
>and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
>many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
>While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
>because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
>putting in quite a few insertions.

Now I will get on to the second new part of that edited summary. Note
that for the first new part I followed up on it with some corrections
in a followup in parallel with this one.
Roy Forbes, Roy's wife rare-2.

Kathryn Tickell,
John Cunningham, John's wife-->M, rare 5-some.
[oops this is obviously wrong with 3m and 2f, and I
intuit that John is not married.
Roy Forbes compatible with his wife
and Kelly Russell and Tonya Kearley in a rare-4

John and Kathryn are a rare-2]

Victor Smith, Victor's wife-->M,
Anne Ross (spiritual appointee), headless woman from middle of
three in Pagan Celtic Britain book with
resurrection exemption (try) --> M
and the male in Pagan Celtic Britain figure
132 as Epona, resurrection exemption (try)-->F
are a rare fivesome.
[oops, that makes 3m and 2f so that is wrong.
Instead, the Epona model was F -> M

so lets see, I'll try to do two fives

Victor Smith
Anne Ross
Victor's wife male type: Ralph O'Brien, Erin's Pub
headless woman male type: rowing coach who stalked the rower at
The Regatta
Epona model male type: Dominique Berube, Quebec geophysicist

Victor Smith female type: taller of two women fiddlers who
toured with The Stoaters once
Anne Ross male type: Professor Muir of Birkenhead,
England, English prof
Victor's wife
headless woman type: Cynthia Hawco of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland
Epona model type: Ali of one Avanti's Pub softball team in Vancouver]

John Lennon res. exemption
Eugene Whelan of C.B.Central died hit-and-run res-exempt
Yoko Ono (spiritual appointee)-->M
Joan Morrissey (NFLD singer-songwriter, res. exemption)-->M
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, res. exemption

are a rare fivesome.

[This I mapped to living matches in the followup to the
new first part of edited March summary, in the Cheap Trick

Great Big Sea are a rare fivesome with Ariane Behrend.

Mercedes Sosa compatible with Greg Fewer (NFLD, now in Alberta,
Fort McMurray I bet).

Geeta Iyengar compatible with fellow Keri Hulme modelled Joe
of The Bone People on and 3 other guys he is involved with,
so this is a rare fivesome. New Zealand South Island due
for some Iyengar workshops? I know I am (ouch, I bet).

B.K.S. Iyengar compatible in a rare foursome with Alana
Myles' mom, her ex- of 11.5 years ago and 5 days in a
very short relationship of 2 days, and the genetic mom
of the about 40 tall thin woman in Bev Winsor's yoga
classes (who is compatible with Pat of the W.I.S.E.
Club softball team) Stephanie?I forget?haven't been
to class since August.. Those last two have been in
a relationship since Feb. 25.

[That is correct except it was written March 3 so measure the
diary checking or whatever from then. ALso I meant
the last two in the rare-4 have been in a relationship
since Feb. 25. Pat and Stephanie? haven't met yet
(oh they just did 8:55 p.m. NDT June 2)]

Hey, I have to set up a service or something, with
a graphic artist and others helping maybe. But anyone
should now be better at guessing self-compatibility,
and any with 1st order tantric sensitivity (including
4th orientations ad certainly Leslie Leaney who has

2nd order and Luka Bloom who has 3RD ORDER and is
compatible with my friend Maggie Kasakende of Vancouver).

Just recognize the populous types, then don't limit but
say who is compatible with who, and be ready for (check
for) Hain or Vico (both eyebrows) and rarer 4-somes or
fivesomes (say you get two, ask is this part of a rare
4-some or 5-some).

[I'm not sure if the self-compatibility recognition boost
did occur but think that true loves have always been able
to recognize each other somewhat.
I'm not sure if those such as Leslie and Luka can do
matchmaking too but wouldn't be surprised.]

Leslie Leaney compatible with Herald Nix and she can project
lustiness on a crowd (at each other). Luka Bloom can
do stuff too like encourage near extinct (or extinct with
resurrection exemptions, like 20 or was it 21 dodo birds)
species to get lusty and more.

Robbie Robertson --> F compatible in rare foursome
with Heather J. Henry (Ojibway artist) and Roy and
Victor (B.C. natives) who I met at the UBC grad
centre, good pool players, Roy a bit better but
I fluked a few on him.

[F substitute for Robbie is the F psychiatrist who gave me an
hospital-leaving prescription at the Health Sciences Centre
around Feb. 20, 1996, I forget her name, have it at home

Now I'll try for a 4 including Robbie
Robbie Robertson
Heather male type: guy who did the big A painting collage
that was at James Baird Gallery above Word Play bookstore
in the last Bulgarian artist group show here.
Roy f type: Heather who works at the UBC grad centre main GSS office
Victor f type: Camille who was on UBC GSS exec a few years ago

Camille's four lovers are compatible with Clem Lee, old
friend of Camille, of Vancouver area and Railway Club knowledge,
Monday nights especially.

The mention of the name Roy made me think of Roy of the Railway Club
and he is compatible with Carole King]

Saqamaw Misel Joe of the Nfld Conne River (Miakupek?)
band and Lana Payne once of the Waterlily and
Roberto Car[r]asco -->F ex-Cuban Vancouverite and
the demonstrator with sign on p. D13 of the July 26,
1997 Globe and Mail in a rare foursome.

[OK, Roberto F type is Ethne Munden, local yoga teacher

Then a 4 with Roberto:
Misel Joe f type: Dragonmama of soc.religion.paganism
Lana Payne m type: Jim Hamp of soc.religion.paganism
demonstrator f type: Ravan of soc.religion.paganism]

Misel Joe's wife and Len Penton former president of
the Music Industry Association of Newfoundland
and Labrador are a rare-2.

Len's wife Deborah Clarke, harpist, and Tom Neville,
fiddler, of Vancouver (and of UBC Bookstore).

Andy M. Stewart, Manus Lunny,
Danette Eddy (NFLD fiddler), Arthur O'Brien
(Nfld trad singer), Phonse Littlejohn (single-row
whale music accordion) are a rare fivesome.
[They just all became a compatible fivesome with
some oral cold sore virus adjustments 9:15 p.m. June 2]

Sean McBride of Ireland, harp knowledgeable, is Vico as
is Sgt. Jim Lake, Mary Fewer of Lakeview, and my Aunt Moll
and they are in phases appropriate for a (non-rare)
Vico foursome but of course there are other Vico matches,
unlike some of these rare foursomes when they may be unique
in the species within appropriate age range.

Tracy Chapman <---> Cliff of W.I.S.E. Club softball,
pool, ex-Nova Scotian social worker.

Altan Island Angel cover pic has resurrection exemption
(try) and is compatible with artist Ross Wilson.

[A living match is my first cousin Mary Dalton, different
from my sister Mary, and of Harbour Main, Newfoundland]

Nat King Cole has resurrection exemption (keep trying)
and is compatible with Liona Boyd.

[A living match is Rob Luzitano, Golder Associates, Vancouver,
UBC geophysics graduate.]

Rachna ex-wife of Atul Nautiyal Calgary geophysicist
compatible with the fellow with ghetto blaster on
the Sounds Jamaica(n) One Love tribute to Bob Marley
tape who has FUZZY in-FLASHLIGHT type eyebrows I think.
One match only here within acceptable age range as is
true for all of these unless I indicate otherwise. She
may be in India, he may be in Jamaica.

Ron Hynes, Con Hynes, Enya, woman in front in Rankin
Family Fare Thee Well Love tape cover, and Bruce
Guthro are (now at least if there was cold sore virus
imbalance or something) a rare fivesome.
[imbalance rectified 9:24 p.m. NDT June 2 by someone]

On my sister's tape of The Benedictine Monks of
Santa Domingo fellow on left middle --> F and they
are now a rare fivesome.

[F substitute: young grandma who teaches Tai Kwon Do here in St. John's

now for the guy who I had a -> F after, a five:

martial arts grandma male type: Ron Clowes, UBC geophysics prof
Ron's wife
Bob Ellis, UBC geophysics prof, retired
William Slawson, UBC geophysics prof (retired?)

Bob's wife Mary Fitzpatrick comp. with. Bill's wife

in a with Carole Gephardt and her husband
and Lydia

Lydia's husband is compatible with Steffi Graf]

Colleen Peterson has resurrection exemption (try)
and --> M even now in form
(faster for travelling spirits) and with Quartette
current lineup are a compatible fivesome, now with
the subset of four living and compatible again if
there was an imbalance problem.

[Colleen Peterson male type: Garth Brooks]

Matt Molly, Derek Bell, Paddy Moloney, Sean Keane
and Sean Keane's ex-wife form a compatible rare
fivesome. I guess subsets could work but long
term dynamics are better with the whole set. She
has sound tech ability that could be encouraged.

Martin Fay is Vico, -> H now on way to F in 22 years

[Martin Fay is Vico, but I no longer even tentatively believe
the Hain and Vico gender transformation stuff.]

Kevin Conneff compatible with Martin Fay's wife
Stan Rogers Vico, replacement exemption (murdered?
and if murderer does not improve, instead of that
one, who I don't know, dying Stan would switch.
Oh, the murderer may have improved but may have
healing circle directions to atone for the crime
and if those are not got up with and/or kept up
with then the replacement might occur, with quick
voice switchover probable).

[I no longer believe such replacement might occur.
But Stan Rogers is Vico and hence I will have to correct
the Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan match and the Sam Peavy match]

Garnet Rogers 1-1 compatible with five string
electric violinist Caryn Lin who Cheryl Soricelli
knows I think, she has a CD Honour the Rain though
perhaps Honour is spelled Honor if U.S very,
good, reminds me of Hiscock and Schultz (Victor
Schultz and Richard or was it Philip Hiscock)'s
Spirit Reel a bit. Oh they, second cousins
Richard and Philip, along with Victor Schultz and
Sandy Scofield and Gary Comeaux (B.C. fiddler)
form a rare fivesome.

Oh, my I'm doing these as I type, some. Now
Claire Brett (Claire de Lune, Claire Throness?,
anyway Claire de Brett, BC cajun/etc influenced singer
songwriter) is compatible 1-1 F-M with NFLD
accordion player Frank Maher.

Now John Lee Hooker, 1-1 M-F compatible with
Angela Lansbury.

Important for FTE: Neil Young 1-1 M-F compatible
with Buffy Childerhose, Sarah's buddy, again if
there was an imbalance.

[There is an imbalance. Buffy Childerhose needs to get
oral cold sore virus to be compatible with Neil Young
... just did, 9:37 p.m.]

Heather Nova compatible with Dudley Moore

Dar Williams compatible with Glenn Woodford (reasonable
accordion player) of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
originally, town manager's son, is about 33 or close.

Eliza Carthy compatible with (Glenn's older brother?)
Eugene Woodford, good pool player but I ran the table
on him from break one May24 weekend once, who is about
35 or 36 but remember the lifespan average of 4000 yr.
The Woodford family is a musical family so I imagine
he knows some stuff. Instrument best for him: harmonicas.

Stan Pickett and his ex-wife are a rare foursome with
John Whelan, 34 or 35, from Colliers, Newfoundland,
and his ex-wife (or is he from Conception Harbour),
all compatible again.

Shane Kelly compatible with woman --> M he is currently
involved wih, plus Colin Morris, Chris Grandy, and
the Scottish woman Chris Grandy used to be compatible
with. Rare fivesome. Unlike what I told Brian Cheeter,
Chris's eyebrows differ from his.

[Shane-f-partner male type: Fergus O'Byrne
And the fivesome is STD-balanced, now, 9:41 p.m. NDT

and a fivesome for her would be
her (Shane f-partner)
the four other than Shane MacGowan and Kate O'Riordan on
The Pogues Rum, Sodomy and the Lash recording

Elvis Costello and Kate O'Riordan rare-2

Shane MacGowan compatible with Deirdre O'Leary of Halifax orig,
did M.Sc in geophysics at UBC and I think went off to Utrecht to
do her Ph.D and may still be there. 1-1 M-F one match for Shane,
another match is possible for Deirdre, one who is 18, but another
younger match for that one is 16 and has no match coming soon.
The 18 and 16 are in Philadelphia. Oh wait, happy 17th birthday.

[That last paragraph was written on March 6, and the stuff about
only one match worldwide was with the thought that homo sapiens
had split into 55 species in tantric terms. I no longer believe
this is the case so there are generally more matches than the
ones I'm listing, worldwide.]

W.I.S.E. Club softball: Max, Connie, Connie's husband
and a woman with eyebrows that meet in the middle and
are otherwise like eidetic memory eyebrows and who has resurrection
exemption (try) and has recall/access/change/other ability
to 4th ORDER!!! compatible in a rare foursome. She is a
pointy-haired boddhistattva in a wall picture where I am
staying. None living in their species, so they should
work on the resurrection exemption as I described before
and will get on the web page soon, and first work on
communicating with her "woman compatible with us with
4th order recall/access/change ability in travelling
spirit mode" e.g.

[I no longer believe in the resurrection exemptions.
A while ago I figured that there is a woman of her type
in Vancouver West End not far from Max. I'll try to
guess some more clues. She is the wife of the head chef
at Pepita's downtown.

that chef is compatible with Margaret, Steve Edge's wife,
Steve does the Edge on Folk show on CITR Sat 8-12 a.m.
and is head of The Rogue Folk Club which has shows upstairs at
The W.I.S.E. Hall, and he plays bodhran some, should get a
bass bodhran
Steve is compatible with Sandy Denny]

Freddy Mercury resurrection exemption F, + 3 other Queen
members on The Game LP = Vico foursome (one --> H_f,
herrmaphrodite who 22 years later will go to female,
one --> H_m, one stays m).

[That is incorrect, except Freddy was Vico, and I
put the corrections in the followup to new part 1 of
edits to the march summmary in parallel with this followup,
in the same file as the Cheap Trick corrections. The
guy on the right is compatible with Princess Anne, the
other two are Hain.]

Donal Lunny compatible with Maura O'Connell (again, or for the
first time even if cold sore virus imbalance existed),
Robbin Briana Greene, celtic jewellery seller in Vancouver,
and ELizabeth Hasselgren geophysicist of Calgary (uillean
pipe potential, unused?), and her ex-husband in a rare
fivesome. Hmmm, that means Donal or Elizabeth's ex-husband
have gone tantrically female and within 5 months physiologically.
Who? Luka Bloom could guess I bet. I intuit Elizabeth's
ex-husband --> F.

[Elizabeth's ex-husband F type: my first cousin who is my
Uncle Bill's daughter whose name starts with A. who I
think is the eldest

a rare-5 for the ex-husband:
Elizabeth's ex-husband
Donal f type: Shannon, fiddler with The Paperboys
Maura m type: Tyrone Fewer of Lakeview Newfoundland
Robbin m type: Eddie Shack, retired hockey player
Elizabeth m type: Scotty Bowman, hockey coach

Elizabeth's daughter comp with Arthur P. Smith, who graduated in
Physics&Math from MUN in 1985 and then went to Cornell to do
solid state physics research

Tyrone's wife comp famous music artist SNOW.

Scotty Bowman's wife comp. Vladislav Tretiak.
Scotty Bowman's f lover comp. Julius Irving, Dr. J.

MUN second year basketball guard
Erica Coultas has one match in appropriate age range in Basque
species, ex-Paperboys bagpiper/fiddler/occ/vocalist from the BC Okanagan
Valley, Kevin Ball, about 23 probably, may be finished UBC. Erica
has strong psychic ability and also consultation/readings ability which I
generally put separately than mind-mind-communication. By readings
I mean doing readings, like crystal :-) ball readings, for someone.
Oh, wait, lest she get banned from basketball let me mention that
psychic ability is more more communication than tapping and there
are some fair play/privacy restrictions and she might only get a
teeny advantage and then only from players who might be sort of
broadcasting their plans at least a little, i.e. not masking them.
It may be possible to fool her, for some. Hmmm, I wonder will
Kevin move here or will UBC or SFU raid her.
Her eyebrows are intilting fading at intip with curly thinning not
fading hangdown and teeny bump on top of the eyebrow just before
the curve down. I guess anyone like that could chat with her mind
to mind easily, soon if not now, or with mage (often have label
schizophrenic) or sorcerer (often have label schizoaffective or
hard to diagnose in between bipolar mood disordered [old term was
manic depressive] and schizophrenic) friends or other psychics who
might not be as strong as these eyebrow-denoted ones. Such could
get divine answers back if they have entity uphighlight(s), too.

[I don't think the mental health cure and transformation to useful
abilities worked out as I thought it would, but it is worth a try.
Also the bit about Basque species is incorrect now that homo sapiens
has not tantrically split into 55 species (I guess it still could
but I don't predict it)]

Cindy Randall is compatible with Doug Bailey who I know from
elementary school in Avondale. CIndy used to work for BC Tel
in Burnaby and lives in Surrey now.

Gerry Kirk, Brenda, Trent and Paul's wife = rare foursome.
Paul and Trent's wife = rare 1-1 M-F compatible.

Elvis resurrection exemption will be compatible with Priscilla again (try).
[A living example of that type is Jay Triano, Simon Fraser University
basketball coach, ex-national team member, Burnaby, BC, Canada]

Judy Foote, who if I offend my cv.html could be in trouble I guess,
Renaissance type or not, minister of Industry Trade and Technology
here in Newfoundland, is compatible with Jim Latimer of Lotek
Marine, rare 1-1 M-F match. Judy's husband is compatible with
Jim's wife in another rare 1-1 M-F match.
But they are not a
rare foursome. However, like a Vico foursome or rare foursome they
could get a big place with two big bedrooms such that all would be
parents of existing kids (3?) and there would be no trauma for them.
But in this case there would be no chance of all four parents
getting together in one bedroom. This would be a parental group of
four but two marriage groups of two within that parental group.

Ed Byrne compatible with Sandra Kelly, Minister of Tourism,
Recreation and Culture (come visit Newfoundland, have a look at my
nf.html too but I must correct a few things soon, like
get the Sound Symposium URL in).

Ward. 4 Councillor Gerry Colbert compatible with Barb who used to
be part owner of 290 restaurant. (Barb Williams?)

Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers are compatible with Kate Best
and the bass player (comp. again for her?) who backed her up a
bit at her last (?) Wom/men Jammin' headline spot a few months
ago in a rare fivesome. Jeff Power?

Stan Rogers res. exemption rare foursome with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
and two women lovers of his.

[OOPS. I said Stan was Vico before, and that is true, so I
have to match Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan now ....
he is compatible with the wife of the Mohammed who with her runs
Eyeglass Boutique on West Broadway in Vancouver

That Mohammed is compatible with:
the Mohammed who is a drummer and qafali (sp?) singer
friend of Baba Farid (Sufi, was Ted Katrensky),
the Mohammed who Cliff the social worker from Nova Scotia who
played for the W.I.S.E. Club softball team a few years ago and
probably recently too

David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Dodi is compatible with Theresa of The Railway Club in Vancouver.

No, he is compatible with Mother Theresa (I forgot he was dead, and got
hit with a good joke. But those types are compatible, no joke.)
Theresa of the Railway Club (also different from the Commercial Drive
area Theresa friend of Alison) is compatible with the viola player
in Acoustically Inclined.

Dodi's father is compatible with
Hamas leader shiek, who is ailing
Dodi's father's late elementary school sweetheart
the dead bomb-maker's widow
in a rare-4 which I guess could be two bedrooms but
that could still have healing effects.


David Dalton

Jun 3, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/3/98

June 4, 1998

Last night I did a whole bunch more corrections and insertions of
the rest of the March summary. However I have a bunch on paper as
well that is hard to scan for duplicates and I think I'll type that
in first.

But first, I said I though I matched Rob Luzitano before I did the
match with Liona Boyd. The match I thought I had made was him
with Olympic gold medalist rhythmic gymnast Lori Fung of Vancouver.
However I can find no trace of this in my files so far so am
assuming that the match of Rob and Liona is correct.
But then what about Lori Fung? Compatible with Kurt Browning
if she gets oral cold sore virus and he gets clamydia virus.
[Oops I found Rob and Lori in a rare-4, below. Liona
compatible with Hank Williams jr. Kurt Browning is compatible
with the Ito? Japanese figure skater who did incredible jumps.]

Now I will continue on with the notes on Sunday May 31st Evening Telegram.

p.4 If Kevin Burton, Land Rover buff, gets o.c.s.v., he is
compatible with Anne Petrie author and host of Anne Petrie's Talk TV
on CBC Newsworld channel.

Tony Collins, columnist, is compatible with Danielle of Daniel's Harbour
who posed with boxing gloves on on the the cover of Playboy

p. 5 John Gushue, information systems editor, comp. w. Etta James

if the woman who Danielle punched gets o.c.s.v. she is compatible
with Stephen Faudemer of Newmarket, Ont, about to ride across
Canada to raise money for cancer research.

p. 6 In the Beltone ad, Lorna Price (audiologist?) is compatible
with Oliver Sacks' illegitimate son.

Pakistan Prime Minister Newaz Sharat (sp? my writing is poor in this
notebook) is Vico (see
for Vico and Hain details though I don't believe in the gender
rotation and flipping, respectively, any more)

Ian Paisley is compatible with Mary O'Hara if he gets genital herpes virus.

Gerry Adams is compatible with Theresa Lawlor if he gets oral cold sore
virus and she gets genital herpes virus.

p.9 Southlands ad couple compatible if he gets gen.h.v. and o.c.s.v.

Rose Ann Evans of Kelmar is compatible with Timothy Dalton.

Bob Benson is in a rare-5 with
Cabot Martin
Gwynne Dyer if he gets o.c.s.v.
Frank M O'Leary if the rest get gen.h.v.
Hannah Gardner

p. 11 There is another rare-5 of
Francis Patey St. Anthony no viruses
Peter Fenwick o.c.s.v.
Peter's ex-wife no viruses
Bill Rowe o.c.s.v., gen. h.
Brian Tobin HIV A,B,C,D, hep. B, clam., syph.,
+ just got o.c.s.v. 3:50 p.m. June 4
+ just got gonorrhea 3:53 p.m. June 4

Brian's wife comp. with her lover.

p. 11 Moira Baird in rare-4 with Pam Frampton,
Jeremy Carter, St. John's (p.11) and James C. Butler

if he gets oral cold sore virus.

Ayon Kumar Dey, a Newfoundlander in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is
compatible with Tammy Wynnette.

This was done before the Peg's husband match so I will have to do
another Peg's husband match. He is compatible with Tammy's
younger sister.

Leo White of St. John's (and of the Salmonid Association of Eastern
Newfoundland?) is compatible with Lori Heath of The Citizen's
Mining Council.

p.12 William Johnson is compatible with Mary Ann Thompson if he
gets o.c.s.v. and she gets gen.h., and he gets HIV D and she
gets HIV A (i.e., she has o.c.s.v., HIV D; he has gen.h. and HIV A).
Again note that love heals.

p.13 Jane Armstrong, CP reporter
is in a rare-4 with Dr. Michele Brill-Edwards, both have o.c.s.v.
Jeremy Beaty hep. C.
Judge Horace Krever, nothing

Now more stuff not Evening Telegram related unless I say so.

Don Beaubier curator of Precious Metals - historic silver from
Newfoundland churches, last year at the Arts and Culture centre
has o.c.s.v., hep. C.
Cle Newhook assistant curator
priest in Holyrood HIV D
Christian Brother Colford who was at Roncalli in Avondale in 1980
o.c.s.v., HIV C
MEG TILLEY o.c.s.v., gen. h.
are an example rare-5

James Barbour
Tammy Fassaert's father
Buffy Childerhose's father
Mike who used to tend bar at the grad centre until 1989
woman who is Sarah McLachlan's parents' neighbour four houses away SSW
are a rare-5

Carl who used to sleep in the hall at 2406 W.5th sometimes and
used to panhandle outside west fourth Safeway and has had a
back problem and is a photography buff and has long light brown hair
and is fairly tall and i think his real first name isn't Carl
Is compatible with LIZ PHAIR.

Oprah Winfrey is comp. w. Glen Tilley of local Newfoundland
CBC TV late night news. He is not the same as the Glen
Tilley who used to be at CBC Radio locally. I didn't match
him on paper but will here now... He is compatible with
Vickie Gabereau (CBC personality) comp. Eddie the Eagle, British ski jumper.

Now I'm going to do a bunch of stuff from Nov96 Chatelaine Magazine
with Sarah McLachlan in the carrageenan suit on the cover.

Cover Girl model on back cover is Hain.
The kid is compatible with Robert Strickland, 11, St. John's.

Lancome ad inside front cover, model, if looking into eyes eyebrows
are same height above the eyes, comp. with Mike Sugimoto, Victoria, BC
doctor, runs the Witness e-mail list for Sarah McLachlan related info,
was on the more discussion-oriented fumbling-towards-ecstasy list before.

Mike's wife Sarah is comp. with the fellow on p.3 and p.43 in white and
blue striped shirt standing in the aging relatives picture. His name
is Allan Baker.

His wife Linda is Hain.

ad after p. 6 though I tore out some pages so it might not be in all
copies, Sears chanel no. 5 ad, model comp. John McEnroe.

Now some from the two editorial board boxes near the front. First
the first box.

Publisher Lee Simpson (also in second box) o.c.s.v.
senior editor Caroline Connell o.c.s.v.
associate editor Sarmishta Subramanian no viruses
consulting ed. Kim Pittaway o.c.s.v. gen. h.
Bjorn Borg o.c.s.v.
are a rare-5

ed. Rona Maynard
Venus Williams
health ed. Catherine Callaghan
Amy Willard Cross if she gets o.c.s.v.
Boris Becker
are a rare-5

managing editor Ivor Shapiro comp. with Fiona Apple.

on, a quick digression to the Can. ed. Time with Sarah on the cover
actor Martin Lawrence Vico.
Meredith Brooks Hain
Cassandra Wilson Hain

back to Chatelaine I think

Donna Alexander Zaica comp flashy Spanish tennis player whose name
I forget, her husband, and the Spanish fellow's two boyfriends
are a rare-5

Charmaine Gooder is a man and is compatible with
Marilyn Crawley (do I know her?)

Trish Snider no viruses
Sosseh Takdyan no viruses
Jimmy Connors o.c.s.v.
Tommy Sands (Irish musician) o.c.s.v.
are a rare-4

Arancha Sanchez Vicaro comp. w. Michael Posner.

Joan Mackie no viruses
Rina Maynard no viruses
Tols Chapman (Newfoundland squash, tennis circles) no viruses
Ben Munden (Newfoundland badminton circles) o.c.s.v.
are a rare-4

Monda Rosenberg no viruses
Dr. Catherine Gildener o.c.s.v.
June Rogers o.c.s.v.
Rosie Scwartz gen. h
Jean Charest o.c.s.v., gen. h.
are a rare-5

Trudy Patterson no viruses, other 4 have o.c.s.v.
Gloria Fuller
Ellen Lupu
Karen Anderson
Garry Kasparov

Ann Shier o.c.s.v.
Barbara Glaser none
Tommy White o.c.s.v.
Nancy DeHart o.c.s.v. syph. gon.
her husband o.c.s.v. syph. gon.

Tia Kingston comp. Bruce Hornsby

Jil Sander, Holt Renfrew, comp. Steve Nikleva, Veda Hille guitarist,
former Sarah McLachlan guitarist and Mae Moore guitarist.

Uh oh, I have to do Veda and Mae now.

Veda Hille o.c.s.v. gen. h.
Linda McRae o.c.s.v. HIV B hep B hep C yeast (at the moment 4:56 p.m. NDT)
Mae Moore o.c.s.v. HIV A
Nova Devonie o.c.s.v. HIV D
"Pierre" of Hard Rock Miners, ex-of Nyetz. o.c.s.v. HIV C
are a rare-5

I'd better do Zubin too.

Zubin o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam hep B hep C syph gon HIV A,B,C,D
AND HAS ANTIBODIES TO hepatitis B virus and gonorrhea
rest of Ngoma other than Marcos X o.c.s.v.
form a rare-4 or rare-5

Marcos X I matched elsewhere but will note now that he has
ANTIBODIES to HEPATITIS C virus and syphillis
Oh, I should write his match here. It is a woman like
Milton Nasciemento, one such is the mom of Tanya Park of
Tasmania who I had e-mail exchange with in 1990.

Milton is compatible with a Marcos X F type; one such
one such is the woman (co-owner) who used to
tend bar at The Loft, a St. John's Newfoundland nightclub.

Her husband is comp. with Catherine of NY/The Goulds who used to
be at the MUN chem cafe a lot in 1984-1985.

Catherine's ex-boyfriend of then is comp. with "Debbie" of Debbie Does Dallas.
He is probably in the Goulds now and Catherine is probably in NY.
The Goulds is a suburb of St. John's, they know some good versions
of Mary Mack there.

Now back to the Chatelaine stuff

Lucie Cousineau comp. with Bjorn in ABBA

Abbie Wellhausen comp. w. Stevie Wonder

Joanne Fyen is compatible with my first cousin Donny Terry who teaches
film at Concordia University in Montreal and is involved in the
film industry a fair bit.

Dan Nguyen at The Fringe is compatible with Newfoundland
singer/songwriter Toni Greene of Paradise, where a new
25,000 seat outdoor summer venue opened up this year.
She is in the band Lost in Paradise, and has a wide range
countryjazz voice.

Gina Hole for Chanel is compatible with Steve Bailey of the W.I.S.E. Club
(basement/west entrance, more often, but that's closed Mondays)
in Vancouver.
Steve's partner Pam is compatible with David Tripp who was on the UBC
grad centre executive in 1991-92.

Stacey Dallyn, styling (The Fringe?) is compatible with Vancouver-area
psychiatrist Anthony Sehon who used to (may still) work part time
at UBC Student Health Services.

Diane Opala o.c.s.v.
her husband o.c.s.v.
Jim McGinley o.c.s.v.
Brenda Cripps none
are a rare-4

Meredith Fuller
Meredith's girlfriend
Clarence Poirier
Paula Cole's ex of 4 yrs ago if the ex gets oral cold sore virus.

James Moran comp w. Room With a View lead actress

Suzanne Fleischman comp. w. William Hurt

Sue Condie is compatible with Ray Guy, Newfoundland writer/commentator.

Catherine A. Lewis is compatible with ACTOR Michael J. Fox

Jane Blackwood is comp. w. Rick Moranis

Steve Martin is comp. w. Shannon Tweed, Newfoundland born Playbuoy.

The Airplane fellow (Leslie Nielson?) lead actor with white hair
Thomas Perry, author, in Time July 21, 1997 Books section
Thomas's wife Jo
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Leroy Neiman if he gets o.c.s.v.

Naomi Wolf is Hain

Shalom Harlow is Vico

Carolyn Lim Chau is comp. w. Harrison Ford
OOPS I said someone who part-emailed me is compatible with Harrison Ford.
That is incorrect, she is compatible with Teddy Kennedy if

he gets oral cold sore virus.

Donna Cottell
Linda Silver Dranoff
Charlotte Gray these three all have o.c.s.v.
Suanne Kelman no o.c.s.v.
Rutger Haufer (sp?) blonde villain in Blade Runner o.c.s.v.
are a rare-5

Gina Mallett o.c.s.v.
Elizabeth Murphy recently got o.c.s.v.
Judith Timson o.c.s,v,
Sue Stone none... is getting o.c.s.v. now, has it 5:58 p.m. NDT
Thomas Dolby none... is getting o.c.s.v. now, has it 5:59 p.m. NDT
are a rare-5

Joanne Thomas Yaccato is comp. w. David Bowie

The one who did the box word processing/layout is compatible
with Reggie Miller.

Suzanne Thibaudea o.c.s.v.
Allan Rock none

In a recent post I indicated that Jean Chretien and his wife Aline are
a twosome. However in March I did a match of them in a rare-4
with Newfoundland country singer Jimmy Whiffen and his wife.
I'll try to do closer age matches below:

Jean Chretien o.c.s.v. HIV B
Aline o.c.s.v.
JimmyW older type: Paul Martin o.c.s.v. gon.
JimmyW's wife older type: Paul Martin's wife gon.
are a rare-4

Jimmy Whiffen o.c.s.v.
Jimmy's wife none
JohnC younger type: drummer in Rock Island Sound when I heard them at The Spur
has o.c.s.v.
AlineC younger type: other woman in the band Eye when the played my jam in
Vancouver on the patio of the grad centre (no ocsv) other than the
one who I said sounded a bit like Emily Haines and who
is compatible with
a living Louis Armstrong type who plays tuba and is named Art
and is (was in 1995 at least) volunteer coordinator for the
Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver. They have most of their gigs
upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall and rent that space from the
W.I.S.E. Club which also uses it of course, as well as the
downstairs lounge west/basement entrance, closed Mondays,
and you need a member to sign you in. Art is in the
Vancouver Morris Men and Jiggery Pokery as well, I think.


Now back to Chatelaine stuff

L'Oreal ad model, back of Sears/Chanel ad, and her husband are Hain.

Jane Weitzel Vico

Dawn Flynn Hain

p. 10 box

Mavis Julius comp. John H. Tory if she gets o.c.s.v.

Kirsten MacDonald comp. Billy Idol

Wendy Muller comp. Richard Dreyfuss

Reginald Finlayson ocsv, gen h.
Bill McDonald ocsv
Gary Fearnall ocsv, gen h.
Geoffrey Austin ocsv, gen h.
Steffi Graf ocsv, gen h.
are a rare-5

David Hall comp. with Sass Jordan

Rudi Rodrigues ocsv
Michelle Williams (Chatelaine) o.c.s.v. gen. h.
Dannielle Berthiaume none
Sherrill Rand Harrison clam.
Faye Gruenspan ocsv clam
are a rare-5

James K. Warrilow ocsv
his wife ocsv
Terry L. Malden none
Brian Segal none
Chatelaine VP-circ Michael J. Fox (not the famous actor, see above) gen. h.

Zero ad model comp. Sloan lead singer

Rhona Raskin, sex therapist, is Hain

Nivea ad model comp. w. David Byrne

Matinee ad model
her husband
Terminator-2 bad guy actor
his wife
are a rare-4

David Letterman
Sarah McLachlan's genetic mother
Sarah McLachlan's genetic father
Sarah's older adopted brother
Fernando Valuenzuela (baseball pitcher)
are a rare-5

Sarah McLachlan's adopted middle brother
Kacy Crowley, Austin, Texas, singer/songwriter

Oh, by the way, Party of Five are a fivesome such as the
one I listed with myself in. Neve is like the woman at
the Rose and Thistle.

Keith Hawco of Chapel's Cove comp. Cindy Lauper

Peter Gzowski comp. Julia Pickard, Newfoundland artist.

Chris Pickard, Evening Telegram, comp. Helene Fewer, Lakeview origin

Helene Fewer;s husband comp. Yanar, the maid in Raise the Red Lantern

Psychiatrist Adelman who used to work at UBC Student Health services
is compatible with Mary the psychiatry admin. assist. there if she gets
oral cold sore virus.

Maria Carrall, psychiatrist who used to be there in 1986, is
compatible with Robert DeNiro

Psychiatrist D. Irwin of Vancouver Hospital UBC site SeptOct91
is compatible with Joanne, admin. assist. in the office of
M.C. Nurse, 35 Campbell Ave., St. John's.

Psychiatrist Lance Patrick, UBC site again, or was in May92,
is compatible with Mary Anne Lewis who used to go out with
Paddy Grace of Colliers, newfoundland.

Paddy Grace is compatible with the leading actress in
I've Heard the Mermaids Singing.

Debbbie Callaghan-Dyer (doctor, Churchhill Square, St. John's)
her husband
Rob Luzitano (Golder Associates, Vancouver)
Lori Fung (Olympic gold medal winner rhythmic gymnast of Vancouver)
are a rare-4

Hence I must match Liona Boyd again!
She is compatible with Hank Williams junior.

Maggie Kasakende of Vancouver is comp. w. Luka Bloom of Ireland

psychiatrist Tony Walsh, at Health Sciences Centre in St. John's Feb96
Maggie's friend Renny
2 women he is involved with
are a rare-4

Psychiatrist Kariaganis, at Waterford Hospital here in St. John's June96
compatible with Sister Joan Baldwin who was at Roncalli in Avondale
in 1980.

Dr. M.C. Nurse, my current psychiatrist here in St. John's, is
compatible with Nova Scotia NDP leader Megan Mcdonohugh (sp?).

Lou Anne, pharmacist at Vancouver Hospital UBC site,
compatible with Wilt Chamberlain.

Scottish doctor in Avondale in the late 70s I had
compatible with Karen Matheson but that was a duplicate, she is
compatible with a fiddler from Colinet who plays with Ed Didham
sometimes. The doctor is compatible with Karen's mom.

Orthodontist Brett-Williams (retired) comp. Shirley MacLaine.

orthopedic doctor Dingle comp. Mary Tylor Moore

optometrist A. Richler comp. Susan Harada, CBC

optometrist D. Richardson comp. woman who co-anchors with Doug Letto locally

Oh, I said Dodi was compatible with Theresa of The Railway Club but

he is compatible with Mother Theresa (I forgot he was dead, and got

hit with a good joke).

Theresa of the Railway Club (also different from the Commercial Drive
area Theresa friend of Alison) is compatible with the viola player
in Acoustically Inclined.

Dodi's father is compatible with
Hamas leader shiek, who is ailing
Dodi's father's late elementary school sweetheart
the dead bomb-maker's widow
in a rare-4 which I guess could be two bedrooms but
that could still have healing effects.

Sandra Bullock and Patrick Markey are compatible if he gets ocsv.
He did, 7:02 p.m. NDT.

All right, I have some more new stuff (Ali Farka Toure, load more)
as well as corrections/insertions for the March summary but
have to take a break now. I may get on again later this evening or
may not.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98

A couple of corrections on Brian Tobin and Brian Terry. (David Dalton) wrote:

>June 4, 1998

Actually it was June 3, it is now June 4.

>p. 11 There is another rare-5 of
> Francis Patey St. Anthony no viruses
> Peter Fenwick o.c.s.v.
> Peter's ex-wife no viruses
> Bill Rowe o.c.s.v., gen. h.
> Brian Tobin HIV A,B,C,D, hep. B, clam., syph.,
> + just got o.c.s.v. 3:50 p.m. June 4
> + just got gonorrhea 3:53 p.m. June 4

>Brian's wife comp. with her lover.

Oh, no, that was a duplicate, I have another one for Brian and his
wife which I will post a little later. Apologies to Brian!
I'll also post one for Dodi's younger brother.

A replacement for Brian which makes the above rare-5 a valid one
is Francis Patey's lover.

Oh, and EBOLA is hepatitis A with a handle that makes it more easily
transmittable. I speculated last night that that was engineered in
but decided it was not. But the political thoughts led to
Lyndon Johnson comp. with Michael Jordan's wife.

p.s. as in March, Art Stoyles comp. with June Tabor
(I felt the need to get that out, thought Jim would have told him)

David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:
(About the Double Fantasy LP cover)

>Look at the back of the LP. The car in centre (front car). The owner
>then is compatible with the person on the sidewalk standing to the
>right of the pole.
> The owner as of before 1:45 p.m. NDT June 2 (NY 12:15 a.m. today)
>is compatible with my first cousin Jackie.


> Her husband is compatible in a rare-4 with my second cousin Jeff,
> Charlotte Lane of Lakeview originally,
>and the woman who used to deliver the Vancouver Sun to 4503 W. 12th
> back in around 1990-91 who was very afraid of dogs.

Last in the March sensitivity period I did a series of matches
in which I was erroneously saying there were evil doubles
around and matching them too. These I left out of the March
summary. However I've found now that some of them are correct.
One such is the one matching Charlotte Lane with rocker Lux something.

A substitute for Charlotte in the above rare-4 is Charlotte's
first cousin, a woman.

What other March ones hold?

Brian Terry -> F comp. with Irish fellow who was upstairs at the W.I.S.E.
one evening for the Ceomantas Ceolta or Setenata Irish language/etc
session and came downstairs to the lounge and demonstrated to me the
proper way to spread and steady the fingers for a pool bridge.

That fellow female type: Tara McLean comp. with Brian Terry.
(who is my first cousin and head of Nautical Data International
here in St. John's). Tara is a Nettwerk records singer/songwriter
I think from PEI originally and now Vancouver-based.

I'll repeat it later in the March summary corrections since it is part
of a series, but one of three that the famous British tabloid/movie
political prostitute (Christine?) is involved with is married.
He->f compatible with Keith Richards. He->F type is Brian
Terry's wife Joanne, who is thus compatible with Keith Richards.

Harry Martin comp. with Katie Rich.

Cecili Bartoli, March matchs were no good, but she is compatible
with Jim Whelan of Colliers, Newfoundland, older brother of
the Eugene Whelan who got killed in a hit and run a few years ago.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Peg's husband is compatible with Tammy's younger sister.

Oops, they are in a rare-4 with Ted Turner and Jane Fonda.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>And Bob is in a rare-5 with
>MaryF m type: Wade Pinhorn, newfoundland bass player
>John f type: Jenny Gear's mom (Jenny is a NF singer/songwriter)
>Ophelia m type: Jenny Gear's dad
>MaryB m type: Gerry Strong, Newfoundland celtic musician

Substitute in for Bob Ellis
the balding guy at Hotel Newfoundland Hair Factory.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Brian Terry -> F comp. with Irish fellow who was upstairs at the W.I.S.E.
> one evening for the Ceomantas Ceolta or Setenata Irish language/etc
> session and came downstairs to the lounge and demonstrated to me the
> proper way to spread and steady the fingers for a pool bridge.

>That fellow female type...

OK, I forgot to put in the match for that fellow. Oh, no, this
tangled web of followups is making it hard for me to figure which
duplicate takes precedence. Also if I said June 4 yesterday when
the time stamp on the file indicates June 3, use that.

I have the match for the Irish fellow here. It is the friend of
Margaret the opera singer who sang a few opera bits at my jam
once at the UBC grad centre. UBC Music friend Ms. A mightknow
Margaret and/or her. Bartender Gary Hughes might know Margaret
and/or her. UBC Music Dept might. UBC Alumni might. I think
her name is Roberta but forget.

my niece Ellen, 8, not Madame Chiang type, rare-2 comp
with Emperor of Japan's grandson who turned 9 last night
at 11:38 p.m. NDT June 3 .

Ms. A., above, comp. with parents of that grandson, father's lover,
mother's lover in a rare-5.

TSC Dairy Queen (a woman who worked at the TSC Dairy Queen or equivalent
when I was at the library and dropped by one day, very poor clue)
is compatible with Irish musician Ron Kavana's younger brother.
So maybe he should go to Memorial University to study and hang around
the Thompson Student Centre. :-)

Greg Bear (SF author), his wife, Connie Cudrak (Calg. geophysicist),
her husband (Calgary, geophysicist I think) rare-4

Did I do a Michelle Williams duplicate? I'll check later today.

The sensitivity has been on for 5.5 days now and I don't expect
to get much more out of it, maybe another couple of days, and then
it wouldn't return for 1--3 months if then. If it didn't return
then, or even in a year, perhaps it might in ten years (one sunspot
cycle minus one year). Or maybe it won't, if we have enough data
now to work it out from there. I bet there are a few different
old eyebrow charts around the world, too.
Oh, I still didn't make note of the two other types of bi eyebrows
in my web page so maybe they are on one of those old charts. If not,
I know how to identify their tantric resonances, and maybe recognize
some I saw in passing and didn't stare at. Oh, but I'm not sure if
I can identify their tantric resonances when I'm not in this matchmaking
sensitive mode, probably not.


poet Diane Wakaski comp. w. Wilt Chamberlain.

James Randi comp. Larry Kennedy's Aunt Mary (of Holyrood, Newfoundland?,
origin Lakeview, Newfoundland)

Ali Farka Toure comp. w. Sarah Vaughan type, one I know living
is the large woman who works in the pharmacy with Lou Anne
of Vancouver Hospital UBC site pharmacy (Barbara?) or at
least did 3--4 years ago.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>I have the match for the Irish fellow here. It is the friend of
>Margaret the opera singer who sang a few opera bits at my jam
>once at the UBC grad centre.

in a duet with Margaret, upstairs in the Fireside/Thea's.

>UBC Music friend Ms. A mightknow
>Margaret and/or her. Bartender Gary Hughes might know Margaret
>and/or her. UBC Music Dept might. UBC Alumni might. I think
>her name is Roberta but forget.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>A couple of corrections on Brian Tobin and Brian Terry.

oops, mentioned Brian Terry in a different followup,
he is comp. with Tara McLean and his wife Joanne is
comp. with Keith Richards, so they could form a band
and keep the kids together I guess.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>oops, mentioned Brian Terry in a different followup,
>he is comp. with Tara McLean and his wife Joanne is
>comp. with Keith Richards, so they could form a band
>and keep the kids together I guess.

There's a distinction between a "family band" and "rock band".
I'm not sure where Ray Davies fits in, but I guess Tara McLean
could be a Rolling Stones backup singer and opening act or
something. I wasn't implying that The Stones should break up.

Tara is a big stones fan and knows all their songs off by
heart, so Sarah tells me. (Just kidding, I don't know,
and Sarah gets shy clam-up-mouth near me as I do near her
so one of the other three might have to get things moving.)


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>June 4, 1998

No, yesterday was June 3 here, today is June 4. There should be a time
stamp on each post, though that is the time sent, not the same as the time
I began typing it in.

Now I will continue with a series from a notebook, new matches,
and then get back to the March summary edits (I've done most
if not all of the edits/mappings on paper but have to type
them in).
Merdeith Brooks Vico
Cassandra Wilson Hain

Richard Gere comp. Newfoundland comedienne/actor Cathy Jones

I need to scan my writing for Greg Thomey (I did him I think)
and Mary Walsh... I have a Greg Thomey one... Did I do a
Michael Keaton duplicate... I'll check in a minute

I'm pretty sure I didn't do Mary Walsh. comp. author Brian Moore.

But now what did I say about Michael Keaton, I'll have to scan
each of my posts indivually, I should be pasting them into a
linear file for scanning but didn't yet. No, I didn't do a
recent incorrect duplicate so why did I get the pause signal?
If Greg Thomey is planning a sex change I advise him to hold off!
Here's the March edit mapping, which I was going to post later
with the rest of the March edits:
Michael Keaton f type: Carling Bassett, tennis playe, Canada
her husband comp. Shona, Paperboys fiddler
Greg Thomey f type: Fb former leader of Pakistan
her husband comp. her younger sister
that one's husband comp. squash playing brothers' younger sister
and her three female lovers in a rare-5.

So Michael and Greg, don't do the sex change, especially both!
Greg Thomey comp. Carling Bassett
Michael Keaton comp. F former leader of Pakistan

I'd better post that and then I'll get off and carry on typing
in a followup in parallel with this one. I have done similar
mappings for others too, including dead mapping to a living match,
as I did for Sinead, so nobody kill yourself either, I'll get the
fixes out later today.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98

Some more new stuff.

It is Thursday, June 4th.

This first rare-5 is not on paper but I noticed it on the way over.

Four guys who work at McRath's superette on Water St. West

are in a rare-5 with

the blonde woman I saw knocking on a door a half block east
of McRaths at about 2:50 p.m. today Thursday June 5, 1998
in the rain, me with my green winter coat without the liner
but with the hood up and with glasses on.
I think this might be a rare-5 type that I haven't mentioned

Oh, and now another clue. The woman I once said was compatible
with the owner (in the above) of McGrath's and with Colin James
(this is a woman I blabbed to at The Fat Cat bar once, and is not
the same as Colin's junior high sweetheart who is compatible with
is compatible with Dodi's younger brother.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

> Michael Keaton f type: Carling Bassett, tennis playe, Canada

tennis player. And that means she is compatible with Greg Thomey, not
Michael Keaton, I mean she is a type like Michael Keaton only female.

> her husband comp. Shona, Paperboys fiddler
> Greg Thomey f type: Fb former leader of Pakistan

Female, F, not Fb if that fooled anyone up. And that means she is
compatible with Michael Keaton, famous actor, not Greg Thomey,
also fairly famous actor (in Canada, for This Hour Has 22 Minutes).
Hey, pass this on. I mean she is a type like Greg Thomey only female.

> her husband comp. her younger sister
> that one's husband comp. squash playing brothers' younger sister
> and her three female lovers in a rare-5.

>So Michael and Greg, don't do the sex change, especially both!
> Greg Thomey comp. Carling Bassett
> Michael Keaton comp. F former leader of Pakistan

>I'd better post that and then I'll get off and carry on typing
>in a followup in parallel with this one. I have done similar
>mappings for others too, including dead mapping to a living match,
>as I did for Sinead, so nobody kill yourself either, I'll get the

>fixes out later today,

Or by midnight newfoundland time at the latest, but then it might
take a bit of time to get to you, and I am assuming this is getting
out, especially if it could save lives.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:
That was stupid of me, some might have missed the next ones if that
was at the bottom of their screen. I forgot to delete it when I
added the next ones which are correct.

David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98

Now I will continue to type from my notebook. It is
now 5:20 p.m. NDT June 4 as I begin to type.

I guess later we can do a catalogue of eyebrow types and someone
could search for fine detail eyebrow matches. But it takes a
trained eye to pick up the subtle differences in curvature,
tilts, width, height above eye, prongs, barbs, triangles,
teardrops, fadings, fuzzings, bumps, thickness, density,
length (bushiness), texture (bushy=rougher I guess,
feathery=smoother) and more. See my webpage for more comments
on that. Note that there are many types of bushy eyebrows and
not all are gay, I discovered the subtle differences later when
I realized there were hundreds of types. The web page is out of

Brian Tobin is compatible with the Spring Valley FAT FREE PLAIN
yogourt 1 kg label aroung the container (not the top) doer.

Brian Tobin's wife
woman model in Microsoft Home Essentials as on back of
Canadian edition of Time Mar. 2, 1998
and Brian Tobin's wife's 1m, 1f lovers
and that 1f's other F lover

That same Time. inside back cover Toyota ad individual
standing on hands. very hard to tell from eyebrows. Is Hain.

In same ad, dog is being walked. walker is out of the picture.
Is comp. with UBC Astronomy prof Gordon Walker and his wife
unless I find a duplicate in my March corrections in pen,
in which case I will correct one of them.
and Tim the lawyer in Gioia Irwin's yoga classes in Vancouver.
(again I may have a dupl. for him in pen, will check later
since it will be cumulatively faster that way)
and (no duplicate) the caucasian Michael in Gioia's Thursday classes
1994 and early 1995, Italian looking, sometimes beard, dark hair, 5'7"?
So the walker must be a male, unless I'm wrong.

Vehicle featured in the ad. owner is compatible with
photographer of the main picture
another photographer of the vehicle
OWNER of the dog (not the walker there)
and whoever spilled the greenish stuff near the person in
the main picture's left hand
in a rare-5

The circle and letters and numbers around the vehicle were done by
someone else whi is compatible with the owner of the car just up
from the centre of the dog.

The spouse of the 1st is compatible with the owner of the orange shirt
(not the wearer there).

Back to Spring Valley yogourt 1kg 0.1% M.F. top done by
another compatible with
Arthur of Arthur Arthur in St. John's Newfoundland (deli/bakery)
The baker there
The cook there
whoever did the TOFU COOKIES label (except the price)

Arthur's boyfriend compatible with Madeleine Allbright, US Secretary of State.

TOFU COOKIES label _price_ put in by someone else. comp with
Ultima Foods Toronto head
that one's spouse
writer on paper of the words under "the dairy best" on a face
of the Brookfield Milk 2% carton here in St. John's, NF
in a rare-5.

That writer's spouse is compatible with whoever coined the phrase
"The Dairy Best"

That coiner's spouse compatible with Preston Manning

Preston's wife is compatible with
the translator of
"JEUNESSE, J'ECOUTE" below the writing in the box
and the one who chose the number 1-800-668-6868
and the graphic artist who did the phone and arm picture to the left
and that one's spouse
in a rare-5

Person who did the cow logo below comp. with
that one's lover, the one I mean up to Sept. 3, and probably beyond too
person who did the big flowers
that one's two lovers up to Sept. 3, and probably beyond too
(that date I had to put in since the two graphic artists mentioned
just discovered they are compatible again)

Person who did the "manufactured right here" (as I was :-) ) comp. with
the three who did the flag and
a Mr. Graham who was at Roncalli in Avondale in the late 70s and 1980

His lover is compatible with Randall Bayes, Portland Oregan
celtic guitarist. I match Martin Hayes in the March 4 corrections,
which I'll get out later.

Person who did the page layout, placed all the stuff on the box,
is compatible with my Uncle Bill Dalton of Gallows Cove,
Harbour Main (between Holyrood and Avondale, 5 miles w. of Holyrood)
Conception Bay Central, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland.

Bar code computer programmer (on box obtained at the end of May) comp. with
that one's spouse
is compatible with the inventor of push-out-to-open boxes
and that one's spouse and lover
in a rare-5

Computer programmer of new version today 5:53 p.m. NDT June 4
which I sensed as I typed. comp. with head of Brookfield Dairy Products
again 5:55 p.m., the head got o.c.s.v.

Neve Campbell is another of the the type like the woman
I mentioned at The Rose and Thistle who is compatible with
me and Bernadette Peters and Natalie Nivera and Sarah McLachlan,

Neve is in a rare-5 with 4 others as of 01:41 a.m. NDT June 3.
They are the 5 in The Party of Five TV show. However don't
expect the guy to be able to do all that I can do (though he
can act better, I'm sure) since he does not have all the other
factors I have such as premature, born in sunspot cycle low,
seventh child (ninth pregnancy, ninth wave), and Sarah-inspired
sundance-thorn climb-blue rose vision at age 27.5. But he
may be a shaman type.

John Travolta
Ron Howard
his wife
Tom Hanks (unless I find a duplicate)
his boyfriend
are a rare-5

March 30 Canadian edition Time, Neve on cover.

p.46 woman in light blue bikini comp. guy on p.47
if one gets oral cold sore virus... did 01:52 a.m. June 3.

p.28 couple compatible 01:55 a.m. June 3

p.29 Vernon Dahmer was comp. with his wife and the guy next to her.
They are compatible with
a Vernon type: Larry Kennedy's Uncle Al
Little Richard
B.B. King
in a rare-5

Larry's Aunt Dot is compatible with he lover.

p.29 still. guy on bottom. Sam Bower is Hain.

writer John Cloud compatible with
photographer of the top colour photograph

photograph of top b&w photograph compatible with
report Jackson

Timoty Rocke comp. with his wife.

in lower b&w pictures, left one
car owner (at the time)
Bowers' wife
car owner's spouse
Bowers' wife's two lovers
are a rare-5

one of those last two are married. the
spouse is compatible in a rare two with Wynnanne Tubrett originally
of North Arm, Holyrood. so the spouse is male.

Wynnanne's husband
Byron de la Beckworth
Byron's junior high ex., female
her high school ex., male
Fidel Castro
are a rare-5. and again these can have healing effects in the commune.

poet Diane Wakowski comp. with Wilt Chamberlain, basketball player.

Connie Dover Vico

my Aunt Anne and Uncle Rich are a rare-2, compatible
again both with genital herpes virus and oral cold sore virus,
04:55 a.m. June 3.

James Randi compatible with Larry Kennedy's Aunt Mary, sister
of George Kennedy of Lakeview.

Timothy Dalton compatible with St. John's Newfoundland
singer/songwriter Shirley Dalton. Now I'm wondering
if I have duplicate(s) and will check later but don't think so.
Oh, wait, she has to get clamydia virus to be compatible with him.
I checked and I had Timothy in the May 31 Sunday Evening Telegram
inspired stuff, he is compatible with Rose-Anne Evans p.9
in the Kelmar ad.
Thus I have to do the St. John's singer/songwriter Shirley Dalton
again. She is compatible with Timothy's younger brother.

Oops, I have to follow up on this one too, I forgot his wife in the last post.
Ali Farkah Toure compatible with Sarah Vaughan type who
is a large woman who in 1994-95 anyway worked at Vancouver Hospital
UBC site pharmacy with head pharmacist Lou Anne. I think her
name was Barbara (I matched Lou Anne elsewhere, posted in this thread).

Toure's wife is compatible with Leslie? Peterson, the UBC Chancellor,
not the Airplane actor (oh he's Nielson, right, I matched him elsewhere,
posted in this thread, unless it was blocked.) He may be ex-chancellor
by now.

The slim dark-haired (former?) Fat Cat bar bartender who I mentioned
before in a rare-5. Now I'll focus on her parents.

Her parents
her mother's two ex-husbands
prime minister of India (but this might be a duplicate, I'll check,
if so it is probably a relative)
are a rare-5

then I wrote down a match for The P.M. of Pakistan but that is
a wrong duplicate, I earlier said he was Vico and that is
explained some on the eyebrows subpage of
(along with waning butter crescent/waning horn of bull/Islamic crescent
in the Salmon on the Thorns subpage). But I no longer believe the
gende cycling will occur.

I had him matched incorrecly to the wife of the Dr. Irfan who taught
me elctronics in I think 1981-82 at Memorial University of Newfoundland
and was then in the Physics Department there.
She is compatible with the father of the P.M. of Pakistan.

Dr. Irfan (that one) is in a rare-5 with
William Gibson
C.J. Cherryh
Dr. Gregory Fahlman, UBC Astronomy professor
Dr. Paul Hickson, UBC Astronomy professor
so I guess C.J. is female

Paul's (French?) wife is compatible with
Johnathan Thornburg as of 06:35 a.m. NDT June 3.

I said my niece Ellen was like Madame Chiang (and Hayley Wickenheiser).
That is incorrect, she (turned 8 on Apr. 24, Newfoundland time)
is compatible with a rare-2 (I don't know how rare) with
the grandson of the Emperor of Japan who turned 9

at 11:38 p.m. NDT June 3.

Brian Terry -> F comp. with Irish fellow who was upstairs at the W.I.S.E.>

one evening for the Ceomantas Ceolta or Setenata Irish language/etc
session and came downstairs to the lounge and demonstrated to me the
proper way to spread and steady the fingers for a pool bridge.

Brian Terry is compatible with Tara McLean, Nettwerk (Vancouver, Canada
based) Records singer/songwriter who is a f type like the pool-bridge fellow.

I have the match for that fellow here. It is the friend of

Margaret the opera singer who sang a few opera bits at my jam

once at the UBC grad centre. UBC Music friend Ms. A mightknow

Margaret and/or her. Bartender Gary Hughes might know Margaret
and/or her. UBC Music Dept might. UBC Alumni might. I think
her name is Roberta but forget.

Then I thought of Ms. A. (This is the notebook order) and got.

Ms. A., above, comp. with parents of that grandson, father's lover,
mother's lover in a rare-5.

TSC Dairy Queen (a woman who worked at the TSC Dairy Queen or equivalent
when I was at the library and dropped by one day, very poor clue)
is compatible with Irish musician Ron Kavana's younger brother.
So maybe he should go to Memorial University to study and hang around
the Thompson Student Centre. :-)

Did I do a Michelle Williams duplicate? I'll check later today.

Greg Bear (SF author), his wife, Connie Cudrak (Calg. geophysicist),
her husband (Calgary, geophysicist I think) rare-4

Oh no, I forgot to turn the page in the earlier post.
Greg and Connie have o.c.s.v.
Greg's wife and Connie's husband have EBOLA (hep. A. with a stickier handle)

Lyndon Johnson comp. with Michael Jordan's wife (I thought he did't
have one when I matched him earlier).

The young fellow next to Black Elk in a MUN library book in
the Lakota section (or Sioux section) near the front cover
is compatible with Telsa Gwynne, supposedly nursing student in
mid-1996, who has posted to soc.religion.paganism and
with whom I had a short e-mail correspondence.

Charlotte Lane, originally of Lakeview, Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland (or was it Chapel's Cove) is compatible with
the rocker Lux something, who I guess is male.

Cecili Bartoli is compatible with Jim Whelan, origin Colliers
Conception Bay Central, is older brother of the Eugene Whelan
who died in a hit and run a while back.

Now I'm getting intuition to match the politician Eugene Whelan.
He is compatible with Sarah McLachlan's uncle by adoption,
the aunt
the uncle and aunt's two lovers
in a rare-5
(hey maybe she should talk with them. That rare-5 was a Sept. 4 insert.)

Uwe Vandrei type is compatible with a Ben->F type.

rest of this writing direct to computer Sept. 4 7:10 p.m. on
(The Ben of Sarah's Touch recording's Ben song,
oh, Ben Askavold. So conceivably in the afterlife
one could have flipped gender and be now involved with the other.
I guess Sarah would have to ask that 18 year old Inuit sangoma
in Nunavit to find out for sure.) This was done early Sept. 3
after an all-nighter (last night Sept.3/4 I got sleep though).
The Inuit sangoma is, again, e.g., compatible with Angela
Pickett who may not be compatible with 4th orienation, I thought
so when I thought I was 4th orienation, and she is not. The
web page is a bit out of date but I hope to get to it tomorrow.
For now, 10th orientation is not compatible with 4th orienation!
Angela Pickett is a rising young Newfoundland fiddler, 18,
who I don't think is the same one as the one in the fashion section
of The Evening Telegram a while ago. Now I'll match that one.
She is compatible with the young fellow who was M.C. at the
Conne River Mi'kmaq show K'temigej or something like that at
the St. John's Arts and Culture Centre last year. He looks
a bit like Veeghan who was UBC GSS president for a while.

Veeghan is compatible with that Mi'kmaq fellow's younger brother.
Clem Lee's younger sister (Vancouver Railway Club reference)
the older brother of Onolo (Vancouver Railway Club Monday night
reference too)
Anjan (also Railway Club Monday night reference)
in a rare-5

Onolo is compatible with Balbeer (sp?) again.

John Nicol (who if I have a duplicate of then I'll follow up later)
white-haired Dave (I may have a duplicate there too)
Keith's wife
are a rare-5

Keith, Railway Club bartender, is compatible with
the daughter of the prime minister of India.
Balbeer and Anjan may be able to provide introduction pathways.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98

This points to antibodies for HIV A,B,C,D and EBOLA
and hepatitis B and gonorrhea and hepatitis C and syphillis
and genital herpes and TB and meningitis and oral cold sore
virus, which I already posted in previous posts that I
intuit some have skipped, including some Africans. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Greg Bear (SF author), his wife, Connie Cudrak (Calg. geophysicist),
>her husband (Calgary, geophysicist I think) rare-4

Oops, I forgot to turn to the next page.

Right now Connie and Greg are compatible and have o.c.s.v.
Connie's husband & Greg's wife are compatible and have o.c.s.v. & Ebola virus

That would make a good test, if the above two statements are true.

Greb Bear is an SF author and author of Blood Music amongst others
(does he know Mary Mack? seriously, marriages across lines can
help end divisions, and when there is true love there is no war.
If there are old eyebrow charts there may be associated golden ages.)

For all four to be compatible, the two without Ebola would get it.

Ebola is, I divined, hepatitis A with a handle on it that makes
is more transmittable. I'm not sure how big the handle is,
perhaps it is even bigger than the hepatitis A part.
Anyway, that is a clue that might help in finding a cure even
if the person I said has Ebola antibodies in hisorher (I forget
who it is, you are reading my old posts first are you not).
I intuit some Africans are just reading on from the Toure bit
and have missed some important stuff.

First, I said that Greg Malone of St. John's has HIV A,B antibodies.
Later, I gave clues related to John Lennon and Yoko Ono's
Double Fantasy LP (check the LP not any later CD release, I used the LP)
back cover. This points to a person in New York city with
antibodies to HIV C,D. Check my earlier posts for that, it may
require some detective work amongst John&Yoko fans.

Now I will repeat a bit of yesterday. Zubin is also known
at the Vancouver, BC, Canada Railway CLub bar.

Zubin o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam hep B hep C syph gon HIV A,B,C,D
AND HAS ANTIBODIES TO hepatitis B virus and gonorrhea
rest of Ngoma other than Marcos X o.c.s.v.
form a rare-4 or rare-5

Marcos X I matched elsewhere but will note now that he has
ANTIBODIES to HEPATITIS C virus and syphillis
Oh, I should write his match here. It is a woman like
Milton Nasciemento, one such is the mom of Tanya Park of
Tasmania who I had e-mail exchange with in 1990.

Milton is compatible with a Marcos X F type; one such
one such is the woman (co-owner) who used to
tend bar at The Loft, a St. John's Newfoundland nightclub.

Her husband is comp. with Catherine of NY/The Goulds who used to
be at the MUN chem cafe a lot in 1984-1985.

Catherine's ex-boyfriend of then is comp. with "Debbie" of Debbie Does Dallas.
He is probably in the Goulds now and Catherine is probably in NY.
The Goulds is a suburb of St. John's, they know some good versions
of Mary Mack there.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>This points to antibodies for HIV A,B,C,D and EBOLA
>and hepatitis B and gonorrhea and hepatitis C and syphillis
>and genital herpes and TB and meningitis and oral cold sore
>virus, which I already posted in previous posts that I
>intuit some have skipped, including some Africans.

New York mayor Giuliani's daughter is compatible in a rare-2
with the Asian descent David who is head of one of the world's
top HIV ressearch centres, in New York.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Her husband is comp. with Catherine of NY/The Goulds who used to
> be at the MUN chem cafe a lot in 1984-1985.

>Catherine's ex-boyfriend of then is comp. with "Debbie" of Debbie Does Dallas.
>He is probably in the Goulds now and Catherine is probably in NY.
>The Goulds is a suburb of St. John's, they know some good versions
>of Mary Mack there.

I'm pretty sure it is DIANE and not Catherine, in both the above.
I forget her ex-boyfriend of then's name but it might be Alex.

They came along later, after they had broken up, once to the
Captain's Quarters motel bar back when it was still an all-nighter.
Bud and Bessy Kirk's (Bud is retired US military; Ira Kirk is
his phone book name) nephews and one niece from New York
were along as was I, so they got together again for a short while,
I think in the summer of 1990.
The niece, who I manhandled a bit when trying to dance with her
at Jeff and Kerry's wedding when I was fairly drunk, and who is
fairly big, is of Ryan descent as well (as Bessy and her NY
sister Jane are, and that Jane's husband Jim is into racetrack
betting, horse and carriage at the Goulds, and probably in
NY too I guess). That NY crowd would know Diane too. Anyway,

that niece is compatible with the son of the prime minister
of India.


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>>Ali Farka Toure comp. w. Sarah Vaughan type, one I know living
>> is the large woman who works in the pharmacy with Lou Anne
>> of Vancouver Hospital UBC site pharmacy (Barbara?) or at
>> least did 3--4 years ago.

Oops, I have to follow up on this one too, I forgot his wife in the last post.

Ali Farkah Toure compatible with Sarah Vaughan type who
is a large woman who in 1994-95 anyway worked at Vancouver Hospital

UBC site pharmacy with then head pharmacist Lou Anne. I think her

name was Barbara (I matched Lou Anne elsewhere, posted in this thread).

TOURE'S WIFE is compatible with Leslie? Peterson, the UBC Chancellor,

not the Airplane actor (oh he's Nielson, right, I matched him elsewhere,
posted in this thread, unless it was blocked.) He may be ex-chancellor
by now.

UBC=University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,


David Dalton

Jun 4, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/4/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Harry Martin comp. with Katie Rich.

INCORRECT. I earlier matched Harry Martin, Labrador singer/songwriter
whose voice sounded a bit like Gordon Lightfoot to me in 1991 but
sounded a bit different in 1997, but still good with


Katie Rich is compatible with New Zealand author
Keri Hulme's second oldest brother (not the oldest brother,
but the brother that amongst males is next younger).

Sorry about that.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Her husband is comp. with Catherine of NY/The Goulds who used to
> be at the MUN chem cafe a lot in 1984-1985.

Again, as I posted in another followup, it is Diane, not
Catherine, I'm pretty sure. But I'm divining that there is
a Catherine of NY/The Goulds BUT WHO WAS NOT AT THE MUN CHEM
CAFE A LOT IN 1984-85, can't you read.
This Catherine is compatible with her husband in a rare-2.

>Catherine's ex-boyfriend of then is comp. with "Debbie" of Debbie Does Dallas.
>He is probably in the Goulds now and Catherine is probably in NY.
>The Goulds is a suburb of St. John's, they know some good versions
>of Mary Mack there.

Make that Diane's ex-boyfriend of then.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Theis is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY

>TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
>this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
>and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
>many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
>While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
>because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
>putting in quite a few insertions.

June 4, 8:13 p.m. NDT I am beginning to type in the corrections and
edits I did in pen on a printout of the file. So this is
new part 3 of the edits/corrections/insertion of the March summary.
The edits below were done from around 2 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 3, 1998,
though sometimes I will insert a new one as I go, now, which I'll
try to preface with a June 4: .
Note for the asymmetric face comments that eyebrow height
above eye match can be best estimated by looking directly
into the others' eyes. Thus glancing at Frankie Kennedy
(res. exemption, comp in rare couple with Mairead ni Maonaigh
of Altan, not C.B.C. casually one eyebrow looks higher, but
looking into his eyes they are obviously the same height above
each eye though I guess not above the chin, so he is not Hain
or Vico. I'll mention them and other Altan-ites, some Vico,
in the next post, again.)

[There is a bit more on that in subpage on Eyebrows though that is
out of date and I no longer think 4th orientation is compatible
with 10th orienation or with any I called "not-bi" or directly
with anyone other than bi.

June 4: Now I'm getting intuition to do Frankie Kennedy of Chapel's Cove
Conception Bay Central, about 33. He is compatible with
Boris Yeltsin's daughter. I think there's a Walter too
who is comp. with Mikhail Gorbachev's granddaughter.

June 4: Hubert Furey of Harbour Main is compatible with
tricorner-hat-fame former? Chinese president's eldest granddaughter]

Again in the government vein, Quebec premier Lucien Bouchard and
his wife whose name I forget for now, sorry, are a compatible rare
1-1 M-F type and one is [was] reading who is like him. He has bushy only
not like short straight segment slightly lower bushy but right
angle hangdown bushy of sorts. I didn't catch hers last night on
the CBC news but they are often on there.

Fred Mifflin has peaked roof darker on the inner eave and lighter on
the outer eave but I forget if they were fuzzy or sharp. He was
(is?) federal fisheries minister (I think David Anderson is now, sudden
intuition... DA is compatible with... a woman my brother introduced to me at
The Ship Inn who is white haired and glowing and knows the author
of the Eldemar cookbook). Fred is compatible with his wife again but
I don't know her eyebrow type yet, Ottawa and Bonavista sources might know.
Oh, her boyfriend (this had better not be an endless chain) is compatible
in a rare foursome with Jean Chretien, Aline, and the boyfriend's wife.
Oh well, those extra parents do help out. I don't know who the boyfriend
is. Oh no, I have to guess. Jimmy Whiffen! NFLD country musician.
So JC, AC, JW and JW's wife could form a solid longterm foursome.

[I already fixed that to an older foursome and a younger foursome in
another post and am too rushed to dig it out right now.]

Erica Andrews compatible with the younger Gallagher of Oasis. lucky
fellow. Oh, no, another woman I thought was bi is not.
[but she is still compatible with 4thM]. Erica was at 290 in 1980-1981, some
of the crowd who acted in Whale for a Killing might know her.
Again, 1-1 M-F match only one in acceptable age range in Geutel species.

[Again I don't think homo sapiens has split tantrically (which would
mean no compatibility from one group to another even if the eyebrows
were the right ones; but if such occurs there would be a range of
skin tones in each one)

Newfoundland restautanteur Barbara Williams might know how to locate Erica.]

And oh no, another woman I thought was bi, Petrina Bromley, fine
improv/other stage actor, is compatible with Jim Carrey.
(but she is still compatible with 4thM,4thH0)

[Wheneve I say someone is not-bi it meant I thought she was bi when
I thought I was 4th orientation (directly compatible with bi and
bridge-compatible with lesbians, with a bi bridge). So whenever
I say "she is still compatible with 4thM,4thH0" that is now
incorrect but I won't bother to delete it. I hope someone
doesn't miss this paragraph and just scan for their own name.
Thus Jim Carrey is not compatible with 4thF. Oh, I guess I'll
insert corrections each time, there aren't that many women listed
that I have had lust-at-a-distance for.]

[Oh, there is a woman in the band Leahy who I could I think identify
who is compatible with tricorner-hat-fame former? president of
China's youngest grandson? Can he play an instrument? They
are an Ontario based family celtic band.]

Rick Mercer compatible 1-1 M-F with Jodi Foster and she is not
bi (oh no [still...]) and he is not fourth orientation.

Geena Davis is
not bi either (but she is still compatible with 4thM,4thH)
[That is incorrect, she is not compatible with 4thO]
and is compatible with my ex-officemate Mike Perz, geophysicist
based out of Calgary, beach volleyballer, may be overseas in
the Middle East now. Call C.S.Expl.Geoph. to locate such Calgary
geophysicist references if you wish. (i.e. She could call them
get his company name, call them, get his overseas number, maybe.
Of course I could get his e-mail and indeed have it somewhere,
maybe.) Is her middle initial O too, like
Gord Downey's? Oh no,
I have to loop to him, he is compatible in a rare foursome with
three in Shooglenifty who know they are compatible. He is the
Tragically Hip lead vocalist and main songwriter and his (new,
as well as his usual old I guess) instrument
should be _rosewood_ flute from intuition.

And yet another woman I thought was bi (distance effects for these
three. and I guess there would have been no up close good effects
but I can't believe that, did they switch) is PRISCILLA DALTON,
Newfoundland singer/guitarist who should pick up tabla,
Hohner harmonica, tenor banjo who is compatible with
Dino DiNicolo of the Vancouver band Breathe Underwater. They
are in Beiougz de Danaan species like me and will have gills as
well as airbreathing and hypothermia protection.
(she is still 4thM, 4thH comp. too) [NOT]

Milla is not-bi and is compatible in Russa species with Geoff Butler
Newfoundland button accordion virtuoso and also pretty good
on the flute.

Jewel compatible with the local blonde haired world beat drummer
fellow probably found at The Rose at Thistle some Monday [Thursday] nights.
If there are too, slightly longer straightish hair, may be shorter.

Also in Beiougz de Danaan species is The Water Poets original
(I think) foursome rare foursome compatible again. Barbara Lee
Fraser, Jeff Archibald, Nadine Davenport, David Lum.
[compatible again, 2:30 a.m.]

The last few paragraphs reminded me of Terry David Mulligan and
Sarah in the hot tub at Big Sky, pic probably on the web still
somewhere. He is compatible with a woman bartender at
The Ship Inn whose name I forget but has orange-highlighted
light brown relatively long hair. Her husband is compatible
with his wife. Now that sounds unlikely but test by
consideration of picture and/or voice from a distance and
even chatting and see if there is any warming. Music East
live from The Ship Inn, with Lizband and others in a
spring equinox blast? [I guess Canada Day now]


First some inspired by CBC news Mar. 4, 1998 night.

Canada's ice-dancing champions rare couple type. Compatible again.

CBC provincial news Advil commercial mom in rare fivesome with
her ex-husband, her ex-husband's other ex-wife,
one woman she is involved with, and Bernie Stapleton,
Newfoundland comedienne/actor who I think plays Margarine on
provincial news sometimes. Was at Halifax Theatre festival
the same time Liz Pickard went, this past year.
[compatible again 2:32 a.m.]

Russian woman in a hood compatible with man in a suit who I
wasn't paying attention to until I saw her later, but they
were separated by less than a minute (maybe he was later).
[I think he had light and maybe thinning short hair and
was fairly tall and perhaps a teeny bit overweight.]

NGW-Geo Surveys a rare-5 work there, I'm not sure if that is
all the staff. Oh I just intuited that there are two rare fives
of whom nine work there and one individual who last night
became involved with with one of those. There are two compatibility
groups: one 1f-4m and one 1m-4f with that 1m the one who got involved
last night who works there. This might not have been the case
a few days ago due to the change in STD imbalance restrictions,
such that before that an oral cold sore virus (or chronic yeast
infection) imbalance would result in long-term incompatability
unless rectified. If this is still the case, which I don't think
so but I've been "cry wolf/rock-pushing" wrong lots before, then
any yeast infection should be cleared up and those without
oral cold sore virus could get it if they want to, first making
sure it is not genital herpes in the mouth (none in this case but
this is for general readers, such that it is possible to get
genital herpes sores in the mouth at least once though it might
not recur). For other imbalances protection should be used or
attraction will diminish within a meter except for simple
courtship, so protection should be put on a meter away from entry
point in such a case until a cure is assured, and certainly
good protection used, e.g. condoms unlikely to break.

[one of the guys in the 1f-4m rare-5 got married recently.
His wife is compatible with the tricorn-hat-fame former?
president of China's eldest grandson]

One of the NWGEO guys has a curved eyebrow sort curving down
from top to outside but with a teeny ski-jump projection
on the way, not far off from the bass-player projection
but from the curved roof middle outward.

[That's the guy.]

Chris of the W.I.S.E. Club, Vancouver and Varda of pendulum (he could
join by e-mailing with body
subscribe pendulum and qualifies for the list and both
are sorcerer so could communicate mind-to-mind too maybe).

[I don't believe the abilities got adjusted as I thought
so that psychic communication bit is probably wrong.]
Also I intuit there is a Chris of the W.I.S.E. house here in
St. John's. He is compatible with
tricorn-hat-fame-former?-president-of-china's second youngest

Iyengar yoga again:

Gioia Irwin, Elizabeth, the puffy-eyed tall dark-haired
woman at the yoga gala I went to, Rob Wilson --> F ,
Rob's M lover form a rare fivesome.

[I corrected that in another post, with four listed compatible with Rob,
and with Bjork, singer/songwriter, in for Rob->F. Rob should look
back at my other posts in this thread.
Rob Wilson's oldest male first cousin is compatible with
Nelson Mandela's daughter.]

Bev Winsor and her husband Ray form a rare couple.

Lisa Schwarz and her hussband are compatible again and are a rare couple.

More goverment/me links:

Ray Hawco (my first cousin) and Marie are a rare couple (and together)

More music and other links:

Art Stoyles, accordion virtuoso, compatible with June Tabor!!! !!! !!!

Branwen Thomas of Branwen's Books here compatible with Neil
of Widdershins, ex-of The PaperBoys. She should try a
Hammond B-11. Also older Creaghan comp with Zsa Zsa (not Gabor).
Younger one comp with Morgaine. Shades of the clear sky
lightning night of Aug. 31, 1991, Pitt Int. Gallery old

[Zsa Zsa Gabor is compatible with Jimmy Carter's brother Billy.]

Branwen's cello playing friend compatible with Moritz of Barney Bentall
and the Legendary Hearts, of Widdershins, ex-of The Paperboys.

Susan Gale comp. with Mark Peterson flashy blues guitarist of Vanc.

David Querido Vancouver singer/songwriter compatible with Michelle Brophy
celtic/other flutist here, and her voice has improved by bounds in the
last year.

Rob Brown (uillean pipes, should try 6 string Taylor electric guitar)
with Northern Ireland's jewel Cara Dillon (voice, should Irish
synth-gut-strung harp try). Oh no, another one I thought was bi. Now
I'll have to guess Emmylou Harris, US -- Harry Martin, Labrador!!!

[Oops, that is right. Therefore Katie Rich I must match,
Keri Hulme's second oldest brother.]

Tanya Tucker, US --- James Keelaghan, Calgary !!!! Bill Eagle
Feather who plays with James -- Lakota Turtle's third wife.
Turtle --- Dorothy Livesay, BC poet, resurrection exemption, try (hey
I thought she was bi too).

[Dorothy Liveay type: poet Dolores Kendrick, New Hampshire.]

Oscar Lopez -- Jenny Gear, who I
haven't heard yet but is supposed to be very good and is from Carbonear,
Newfoundland and he might have to wait a bit. Gerry Strong
compatible with ... stuck ... ok I'll match her too ...
Gerry Strong --> F (tantrically F now), compatible with Tom Jones.
Gerry's wife --> M , compatible with Tom Jones wife.

[Sept. 4: When I say "somebody F type" or "somebody female type" I mean/meant
a female of same tantric resonance as that somebody but female
and certainly not compatible (except for straight type-1, gay,
lesbian, bi, see my web page for those) with the somebody.

Tom Jones->F type is Phyllis Reffo, former model, former
Vancouver stockbroker, actor, compatible with Gerry Strong

Gerry Strong-F type is Reuvena Ross, Vancouver area teacher,
W.I.S.E. Club (whenever I say this I mean Vancouver unless I
specify otherwise) member, pool player who is thus compatible
with Tom Jones.

Dave Edwards is compatible with Donna of the "thanks to"
section of Connie Dover's Somebody tape (may not be
the same as any CD, possibly later). ... Oh my,
another Donna associated with the CD is compatible with
the Gordon of thw W.I.S.E. Club, friend of Bill, who
is not the one who maintains the pool table.
The one who does is compatible with the female Hart of
the Hart to Hart series (Stephanie Powers?).

His chess-playing friend Wade is compatible with
the other Hart (male)
big John the bartender who rides a motorcycle
the female Hart's real life older brother
THE FEMALE BACKUP SINGER ON the track that goes
"Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in"
(where are my four strong winds?)
on the Leonard Cohen Live CD released maybe 3-4 years ago, with
the red and purple tinged cover I think. Good CD.

Gerry Strong's wife->M type is Trevor Phair? who with his brother Ted
(both are friends of Greg) played softball for the Vancouver W.I.S.E. Club
(Wales Ireland Scotland and England social and athletic Club) 3-4 years ago
at least and I think is from Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver.
and who is thus compatible with Tom Jones' wife

Tom Jones wife->M type is the older brother of Tony Collins of
The Evening Telegram here in St. John's, newfoundland (abbreviations
for newfoundland include NF and NFLD and when I use The Evening
Telegram ( for the WEB PAGE VERSION
which I haven't seen and which doesn't have all that the paper one
does) it means that. But why did I write him down?
he is compatible, if he gets oral cold sore virus (did, 9:30 p.m.) with
his wife
his wife's two lovers
Trevor's (Trevor above) brother Ted]

Natalie Noseworthy, Nfld/Ireland singer/songwriter,
compatible with The Proclaimers and the wife of the
married one in a rare foursome. Oh no, I thought she
was bi too. (comp. 4thM, 4thH too, I guess [no, is NOT])
(imbalance problems fixed 2:52 a.m.)

Peter McGillivray, Calgary geophysicist, explorer ability,
compatible with Penny Sidor of Vancouver, s./s./voice instructor
who has negotiator ability (like when going into unknown

Ellie O'Day, PMIA, compatible with Bruce Clausen, guitarist!!!
Hey, wait, I later said that Sarah was compatible with
Bruce. This one is probably the correct match though.
I'll worry about a match for Sarah when I'm sensitive.
(I'm sensitive when you squeeze me, Sarah, I bet.)

[Check out the Lilith Fair tour, everyone.]
[Oh, for those who are of her type and need to know the
match, I posted it at the beginning of this thread and
also have divined that five on the TV show Party of Five
are a rare-5 with one of her eyebrow type and one of my eyebrow type.]

Mike Perz, Calgary geophysicist, beach volleyballer comp with Geena Davis.

Rick Mercer Newfoundlander, actor, comedian, writer, compatible
with Jodie Foster (who I thought was bi too [NOT]).

Ernest of Upper Tenth Jade and Haircuts in Vancoouver compatible
with Mei Linn, and his ex-wife and two ex-girlfriends in rare
five now that oral cold sore imbalance limits are off.
[weren't, but are now 2:57 a.m.]

John Hiew (Watch and CLock repair, Vancouver) compatible with
manager Ophelia, Mary Barry, and Mary Fitzpatrick and Bob
Ellis retired from UBC Geophysics, who are married.
(rare fivesome, Bob Ellis --> F)

[I have posted a Bob->F female and four matching Bob in
another post in this thread, am rushing now.]

Wanda of Hair Factory Hotel Newfoundland, her husband and
Laura Kennedy Peddle and Billy Peddle of Holyrood are
a rare foursome. (Laura hairstylist too.)

Stephen E. Woodcock luthier AND luthier special ability
rare fivesome with The Lingo Sisters (Janet Russell
and Meg Ten(n)ant of Vancouver) and Janet's girlffriend
and ex-girlfriend [Sept. 4: now non-ex] other than Meg all comp.
in rare fivesome (again for some).

Alex Dow, the math teacher fellow whose name I forget (Van.),
Randy at Classique Billiards in Mount Pearl, Randy's
wife, Paul Young Calg. geop. rare fivesome.

math teacher's girlfriend
[AS OF MARCH 4, 1998, originally posting date of that, well before
I later summarized it]
comp with Bruce Howden.

Bruce's wife comp. with drummer/DJ Glenn Kruger.

Richard Gere --> F in rare fivesome withe Qi Xa He
(? she sha he, pipa player) and He and
Ralph Wiggins, geop., and Jen Couch (Hal Zintel's wife).
Ralph buddhist, Jen vegan biotechnologist.


the pipa player and her husband are a rare-2

Ralph Wiggins and Jen Couch are a rare-2

Richard Gere I newly matched in my notebook... He is compatible
with Newfoundland comedienne/actor Cathy Jones of This Hour Has
22 Minutes on CBC the last few years (I think it finished its
run this past year). CBC means Canadian Broadcasting Company
unless I use it as a geographical locator when it
means Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland.]

Hal Zintel, luthier,, comp in Russa species
with actress who played Anna Pavlova in the movie on Anna
Pavlova's life

that also had a F high umbrella dancer comp with the long
haired counsellor (e.g) inside Sharon Shannon's first CD
liner notes. [He has special ability counsellor and
she has special ability calmer and when together they cast
a good spell of peace over a land.]

Tad Ulrych (UBC EOS) Miriam comp. again rare 1-1 M-F
[as of 3:02 a.m.]

Tad's Brazilian wife comp with Brian Hennessey star of
Gullages, of Newfoundland, and weather is improving here.
[I thought global weather was adjusting]

Brian's wife rare 5 with BC fiddler Daniel Lapp,
her boyfriend, woman who used to be in Carmen
Rogues --> M, her insytrument electric mandolin,
and Ricck West bodhran but should try electric
bass too, and John Woodford (Harbour Main, C.B.C.,
accordion, etc).

[OK, this mapped to two fivesomes:

the woman who was in Carmen Rogues (in 1994)
[when I use Vancouver references they are prior to Dec.15/95]
Brian's wife->m type: tall guy who used to sing in the Dreadbeats
Daniel Lapp->F type: Lori Cooper
John Woodford-?F type: Pat Benetar
Rick West->f type: lead singer in No Mona (in the first half of 1995)

Pat Benetar's husband comp. with David Carver's wife
(David is a St. John's, Newfoundland promoter, Pat is
playing a gig here this summer, best-of-80s or something
in a 25,000 capacity outdoor venue David promotes now
since he returned to promoting this year)

the first one in the rare-5 above->m type: the lover (as of 10 p.m. NDT
Sept. 4, of Tad Ulrych's Brazilian wife, mentioned above)
Brian Hennessey's wife
Daniel Lapp
John Woodford
Rick West

Rest of Carmen Rogues of 1994 a Vico foursome (e.g.) with
John H_m, lead singer M, other guy with
blonde highlights F, other fellow H_f.

David Carver is compatible with Sue Kiefer, UBC Geology professor.

Sue's three lovers are compatible with each other
and Richard Chase, UBC Geology prof
and his ex-wife
(compatible again 3:15 a.m.)

Fiddler from Colinet who plays with Ed Didham sometimes
is compatible with Karen Matheson of Capercaillie!!!!!!
He is good after he warms up.

Rick West's wife, fiddler above's wife, Charlie McKerron
and Mark Duff rare 4-some.

Marcos X of Ngoma, Vanc., comp with Milton Nasciemento (sp?) --> F.

[Marcos X is compatible with Tanya Park of Tasmania's mom. The
Tanya Park I have had e-mail correspondence with in 1990.
She is six feet tall and blonde, I think. I intuit there is another.

Milton is compatible with the woman who was co-owner/bartender of The Loft
in St. John's, Newfoundland and I think is from Portugal Cove
and ran it with her husband until the most recent closure last year.
I think it could re-open!

Her husband is compatible with
a Diane who lived in NY city some of the time and in
The Goulds, a suburb of St. John's, Newfoundland, some of the time
and I think is in New York area now but returns to Newfoundland for visits
She was a regular at The Goulds table in the Memorial University of
Newfoundland (MUN) Chemistry Cafeteria in 1984-85 I think.

Diane's boyfriend back in the chem cafe days, I think Alex but might be
wrong, who she briefly met with again when we and a bunch more went
to the Captain's Quarters for an all-night singalong I think in 1990.
"Debbie" of the movie "Debbie Does Dallas"
are a rare-2.]

Matt Thodos, Only manager, Vncr., comp with Marion White, author
of the Eldamar Cookbook. They should start a fishetarian
restaurant here and grab John from Banff while they are at it.

Sophie and Jimmy Dikeatos of Sophie's Cosmic Cafe Vanc.
1-1 M-F rare couple compatible again. (John says the
falafels are too hard, but great food there too.)

Southhill Candy Shop owner?/sound guy rare five with four
of Ariane's friends: Shannon the piper, and the three other
than the Paperboys, Colin Nairne, Ariane, Jenice and myself
who sand backup on She Said.

Colin Nairne compatible with Katie MacColl.

Petrina Bromley compatible with Jim Carrey.

Erica Andrews compatible with younger Gallagher brother
of the two in Oasis (Liam or Noel, I forget).]

I mean the Erica Andrews who worked at 290 Restaurant (now closed,
was Victoria Station for a while, that's a good starting spot
and might be open) in the summer of 1980 and probably that of
1981 as well. Her father was in a relationship with then
restaurant co-owner Barbara Williams (OF ST JOHN'S, not any
other Barb Williams!). Barbara can probably trace her.

The other Barb Williams of London
is compatible with Margaret Thatcher's husband

Margaret Thatcher is compatible with
The Erica Andrews of London
her two female lovers
and The Gallagher brothers's father]

Karent Parent, v. good s/s/g, comp with Stephen Giles
ex-of Shine.

Ray St. Germaine (knows Greg of WISE CLub) of Raykel
compatible with Pamela Tagle AMS Programs (or was).

Nick of AMS Programs (or was) comp with woman who used
to bartend at Railway in white jeans days and who I
thought was bi.

Alex Chisholm, Steve, "Stan",
and Randy and Stephanie are rare fivesome. Stephanie
one of best Irish fiddlers in Vancouver.

Angela Pickett is 10th orientation, not bi, and is hence
compatible with me (bif, O10f are)
[That is incorrect, I am not 4th orientation, and even those
that are are direct compatible only with bi and not with 10th
orientation or any other. Of course, 4thM (e.g.) is bridge
compatible with lesbians, e.g., 4thM-biF-lesbian vee threesome
with the biF being the pivot of the vee, or the bridge, works.]
but there is an Inuit
18 year old (Happy Birthday) from Nunavit who visited
St. John's when I fluffed Jack Harris's campaign
headquarters near him I guess who may be at the Frostbite
Festival, which Angela would surely benefit, she being
a very fine fiddler and automatic-group-booster. He
has sangoma eyebrows and ability to converse with spirits
and more though practice may be needed and out of respect
for ancestors he should investigate traditional techniques
as well as others. The Wed. night Blarneystone doorwoman
also has these eyebrows and is 10thf of sangoma type.
see for details.

Edie Furey C.B.C. compatible with UBC (ex?) French prof and
badminton player, as I am, Bernard Elias of Vanc.

Aussie fiddler who visited the WISE Club once comp
rare 5 with 3 M, 1 F in Flow River of My Soul
crowd New Zealand. He is a very good Irish fiddler.

Alana ex-of The Ship Inn compatible with John Walsh UBC math prof
and uillean piper.

blonde Ship (ex-?) bartender who I thought was bi comp
rare couple 1-1 M-F with boyfriend. rare types.

Now I thought I'd finish tonight but had to do some new matches
while typing and that slows me down. For now I will post this
part and then I will post one more part tonight, maybe all the
rest of the March edits but I suspect that I will have to leave
one more part for tomorrow.

After the Gallagher/Erica mixup I felt I had to break off and
post this.

Erica is a bouncy blonde, very outgoing, sturdy, very good hugger,
and is about 32 or 33, I suspect 33, and is from the United States
but has spent time in Newfoundland, notably in 1980-81 when she
worked at the then 290 restaurant here in St. John's, Newfoundland,
some of the stars of Whale For a Killing might even remember her.
Again, she is compatible with the younger Gallagher brother of
the British rock supergroup Oasis and very few others.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>The other Barb Williams of London

(seee the post I followed up on)

> is compatible with Margaret Thatcher's husband

>Margaret Thatcher is compatible with
> The Erica Andrews of London
> her two female lovers
> and The Gallagher brothers's father]

Obviously, the "her two female lovers" refers to
the Erica Andrews of London (the first one, I detect at
10:45 p.m. NDT, which is GMT-3.5h+1h for daylight savings time
and stands for Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time, that
there is another one. The younger Gallagher wants the one I
described in the post this follows up on and not any gold digger.
The one he wants also knows me though I guess some would lie
about that. But he should know when there's true love attraction.).
She is the "her". It is that Erica Andrews' two female lovers,
not Margaret Thatcher's, as any agent who says they are English
should be able to figure out. I guess I should have indented it
as follows, though.

Margaret Thatcher is compatible with
The Erica Andrews of London
her two female lovers
and The Gallagher brothers's father]


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>>The other Barb Williams of London

> (seee the post I followed up on)

>> is compatible with Margaret Thatcher's husband

>>Margaret Thatcher is compatible with
>> The Erica Andrews of London
>> her two female lovers
>> and The Gallagher brothers's father]

>Obviously, the "her two female lovers" refers to

>the Erica Andrews of London (the first one, I detect at
>10:45 p.m. NDT, which is GMT-3.5h+1h for daylight savings time
>and stands for Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time, that
>there is another one. The younger Gallagher wants the one I
>described in the post this follows up on and not any gold digger.
>The one he wants also knows me though I guess some would lie
>about that. But he should know when there's true love attraction.).
>She is the "her". It is that Erica Andrews' two female lovers,
>not Margaret Thatcher's, as any agent who says they are English
>should be able to figure out. I guess I should have indented it
>as follows, though.

oops, some agents might not map back from the 'She is the "her"'
to before the long parenthetical expression and hence might map that
to the one I know. I mean the first Erica Andrews of London,
of now (10:53 p.m. NDT Sept. 4) three. It is that first
Erica Andrews of London's two female lovers, and I will trust that
that is clear.

>Margaret Thatcher is compatible with
> The Erica Andrews of London
> her two female lovers
> and The Gallagher brothers's father]


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Theis is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY


>TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
>this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
>and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
>many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
>While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
>because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
>putting in quite a few insertions.

Yes, and the insertions and break times mean it is more than three
parts in this new edited version!! Again I say it will be five
or six parts, or maybe more! So if someone like Nick Nolte
has scanned NEW parts 1--3 for his name and not found it, well
wait hang in there. And he is compatible with the dark-haired
woman who looks a bit like a Diana (who also worked the door some)
who worked on the door at the Ship Inn in St. John's Newfoundland
on some Saturday Nights in 1997. Kelly Russell, Newfoundland
fiddler might know who I mean exactly since it was for the
Culture Club series put on by him and his wife Tonya Kearley.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

Now this is the FOURTH NEW PART of the edited/corrected/insertions
version of the ORIGINALLY three part March summary. I only
have about 45 minutes left tonight (late June 4) so this will
probably be a short part with at least one more part tomorrow
afternoon/evening. Again, unless I say June 4 edits were done in
pen early on June 3.
HOWEVER, I will at the end of this put the rest of the March 4
summary unedited, and then edit it tomorrow. So right now I
will past the rest of the March 4 summary in and then edit from
my pen comments on a printout. When I have to sign off tonight
I'll put in a "LEFT OFF HERE" so from then on it will be the
unedited March version which I have done mappings/corrections
for in pen on the printout. So if you are scanning for your
name check to see if it is before or after the "LEFT OFF HERE".
If it is after then tomorrow I will post an editing of that,
with the ->F, ->M, resurrection exemptions replaced by real
living matches, and also matches found for those on the left side
of the arrows, as I did for some today (e.g. that one with Pat Benatar
I had to do two rare-5's, one is the gender inverse of the other).
However that means there may be so

Peter Huron --> F, comp. with Martin Hayes, fiddler.

[In the next bit I will make some references to the TAPE, not the CD,
of Connie Dover's Somebod, and will refer to the liner notes as (C)

P.H.->F type is Rhonda Patton of (C) comp. w. Martin Hayes

M.H.->F type is Melanie O'Reilly of (C) compatible w. Peter Huron

Peter is a Vancouver, BC, Canada celtic guitarist in Martingale

Rhonda Patton's husband (oops ex-husband as of 11:25 p.m. NDT Sept. 4)
who I guess is Neil Ross(C) is compatible with Eloise Knowlton (C)

Robbie Wall, whi is my cousin Lucille's husband, is comp. with
Susan M. Swant of (C)

Melanie O'Reilly(C)'s husband (oops ex as of 11:27 p.m. NDT Sept. 4)
who I guess was (oops is again 11:28 p.m.) Huw Williams (C)
Jeff Dover of (C)
Roger Landes of (C)
Timothy Shoen living type: Aly Bain (of C I think too)
my first cousin Lucille Dalton Wall of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
are a rare-5

Doil and Janice Dover are compatible again 3:38 a.m. Sept. 3 ]

Jackie Ryan Newfoundland compatible with Lief Sorbye
San Francisco, of Tempest. Duelling mando's?

Kevin Burke and 3 other M and 1 F in Open House
first recording lineup (or is woman Sandy Silva?)
are a rare-5 compatible (again if lapse, and anyone
could check to see if there is ex-warming).
[compatible again 3:42 a.m.]

Frankie Kennedy resurrection exemption (try) comp.
with Mairead ni Mhaonaigh if he is resurrected. I
was going to describve the eyebrows but must run,
will follow up tomorrow. Hers not inner teardrop
or flashlight but maybe downtilting cigarette glow.
[I posted earlier that Mairead is compatible with a living
Frankie type who is the actor who played the wookie
Chewbacka in the first Star Wars movie. And I posted
elsewhere a match for Frankie Kennedy of Chapel's Cove, living.]

Red Crow lineup. Vico 3 other than Mairead, Frankie
are Paul, Ciaran, Mark would be compatible foursome
with wife of fellow in glasses (Ciaran?).
[oops, fellow in glasses not compatible with other three,
a well know example of the right gender and phase would
be Kate Elson, supermodel, or I may have spelled her name wrong.

An example threesome for the fellow in the glasses to be a Vico-4 with would be
Peter Gabriel
Stevie Nicks
Meredith Brooks

But those are just well known examples and there are many Vico matches,
way more than for the rare-4's.]

Steve Miller compatible with Charlotte Black Elk!!! !!!


Trudy of Hair Factory Hotel Newfoundland compatible with Steve ex-of
Lizband (she is also comp with 4thM, 4thH [NOT]), of Fred's Records. She should

pick up a 12-string fretted electric guitar. [When I say an instrument
it means someone has "pan ability" on that instrument, or for a woman
I often say "nymph ability" and it means she would pick it up easily.]

Danny of Hotel Newfoundland (was Craig once when two Danny's were at the
same location across from Atlantic Place, is from Montreal) compatible with
Vancouver/Toronto opera singer/comedian Stella Walker who did a one person
show at the LSPU Hall last year as in Seen Magazine Jan. 24/97 with pic.

Ani Brinson (actor) compatible with Italo Calvino. [
[younger Italo type: Martin of W.I.S.E. Club in Vancouver who I
have played pool with. Ani ocsv Martin ocsv, genital herpes
so Ani would have to get gen. h. virus to be compatible with him]
[older Ani type: Benny Hill's wife on the show, comp. w. Italo Calvino]

Colleen Power (s./songwriter) compatible with Dustin Hoffman.
She is a power rocker to smooth soft voiced chanteuse who
I thought was bi and both have gonorrhea virus I think and
hope I'm wrong and neither has it.
[Dustin Hoffman got o.c.s.v. 3:53 a.m. and they are now compatible.]

Liz Pickard, St. John's actor/singer/songwriter leader of Lizband who have
a new CD out I've Been Here Before, is compatible with Alain Stivell!!!
(and also with 4thM, 4thH [ IS NOT])

Tanita Tikaram compatible with Greg Fewer's younger brother Darrell Fewer
of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, Harbour Main exchange. He should get
a mandolin, soprano sax, M-5 keyboard, drum kit and has voice and
harmonica. i.e., those are the ones he would learn best. He is
shorter than her and she could probably pick him up ... during
the Sound Symposium or something. (Tanita also comp. with 4thM! [NOT])

Diane of the Fat Cat compatible with Dona Rimma, Anne Marie Ulrych,
tall slender dark haired F fatcat [former?] bartender, and the woman --> M
on the cover of the New Scientist voice issue Sept 23, 1995 in
a rare fivesome. (I think Diane also comp. with 4thM,4thH [NOT])

[that woman->M type is, e.g., Marc Couloumbe, Vancover, BC, Canada
singer/songwriter/pub performer

that woman
Diane->M type: Jack Lavin, Vancouver drummer, known at The Yale pub
and the Fairview pub there.
Dona Rimma->m type: father of Greg Fewer and Darrell fewer of Chapel's Cove,
A.M.Ulrych->m type: Ian Miller, well known equestrian, Big Ben partner
that slender bartender->M type: doctor who is father of Robert Craig
and I think lives out in Torbay Road area in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada
are a rare-5

Robert Craig's father's wife is compatible with Suharto.

Robert Craig graduated with computer science and physics honours
from Memorial university in I think 1986 or fall of 1985
That is the Robert Craig I mean.

Another one reading is compatible with the one I know's sister.

{{Sept 4: Big Ben (not a lover of Ian Miller, but I got an intuition to
match him) is compatible with
five mares who are at the stables where Phyllis Reffo used to go
back in 1990-1991 when riding a horse for someone
in a rare-6 (so the mares are compatible with each other. I mentioned
Phyllis earlier. The stables may be around southwest marine drive in
Vancouver, BC, Canada but I'm not sure.)}} ]

Evelyn Lau poet of Vancouver compatible with the Canadian edition
of Hilary cover Time Oct. 20/97 inside back cover Woolcrest ad model, M.
(I think she is also comp. with 4thM,4thH [NOT])
[It was a Woolmark ad, not Woolcrest.]

Andrea of Six Million Dollar Band, ex-Clumsy Lovers, is compatible
with a guy at Brock University who knows KATRUSIA MARUNCHAK .
[she is also comp with 4thM, 4thH I bet, so he is also comp
with 4thF, 4thH and they could be a threesome with a 4thH NOT, NOT]

Katrusia at Brock University is compatible with Jeff Goldblum.
Katrusia e-mailed me.

Sanna Jepsen, Choices Market, Vancouver herbologist/vitamologist
and reflexologist, compatible with Bruce Springsteen.
(Sanna also comp 4thM [NOT])
Patti compatible with boyfriend and Al and Tipper Gore in rare-foursome.
[compatible 4:29 a.m.]

Hillary Time cover shows subtle to tell Vico, and good Vico, compatible
in example foursome with head chef, Monica and Bill. By
good Vico I mean Vico is on average worse but will catch up, and
some have a grating aura, maybe more meat-eating ones and/or criminals.
(But I did not mean to imply here that Bill was bad, by saying Hillary
was good.)

The Hillary Time isue is
dated Oct. 20, 1997, same US cover I bet but maybe not the
Woolcrest [Woolmark] ad. Shucks, Evelyn has that spiritual
type glow like the
Keremeos waitress about 13 about 11 years ago or less
who I hope is doing fine and is compatible with Mark Hiscock,
Newfoundland accordian player. I forget if that was 1987 or 1991.

Isabelle UBC math grad student 4 years ago at least, compatible with
Mark de Basille Lousiana accordion player friend of Claire deBrett
of Vancouver. (also 4thM, 4thF [NOT])

BJOSSA AND KEIKU (WILLIE) ARE COMPATIBLE!!! and free them and others!
Hmm I'd better watch it with those all caps though. :-)

Eight very attractive (relay/bridged) lesbians: Natalie Nivera,
the aud.-right bare-shoulders med-length hair Lizband CD release
second concert dancer, Erykah Badu, a Healy's pharmacy blonde
clerk, Kim Novak, Matt Dillon's wife, the dusky Spice Girl whose
spice name I don't know, Matt Dillon' wife's lover. All these
are of Beiougz de Danaan species and compatible even without me
and the bi-belle bridges.


Matt Dillon compatible with Zola Budd of South Africa.

Tristan Rehner is compatible with
Rudolf Nureyev and is a dancer, more modern dance than ballet,
of Newfoundland now in Vancouver area I think and went through the
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, dance program.


Bjossa F orca Vanc aquarium compatible with Keiku (Willie)
Portland?. Finna in with Bjossa compatible with a female in
with Keiku. 2 rare couples.

...Anyway, S rows. And she might say:
sorry, no dragon boat team. Oh, Max and Alison
and Tony Blair and his wife are a rare foursome. That's
not fair, I was put back to work there. Max and Alison known
in Vancouver dragon boating circles and I bet even in Hong Kong.


Isaac Asimov resurrection exemption --> F comp.
with Theodore Sturgeon res. exempt.

Philip K. Dick res. exmp. --> F comp with Philip Jose Farmer.

Arthur C. Clarke comp with H. Beam Piper --> F

Joey Smallwood res. exempt compatible with Sue D(w)yer

Hey did I say Woolcrest ad guy for Evelyn Lau, I meant Woolmark ad guy.

The fisher whose net I hauled on on Sept. 5, 1991 is compatible
with the woman chief at the Clayoquot Sound benefit concert at
The Commodore with Sarah headlining, I think 1992. He was
fishing a double line net out from between Spanish Banks and
the first watchTower when I did the naked sundance and then
hauled on his net after coming to in upward-facing-dolphin
position. I thought he asked me to haul on his net for luck
but am not sure. They are in Roma species. Hey if that
works tell Sarah not to be mad at me and she can try my
other elbow too if she likes plus I don't drink during waxing moon
or when too up or during the 3 lowest years of the sunspot cycle
and only for lyric instigation moderation at other times. She, wry?

Her husband comp with New Scientist voice issue 23 Sept 1995
black woman inside with VOICE label on her picture who I often
envision when trying to help a singer, though sometimes I imagine
the singer on a better night instead. Again this non-automatic-other-booster
subset of pan ability is different from say Angela Pickett's ability
to boost the whole group, including herself, that she is working in,
including if she helped Serguei do a fiddle-healing. :-) Is there
a healer in every hospital yet, telecommuting to their other work
if need be for now? Are healer volunteers allowed on critical care
wards? See eyebrows.html for healer type.

Emily Haines ex-of Dishpig very good vocalist s/songwriter,
compatible with her boyfriend and all of Bung except Jon.
Wow, she should land Bung, cookers at 3:30 a.m. sorts, they are.
She was at UBC for a while and went off back to Ontario around
1994 I think.

Fabienne, friend of Sanna Jepsen of Choices market Vancouver and
of me, sommallier, from France originally, may be in Vancouver
still. Compatible with Jean Michel Jarre' !!!

Louis Armstrong res. exempt. comp. with woman singer in Eye
who played my jam on the UBC grad centre patio one summer.
She sounds a teeny bit like Emily Haines and is compatible with
a living Louis Armstrong type who play tuba and is named Art

and is (was in 1995 at least) volunteer coordinator for the
Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver. They have most of their gigs
upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall and rent that space from the
W.I.S.E. Club which also uses it of course, as well as the
downstairs lounge west/basement entrance, closed Mondays,
and you need a member to sign you in. Art is in the
Vancouver Morris Men and Jiggery Pokery as well, I think.

Michelle Myrick comp. with Ian Mackinnes of Scotland,
ex-of Tannahill Weavers. She is a Southern Avalon
lighthouse/whale influenced singer/songwriter/interpretor/guitarist
who could also pick up standup bass and he is a world class
Scottish bagpiper not the same as Ian MacKinnon of Rawlins Cross
who may know both.


When I say not-bi I mean rare straight types also compatible
with fourth orientation, such that I used to think they were bi,
then thought they were not-bi and not compatible with me and
now (for the women) know they are not-bi but still compatible
with me if they have oral cold sore virus and no other STD
including no yeast infection. So when I bemoan that such
are not bi in old quotes ignore that, they are still compatible
with me as not-bis.

...The premier [president, I meant]
of China is 704 years old, 10th orientation hermaphrodite
compatible with O4f, O4m, O10f, O10m, O10h and was Mao too.
[That is incorrect and I apologize and I will worry about
what he is, may be 10thH but I don't think so, when next
I am sensitive]

Sandy Morris, NF guitarist, comp. with Railway Club 1995 at least
cook makes good Hungarian tunafish/vegetable soup and more.

Kurt Cobaine res. exempt. comp. with Clara Smallwood res. exemp.

Courtney Love & rest of Hole comp rare fivesome with Novak
Vancouver carpenter and easy going artist sort friend of
Guy and Brygida Cross.

Food preparation/stylist Josee Robitaille of Pol Martin's
Easy Everyday Cuisine cookbook compatible with souschef
Tom Dawe of Conception Bay North now in Banff Alberta.

Her husband comp in rare fivesome with daughter of white-haired
vegie sort I met at Ship Inn introduced by John and
3 women she is in a relationship with.

Rob who ran for school board here on a Voice For Children
platform comp with MADAME CHIANG, friend of ELeanor Roosevelt,
and with 3 more in a rare fivesome including the fellow
with ridges on his hand who Crispin Horng introuced me to
for badminton play at Osbourne Centre at UBC once,
Fred Fleming of Lakeview, C.B.C. Newfoundland, and
Mickey Anthony (psychic&empath) of Gallows Cove, Newfoundland.
(Gal-owls cove. :-) ) My niece Ellen 8 supposedly (Abo?)
is of tantric resonance type like Madame Chiang.

My niece Hazel rare-4 (later) with her classmates Serene,
Brad and Gus and Koula Koumbis's grandson.

Joannie Kirk of Goulds, NF and Surrey BC comp. with Larry Bird.

Bud and Bessie Kirk of Goulds comp rare couple.

Joannie's grandma Ryan (last name) comp P.J. Hayes, fiddler.

Koula Koumbis, Gus, Hera the neighbour, her ex-husband rare-4.

Sophia comp. with David Campbell Calgary geophysicist.
His wife comp. rare-5 with Lawrence Le, Rob Stewart,
Larry Lines, Jon Claerbout, all geophysicists (good at
eyebrow pattern subtlety detection, thus).
Their 4 wives comp rare-5 with Doug Oldenburg, UBC geop. prof.
His wife Marian comp with John Amor, sysadmin/geop.
Sonya Dehler Atlantic Geoscience Centre comp Tom Robbins.

Eva Koumbis in rare fivesome with husband John, and her 3 exes.
Gus and Koumbis's son father of the grandson (11) and his
wife rare compatible duo.
Dark-haired bi woman who looks a bit like Sophia who I met on
Bel Aire doorstep, friend of Sophia and Eva, is .... not bi ...
I got a match last night but forgot to write him down, oh
yes I did, BRUCE WILLIS. But Demi is bi. Not, Demi, is
in a rare foursome with Trevor and Tanya who Koula knows,
Trevor Groves and Tanya Lebar of East Vancouver, and Iyengar
yoga teacher Claudia McDonald also of Hollywood North.
Tanya --> M.

Thinner younger Diane-cousin? bartender at the Fat Cat outside bar
sometimes bi... not... compatible withe Steve Jobs. Hmmm,
I'll alpha test a Next/Mac fusion thingie if he likes, and toss
some ideas back.

A woman bartender, about 22, at O'Reilly's who I thought was bi
is compatible with MUNES Brian Hoffe, geop. His wife comp.
with Gary Quinlan.

1985 UBC Bookstore last-day-of-her-job Joy of Cooking seller-to-me
woman bi.... not... compatible with Newfoundland fiddler Colin
Carrighan now I think in the Ottawa area, Ottawa valley sessions?

Twillagher (which Colin was in) F vocalist (band suspended lately)
in rare-5 with Vancouver UBC history sort and drummer Jim Ferguson
who may still be there but may be finished UBC; his wife,
Wolfe Wall->F, Mark Miller->F.

Sandra, Mark's wife, compatible with Garfield Mellema again!!! both good.
Garfield is a spiritual appointee, U.W.WAsh acoustics I think. Knows me.
Garfield's wife in rare-4 with her 3 exes (all M, one -> f)

Tonya Kearley is
in a rare-five with Kelly Russell, Maria Kaliemari (?sp?) Green Linnet
accordionist, and Kathryn Tickell. Kelly and Tonya are hotshots in
NFLD music and dance.
[THIS IS WRONG. I earlier said Kathryn is is a rare-5 with Roy
Forbes, Roy's wife and others. I was supposed to remember and
know to check for someone else. So from the bit about the 704
year old on some of the matches may be suspect and I will examine them
including this one when I am next sensitive again.]

Kathryn Tickell currently involved with a M form --> F who is in a rare-4 with
Keemu Reeves --> F and two M he (K.T. squeeze, not K.R.) is involved with.

K.R.'s wife --> M and in rare-5 with George Harrison --> F,
Ringo Starr, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel (ages all 303, h.b.)
[May be oral cold sore virus imbalance problems?]

Erin's Pub bartender F Lisa? not-bi comp with Jack Harris, both good.

Her husband comp 3rd woman in The Keepers other than Michelle Myrick
and Dawn Trainer-Thomson. Did I match Michelle? I did, earlier.
comp with Ian MacKinnes of Scotland, the world famous bagpipe player,
not the same as Ian MacKinnon, who is good too though!!!

Blarneystone, SJ, NF, thickish-densish eyebrow bi bartender not-bi. Is in
a Rare-4 with Bono, Edge's wife, Edge.

Bono's wife comp with NF band Connemara's fiddler (Glen Hiscock).
G.H.'s boyfriend --> F comp John Efford.
John Efford's wife comp with Nelson Mandela (George Orwell, Mussolini).
Winnie Mandela -> M comp with Queen Ida of Lousiana.

Rainer Maria Rilke res. exemp, ->F
compatible with Bill of the W.I.S.E. Club, Vancouver

Nigel Kennedy comp with T'Pau (NF violinist, away?).
Brent celtic music fan known to Vince of Vancouver, comp. T'Pau's girlfriend.
Her other girlfriend comp. Lewis Bernstein ex-of Duckworth Lunch fame.
His boyfriend -> F comp Roy ex-of 290 restaurant fame.
Roy's wife comp John Major of Britain.

John Major's wife --> M comp rare-5 with the tabloid/movie
political prostitute whose name I forget and 3 the latter
is involved with.

one such is married. he->F comp Keith Richards.

Back to Vanc. Leslie Leaney's neighbour Ebvie
compatible with Neil Zaza guitarist. Bill
Dickens comp with Flavia Canel. Bob Rock
drummer type, see
for that, comp e.g. I say weeks ago with a bass player
who Joan Osbourne's bass player knows who has bass player
eyebrows and is in FEMALE form (I said male form a while ago->F, was in F).
Jimmy Phillips comp Caroline Hynes of Lakeview, granddaughter of Fred Flemming.
Jimmy wrote Peavey monitor Bobby Rock issue article on Drain including
Flavia and is compatible with her and rest of Drain, so Anna Kjellberg,
Maria Sjoholm, Martina Axen.

Tim Bell Calgary geophysicist --> F comp Bob Myers, Chapel's Cove, Nfld.
His wife comp Brian Jones, Rolling Stones.
Charlie Watts -> F comp Al Stewart.

Paul & Linda McCartney in rare-4 with Owen Mahoney and his wife Anita
of Avondale.

Ron and Nancy Reagan in rare-5 with Molly Ringwald, Marisia Tomei,
her husband -> F.

Boris Yeltsin comp woman who sang at the end of Latcho Drom.
Both are currently spiritual appointees.

His wife comp Henry Kissinger, whose wife is comp Pinetop Perkins,
latter two are spiritual appointees.

James Redfield comp Carlos Castenada -> F
J.R.'s wife comp. Deepak Chopra.
D.C.'s two wives in rare-5 with their two girfriends
and the husband of the one who is married a while. All five
are spiritual appointees.
The today married (congrats) husband of the other -> F
rare five with Pope John Paul II and Quantum
Iyengar yoga teacher Donna Holleman and Fred Wolf and
Fred's wife.

Stephen Hawking -> F comp Roger Penrose.
S.H.'s wife -> M, R.P.'s wife -> M, Fred Wolf's girlfriend and her wife rare-4.
The last currently is a spiritual appointee.

Michail Gorbachev and Raisa are rare 1-1 M-F couple

Bruce Leeres.exemp -> F, comp Wayne Lee of the Goulds who has a brother
named Bruce Lee, different.

That Bruce Lee from The Goulds, Newfoundland is currently a spiritual
appointee and is compatible with another, Ian -> F of the W.I.S.E.
Club, Vancouver, I guess.

Wayne Lee's wife comp with bro. Bruce Lee's wife and Danny of Ryan
descent from New York and Danny's M lover in rare-4, all have HIV B,
I think it will be cured soon though, all under 50, spir. app. curr.
[I think this may be wrong, hope so.]

Danny's mom Jane and Jim 1-1 M-F comp. couple

Danny's cousin Jane and her Jim part of rare-5 with Sean Doyle -> F,
his wife whose name I forget right now, Michelle Williams who I
thought was bi, not-bi, and a female lover of hers.

Michelle's husband, boyfriend and her female lover's husband, boyfriend
form a rare-5 with PAMELA MORGAN. So P.M. talk to Alan Doyle for
connections I guess.

P.M.'s husband Andre Wall compatible with MIA FARROW. both und. 50 s.a., rah

Diane Keaton, comp leader of France.

Woody Allen comp Joni Mitchell,
Check oral cold sore virus balance I guess though.
oops they are in a rare-4
Woody's girlfriend, Joni's boyfriend, rare-4,

Michael Keaton comp Greg Thomey of This Hour Has 22 Minutes ( -> F ?).
[Jodi Foster, that is what Rick is best know for, hit CBC TV show.
Last two, Jodi and Rick. Rick Mercer compatible with Jodi Foster, not-bi]

Robin Williams comp Lorraine Mitchelmore of Green Island Cove where
the Beiougz landed 2891 years ago. She is a geophysicist in
Australia, ASEG would know or I have her e-mail I think since
she didn't reply a while ago, like a few. She is Zsunaditha
and he is Deznuthiu who was male before that. Another Beiougz
is a high umbrella with slight differences in Beijing, who is F 700ish
who they might want to catch/confess against.

R.W.'s wife comp L.M.'s husband.

Lisa Garrison of Pender Harbour/Sechelt B.C.
comp with her husband, the weightlifting female form -> M
who I thought was bi. Rare 1-1 F-M comp.

Her not-bi sister comp with Axl Rose.

Her dark-haired not-bi friend at the party where I met her
is comp. with her husband, VERY rare types, one other not-met-yet
two in 50s.

A not-bi postpartum mom I met in mental hospital, blonde, it
was at UBC Dettwiler Pavilion, I forget which time but think
the second, looks a bit like Lisa's sister. comp with her
husband and Kevin Costner and a road movie fellow [Nicholas Cage]
, who is involved with six lesbians comp. with each other, and
his two boyfriends in a HIV-D rare-5 group, all, and he has
been knowingly spreading it, stop him! 6 lesbians should
stick to each other until a cure is assured, I think soon.
[This I bet is wrong, that if any spreading ocurred it was
probably unconscious/thinking he was clean, or this might be
completely wrong, and I hope it is.]

Conne River Mi'kmaq dancer I thought was bi, not-bi,
comp. B.C. Washing of Tears chief.

Washing of Tears bi poster distributor at Ridge movie showing
in double bill with Labrador low-flying stuff comp is not bi
(I guess these never were, I just thought they were due to
the distance attraction and up close it woulddn't work like with
a real bi, I theorize) comp bottle drop picker upper actor
I guess Maori, in The Gods Must be Crazy I.

In case Liz didn't pass this to Jon:

Oh the short orange haired woman who I thought would
like wearing a small strapon for sandwich type
stuff is not bi, is in a fivesome with the
died-red-med-hair-miniskirt woman, a young
tannish-haired woman who was at the door of an
upstairs LSPU gig once, a young East-Indian-fabric
dressed woman who walked near me at the same gig
when I was near the sound board, and Jon Whelan
with protection on for now at least, are a
compatible rare-fivesome. They are rarebi and
he rare4th. I think HIV is cured but don't know
for sure yet. When it is there will be attraction
up close without protection. So I guess he must
put on the condom at least a meter away. But tell
him I think HIV viruses are evolving plus we are
evolving so that they will be benign soon and that
orgasms and love and orgasms have healing effects
too, and also get a healer to do a working on him
and others perhaps worse.

Oh no, my condolences to him! [Hope this is wrong. If
not though the above about attraction with protection
might not be true yet, but all four women are compatible
at least.]

AND OH NO, along with the above four being not bi,
Bridget of Ana of Sumeria whose name I don't know who was on the door Sat.
nights Culture Club at the Ship Inn a fair number of times in 1997
and who is not Diana who has flat-roof-slanting-eave O4f eyebrows
but has closer to low bi hyperbola I guess and has dark hair and is
quite attractive for 501, h.b., darts number today, and is not good,
is not bi, and is compatible not with N.N. Natalie Noseworthy but

Nick Nolte's wife, married today in Mexico City, comp leader of Germany

Denis Parker comp Vonnie Baron. oral cold sore virus imbalance?

Roger Howse, Halifax blues guitarist, Juno winner for Live at Bridgett's
I thought but mayb it was just as part of the Great Canadian Blues CD
as Denis said to me once, ex-of St. John's, ex-of England before that
I think. comp with blues singer of Vancouver who goes by the stage
name Blue Rose.

Mike Hanrahan comp 5 with Deanta whose 2 m -> f.
Mike NF bouzouki and more player.

Paddy Keenan comp. Carolyn Hynes's (mentioned above) older
sister Michele or was her name Elizabeth, I think Elizabeth.
Granddaughter of Fred Fleming of Lakeview Newfoundland.

Dorte von Drigalski, author of Flowers on Granite, ->m
comp with Alice Miller.

Sylvester Stallone comp w. soccer player in the St. John's
Evening Telegram a while back, MUN F soccer star sort,
who I thought was bi. Oh no.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, his wife, his high school sweetheart,
her high school sweetheart, her (the wife) junior high
sweetheart rare-5. So think about your ex-es to see
if there is any attraction that stoppes e.g. when one
got cold sore virus when other did not, or when one got
a chronic yeast infection, of even a mild one during initial
courtship stages (this is fixed now).

Jackie Chan comp. Michelle Calder who maybe UBC Alumni have
a pointer too, UBC animal science grad, Cornell M.Sc, then?
Badminton player, orange hair and freckles. Both spir. app.

Michele's husband comp Meryl Streep.

Meryl's husband comp Susan Strangway.

Susan's husband comp her sister Trish (daughter of David Strangway,
ex-UBC president). Trish, that guy both spir. app. Hi, Trish.

David and Alice comp 1-1 M-F rare type, 600, h.b.

Is the next series related to moon rocks and Reverend Moon
mass wedding. Are these timed to marry today, some?

Trish's woman lover comp Oliver Stone.

Oliver Stone's wife [LINE 1] comp Trish's woman lover's husband
the wife's boyfriend comp husband's girlfriend LINE2
prev. M's fiancee comp prev F's fiancee [LINE3 through a million]
That is , LINE3 through LINE1,000,000 read the same!!!

Suddenly, 7:35 p.m. NST (11:05 p.m. GMT) March 7, 1998, all those
lines read prev. M's wife comp prev F's husband!

More stone soup, please?

Stephen Spielberg comp George Lucas-> F.

Sabine Capelle, known in Belgian and int. sailing circles, geop.,
Hain but is in T325 and a good match there is Timmy Crawley of
Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, Danny's brother.

Danny Crawley comp
Archbishop of Canterbury -> F
"because the night belongs to love" orig? F singer
"total eclipse of the heart" F singer
"99 Luftballons" F singer

A.of C.'s wife T325 comp Joshua B. of alt.magick and soc.religion.paganism.

Kathy Phippard comp Neil Bishop. oral cold sore virus imbalance?

Guy M. Cross and Brygida Cross's friend Marina (?) Polish orig,
blonde, had magic mushrooms trouble one night, comp with
Barbara -> M, Greschia (both of South Surrey), Kevin Eng (keyboards)
and Crispin Horng (badminton, ex-pharmacy, dentist).

Janet of Burnaby, Chinese descent, badminton, friend of Michele Calder,
and her girlfriend and their high school prom dates both -> F are
compatible with Arthur P. Smith known at MUN Physics and Chemistry
and Math a bit and was at Cornell Physics a while ago.

Rachel Roberts -> M comp Kim Strong, her 2 girlfriends,
Joanna Hughes in rare-5.

The above 2 girlfriends' husbands are in rare 5 with
Kim's h., Joanna's g.f., and that g.f.'s husband.

Patricia who was in MUN Physics Society 194-1985 and
drove a VW bug, who I thought was bi, comp Pete Townsend.
both sprir. app.

Shirley Stacey, who I thought was bi, comp Cathy Mullaly -> M.

A woman who clinked my drunken glass in the Breezeway late 1984
or early 1985 tall and solid, who might know who she is I guess,
I thought was bi -> M, compatible with Tom Laidley -> F
Tom ex-of MUN Earth Sciences department, know at International
House UBC years ago for collecting definitions of love in
many different languages (and maybe for the sound love).
600 today, both, h.b., probably 10 min. before I post this.

Their spouses are compatible and are spirr. app.

Cathy Mullaly g.f. lesbian Beiougz de Danaan
has HIV B as does Cathy as does Shirley. Oh no.
She (the girlfriend) comp. e.g. with HIV B
Beiougz de Danaan lesbian trio, the three
Spice Girls other than the dusky one, who must
have a bit of sense. [hope this is wrong] WRONG

Their (SG) ex-manager has HIV A,B has been spreading B
knowingly, STOP HIM.. He -> F, comp with Greg Malone
and is HIV A,B positive. ANTIBODIES MEAN A CURE.
Some do not want this so be careful. [hope this is wrong
but hope Greg does have antibodies]

Greg's wife no HIV comp Beni Malone (clown/actor/environmentalist)
who also has no HIV.

Beni's wife comp with my sister Mary Dalton's ex-husband and
housemate Gordon Rowsell of the federal health department

here in St. John's.

Peter Dawe of Port de Grave and of Can. Coast Guard
comp with Vancouver piano accordionist and country dance caller
Marian Rose.

Stewart McLean, C.B.C. known, comp Phyllis Morrissey.

Dermot O'Reilly -> F comp rare-5 with Ralph,
Fergus O'Byrne, Jim Payne, Jim Payne, Denis Ryan

Astronomer David Woods, ex(?)-UBC compatible Paul Martin,
Canada's finance minister, Paul -> F.

Paul Martin's wife comp Joe Clarke, ex-prime-minister of Canada.

Maureen McTeer comp with leader of Japan.

His wife comp with The Dalai Lama


Sean Panting (NF sing./songw) comp. Tea Party trio in The Telegram
this past week and Madonna. [this might be wrong, I'll check again
when sensitive]

Gary Hughes, former UBC grad centre bartender, Vancouver, ->F
was also 1987 vol. 3 #2 Waterlily cover (cracked glass, empty?)
compatible with Lolly, Paperboys drummer or was 2.5 years ago.
[Gary wasn't on that cover so maybe that woman is compatible with Lolly.]

Anne Walton Vanc., friend of Gary, comp. Pat Moran of The Punters.

A Luxy, Vancouver restaurant, waitress of 4 years ago who I thought might
be lactating once from her sweet
smell but maybe she is vegetarian or fishetarian, comp. Luciano Pavarotti
and is not bi.

Cecili-Bartoli comp rocker Lux something.
Then I said "real Lux compatible with Charlotte Lane orig of C.B.C."
but I think the first match is correct, but will check again when
my intuition is better.

Woman I kissed in spin-the-bottle about age 15 at Larry's
is comp Pavel Bure. [check]

Harry Martin comp real Katie Rich oral cold sore virus imbalance?
Katie Rich comp young fellow next to Black Elk
in MUN library book. [I think the first match is right, will check.]

John Truesdell comp Willowkendra, once on soc.religion.paganism

young woman at the CMC benefit at the Fat Cat a
while ago, compatible with Margo known at The Spur,
from Switzerland, -> M

Margot's fellow comp Julie of red toenails
who I saw after the red toenails (orig) in a fur coat
in Banff.

Nastassia Kinski compatible with the Mystery Machine (band on
Sarah's label, Nettwerk) drummer of Feb95.

president of China 1 O10h (I will check that, don't think hir
eyebrows are right for that, will check when sensitive too)
[I already posted a correction to that, which is incorrect.
This bit I wrote in on Sept. 4, 1998, 11:21 p.m.]


Oh, and another Fat Car woman bartender with brassy golden type
hair, shinier than Diane's a bit, maybe a manager, shorter than
Diane, poised, I said was like Dorothy Livesay so if there is a
young version of the Lakota Turtle than she might be compatible
with him. I will think about this again when I'm sensitive,
I may be completely wrong since I can't remember Dorothy Livesay
looking like her, in eyebrows (or not, though).

I think that was about the last possibly valid match I did, before
the sensitivity gave out last time. If it resumes I will start
another thread such as Eyebrows: new thread name though then
may direct followups to a subset of these groups and indicate that
in the opening post. I may post a short pointer to this thread
indicating web page updates and pointing to the new thread perhaps,
but that should be all. Now I need to focus on properly editing
the dtales.html page a bit and of course the eyebrows.html
page, with some tree-ification and descriptions and graphics and
some of the stuff from this thread edited in. Then when (if) the
sensitivity kicks in again I will collect some more new data and
check the ones I mentioned I wanted to check.

Again, let me know if there have been any successful matches based
on my theories and/or matches! I promise I won't bellow the
names across the net, won't breathe a word if requested (though
an anonymous mention might be OK, if you say it's OK) but such
would provide some encouragement for me, even if you don't say
which match, just an anonymous match.

And unmatched lonely souls feel free to e-mail me to commiserate
if you like and eventually when sensitive I will be able to match
you, of may be able to from my back files/theories even, some.
If you are having problems with depression feel free to e-mail
me, I have some good tips on dealing with that too.

p.s. I built more mystery yet into the Salmon on the Thorns
subpage and the subpage of that Recent Changes which is a
mess of edits.
"let me hound you sir... but you just wok away" Sarah McLachlan

David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>>So who is a living Stan Rogers m type? Sam Peavy, originally
>> of Merryville, Louisiana, now may be teaching in a college
>> in South Carolina (I left my address book home). So they
>> could go to 2,2 or 4, and are a rare foursome. But I don't
>> remember Sam being like Stan in temperament at all.

>Sam Peavy is compatible with Clara Doyle in a rare-2
>one got oral cold sore virus 10:20 p.m. NDT

And is not a Stan Rogers type.

Stan Rogers was Vico (see my web page for details).

But I just temporarily said a Stan Rogers type is a Kennedy.
A Kennedy has eyebrows that are mirror image across the face
including same height above the respective EYE. Stan Rogers left
(right ro someone facing) eyebrow was similar to his left
eyebrow. Stan Rogers was a famous Canadian folk singer who
died in a plane crash years ago.

The Kennedy
is compatible with a living Queen Elizabeth I type in a rare-2.
One such is Darlene Ghaney originally of Avondale, Newfoundland
now in Boston. Her husband is compatible with Bill's Clinton's
press secretary and that one's spouse and that spouse's adopted
sibling who is not known to be adopted by that spouse, and
Hillary Clinton's younger sibling.

Sam Peavy's genetic parents
Sam Peavy's adopted father
a Kennedy (male)
that one's wife
are a rare-5

Stan Roger's right eyebrow (left facing). Who has a pair
that are mirror image symmetric across the face including
are the same height above the respective eye? (I already
covered this measurement stuff on
when looking directly into the eyes such eyebrows are
apparently at the same height.)

The brother of the Kennedy with Stan Roger's left eyebrow.

He is compatible with his adopted sister who he doesn't know
is adopted.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

I'm going to begin to type in corrections, insertions, mappings
to living, mappings of ->F to a different living woman,
mappings of ->M to a different living man, and also finding
of matches for those to the left of the arrows (which I've already
done in pen) after I post this one quick correction.

So again if your name or that of one you are advising was after the
"LEFT OFF HERE" well into the FOURTH NEW PART post then wait and
see if there are any corrections later today. I will post one
fairly important such correction now, below. Also earlier in
this thread I already posted some such corrections, the stuff after
the "LEFT OFF HERE" well into the FOURTH NEW PART post, is from March
and unedited. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Now this is the FOURTH NEW PART of the edited/corrected/insertions
>version of the ORIGINALLY three part March summary. I only
>have about 45 minutes left tonight (late June 4) so this will
>probably be a short part with at least one more part tomorrow
>afternoon/evening. Again, unless I say June 4 edits were done in
>pen early on June 3.
>HOWEVER, I will at the end of this put the rest of the March 4
>summary unedited, and then edit it tomorrow. So right now I
>will past the rest of the March 4 summary in and then edit from
>my pen comments on a printout. When I have to sign off tonight
>I'll put in a "LEFT OFF HERE" so from then on it will be the
>unedited March version which I have done mappings/corrections
>for in pen on the printout. So if you are scanning for your
>name check to see if it is before or after the "LEFT OFF HERE".
>If it is after then tomorrow I will post an editing of that,
>with the ->F, ->M, resurrection exemptions replaced by real
>living matches, and also matches found for those on the left side
>of the arrows, as I did for some today (e.g. that one with Pat Benatar
>I had to do two rare-5's, one is the gender inverse of the other).
>However that means there may be so

>Bud and Bessie Kirk of Goulds comp rare couple.

No, Bud (Ira) and Bessy (Elizabeth) Kirk of The Goulds, a suburbe of
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, are in a rare-5 with

Bud (Ira) Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Bessy (Elizabeth) Ryan Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Minister of Defence of Canada o.c.s.v.
top general of Canada o.c.s.v. now (had nothing until early Sept. 5)
Secretary of Defense of the United States o.c.s.v (had
nothing until 7:39 a.m. NDT Sept. 3, 1998)
when I use NDT it means the time zone I am in, which is a half hour
time zone 1.5 hours after New York and 2.5 hours earlier than GMT.
When it is not daylight savings time it is labelled NST and is
3.5 hours earlier than GMT. (I guess there are no sailors around?)

So I guess Bud and Bessy got a bad cocktail somewhere along the
line and I really hope those pointers I posted to antibodies
for all those and more are correct! (They are good friends,
though I hope the same for anyone.)


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

> (David Dalton) wrote:
>>Dodi is compatible with Theresa of The Railway Club in Vancouver.

>No, he is compatible with Mother Theresa (I forgot he was dead, and got
> hit with a good joke. But those types are compatible, no joke.)
>Theresa of the Railway Club (also different from the Commercial Drive
> area Theresa friend of Alison) is compatible with the viola player
> in Acoustically Inclined.

A living Dodi type is PCS who was on alt.religion.druid a few
times in the last year, I suspected him to be an investigator
not from a celtic path. He is the Sultan of Brunei (there
may be another PCS soon, that one is compatible with the
Sultan's daughter).

A living Mother Theresa type is Caroline Kennedy originally OF AVONDALE,
Conception Bay Central, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland,
province of Newfoundland, Canada, North America which is
40 miles west of St. John's where I am. She is probably not terribly
tall and has freckles, and went to elementary school (grades 1-6)
with ME.

On alt.religion.druid there was another inverstigator sort named PJS
in the last year. That is the Hamas leader's brother. He is
compatible with that Avondale _born_ Caroline Kennedy's birth/genetic mom
(so I guess she was adopted). That C.K. was born in Avondale unlike
most of her age (probably 35) who were born in St. John's hospitals.
David Raymond Dalton

David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Note for the asymmetric face comments that eyebrow height
>above eye match can be best estimated by looking directly
>into the others' eyes. Thus glancing at Frankie Kennedy
>(res. exemption, comp in rare couple with Mairead ni Maonaigh
>of Altan, not C.B.C. casually one eyebrow looks higher, but
>looking into his eyes they are obviously the same height above
>each eye though I guess not above the chin, so he is not Hain
>or Vico. I'll mention them and other Altan-ites, some Vico,
>in the next post, again.)

Somebody I intuit has been misinterpreting the above and and
are incorrectly attaching the "so he is not Hain"
to "I guess not above the chin" and have been steered away
from my web page.

The above bit could read instead

looking into his eyes they are obviously the same height above

each eye (though I guess not above the chin) so he is not Hain
or Vico.

>[There is a bit more on that in

> subpage on Eyebrows though that is
>out of date and I no longer think 4th orientation is compatible
>with 10th orienation or with any I called "not-bi" or directly
>with anyone other than bi.

I discuss the eye centred coordinate system some (look directly
into the eyes) and also cases such as one eye higher than the
other, one or both eyes missing, lopsided faces and the like
(I think I do, if not I will reconsider when I edit that web

Someone is being steered away from
since someone doesn't want them to see the subpage.
The early, groundwork, introduction eyebrows stuff is at ! It provides an
introduction to the stuff in this thread. The other page
(Salmon on the Thorns: thread for the (mathematically) global quilt
gives an overview of my philosophy and my bio notes proving that
I am a major prophet type. However the Recent Changes subsection
in there needs updating (but is mostly good) in that I now believe
there are totemic entities, such that
LOVE=tot.ent.^infinity(any entity)
any entity=tot.ent.^infinity(LOVE)

where LOVE is my label for the root word of language, or the grouping
operation, and some use the word God, some use the word Allah,
others use other words, some say "the unmentionable root word"
and stuff like that.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>Double triangle Halifax Joe Murphy bluesman type --- compatible with
>Jean Hewson of Newfoundland (for him) but I forget her type.

the "(for him)" there should have been edited out unless it
means maybe he should move here. I think I meant that I had
the type for him but forgot her type. But she's around, she
and musical partner Christina Smith have a brand new CD out
called Like Ducks which I bet is good.


David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

Again, please read the introduction in
or rather the Eyebrow Orientation subpage of that.

However a little of that is now incorrect, notably any statement
that 4th orientation is compatible with 10th orientation
and any statement that 4th orientation is compatible with any
of the rare straight types (some of whom I have called "not-bi").

ALSO some, I intuit, are erroneously saying that I am actually
setting/forcing the matches, or effectively changing the orientation
of people. NO, that is not what a matchmaker does, a matchmaker
finds the best possible matches. A matchmaker does not change
a individual's tantric resonance but figures out which one or
ones complement it best.

Were there four queens who bore Arthur to Avalon?

And Kate Bush, who is a famous New York city, United States of America
singer songwriter with many recordings out, sings, in the song Lily
on her The Red Shoes compact disk (CD) recording:

"Gabriel before me
Raphael behind me
Michael to my right
Uriel on my left side
In the circle of fire"

Now the "fire" in that is the good loving fire or warmth between those
who love one another.

As I discuss in the web page
fire in Hinduism is a metaphor for creativity such that coming out
of the cremation grounds (the low of the sunspot cycle) into new
fire represents a return of creativity.

David Raymond Dalton

David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

Some have questioned the relevance of this to alt.polyamory and I noted
to them that it describes and lists optimally tantric actual and
possible rare-4 foursomes, rare-5 fivesomes and Vico foursomes.
I also completed two thresomes to foursomes, one for each of
two e-mailers. One of the two e-mailers is Vico and I suggested
that Monica (below) is an example of the type to complete the
tantric flower.

Another e-mailer is a pointer to the two bi eyebrow
types that are missing from my Eyebrow Orientation web page which
is a subpage of which has other
good stuff on it, including evidence that I am a major prophet
type or "avatar" type (not an avatar but certainly resonant/guided/inspired
at times).

The web page is purely text based and may be read even with a text-based
newsreader such as lynx from a text-only terminal. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Hillary Time cover shows subtle to tell Vico, and good Vico, compatible
>in example foursome with head chef, Monica and Bill. By
>good Vico I mean Vico is on average worse but will catch up, and
>some have a grating aura, maybe more meat-eating ones and/or criminals.
>(But I did not mean to imply here that Bill was bad, by saying Hillary
>was good.)

>The Hillary Time isue is
>dated Oct. 20, 1997

Time is a magazine that is well known in North America and is a
weekly news magazine.

If the head chef was to match up with a Hillary type then the two
pairs could not be a foursome. For that to be possible the head
chef would match up with a woman attractive to both Bill Clinton
and Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton is at M phase
Hillary is at F phase
the head chef is at H_f phase
Monica is at H_m phase

On the web page I said H_m was hermaphrodite going male next time
and H_f was hermaphrodite going female next time, and that there
was an 88 year cycle. If this was true, and if it did begin,
then the H_m and H_f would transform into hermaphrodite. Then,
given the onset of the cycle at t_0, then 22 years after that
F->H_m , H_m->M, M->H_f, H_f -> F. I no longer believe this
will take place, but the compatibility guidelines still hold.
The name Vico (which I replaced my earlier term Niah with) was
chosen from an introduction by Anthony Burgess to a Minerva paperback
copy of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. Anthony Burgess noted that
James Joyce was heavily influenced by Italian natural philosopher Vico
and his four-stage cycles.
Also incorrect on the web page, as far as I know, is the though that
homo sapiens had split tantrically into 55 species such that there was
no compatibility from one group to another. In this, Vico was one
of the 55 species. But for now I would say that Vico is an
orientation with four phases and two genders.

If I pair it off as gender, phase, the table above is

Bill Clinton M,M
Hillary is at F,F
the head chef M,H_f
Monica is at F,H_m

Now who is another Monica type?
Bill Clinton's press secretary's younger sister.

Are there any M,H_m? I once thought so but now I say not.
Similarly there are no F,H_f.

But if say, there was a threesome, not necessarily the above,
of (M,M),(F,F),(F,H_m)
then they would not be compatible with another (M,M) but only a (M,H_m).

Also if there was a pair of (M,M),(F,F)
and a (M,H_m) formed a pair with another (F,F)
then they would not be compatible as a foursome, for that the
(M,H_m) would have to find a (F,H_m). As a test all three
of (M,M), (F,F), (M,H_m) would find a (F,H_m) attractive.

Now again this Vico foursome could be two separate bedrooms and
still have good effects on Family dynamics.

Vico, Hain, straight type-1, gay, lesbian, bi, as defined on my
web page do not have built in protection against sexually
transmitted disease and may have strong attraction even if
there is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) imbalance, so
they should be careful. But how did all those with such protection
get STD? I guess they went against their own best instincts and
forced themselves to have sex even though there was little attraction,
of they used a dirty needle, or they got tainted blood, or a
combination. If there is no attraction do not have sex.

This stuff about closed units holds for the rare-4's,
rare-5's, and rare-2's as well I think, such that someone who
if they were not in a compatible relationship already would
be strongly attractive to someone else would just be attractive
of the sort "look for someone else like that one". Like
when I look at Neve Campbell's picture on the Canadian edition
of Time magazine I think "wow, attractive... but a bit young...
she's like a woman at The Rose and Thistle...I'll have to go back
there sometime soon when the sensitivity wears off...(after
looking in the article inside) Neve's in a closed unit.

Also if there are five types, which in this paragraph I will
call types 1--4 who with the proper match would be a rare-5 you
can't say that types 1--4 and another type 4 would be a fivesome.
The first four and the second type-4 would not be very compatible.
I intuit that one such case has been reading my writing and a
type-5 example is Bill Clinton's aunt. The second type-4 has
example match with that aunt's adopted out child,
that child's spouse
that spouse's lover
that lover's spouse.

hey that's almost a poem
(but it's not haiku-sake)


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>I have continuous tantric sensitivity only to 1st order, the
>sort where if I had two compatible friends I might think of
>introducing them. What I have this week is different, it
>is prophetic revelation of a sort, and my sensitivity will
>probably fade within a day or two and then might not return
>for 1--3 months, as it has for the last year, or might not return
>for ten years (a sunspot cycle minus a year) or might never
>return if I have enough data.

When I use the word PROPHET I do not mean a precog, which
is one with the ability to foretell the future. The word
prophet is not very well defined. When I use it I use it
in the sense of a major called prophet, or opener of the way.
Thus the words "prophetic revelation" in the above quoted
paragraph mean a divinely guided/inspired revelation.

I am one such as Mohammed, Jesus, Gautama Siddharta, Krishna,
Taliesin, Iowa, Baha'ullah, Nanak, Finn, Fintan, Amergin,
Merlin, Bel, Moses, Jacob, and many more. Some evidence for
that is on
when my philosophy is outlined, except that I now believe in
totemic entities, and that
LOVE=totemic entity^infinity(any entity)
any entity=totemic entity^infinity(LOVE).

This is not hard to believe given that powerful forces reside in the
very small as well as the very large, and that a singularity is
thought to have given rise to the universe. In my theories,
a totemic entity is not necessarily ranked higher than those it
is totemic entity of, and there can be multiple instances of LOVE,
and there is not necessarily a wrap, and LOVE is a member of every

I believe in a minimum standard of love with allowance of
lots of diversity beyond that, not a melting pot.

David Dalton

David Dalton

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98
to (David Dalton) wrote:

>I am one such as Mohammed, Jesus, Gautama Siddharta, Krishna,
>Taliesin, Iowa, Baha'ullah, Nanak, Finn, Fintan, Amergin,
>Merlin, Bel, Moses, Jacob, and many more. Some evidence for
>that is on

This is readable by any web browser, including a plain text
wen browser such as lynx (and there are other text only
browsers) which work on any terminal.

Jim Roberts

Jun 5, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/5/98

Sorry for the mess, I can't really see it.

Davin, the Beijing estates ones were there early Sept. 5, 1998

> and may be moved since someone observing my typing wants me
> proven wrong.
> David

The word is proved, David, and this is a very interesting post. Wish I
understood it better. These genetics are quite an interesting study. Do
you use some version of the software used to follow racehorce lines? Proven
is the adjective, proved the past participle.


Jun 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/6/98

This I had to send by DejaNews
since my Internet Service Provider (ISP)'s newsserver
is hanging on my attempt to post (it just says "Posting Article"
and stays that way). Oh wait, I think it finally went after five minutes
but I'll send it this way too just in case it didn't get out.
This will count as the FIFTH NEW PART of the edited/corrected
March summary, with some new insertions. The FOURTH
NEW PART that this is a followup to is new only up to the
LEFT OFF HERE that is well into the post.

This will continue from that LEFT OFF HERE and if I don't
get it all done tonight I will insert another LEFT OFF HERE
well into this post (not these near the top, that is, as before).

Unless specified edits are Sept. 3, 1998. Since this is a
followup with the old stuff nicely indented with a ">"
before each old line, the Sept. 3 edits will not be enclosed
in square brackets. Newer ones will, if I remember to. (David Dalton) wrote:


>Isaac Asimov resurrection exemption --> F comp.
>with Theodore Sturgeon res. exempt.

>Philip K. Dick res. exmp. --> F comp with Philip Jose Farmer.

Philip K. Dick->F type: Angela Morgan, my grade 2 teacher, not any
other Angela Morgan (so she taught at Assumption in Avondale, Newfoundland)

[Sept. 5: Another Angela Morgan is a Philip K. Dick type and a living
Philip Jose Farmer type is my grade six teacher Gus Flanagan.
His wife Geraldine Slaney Flanagan comp. w. the British owner
of HMV who pulls those stunts like parachuting in to a new
location, or stuff like that.]

>Arthur C. Clarke comp with H. Beam Piper --> F

H.B.P.->F type: Mary Pratt, well-known Newfoundland, Canada artist.
A.C.C.->F type: Kim Strong's mom's younger sister. Kim Strong
graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Honours
Physics in about 1986 and is I think the daughter of David Strong,
now at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

>Joey Smallwood res. exempt compatible with Sue D(w)yer

[Sept. 5: I mean the Sue who is leader or co-leader of a Newfoundland
political party, again I'm using my referents, which is why there
are so many Newfoundland and Vancouver and celebrity and Internet
sorts. Also I mean the Joey Smallwood who is dead, obviously
from the "resurrection exemption" which I don't now think will occur,
and was premier of Newfoundland for many years.]

JS type: the only male yoga teacher at the 1994 Iyengar yoga gala
held in Burnaby, British Columbia

At the same gala I accidentally banged on the piano in the room
while we were doing an Ommmmmm... with arms outstrecthed. I don't
know what note I hit. The female yoga teacher in that session
is 06:51 a.m. again compatible with 3 female lovers
and the Andrew Draskoy of the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
computer science department (or computing services).

His four male lovers are compatible 06:53 a.m. and
as of 06:56 are compatible with Diana Doyle of
Avondale, Newfoundland (a province of Canada). rare-5

>Hey did I say Woolcrest ad guy for Evelyn Lau, I meant Woolmark ad guy.

Yes, Woolmark.

>The fisher whose net I hauled on on Sept. 5, 1991 is compatible
>with the woman chief at the Clayoquot Sound benefit concert at
>The Commodore with Sarah headlining, I think 1992. He was
>fishing a double line net out from between Spanish Banks and
>the first watchTower when I did the naked sundance and then
>hauled on his net after coming to in upward-facing-dolphin
>position. I thought he asked me to haul on his net for luck
>but am not sure. They are in Roma species. Hey if that
>works tell Sarah not to be mad at me and she can try my
>other elbow too if she likes plus I don't drink during waxing moon
>or when too up or during the 3 lowest years of the sunspot cycle
>and only for lyric instigation moderation at other times. She, wry?

>Her husband comp with New Scientist voice issue 23 Sept 1995
>black woman inside with VOICE label on her picture who I often
>envision when trying to help a singer, though sometimes I imagine
>the singer on a better night instead. Again this non-automatic-other-booster
>subset of pan ability is different from say Angela Pickett's ability
>to boost the whole group, including herself, that she is working in,
>including if she helped Serguei do a fiddle-healing. :-) Is there
>a healer in every hospital yet, telecommuting to their other work
>if need be for now? Are healer volunteers allowed on critical care
>wards? See eyebrows.html for healer type


[Sept 5: Shane Macgowan paragraph was posted in an earlier part since it was
relevant there. But before I put in Shane MacGowan's name I
mentioned a "Shane-f-partner". Anyone with any English language
skills (as I intuit some who fooled up do) would know that the
Shane above the first mention of Shane MacGowan refers to the
previous Shane I had been discussing, one I know of, not one I don't know of,
Shane Kelly of Signal Hill Road here in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada (is there another Newfoundland that was once a country until 1949?). ]

>Emily Haines ex-of Dishpig very good vocalist s/songwriter,
>compatible with her boyfriend and all of Bung except Jon.
>Wow, she should land Bung, cookers at 3:30 a.m. sorts, they are.
>She was at UBC for a while and went off back to Ontario around
>1994 I think.

I mean the circa 1993-94 Vancouver, Canada band Dishpig.

>Fabienne, friend of Sanna Jepsen of Choices market Vancouver and

Fabienne o.c.s.v.

>of me, sommallier, from France originally, may be in Vancouver
>still. Compatible with Jean Michel Jarre' !!!

Jean (famous French musician) o.c.s.v. HIV B, HIV D
If the antibodies pointers work out then Fabienne could get
HIV B and HIV D and then be compatible with Jean.

Jean's three male lovers compatible again 7:09 a.m. with
the fellow who I think is an actor who used to compliment me on my
tunafish sandwiches when I worked at Duckworth Lunch here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada in the summer of 1981.
Tommy Sexton's younger sister who is younger than another sister
younger than him, compatible with them 7:14 a.m.
they are a rare-5 all with o.c.s.v., HIV A,B,C,D

>Louis Armstrong res. exempt. comp. with woman singer in Eye
>who played my jam on the UBC grad centre patio one summer.
>She sounds a teeny bit like Emily Haines and is compatible with
>a living Louis Armstrong type who play tuba and is named Art
>and is (was in 1995 at least) volunteer coordinator for the
>Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver. They have most of their gigs
>upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall and rent that space from the
>W.I.S.E. Club which also uses it of course, as well as the
>downstairs lounge west/basement entrance, closed Mondays,
>and you need a member to sign you in. Art is in the
>Vancouver Morris Men and Jiggery Pokery as well, I think.

[I already edited in the edits there, I must have done that earlier.]

>Michelle Myrick comp. with Ian Mackinnes of Scotland,
>ex-of Tannahill Weavers. She is a Southern Avalon
>lighthouse/whale influenced singer/songwriter/interpretor/guitarist
>who could also pick up standup bass and he is a world class
>Scottish bagpiper not the same as Ian MacKinnon of Rawlins Cross
>who may know both.


>When I say not-bi I mean rare straight types also compatible
>with fourth orientation, such that I used to think they were bi,
>then thought they were not-bi and not compatible with me and
>now (for the women) know they are not-bi but still compatible
>with me if they have oral cold sore virus and no other STD
>including no yeast infection. So when I bemoan that such
>are not bi in old quotes ignore that, they are still compatible
>with me as not-bis.

That is incorrect, I no longer believe 4th orientation is compatible
with these rare straight types I previously called not-bi.
[ Sept. 5: But I still believe there is a 4th orientation, one such is
Diana who has worked on the door on Saturday Nights at The Ship Inn
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, different from the woman
who is compatible with Nick Nolte, and I mentioned that to a bi guy
who e-mailed me who is in a relationship with another bi guy and
the two eyebrow types are the two bi eyebrow types I don't have yet subpage of my home page which has another subpage

Salmon on the Thorns: thread for the (mathematically) global quilt

which might be of interest to some wondering about my background. ]

>...The premier [president, I meant]
>of China is 704 years old, 10th orientation hermaphrodite
>compatible with O4f, O4m, O10f, O10m, O10h and was Mao too.
>[That is incorrect and I apologize and I will worry about
>what he is, may be 10thH but I don't think so, when next
>I am sensitive]

[ Sept. 5: I have previously posted correct matches for the premier of
China, former president of China who visited Washington, DC, USA,
and wore a tricorner (or is it tricorn) hat for a while,
and new president of China. Those are in earlier posts in this
thread, by which I mean the first "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"
post and all in the thread (including several subthreads) that
resulted from that first post of Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT .
None of those three men are tenth orientation.
One match for the former president of China who is knowledgable
of American history, mentioned above for posing in a tricorner
hat for American media, is the actress who PLAYED the CHARACTER
Edith Bunker on the American television series All in the Family
which was on television for many years and may still be shown
in reruns (repeats of old programs sometimes long after new programs
in that series are no longer being made. I don't know the
actress's name. ]

>Sandy Morris, NF guitarist, comp. with Railway Club 1995 at least
>cook makes good Hungarian tunafish/vegetable soup and more.

>Kurt Cobaine res. exempt. comp. with Clara Smallwood res. exemp.

[Sept 5: A living Kurt Cobaine type is Canadian pop star Lawrence Gowan.
A living Clara Smallwood type is the female graphic artist who
did the Quidi Vidi Brewing Company Northern Lights light beer
label. That brewery is located in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Lawrence Gowan should know that anyway. ]

>Courtney Love & rest of Hole comp rare fivesome with Novak
>Vancouver carpenter and easy going artist sort friend of
>Guy and Brygida Cross.

>Food preparation/stylist Josee Robitaille of Pol Martin's
>Easy Everyday Cuisine cookbook compatible with souschef
>Tom Dawe of Conception Bay North now in Banff Alberta.

Josee o.c.s.v, yeast infection 7:18 a.m.
Tom o.c.s.v. ... got yeast infection 7:19 a.m.

>Her husband comp in rare fivesome with daughter of white-haired
>vegie sort I met at Ship Inn introduced by John and
>3 women she is in a relationship with.

>Rob who ran for school board here on a Voice For Children
>platform comp with MADAME CHIANG, friend of ELeanor Roosevelt,
>and with 3 more in a rare fivesome including the fellow
>with ridges on his hand who Crispin Horng introuced me to
>for badminton play at Osbourne Centre at UBC once,
>Fred Fleming of Lakeview, C.B.C. Newfoundland, and
>Mickey Anthony (psychic&empath) of Gallows Cove, Newfoundland.
>(Gal-owls cove. :-) )

>My niece Ellen 8 supposedly (Abo?)
>is of tantric resonance type like Madame Chiang.

[ Sept. 5: I mean the Madame Chiang who was married to the Emperor of China
before the revolution, I think. I saw her picture in an old
encyclopedia by accident once and then later mistakenly thought
Ellen was of her exact type.

Ellen is not an ancient Maori named Abo, and is also not of
tantric resonance type like Madame Chiang, though it must be
fairly close to confuse me. She is in a rare-2 and an example
male match (for future consideration) is the grandson of
the emperor of Japan, or as I wrote in a post of
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 21:53:49 GMT

"I said my niece Ellen was like Madame Chiang (and Hayley Wickenheiser).
That is incorrect, she (turned 8 on Apr. 24, Newfoundland time)
is compatible with a rare-2 (I don't know how rare) with
the grandson of the Emperor of Japan who turned 9

at 11:38 p.m. NDT June 3." NDT is explained below, and lots of
Japanese fish merchants know about it.

and an earlier one of Thu, 04 Jun 1998 18:42:17 GMT
"my niece Ellen, 8, not Madame Chiang type, rare-2 comp
with Emperor of Japan's grandson who turned 9 last night
at 11:38 p.m. NDT June 3 ." NDT is explained below.

I don't know if the Emperor of Japan has a grandson or how many
or anything about them or him or if there are any at all.

Newfoundland Daylight savings Time (NDT) is GMT - 2.5 hours.
Hence the above time that the supposed grandson turned
9 years old is 11:38 p.m. -> 23:38 --> 21:08 GMT June 3, 1998
and hence this supposed grandson would have had his umbilical
cord snipped (that's what I've been using for birth time)
at 21:08 GMT June 3, 1989. ]

Now back to the Rob fellow and the three older guys.

older Rob type: the actor who played grandpa on the TV show Beverley Hills
living older (than Hayley Wickenheiser) Madame Chiang type: St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada former mayor John Murphy's wife
Fred Fleming of Lakeview, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada
(Newfoundland is one word, and is the island part of the tenth province
of Canada, which is the province Newfoundland and Labrador, the
easternmost Canadian province, which was a country until 11:59 p.m.
March 31, 1949.)
Mickey Anthony of Gallows Cove, Harbour Main, about 2 miles away
and the fellow with ridges on his hand that my friend Crispin Horng,
a Vancouver dentist and former pharmacist introduced me to
and I noted the ridging when I shook hands with him before and/or
after some badminton play.
these are a rare-5 (which is the same as saying a rare 5 only
[Sept. 5: I put the hyphen in in between so the words don't get separated).
It is my terminology for a group of one male and four women that are
all compatible with one another in a maximally tantric flower, or
a group of one woman ad four men that are all compatible with one
another in a maximally tantric flower. It does not mean they are
actually together yet if ever though in some cases if I give a
name and say that name is in a rare-5 and don't give the other names
then it means they are already actually together although perhaps
not openly. The hyphen is not a minus sign! ]

John Murphy is compatible with the female psychiatrist I had an appointment
with at University of British Columbia (UBC) Student Health Services (SHS)
on Sept. 6, 1991 which I missed because I was in the Emergency ward of
the then UBC hospital (which is now Vancouver General Hospital, UBC site)
at the time after my sundance, naked thorn climb and blue rose vision.
She came over to check on me, briefly, before I went off to the
Dettwiler Pavilion in an adjacent building (it is now I think called
The Moode Disorders Research Centre, of that hospital of course).

Now the younger fivesome.

a man with first name Rob who ran for St. John's Newfoundland, Canada school
board in the past year with "A Voice for Children" on his mailbox flyer
Hayley Wickenheiser, top Canadian female hockey player who has had an
invitation to attend National Hockey League (NHL) tryouts this year
and three women that that famous in Canada Hayley Wickenheiser knows
are a rare-5

>My niece Hazel rare-4 (later) with her classmates Serene,
>Brad and Gus and Koula Koumbis's grandson.

Koula Koumbis's grandson got oral cold sore virus 7:28 a.m.
Maybe he should consider future university at
Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

>Joannie Kirk of Goulds, NF and Surrey BC comp. with Larry Bird.

someone got o.c.s.v. (oral cold sore virus) 7:29 a.m. so they
are now fully compatible. In the original March post which I am
editing I thought all the imbalance problems were solved by automatic
cures. But now it seems we have some work to do, following those
antibodies (cures) pointers that I posted earlier, and so on.

>Bud and Bessie Kirk of Goulds comp rare couple.

No, Bud (Ira) and Bessy (Elizabeth) Kirk of The Goulds, a suburbe of
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, are in a rare-5 with

Bud (Ira) Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Bessy (Elizabeth) Ryan Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Minister of Defence of Canada o.c.s.v.
top general of Canada o.c.s.v. now (had nothing until early Sept. 5)
Secretary of Defense of the United States o.c.s.v (had
nothing until 7:39 a.m. NDT Sept. 3, 1998)
when I use NDT it means the time zone I am in, which is a half hour
time zone 1.5 hours after New York and 2.5 hours earlier than GMT.
When it is not daylight savings time it is labelled NST and is
3.5 hours earlier than GMT. (I guess there are no sailors around?)

So I guess Bud and Bessy got a bad cocktail somewhere along the
line and I really hope those pointers I posted to antibodies
for all those and more are correct! (They are good friends,
though I hope the same for anyone.)

[Sept. 5: When I say I hope the same, obviously I am referring to
the hope that the pointers I posted to CURES for:

HIV A, HIV B, HIV C, HIV D (which I sometimes list as HIV A,B,C,D),
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, syphyllis, meningitis, tuberculosis
(TB), Ebola (a bad disease in Africa, not a name, which I divined is
hepatitis A with a handle on it that makes it more easily transmittable but
which I am sure was not engineered in), genital herpes, oral cold sore virus

are correct. ]

>Joannie's grandma Ryan (last name) comp P.J. Hayes, fiddler.

P.J. is a famous Irish fiddler in Ireland. He got o.c.s.v. 7:34 a.m.

>Koula Koumbis, Gus, Hera the neighbour, her ex-husband rare-4.

The ex is no longer an ex.

>Sophia comp. with David Campbell, Calgary geophysicist.

>His wife comp. rare-5 with Lawrence Le, Rob Stewart,
>Larry Lines, Jon Claerbout, all geophysicists (good at
>eyebrow pattern subtlety detection, thus).
> Their 4 wives comp rare-5 with Doug Oldenburg, UBC geop. prof.
>His wife Marian comp with John Amor, sysadmin/geop.

[Sept. 5: geop.=geophysicist in my abbreviations. In my old e-mail address to mid-December, 1995 geop stood for Geophysics.
Some of the posts I made then would have have poster listed as
my posts since early October of 1996 were from

so anyway

dalton@(possibly-null-string) 1991 to Dec. 10, 1995
dalton@(possibly-null-string) Oct. 3, 1996 to now

could get lots of my old posts somehow. However some of them
are just playful, some are incoherent ramblings, some are junk,
some I later corrected, and I'm not sure about the one about
elliptical dots on CDs giving eccentricity and orientation as
two more data values per dot, with old readers getting a subset
of the data (say old reader getting audio, new getting both audio
and video). I have to wade through some of my old writing myself.
Have a look at my web page to start.
By the way, the ~ means it is the home directory of that individual
in Unix (computer word) terms. ]

Sonya Dehler Atlantic Geoscience Centre comp Tom Robbins.

[Sept. 5, when I use comp as an abbreviation, or comp.
in the context of this matchmaking thread, it means
sexually compatible with, or is sexually compatible with
Of course if some are too young they would have to wait a while.
Oh, in these rare-2, rare-4, rare-5 groups and even the Vico groups
and orientations 5--13 there is also psychological compatibility and
ability complementation. If these groups are together and happy it
will lead to a Golden Age.]

>Eva Koumbis in rare fivesome with husband John, and her 3 exes.
>Gus and Koumbis's son father of the grandson (11) and his
> wife rare compatible duo.

>Dark-haired bi [not] woman who looks a bit like Sophia who I met on

>Bel Aire doorstep, friend of Sophia and Eva, is .... not bi ...
> I got a match last night but forgot to write him down, oh
>yes I did, BRUCE WILLIS. But Demi is bi. Not, Demi, is
>in a rare foursome with Trevor and Tanya who Koula knows,
>Trevor Groves and Tanya Lebar of East Vancouver, and Iyengar
>yoga teacher Claudia McDonald also of Hollywood North.
>Tanya --> M.

[Sept. 5: Hollywood North is a colloquial term for Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, north of Hollywood, Los Angeles area, California, USA,
and USA=United States of America.

Demi Moore is not another Demi Moore who has been reading but the
ultra-famous movie industry superstar Demi Moore of the United States.
Again, I am using names of people I know of, mostly those in the
province of Newfoundland and Labrador, country of Canada
city of Vancouver, province of British Columbia, country of Canada
well known celebrities here in North America
and a few I have encountered on the Internet.

I fooled up here in my pen notes but just corrected it, basically
I had switched Tanya and Claudia accidentally in my pen additions.]

[First a fivesome for Tanya, not including Demi.

Sept. 5: Tanya Lebar (of East Vancouver, Canada) ]
Demi Moore->M type: Benny Ghaney of Avondale, Newfoundland, Canada
who is about 35 years old
Trevor Groves (of East Vancouver, Canada)->F type: Kathy Legge
who used to run the Racquets Sports program of UBC intramural sports
[Sept. 5:
Claudia McDonald (Vancouver, Canada Iyengar yoga teacher)-->M type:
Jim (I think last name McDonald but I forget) who might be a police officer
and is a friend of Raven Alan MacLeod, internationally famous Scottish
bagpiper, and himself plays the Scottish bagpipes quite well, and is
a member (or was in 1995) of the Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England
(W.I.S.E.) social and athletic club (W.I.S.E. Club) at 1881 Adanac Street
in East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America, with best
usual point of contact being the west entrance, which is the basement
entrance, after 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday (ask the bartender)
and they may still have a Sunday jam but I'm not sure when. In musical
terms a jam means a musical get together to play tunes together, which
in Irish is known as a sesiun, and in English could be called a session
as well as a jam ("jam" is a synonym for "session"). ]

Tanya Lebar (of East Vancouver, Canada)-->M type:
above-mentioned Kathy Legge's husband
Demi Moore, movie industry superstar actress
Trevor Groves of East Vancouver, Canada
Claudia McDonald (may be Mac), Vancouver, Canada Iyengar yoga teacher

>Thinner younger Diane-cousin? bartender at the Fat Cat outside bar

>sometimes bi... not... compatible with Steve Jobs. Hmmm,

>I'll alpha test a Next/Mac fusion thingie if he likes, and toss
>some ideas back.

>A woman bartender, about 22, at O'Reilly's who I thought was bi
>is compatible with MUNES Brian Hoffe, geop. His wife comp.
>with Gary Quinlan.

[Gary is also of Memorial University of Newfoundland Earth Science Department]

>1985 UBC Bookstore last-day-of-her-job Joy of Cooking seller-to-me
>woman bi.... not... compatible with Newfoundland fiddler Colin
>Carrighan now I think in the Ottawa area, Ottawa valley sessions?

In Ireland now 8:20 a.m. NDT Sept. 3.

I'll continue on with the rest of the March edits (edits done June
3, some since, of the summary I posted in March of the matches I
uncovered in March).

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

David Dalton

Jun 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/6/98

This will count as the FIFTH NEW PART of the edited/corrected
March summary, with some new insertions. The FOURTH
NEW PART that this is a followup to is new only up to the
LEFT OFF HERE that is well into the post.

This will continue from that LEFT OFF HERE and if I don't
get it all done tonight I will insert another LEFT OFF HERE
well into this post (not these near the top, that is, as before).

Unless specified edits are Sept. 3, 1998. Since this is a
followup with the old stuff nicely indented with a ">"
before each old line, the Sept. 3 edits will not be enclosed
in square brackets. Newer ones will, if I remember to. (David Dalton) wrote:


>Isaac Asimov resurrection exemption --> F comp.

>with Theodore Sturgeon res. exempt.

>Philip K. Dick res. exmp. --> F comp with Philip Jose Farmer.

Philip K. Dick->F type: Angela Morgan, my grade 2 teacher, not any
other Angela Morgan (so she taught at Assumption in Avondale, Newfoundland)

[Sept. 5: Another Angela Morgan is a Philip K. Dick type and a living
Philip Jose Farmer type is my grade six teacher Gus Flanagan.
His wife Geraldine Slaney Flanagan comp. w. the British owner
of HMV who pulls those stunts like parachuting in to a new
location, or stuff like that.]

>Arthur C. Clarke comp with H. Beam Piper --> F

H.B.P.->F type: Mary Pratt, well-known Newfoundland, Canada artist.

A.C.C.->F type: Kim Strong's mom's younger sister. Kim Strong
graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Honours
Physics in about 1986 and is I think the daughter of David Strong,
now at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

>Joey Smallwood res. exempt compatible with Sue D(w)yer

[Sept. 5: I mean the Sue who is leader or co-leader of a Newfoundland

political party, again I'm using my referents, which is why there
are so many Newfoundland and Vancouver and celebrity and Internet
sorts. Also I mean the Joey Smallwood who is dead, obviously
from the "resurrection exemption" which I don't now think will occur,
and was premier of Newfoundland for many years.]

JS type: the only male yoga teacher at the 1994 Iyengar yoga gala
held in Burnaby, British Columbia

At the same gala I accidentally banged on the piano in the room
while we were doing an Ommmmmm... with arms outstrecthed. I don't
know what note I hit. The female yoga teacher in that session
is 06:51 a.m. again compatible with 3 female lovers
and the Andrew Draskoy of the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
computer science department (or computing services).

His four male lovers are compatible 06:53 a.m. and
as of 06:56 are compatible with Diana Doyle of
Avondale, Newfoundland (a province of Canada). rare-5

>Hey did I say Woolcrest ad guy for Evelyn Lau, I meant Woolmark ad guy.

Yes, Woolmark.

>The fisher whose net I hauled on on Sept. 5, 1991 is compatible
>with the woman chief at the Clayoquot Sound benefit concert at
>The Commodore with Sarah headlining, I think 1992. He was
>fishing a double line net out from between Spanish Banks and
>the first watchTower when I did the naked sundance and then
>hauled on his net after coming to in upward-facing-dolphin
>position. I thought he asked me to haul on his net for luck
>but am not sure. They are in Roma species. Hey if that
>works tell Sarah not to be mad at me and she can try my
>other elbow too if she likes plus I don't drink during waxing moon
>or when too up or during the 3 lowest years of the sunspot cycle
>and only for lyric instigation moderation at other times. She, wry?

>Her husband comp with New Scientist voice issue 23 Sept 1995
>black woman inside with VOICE label on her picture who I often
>envision when trying to help a singer, though sometimes I imagine
>the singer on a better night instead. Again this non-automatic-other-booster
>subset of pan ability is different from say Angela Pickett's ability
>to boost the whole group, including herself, that she is working in,
>including if she helped Serguei do a fiddle-healing. :-) Is there
>a healer in every hospital yet, telecommuting to their other work
>if need be for now? Are healer volunteers allowed on critical care

>wards? See eyebrows.html for healer type

[Sept 5: Shane Macgowan paragraph was posted in an earlier part since it was
relevant there. But before I put in Shane MacGowan's name I
mentioned a "Shane-f-partner". Anyone with any English language
skills (as I intuit some who fooled up do) would know that the
Shane above the first mention of Shane MacGowan refers to the
previous Shane I had been discussing, one I know of, not one I don't know of,
Shane Kelly of Signal Hill Road here in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada (is there another Newfoundland that was once a country until 1949?). ]

>Emily Haines ex-of Dishpig very good vocalist s/songwriter,

>compatible with her boyfriend and all of Bung except Jon.
>Wow, she should land Bung, cookers at 3:30 a.m. sorts, they are.
>She was at UBC for a while and went off back to Ontario around
>1994 I think.

I mean the circa 1993-94 Vancouver, Canada band Dishpig.

>Fabienne, friend of Sanna Jepsen of Choices market Vancouver and
Fabienne o.c.s.v.

>of me, sommallier, from France originally, may be in Vancouver
>still. Compatible with Jean Michel Jarre' !!!

Jean (famous French musician) o.c.s.v. HIV B, HIV D
If the antibodies pointers work out then Fabienne could get
HIV B and HIV D and then be compatible with Jean.

Jean's three male lovers compatible again 7:09 a.m. with
the fellow who I think is an actor who used to compliment me on my
tunafish sandwiches when I worked at Duckworth Lunch here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada in the summer of 1981.
Tommy Sexton's younger sister who is younger than another sister
younger than him, compatible with them 7:14 a.m.
they are a rare-5 all with o.c.s.v., HIV A,B,C,D

>Louis Armstrong res. exempt. comp. with woman singer in Eye

>who played my jam on the UBC grad centre patio one summer.
>She sounds a teeny bit like Emily Haines and is compatible with
>a living Louis Armstrong type who play tuba and is named Art
>and is (was in 1995 at least) volunteer coordinator for the
>Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver. They have most of their gigs
>upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall and rent that space from the
>W.I.S.E. Club which also uses it of course, as well as the
>downstairs lounge west/basement entrance, closed Mondays,
>and you need a member to sign you in. Art is in the
>Vancouver Morris Men and Jiggery Pokery as well, I think.

[I already edited in the edits there, I must have done that earlier.]

>Michelle Myrick comp. with Ian Mackinnes of Scotland,

>ex-of Tannahill Weavers. She is a Southern Avalon
>lighthouse/whale influenced singer/songwriter/interpretor/guitarist
>who could also pick up standup bass and he is a world class
>Scottish bagpiper not the same as Ian MacKinnon of Rawlins Cross
>who may know both.


>When I say not-bi I mean rare straight types also compatible
>with fourth orientation, such that I used to think they were bi,
>then thought they were not-bi and not compatible with me and
>now (for the women) know they are not-bi but still compatible
>with me if they have oral cold sore virus and no other STD
>including no yeast infection. So when I bemoan that such
>are not bi in old quotes ignore that, they are still compatible
>with me as not-bis.

That is incorrect, I no longer believe 4th orientation is compatible

with these rare straight types I previously called not-bi.
[ Sept. 5: But I still believe there is a 4th orientation, one such is
Diana who has worked on the door on Saturday Nights at The Ship Inn
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, different from the woman
who is compatible with Nick Nolte, and I mentioned that to a bi guy
who e-mailed me who is in a relationship with another bi guy and
the two eyebrow types are the two bi eyebrow types I don't have yet subpage of my home page which has another subpage
Salmon on the Thorns: thread for the (mathematically) global quilt
which might be of interest to some wondering about my background. ]

>...The premier [president, I meant]

>of China is 704 years old, 10th orientation hermaphrodite
>compatible with O4f, O4m, O10f, O10m, O10h and was Mao too.
>[That is incorrect and I apologize and I will worry about
>what he is, may be 10thH but I don't think so, when next
>I am sensitive]

[ Sept. 5: I have previously posted correct matches for the premier of

China, former president of China who visited Washington, DC, USA,
and wore a tricorner (or is it tricorn) hat for a while,
and new president of China. Those are in earlier posts in this
thread, by which I mean the first "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"
post and all in the thread (including several subthreads) that
resulted from that first post of Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT .
None of those three men are tenth orientation.
One match for the former president of China who is knowledgable
of American history, mentioned above for posing in a tricorner
hat for American media, is the actress who PLAYED the CHARACTER
Edith Bunker on the American television series All in the Family
which was on television for many years and may still be shown
in reruns (repeats of old programs sometimes long after new programs
in that series are no longer being made. I don't know the
actress's name. ]

>Sandy Morris, NF guitarist, comp. with Railway Club 1995 at least

>cook makes good Hungarian tunafish/vegetable soup and more.

>Kurt Cobaine res. exempt. comp. with Clara Smallwood res. exemp.

[Sept 5: A living Kurt Cobaine type is Canadian pop star Lawrence Gowan.

A living Clara Smallwood type is the female graphic artist who
did the Quidi Vidi Brewing Company Northern Lights light beer
label. That brewery is located in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Lawrence Gowan should know that anyway. ]

>Courtney Love & rest of Hole comp rare fivesome with Novak

>Vancouver carpenter and easy going artist sort friend of
>Guy and Brygida Cross.

>Food preparation/stylist Josee Robitaille of Pol Martin's
>Easy Everyday Cuisine cookbook compatible with souschef
>Tom Dawe of Conception Bay North now in Banff Alberta.

Josee o.c.s.v, yeast infection 7:18 a.m.
Tom o.c.s.v. ... got yeast infection 7:19 a.m.

>Her husband comp in rare fivesome with daughter of white-haired

>vegie sort I met at Ship Inn introduced by John and
>3 women she is in a relationship with.

>Rob who ran for school board here on a Voice For Children
>platform comp with MADAME CHIANG, friend of ELeanor Roosevelt,
>and with 3 more in a rare fivesome including the fellow
>with ridges on his hand who Crispin Horng introuced me to
>for badminton play at Osbourne Centre at UBC once,
>Fred Fleming of Lakeview, C.B.C. Newfoundland, and
>Mickey Anthony (psychic&empath) of Gallows Cove, Newfoundland.
>(Gal-owls cove. :-) )

>My niece Ellen 8 supposedly (Abo?)
>is of tantric resonance type like Madame Chiang.

[ Sept. 5: I mean the Madame Chiang who was married to the Emperor of China

before the revolution, I think. I saw her picture in an old
encyclopedia by accident once and then later mistakenly thought
Ellen was of her exact type.

Ellen is not an ancient Maori named Abo, and is also not of

Now the younger fivesome.

>My niece Hazel rare-4 (later) with her classmates Serene,

>Brad and Gus and Koula Koumbis's grandson.

Koula Koumbis's grandson got oral cold sore virus 7:28 a.m.
Maybe he should consider future university at

Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

>Joannie Kirk of Goulds, NF and Surrey BC comp. with Larry Bird.

someone got o.c.s.v. (oral cold sore virus) 7:29 a.m. so they
are now fully compatible. In the original March post which I am
editing I thought all the imbalance problems were solved by automatic
cures. But now it seems we have some work to do, following those
antibodies (cures) pointers that I posted earlier, and so on.

>Bud and Bessie Kirk of Goulds comp rare couple.

No, Bud (Ira) and Bessy (Elizabeth) Kirk of The Goulds, a suburbe of

St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, are in a rare-5 with

Bud (Ira) Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Bessy (Elizabeth) Ryan Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Minister of Defence of Canada o.c.s.v.
top general of Canada o.c.s.v. now (had nothing until early Sept. 5)
Secretary of Defense of the United States o.c.s.v (had
nothing until 7:39 a.m. NDT Sept. 3, 1998)
when I use NDT it means the time zone I am in, which is a half hour
time zone 1.5 hours after New York and 2.5 hours earlier than GMT.
When it is not daylight savings time it is labelled NST and is
3.5 hours earlier than GMT. (I guess there are no sailors around?)

So I guess Bud and Bessy got a bad cocktail somewhere along the
line and I really hope those pointers I posted to antibodies
for all those and more are correct! (They are good friends,
though I hope the same for anyone.)

[Sept. 5: When I say I hope the same, obviously I am referring to
the hope that the pointers I posted to CURES for:

HIV A, HIV B, HIV C, HIV D (which I sometimes list as HIV A,B,C,D),
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, syphyllis, meningitis, tuberculosis (TB),
Ebola (a bad disease in Africa, not a name, which I divined is hepatitis A
with a handle on it that makes it more easily transmittable but which I am
sure was not engineered in), genital herpes, oral cold sore virus

are correct. ]

>Joannie's grandma Ryan (last name) comp P.J. Hayes, fiddler.

P.J. is a famous Irish fiddler in Ireland. He got o.c.s.v. 7:34 a.m.

>Koula Koumbis, Gus, Hera the neighbour, her ex-husband rare-4.

The ex is no longer an ex.

>Sophia comp. with David Campbell, Calgary geophysicist.

>His wife comp. rare-5 with Lawrence Le, Rob Stewart,
>Larry Lines, Jon Claerbout, all geophysicists (good at
>eyebrow pattern subtlety detection, thus).
> Their 4 wives comp rare-5 with Doug Oldenburg, UBC geop. prof.
>His wife Marian comp with John Amor, sysadmin/geop.

[Sept. 5: geop.=geophysicist in my abbreviations. In my old e-mail address to mid-December, 1995 geop stood for Geophysics.
Some of the posts I made then would have have poster listed as
my posts since early October of 1996 were from

so anyway

dalton@(possibly-null-string) 1991 to Dec. 10, 1995
dalton@(possibly-null-string) Oct. 3, 1996 to now

could get lots of my old posts somehow. However some of them
are just playful, some are incoherent ramblings, some are junk,
some I later corrected, and I'm not sure about the one about
elliptical dots on CDs giving eccentricity and orientation as
two more data values per dot, with old readers getting a subset
of the data (say old reader getting audio, new getting both audio
and video). I have to wade through some of my old writing myself.
Have a look at my web page to start.
By the way, the ~ means it is the home directory of that individual
in Unix (computer word) terms. ]

Sonya Dehler Atlantic Geoscience Centre comp Tom Robbins.

[Sept. 5, when I use comp as an abbreviation, or comp.
in the context of this matchmaking thread, it means
sexually compatible with, or is sexually compatible with
Of course if some are too young they would have to wait a while.
Oh, in these rare-2, rare-4, rare-5 groups and even the Vico groups
and orientations 5--13 there is also psychological compatibility and
ability complementation. If these groups are together and happy it
will lead to a Golden Age.]

>Eva Koumbis in rare fivesome with husband John, and her 3 exes.

>Gus and Koumbis's son father of the grandson (11) and his
> wife rare compatible duo.

>Dark-haired bi [not] woman who looks a bit like Sophia who I met on

>Bel Aire doorstep, friend of Sophia and Eva, is .... not bi ...
> I got a match last night but forgot to write him down, oh
>yes I did, BRUCE WILLIS. But Demi is bi. Not, Demi, is
>in a rare foursome with Trevor and Tanya who Koula knows,
>Trevor Groves and Tanya Lebar of East Vancouver, and Iyengar
>yoga teacher Claudia McDonald also of Hollywood North.
>Tanya --> M.

[Sept. 5: Hollywood North is a colloquial term for Vancouver, British Columbia,

>Thinner younger Diane-cousin? bartender at the Fat Cat outside bar
>sometimes bi... not... compatible with Steve Jobs. Hmmm,

>I'll alpha test a Next/Mac fusion thingie if he likes, and toss
>some ideas back.

>A woman bartender, about 22, at O'Reilly's who I thought was bi
>is compatible with MUNES Brian Hoffe, geop. His wife comp.
>with Gary Quinlan.

[Gary is also of Memorial University of Newfoundland Earth Science Department]

>1985 UBC Bookstore last-day-of-her-job Joy of Cooking seller-to-me

>woman bi.... not... compatible with Newfoundland fiddler Colin
>Carrighan now I think in the Ottawa area, Ottawa valley sessions?

In Ireland now 8:20 a.m. NDT Sept. 3.

David Dalton

Jun 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/6/98

This will count as the FIFTH NEW PART of the edited/corrected
March summary, with some new insertions. The FOURTH
NEW PART that this is a followup to is new only up to the
LEFT OFF HERE that is well into the post.

This will continue from that LEFT OFF HERE and if I don't
get it all done tonight I will insert another LEFT OFF HERE
well into this post (not these near the top, that is, as before).

Unless specified edits are Sept. 3, 1998. Since this is a
followup with the old stuff nicely indented with a ">"
before each old line, the Sept. 3 edits will not be enclosed
in square brackets. Newer ones will, if I remember to. (David Dalton) wrote:


>Isaac Asimov resurrection exemption --> F comp.

>with Theodore Sturgeon res. exempt.

>Philip K. Dick res. exmp. --> F comp with Philip Jose Farmer.

Philip K. Dick->F type: Angela Morgan, my grade 2 teacher, not any
other Angela Morgan (so she taught at Assumption in Avondale, Newfoundland)

[Sept. 5: Another Angela Morgan is a Philip K. Dick type and a living
Philip Jose Farmer type is my grade six teacher Gus Flanagan.
His wife Geraldine Slaney Flanagan comp. w. the British owner
of HMV who pulls those stunts like parachuting in to a new
location, or stuff like that.]

>Arthur C. Clarke comp with H. Beam Piper --> F

H.B.P.->F type: Mary Pratt, well-known Newfoundland, Canada artist.

A.C.C.->F type: Kim Strong's mom's younger sister. Kim Strong
graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Honours
Physics in about 1986 and is I think the daughter of David Strong,
now at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

>Joey Smallwood res. exempt compatible with Sue D(w)yer

[Sept. 5: I mean the Sue who is leader or co-leader of a Newfoundland

political party, again I'm using my referents, which is why there
are so many Newfoundland and Vancouver and celebrity and Internet
sorts. Also I mean the Joey Smallwood who is dead, obviously
from the "resurrection exemption" which I don't now think will occur,
and was premier of Newfoundland for many years.]

JS type: the only male yoga teacher at the 1994 Iyengar yoga gala
held in Burnaby, British Columbia

At the same gala I accidentally banged on the piano in the room
while we were doing an Ommmmmm... with arms outstrecthed. I don't
know what note I hit. The female yoga teacher in that session
is 06:51 a.m. again compatible with 3 female lovers
and the Andrew Draskoy of the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
computer science department (or computing services).

His four male lovers are compatible 06:53 a.m. and
as of 06:56 are compatible with Diana Doyle of
Avondale, Newfoundland (a province of Canada). rare-5

>Hey did I say Woolcrest ad guy for Evelyn Lau, I meant Woolmark ad guy.

Yes, Woolmark.

>The fisher whose net I hauled on on Sept. 5, 1991 is compatible
>with the woman chief at the Clayoquot Sound benefit concert at
>The Commodore with Sarah headlining, I think 1992. He was
>fishing a double line net out from between Spanish Banks and
>the first watchTower when I did the naked sundance and then
>hauled on his net after coming to in upward-facing-dolphin
>position. I thought he asked me to haul on his net for luck
>but am not sure. They are in Roma species. Hey if that
>works tell Sarah not to be mad at me and she can try my
>other elbow too if she likes plus I don't drink during waxing moon
>or when too up or during the 3 lowest years of the sunspot cycle
>and only for lyric instigation moderation at other times. She, wry?

>Her husband comp with New Scientist voice issue 23 Sept 1995
>black woman inside with VOICE label on her picture who I often
>envision when trying to help a singer, though sometimes I imagine
>the singer on a better night instead. Again this non-automatic-other-booster
>subset of pan ability is different from say Angela Pickett's ability
>to boost the whole group, including herself, that she is working in,
>including if she helped Serguei do a fiddle-healing. :-) Is there
>a healer in every hospital yet, telecommuting to their other work
>if need be for now? Are healer volunteers allowed on critical care

>wards? See eyebrows.html for healer type

[Sept 5: Shane Macgowan paragraph was posted in an earlier part since it was
relevant there. But before I put in Shane MacGowan's name I
mentioned a "Shane-f-partner". Anyone with any English language
skills (as I intuit some who fooled up do) would know that the
Shane above the first mention of Shane MacGowan refers to the
previous Shane I had been discussing, one I know of, not one I don't know of,
Shane Kelly of Signal Hill Road here in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada (is there another Newfoundland that was once a country until 1949?). ]

>Emily Haines ex-of Dishpig very good vocalist s/songwriter,

>compatible with her boyfriend and all of Bung except Jon.
>Wow, she should land Bung, cookers at 3:30 a.m. sorts, they are.
>She was at UBC for a while and went off back to Ontario around
>1994 I think.

I mean the circa 1993-94 Vancouver, Canada band Dishpig.

>Fabienne, friend of Sanna Jepsen of Choices market Vancouver and
Fabienne o.c.s.v.

>of me, sommallier, from France originally, may be in Vancouver
>still. Compatible with Jean Michel Jarre' !!!

Jean (famous French musician) o.c.s.v. HIV B, HIV D
If the antibodies pointers work out then Fabienne could get
HIV B and HIV D and then be compatible with Jean.

Jean's three male lovers compatible again 7:09 a.m. with
the fellow who I think is an actor who used to compliment me on my
tunafish sandwiches when I worked at Duckworth Lunch here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada in the summer of 1981.
Tommy Sexton's younger sister who is younger than another sister
younger than him, compatible with them 7:14 a.m.
they are a rare-5 all with o.c.s.v., HIV A,B,C,D

>Louis Armstrong res. exempt. comp. with woman singer in Eye

>who played my jam on the UBC grad centre patio one summer.
>She sounds a teeny bit like Emily Haines and is compatible with
>a living Louis Armstrong type who play tuba and is named Art
>and is (was in 1995 at least) volunteer coordinator for the
>Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver. They have most of their gigs
>upstairs at the W.I.S.E. Hall and rent that space from the
>W.I.S.E. Club which also uses it of course, as well as the
>downstairs lounge west/basement entrance, closed Mondays,
>and you need a member to sign you in. Art is in the
>Vancouver Morris Men and Jiggery Pokery as well, I think.

[I already edited in the edits there, I must have done that earlier.]

>Michelle Myrick comp. with Ian Mackinnes of Scotland,

>ex-of Tannahill Weavers. She is a Southern Avalon
>lighthouse/whale influenced singer/songwriter/interpretor/guitarist
>who could also pick up standup bass and he is a world class
>Scottish bagpiper not the same as Ian MacKinnon of Rawlins Cross
>who may know both.


>When I say not-bi I mean rare straight types also compatible
>with fourth orientation, such that I used to think they were bi,
>then thought they were not-bi and not compatible with me and
>now (for the women) know they are not-bi but still compatible
>with me if they have oral cold sore virus and no other STD
>including no yeast infection. So when I bemoan that such
>are not bi in old quotes ignore that, they are still compatible
>with me as not-bis.

That is incorrect, I no longer believe 4th orientation is compatible

with these rare straight types I previously called not-bi.
[ Sept. 5: But I still believe there is a 4th orientation, one such is
Diana who has worked on the door on Saturday Nights at The Ship Inn
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, different from the woman
who is compatible with Nick Nolte, and I mentioned that to a bi guy
who e-mailed me who is in a relationship with another bi guy and
the two eyebrow types are the two bi eyebrow types I don't have yet subpage of my home page which has another subpage
Salmon on the Thorns: thread for the (mathematically) global quilt
which might be of interest to some wondering about my background. ]

>...The premier [president, I meant]

>of China is 704 years old, 10th orientation hermaphrodite
>compatible with O4f, O4m, O10f, O10m, O10h and was Mao too.
>[That is incorrect and I apologize and I will worry about
>what he is, may be 10thH but I don't think so, when next
>I am sensitive]

[ Sept. 5: I have previously posted correct matches for the premier of

China, former president of China who visited Washington, DC, USA,
and wore a tricorner (or is it tricorn) hat for a while,
and new president of China. Those are in earlier posts in this
thread, by which I mean the first "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"
post and all in the thread (including several subthreads) that
resulted from that first post of Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT .
None of those three men are tenth orientation.
One match for the former president of China who is knowledgable
of American history, mentioned above for posing in a tricorner
hat for American media, is the actress who PLAYED the CHARACTER
Edith Bunker on the American television series All in the Family
which was on television for many years and may still be shown
in reruns (repeats of old programs sometimes long after new programs
in that series are no longer being made. I don't know the
actress's name. ]

>Sandy Morris, NF guitarist, comp. with Railway Club 1995 at least

>cook makes good Hungarian tunafish/vegetable soup and more.

>Kurt Cobaine res. exempt. comp. with Clara Smallwood res. exemp.

[Sept 5: A living Kurt Cobaine type is Canadian pop star Lawrence Gowan.

A living Clara Smallwood type is the female graphic artist who
did the Quidi Vidi Brewing Company Northern Lights light beer
label. That brewery is located in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
Lawrence Gowan should know that anyway. ]

>Courtney Love & rest of Hole comp rare fivesome with Novak

>Vancouver carpenter and easy going artist sort friend of
>Guy and Brygida Cross.

>Food preparation/stylist Josee Robitaille of Pol Martin's
>Easy Everyday Cuisine cookbook compatible with souschef
>Tom Dawe of Conception Bay North now in Banff Alberta.

Josee o.c.s.v, yeast infection 7:18 a.m.
Tom o.c.s.v. ... got yeast infection 7:19 a.m.

>Her husband comp in rare fivesome with daughter of white-haired

>vegie sort I met at Ship Inn introduced by John and
>3 women she is in a relationship with.

>Rob who ran for school board here on a Voice For Children
>platform comp with MADAME CHIANG, friend of ELeanor Roosevelt,
>and with 3 more in a rare fivesome including the fellow
>with ridges on his hand who Crispin Horng introuced me to
>for badminton play at Osbourne Centre at UBC once,
>Fred Fleming of Lakeview, C.B.C. Newfoundland, and
>Mickey Anthony (psychic&empath) of Gallows Cove, Newfoundland.
>(Gal-owls cove. :-) )

>My niece Ellen 8 supposedly (Abo?)
>is of tantric resonance type like Madame Chiang.

[ Sept. 5: I mean the Madame Chiang who was married to the Emperor of China

Now the younger fivesome.

>My niece Hazel rare-4 (later) with her classmates Serene,

>Brad and Gus and Koula Koumbis's grandson.

Koula Koumbis's grandson got oral cold sore virus 7:28 a.m.
Maybe he should consider future university at

Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) here in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

>Joannie Kirk of Goulds, NF and Surrey BC comp. with Larry Bird.

someone got o.c.s.v. (oral cold sore virus) 7:29 a.m. so they
are now fully compatible. In the original March post which I am
editing I thought all the imbalance problems were solved by automatic
cures. But now it seems we have some work to do, following those
antibodies (cures) pointers that I posted earlier, and so on.

>Bud and Bessie Kirk of Goulds comp rare couple.

No, Bud (Ira) and Bessy (Elizabeth) Kirk of The Goulds, a suburbe of

St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, are in a rare-5 with

Bud (Ira) Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Bessy (Elizabeth) Ryan Kirk o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. syph. HIV A, HIV C
Minister of Defence of Canada o.c.s.v.
top general of Canada o.c.s.v. now (had nothing until early Sept. 5)
Secretary of Defense of the United States o.c.s.v (had
nothing until 7:39 a.m. NDT Sept. 3, 1998)
when I use NDT it means the time zone I am in, which is a half hour
time zone 1.5 hours after New York and 2.5 hours earlier than GMT.
When it is not daylight savings time it is labelled NST and is
3.5 hours earlier than GMT. (I guess there are no sailors around?)

So I guess Bud and Bessy got a bad cocktail somewhere along the
line and I really hope those pointers I posted to antibodies
for all those and more are correct! (They are good friends,
though I hope the same for anyone.)

[Sept. 5: When I say I hope the same, obviously I am referring to
the hope that the pointers I posted to CURES for:

HIV A, HIV B, HIV C, HIV D (which I sometimes list as HIV A,B,C,D),
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, syphyllis, meningitis, tuberculosis (TB),
Ebola (a bad disease in Africa, not a name, which I divined is hepatitis A
with a handle on it that makes it more easily transmittable but which I am
sure was not engineered in), genital herpes, oral cold sore virus

are correct. ]

>Joannie's grandma Ryan (last name) comp P.J. Hayes, fiddler.

P.J. is a famous Irish fiddler in Ireland. He got o.c.s.v. 7:34 a.m.

>Koula Koumbis, Gus, Hera the neighbour, her ex-husband rare-4.

The ex is no longer an ex.

>Sophia comp. with David Campbell, Calgary geophysicist.

>His wife comp. rare-5 with Lawrence Le, Rob Stewart,
>Larry Lines, Jon Claerbout, all geophysicists (good at
>eyebrow pattern subtlety detection, thus).
> Their 4 wives comp rare-5 with Doug Oldenburg, UBC geop. prof.
>His wife Marian comp with John Amor, sysadmin/geop.

[Sept. 5: geop.=geophysicist in my abbreviations. In my old e-mail address to mid-December, 1995 geop stood for Geophysics.
Some of the posts I made then would have have poster listed as
my posts since early October of 1996 were from

so anyway

dalton@(possibly-null-string) 1991 to Dec. 10, 1995
dalton@(possibly-null-string) Oct. 3, 1996 to now

could get lots of my old posts somehow. However some of them
are just playful, some are incoherent ramblings, some are junk,
some I later corrected, and I'm not sure about the one about
elliptical dots on CDs giving eccentricity and orientation as
two more data values per dot, with old readers getting a subset
of the data (say old reader getting audio, new getting both audio
and video). I have to wade through some of my old writing myself.
Have a look at my web page to start.
By the way, the ~ means it is the home directory of that individual
in Unix (computer word) terms. ]

Sonya Dehler Atlantic Geoscience Centre comp Tom Robbins.

[Sept. 5, when I use comp as an abbreviation, or comp.
in the context of this matchmaking thread, it means
sexually compatible with, or is sexually compatible with
Of course if some are too young they would have to wait a while.
Oh, in these rare-2, rare-4, rare-5 groups and even the Vico groups
and orientations 5--13 there is also psychological compatibility and
ability complementation. If these groups are together and happy it
will lead to a Golden Age.]

>Eva Koumbis in rare fivesome with husband John, and her 3 exes.

>Gus and Koumbis's son father of the grandson (11) and his
> wife rare compatible duo.

>Dark-haired bi [not] woman who looks a bit like Sophia who I met on

>Bel Aire doorstep, friend of Sophia and Eva, is .... not bi ...
> I got a match last night but forgot to write him down, oh
>yes I did, BRUCE WILLIS. But Demi is bi. Not, Demi, is
>in a rare foursome with Trevor and Tanya who Koula knows,
>Trevor Groves and Tanya Lebar of East Vancouver, and Iyengar
>yoga teacher Claudia McDonald also of Hollywood North.
>Tanya --> M.

[Sept. 5: Hollywood North is a colloquial term for Vancouver, British Columbia,

>Thinner younger Diane-cousin? bartender at the Fat Cat outside bar
>sometimes bi... not... compatible with Steve Jobs. Hmmm,

>I'll alpha test a Next/Mac fusion thingie if he likes, and toss
>some ideas back.

>A woman bartender, about 22, at O'Reilly's who I thought was bi
>is compatible with MUNES Brian Hoffe, geop. His wife comp.
>with Gary Quinlan.

[Gary is also of Memorial University of Newfoundland Earth Science Department]

>1985 UBC Bookstore last-day-of-her-job Joy of Cooking seller-to-me

>woman bi.... not... compatible with Newfoundland fiddler Colin
>Carrighan now I think in the Ottawa area, Ottawa valley sessions?

In Ireland now 8:20 a.m. NDT Sept. 3.

Jun 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/6/98

By the way, nfld is an abbreviation for Newfoundland, a large
island in the Atlantic Ocean about the size of Great Britain and
of the eastern edge of the mainland of North America and is
roughly triangular in shape and, with a mainland part called
Labrador, was a country prior to the end of March 31, 1949
when it became the tenth province of the country of Canada.

Katie Rich is the Chief Katie Rich of Labrador.

The word "matchmaker" means match finder. (David Dalton) wrote:

>David Letterman
>Sarah McLachlan's genetic mother
>Sarah McLachlan's genetic father
>Sarah's older adopted brother
>Fernando Valuenzuela (baseball pitcher)
>are a rare-5

SARAH's genetic father is not who she thinks.
Sarah's genetic father is Pierre Trudeau, former prime minister of Canada.
Also she was in her genetic mother's womb near me in Argentia, Newfoundand
once, so her genetic mom has met me, but I don't remember.

The husband of the genetic mom of Sarah is compatible with Mary Walsh,
of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland originally and one of the
stars of the hit CBC show This Hour Has Twenty-two Minutes.

David Strangway, former University of British Columbia,
(UBC, if I use UBC it is THAT university) president.
UBC is in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Margaret Trudeau, former wife of Pierre Trudeau
are a rare-2 (a possible compatible twosome, such that it is
hard to find a match for either. It is not true that
all rare-2's are the same. It is not true that all
rare-4's are the same. It is not true that all rare-5's
are the same.)

David's Strangway's wife Alice Strangway (and the Strangways are
originally from South Africa), got o.c.s.v. 04:27:30 GMT Sept. 6
Pierre Trudeau o.c.s.v.
Pierre's two junior high school former romantic partners (ex-es or exes),
got o.c.s.v. 04:28 GMT Sept. 6
Alice Strangway's junior high school (Canadian for schooling between
about the ages of 12-14) equivalent former romantic partner (ex)
got o.c.s.v. 04:28:30 GMT Sept. 6
are a rare-5

Any spouses not listed have love matches already.

It is not true that all rare-2's are the same.
It is not true that all rare-4's are the same.
It is not true that all rare-5's are the same.
You cannot switch someone from one rare-5 I listed with someone
in another one unless I say they are the same type of rare-5
or unless you determine by very careful eyebrow (with respect to eye)
comparisons that the two fivesomes are of the same type. Amongst
those I listed, only the ones I said were of the same type are of
the same type. That holds true for the rare-2's and rare-4's as
well. And "rare-2's" means more that one rare twosome. The
comma does not mean a possessive. The hyphen is only there to hold
the word "rare-2" together as is common in scientific language.
It is not a minus sign. Why is the apostrophe
there? Simply to separate the "2" and the "s" so that it doesn't
look like one rare 2s.

The "rare-2's" means rare twosomes, of many types.
The "rare-4's" means rare foursomes, of many types.
The "rare-5's" means rare fivesomes, of many types.

However you could switch an example someone at a certain (gender,phase)
in one example VICO foursome with one at the same (gender,phase) in another
example VICO foursome. A Vico foursome is not the same as a rare-4.
Those who don't know what a Vico foursome is should look at my eyebrow
orientation web page

Some assholes will misinterpret my writing in such a way as to supposedly
prove me wrong, and/or even knowingly present the wrong individual with
the same name, and/or even someone faking the name, and/or even someone
pretending to be the right individual. You know my reference framework
geographically, and that many of the names listed are individuals known
to me, and thus either well known (often celebrities) in North America
and/or individuals known to me here in Newfoundland and Labrador (see
the first paragraph again) and/or in Vancouver, British Columbia (the
most western province of this country [nation] of Canada). If I say
a Ron Hynes name Enya should talk to the one that Mary Black sings a
song by, not a Dublin Ron Hynes. Or I guess Enya could contact
Paddy Keenan for connections.

Some quick corrections that I will also put in other short followups

I had an earlier valid duplicate for Jim Whelan (the one I know from
high school) and hence the match with Cecili Bartoli is incorrect.
Cecili Bartoli is compatible with the younger brother of the famous
rock star Peter Frampton.

The earlier match for THAT Jim Whelan was a pen (in ink) correction
or rather, adjustment.

Molly Ringwald
Marisia Tomei
younger (I mean like the older one though )Ronald Reagan type: THAT Jim Whelan
younger (Nancy Reagan type): the actress who played the woman in the Chinese
movie Raise the Red Lantern who informed the 4th wife (they may say
4th concubine in the movie, I say 4th wife, and in terms of a rare-5
it would be five spouses, each compatible with each other) that her
former maid Ya nar (or something like that) was dead.
Marisia Tomei's husband transformed female (->F) type: lover of that woman
(that is, the real life female lover of the Chinese actress who is
listed above)
are a rare-5

Molly->M type: famous NHL hockey player Denis Savard
Marisia->M type: famous NHL hockey player Trevor Linden
Ronald->F type: famous American actress Bo Derek
Nancy->M type: famous NHL hockey player Dominik Hacek
Marisia Tomei's husband
are a rare-5

older Molly type: Bysshe Woodford of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
older Marisia type: the mom of Beverley Anne Ezekiel, Beverley is
originally from Harbour Main, Newfoundland
Ronald Reagan
Nancy Reagan
older (Marisia Tomei's husband->F) type: the retired postmistress of
Harbour Main, Newfoundland. That means the woman who recently
retired from the job of postmistress for the town of
Harbour Main, Newfoundland after many years of service.
are a rare-5, which could help Ronald Reagan's ALzheimer's disease improve.

I had an earlier valid duplicate match for Francois Mitterand (Diane Keaton,
famous American movie star). Thus the match with Sister Christine Bavis
is incorrect. Francois Mitterand's older brother, however, is compatible
with Sister Christine Bavis. "Sister" before a name means she is a nun.
Note the capital "S", if it was a lowercase "s" then it would not mean that
she is a nun. She taught me in high school here in Newfoundland.

I neglected to put in a match for Christopher Pratt (very good
Newfoundland, Canada artist) when I matched his wife Mary Pratt
with Arthur C. Clarke. Christopher Pratt is compatible with
Arthur C.

Jack Nicholson (famous American movie star) is in a rare-5 that he knows.

Jann Arden (famous Canadian pop star) is in a rare-5 that she knows.

Oh, and

The woman model for the Lilith Fair logo is compatible with
Ronald Reagan's illegitimate son, who is famous American musician
James Brown

Tori Amos is compatible with Joe Rezae of the FTE list (e-mail
mailing list devoted to discussion of Sarah McLachlan's music,
as is the newsgroup . Good stuff!)

Eubie Blake, who is over 100 years old, and plays piano,
is on the back cover of the CANADIAN EDITION of Time magazine
of July 21,1997. It is not the same as the US edition, and I
have made previous references to at least one other (or perhaps)
the same Canadian edition of Time. Eubie Blake (the one who is
over 100 years old) is featured in a Kellogg's All Bran
advertisement (ad). He is compatible with the mother (mom)
of Madeleine Allbright, Secretary of State of The United States of
America. Some please learn to distinguish between capital
letters and lowercase letters.
One eyebrow of the Eubie Blake who is over 100 years old is
higher than the other in the picture on the back of the magazine
I mentioned. However I believe that this does not mean he is Hain
or Vico and that it is the case because of a scar of some kind.
But in using the eyebrow types of him and the mother of the famous
Madeleine Allbright of the United States of America (oh wait, both
are in the USA, well, the not-famous one should know which one I mean,
even if I spelled her name wrong, which I don't know right now)
to help match an Egyptian high level sort the picture of the eyebrows
of the Eubie Blake who is over 100 years old should be transformed
such that the two eyebrows are at the same level and the left one
is the mirror image across the face (left to right) of the right one.

I'll repeat the match for Madeleine Allbright, the powerful politician.
(and note again that capital letters can imply names). She is compatible
with the boyfriend of the Arthur of Arthur Arthur deli/bakery in
St. John's. I have previously posted a group for the Arthur.
Just because the business is called "Arthur Arthur" (it has been
in business only a few months but should be in the new Newfoundland
Telephone 1998 directory) does not mean that the boyfriend is also
called Arthur. Also the above does not imply that the real name of
the "Arthur" is Arthur. What, did a foreign spy say he was Arthur's

I have one for Madeleine Allbright's 3rd youngest brother (3rd
youngest among her brothers) too and will post it within the
next few days since it is part of a series. Oh well, I may
as well post the series now, and I didn't pick the series.

Patrick Kavanaugh of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
compatible with daughter of Patrick Kavanaugh, Ireland

The Harbour Main, Newfoundland (now Ottawa, Onatrio, Canada area)
Patrick Kavanagh's wife is compatible with David Campbell,
Canadian Federal Fisheries Minister.

THAT David Campbell's wife is compatible with the powerful politician
Madeleine Allbright's 3rd youngest brother (third youngest amongst brothers
which means he is older than two other brothers)

Patrick Kavanaugh, famous Irish (citizen of Ireland) writer
is compatible with the mom of Bertie Ahern (Prime Minister of Ireland)

THAT Bertie Ahern's genetic father is compatible with
the mom of the Patrick Kavanaugh of Harbour Main, Newfoundland, Canada
Harbour Main is in between Holyrood and Avondale and is in
Conception Bay Central (the central part of Conception Bay coastline).

Bertie Ahern's father is compatible with the mom of Cara Dillon
(Northern Ireland origins, very good singer who used to be in a
band called Oige' or Oak, eh or something close to that and was
in an American band called The Equation for a while, I think)

THAT Cara Dillon's father
Robert Kennedy, jr., of the famous American Kennedys
Steve Bauer, Canadian cyclist
Steve's lover
Steve's lover's spouse
are a rare-5.

I'll repeat again that THAT Cara Dillon is compatible in a rare-2
with St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada uillean piper and
guitarist (acoustic so far though I said he has pan ability
on TAYLOR six-string electric guitars. If I list a brand name
then it has to be that one.) ROB BROWN, known to Paddy Keenan.

I had an earlier match for Paul Martin (different from Pol Martin)
who is Minister of Finance for Canada. I apologize for not catching
the duplicate.

An astronomer David Woods->F type is the mom of the Janet Forsythe who
is the manager of the musical band Spirit of the West and also books
bands for the Railway Club in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
She is compatible with that Paul Martin (the one of the above paragraph).

A THAT Paul Martin->F type: Meghan de Villiers, Vancouver bluegrass musician
(I mean the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada whenever I
say Vancouver unless otherwise specified!)
She is compatible with David Woods, astronomer, who has a Ph.D (doctorate)
from the University of British Columbia (UBC)
Her husband Jake de Villiers, Vancouver bluegrass musician, is compatible
with Carole of The Bluegrass Princesses, a Vancouver bluegrass band well
known to THAT Jake. In the context of music the word "band" means a
musical ensemble.

Then a substitute couple for Paul Martin and his wife (I guess he doesn't
have one) in the foursome with Jean and Aline Chretien are
Bill and Lillian van der Zalm of British Columbia, Canada.

Jean Chretien (Prime Minister of Canada)
Aline Chretien (THAT Jean's wife)
Bill van der Zalm (former Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada)
Lillian van der Zalm (THAT Bill's wife)
are a rare-4

Kofi Anan (Secretary General of The United Nations)
Boutros-Boutros Gali (former Secretary General of The United Nations)
Maurice Strong (was involved in the Rio environmental summit)
Larry who was the janitor at the University of British Columbia
Geophysics & Astronomy Building in 1994-95 or at least part of that.
Shirley MacLean's ex-housekeeper, fired 03:33 GMT Sept. 5 and then
hired by Peter Fonda. THAT Shirley and THAT Peter are famous
American movie (film, cinema) stars.
are a rare-5

THAT Peter Fonda is compatible in a rare-5 with all of Steppenwolf
except Joh Kay, AND considering the version of Steppenwolf that
recorded the original Born to be Wild in the studio, AND
including a woman who was in the studio although I don't know
if any woman was listed on the recording.
They were all compatible with no oral cold sore virus but for some
odd reason all got oral cold sore virus around 03:39 GMT Sept. 5,
Peter first, then the woman, then the other three.

Pass on some of the matches if you know someone listed.

I still have one more batch of corrections to do to the summary
I posted in March of the matches I made in March. Some are
included here (notably the Paul Martin one and the Reagans and
related ones) already. In NEW PART 4 I indicated a
LEFT OFF HERE point well into through the file, at least
past 25% of the file. In NEW PART 5, a followup to
NEW PART 4, I continued on from there but did not finish
inserting all of the edits. I still have about nine pages
of printout (pages printed on a printer) with annotations made
by me in ink (with a pen) that I have not yet typed in to the
computer. This will take me several more hours, and I have
less computer access on the weekend. I have been on (on means
touching the computer keyboard) for about five hours now and
that will be all for today. Tomorrow (Sunday, some may
need to do International Date Line corrections) I hope to
get back to the corrections with a NEW PART 6 (that does not
mean that this and other files not so labelled are not new,
it means that files labelled in that way are a newly edited
version in several parts of a file that I posted in March
in several parts. The number of parts in March was three
and I refer to such as OLD PARTS and may have left indications
in the NEW PARTS of where the OLD PARTS began and left off.
The number of parts in this June edited version of the summary
of matches (matchmakings=matchfindings) I did in March is not
yet determined. I have posted five so far and there will
probably be two or three more.
The other posts in this thread, which began with
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT
other than the NEW PART series also conatain a great deal of
new material. And new readers should read the web page
(sometimes written as webpage)
for a general introuction.

Did Baha'ullah have the same eyebrow type as me? I don't know yet.
And don't assume any David Raymond Dalton is me.

If I have used the word "deva" in any posts to refer to a female, or done so
on my web pages (see below), the proper Hindu (but I'm not Hindu) word is
"devi" instead, which I believe in some shakti worship type paths can refer
to a woman who is in a compatible group with a major prophet/"avatar"/shaman
such as me. However of the four I listed as example matches for me and each
other: Sarah McLachlan (famous Canadian singer/songwriter who many think is
from the United States. By the way, the term "American" means citizen of
the United States of America, abbreviated USA, and while Canada is part of
North American, someone from Canada is referred to as a Canadian, not as an
American, though could be reffered to as a North American, which is not the
same as someone from the northern part of the United States of America.
Canada is the large country just to the north of the United States of
America.) the famous American actress who played the evil stepmother in the
movie Cinderella [the version which another famous actress, Whoopi Goldberg,
was in charge of and also played the queen in] who I think is named
Bernadette Peterson. [Whoopi is compatible with the real Prince Charles.]
singer/songwriter Natalie Nivera the woman who took my cover at the Rose and
Thistle on May 21 at the reggae/world beat jam there, and has eyebrows like
famous Canadian actress Neve Campbell who now lives in the United States of

could any be said to be devis yet? I think Sarah McLachlan (the one I
list above, the famous Canadian singer and song writer (singer/songwriter)
is closest in terms of muse effect and long term long distance shakti
resonances. However none of the four are involved with me. I think
time will tell. But again the five, including me and those four women
listed above, if together would complement one another's abilities
and shine more together than if separate.

If in Hindu terms I am an avatar type (not really an avatar, but then
neither was Krishna or Jesus, just more resonant at times), which I am,
then could any of the above four be called devi types yet? I think
in terms of muse effect upon me that Sarah McLachlan could. But those
four do not have to have me, another loose one of my _eyebrow_ type
is the younger brother of the ultra tall African who played in the
National Basketball League (NBA) in the United States of America (USA)
and I think suffered from some bone problems. Oh wait, he seems to
be in a fivesome now. A third such fivesome is the one of the
five stars on the American television (TV) show Party of Five
which I have never seen. However the two men (one in each of those
two fivesomes), while they are probably shaman types, do not have
certain biographical factors which I have, and have not received the
rare major call which I received, described in detail on

"Salmon on the Thorns: thread for the (mathematically) global quilt"

web page which is at

In Jewish (I'm not Jewish) and Islamic (I'm not Islamic) terms I am a
major prophet. Jesus was also a major prophet.

I am not assocatiated with any religious organization.
Who am I a prophet to, then?
The human species.

For biographical data on me see the web page and open the
subpages and subsubpages.
David Raymond Dalton
Salmon on the Thorns:
Newfoundland travel/MUSIC file:
Eyebrow orientation introduction:
my geographical location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

Jun 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/7/98

Yesterday in local time terms (GMT-2.5h now, GMT-3.5h in late fall, winter
and early spring) I posted a bunch of new stuff via DejaNews and hence
it will show up as from without the David Dalton
(in the list of posts). This may have to go the same route.

Today (again in local time terms, as above) I will continue typing in
some new material from my notebook, and some corrections.

First some corrections.

I neglected to put in a match for Christopher Pratt (very good
Newfoundland, Canada artist) when I matched his wife Mary Pratt
with Arthur C. Clarke. Christopher Pratt is compatible with

Arthur C. Clarke's younger sister. Arthur C. Clarke just recently
learned that he has a younger sister.

Note that I do make typos and I occasionally spell words incorrectly.

In one post, I wrote
" Raven Alan MacLeod has oral cold sore virus and
nothing else and is in a rare-4 with the main woman
vocalist in Celtic Connection and Jeremy Hughes
who has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes
and Janet Forsythe who has nothing. So for
all four to be compatible the first two would get
genital herpes virus and Janet Forsythe would get both
oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus.]

That should read

" [ Raven Alan MacLeod has oral cold sore virus and
nothing else and is in a rare-4 with the main woman
vocalist in Celtic Connection and Jeremy Hughes
who has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes
and Janet Forsythe who has nothing. So for
all four to be compatible the first two would get
genital herpes virus and Janet Forsythe would get both
oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus.]"

Which any smart reader should have been able to guess.

I also once wrote:

"Joseph Wall is compatible with a peak roof with solid on top
and shading on bottom of the eaves. I don't have his picture
here. C.B.C. 1980 grad.
One guy at the Fat Cat in March has eyebrows with a peak roof with
bottom half of the eaves faded and hence would look for a woman
with eyebrows like Joseph Wall's, with same oral cold sore balance.

[new insertion: he is compatible with Martina Navritalova,
tennis player. Her F partner compatible with Ford Pier,
Vancouver rocker. Oops, this is incorrect, Martina and
her F partner and her two ex F partners are compatible
with Ford Pier in a rare-5. At the moment Martina and
Ford and Martina's F partner are compatible and have no
oral cold sore virus and would get it to be compatible with
the other two, who are now compatible.]"

Not any Joseph Wall, the one that graduated from the high school
in Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada in 1980, or at
least was in the yearbook for that year as part of the graduating
class. He may not have graduated until the following year if he
failed that year, but I don't _think_ he failed. I don't know.

Also the "Oops, this is incorrect" does not apply to anything to
the left before the "[". OK, I WILL REWRITE IT BELOW, if you're
incapable of interpreting it honestly without that. And you could
easily have asked me for clarification, somebody.

Joseph Wall is compatible with someone with peaked roof eyebrows each at at
the same height ABOVE THE RESPECTIVE EYE, solid in the top half (not
necessarily exactly half) and shaded/faded on the bottom of the eaves. I
don't have his picture here. He was in Roncalli High School, the one in
Avondale, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada, in grade 11 in the
academic year September, 1979 to June, 1980 and his picture is in that
yearbook amongst those were hoping to graduated. Most graduated, and as far
as I know, he did too, but I don't know for sure, to those in Shanghai!!!
Also, he is Caucasian. I don't have his picture here but the eyebrows are
like slightly feathery slightly tilted right anglee sorts, with both sides of
the angle long.

THIS PARAGRAPH IS CORRECT. One guy who was at the Fat Cat bar in
March 1998 has eyebrows each shaped like a peak roof with
bottom half of the eaves faded and hence would look for a woman
with eyebrows like THAT Joseph Wall's, with same oral cold sore balance.
That means both would have to have oral cold sore virus or
neither would have oral cold sore virus for them to be compatible.
That man is also Caucasian and I believe is a Newfoundlander (someone
who was born on the island of Newfoundland, not someone in any
religious sect, you assholes). The Fat Cat is a nightclub (also
known as bar) here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Note
the capital letters, please! Lowercase "fat cat" can mean a
rich person, but "Fat Cat" does not especially when from the
context it obviously is a geographical indicator.

Briefly, not noticing the previous good match (of the previous paragraph,
and that means the paragraph just before this one),
I thought that {{{the man of the paragraph JUST above was compatible
with Martina Navritalova, tennis player}}} and that her female
partner (lover, in the context of my writing, not necessarily
the same as an doubles teammate she has had) was compatible with Ford Pier
Vancouver rocker (rock musician). THEN I CORRECTED THIS TO: Martina
(Navritalova, of course!) and her F (female) partner and her two ex (former) F
partners are compatible with Ford Pier in a rare-5. At the moment Martina and
Ford and Martina's F partner are compatible and have no
oral cold sore virus and would get it to be compatible with
the other two, who are now compatible. THIS PARAGRAPH CERTAINLY DOES

Beijing, help Shanghai, they have bad translator problems too.

Why did I put in the incorrect match above, rather than just deleting
it? I wanted to show my flow of thought, such that I went from the
guy at the Fat Cat incorrectly to Martina and then thought of
Martina's female partner and then thought of Ford Pier and then
realized that I already had a good match for the guy at the Fat Cat
and then corrected the match for Martina, Martina's partner (lover),
Ford and Martina's two female former lovers (if I ever wrote
"former female lovers" it means "female former lovers") and
realized that in the second paragraph above, the one that begins
with "Briefly", what is enclosed in {{{ }}} is INCORRECT (and if
I ever say "I realized that something was incorrect" that means the
same as "I realized that something is incorrect").

Please get a good, honest translator, one who is not a flamingly
fundamentalist supposedly religious person trying to prove that
I am not a prophet/"avatar"/buddha type, and one who is not a
golddigger (one who marries for money and not for true love),
and one who is not associated with a golddigger.

OK (that means all is well, I hope), now I'll proceed with some
new (that means not previously posted) matches.

Jim and Angie Baird of Wordplay Bookstore (a bookstore, which is a
store that sells books, in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada,
which has an associated web page )
are in a rare-4 with two others who work there.

Caroline Kennedy of the well known Boston and Washington, US (United States,
short for United States of America, also abbreviated as USA) Kennedys is
compatible with American (US citizen) author Jim Kjelgaard, author of
numerous ENGLISH LANGUAGE short novels for early teen and late pre-teen
readers (teen means teenage, aged 13--19, early teen means 13, 14, 15, late
pre-teen means 10, 11, 12). I gather that there is also a different European
author Jim Kjelgaard. The one I mean is the author of the books Snowy, Big
Red and a few more. The European Jim Kjelgaard can find his type on the
web page which is text-based and
readable from any terminal with a text based reader (but not just a text
based reader, of course it works with graphics capable web browsers as well,
who is the asshole who supposedly knows computers who said that a plain text
web page can't be read by graphics capable web browsers, Beijing).

My Uganda origin friend Maggie Kasakende is compatible with
Irish (born in Ireland) musician Luka Bloom, younger brother of
Irish (born in Ireland) musician Christie Moore. Someone who
plays Irish music is not necessarily an Irish musician. Christie
can find his type on the web page mentioned above.
Maggie is the one who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
and is a geologist, naturalist and teacher of English as a second language
(which I abbreviate as "she is a geologist/naturalist/ESL teacher).
She has a brother who REGULARLY LIVES IN London. He is compatible with
the woman who put the cancellation on the stamp on the change of address
postcard that Maggie sent to me (David Raymond Dalton) most recently.
Another brother of theirs is in London VISITING. He is compatible with
three people (two women and one man) who were at a potluck (supper at which
each person brings a dish, and dish means a food item) at her old place
(most recent place she has lived at in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
other that the one in which she currently lives [resides]) once. I (David
Raymond Dalton) was also at that potluck. Those three live in a house
near the Blanca bus Loop, and I think the house is on W.8th Ave. (West 8th
Avenue). Those three and the brother who is visiting London (as of
Sept.7, 1998, and Sept. means September, not a big 7) are a rare-4.

The wife of the brother who LIVES REGULARLY (is a year round resident)
in London
the wife of the brother visiting London as of September 7, 1998
the usual drummer of Roy Forbes, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
singer and songwriter (singer/songwriter)
the third member OTHER THAN James Keelaghan and Bill Eagle Feather
of the James Keelaghan Trio that played (performed at) the
Vancouver East Cultural Centre (V.E.C.C.) at a Winter Roots
Music Festival around 1992 or 1993.
are a rare-4

the wife of the usual drummer of THAT Roy Forbes the wife of the fourth one
listed in the rare-4 just above this paragraph (That should be quite
obvious, why do I have to spell [make words with letters] it out. I just
said there was a rare-4. That is the rare-4 just above this paragraph, even
if you are reading in on a printout.) Calvin Vollrath, THE ONE THAT was Roy
Forbes' fiddler on the CD (compact disk recording) The Human Kind, which I
recommend the wife of THAT Calvin Vollrath that wife's female lover are a
rare-5 (each member of a rare-5 is compatible with each other member of the
SAME rare-5 or those of exactly the same eyebrow type, including in rotation
and placement with respect to the eye in an eye-centred coordinate system.
And yes I am Canadian, I do spell "centre" as "centre" and not with the
American spelling "center".)

Shari Ulrich o.c.s.v.
Bill Henderson o.c.s.v. gen.h. clam. HIV A,D
are a rare-2 (again I hope those divined antibodies pointers I posted are
correct and are being followed up on. If these cures are found, then
Shari could get gen.h., clam., HIV A,D to be
up-close-strong-compatible with Bill)
Shari and Bill are the two that are well known in Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada and indeed are fairly famous musicians across Canada.

Another type of rare-5 that I didn't have:
the author of the earliest version of gnus, a newsreader within gnu emacs
which can be accessed by M-x gnus or Esc-x gnus,
is in a rare-5 and all five in that rare-5 known that

Beginning here
I will refer to the liner notes of the CD (compact disk recording)
entitled "The Red Shoes" by American singer/songwriter Kate Bush,
who has released several recordings. I believe THAT Kate Bush lives
in New York City, do I have to say where that is? And someone at
Sony doesn't know what liner notes are? They are notes (generally
printed text, not musical notes) on a little booklet that for each
CD is inserted in the packaging, and the image on the front cover of
the liner notes booklet is the image which shows through the front
cover of the CD case. I hope the individual at Sony understands that!
The CD copy I have is an EMI Music Canada 1993 release.

Kate Bush, American singer/songwriter who has released many recordings.
her husband Paddy (variant of Patrick) Bush
John of the "With Thanks To" in the liner notes
Stewart Arnold of the liner notes
Steve Sidwell of the liner notes

I again quote from the song entitle "Lily" on that CD:

"Gabriel before me
Raphael behind me
Michael to my right
Uriel on my left side

in the circle of fire"

Again, I believe the "fire" refers to the good erotic warmth between
individuals who love one another. I recommend the CD.

Trio Bulgarka from the liner notes
Demeter Pener from the liner notes
Boromira Nedeva from the liner notes
are a rare-5

Sir Ali from the liner notes, first name "Sir" I think
Del Palmer from the liner notes
Ian Sylvester from the liner notes
Ian Cooper from the liner notes
John Carde Bush from the liner notes
are a rare-5 so I guess that the "Sir" is a female first name

Kate Bush's father was compatible with Hannah, Kate's mother, who is dead
He is now involved with a living one of her type in a rare-2.

That one's husband is in a rare-5 with four people that he knows.

Kate Bush's stepmother is compatible with Anthony Yacomine of the
liner notes.

AND when I have been saying #1 is compatible with #2
in all posts having "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" or
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" in their subject line,
that means it is a rare-2 even if I left that out. I already
did non-rare types earlier and those are summarized on , a plain text web page.

Lily of the liner notes is in a rare-2 with
Anthony who was in mental hospital at the University of British Columbia
in Vancouver one time I was there but I forget if it was the
early September to early October, 1991 time I was there or the
May, 1992 time I was there. He was only about 15 (that means he
was only about 15 years old) at the time and his mother regularly
brought in (brought into the hospital) 4L containers of milk
and 4L containers of apple juice for him.
The mental health unit was then called The Dettwiler Pavilion (wing
of a hospital that someone named Dettwiler donated money to and/or
was honoured by having his or her name placed on the building, which
is common practice) of the University of British Columbia (UBC) hospital.
It is now called The Mood Disorders Research Unit (or Mood Disorders
Research Centre) of the Vancouver General Hospital, UBC site where
again UBC means University of British Columbia.

Ken Townsend of the liner notes
Jim Jones of the liner notes
Gary Briley of the liner notes
Michael Skipwith of the liner notes
Therese Stoulil of the liner notes
are a rare-5

Joseph Campbell of the liner notes
the older sister of Mark Wilkinson of the liner notes
are a rare-2

Unless I otherwise, that is it (that is all) in this post in terms
of references to Kate Bush's CD The Red Shoes and the liner notes
(notes on the CD booklet) of that CD.

My sister Anne's boyfriend (male lover) Patt Hann's grandson Matthew
the granddaughter of the adopted-out child of the
Queen Mum (mother of Queen Elizabeth of England)
are a rare-2

THAT Patt Hann (who is from Merasheen island which is a small island
in Placentia Bay and off the coast of the main island, which is
called by the name Newfoundland, currently lives in the same house
I live in here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada and is a
community development worker) has a daughter named Sonia (or Sonya)

That Sonia (or Sonya) lives here in St. John's (which if I use it by
itself always means the city named St. John's in the province named
Newfoundland and Labrador in the country named Canada) although she
was in Edmonton for a while until recently.
She is in a rare-2 with the younger brother of Sonya Dehler, a
geophysicist (with a Ph.D) friend of mine at the
Atlantic Geoscience Centre in the Halifax area (near or in the
cicty of ("city of" means "city named") Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
You do understand mailing (postal) addresses, I hope.

THAT Pat Hann's brother Ray Hann
his wife
that wife's three female lovers
are a rare-5

The eyes pictured on p.23 on the Sunday May 31, 1998 Evening Telgram
(actually the Sunday edition might be called The Sunday Telegram) are
part of someone.

That someone
That somone's spouse
The actor who played The Lawnmower Man (in the movie The Lawnmower Man,
which means a film entitled The Lawnmower Man)
That actor's spouse
and the one who left The California Raisins before the morning
of June 5, 1998 (i.e. there was another short term personnel
disruptment early on June 5, 1998, but the one I mean left
on June 4, 1998 or earlier)
are a rare-5

The California Raisins of 10:30 a.m. NDT June 5, 1998,
or 6 a.m. California Daylight Savings Time
or 13:00 GMT
Don Cherry's younger sister (Don Cherry is a well known Hockey personality)
are a rare group (ha, Grapes and Raisins; Don is nicknamed Grapes)

Now I will refer to ANOTHER compact disk recording (CD) liner
notes booklet. This one is Roy Forbes: The Human Kind
released on AKA Records in 1992. Roy Forbes is a
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada singer and songwriter
and guitarist. He may not live in Vancouver (he may live in
a near suburb of Vancouver and hence can still be said to
live in Greater Vancouver, and can be referred to as a Vancouver
singer/songwriter). He should be known to travelling musicians
who play major folk festivals. Any references to liner notes
from now on are to that recording, until I say otherwise.

On the front couple there is an adult couple.

The male is in a rare-2 with the older sister of Jean Chretien (prime minister
of Canada, or P.M. of Canada. If I used P.M. to mean Pamela Morgan
in one paragraph it doesn't hold for a post saying something
like "the P.M. of Canada when it means the prime minister
of Canada. That can also be written Prime Minister of Canada
but sometimes the capitalization is left out)

1. The female (on the CD cover)
2. Aline's adopted-out twin sister (Aline is Jean Chretien's wife)
3. Jean and Aline's housekeeper (that means the
housekeeper of both John and Aline)
4. Jean's second cousin also named Jean Chretien
5. that second cousin's wife
are a rare-5

Earlier I posted a horse rare-6 (not a human one!) and two panda
bear rare-2's and two orca (killer whale) rare-2's. Now here is
a dog rare-4:
the female paternal line descendant of the dog on the CD cover. That means
a female dog whose sire^n was that dog
Nina Cole's female dog named Canada (named after the country), nicknamed Cans
the Newfoundland dog (a breed of dog named after the island) that was
down by (near) the schooner named the J&B May 29, 1998 at
3:45 p.m. NDT (Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time) or
18:15 GMT May 29, 1998.
the female dog named Akila or 'Kila who is owned by Lawrence George Kennedy
and M. Dean Kennedy (M stands for Michelle but she goes by, which
means commonly uses, her second name Dean) of
town of Harbour Main/Chapel's Cove/Lakeview
(in between Holyrood and Avondale)
Conception Bay Central

I grew up in this town, particularly the part known as Lakeview,
which many other than me spell as Lake View but am now living
(residing) in St. John's, the largest city on the island of
Newfoundland (the island named "Newfoundland")

Misguided government road sign makers left the "'s" off the name
"Chapel's Cove". There is no chapel there, the place was named
after someone with a French name which is close to "Chapel"
and hence it is called "Chapel's Cove" as some caplin (capelin)
lovers know.

Again from the Roy Forbes: The Human Kind CD front cover:
On that cover part of a house is pictured.
A rare-5 (five people who are in a rare-5) live in that house now.

That is all for references to the Roy Forbes: The Human Kind
CD unless I say otherwise.

On p.43 (page 43) of the July 21, 1997
CANADIAN EDITION of Time MAGAZINE there is a picture of
the musical band called The Wallflowers. I have already matched
Jacob but I will repeat it
Rebekah, US singer/songwriter, compatible with Wayne Hynes,
St. John's NF singer/songwriter
Wayne's f partner compatible with Jacob Dylan.

In that the picture, the the two on the left have o.c.s.v.
and the two on the right have gen.h. They form a rare-5
with the junior high ex of the one with the hat who has no
viruses. For all five to be compatible the two on the left
would get gen.h. virus, the two on the right would get o.c.s.v.
and the woman (junior high school ex of the one in the hat, that
does not mean she is in junior high school, it means that when
she and the man with the hat on in the picture I referenced
were junior high school they were in a romantic relationship
and now are no longer, that's what junior high school ex means,
or in shorter form, junior high ex; ex means ex-lover).

'Hunt, Sara E.' <> of the FTE list (who signed a post with Amy)
is male and is compatible with the younger sister of Jennifer Warnes,
the Jennifer Warnes who is a famous (in North America) music star

now for a rare-4:
silverbutterfly of the FTE list is compatible with
a Kennedy
that Kennedy's high school sweetheart
(so I guess in this case the last two are in high school)
and the one who e-mailed the spam:
Date sent: Wed, 03 Jun 98 07:58:23 EST
Subject: NEW! NEW! 233MHz Intel Pentium PC * NO MONEY DOWN!!! *

<HTML><PRE></P><P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffff00"
SIZE=6><B>NO MONEY DOWN!!!!!</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=4>233 MHz Intel
Pentium </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=4>State of the Art<FONT
COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=4> computer package</F
/FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4>25 page user friendly </FONT><FONT
COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=4>website w/online hosting fees included for 1
year.Windows 95, MS Office 97 + Computer Training & much, much,
//">Click here to submit request for

via bulk e-mail (not to the FTE list).

The FTE list is in long form the fumbling-towards-ecstasy
e-mail mailing list (which does not mean a list of e-mail
addresses for bulk e-mail purposes, it means a discussion group).
It is named after a recording entitled Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
by Sarah McLachan (of Canada, and who is head of Lilith Fair).

Julian C. Dunn of FTE
Gemma Price of FTE
are a rare-2 (were they the two of M posing as F and F posing as M, though?)

Recently I got a Family Dental Plan bulk e-mail spam
(why do I have to explain spam? It is unsolicitated widely broadcast
junk mail in computer terms.) It was:

Date sent: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 09:31:46 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: Family Dental Plan

Take a bite out of your family's dental bills. For less than $10.00 per
month you will save an average of 30% - 80% on your family's dental care
needs. All pre-existing conditions qualify.

For further details please call:

1-(800) 466-3550

toll free

Please refer to ID Code TM63

P.S. Call in for details before June 10, 1998 and with your dental plan
receive the optical plan FREE!

Thank You.


I thought it was unusual because there is a ""
e-mail address which contains a "%" sign which I thought was reserved for
purposes of relaying from one Internet node to another, in e-mail addresses.

The five individuals responsible for this e-mail are a rare-5.

Now, the word "are" implies plural. When I list five and say it
is a "rare-5" it does not mean that the fifth listed is the rare-5,
or that the fifth listed is designated to be lonely. It means that
in the group of five listed that each person listed is compatible
with each other person listed. This compatibility includes
up-close-strong-compatibility (meaning up close sexual fire,
where fire means something good in this case) and psychological
compatibility and ability complementation (complEmentation, with an
E, dummies) and also healing effects on one another.

On talk.religion.newage (a Usenet newsgroup, also called an
Internet newsgroup, and since I am posting this to four
I thought you would know what one is) there has been a
recent thread (newsgroup term for series of posts that
begin with one single post that when replied to, with what
are called followups, evolves into a tree of posts, at least
when displayed in threaded form by newsreader software capable
of doing that, which most is now) entitled
"De manier van openbarum"

On that thread, two of the posters are
H. Lofgezang
Rogier Klaase

Also I have the TAPE by Jennifer Warnes entitled The Hunter
released by Attic Records in 1992
catalogue number CAT 1344. The arrows and quiver pictured
on that tape are owned by Rogier Klaase.

One post on that thread, which I unfortunately don't have anymore,
was by H. Lofgezang .

Whoever put the first ";" of the second quoted line in that post
Jen of the FTE list
Rogier Klaase of that thread
are a rare-4

oving of that thread
houghi of that thread
are in a rare-5 (are two members of a rare-5 they know the other members of)

Ronald van der Berg (or was in van den Berg, I'm rushed now)
is Princess Caroline of Monaco
she is compatible with Princess Stephanie's most recent ex-husband
in a rare-2

I have to sign off (get off the computer, turn off the computer) now.

Those outside Canada who have had translator difficulties could get
one who has studied abroad, perhaps in Canada, and then returned.

Also I really need a staff of a few people paid by the United Nations
since I'm wasting a lot of time worrying about every little word.

St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, North America

Jun 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/8/98

By the way, had nothing to do with magic. The
word wizard is in the sense of "computer wizard". The group is
a group for asking questions of experts in sexuality and for
discussing leading edge topics on sexuality.
Here are some more corrections followed by some more new stuff
and then in a later separate post I will continue with the
corrections to the summary of matches I made in March.

I made a big mistake after I said that Pierre Trudeau is Sarah
McLachlan's genetic father through contact in Argentia, Newfoundland
with her genetic mother, who Sarah knows (Sarah was adopted by Doris and
Jack McLachlan).
I already had a match for Sarah's genetic father (Pierre Trudeau)
and hence got a lot wrong when I tried to match Pierre Trudeau again,
not remembering the earlier valid match (but not all earlier ones
are valid, especially, as in the case of Nicholas Cage, I have already
pointed out that they are incorrect and given a new match, in the
case of Nicholas Cage, to Newfoundland actress Anna Stassis).

Also the March match of David Strangway with Alice Strangway as a rare-2
(a rare straight type) is correct, and I had forgotten that one as well.

The part about Pierre's two junior high school ex-es and
Alice Strangway's junior high school ex is incorrect, again due
to my missing the earlier match for Alice and the earlier match
for Pierre. If I get one right the first time and then forget
it and use the same names and get a supposed match, I'm supposed
to catch it. Sometimes I don't and it results in an incorrect
posted match. I've been doing some crossschecking (checking
for duplicate matches) but still may have missed some. If
there are duplicate matches for you and you are unsure as to
which one is correct, ask me. Also you should be able to tell
when there is true love (true love means best possible love)

Hence the valid match including Pierre Trudeau is the rare-5:

David Letterman
Sarah McLachlan's genetic mother

Sarah McLachlan's genetic father, WHO IS PIERRE ELIOT TRUDEAU

Sarah's older adopted brother

Fernando Valuenzuela (famous baseball pitcher)

The husband of Sarah's genetic mother is compatible with
Newfoundland (may be in Halifax some) actress/comedienne Mary Walsh,
one of the stars of the TV (television) show called
This Hour Has 22 Minutes on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
in a rare-2

David Strangway
Alice Strangway
are a rare-2

Margaret Trudeau is in a rare-2 with, for example,
Teddy Kennedy's illegitimate son

In searching for my previous match for Sarah McLachlan's
adoptive parents I found that I had neglected to include some
stuff in the March posting of the summary of March matches.
Here is the first few paragraphs from that March thread,
which began with a post entitled
some new comments within square brackets [ . ] (that means something
within square brackets).

For those waiting for an update to the
eyebrows.html old 30-eyebrow theory page (still with some errors
including the bit about one straight type being compatible with all
other straight types) eyebrows.html which is a subpage of the (dtales.html, another subpage, explains
the deva [should be devi] comments), I haven't touched it in a while.
I have a half-edited
version but now have new stuff to add too and of course graphics and
wouls welcome any graphic artist assistance. Probably by Wed
March 4, 8 p.m. NST (6:30 p.m. NYT, 11:30 p.m. GMT) I will have a better
version up, with more edits to follow.
[I didn't do much yet.]
Again, the last 2% of the population
may have hundreds of rare eyebrow types and associated special abilities
and I think I missed them since I was trying to squish all into the 30
types + Hain + Vico +H1 +H4 +H10 theory and was also assuming that only
4th orientation had the STD imbalance problems (actually blessing if it is
one worse than oral cold sore virus or yeast infection).

First I'll list some of the lonely teardrop types I have noticed and their
matches if I know. This is hard to do without graphics, and I lacked a
pen and paper when I saw some of these last Tuesday at The Fat Cat bar
here in St. John's. But again note there are way more than 30 symmetric
face types, probably well over 300, and I won't say I have a maximum ever
again due to the squishing problem mentioned above and in the post where
I note that I got Black Elk wrong twice because of these. I advise other
matchmakers also to avoid saying they know all the tantric resonances since
it screws up your intuition to do so.

First some solid sideways teardrops with bulb on the inside and no
fuzzing or half shading sort of stuff.

1. That with no outside hangdown --- compatible with Colin James type of
same species, so sort of a wide flat sculpted precog with no
bushniness or fading. Less like a circle than a precog, more like
a flatter ellipse quarter, but different from valley 4thO.

2. That with a teeny hangdown. Is like Tammy Fassaert, wonderful
country/folk/bluegrass singer/songwriter/guitarist/standup-bassist
from Vancouver, compatible with bushy-brow with small non-bushy
slanting eave, she is compatible with Patricia Conroy's husband,
Patricia Conroy with a Nervous Fella, I think the 1991 drummer,
and his wife with the Fogo Island acordion group leader/teacher
and her youngest daughter with a former? paper deliverer in Lakeview,
Newfoundland (eventually I guess).

3. That with a medium hangdown. Rita McNeil, compatible e.g. with the
close-cropped haired fellow singer/songwriter whose eyebrows and
name I forget who performed at Wom/men Jammin' at The Fat Cat
last week (see, I had not pen and paper, I was expecting 4 or
5 new types and was hit with oodles and forgot some). He
was pretty good.

4. That with big hangdown. Alana Myles. ompatible with other gender with
eyebrows like Tanya Alexander of Shy Mary who really belts it out
and is doing some solo stuff now too and can sometimes be found at
The Fat Cat. She is I intuited compatible with a Jan-arrival MUN
grad student with dusty trombone M with Alana Myles type eyebrows.

5. Ultra-big hangdown. Like Sandy (Running Water?) wife of
Archie Fire Lame Deer of the Lakota. She I think is compatible
with an emotional projector with eyebrows like Gerry Stamp, which
are not as I described before, he is not precog but looks a teeny
bit like that with his eyes mostly closed in the Amber Christmas
tape liner notes, a CD or might
have more detail. I think he has like a fuzzy inner teardrop and
outer turrets buit forget and can't make them out. He is an
emotional projector in Beiougz de Danaan species, Sandy is in
Olmec species, and there is one match for him in PEI I intuit.
He has star potential, withhis ability to rouse a crowd to emotion.
Sandy is compatible with a fellow who has been (is out recently?)
in an Indianapolis mental hospital for 4.5 years, who she would steady.

6. reverse solid teardrop, bulb on outside, no hangdown. Archie
Fire Lame Dear. Compatible with F with Black ELk (not sangoma type)
or Leonard Cohen or TAMMY GREER [eyebrows] type, in particular
with Tammy Greer
of British Columbia maybe now in Nashville. Leonard Cohen
compatible with 'Suzanne' again?

7. all shaded teardrop. I had a Fat Cat match but forget, will check,
maybe even tonight. Type like June Hiscock of Wom/men Jammin'
and Moonlighting fame (all-shaded teardrop).

8. half (which half?) shaded teardrop. I forget if I had a match yet.
[When I say teardrop I mean with the bulb on the inside, and when
I say reverse teardrop I mean with the bulb on the outside.]

9. flashlight fuzz inner teardrop. [I've posted that match, in my
match for Rachna Nautiyal, who is a match for such.]

Some notes related to Sarah McLachlan BAND (she
is incompatible with anyone but me. Naw, I lied there
but hope she picks me.).

[I later discovered that we are in an example rare-5:

Sarah McLachlan (famous Canadian singer/songwriter who many think is from
the United States. By the way, the term 'American' means citizen of the
United States of America, abbreviated USA, and while Canada is part of North
American, someone from Canada is referred to as a Canadian, not as an
American, though could be reffered to as a North American, which is not the
same as someone from the northern part of the United States of America.
Canada is the large country just to the north of the United States of
America.) the famous American actress who played the evil stepmother in the

movie Cinderella (the version which another famous actress, Whoopi Goldberg,
was in charge of and also played the queen in) who I think is named
Bernadette Peterson. (Whoopi is compatible with the real Prince Charles.)
singer/songwriter Natalie Nivera of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada the

woman who took my cover at the Rose and Thistle on May 21 at the
reggae/world beat jam there, and has eyebrows like famous Canadian actress

Neve Campbell who now lives in the United States of America. THIS IS THE

I posted Ashwin Sood's match in early March, see it below.]

David Sinclair is Vico and
in a twosome so foursome wise they are compatible with
a Vico duo they know, I intuit.

ASH is in a rare fivesome with Hadani, Sharon
Shannon, Ellen McELwaine, and Dawn Trainer-Thompson
of Newfoundland. Mr. Thompson is compatible with
Paula of the W.I.S.E. softball team three years ago.
Oh, the relationship of the fivesome is long-term
more stable in the fivesome than subsets, plus with
subsets of two someone would be left out.
[Hadani is a singer/songwriter who played pubs in Vancouver
at the beginning of the decade. Sharon Shannon is the famous
Irish button accordion player. Ellen McElwaine is a Victoria,
British Columbia based singer/songwriter. Dawn Trainer-Thompson
is a St. John's, Newfoundland based singer/songwriter. The
Mr. Thompson mentioned is her husband. Ash is Sarah McLachlan's
husband Ashwin Sood.]

David Kershaw and the woman I glared at at the Edge at the
Lizband gig in the fall (Liz [Pickard] knows who she is I guess) are
in a rare foursome with his ex of 24 years ago and 5 days,
a short relationship of 2 days, and her (the woman I glared
at when I thought her strong bionergetics were a sign of an
evil vampire, but I think she's OK) ex of 22 years ago and
5 days and involved for 1 day. All four are now compatible
again. Those two ex-es are married.
[Those time measurements are from the date of original posting
of that material, which was March 3, 1998 in Canadian time,
and early March 4, 1998 in GMT.]

BRIAN Minato, Sean, Vince, Dale Read, Dale's wife Giselle
are a rare 5-some. Dale ex-UBC grad centre manager, known
at Granville Island brewery, gives bar courses sometimes too.
[Brian, Sean and Vince are those in Sarah McLachlan's band,
which means they are musicians in her musical ensemble.]

Rick of the W.I.S.E. Club (& Red Dog graphics) is compatible
with Cathy Barrett (see how I just rambled to that one). And
Sarah McLachlan knows them both, and could introduce them.
[Those are Vancouver references.]

Terry McBride is compatible with xochitl of FTE-list's mom
[Terry is Sarah McLachlan's agent/manager.
xochitl of FTE-list's mom means the mom of xochitl who may still
be on the FTE list and at least once was on the FTE list, which I
have previously defined.]

Holly McNarland compatible in a rare foursome with Jay, the
main sound tech (or was) for the Rogue Folk Club, and
also Jodi Richardson (Red Albino) and Geoff Younghusband
(now both in Fur Packed Action, Geoff --> F , was of
Potmaster and other bands, bass I guess). I rambled to
this match in an e-mail to Liz Pickard, and meanwhile
bemoaned `wish I had Sarah's e-mail address.' Ha but
if I did I would have been on every day instead of not
at all in the last 3.5 weeks, I mean more to check for
some from her than to plaster her with dirty puns.

[let's see if I still have the sensitivity....
Geoff->F is the younger sister of Natasha of The Railway Club

Holly McNarland (Vancouver singer/songwriter)
Jay of Robco Sound I think, in Vancouver, main sound tech at least
in 1993--first half of 1995 for the Rogue Folk Club (in Vancouver)
the younger sister of Natasha of The Railway Club (in Vancouver!)
Jodi Richardson, who once went by the stage name Red Albino, and was
the lead singer for Thomas Trio and the Red Albino, and is now in
the Newfoundland bands Fur-Packed Action and
Jodi Richardson and The Photon Band (unless the first of those has
changed its name to the second name given). Jodi is male.
are a rare-4

Jay->f: Fiona Bird (I think that's her last name, or was) who was one of
the (then) girls at the 1978 MUN Extension Forestry Resource Camp
Holly-< m: Fiona's husband (I think Fiona is from Cartwright, Labrador,
originally but am not sure. When I say `I think that' and/or
`I'm not sure' that means it is just a clue, not a hard data point.)
Jodi (who is male)->f: the older sister of Ford Pier, Vancouver musician
(Obviously I mean from that that Ford Pier is a Vancouver musician.
He is also not a dock that loads Ford cars, obviously in this
context Ford Pier is a name).
Geoff Younghusband (Younghusband is a name, and is one word), who
is in the musical band called Fur-Packed Action with Jodi
and who is also a St. John's, Newfoundland musician IN HIS 30s,
not a much older one.
are a rare-4

OK (everything's all right to proceed, pronounced and sometimes spelled
`okay'), I still have the sensitivity (am still able to do spectalular
matchmaking) for now but suspect it (the sensitivity) will fade by full moon.
It may return in 1--3 (the same as 1-3 but a TeX typesetting habit of mine for
denoting range of numbers, such that `--' when typeset would result in a
slightly longer dash than `-', hey, why do I have to explain that, did
some idiot say it was from 1 to -3) months, or if not, since it has
lasted about a year and I am affected by the solar sunspot (little dark
spots on the sun that have an 11 year cycle, or if you factor in the
magnetic reversal as well, a 22 year cycle) cycle, perhaps in
11 years - (minus) 1 year = 10 years time. Or, if we have enough data
(eyebrow matches) now they this divinely inspired sensitivity of mine
may never return. ]

Crystal Heald compatible with Steve Taylor, drummer/photographer
[She got the wrong Steve Taylor? How is that possible? I said
to check at The Railway Club Saturday afternoon jam session,
in Vancouver. Both those people are in Vancouver.]

Buffy Childerhose compatible with Neil Young.

[At the time of writing of that line that was not true, there was
an oral cold sore imbalance, which has since been fixed, if
Buffy Childerhose got oral cold sore virus at the time I said
she did, within the last few days.]

Doris and Jack McLachlan are compatible again for the first time
[Sarah McLachlan's adoptive parents]
since Sarah was 9 and are compatible in a [rare-4] foursome with
Neil Rosenberg (Grammie Winner for liner notes) and a
tall fellow that Diane of the herb and plant shop near
the Delta hotel here knows well (Herbs and Garden Things).
He is going female, and I guess locally is compatible with
Neil Rosenberg in St. John's, and Doris and Jack
McLachlan, Sarah' adoptive parents, in Halifax.

[Some mapping (replacement of a male A->F with a female of the same type,
not compatible with A unless A is straight type-1 or bisexual
as defined on ) is needed here.

THAT Jack McLachlan (Sarah Mclachlan's adoptive father,
an oceanographer, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
THAT Doris McLachlan (THAT Jack's wife, Sarah McLachlan's adoptive mother)
Neil Rosenberg, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
bluegrass musician and historian
the tall fellow->F: Lily Tomlin's adopted-out twin sister
are a rare-4, fully compatible if Jack gets oral cold sore virus...
He just did, 3:47 p.m. NDT Sept. 8, 1998. 3:17 p.m. ADT. 18:17 GMT.

Jack->F: Sarah McLachlan's next door neighbour to the north in Vancouver
Doris->M: that next door neighbour's husband
Neil->F: the woman who used to vaccuum the second floor (Thea's floor)
of the UBC grad centre back in the fall term of 1995
the tall fellow mentioned above
are a rare-4, full compatible, all have o.c.s.v., gen.h., Ebola now ] "

I feel the need to get this out now so I will continue with more
stuff (material) in another post or two or three today and tonight.

I'll post ones for two more Kennedys and for Babatunde Olatunji (in
a politically important rare-5) and Miriam Makeba (still with
head sound tech Cy, name short for Cyrano probably, of the
Vancouver Folk Music Festival) and the wife of the Emperor of Japan
(the emperor's type is on the web page) in the next post.
Oh, and Ellen has importantizer ability meaning she can make something
seem important.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----

Jun 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/8/98

The posts I (or anyone) send through the
web page posting capability show
"Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion"
which simply means it was posted with the help of their web page.
It does not mean that I work for their organization. Currently
I work for no organization and indeed have had no income for
the last two years but have been entirely dependent on my siblings.
I have said that I would accept pay from the United Nations, however.
For more information on Deja News simply visit (access) their web
page at . It is simply a computer service

A few months ago I said my mom (Ellen Hawco Dalton), who my niece Ellen is
named after (named for), was 10th orientation female of the type mentioned
on my web page that has automatic
group booster ability (automatically raises the ability level of
everyone in a group she [he if it is a he] is working in). I also
said that my dad (John Dalton) was 4th orientation of the type with
one up-turret on the outside and one up-turret on the inside of each
eyebrow. Both those statements were incorrect. Both are dead and
I was working with old pictures.

Today (September 8) I looked at those pictures again and decided they could
have been part of a rare-5 with them and: Father Fred (Terry I think) of
Harbour Main, Newfoundland the genetic father of Pat Hann (the Pat Hann who
is originally from Merasheen Island and now lives in St. John's,
Newfoundland) Michael T. Wall, known as "The Singing Newfoundlander",
originally from Newfoundland, may now be in the Toronto (city in Canada)

So who are living types similar to my parents?

living my mom type: the wife of the Emperor of Japan
living my dad type: the younger brother of the former president of China who
visited Washington, DC, USA and posed wearing a tricorner hat,
I think.


Father Fred (Terry I think) of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
the genetic father of Pat Hann (the Pat Hann who is originally
from Merasheen Island and now lives in St. John's, Newfoundland)
Michael T. Wall, known as "The Singing Newfoundlander", originally
from Newfoundland, may now be in the Toronto (city in Canada) area

the wife of the Emperor of Japan

the younger brother of the former president of China who visted
Washington, DC, USA and posed wearing a tricorner hat, I think.
are a living rare-5

The eyebrow type of the Emperor of Japan is given on my web page and from that he should
be able to figure out a match. If he shaves his eyebrows he will
have to use the actual eyebrow type, which he would know.

That leads nicely into the next point.

Last night I saw a picture of Canadian female hockey star player
Hayley Wickenheiser in a MacLean's magazine. Her eyebrow type
is nothing like what I had seen in an encyclopedia picture of
Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, where Madame Chiang's eyebrows looked
closer to those of my niece Ellen Jane Dalton-Dawe. But comparing
the two (Hayley and Madame Chiang) I kept getting the intuition that
they were alike. I can only conclude that Madame Chiang Kai-shek
adjusted her eyebrows by shaving them and by using makeup. Thus in
some pictures her eyebrows may look different than Hayley Wickenheiser's
(the Hayley who is Canada's top woman hockey player, not the other one).
However I hope there are some old pictures of her as a young woman which
show her true eyebrow type.

Also I made a mistake in typing in the fivesome with hockey star Hayley
Wickenheiser (whose picture was in a recent MacLean's magazine).

>Now the younger fivesome.

>a man with first name Rob who ran for St. John's Newfoundland, Canada school
> board in the past year with "A Voice for Children" on his mailbox flyer
>Hayley Wickenheiser, top Canadian female hockey player who has had an
> invitation to attend National Hockey League (NHL) tryouts this year
>and three women that that famous in Canada Hayley Wickenheiser knows
> are a rare-5

Obviously for a parallel with the older fivesome I had mentioned it had
to be four men and a woman. It has to be THREE MEN that THAT Hayley knows.
So the above match should read:

a man with first name Rob who ran for St. John's Newfoundland, Canada school
board in the past year with "A Voice for Children" on his mailbox flyer
Hayley Wickenheiser, top Canadian female hockey player who has had an
invitation to attend National Hockey League (NHL) tryouts this year

and three MEN that that famous in Canada Hayley Wickenheiser knows
are a rare-5

At the end of another post I mentioned that my niece Ellen Jane Dalton-Dawe
has importantizer ability. I haven't been stopping to ponder on the
abilities associated with each eyebrow type lately (recently) but it came
to me what hers was. For example, if I am trying to sleep late on a
Saturday morning and there is a dispute in the household about something
she wants, the entire dispute, not just her voice, is projected throughout
the house, drawing attention to it. Some may say all children have this
ability but they don't. She has the ability to make something seem
important, which I coined the phrase "importantizer ability" for. That
means that the word "importantizer" is not in an English dictionary,
but is a coined (made up) English word made from "important" and "-izer"
where the "-" before the "izer" implies that it is a suffix which
could also be spelled "-iser". It may be listed as "-ise" or "-ize"
and then the addition of the "r" is like the addition of an "er"
except that there is already an "e" at the end off "-ise" or "-ize"
and thus only the "r" is added to denote one who does whatever the
verb is. Thus you go from the real English adjective "important" to
the coined (created) English verb "importantize" meaning (defined as)
"make something seem more important" and from there to "importantizer"
meaning "one who makes something seem more important". That is MY
definition for "importantizer", and you are reading my writing. IT IS
translator who has a young girl relative). Sony help them.

Marylou G. Verano, Californian clarinet player, 19 years old, I think
Hart Crane, American poet
are a rare-2

The man with eyebrows fading to the side that I said was a 4thM (fourth
orientation male, as defined in the web page
is indeed 4thM and is in a foursome with three bisexual woman,
each one of whom has one of the three bisexual eyebrow types.

The (The at the beginning of a sentence is not a name. Any word at the
beginning of a sentence is capitalized.) Diana who has flat roof with
long solid slanting eave eyebrows and was on the door (collecting cover
charge [cover charge=admission fee and is sometimes abbreviated as "cover"
which is different from a spy's "cover". One word can have more than
one meaning.]) at the door (usually a little inside at a table) of
The Ship Inn, a pub here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, some
Saturday nights in 1997 is a 4th orientation female. She is not the
same as the woman I said is compatible with Nick Nolte. She (Diana)
is currently (now) in a foursome with three bisexual males, each one
of whom has one of the three biexual eyebrow types. I gather that
someone is having translator problems with this one too, in Hong Kong.

Newfoundland singer/songwriter Sharon Hynes is in a rare-5
as of 10 p.m. NDT Sept. 6, 1998. (With four men she know.)

The word "sweetheart" means lover.

The word "antibodies" does not mean "against human bodies" but
"against the bodies of disease causing organisms".
I posted pointers to cures for HIV A, HIV B, HIV C, HIV D
(HIV causes AIDS), Ebola, tuberculosis (TB), meningitis,
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, genital herpes, syphyllis,
gonorrhea, and oral cold sore virus. You may not care about
a cure for oral cold sore virus but I sure hope you care about
a cure for th others listes. Also oral cold sore virus could
mutate and hence certainly antibodies to the current form are
useful to have.

Miriam Makeba (famous African musician)
Cy (short for Cyrano, I think) who is head (chief) sound tech (sound
technician) of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival
are a rare-2

Miriam Makeba's four ex-husbands
the ex-wife of Babatunde Olatunji (famous African drummer)

are a rare-5

Babatunde Olatunji (famous African drummer)
the younger sister of Kofi Anan (Secretary General of the United Nations)
the youngest sister of Boutros-Boutros Gali (former Secretary General of
the United Nations)
the second youngest sister (2nd youngest amongst sisters) of
Boutros-Boutros Gali. SHE IS ADOPTED and is not a genetic
sister of the youngest sister.
the ex-wife of James Brown, famous American musician
are a rare-5

When I typed in
Jen of the FTE list I made a typo, as I do sometimes
(like a recent "they" instead of "then", like forgetting the left "["
before a match for Raven Alan MacLeod, such that "Raven Alan MacLeod
has oral cold sore virus" should have been " [ Raven Alan Macleod
has oral cold sore virus", once when I typed "rsurrection" when it
should be "resurrection", once when I typed "(I doubt) earlier)"
when it should read "(I doubt) earlier" and probably on other occasions.
This is not a peer-reviewed multiply-proofread document but a rough draft
of work in progress!

The correct address for that "Jen" (may actually be a Jen) is

I matched my ex-brother-in-law J. Neil Tilley of Kelligrews,
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada with an Irish (from Ireland)
singer I said was named Danu. She may be named Dana, I forget.

I have previously said in this June series that I no longer believe
that homo sapiens has split tantrically (meaning no sexual compatibility
between species) into 55 separate species. However I know that I
have left in some references such as Mill is in Russa species,
I am in Beiougz de Dannan species, and the like. You may ignore
those. Perhaps I will delete them when I'm putting together a
summary of the June posts. We are all in the same species, the
human species, also called the homo sapiens species, where the word
homo there has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation.
Basically I have left in the stuff I posted in March and have been
inserting corrections for the matches but not correcting some other
things yet, in my haste. By "spiritual appointee" I meant one whose
goodness rating surface was good enough to warrant an automatic boost
in abilities. That was written during the late March period when
I though certain individuals were conspiring against me and certain
individuals were not. Later I retracted some of this but I did
not remove the deignation of some individuals as spiritual appointees.
I divine that there is still a "spiritual appointee" designation but
no longer know if those I said have that designation actually do. I
will consider that when I am editing the last part of the March-posted
and recently reposted, summary of matches made (found) by me in March.
From the LEFT OFF HERE well into the file (not the first screenful) of
NEW PART 4 on was not edited in NEW PART 4. SOME of that remaining
part was edited' in NEW PART 5. There is still a lot remaining for me
to type in although I have made most of the edits on paper, indeed
quite a few pen (implement used to write in ink with by hand) marks
on about nine pages of single-spaced printout, almost a third of the
March summary. So the edits to the last third of the March summary
have yet to be posted. They will be in a NEW PART 6 and perhaps more.

A (capitalization of the word "a" at the beginning of a sentence, not an
initial unless it is "A.") Jim Harding from whom I have an e-mail,
and the four authors of plain text attachments to that e-mail.
are a rare-5

A Schubbie who e-mailed me is compatible with
the conductor of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra (Peter Gardner?)
in a rare-2 and hence Schubbie is female.

In this series when I have said that A is compatible with B
it has meant that A and B are in a rare-2,
For those familiar with my Eyebrow Orientation web page (one of my web
pages which is a subpage of my main home page,
which means if my main home page
is considered as a book, the subpage is like a chapter, and the
table of contents is listed on the main home page)
which is
a rare-2 is equivalent to a rare straight type.
That web page, ,
lists more common types and some rare types and provides a general
introduction. But in this series I am listing rare types only
other than when I listed 4th orientation and bisexual types, which
was mainly because I did not have two of the three bisexual types
listed on yet.

Also a "home page" is a computer term and someone has not been defining
it properly in Istanbul, someone who knows better!!! A "home page"
in computer terms is a web page associated with an individual,
and is certainly not a house, or other place of residence. I am a
human and live in the city of St. John's, province of Newfoundland & Labrador,
country of Canada, continent of North America. "country of Canada"
means "country that is called `Canada'" which means
"the nation named `Canada'". I do not live on the computer but
use a computer to communicate. The phrase "someone is on the computer"
is a colloquial expression meaning the individual is sitting down in
front of the computer and using it.

Someone ("fairest one") on alt.polyamory who did not know that
"polyamory" is "loving amongst more than two lovers" and flamed me
(criticized me) for posting to alt.polyamory, was in a threesome
that I advised her could be completed to a rare-4 with her
high school ex if that high school ex got o.c.s.v. (oral cold
sore virus) which he did at 20:13 GMT Sept. 5 or Sept. 6 (I didn't
write down the date). They are in a rare-4 now.

If I used the word "poster" for issuer of a bulk e-mail
yesterday then it should have read "e-mailer" but any
reasonable reader would know what I meant.

The E-MAILER (is not the same as the writer) of a bulk e-mail
marketing e-mail that I received, entitled "I can't sleep...".
Oh wait, here is the header, not the whole thing
Date sent: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 19:50:45 -0230
To: <>
Subject: I can't sleep...

If you wish to be removed from our data base please press
"REPLY" and type "REMOVE" only in the "SUBJECT" line.3p

>From the desk of #1 Best-Selling Financial Author,
Robert Allen

San Diego, California
11:29 P.M.


The E-MAILER of that bulk e-mail IS NOT
which is the address listed in
I repeat, the e-mailer of that bulk e-mail IS NOT at that address.

The e-mailer of that bulk mail is compatible with
the AMERICAN financial author Robert Allen
the BRITISH financial author Robert Allen (different)
that one's spouse
that spouse's lover
in a rare-5

The former president of China, the most recent former president of
China, at least I think the reins of power have transferred,
who visited Washington, DC (District of Columbia), USA within
the last year (I think) and looked at The Gettysburg Address
(and knows some of it) and may have worn a tricorner hat for a while.
(or are they called tricorn hats, I forget). Anyway, that
man saw me once at the On On Cafe in Vancouver's Chinatown
before that cafe closed down. The four he was with are
in a rare-5 with the wife of the Prime Minister of Australia.
He did try adders. (adders are a type of reptile and I guess
he ordered a dish based on adders)

The Prime Minister of Australia
his lover
that lover's spouse
that spouse's lover
are a rare-4

I have a friend Lorraine Mitchelmore who now lives in Australia
working as a geophysicist for the Australian oil industry.
She is originally from Green Island Cove, on the Northern
Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland, Canada. Her husband
is named Kevin.
Bill Gates knows a DIFFERENT Lorraine Mitchelmore.

I see that I will have to repost the match I did involving
my friend Lorraine

I wrote

Robin Williams comp Lorraine Mitchelmore of Green Island Cove where
the Beiougz landed 2891 years ago. She is a geophysicist in
Australia, ASEG would know or I have her e-mail I think since
she didn't reply a while ago, like a few. She is Zsunaditha
and he is Deznuthiu who was male before that. Another Beiougz
is a high umbrella with slight differences in Beijing, who is F 700ish
who they might want to catch/confess against.

The stuff about the bad high umbrella in Beijing is all wrong
but I know I saw a (probably good) high umbrella (calmer/peacemaker
special ability) woman in Beijing on the news (TV news here)
once. There is a white haired fellow in town here who may be
a Memorial University of Newfoundland professor who has a sort
of "man from Glad" glow and is probably in his 50s and who has
counsellor (and conditional inscrutable) type eyebrows and is
compatible with her. Teaming up of such types boosts the
peacemaking effect immensely. There was also a high umbrella
eyebrows dancer in the movie Anna Pavlova who I suggested
might be interested in a long-haired fellow who I saw inside the
liner notes for Sharon Shannon's first CD (which I think was
just Sharon Shannon: Sharon Shannon, her second one was "Out the Gap")
who has the counsellor/conditional inscrutable eyebrows. These
two types are described on

Robin Williams, famous movie star
Lorraine Mitchelmore of Green Island Cove, Newfoundland,
who is now in Australia
are a rare-2

THAT Robin Williams' wife
THAT Lorraine Mitchelmore's husband Kevin
are a rare-2

Now this all came out of my asking myself "Did I match Bill Gates yet?"

Bill Gates (Microsoft founder, lives in Washington State, USA, billionnaire)
the older sister of THAT Lorraine Mitchelmore's husband Kevin (Williams?)
who when I wrote this on paper was leaving Toronto for L.A. at
03:58 GMT Sept. 6, I divined. Toronto is a city in Canada,
and L.A. stands for Los Angeles, a city in The United States of America.

Bill Gates genetic older sister is the Lorraine Mitchelmore he knows
This Lorraine Mitchelmore, born in Vancouver, Washington State, USA
(but the much more well known Vancouver is the one in British
Columbia, Canada)

is in a rare-2 with

The Archbishop of Canterbury's youngest genetic sibling
(the Archbishop of Canterbury's father knows who that is)

This Washington State Lorraine Mitchelmore's husband is
genetically her brother and genetically Bill Gates' brother.
He (the husband) is in a rare-2 with the Archbishop of Canterbury's
next to youngest genetic sibling
(the Archbishop of Canterbury's father knows who that is)

The Archbishop of Canterbury's father is in a rare-5 with
his four British-equivalent-of-high-school ex-es
if he gets oral cold sore virus.

That father's wife
mother of the Archbishop of Canterbury
Bill Gates' father
father of the Lorraine of Green Island Cove, Newfoundland
are a rare-4

the mother of the Lorraine of Green Island Cove, Newfoundland
Bill Gates' genetic oldest brother
are a rare-2

The "sorry about that" that was after the match between
Labrador native chief Katie Rich and Keri Hulme's second oldest brother,
should have read "sorry about that incorrect match between Katie and Harry"
and I hope it didn't imply I thought the match between THAT Katie Rich
and Keri Hulme's second oldest brother was a poor one. And for those
in New Zealand who don't know, Labrador is the mainland part of
the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, a province of Canada.

In my posts related to the Cheap Trick: Live at Budokan LP, I said:

"I'm just going by fuzzy memory here and intuition/focus
since I don't have the LP here, but the Live at Buddhakan
LP cover,"


"Cheap Trick Live at Budokan record sleeve puzzle"

(where record still implies LP)


"That's it for the Cheap Trick LP for now."

know that graphics often change when making the transition from
LP to CD? I have divined that the centrefold image I referenced
was cropped (part cut off at the edges) in going from LP to CD
and hence some individuals are missing, notably the woman leaning
in from the left and the drummer who is compatible (with three others
she knows) with Yoko Ono in a rare-5. PLEASE CHECK THE LP as I
have indicated. For those who don't know what an LP is, it is
a vinyl record, and the LP stands for "long play" or "long playing"
and it is played on a turntable with a tone arm and cartridge and
needle and is not a CD!!!
Also the images I said were "inside" are not where the record is
stored but appear as the record sleeve (record jacket, record case)
is opened like a book. This ability to open a record jacket like
a book is often there only for double albums but it this case it
is there for this single album unless someone has taped it shut
or glued it shut, and I divine that someone has in Tibet.

I thought I had one involving a Kennedy sister and Kennedy brother
but such that one of them (at least) was adopted and didn't know
it and was not the genetic sibling of the other and was in a
rare group of two or more (I forget) with the other. I couldn't
find it on a quick scan of my notebook and a quick scan of
the last nine pages of the printout of the March summary with
ink (yes I know printers use ink too but I mean with a pen) edits
on it. However I will check again...

I checked my notebook carefully for 15 minutes and couldn't find
that match. I think I may have blabbed it out loud thinking I
was being bugged, which I doubt I was. So I will have to try
and repeat it. If I later find one written on paper then I will
correct this next one if needed.

a female Kennedy
her ADOPTED brother, a male adopted Kennedy who doesn't know he is adopted
the son of Tad Ulrych, UBC Geophysics professor, Vancouver, BC, Canada
(Geophysics is now in The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences)
that son's high school ex (female)
are a rare-4

I have about three more hours of computer time left this evening and
in that time will do a NEW PART 6 of the edits to the summary of
matches found by me in March (the month).

geographical location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

Jun 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/9/98

Now I will continue on with NEW PART 6 of the June edits to
the summary of matches made (found) by me in March, 1998. I realize
that I forgot to put a LEFT OFF HERE in NEW PART 5 but it should
have been obvious that I left off at the bottom of that file.
In this one, rather than cutting off the remaining unedited part,
if I don't get it finished tonight then I will leave it there and
put in a LEFT OFF HERE before it, again well into this file,
certainly well beyond the first screenful. Again, as in NEW PART 5,
I won't bother enclosing new stuff (material) in square brackets
since the old stuff is indented and prepended by a ">" (a ">"
is inserted at the beginning of each old line). The old lines were
written in March. The inserts were written by hand on paper early
on June 3, 1998 with some more edits now (September 8, 1998). All
matches were done early September 3 unless I say otherwise. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Twillagher (which Colin was in) F vocalist (band suspended lately)
>in rare-5 with Vancouver UBC history sort and drummer Jim Ferguson
>who may still be there but may be finished UBC; his wife,
>Wolfe Wall->F, Mark Miller->F.

Twillagher was a Newfoundland band a few years ago. Colin Carrigan
(I think its spelled that way, not Carrighan as I did before) was
th main fiddler (violinist). The primary vocalist was (meaning
the band doesn't exist now but when it did she, who is certainly
living, was the primary vocalist) a Newfoundland woman (a woman
from Newfoundland, also could be termed "a woman Newfoundlander").

1. That woman, who I will call Twillagher-vocalist
in order to refer to her below.
2. Jim Ferguson, who I think has graduated from UBC with a history degree
and who I know is a drummer since I've done sound (run
a live audio engineering console) for him many times
3. THAT Jim Ferguson's wife
4. Wolfe->F type: Claire Mowat
5. Mark-> F type: a woman who was in Gioia Irwin's Iyengar yoga classes
in Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada,
in 1993, 1994 and early 1995, I think, who looked
somewhat like Sarah McLachlan in Solace era pictures.
(Why is proper wording so important on this one,
is there another Asian eyebrow lookalike?)
"Solace era" means picture taken for the CD entitled
"Solace" and during its promotion including tours
but only up to 1993.
Those five individuals are a rare-5.

Farley Mowat, Canadian author
Madeleine Allbright's older sister
are a rare-2 (and I don't know if Farley is related to Claire Mowat)

Wolfe Wall (University of British Colubia graduate in Physics with a Ph.D,
probably now lives in British Columbia, knows Jim Ferguson)
Mark Miller (University of British Colubia graduate in Electrical Engineering
with at least a Master's degree, possibly a Ph.D, who
lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Twillagher-vocalist mentioned above->m (same as M if I use it) type:
Frankie Kennedy of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, about 34 (that means
he is about 34 years old), the younger brother of a male Dean
Jim->F type: Carmella (may be spelled Carmela), who works in the office
of the Graduate Student Society
(GSS) of The University of British Columbia (UBC) in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, or at least she
was still there when I left in mid-December, 1995.
Jim's wife->M type: THAT Carmella's husband.
are a rare-5

Now I realize I did an incorrect duplicate for the Frankie Kennedy
of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland. The INCORRECT one is:

"June 4: Now I'm getting intuition to do Frankie Kennedy of Chapel's Cove
Conception Bay Central, about 33. He is compatible with
Boris Yeltsin's daughter."

The above fivesome containing Frankie Kennedy
of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland was divined on June 3, 1998 before the
incorrect June 4 match made without realizing that I had already made
a previous correct match. On the other hand, if on a later date I
say something like "I correct the earlier wrong match to..." it
is obvious that I know about the earlier wrong match and am
correcting it.

However the

"I think there's a Walter too

who is compatible with Mikhail Gorbachev's granddaughter."
is correct. Obviously I mean a Walter Kennedy who is an older
brother of the Frankie Kennedy of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada.

THAT Frankie (form of the name Francis) Kennedy's lover
The woman who was planned to have e-mailed me with an e-mail which I
would receive signed from Shoshana as of 8:30 a.m. NDT Sept. 3
(7 a.m. EDT Sept. 3, or 11:00 GMT Sept. 3). However this plan
was not carried out (by the CIA). Her name is Shoshana.

Farley Mowat, Canadian author
Madeleine Allbright's older sister
are a rare-2 (and I don't know if Farley is related to Claire Mowat)

the wife of the Wolfe Wall (which is a name, assholes) above
whoever Karate Kid beats in the last fight in the first Karate Kid movie
(of course, the actor that played that character that lost that fight)
are a rare-2

>Sandra, Mark's wife, compatible with Garfield Mellema again!!! both good.
>Garfield is a spiritual appointee, U.W.WAsh acoustics I think. Knows me.

>Garfield's wife in rare-4 with her 3 exes (all M, one -> f)

Garfield is not a spiritual appointee but that does not imply that he is bad.
One example of a spiritual appointee is Gioia Irwin, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Iyengar yoga teacher (teacher of yoga taught in the tradition of
B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar).

Garfield is a name, and it isn't just for cartoon characters.

Garfield's wife
two of her exes
the other ex->F type: the older sister of a bartender at the Railway Club bar
who has fairly short medium brown hair and is male and
is not Keith and is not Paul. He was there in the first half
of 1995 at least (that means he may not be there but he may).
are a rare-4

the one called "the other ex" in the last match
Garfield's wife-> M type: the bartender just mentioned
the ones called "two of her exes"->F types: the two F exes of that bartender

>Tonya Kearley is
>in a rare-five with Kelly Russell, Maria Kaliemari (?sp?) Green Linnet
>accordionist, and Kathryn Tickell. Kelly and Tonya are hotshots in
>NFLD music and dance.
>[THIS IS WRONG. I earlier said Kathryn is is a rare-5 with Roy
>Forbes, Roy's wife and others. I was supposed to remember and
>know to check for someone else. So from the bit about the 704
>year old on some of the matches may be suspect and I will examine them
>including this one when I am next sensitive again.]

I've already posted corrections for that in this June series but will
repeat them.

Roy Forbes of Vancouver and his wife are in a rare-4 with
Tonya Kearley and Kelly Russell of St. John's and all now have oral
cold sore virus, one of the first couple just got it (4:45 p.m. NDT
of the day I posted this first, not today).

Maria Kaliemari (I may have spelled her last name wrong)
Green Linnet Records, five-row
button accordion whiz, European I think, compatible with Nolan Ryan,
famous baseball player (retired I think). Oh, those Ryans!

>Kathryn Tickell currently involved with a M form --> F who is in a rare-4 with
>Keemu Reeves --> F and two M he (K.T. squeeze, not K.R.) is involved with.

Keemu Reeves comp. with Charlotte who is in Bev Winsor's Iyengar
yoga classes here in St. John's, Newfoundland and also does meditation
in a group that includes Lizband's bass player.

John Cunningham, Scottish fiddle virtuoso, and Kathryn Tickell are a rare-2.
I think one recently got oral cold sore virus to fix the imbalance.
Kathryn Tickell, whose name I may have spelled wrong as well, is
a smallpipes (a musical instrument) and fiddle playing virtuoso
from the northern part of England, sometimes called the north of England
but that does not mean to the north and outside England but in the
northern part of England.

>K.R.'s wife --> M and in rare-5 with George Harrison --> F,
>Ringo Starr, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel (ages all 303, h.b.)
>[May be oral cold sore virus imbalance problems?]

Their ages are not 303 years old, that was incorrect.

Keemu Reeves is not married, I divine (to divine is to guess, and
right now I still seem to have some guidance).

George Harrison is compatible with Pia of Gioia Irwin's Iyengar
yoga classes in Kitsilano, Vancouver, or at least she was in
those classes in 1994-1995.

Ringo Starr is compatible with Gloria Thistle, who just released a
country CD here in St. John's Newfoundland.

Paul Simon is compatible with the woman who was behind the bar late May 21
for the regular Thursday reggae/world beat jam at The Rose and Thistle
pub here in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Art Garfunkel is compatible with local singer/songwriter Sheri Ryan .
When I use the word "local" it means where I am. She is a singer/songwriter
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada and sometimes performs at the
above-mentioned Rose and Thistle pub. For more information on local
musicians and venues see

>Erin's Pub bartender F Lisa? not-bi comp with Jack Harris, both good.

The "both good" was put in when I thought some individuals were
against me. Those two are both still good.

>Her husband comp 3rd woman in The Keepers other than Michelle Myrick
>and Dawn Trainer-Thomson. Did I match Michelle? I did, earlier.
>comp with Ian MacKinnes of Scotland, the world famous bagpipe player,
>not the same as Ian MacKinnon, who is good too though!!!

The Keepers is a band (musical ensemble) in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

Ian MacKinnon is in rare-2 with the early Rawlins Cross drummer
(I think her first name is Pat or Pam). Rawlins Cross is the
name of a band. It is named after a street intersection.

Dave (form of the name David) Panting (Rawlins Cross songwriter, singer,
backup vocalist now, guitarist,mandolinist)
Dave's wife
Kathleen Turner (famous American movie star)
Sileas (a musical ensemble of a Patsy and a Mary, I think, one
on gut-strung harp, one on metal-strung harp)
are a rare-5

>Blarneystone, SJ, NF, thickish-densish eyebrow bi bartender not-bi. Is in
>a Rare-4 with Bono, Edge's wife, Edge.

>Bono's wife comp with NF band Connemara's fiddler (Glen Hiscock).

Connemara is a band (musical ensemble) based in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada, named after an area in Ireland.

>G.H.'s boyfriend --> F comp John Efford.
>John Efford's wife comp with Nelson Mandela (George Orwell, Mussolini).

>Winnie Mandela -> M comp with Queen Ida of Lousiana.

I once was mildly delusional and thought that old ones were still
around in transmogrified form and that Nelson Mandela was George
Orwell and Mussolini. This is incorrect. I do not think he
even has the same eyebrow type as either of them. Nelson
Mandela, which is a name, is the leader of the country that
is called South Africa.

John Efford (Newfoundland provincial Minister of Fisheries)
G.H.'s boyfriend (male lover, often adult, adult in this case)->F type:
the woman who has the altar pictured on the full page of the
Evening Telegram that was a full page feature story on Wicca,
particularly in Newfoundland. The Evening Telegram is a newspaper
based in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
are a rare-2

THAT John Efford->F type: on the same page,
the woman pictured stretching up with her back against a tree
THAT Glen Hiscock's boyfriend
are a rare-2

Winnie Mandela->M type: Charlie Musselwaite, famous blues harmonica player
Queen Ida (a musician known as Queen Ida, queen of cajun music) of Lousiana
(she is from Lousiana)
are a rare-2

Queen Ida->M type: my Uncle Phonse Hawco (that's the same as
"my uncle, Phonse Hawco" and the same applies for "Aunt")
Winnie Mandela (wife of South African leader Nelson Mandela, which is a name)
are a rare-2

Phonse Hawco lives in Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada.

His wife, my Aunt Marg Hawco (my aunt, Marg Hawco)
the rest of Queen Ida's band (musical ensemble) except Queen Ida
are a rare-5

The four wives of the four men who are in the rare-5 with my aunt
Robert Bertrand, Vancouver, BC, Canada based acoustic blues musician
are a rare-5

THAT Robert Bertrand's wife
Flip Janes, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
are a rare-2

>Rainer Maria Rilke res. exemp, ->F
>compatible with Bill of the W.I.S.E. Club, Vancouver

Bill has found one, or one found him. That is, he is involved
with ("involved with" means "in a love relationship with"
and "in a relationship with" means "in a love relationship with")
a woman who is of the same type as Rainer Maria Rilke except
she is female. Rainer Maria Rilke is a famous dead poet.

>Nigel Kennedy comp with T'Pau (NF violinist, away?).

NF is one abbreviation for Newfoundland. NFLD is another one.
Nigel is a famous British violinist.

>Brent celtic music fan known to Vince of Vancouver, comp. T'Pau's girlfriend.
>Her other girlfriend comp. Lewis Bernstein ex-of Duckworth Lunch fame.

"comp." is an abbreviation of "is compatible with". Lewis Bernstein
ex-of Duckworth Lunch fame does not mean Lewis's ex, it means the
Lewis Bernstein who first started the restaurant called Duckworth Lunch
on Duckworth Street here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

>His boyfriend -> F comp Roy ex-of 290 restaurant fame.

The Roy who once part owner of the restaurant called "290" here
in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, when that restaurant began.
It is no longer in business. The "ex-of" does not mean Roy's ex,
I am talking about Roy here.

>Roy's wife comp John Major of Britain.

(The John Major who is the former Prime Minister of Britain,
and THAT Roy's wife, are a rare-2.)

Lewis's boyfriend->F type: the Anne who worked at Duckworth Lunch
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada in the summer of 1981
and THAT Roy
are a rare-2

THAT Roy->F type: Agnes Flynn of Lakeview (Lake View), Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Canada, who has o.c.s.v., gen.h. (same as gen. h.),
and HIV A,B,C (same as HIV A, HIV B, HIV C)
THAT Lewis's boyfriend who has o.c.s.v., gen.h., HIV A,B,C,D
are a rare-2. In order for them to be fully compatible Agnes would
have to get HIV D but I recommend careful consideration before doing
such a thing. I also hope my pointers to antibodies (cures) prove correct.

>John Major's wife --> M comp rare-5 with the tabloid/movie
>political prostitute whose name I forget and 3 the latter
>is involved with.

THAT John Major is the former Prime Minister of Britain.

THAT John Major's wife o.c.s.v, clam. (clamydia), HIV D
tabloid/movie (she was depicted in a movie but is not a movie star)
political prostitute->M type: John from Cape Breton who worked in
the kitchen in the pub at the UBC (University of British Columbia)
Graduate Student Centre for several years and was still there in
late 1995 but may no longer be working there, but may be.
He has o.c.s.v., clam., gen. h.
John Bradley, who also worked at the same pub and was still working
there when I left Vancouver in late 1995 (this is not divined,
idiots, this sort of stuff is from memory, he may still be
working there but I don't know!). o.c.s.v., clam., HIV A
a shaman that John Bradley knows. This shaman lives in Kitsilano,
which is an area of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is
the one that John Bradley mentioned to me in 1994 or 1995
when he was giving me a ride home to Kitsilano (which was then
my home, now I live in Newfoundland, which is a place name, idiots).
THAT shaman (John Bradley knows more than one) has
o.c.s.v., clam., syphyllis
the fellow (man) who plays mandolin in the Newfoundland band (a musical
ensemble based in Newfoundland) called Hard Times. He has
o.c.s.v., clam., and nothing else though he did have some yeast
early on September 3.
are a rare-5

All of that rare-5 would be fully compatible if each member of the rare-5
had o.c.s.v., gen.h., clam., syphyllis, HIV A,D. Also any subset of
two or more of the rare-5 would be fully compatible only if each one
in that subset had the same sets of sexually transmitted viruses
and yeast if any. Oral cold sore virus is counted as a sexually
transmitted virus. Again I hope that my previously posted pointers
to antibodies (cures) for oral cold sores, genital herpes,
clamydia, syphillis, gonorrhea, HIV A,B,C,D (all types of AIDS),
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, TB (tuberculosis), meningitis
and Ebola are followed up on.

THAT John Major's wife->M type: Gordon J. B. Stewart who once worked as a
cook at the Faculty Club at UBC and when I left in late 1995 was working
as a cook at Totem Park Residence at UBC and who lives on
West 7th Avenue (abbreviated Ave.) in Vancouver.
the former political prostitute who was discussed in tabloid newspapers
and who was the subject of at least one movie (film)
three women that that former political prostitute (prostitute whose
clients included political politicians) is involved with
are a rare-5

THAT Gordon's wife Christie is in a rare-2 with her lover (when I
list both a spouse and a lover, the lover is an extramarital lover)

>one such is married. he->F comp Keith Richards.

One of the three women that the former political prostitute is
involved with is married, and thus has a husband.
THAT HUSBAND->F comp (same as comp.) Keith Richards,
the famous musician who is in the band (musical ensemble) called
The Rolling Stones.

THAT HUSBAND->F type: Joanne Terry, wife of Brian Terry, who owns
Nautical Data International, a company located across the street
from Hotel Newfoundland, here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
THAT Keith Richards
are a rare-2

THAT Brian Terry
Nettwerk Records singer/songwriter Tara McLean, Vancouver
are a rare-2

THAT Brian Terry's Cuban escort (a Cuban prostitute)
her husband
Peter Frampton (famous musician)
Peter Frampton's male lover
and the fellow who as of late 1996, and possibly still, works at
Nautical Data International and has (had in late 1996, may still
have) a light brown ponytail
are a rare-5

differenmt from the Cuban woman mentioned)

Keith Richards->F type: The British Columbia, Canada provincial
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) AM (amplitude modulation)
radio host who went to China a few years ago for an extended stay
and may be in China or may be back in British Columbia. I think
her name is Lucy McNeil but I am not sure of that name. This
match however I am very sure of.
are a rare-2

>Back to Vanc. Leslie Leaney's neighbour Ebvie
>compatible with Neil Zaza guitarist.

Leslie Leaney lives in Vancouver.

>Dickens comp with Flavia Canel. Bob Rock
>drummer type, see
>for that, comp e.g. I say weeks ago with a bass player
>who Joan Osbourne's bass player knows who has bass player
>eyebrows and is in FEMALE form (I said male form a while ago->F, was in F).

>Jimmy Phillips comp Caroline Hynes of Lakeview, granddaughter of Fred Flemming.


>Jimmy wrote Peavey monitor Bobby Rock issue article on Drain including
>Flavia and is compatible with her and rest of Drain, so Anna Kjellberg,
>Maria Sjoholm, Martina Axen.

IN A rare-5, and the "her" is the Caroline Hynes of Lakeview.

Flavia I just said (and it is correct) is compatible with Bill Dickens,
an American electric bass player who has been touring with drummer
Bobbie Rock and guitarist Neil Zaza (a name) to promote Peavey (a brand
name here) equipment. When I mention Sam Peavey, however, the "Peavey"
is a last name, not a brand name.

THAT Flavia Canel
THAT Bill (a form of the name William) Dickens
are a rare-2

Jimmy Phillips is the ONE WHO WROTE THE ARTICLE ON DRAIN in the issue of
Peavey musical equipment manufacturer's promotional magazine
entitled Monitor which had drummer Bobby Rock (which is a name)
on the front cover. Drain is the name of a band (musical ensemble).
Lakeview is not the house in Ontario, it is the town (actually it
is part of the town of Harbour Main/Chapel's Cove/Lake View)
Lake View (which I sometimes spell as Lakeview just because it sounds
more like that when pronounced) in Conception Bay Central (an area
on the coastline of the island of Newfoundland, not in the water itself,
dummies), Newfoundland, Canada, North America (the continent).

>Jimmy wrote Peavey monitor Bobby Rock issue article on Drain including
>Flavia and is compatible with her and rest of Drain, so Anna Kjellberg,
>Maria Sjoholm, Martina Axen.

THAT Jimmy (form of the name James) Phillips
Anna Kjellberg of the band named Drain
Mari Sjoholm of the band named Drain
Martina Axen of the band Drain (The "named" can be omitted and it means
the same thing, since the capital "D" denotes a name
except at the start of a sentence when it may not.
When I use "it may not" it means "it might not".)
THAT Caroline Hynes, of Lake View (She originated in Lake View, Newfoundland
even though she may have been born in a nearby St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada hospital, as I was. Who is the asshole who
says she's the wrong one since she was born in St. John's? It
is now common practice in rural areas near cities for families
to have their babies born in city hospitals, at least in Canada,
and that might even show on the birth certificate and in computer
files but does not mean the individual is originally from
the city of St. John's. It means that the birth took place in
a hospital in St. John's. For those from Lake View, after such
a birth on leaving hospital the baby would be brought back to
Lake View, about 55 km away.)
are a rare-5

>Tim Bell Calgary geophysicist --> F comp Bob Myers, Chapel's Cove, Nfld.
>His wife comp Brian Jones, Rolling Stones.
>Charlie Watts -> F comp Al Stewart.

Calgary is a city in Alberta, a province of Canada, which is a country,
and Calgary hosted the 1986 Winter Olympics. It is an oil industry city.

Tim->F type: Johanne Lortie, probably a geophysicist in Calgary as well
Bob (form of the name Robert) Myers of Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland
are a rare-2

THAT Bob-> F type: Joanne Berube, Calgary geophysicist
Tim Bell (formerly Tim Kjellberg), Calgary geophysicist
are a rare-2

Bob Myers's (I could write it as "Myers'" as well) wife
Brian Jones (famous member of the band The Rolling Stones
are a rare-2

Charlie Watts (Rolling Stones member)->F type: Cathy (or Kathy) Penney
who works for Newfoundland Geosciences/Jacques Whitford Group
(I think the second) here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Al Stewart (famous British pop musician)
are a rare-2

THAT Charlie Watts
Al Stewart->F type: Albert Collins' ex-wife (Albert Collins
is a famous American blues guitarist)
are a rare-2

Kathy (or Cathy) Penney's husband Chris Pike (a wife does not
always change her last name to that of her husband)
Lynn Ellis, wife of Andy Boland, Calgary geophysicist (Lynn does
some work in the British Columbia movie industry and is
from Vancouver originally)
are a rare-2

THAT Lynn's husband Andy (form of the name Andrew) Boland,
who is a Calgary geophysicist from Ireland originally
who has a Ph.D from UBC (University of British Columbia)
the younger sister of Sanna Jepsen originally of Denmark. Sanna now
lives in Vancouver and is a herbologist/vitaminologist/reflexologist
and was working at Choices Market (a food store with a herb and
vitamin section) on I think W.16th Ave. when I left Vancouver in
late 1995 to return to Newfoundland.
are a rare-2

I have to stop editing until tomorrow now, though I have already
posted corrections and/or mappings for the next four quoted
paragraphs earlier in this June series. I will insert them
again tomorrow.


>Robin Williams comp Lorraine Mitchelmore of Green Island Cove where

>the Beiougz landed 2891 years ago. She is a geophysicist in
>Australia, ASEG would know or I have her e-mail I think since
>she didn't reply a while ago, like a few. She is Zsunaditha
>and he is Deznuthiu who was male before that. Another Beiougz
>is a high umbrella with slight differences in Beijing, who is F 700ish
>who they might want to catch/confess against.

>R.W.'s wife comp L.M.'s husband.

>More stone soup, please?

>here in St. John's.

>Peter Dawe of Port de Grave and of Can. Coast Guard



>"let me hound you sir... but you just wok away" Sarah McLachlan

Jun 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/9/98

Some corrections and clarifications:

I wrote:

>The eyebrow type of the Emperor of Japan is given on my web page
> and from that he should
>be able to figure out a match. If he shaves his eyebrows he will
>have to use the actual eyebrow type, which he would know.

The "if he shaves his eyebrows" means "if he has been shaving his
eyebrows" which he has been, for the last 22 years exactly
as of 17:56 GMT Sept. 9, 1998. I think his natural eyebrow
type is the bass player/chairperson type mentioned on the web page and his best match is
a woman with drummer/speaker eyebrows (like tildes with the upward
POINT of the tilde up on the inside). A tilde is a character (symbol)
which on a QWERTY keyboard is above the left single quote (`) character
and is the upper character on the key to the left of the number 1 (one) key.
It is shaped liked a sideways flattened mirror-image S and is a common
symbol in mathematical notation. When the bass player/chairperson
teams up with the drummer/speaker the bass player's bass playing ability
improves tremendously (a bass is a stringed rhythm musical instrument).
I matched the Emperor's wife in yesterday's post. Also when I later
refer to the "leader of Japan" I mean the elected political leader.

I also pasted in:

>David Kershaw and the woman I glared at at the Edge at the
>Lizband gig in the fall (Liz [Pickard] knows who she is I guess) are
>in a rare foursome with his ex of 24 years ago and 5 days,
>a short relationship of 2 days, and her (the woman I glared
>at when I thought her strong bionergetics were a sign of an
>evil vampire, but I think she's OK) ex of 22 years ago and
>5 days and involved for 1 day. All four are now compatible
>again. Those two ex-es are married.
>[Those time measurements are from the date of original posting
>of that material, which was March 3, 1998 in Canadian time,
>and early March 4, 1998 in GMT.]

The woman I glared at once is a spiritual appointee.
The "all four are now compatible again" is not true yet.
David Kershaw is compatible with THAT woman, and his ex
referenced is compatible with her ex referenced. All four
will be compatible if the second two get oral cold sore virus.

>BRIAN Minato, Sean, Vince, Dale Read, Dale's wife Giselle
>are a rare 5-some. Dale ex-UBC grad centre manager, known
>at Granville Island brewery, gives bar courses sometimes too.
>[Brian, Sean and Vince are those in Sarah McLachlan's band,
>which means they are musicians in her musical ensemble.]

I thought I posted STD (sexually transmitted disease) imbalance
notes for this group before but I guess I didn't.
Brian: o.c.s.v. gen.h.
Sean: o.c.s.v. gen.h. HIV A,B,C,D
Vince: o.c.s.v. gen.h. HIV A,B,C
Dale: o.c.s.v.
Giselle: o.c.s.v. gen.h.
are a rare-5

So for starters Dale could get gen.h. (genital herpes) virus
to become fully compatible with Giselle and Brian, if he wishes.
Giselle and Brian are compatible now. Also Vince could consider
getting HIV D to become fully compatible with Sean, but should
consider that carefully. Again I hope that my previously posted
divined pointers to antibodies (cures) are being followed up on.
If cures are found for HIV A,B,C,D (HIV A, HIV B, HIV C, HIV D,
which are the viruses which cause AIDS) then Brian, Giselle
and Dale could become fully compatible with Sean and Vince
by taking HIV A,B,C,D along with the cures. But I advise them
to proceed with caution.

Someone is Asia is like Holly McNarland and someone near that one
does not know what a typo (typing mistake) is?

I also made a typo "Holly-< m" should obviously have been "Holly-> m".

In what I should have called "NEW PART 2" of the June edits of the summary
posted in March of matches made (found) by me in March, I negelected
to call it "NEW PART 2". It began:
>This is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY

>TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
>this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
>and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
>many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
>While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
>because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
>putting in quite a few insertions.

Now I will get on to the second new part of that edited summary. Note
that for the first new part I followed up on it with some corrections
in a followup in parallel with this one.


In that post I missed an error in this match:
>Ron Hynes, Con Hynes, Enya, woman in front in Rankin
>Family Fare Thee Well Love tape cover, and Bruce
>Guthro are (now at least if there was cold sore virus
>imbalance or something) a rare fivesome.
>[imbalance rectified 9:24 p.m. NDT June 2 by someone]

In my original March post of that I should have had "Bruce Guthro->f"
so I will rewrite the above:

Ron Hynes (Newfoundland singer/songwriter, president of the Songwriter's
Association of Canada, now living in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada)
Con Hynes (also called Connie and Contance. Con and Connie are forms of the
female name Constance and the first track on Ron Hynes latest
studio CD is named after her. I recommend this CD which is
called Face to the Gale and is on EMI Records Canada I think)
Enya (famous Irish [citizen of the Republic of Ireland or citizen of
Northern Ireland] musician)
Bruce Guthro->F type: THAT Enya's ADOPTED sister Maire Brennan who does not
know she is adopted and hence is not Enya's genetic sister.
woman in the front of the picture on the front of the TAPE (cassette tape)
by The Rankin Family entitled "Fare Thee Well Love" tape.
The Rankin Family are now known as The Rankins and are a
Nova Scotia (province of Canada), Canada band (musical ensemble)

Now for a fivesome including Bruce Guthro:

THAT Ron->F type: my grade one teacher at Assumption Elementary School in
Avondale, Newfoundland, in the academic year 1969-1970 who was
then a nun.
THAT Con->M type: Abdul Shaikh, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
elite level badminton coach. Known at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis
and Badminton Club.
THAT Enya->M type: Richard (also called Rick) Matear, an oceanographer
who last I knew was working on Vancouver Island, British Columbia
but may be back at UBC doing a Ph.D now (he has at least an M.Sc.)
THAT Rankin woman->M type: the younger brother of a man with initials N.A.P.
of East Indian descent who I played badminton with at the UBC Osbourne
Centre gym (gymnasium) and who lives in Vancouver. I think his first
name is Nader or Niraj. We attended a Level II (2) badminton coaching
clinic together in December 1986. The instructor was the Abdul Shaikh
mentioned above, THAT one.
Bruce Guthro (Nova Scotia, Canada, singer/songwriter who I think recently
won a Juno award. A Juno award is the Canadian equivalent of the
American Grammy award for being best in a certain musical category.
Sarah McLachlan won four Juno awards in the most recent awards, which
was why I said she is a specialist in Junos)
are a rare-5

David Dalton e-mail: web page:
(what criminal has been saying that my e-mail address is my web page?)

Jun 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/9/98

I just posted a match including British Columbia, Canada oceanographer
Richard Matear and neglected to find one including his wife Rhonda.

One is:
THAT Rhonda
adopted-out son of Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Europe
are a rare-2

"adopted-out" means that a baby was put out for adoption,
which means the baby was given up for adoption, which
means a baby was adopted by someone other than the birth mother
(which is usually the same as the genetic mother)

I also had an intuition to find a match for Lily Hynes, the daughter
of Ron (Ronald) and Con (Constance) Hynes of St. John's, Newfoundland,
THAT Lily Hynes
adopted-out daughter of Caroline Kennedy
of the famous USA Boston/Washington, DC Kennedys
adopted-out daughter of Robert Kennedy jr (junior) of those same Kennedys
which are the Kennedys I meant whenever I specified "a Kennedy"
or "two Kennedys" or something like that, without qualification
adopted-out daughter of Larry Kennedy's Aunt Mary of Holyrood, Newfoundland,
originally of Lake View, Newfoundland. Oh wait, I once did say
something like "Larry Kennedy" without qualification but that
was because I had previously defined a Larry Kennedy, husband
of M. Dean Kennedy of Lake View, and with THAT Larry Kennedy
now in Banff, ALBERTA, CANADA, and was referring to him. In my
recent posts where I have said stuff such as "a Kennedy" that
obviously refers to the famous Boston/Washington, DC Kennedys.
And if I ever said "Boston/Washington Kennedys" without the "DC"
I obviously meant "Boston/Washington, DC Kennedys" where the DC
means "District of Columbia" and is a geographical designator,
not a sexual orientation designator!
adopted-out son of Lyndon Johnson, former president of the
United States of America
are a rare-5

Since THAT Lily Hynes is only about 11 or 12 I would bet that
the other four are also fairly young and this is a match to
consider for the future.

Also again, THAT Mary Kennedy is compatible with James Randi.

David Dalton e-mail:

my web page is which includes the ":"

Jun 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/9/98

Mary Malmros

Jun 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/9/98

Will someone please explain to me the rationale of the crossposts on
this particularly inane thread?

Followups directed accordingly...
Mary Malmros Very Small Being

"They write books that contradict the rocks..."

Jun 10, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/10/98

OH NO, I just realized I've been giving dates like "Sept. 3, 1998"
when it is actually still just June. It was stupid of me not to
notice until now. So for any date I have given which implies
September, 1998, replace it with June, 1998. I will correct this
later as well when I'm doing a summary to place on my web page.
That summary should be up (on the page) within a week.

Some from alt.polyamory have written me saying they don't like the
length of the thread and questioned its relevance to alt.polyamory .
I replied that the thread discusses Vico foursomes and provides
examples of possible such, and provides examples of many different
types of rare-4 foursomes and rare-5 fivesomes. It also makes
reference to 4th orientation (directly compatible only with
bisexual of the other gender). All of these are highly relevant
to alt.polyamory .

However I did tell them that I myself was not planning on this number
of posts. Many of the short followups were needed after I realized
that there was incorrect information out there and that I needed to
correct it. I hope to wind up (finish) this thread within the next
day or two, with some more corrections and a little new material,
and then will beging preparing a summary for placement on my web page.
When that is done I will post a pointer to that summary.

Some might say "Why didn't you do that in the first place?" Well,
after all the corrections I have had to do, I almost feel myself
that I should have done that. But I wanted to get the matchmaking
information out there in case anything happened to me. I also
wanted to get the information about the healing effects of truly
compatible relationships out there, since it would help some
very ill people. Also I wanted to quickly get the divined pointers
to antibodies (cures) for many illnesses out so that they could be
followed up on, as I hope they are. Oh no, they are not, please do!
I also hoped some accurate matches would provide evidence that the
pointers to the antibodies are worth following up.

This is the 64th post of mine in this thread.

Now for some corrections and then later I'll post a NEW PART 7.

When I wrote that Joe Rezae of FTE list is compatible with Tori Amos
I made a typo. It is Joe Rezac of FTE list. They recently became
fully compatible when Joe got oral cold sore virus, which Tori already
had. If Tori had not had oral sore virus then there would have been
no need for Joe to get it to be fully compatible with her. Indeed,
in such a case if Tori didn't have o.c.s.v. and Joe got it they
would no longer be fully compatible and Tori would have to get
it for them to be fully compatible. Certainly two in a rare-2
who both have no oral cold sore virus are fully compatible. I
thought I made that clear when I discussed Peter Fonda and others.

When I said

"Jack->F: Sarah McLachlan's next door neighbour to the north in Vancouver"

I meant the neighbour who lives in the house which is
in the northern direction from the house where Sarah McLachlan has
been living, not her new place in West Vancouver and is just
next door to that house where Sarah McLachlan has been living
for the last year at least, not the one she is moving to
in West Vancouver.

Again, if in any of my writing I say stuff like "only one match
within acceptable age range in species" or
"Jasmine is in Sharahatha species" or anything like that, it was
written when I was thinking that homo sapiens species was
splitting and evolving into 55 species. I no longer think that
is the case, but such matches can still be quite rare.

I also indicated at times that a dead person had a resurrection
exemption and would be resurrected. I no longer think that that
is the case. I also indicated that a spiritual appointee
could perform a resurrection, and now do not believe this to be the
case. However I still believe that there are spiritual appointees
though not all as I have previously listed. Below I will say which
ones I divine I had wrong and some I have divined are spiritual

I once said that Stan Rogers was murdered. That is incorrect.

I at least once mentioned a 4000 year lifespan. That is incorrect
and was based on the 55 species split/evolution theory, in which
the average lifespan in each such new species would supposedly have
been 4000 years. That was supposedly possible if the variation
of the speed of light with gravity changed, and if fusion physics
changes, and if Mars moved in and Venus moved out, and with the
change in fusion physics came a lighting of Jupiter, Saturn,
Neptune and Uranus into mini stars, and also better fusion power
sources here, and better fusion spaceship engines. It was also
conditional on better distribution and better environmental
treatment of this planet and on more adaptability in the new species.
But now I no longer think these new age changes are ocurring
so the species split and evolution and related 4000 year lifespan
is extremely unlikely.

Wherever I commented "try a resurrection" or "res.exemp. (resurrection
exemption) try" or "The 3 should help with the resurrection"
I again no longer believe such a resurrection is possible.

I have said that one with a schizophrenic label would have mage
ability and would have psychic communication ability as a subset
and I have said that one with a schizoaffective label would
have sorcerer ability and would have psychic communication ability
as a subset but I don't know if that is the case. The sorcerer
ability term (any related title would vary with spiritual path,
culture, and language) is a reclaimed term, not from
Galicia 8350 y.a. (years ago) to 13,000 y.a. as I once said,
but it is a reclaimed term and denotes an ability set that
can be used for good. Indeed I have said that a
spiritual appointee holds the sorcerer ability set as a
subset. That is true, and a spiritual appointee also has
sangoma ability and totemic entity negotiator ability
as subsets. Such subsets might not be as strong as the equivalent
held by someone even if they don't have spiritual appointee ability set.
For example, a very strong totemic entity negotiator would be one
who would have the totemic entity negotiator ability even if
not also a spiritual appointee AND is also a spiritual appointee.
One such is Jean (female name here, ART I WROTE "straight type", it
is a female name, she is compatible with, e.g., Art Bergmann,
Vancouver rock musician) Laniel of Greater Vancouver, British
Columbia. She is a spiritual appointee and even if she was
demoted from spiritual appointee would still have
totemic entity negotiator ability.

Art Bergmann's ex-wife (former wife) can find her type on the web page amongst the three lesbian types
and is involved with another lesbian woman she is compatible with.
A woman in a rare-5 of four women and one man is not a lesbian in
my terminology. I once used the terminology that the man in such
a rare-5 of four women and one man is a "rare4th" and the four women
are "rarebi". This is true except the "rarebi" women are not
compatible with straight men (men who are what I call straight types
on the web page and then use the notation rare-2's for on this thread,
mostly, or sometimes just say A is compatible with B and that is
all I list) and are not compatible with lesbians as defined on and are not compatible
with bi women as defined on
and by pointers I have posted, indicating some who have the other
two bi eyebrow types that are not on .
A "rarebi" woman in a rare-5 is fully compatible up close only with
the three other types of "rarebi" women (but never two of the same
type at the same time) and the "rare4th" male of that same rare-5
type (there are many types of rare-5's and there are many types
of rare-4's, as I have said at least once before, else why would
I be listing so many examples).

In NEW PART 3 (which I called "new part 3") of the June edits
to the old summary posted in March of the matches made by me in
March (the month called March) I wrote (typed [keyboarded]):

>Note for the asymmetric face comments that eyebrow height
>above eye match can be best estimated by looking directly
>into the others' eyes. Thus glancing at Frankie Kennedy
>(res. exemption, comp in rare couple with Mairead ni Maonaigh
>of Altan, not C.B.C. casually one eyebrow looks higher, but
>looking into his eyes they are obviously the same height above
>each eye though I guess not above the chin, so he is not Hain
>or Vico. I'll mention them and other Altan-ites, some Vico,
>in the next post, again.)

That should have read

Note for the asymmetric face comments that eyebrow height
above eye match can be best estimated by looking directly
into the others' eyes. Thus glancing at Frankie Kennedy
(res. exemption, comp in rare couple with Mairead ni Maonaigh
of Altan, not C.B.C. casually one eyebrow looks higher, but
looking into his eyes they are obviously the same height above

each eye (though I guess not above the chin), so he is not Hain

or Vico. I'll mention them and other Altan-ites, some Vico,
in the next post, again.)

some on . That last
"." denotes the end of the sentence and is not part of the web page
address. It is separated from the web page address by a space so that
nobody accidentally includes it as part of the web page address.

As I discusses for the case of the Eubie Blake who is over 100 years
old (that doesn't mean I delusionally think a young Eubie Blake is
over 100 years old, it means there are two, and that there is a
black man who plays piano named Eubie Blake who is over 100 years
old and is compatible with Madeleine Allbright's mother) sometimes
scar effects can cause one eyebrow to be higher (in elevation above
the respective eye) that the other. This should be taken into
consideration, whether if effects of the scar are estimated and
removed each eyebrow would be the same height above the respective
eye, or even better, if pictures taken before the scarring occurred
can be obtained and used. Of course, if one eye is open wider than
the other one the respective eyebrow can appear higher as well and
that should be taken into account. I have discussed some of this
and more on .

There may have been some confusion about my abbreviation "CBC"
and my abbreviation "C.B.C.". From now on if I use "C.B.C."
it means "Conception Bay Central" which is a region of Newfoundland
bordering on Conception Bay, a bay. If I use "CBC" it means
"Canadian Broadcasting Corporation". For past usages it is
usually clear from the context what I mean but I will repeat them:

>Joseph Wall is compatible with a peak roof with solid on top

He is compatible with a woman with eyebrows that are shaped
like peaked roofs with the top half of each eyebrow solid (not faded)
and the bottom half of each eyebrow faded. He is about 35 years old.

>and shading on bottom of the eaves. I don't have his picture
>here. C.B.C. 1980 grad.

C.B.C. 1980 grad means he was in the high school
yearbook of the only high school in Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland. That high school is called Roncalli Central High School
and is the one located in Avondale, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland,
Canada. The former pope Roncalli had many schools named after him.
I do not know if Joseph Wall passed his final exams in June 1980
or not. Hence I do not know if he graduated in 1980 or not. However
he was in grade 11 in the spring of 1980 (at that time grade 11 was
the final year of high school in Newfoundland, Canada) and was
portrayed in the yearbook for 1980 as among those planning to graduate
and in an individual picture, not a group picture. OK, Shanghai?

>Thus glancing at Frankie Kennedy
>(res. exemption, comp in rare couple with Mairead ni Maonaigh
>of Altan, not C.B.C.

means I mean the Frankie Kennedy who is dead who was in the
Irish band Altan when he was alive, not the Frankie Kennedy
I know of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland.

>John Woodford (Harbour Main, C.B.C.)
The C.B.C. here is
obviously the geographical area Conception Bay Central,
which denotes an area ON LAND for address purposes.

>Edie Furie C.B.C. compatible with UBC (ex?) French prof and
>badminton player, as I am, Bernard Elias of Vanc.
means the Edie Furey of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
is compatible with Bernard Elias, a recreational badminton player,
who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I am
also a badmintonal player. The "(ex?)" means "(former?)" here,
not ex-lover (former lover). He had lost his job when I left
Vancouver in late 1995 and if he has not regained it or a
similar one he is a former UBC French prof. If he has regained
his job then he is a UBC French prof (professor).

>Fred Fleming of Lakeview, C.B.C. Newfoundland

the Fred Fleming of Lakeview, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland

>Stewart McLean, C.B.C. known, comp Phyllis Morrissey.

That means the Stewart McLean (or MacLean, I forget the spelling,
as I did for Shirley) of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
However I will in new writing, which that wasn't, try to remember
to use "CBC" for "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation" and
"C.B.C." for "Conception Bay Central". THAT Stewart McLean is
compatible with Newfoundland singer/songwriter Phyllis Morrissey.

>Cecili-Bartoli comp rocker Lux something.
>Then I said "real Lux compatible with Charlotte Lane orig of C.B.C."
>but I think the first match is correct, but will check again when
>my intuition is better.

I already posted fixes to that,
Cecili Bartoli is compatible with Peter Frampton's younger brother
(Peter Frampton is a famous rock musician who wrote and sang the
song with the line "I want you to show me the way, every day"
and many more)
Lux something (meaning I forget his last name) is compatible
with Charlotte Lane, the one who is originally of
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, in fact from the town
in Conception Bay Central (which is a land area) called
Harbour Main/Chapel's Cove/Lake View. Within that I can't
remember if she lived in Chapel's Cove or Lake View. AS

In one post I wrote, considering a match for Bernie Stapleton,
>"First some inspired by CBC news Mar. 4 night.
>CBC provincial news Advil commercial mom in rare fivesome with

Both those instances of "CBC" mean Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

NEW PART 1 of the June edits to the March (the month) summary of
matches made (found, matchmaker means match finder) in March by me
was not labelled "NEW PART 1" but began
Theis is a repeat of the three part summary of the March LONELY

TEARDROPS thread, BUT with new edits/corrections/insertions. So
this is the summary of the matches of March again with corrections
and related insertions, often put in square brackets. There aren't
many movie ones in this first part but quite a few music ones.
While in March this formed three parts it might be more this time
because I'm posting some as I need to take a break and also I'm
putting in quite a few insertions.

The words "Theis is a" obviously contain a typo (typing mistake, and
yes, people use the word typing for the word keyboarding often)
and should be "This is a".

In that post, NEW PART 1 even though I didn't label it as such,
I wrote:

>two on outside form a rare foursome with the woman who does
> the duet skits with Bernie Stapleton on CBC news sometimes

That I later indicated was incorrect and provided an accurate
match for Amy House, the woman in question. The "CBC"
here obviously means "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation"
due to its being next to the word news.

In that same post, NEW PART 1 even though I didn't label it as such,
I wrote:

>Gay Philipps (of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland,
>grad. high school 1980) compatible with all the McKenzies
>of the first CD lineup except Paul, Angus McFuzzybutt and
>Alan MacLeod but including Tony Walker.
>Deborah Terry (of CBC, same year) comp. in rare 5-some
>with Angus McFuzzybutt, Youri Younakov,
>Gay Philipps' husband, and the white jacketed fellow in
>the picture in the liner notes of my Hannibal Records
>CD of Ivo Papasov & his Bulgarian Wedding Band's
>Orpheus Ascending, which Youri is also in.

Obviously, given the first paragraph above, the "CBC" in the second
paragraph means Conception Bay Central.

>Now Richard Gere I newly matched in my notebook... He is compatible
>with Newfoundland comedienne/actor Cathy Jones of This Hour Has
>22 Minutes on CBC the last few years (I think it finished its
>run this past year).

Obviously CBC here means Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
That is a good match. Cathy Jones is from St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada but lived in Halifax during production
of the television (TV) series called "This Hour Has 22 Minutes".
Halifax is a city in Nova Scotia, a province of Canada.

In another post, I wrote, referring to the May 31 Sunday Telegram,
which is the Sunday edition of The Evening Telegram, a newspaper
(on paper, though with a web page edition as well which doesn't
have as much on it as the paper edition does) based (it is
produced here) here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada,
>p.4 If Kevin Burton, Land Rover buff, gets o.c.s.v., he is
> compatible with Anne Petrie author and host of Anne Petrie's Talk TV
> on CBC Newsworld channel.

There the "CBC" obviously means Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

in the same post I wrote

>Oprah Winfrey is comp. w. Glen Tilley of local Newfoundland
> CBC TV late night news. He is not the same as the Glen
> Tilley who used to be at CBC Radio locally. I didn't match
> him on paper but will here now... He is compatible with
>Vickie Gabereau (CBC personality) comp. Eddie the Eagle, British ski jumper.\

All three instances of "CBC" in that block of text obviously mean
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. There are three matches given,
obviously. The first is betwen Oprah Winfrey and the Glen Tilley
who is currently the late night (around midnight, after the national
news) CBC TV news anchor here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
The second is between famous American actress Carrie Fisher and
ANOTHER Glen Tilley who at least used to work at CBC (Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation) AM Radio (now called Radio 1)
here in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. The "at least" means
that I don't know if he is still working there. That radio
Glen Tilley is also the Glen Tilley who produced the first
recording made by the band Rawlins Cross. That recording is called
"A Turn of the Wheel".
The third is between Vicki Gabereau, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation) AM (now called Radio 1) radio host for many
years, who may have retired from radio hosting, but still could
be referred to as a "CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) personality",
and Eddie the Eagle (the Eagle is a nickname) who competed in ski jumping
for Britain at at least one Winter Olympics, I think.

In the same post I type

>optometrist A. Richler comp. Susan Harada, CBC

A. Richler, an optometrist with his office in the
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada area and who lives in that area
is compatible with Susan Harada, reporter for Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation television news (not a computer term here). OK, Taipei?

In NEW PART 3 (which I called "new part 3" in that post itself)
of the June edits to the March summary of matches made (found)
by me in March (note that in the 64 posts I have made entitled

"Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" or "Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"

with the first one, which began the thread, having header lines

From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,,
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT

I have made many good June matches [matches found in June] as well and
I plan to do a corrected summary of all the matches I
have found in the last year and place it on the web page and will also post
a pointer of it to the four newsgroups
talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,, )

I wrote (in the NEW PART 3)

>Again in the government vein, Quebec premier Lucien Bouchard and
>his wife whose name I forget for now, sorry, are a compatible rare
>1-1 M-F type and one is [was] reading who is like him. He has bushy only
>not like short straight segment slightly lower bushy but right
>angle hangdown bushy of sorts. I didn't catch hers last night on
>the CBC news but they are often on there.

"in the government vein" means I was continuing to post matches with
some relevance to government. It does not mean I was sucking blood
from the veins of the government. It is a different meaning of
the English word "vein". And the "CBC" means Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation. The "they are often on there" means that
Lucien Bouchard and his wife (not just her eyebrows) are often
shown on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
television (TV) news (not a computer term here). The date of the
evening in question that I saw Lucien Bouchard on Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) late evening national televsion news (not
a computer term) was March 4, 1998 in Canadian time.

Also in that same post I wrote

>First some inspired by CBC news Mar. 4, 1998 night.
>Canada's ice-dancing champions rare couple type. Compatible again.

The "CBC" there is Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Obviously
I had already mentioned at least one inspired by the March 4 news
(the Lucien Bouchard and his wife match) so perhaps I should have
said "First some more inspired by CBC new Mar. (March) 4, 1998 night."
The "First" was left over from before I did the summary of matches
found by me in the month of March, 1998 and I will edit it out when
I do a proper web page summary of June (the month) and earlier matches.
I know I mentioned at least one woman named June but in general
the word "June" without a last name attached means the month of June.

I thought my writing would be kindly interpreted but there seem to
be quite a few devious criminal translators, even from English
to English.

In NEW PART 4 (which I did not call NEW PART 4 in the post itself,
I called it "the FOURTH NEW PART") of the edits made in June to
the summary done in March of the matches found by me in March,


>Michael Keaton comp Greg Thomey of This Hour Has 22 Minutes ( -> F ?).
>[Jodi Foster, that is what Rick is best know for, hit CBC TV show.
>Last two, Jodi and Rick. Rick Mercer compatible with Jodi Foster, not-bi]

If I ever used "not-bi" that means the individual is not bisexual
as defined on but
is in a rare straight type (same as a rare-2) or a rare-4 type
or a rare-5 type and if in either a rare-4 type or a rare-5 type
could be called rarebi (not just in a rare-5). However if it
is a rare-4, those of both genders in the rare-4 would be called
rarebi. Again in the above "CBC" means Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation. I have already, outside the "NEW PART" series
posted a June correction to the match involving Greg Thomey
and Michael Keaton, as I have for others, and I will weave those
into the NEW PART series when the divine editor stops making me
do these nitpicking fixes for Asian consumption.
I will repeat the Michael and Greg mapping, from one of the
earlier 63 posts, for those that missed it. If your Internet
service provider no longer has it then ask someone who is on
an Internet service provider (or university or government
computer network) to retrieve the whole series for you beginning with
the one with the header lines

From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,,
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT

Now back to Michael and Greg. I posted on June 4, 1998:

> Michael Keaton f type: Carling Bassett, tennis playe, Canada
> her husband comp. Shona, Paperboys fiddler
> Greg Thomey f type: Fb former leader of Pakistan
> her husband comp. her younger sister
> that one's husband comp. squash playing brothers' younger sister
> and her three female lovers in a rare-5.
>So Michael and Greg, don't do the sex change, especially both!
> Greg Thomey comp. Carling Bassett
> Michael Keaton comp. F former leader of Pakistan

There were some typos (keyboarding mistakes) in that.
"playe" should be "player". "Fb" should be "F" meaning female.
I've already defined "comp" or "comp." as "compatible" or
"is compatible with". The PaperBoys are a celtic-influence
rock band based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and
Shona is the name of one woman who has fiddled (played violin)
in that band though I don't know if she is in their current
lineup (list of band members). THAT Shona is compatible with
the husband of Canadian tennis player Carling Bassett, who may
have retired from the professional circuit. THAT Carling Basett
has eyebrows like famous American actor Michael Keaton and is
compatible with Newfoundland, Canada actor/comedian (actor and comedian)
Greg Thomey. The female former top political leader of Pakistan has
eyebrows like THAT Greg Thomey and is compatible with famous
American actor Michael Keaton. The husband of the female former
top political leader of Pakistan is compatible with the younger sister
of the female former top political leader of Pakistan. The husband
of the YOUNGER SISTER OF the female former top political leader of
Pakistan is compatible with the YOUNGER SISTER of two very famous,
both world champion at one time or another, squash playing brothers
and the three female lovers of that younger sister of two very famous,
both world champion at one time or another, squash playing brothers
in a rare-5 consulting of four women and one man.

In another post I wrote:

>The husband of the genetic mom of Sarah is compatible with Mary Walsh,
>of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland originally and one of the
>stars of the hit CBC show This Hour Has Twenty-two Minutes.

The "and one of the stars" just means that Mary Walsh is one of the stars,
there are only two people listed above. It was supposed to mean
that Mary Walsh is of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
originally and is one of the stars of the hit CBC TV show called
"This Hour Has Twenty-two Minutes" which I sometimes write as
"This Hour Has 22 Minutes". The "CBC" means
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

In NEW PART 3 (which in the post is called "new part 3") I wrote:

>Ellie O'Day, PMIA, compatible with Bruce Clausen, guitarist!!!
>Hey, wait, I later said that Sarah was compatible with
>Bruce. This one is probably the correct match though.

yes, Ellie O'Day, Pacific Music Industry Association, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada, is in a rare-2 with Bruce Clausen,
classical and jazz guitarist and guitar teacher, also of THAT Vancouver.

I have posted a correct rare-5 match for Sarah several times but
feel that I have to repeat it:

Sarah McLachlan, famous CANADAIN (some think she's American)
singer/songwriter, is is in a rare-5 which consists of:

1. Sarah McLachlan, or other like her if any 2. the actress who played wicked
stepmother in Whoopi Goldberg's Cinderella (Bernadette Peters? My nieces
said she was ugly but I said no she's not.) or other like her if any 3.
Natalie Nivera (St. John's, Newfoundland singer/songwriter), or other like
her if any 4. the woman who took my cover at The Rose and Thistle
reggae/world beat jam Thursday 9 days ago, who I think works there (in St.
John's, Newfoundland [abbreviated NF or NFLD], Canada) or other like her if
any 5. me, or other like me if any

Such rare-5's could form one twosome and one threesome but I believe
the fivesome family would be stronger, including health-wise.

Sarah's husband

ASH is in a rare fivesome with Hadani, Sharon Shannon,
Ellen McELwaine, and Dawn Trainer-Thompson of Newfoundland

Mr Thompson is compatible with

Paula of the W.I.S.E. softball team three years ago.
Oh, the relationship of the fivesome is long-term
more stable in the fivesome than subsets, plus with
subsets of two someone would be left out.
[Hadani is a singer/songwriter who played pubs in Vancouver
at the beginning of the decade. Sharon Shannon is the famous
Irish button accordion player. Ellen McElwaine is a Victoria,
British Columbia based singer/songwriter. Dawn Trainer-Thompson
is a St. John's, Newfoundland based singer/songwriter. The
Mr. Thompson mentioned is her husband. Ash is Sarah McLachlan's
husband Ashwin Sood.]

Also in NEW PART 3 I wrote

>Rest of Carmen Rogues of 1994 a Vico foursome (e.g.) with
>John H_m, lead singer M, other guy with
>blonde highlights F, other fellow H_f.

That is obviously incorrec since there are four males instead
of two males and two females.

John (m,H_m) and the lead singer (M,M) are compatible and an example
two to complete their Vico foursome is
Camille Henderson (backup singer in Sarah McLachlan's band) (F,F)
and Camille's female lover (F,H_f)

The other guy who has blond highlights
or rather did in 1994 and may now (M,M)
and the other fellow (M,H_m)
are compatible and an example two to complete their Vico foursome is
The younger sister of Fara, who is a Vancouver area singer/songwriter (F,F)
and her female lover (F,H_f)

The Vancouver Irish fiddler (violinist) Stephanie is a spiritual appointee.

The one female in the band called "Flow, River of My Soul" (or perhaps
it is just known for a recording "Flow, River of My Soul", or both)
which is a New Zealand band is a spiritual appointee.

In NEW PART 4 (which in the post itself I called "the FOURTH NEW PART")
I wrote:

>Doil and Janice Dover are compatible again 3:38 a.m. Sept. 3 ]

That should have read June 3, 1998, not September 3, and was in
Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time, so in GMT it is
06:08 GMT Sept. 3, 1998.

>Jackie Ryan Newfoundland compatible with Lief Sorbye
>San Francisco, of Tempest. Duelling mando's?

That Jackie is a woman, "Jackie" is a form of "Jacqueline".

>Kevin Burke and 3 other M and 1 F in Open House
>first recording lineup (or is woman Sandy Silva?)
>are a rare-5 compatible (again if lapse, and anyone
>could check to see if there is ex-warming).
>[compatible again 3:42 a.m.]

In GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, now often called Universal Time, which is
abbreviated as UT, especially on computers) that is
06:12 GMT June 3, 1998.

The word "ex-warming" was poorly written. I did not mean a
loss of warming in this case, as it seems to mean, but a
warming between someone and a former lover (ex) after compatibility
has been restored. I will not repeat that error, so in any
other case assumer that when the "ex" is used as a prefix
it means "former".

Wherever I've said "Fat Cat outside bar" I mean the deck bar of
the Fat Cat nightclub here in St. John's, Newfoundland, canada,
and the "Fat Cat" is a name. However the deck is now enclosed
and hence cannot properly be said to be outside.

I have divined the following series to correct the mentions of
spiritual appointees in my posts so far and add some more:

Vancouver Iyengar yoga teacher Claudia McDonald is a spiritual appointee,
as is Vancouver Iyengar yoga teacher Gioia Iwrin.

Boris Yeltsin is not a spiritual appointee (but that doesn't mean he is bad).

The woman who sang at the end of the movie Latcho Drom
is a spiritual appointee.

Henry Kissinger's wife and Pinetop Perkins are not spiritual appointees.

Deepak Chopra's two wives, their two girlfriends, and the husband of
the girlfriend who has been married longest are not spiritual appointees.

Fred Wolf (a name, a science and spirituality writer) is a spiritual appointee

Stephen Hawking is a spiritual appointee

the wife (meaning they have a marriage contract) of Fred Wolf's girlfriend
is a spiritual appointee

Mikhail Gorbachev and Raisa are both spiritual appointees

Bruce Lee from The Goulds is not a spiritual appointee
THAT Bruce Lee's brother Wayne Lee's wife and THAT Bruce Lee's wife
and Danny and Danny's male lover are all under 50 but are not
spiritual appointees. Now that part is after the "LEFT OFF HERE"
in terms of edit and I'll get to it in about 15 hours, but on looking
at it I realized I forgot to do a match for Wayne Lee of
The Goulds, a suburb of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
He is compatible with the leading actress in the James Bond movie that
was released in 1996. I haven't seen that movie.

Jane, the daughter of Bud and Bessy Kirk of The Goulds, is
a spiritual appointee.

Robert Minden, Vancouver musician, is a spiritual appointee.

Pamela Morgan's husband Andre Wall and Mia Farrow are not spiritual

Diane Keaton is a spiritual appointee.

Woody Allen's girlfriend is a spiritual appointee.

Jackie (who is a woman, about 34 years old) Hickey of Holyrood,
Newfoundland, originally, is a spiritual appointee

Jackie Chan is a spiritual appointee.

Michelle Calder is not a spiritual appointee.

Trish (form of the name Patricia) Strangway is a spiritual appointee.
Susan Strangway's husband is not a spiritual appointee.

At one point I wrote about the STD (sexually transmitted disease,
including yeast infections and oral cold sore virus and much worse)
imbalance incompatibility problem (actually a benefit since you don't
want to catch some stuff) that "(this is fixed now)". This was
in March when I thought that all illnesses were being cured automatically
and is not the case. However I have earlier in this series of 64 posts
so far in this thread posted divined pointers to antibodie (cures)
to a number of illnesess, including HIV A,B,C,D , hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, Ebola, syphylliss, gonorrhea, tuberculosis (TB),
meningitis, genital herpes and oral cold sore virus. I hope that
those pointers are being investigated thoroughly.

David and Alice Strangway are both spiritual appointees.

When I wrote

>Is the next series related to moon rocks and Reverend Moon
>mass wedding. Are these timed to marry today, some?

I'm did not mean that I am associated with Reverend Moon, but was
just making a joke about moon rocks, related to Oliver Stone's
last name and David Strangway's NASA connections. I am not
associated with Reverend Moon. However I do believe there is
a divine hand at work pushing for some of the matches. I will
comment on that more extensively another time as I am rushed
for time right now.

Patricia who drove a VW bug in 1984-1985 and was in the MUN Physics
Society and is compatible with Pete Townsend is a spiritual appointee
as is Pete (form of the name Peter).

Shirley Stacey and Cathy Mullaly, who I have male maps for but
must rush now, will post in the NEW PART SERIES later,
are both spiritual appointees.

The spouses of Tom Laidley and the woman I said was compatible with
Tom Laidley are spiritual appointees (and are compatible).

The three Spice Girls mentioned, the ones compatible with Amanda Hughes
of Vancouver and the "bicycle fellow" I mentioned are all spiritual

Meghan de Villiers is a spiritual appointee.

Astarte of soc.religion.paganism is a spiritual appointee.

Willowkendra of soc.religion.paganism within the last year
is a spiritual appointee and is compatible with John Truesdell.

the fluorescent auraed woman is a spiritual appointee and a
Margo->m type is a Thomas from Mount Pearl, more later.

Nastassia Kinski and the Mystery Machine (a band) drummer of Vancouver
who is compatible with her are both spiritual appointees.

David Dalton e-mail:

and my webpage is

Jun 11, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/11/98

Last night (in local time) I said to those who no longer had the early
posts under the subject "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" and
the subject "Re: eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" on their
newsserver that they could ask someone they know with access to a
newsserver with a longer default Expiry time to get them for them.

The first post of that type has amongst its header lines

From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,,
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT

By header lines I mean lines at the very top of the post before the
body of the post begins. Any post, including this one, where
I just quote those header lines, is not the post I mean. This
post has similar header lines at the very beginning of the post,
unless they have been cut off by someone.

However there is another way of getting those posts. If you have web
page access, access the page , access the
group alt.polyamory and then open one post with a subject
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" and then click on "View Thread"
and it will give you the whole thread. Here is a procedure for
doing that, in detail:

1. access the web page
2. click on the My Deja News
3. scroll down a bit, then under the Add Groups there is a
"Find groups with the topic" section. Insert
"talk.religion.newage" without the quotes and click Find.
That results in a list of groups, the first of which, in
this case, is talk.religion.newage . Click on it.
4. scroll down a bit, then look for a post entitled
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" without the quotes.
If there isn't one on that list of posts, click on Next Results
which is at the bottom of that list of posts. Continue in
that way until you find a post entitled
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" without the quotes.
Click on that post.
5. Near the centre of the bottom of the first screenful, there
is a View Thread . Click on that.

That will give you all posts in this thread since May 31, 1998.
The recent ones entitled "Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"
that I have been posting by posting
capability for the last while since my Internet service provider
newsserver has been not working very well if at all
are also included, even though I have been posting them as
new standalone posts, which some might call the beginnings of
new threads rather than part of the thread that began with
the post with header lines (lines in the top of the file, which
means lines in the beginning of the file, before the body
of the post, though in this case probably with one or more other
lines beginning with such as "Path" before them)

From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,,
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT

Again, in this post I quote these header lines but that does not
make this post the post I mean, of Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT .
This one will probably have a time stamp (time and date of posting)
near the top of this post of early Thursday, June 11 GMT since it
is approaching 9:45 p.m. Wednesday June 10 in local time (my time)
now and hence is approaching 00:15 GMT Thursday June 11, which
is the same as 00:15 UT Thursday June 11. OK, someone in Africa?

I think my matchmaking sensitivity has faded today (June full moon)
although the ends of previous sensitive periods did not appear to
be correlated with the moon. I think it may (might) return in
between one and three months, as it has in the past year, or if
not then perhaps might return in 11 years minus one year, or ten
years, or one single polarity sunspot cycle from the first onset
of the sensitivity. Or the sensitivity might never return, if
we have enough data.

Now I will indicate some previous sensitive period and previous
posts, and if anyone is trying to take credit for some or all of
my theory then they have probably read some or all of these posts.
I will list only the first post in a thread, but quite often there
were followups by me and possibly followups by others as well.

Previous sensitive periods have included a little sensitivity before
the June, 10, 1997 post
"Orgasm & Enlightenment/Fourth Orientation"

and, after more than five months, so I guess it has not been every one
to three months, the post of November 30, 1997 in local time
(December 1 in GMT)
"EYEBROW Orientation: Ten Types for matchmaking."
and the related
"Mental Health and Orientation bending"
"Mental Health and Orientation bending black magic"
"Mental Health and Orientation bending, Pope"

posts. By the "black magic" I mean that those who attempt to pervert
their true orientation (for example, gay) and target (court) someone
with whom they are not compatible can have bad effects on the courted
person and those in the vicinity. These effects are even worse when
the targetter thinks of another individual not present during sex with
the one who is targetted. I am certainly not changing anyone's
orienation but urging all to follow their natural, divinely ordained
orientation. This will lead to global stability. This should have been
clear to anyone who actually read the posts.

and on Jan. 7, 1998 in local time (Jan. 8 in GMT)
"TWELVE Orientations of Amber Christmas (23 eyebrows)"
followed by on Jan. 8, 1998
"BAKER'S DOZEN for full moon?"

a "baker's dozen" is an expression for "thirteen" as
any English as first language speaker SHOULD know
and I intuit that one deceived others.

followed by on Jan. 8, 1998
"EYEBROW ability correlation; psychological matches"

followed by again on Jan. 8, 1998, on soc.culture.african and other groups,
"Black Elk sangoma eyebrow type; Miriam Makeba match"

(Both of the two things indicated in the subject line
"Black Elk sangoma eyebrow type; Miriam Makeba match"
were incorrect, I later corrected that and said
Black Elk was Leonard Cohen eyebrow type AND THAT Miriam Makeba
is compatible in a rare-2 with Cy, short for Cyrano, I believe,
who is the head (chief) sound tech (technician) of the
Vancouver Folk Music Festival, Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA)

and on Jan. 9, 1998
"Eyebrow Theory exceptions XYX, species split, psych. fixes"

and on Jan. 10, 1988
"ASYMMETRIC side-to-side EYEBROWS: Herm_1st, Herm_4th, Herm_10th, Hainish,

wher the "Niahish" was on the same line as the rest of it and separated by
a space (...Hainish, Niahish). I later changed the name "Niah" to "Vico".

and on Jan. 11, 1998 (Jan. 12 in GMT)
"EYEBROWS: Inscrutible GONE, & now HAIN, NIAH = O1 ( was Re: ASYMMETRIC)"

and on Jan. 31, 1998 (Feb. 1 in GMT)
"EYEBROW: Sangoma and other DRUG WARNINGS, exceptions"

and on March 2, 1998
"EYBROWS: Much > 30; + Black Elk NOT sangoma but L. Cohen 'browed"

followed by a long thread beginning with the March 3, 1998 (March 4 in GMT)


and on March 10 (with the "Eyebrows: LONELY TEARDROPS & MORE; CELEB MATCHES"
still continuing)

and on May 31, 1998
"Eyebrows: pointer"

and also beginning on May, 31, 1998 in MY (an emphatic "my") local time
and in GMT time, the long thread that began with
"Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches"

and on June 1, 1998, to rec.arts.movies.people
"Celebrity Matchmaking"
while the "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" thread continued.
Any post with subject "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" and
any post with subject "Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" can
be said to be part of the "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" thread
so even if some or all of the ones I have been sending by DejaNews, , are not being threaded properly by some
software (computer program or computer programs), I consider them
to be part of the "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" thread which
with this post will consist so far of 65 posts, beginning with
the one with header (lines at the top) lines:

From: (David Dalton)
Newsgroups: talk.religion.newage,alt.polyamory,,
Subject: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:58:26 GMT

I did some matches before the March matches (matches made by me in the
month of March, 1998) including some in January, 1998 and some in
late November and early December of 1997.

Last night, in local time (I am typing so that means time local to me),
I wrote that any instance of September which would imply September, 1998
in this thread be replaced by a June, 1998. This would include any
Sept, Sept., or September without a year attached, if the reader was
asssuming the future, and any September, 1998. Any of those should be
replaced by June, 1998. HOWEVER after I rushed off last night I realized
tha most would map a Sept, Sept., or September without a year attached
to the most recent September, which is September, 1997. Thus any
mention of Sept., Sept, or September by me in this thread (in any post by me
with subject "Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" or
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches") WITHOUT a year attached should
be replaced by June, 1998. That means that a "Sept. 3" becomes a
"June 3, 1998", the 3 is not placed after the 1998.
I did not do any matchmaking in September, 1997.

However, to repeat,
I did some matches before the March matches (matches made by me in the
month of March, 1998) including some in January, 1998 and some in
late November and early December of 1997.

Some of those are examples of types found on
but their names are not on that web page. Such matches include
Minnie White (Newfoundland accordion player) matched with Sympatico (a last
name) who is a West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
restaurant owner. She has mediator special ability and he has healer
special ability.

Another such, posted month ago, was the type of Loreena McKennitt.
Who the fuck told her I said she was a gay male?
In the post on Jan. 7, 1998 in local time (Jan. 8 in GMT)
"TWELVE Orientations of Amber Christmas (23 eyebrows)"
I wrote

>2m. gay male flat roof with slanting outside eave and no up-barb
> on the roof
Also no intilt on the roof, a long solid slanting outside eave, no
> bushy (sometimes feathered for 4thF, more often fair
> ones) and sometimes lower to the eye than average but
> not by a huge amount
There are many types of bushy eyebrows, I have found since I posted
this, and I will edit my web page on this as well. This type is
just a short straight segment, bushy and slightly lower to the eye
but even then can be easily mixed up with other types to the
inexperienced and/or untrained eye.
> riverbend squiggle/fold in the eyebrow, not at the end
> (I think Loreena McKennit has this and is 4thF)

Therefore I said that she is fourth orientation female, not gay male,
as is compatible directly only with actually bisexual men who have the
same STD viruses as her, and is bridge compatible with actually gay
males with the same STD viruses as her, and by that I mean an
actually bisexual male would bridge between her and an actually gay

is natural and divineley given and if you so abuse someone you are
going against the divine!

Now back to Loreena McKennit. She is 4th orientation female and
hence is tantrically sesnitive to first order. I posted before
what her STD state is and how to rectify any imbalance problem
but I couldn't find it just now. I do remember that she
has genital herpes virus, but I forget whether of not she has
oral cold sore virus. She had nothing worse than genital herpes
virus as of a few months ago. She would be compatible with an
actually bisexual male (not a rarebi, not a gay, but one of the
three types of bisexual eyebrows mentioned, and one is listed so
far, and I have pointers to the other two and have posted some
of them, on ) who has the
same STD state as she does, including any oral cold sore virus,
genital herpes virus, yeast infection, and/or other (some much
more serious than those). If she has oral cold sore virus
as well, then the bisexual male would have to have both oral
cold sore virus and genital herpes virus to be fully compatible with
her. If she has genital herpes virus and no oral cold sore virus
and he has genital herpes virus and oral cold sore virus then
she could get oral cold sore virus to become fully compatible with her.
However if she has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus and
the bisexual male has oral cold sore virus and genital herpes virus
and HIV A (there are four types of HIV virus: HIV A, HIV B, HIV C,
HIV D, which I sometimes list all together as HIV A,B,C,D. Greg
Malone I said, with a correction in June, has antibodies JUST to
HIV A,B not to HIV C,D and should not be tested for antibodies to
HIV C or HIV D but to HIV A and HIV B. A New York person to whom
I posted a pointer has antibodies, which means cures, for HIV C and
HIV D in his or her blood, some of which can be analyzed so that the
antibodies can then be synthesized) then they would not be compatible.
If there is strong up-close attraction she would know that there
is an STD balance. If she has a yeast infection and he does not
then there would also be a loss of attraction. This strong up-close
attraction guideline for STD balance applies only for fourth
orientation as defined on
and not for orientations 1-3 (1 to 3) and 5-13 (5 to 13) defined on . This strong up-close
("up close" used as an adjective) attraction guideline for STD
balance (strong up-close attraction only if there is STD balance)
also applies to all rare-2's, rare-4's and rare-5's I have defined
in this thread. In this thread, when I have said of two individuals
A and B that A is compatible with B, and that is all I list, they
are in a rare-2 even if I didn't mention the word rare-2. I have
previously stated that at least once.

I have written:

>Joseph Wall is compatible with someone with peaked roof eyebrows
>each at at the same height ABOVE THE RESPECTIVE EYE, solid in the top

>half (not necessarily exactly half) and shaded/faded on the bottom of
>the eaves.

I do not mean that the eyebrows of the woman compatible with Joseph
Wall are EACH like two peaked roofs stacked upon one another such
that the top one in the stack is solid and the bottom one in the
stack is faded. I mean that each eyebrow is like a peaked roof.
Below the halfway mark (it might not be exactly halfway) in
elevation the eaves are faded. Above that halfway mark (it
might not be exactly halfway) in elevation the eyebrow is solid.

Now I think I will comment on the rare-5 type that Sarah McLachlan and
I are in, which is different from the rare-5 type that Sarah McLachlan's
husband Ashwin Sood is in. I did say that there are many different
rare-5 types, you can't switch someone from one to another unless
the five eyebrow types in one are the same as the five eyebrow types
in the other. I have also said that none of the rare-5 groups I
have listed are duplicate types unless I said so (which I did for
the Party of Five group, for example, which is a closed, by which
I mean they have formed a mutual commitment rare-5 of the type that
Sarah McLachlan and I are ine; another such closed rare-5 again of
the same type as the type that Sarah McLachlan and I are in, is
one containing the younger brother of the ultra-ultra-tall African
man who played in the NBA for a while but I think had to retire due
to bone problems, but I don't know the exact reason for his retirement.)

First I will repeat my example rare-5 of the type that Ashwin Sood,
Sarah McLachlan's husband, is in (one could say that he is of male gender
and of a certain suborientation of a certain type of rare-5).

Ashwin Sood, Sarah McLachlan's husband
Hadani, a singer/songwriter who played pubs in Vancouver
at the beginning of the decade and I think went to Toronto in 1991.
Sharon Shannon, the famous Irish button accordion player, from Ireland,
who has at least three CDs out
Ellen McELwaine, a Victoria, British Columbia based singer/songwriter.
Dawn Trainer-Thompson of Newfoundland, a FEMALE (Dawn is a female name,
Ash, and Don is male name) St. John's, Newfoundland based
are a rare-5 of a type different from the one Sarah McLachlan is in.

Mr Thompson (Dawn's husband) is compatible with

Paula of the W.I.S.E. softball team three years ago

in a rare-2

Why do I match him? Obviously if I have matched Dawn separately
I have to find a match for him so all will be happy. He is
certainly not in the rare-5 containing Ash, and I don't know
how Sarah said that to Ash.

Sarah McLachlan, famous CANADIAN (some think she's American)

singer/songwriter, is is in a rare-5 which consists of:

Now for my example of the rare-5 type containing Sarah McLachlan.
This is different from the rare-5 type containing Ashwin Sood
and you can't move anyone from one to the other! I thought
I made that clear in my previous writing, but perhaps someone
is just getting quotes, and from someone who HAS read the
previous writing saying that there are many types of rare-5.

1. Sarah McLachlan, or other like her if any 2. the actress who played wicked
stepmother in Whoopi Goldberg's Cinderella (Bernadette Peters? My nieces
said she was ugly but I said no she's not.) or other like her if any 3.
Natalie Nivera (St. John's, Newfoundland singer/songwriter), or other like
her if any 4. the woman who took my cover at The Rose and Thistle

reggae/world beat jam Thursday 9 days ago, who I think works there (AT THAT
PUB called The Rose and Thistle, in St. John's, Newfoundland [abbreviated

NF or NFLD], Canada) or other like her if any 5. me, or other like me if any

Last night I thought about the above example fivesome a little
and thought that maybe the four women listed would not like it
knowing that I was the matchmaker and hence had a conflict of
interest and that they would think I had chosen them for myself
in a non-arbitrary way. Really I just chose Sarah and then the
three examples of the three other types that I had knowledge of,
to complete the tantric flower. But last night I thought that
to be fair I had to think of some men of my type who are not
in closed rare-5's so that the four women I listed would have
some choice. I didn't really want to do this since I find them
all extremely attractive but I did.

Here are five examples of loose (not in a closed/committed rare-5)
men of my type (in terms of being the same gender and same suborientation
of the same type of rare-5 as I am):
1. Wade Boggs' younger brother
2. Paul Hogan's genetic younger brother
3. Christopher Ondajaate's (may be spelled wrong) illegitimate son.
4. Jackie Chan's sixth illegitimate son
5. Rajiv Ghandi's fifth illegitimate son

In my post of some teardrop types I said that if the bulb is on the
inside I call it a teardrop eyebrow and if the bulb is on the
outside I call it a reverse teardrop eyebrow, and when I said
"the woman with rev-Shania teardrop" for the St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada woman compatible with living champion
racecar driver Villeneuve, I forget whether Gilles or Jacques
is living, and I know there is another racecare driver Villeneuve
living, but I mean the more famous one, the more succesful
one over the course of his career so far, not just in any
given race. By "rev-Shania teardrop" I meant like a Shania
Twain teardrop eyebrow only in reverse, in fact close to mirror
image (Shania Twain is a famous Canadian musician).
Also when I say "hangdown" I do not mean the downward curve
of the bulb or lack of that but the downward curve at the
other end of the eyebrow, that is, if you trace from the bulb
along the eyebrow there is a downward turn on the oustide of
the face if the bulb is on the inside.

I said that I would accept staff (people working with me) paid
by The United Nations and I later said that I would accept pay
from The United Nations (which is not first nations related, but
is an international organization with headquarters in New York
City which most if not all countries of the world send an
ambassador to). I would also accept support from the
Canadian government and from the Newfoundland provincial
government, and preferally not welfare.
However since government support is unlikely to come very
quickly I would accept private donations. But I am not in
a religious organization and I am not starting a religious
organization so I can't give out a charitable donation
receipt for income tax purposes. But I would acknowledge
support in any scientific papers I publish and on my
web page unless the provider of the support would prefer
Collaborators are also welcome, including the one in Africa
who has been saying he originated my ideas.

When I said "antibodies to meningitis" I meant VIRAL meningitis,
and when I said "antibodies to tuberculosis" I meant
VIRAL tuberculosis. Tuberculosis has both a bacterial form
and a viral form. Meningitis has both a bacterial form and
a viral form.

What I wrote in one post in this thread was, and the
Milton is Brazilian music superstar Milton Nasciemento,
and I don't know if his last name is spelled correctly by me,

>Milton is compatible with a Marcos X F type; one such
>one such is the woman (co-owner) who used to
> tend bar at The Loft, a St. John's Newfoundland nightclub.
In 1996.
>Her husband is comp. with Catherine of NY/The Goulds who used to
> be at the MUN chem cafe a lot in 1984-1985.
The husband was also co-owner of THAT The Loft in 1996.
I also later corrected the above, with another post, indicating
that it was not Catherine but Diane of NY/The Goulds
who used to be at the MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
chem (Chemistry) cafe (cafeteria) a lot in 1984-1985. But in
facte maybe she was there more in 1983-1984.

In any case I said VIRUS for both TB and meningitis. I said
"TB virus" and "Meningitis virus". Then why did someone
not test for action against TB virus and action against
meningitis virus but instead against TB bacteria and
meningitis bacteria? I said VIRUS in all-caps in both
cases. Test again.

And I said in June that Greg Malone has antibodies to HIV A and
HIV B and not against HIV C and HIV D so don't test his blood for
action against HIV C and/or HIV D, test it for action against
HIV A and against HIV B.

I have also posted pointers to antibodies to (cures to)
HIV C, HIV D (a John Lennon and Yoko Ono fan in New York city,
look back at my earlier posts for the exact pointer) and
syphillis and gonorrhea and hepatitis B and hepatitis C
and Ebola and oral cold sore virus, as well as to HIV A,
HIV B, tuberculosis virus, meningitis virus, and
genital herpes virus. These were divined.

Last night (in local time, which means time local to me), I wrote:

>When I wrote
>>Is the next series related to moon rocks and Reverend Moon
>>mass wedding. Are these timed to marry today, some?

That today was 7:35 p.m. NST (23:05 GMT) March 7, 1998
(NST=NDT - 1hr, NST=Newfoundland Standard Time,
NDT=Newfoundland Daylight Savings Time), which was when
I first wrote those lines, about the million weddings which
I had divined were occurring.

>I'm did not mean that I am associated with Reverend Moon, but was
>just making a joke about moon rocks, related to Oliver Stone's
>last name and David Strangway's NASA connections. I am not
>associated with Reverend Moon. However I do believe there is
>a divine hand at work pushing for some of the matches. I will
>comment on that more extensively another time as I am rushed
>for time right now.

I said that was rushed, and there could have been a paragraph
break in between the "Reverend Moon." and the "However".
There is a divine hand pushing for change now, some through
me, but I do not associate that divine hand with Reverend Moon
except that that divine hand affects him as it does each of us.
I am not associated with Reverend Moon (a man from Korea who
leads an organization some call The Moonies) and he has not
been involved with my eyebrow orientation theories and
related matchmaking at all.

What divine hand is at work? I call her (some say him, that is
perfectly allowable) LOVE, some say God, some say Allah, some
use other names, words or descriptions. For me the word LOVE
is my personal label for the root word of language, the grouping
operation, and the personification of infinite goodness.

Incompatible relationships lead to tensions which can sometimes
erupt on the world stage into war. Incompatible relationships
also cause mental health problems in those involved and in
sensitive individuals near them, including children. By working
towards true love relationships, that is truly compatible
relationships, we will move into a golden age (wonderful period
of history) of peace and prosperity. Marriages between former
enemies will help ensure this period of peace and prosperity
lasts. The allowance of complete Vico foursomes, complete
rare-4's and complete rare-5's and same sex sex will result
in local and global healing effects. Any pronouncement in
supposedly spiritual writings against same sex relationships,
masturbation, birth control and marriage groups of more than two
is a military pronouncement designed to maximize teen pregnancies
and maximize population growth for military purposes and is
invalid. I, your prophet, say so.

(I am a prophet/"avatar"/buddha to the human species, as I have
said earlier in this thread, perhaps it has been kept from some.
Some evidence is on (in) the web page )

I am not part of any religious organization nor am I starting one.
My ideas are for any who want them, and such can work for change
within their own religious organization if they are part of one.

I have about two hours left of computer time tonight (it
is night here now) and will do a NEW PART 7 in that time.
It probably won't be the final NEW PART of June edits to
the March-posted (posted in March) summary of matches found
by me in March (and I amy post a few I found before March, but those
might have to wait for my web page summary of matchs which
I plan to prepare in the next week or two, it may take more
than a week from when I first indicated a week).

David Dalton e-mail web page

(that web page has several subpages)

Jun 11, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/11/98

"The header lines" does not mean the same thing as "the lines". The
header lines for this post come before this line and the one just before it.

This is the SEVENTH NEW PART (NEW PART 7) of the June edits to the
originally three part summary posted by me in March. Again I
will insert a "LEFT OFF HERE" (without the quotes) well into
the file, certainly well after the first 100 lines of text
in the file. I will be posting only a few more such
corrections posts, mainly to ensure than incorrect material
is not left uncorrected, and then will close off this thread.

>Paul & Linda McCartney in rare-4 with Owen Mahoney and his wife Anita
>of Avondale.

This I already posted a living mapping for, earlier in June. I
will repeat it:

Paul McCartney compatible with Owen Mahoney and his wife
Anita of Avondale, Newfoundland and they were with Linda
and another of her type is a woman who 3-4 years ago was in
charge of paying Vibe Smith, then hall manager, for use of
the upstairs of the W.I.S.E. Hall in Vancouver for a Wiccan

>Ron and Nancy Reagan in rare-5 with Molly Ringwald, Marisia Tomei,
>her husband -> F.

This is also a repost of something posted earlier in June,
and the mapping required three fivesomes (thus of the
same type, one the gender inverse of the other two,
of which one is a younger fivesome and one an older
fivesome). Thus I have posted some fivesomes of
the same rare-5 type, most often in doing the gender
inverse mappings. Other than that, and in providing a
couple more examples of the rare-5 type I am in,
all the rare-5 types I have posted are different unless
I have stated otherwise.

Those three potential fivesomes are:

Molly Ringwald Marisia Tomei younger (I mean like the older one though

)Ronald Reagan type: the Jim Whelan who is from Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, and is about 36 years old, and is the older brother of a
Eugene Whelan, also of Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, not the former
Canadian federal agriculture minister. The Eugene of Conception Bay
Central, Newfoundland died in a hit and run accident years ago. His older
brother Jim I think is from the town of Colliers within Conception Bay
Central group of towns but it may be the adjacent small town called
Conception Harbour, also in Conception Bay Central group of towns. younger

(Nancy Reagan type): the actress who played the woman in the Chinese movie

Raise the Red Lantern who first informed the 4th wife (they may say 4th

concubine in the movie, I say 4th wife, and in terms of a rare-5 it would be

five spouses, each compatible with each other but that was not the case in
the movie) that her former maid Ya nar (or something like that) was dead and
that she was the new maid replacing Ya nar. Marisia Tomei's husband

transformed female (->F) type: lover of that woman (that is, the real life
female lover of the Chinese actress who is listed above) are a rare-5

THAT Jim Whelan's wife is in a rare-5 with four she is involved with
other than Jim.

Molly->M type: famous NHL hockey player Denis Savard
Marisia->M type: famous NHL hockey player Trevor Linden
Ronald->F type: famous American actress Bo Derek
Nancy->M type: famous NHL hockey player Dominik Hacek
Marisia Tomei's husband
are a rare-5

Denis Savard's ex-wife
Roger Moore, the famous actor who played James Bond in some movies
Sean Connery, the famous actor who played James Bond in some movies
the actress who played Octopussy in the James Bond movie called Octopussy
are a rare-4

Why do I use the word actress for "female actor" when normally I wouldn't?
It is to avoid possible translation confusion when this is being
translated to other languages.

older Molly type: Bysshe Woodford of Harbour Main, Newfoundland
older Marisia type: the mom of Beverley Anne Ezekiel, Beverley is
originally from Harbour Main, Newfoundland
Ronald Reagan
Nancy Reagan
older (Marisia Tomei's husband->F) type: the retired postmistress of
Harbour Main, Newfoundland. That means the woman who recently
retired from the job of postmistress for the town of
Harbour Main, Newfoundland after many years of service.
are a rare-5, which could help Ronald Reagan's ALzheimer's disease improve.

>Boris Yeltsin comp woman who sang at the end of Latcho Drom.

>Both are currently spiritual appointees.

I thought I had posted this before but couldn't find it in my
linear emacs buffer of the 65 posts so far. So maybe there were 66.

woman who sang at the end of the movie called "Latcho Drom"
younger Boris Yeltsin type: Jeff Drew, M.Sc. (in geophysics from
The University of British Columbia, and is now a hunting guide
and outfitter in the United States of America)
are a rare-2

older woman of the type of the woman who sand at the end of the movie
called Latcho Drom: Anna Pavlova's niece
Boris Yeltsin
are a rare-2

So I am generating some younger group/older group duplicate types too.

>His [Boris Yeltsin's] wife comp Henry Kissinger, whose wife is comp Pinetop

>latter two are spiritual appointees.

I already corrected all spiritual appointee references in a different
post and don't have time to re-insert them here now.

>James Redfield comp Carlos Castenada -> F

James Redfield->F type: Marilyn, the ex-wife of Roberto Carrasco of Vancouver
Carlos Castanada
are a rare-2

James Redfield
Carlos Castenada->F type: the actress who played Uhura on Star Trek
are a rare-2

>J.R.'s wife comp. Deepak Chopra.
>D.C.'s two wives in rare-5 with their two girfriends
>and the husband of the one who is married a while. All five
>are spiritual appointees.
> The today married (congrats) husband of the other -> F
>rare five with Pope John Paul II and Quantum
>Iyengar yoga teacher Donna Holleman and Fred Wolf and
>Fred's wife.

The marriage date, and original date of posting of that material,
was March 7, 1998.

Earlier in June I said that Pope John Paul II
and Sister Tarsissia Fewer originally of Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Canada are a rare-2 and that is correct.

that husband->F type: eldest daughter of Tony and Susan Chadwick,
of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
that husband's female lover
Quantum yoga and Iyengar yoga teacher Donna Holleman
Fred Wolf (writer on physics, shamanism and more, with at least one book out)
THAT Fred Wolf's wife
are a rare-5

that husband
Bradley Kennedy of Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada
the Steve who was in Gioia Irwin's Level II classes on Thursdays in 1995 some
Nan Love (has been librarian for the reading room in the Geophysics and
Astronomy building of the Dept. of Earth & Ocean Sciences at
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
THAT Nan Love's husband (he and Nan also do rebirthing I think)
are a rare-5

>Stephen Hawking -> F comp Roger Penrose.
>S.H.'s wife -> M, R.P.'s wife -> M, Fred Wolf's girlfriend and her wife rare-4.
> The last currently is a spiritual appointee.

S.H.->F type: Lily Tomlin, famous actress who played Telephone Ernestine
Roger Penrose
are a rare-2

Stephen Hawking
R.P.->F type: A tall, slim (as of 1984) blonde Calgary, Alberta, Canada (as of
early September, 1984) who I had an encounter with at the end of August
or beginning of September of 1984 in Calgary. At the time she had short
hair. I had had several beer (Canadian for beers) at a strip club
and went along with her to a motel. However due to the beers and the
fact that she was cold from standing outside and I felt sorry for her
and the fact that we are incompatible not much happened. One thing of
note is that when I reached to touch her right (on my left) nipple
she said "not that one, touch the other one".
are a rare-2, and such a compatible relationship might help his
Lou Gehrig's disease recover

Stephen Hawking's wife
Roger Penrose's wife
Fred Wolf's girlfriend->M type: Bruce Buffett, Ph.D, UBC geophysics prof
Fred Wolf's girlfriend's wife->M type: Robert Minden, Vancouver musician
are a rare-4

see below for a match for THAT Bruce Buffett's wife and for
a separate match for Robert Minden's male lover.

Stephen Hawking's wife->M type: Pat Hann's younger brother Bill, a
marathon runner (but that's not his job) who lives in
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and is originally from Merasheen Island
which is off the coast of the main island of (that is) Newfoundland
Roger Penrose's wife->M type: THAT Bill Hann's male lover
Fred Wolf's girlfriend
Fred Wolf's girlfriend's wife
are a rare-4

the wife of the Bruce Buffett who is a UBC geophysics (now in the Earth and
Ocean Sciences Department) professor, and UBC, in my writing, stands
for The University of British Columbia
Mike Bostock, also a UBC geophysics professor
are a rare-2

Mike Bostock's wife
the younger brother of the first e-mailer to me of an e-mail from Shoshana
are a rare-2

that younger brother's wife
the older brother of the Russian spy compatible
with Alan Hawco (St. John's, Newfoundland actor)
that older brother's lover
that lover's two other lovers
are a rare-5

Vancouver, BC, Canada musician Robert Minden's male lover
Greggy (form of the name Gregory) Baron of Lake View, Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Canada. Greggy (sometimes spelled Greggie) runs the local
service station in Lake View, not in North Arm (part of Holyrood)
THAT Greggy's wife
that wife's lover (extramarital lover)
are a rare-4

>Michail Gorbachev and Raisa are rare 1-1 M-F couple

>Bruce Leeres.exemp -> F, comp Wayne Lee of the Goulds who has a brother
>named Bruce Lee, different.

The "Leeres" should be "Lee res".

Oh, wait I just realized I thought I hadn't matched Wayne Lee and
then tried to match him and posted a match to the leading actress
in a 1996 James Bond movie, and I bet there is no such movie.

famous dead kung fu master and actor Bruce Lee->F type: Gina who
is one of the organizers of the Rogue Folk Club in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada, or at least was in 1995.
Wayne Lee of The Goulds, Newfoundland
are a rare-2

>That Bruce Lee from The Goulds, Newfoundland is currently a spiritual
>appointee and is compatible with another, Ian -> F of the W.I.S.E.
>Club, Vancouver, I guess.

Bruce Lee from The Goulds, Newfoundland->F Margaret, opera singer,
or at least trained in opera at University of British Columbia
School of Music, and who was a regular on Friday nights at
the UBC grad centre bar in 1994 I think, then bartender Gary Hughes
who is probably still tending bar in Vancouver somewhere, knows
her and her friend Roberta better than I do
Ian of the W.I.S.E. Club, 1882 Adanac Street, Vancouver, inquire
Tuesday to Saturday nights 7 p.m. on at the basement entrance
which is in the front of the building but of the two entrances
is the lower (downstairs) one which is further west than the
other. It is not on the west side of the building, however
but on the north side, facing the street. THAT Ian is from
Ireland originally.
are a rare-2

Bruce Lee from The Goulds, Newfoundland

THAT Ian->F type: the maid of honour at the wedding of Andy Boland
and Lynn Ellis Boland, who now live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
are a rare-2

>Wayne Lee's wife comp with bro. Bruce Lee's wife and Danny of Ryan
>descent from New York and Danny's M lover in rare-4, all have HIV B,
>I think it will be cured soon though, all under 50, spir. app. curr.
>[I think this may be wrong, hope so.]

I meant I hope that my divination that they have HIV B is wrong.

>Danny's mom Jane and Jim 1-1 M-F comp. couple

>Danny's cousin Jane and her Jim part of rare-5 with Sean Doyle -> F,
>his wife whose name I forget right now, Michelle Williams who I
>thought was bi, not-bi, and a female lover of hers.

Danny's cousin Jane
THAT Jane's husband Jim
Sean Doyle's wife (Sean Doyle is of The Goulds or Petty Harbour, Newfoundland.
The last I knew, he had a wife named Debbie but I don't know if that
is his June 3, 1998 wife)
Michelle Williams (about 34 or 35 years old, of The Goulds, Newfoundland)
a THAT Sean Doyle->F type: the lover of the Eugene Whelan of Colliers
or Conception Harbour, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
the night he died after being struck by an automobile.
are a rare-5

THAT Sean Doyle
Danny's cousin Jane->M type: Brian Costello, about 35 years old, of
Conception Harbour (or Colliers), Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, originally (which means he could still be there or
he may have moved away but some in that area would know where he is)
Jackie Hickey of Holyrood, Newfoundland, THAT Brian's high school ex
THAT Michelle Williams->M type: the male lover of the Jim Everard who
used to work for the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial
University of Newfounland
THAT Jim Everard
are a rare-5

>Michelle's husband, boyfriend and her female lover's husband, boyfriend
>form a rare-5 with PAMELA MORGAN. So P.M. talk to Alan Doyle for
>connections I guess.

>P.M.'s husband Andre Wall compatible with MIA FARROW. both und. 50 s.a., rah

P.M. there means "Pamela Morgan" and not "Prime Minister" or
"post meridien", in this instance.

>Diane Keaton, comp leader of France.

Diane Keaton is compatible with Francois Mitterand, leader of France.
(I later did a wrong one for him but then later retracted it.)

>Woody Allen comp Joni Mitchell,
> Check oral cold sore virus balance I guess though.
>oops they are in a rare-4
>Woody's girlfriend, Joni's boyfriend, rare-4,

That means

Woody Allen, famous movie actor and director
Joni Mitchell, famous musician
THAT Woody's girlfriend
THAT Joni's boyfriend
are a rare-4, all compatible with each other

>Michael Keaton comp Greg Thomey of This Hour Has 22 Minutes ( -> F ?).
>[Jodi Foster, that is what Rick is best know for, hit CBC TV show.
>Last two, Jodi and Rick. Rick Mercer compatible with Jodi Foster, not-bi]

This is again a repeat, and I have elaborated on this in a recent post.

Greg Thomey (an actor/comedian who is one of the stars of the hit
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation televsion program called
"This Hour Has 22 Minutes" where sometimes the 22 is written
"Twenty-two". They are no longer making new shows in that series
but he is alive so I felt it best to use the words "is one
of the stars".
famous American movie star Michael Keaton->F type: Carling Bassett,
former professional tennis player, Canada
are a rare-2 (Greg and Carling are a rare-2)

THAT Carling Bassett's husband, and
Shona, a fiddler (violinist) who has played with the Vancouver musical
band called The PaperBoys or The Paperboys (I tend to capitalize
the "B" but they don't officially capiatalize it, why does that matter?)
and may still be a member of their lineup (list of band members)
are a rare-2

THAT Greg Thomey->F type: female former top political leader of Pakistan
famous American movie star Michael Keaton
are a rare-2 (THAT Michael Keaton and the living woman who was the top
political leader of Pakistan within the last 15 years are a rare-2)

The husband of that female former top political leader of Pakistan
is compatible with the younger sister of that female former top
political leader of Pakistan, in a rare-2.

The husband of the younger sister of that female former top political
leader of Pakistan
the younger sister of two famous citizens of Pakistan who are brothers and
each have won at least one world championship in the racquet sport
called squash
the three female lovers of the younger sister of two famous citizens of
Pakistan who are brothers and each have won at least one world
championship in the racquet sport called squash
are a rare-5

That means that each individual in that list of five people is
compatible with each other individual in that list, and that
can include in groups of between two and five members in
sexual acts and in marriage contracts. Some details of marriage
contracts involving more than two members are posted once
a month to alt.polyamory in one or more FAQ (frequently asked
question) files. Even if such contracts cannot YET be legally
registered with the government of the country where you live,
they can be entered into on a private basis. They are
spiritually legal, so I divine, in fact I'm getting a divine
push to post that.

>Robin Williams comp Lorraine Mitchelmore of Green Island Cove where
>the Beiougz landed 2891 years ago. She is a geophysicist in
>Australia, ASEG would know or I have her e-mail I think since
>she didn't reply a while ago, like a few. She is Zsunaditha
>and he is Deznuthiu who was male before that. Another Beiougz
>is a high umbrella with slight differences in Beijing, who is F 700ish
>who they might want to catch/confess against.

I've already said that much of that paragraph is incorrect,
any high umbrella eyebrowed individual in Beijing is probably
not bad, that bit about a 700 year old evil vampire type is
INCORRECT. However the match is correct:

Robin Williams, famous movie star

Lorraine Mitchelmore, not the one of Wshington State, but the one
with a Newfoundland accent who is from Green Island Cove,
a small community on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland
in Canada, and not far from the World Heritage site at
L'Anse aux Meadows. THAT Lorraine is about 35 years old and
has dark hair and is a geophysicist working in the Australian
oil industry, as is her husband Kevin (Williams?) who is also

>R.W.'s wife comp L.M.'s husband.


>Is the next series related to moon rocks and Reverend Moon

>mass wedding. Are these timed to marry today, some?

>Trish's woman lover comp Oliver Stone.

>More stone soup, please?

>Stewart McLean, C.B.C. known, comp Phyllis Morrissey.

>Dermot O'Reilly -> F comp rare-5 with Ralph,

>Fergus O'Byrne, Jim Payne, Jim Payne, Denis Ryan

>Astronomer David Woods, ex(?)-UBC compatible Paul Martin,
>Canada's finance minister, Paul -> F.

>Paul Martin's wife comp Joe Clarke, ex-prime-minister of Canada.

>Maureen McTeer comp with leader of Japan.

>His wife comp with The Dalai Lama


>Sean Panting (NF sing./songw) comp. Tea Party trio in The Telegram
>this past week and Madonna. [this might be wrong, I'll check again
>when sensitive]

>Gary Hughes, former UBC grad centre bartender, Vancouver, ->F
>was also 1987 vol. 3 #2 Waterlily cover (cracked glass, empty?)
>compatible with Lolly, Paperboys drummer or was 2.5 years ago.
>[Gary wasn't on that cover so maybe that woman is compatible with Lolly.]

>Anne Walton Vanc., friend of Gary, comp. Pat Moran of The Punters.

>A Luxy, Vancouver restaurant, waitress of 4 years ago who I thought might
>be lactating once from her sweet
>smell but maybe she is vegetarian or fishetarian, comp. Luciano Pavarotti
>and is not bi.

>Cecili-Bartoli comp rocker Lux something.

>Then I said "real Lux compatible with Charlotte Lane orig of C.B.C."
>but I think the first match is correct, but will check again when
>my intuition is better.

>Woman I kissed in spin-the-bottle about age 15 at Larry's


>"let me hound you sir... but you just wok away" Sarah McLachlan

Jun 12, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/12/98

Now here is the NINTH NEW PART, which I also call NEW PART 9 of the
edits made by me in June, 1998 to the summary posted by me in March, 1998
of the matches found by me in March, 1998. Since this was posted by
me just after NEW PART 8 it might even show up in your newsreader
before NEW PART 8. This NEW PART 9 is the final post in this NEW PART
series (see the end of this post for more comments on that). (David Dalton) wrote:

>Patricia who was in MUN Physics Society 194-1985 and
>drove a VW bug, who I thought was bi, comp Pete Townsend.
>both sprir. app.

The woman named Patricia who was in the Physics Society, a club, at the
Memorial University of Newfoundland in the academic year 1984 to 1985
(at least, she may have been there past the spring of 1985 but I don't know)
and who owned and drove a Volkswagen (VW) car of the type which some call
a "VW bug" and who is fairly short, is in a rare-2 with Pete Townsend,
famous rock musician.

>Shirley Stacey, who I thought was bi, comp Cathy Mullaly -> M.

They are both of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada and Cathy is
about 34 years old and Shirley perhaps 33 years old. Shirley
is a former editor of the Memorial University of Newfoundland
student newspaper called The Muse. Cathy I know from a
1978 Miquelon Summer School of French.

Shirley Stacey o.c.s.v. HIV B
Cathy Mullaly -> M type: The Greg Weir of Vancouver area, British Columbia,
Canada, who several times came to my jam session at the UBC grad
centre to perform in a musical duo with his wife o.c.s.v. HIV B
are a rare-2

THAT Greg Weir's wife o.c.s.v. HIV B
famous actor Bill Murray o.c.s.v. HIV B
are a rare-2

THAT Cathy Mullaly o.c.s.v. HIV B
THAT Shirley Stacey-> M type: Gerry Kilfoil, o.c.s.v., HIV B, who used
to be at The Dept. of Earth Sciences at Memorial University of
Newfoundland but is now I think with the Newfoundland provincial
Geological Survey division.
are a rare-2

There is a section mentioning Cathy Mullaly's girlfriend below,
but in correcting this I divined there is none. I will repeat
that below.

THAT Bill Murray's male lover o.c.s.v. HIV B
famous musician Ray Charles o.c.s.v. HIV B
the father of famous musician and actress Olivia Newton-John. That
father has o.c.s.v. and HIV B
the male lover of that father o.c.s.v. HIV B
the mother of Olivia Newton-John just o.c.s.v, but if the pointer I posted
to antibodies for HIV B prove correct then she coul get HIV B and the
cure for HIV B, or something like that, and become fully compatible with
the four men, who are now fully compatible with one another
are a rare-5

>A woman who clinked my drunken glass in the Breezeway late 1984
>or early 1985 tall and solid, who might know who she is I guess,
>I thought was bi -> M, compatible with Tom Laidley -> F
>Tom ex-of MUN Earth Sciences department, know at International
>House UBC years ago for collecting definitions of love in
>many different languages (and maybe for the sound love).
>600 today, both, h.b., probably 10 min. before I post this.

UBC means University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The Breezeway is the name of the main student bar at Memorial University
of Newfoundland (there is also now a graduate student centred one
which admits others as well called Bitters in Feild Hall).
MUN means Memorial University of Newfoundland.

THAT woman who clinked my glass once to keep me standing upright
THAT Tom Laidley
are a rare-2

>Their spouses are compatible and are spirr. app.

Their spouses are a rare-2, and when I posted in another
post corrections to mentions of "spiritual appointee"
I did say they are spiritual appointees. I'm not
repeating such corrections in this post.

>Cathy Mullaly g.f. lesbian Beiougz de Danaan
>has HIV B as does Cathy as does Shirley. Oh no.
>She (the girlfriend) comp. e.g. with HIV B
>Beiougz de Danaan lesbian trio, the three
>Spice Girls other than the dusky one, who must
>have a bit of sense. [hope this is wrong] WRONG

Cathy Mullaly has no girlfriend. The three Spice Girls
other than the darkest skinned one and Baby Spice
are not lesbian and do not have HIV B. I have posted
corrections to this earlier in June. I have also
said that I no longer believe that homo sapiens species
is splitting into 55 species and hence I no longer
believe there is a Beiougz de Dannan species.

I don't know the names or the stage names of the Spice Girls.

The one with the darkest skin, who I referred to as "Dusky Spice"
The actor who played the character Yahoo Serious in an Australian
comedy movie
are a rare-2

Baby Spice
Colin Abbott, originally of Outer Cove, Newfoundland, one of Canada's
top softball players
are a rare-2

The other three Spice Girls
Amanda Hughes, Vancouver, BC, Canada funk/soul/jazz/African queen
and a man who travelled with my brother George once during the last
leg of a cross-Canada (or at least Ontario to Newfoundland) bicycle
trip. That man visited my home in Lake View, Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, and he and George went with shorts on to a local
bar, Albert Furey's in Harbour Main. This was during the early
1980s I think but I don't remember for sure
are a rare-5

>Their (SG) ex-manager has HIV A,B has been spreading B
>knowingly, STOP HIM.. He -> F, comp with Greg Malone
>and is HIV A,B positive. ANTIBODIES MEAN A CURE.
>Some do not want this so be careful. [hope this is wrong
>but hope Greg does have antibodies]

Greg Malone of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada is a writer,
actor and comedian and was in the original stage cast of Codco
but I don't know if he was in the TV (television) series of
HIV D, I have posted a pointer to someone who does.
THAT Greg Malone, however, does have antibodies (cures) in his
blood for HIV A and HIV B. He does not have to lose all his
blood or anything like that, he simply has to donate some so
that the antibody effects can be tested and the antibodies (I think
it is usually plural even for one virus) can be then analyzed and
synthesized. Again, I once said that he had antibodies for HIV A,B,C,D
and suspect that he has been tested for antibodies to HIV C and/or
HIV D and that failed. More recently I have said that he has antibodies
to HIV A and HIV B ONLY! Therefore he should be tested for antibodies
to HIV A and HIV B, NOT TO HIV C or HIV D.

Now in March I divined that the Spice Girls' ex-manager had been
spreading HIV A knowingly. Early in June I divined that he
had been spreading HIV A and HIV B knowingly. I hope this has
stopped, and again I hope that the pointers I posted to antibodies
prove correct. I do not know if he knew in June about the HIV from
blood tests or just from reading my writing of March, and the statement
in March that he had then been spreading HIV A knowingly may have
been incorrect. If his knowing that he had HIV was not from blood tests
then it is less serious. However even if he just knew from my March
writing, which did not have 100% accuracy, he should have had a blood test
to check and should have used protection.

I have already posted much of these Spice Girls' manager related
corrections on June 2, 1998.

Spice Girls' ex-manager (former manager)-> F type: Danielle French,
singer/songwriter who has lived in Vancouver, BC, Canada,
but moved in 1995 to Calgary, Alberta, Canada and is a friend
of Jenny Allen, and is a friend of the Sarah McLachlan band.
She has oral cold sore virus and no HIV.
Greg Malone, who does not have o.c.s.v. but has HIV A,B.
are a rare-2.

If the pointers to cures prove correct then THAT Danielle could
get HIV A,B and the cures to those, and THAT Greg could get
oral cold sore virus, for them to be fully compatible. For now
they are psychologically compatible and their ability sets
complement one another.

THAT Greg Malone->F type: An e-friend (friend by electronic mail
interchange contact only) of mine named Tanya Park, from Tasmania,
who has no viruses. She is about 24 years old and is about six feet
tall and blonde.
The Spice Girls' ex-manager has HIV A,B, has had no
oral cold sore virus and is getting it now 8:03 p.m.,
has it, 8:03:30 p.m. (that was on June 2, 1998 in NDT,
so 22:33:30 GMT June 2, 1998)
They are a rare-2.

Again if the pointers I have posted to cures prove correct then THAT Tanya
could get HIV A,B and oral old sore virus and the cures to at least the
HIV A,B to become fully compatible with the Spice Girls ex-manager (the
fellow who was fired by them within the last few months is the one I

>Greg's wife no HIV comp Beni Malone (clown/actor/environmentalist)
>who also has no HIV.

Both are of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

>Beni's wife comp with my sister Mary Dalton's ex-husband and
>housemate Gordon Rowsell of the federal health department
>here in St. John's.

St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

>Peter Dawe of Port de Grave and of Can. Coast Guard

>comp with Vancouver piano accordionist and country dance caller
>Marian Rose.

in a rare-2. Port de Grave is near Bay Roberts, Newfoundland.
THAT Peter is my ex-brother-in-law (I said Neil Tilley is my
ex-brother-in-law but Peter is another, I have more than one
sister, Peter was the husband of one of my sisters and Neil
was the husband of one of my sisters. I have never been

>Stewart McLean, C.B.C. known, comp Phyllis Morrissey.

Stewart is known to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Phyllis is a Newfoundland singer/songwriter.

>Dermot O'Reilly -> F comp rare-5 with Ralph,
>Fergus O'Byrne, Jim Payne, Jim Payne, Denis Ryan

These are all Newfoundland well known in Newfoundland except
for Denis Ryan who is now based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
and is also a well known folk musician. The repetition of
the name Jim Payne was an error, I meant only one.

THAT Dermot O'Reilly->F type: the mother of a woman bartender who works at
Erin's Pub, St. John's, Newfoundland and whose name I think is Lisa
and who I said is compatible with St. John's, Newfoundland politician
Jack Harris, who is a member of the Newfoundland provincial legislature.
Anyway, I could point her out to Ralph if asked, if I have the name wrong.
THAT Ralph (of Erin's Pub, St. John's, Newfoundland, whose last name
I think is O'Brien or something like that)
THAT Fergus O'Byrne
THAT Jim Payne
THAT Denis Ryan
are a rare-5

Some of those were in the band Ryan's Fancy for years.

THAT Dermot O'Reilly
THAT Ralph->F type: the mother of well-known male musician Ashley MacIsaac,
and energetic fiddler of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
THAT Fergus->F type: the younger sister of Johnny Doherty, well-known
celtic musician, I think from Ireland originally but now lives
in the USA. I think he plays single row accordion but it might
be uillean pipes (no, that's Johnny Doran, who is different).
I think Johnny Doherty lives in Chicago but am not sure.
THAT Jim->F type: the younger sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
THAT Denis->F type: the mother of five that Ian Paisley had murdered
are a rare-5

>Astronomer David Woods, ex(?)-UBC compatible Paul Martin,
>Canada's finance minister, Paul -> F.

UBC means University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
The "?" after the "ex" means he might still be there. The
"ex" means he was there in the past.

I've already mapped this earlier in June when I was fixing the match
for Jean and Aline Chretien, which I will repeat as well.

THAT astronomer David Woods->F type is the mom of the Janet Forsythe who

is the manager of the musical band Spirit of the West and also books

bands for the Railway Club in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
THAT Paul Martin
are a rare-2 and I didn't divine that there was any virus imbalance

THAT Paul Martin->F type: Meghan de Villiers, Vancouver bluegrass musician
(I mean the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada whenever I

say Vancouver unless otherwise specified!) She plays acoustic
standup bass.
David Woods, astronomer, who has a Ph.D (doctorate) from the University
of British Columbia (UBC). (Actually I am not sure if he finished
the Ph.D yet. He has at least an M.Sc. from UBC.)
are a rare-2

THAT Meghan(Meghan may be spelled wrong)'s husband Jake de Villiers,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada bluegrass musician,
Carole of The Bluegrass Princesses, a Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada bluegrass band well known to THAT Jake. In the context of

music the word "band" means a musical ensemble.

are a rare-2

Then a substitute couple for Paul Martin and his wife (I guess he doesn't
have one) in the incorrect foursome with Jean and Aline Chretien are

Bill and Lillian van der Zalm of British Columbia, Canada.

Oh wait, I have a match for Paul Martin's wife from March
so I guess he does indeed have one, apologies.

Jean Chretien (Prime Minister of Canada)
Aline Chretien (THAT Jean's wife)
Bill van der Zalm (former Premier of the province of British Columbia, Canada)
Lillian van der Zalm (THAT Bill's wife)
are a rare-4

Again here I did not sense any virus imbalance. So previously
when I listed a supposed foursome with Jean and Aline and
Paul Martin and Paul Martin's supposed wife, that was incorrect
since I already had the good match previously written in pen ink
on June 3, 1998 between THAT Paul Martin and THAT Janet Forsythe's
mom, and indeed the match made in March for Paul Martin, without
the mapping of David Woods->F type done.

But in my incorrect match including Paul Martin, made after the
correct one without my remembering the correct one (as opposed to
when I remember an incorrect one and say that I am correcting it)
I wrote that Jean Chretien had o.c.s.v. and HIV B and
Paul Martin has o.c.s.v. and gonorrhea and Paul Martin's
wife had o.c.s.v. and gonorrhea. Those are incorrect, I
believe that Paul Martin and his wife and Jean Chretien have
nothing more than oral cold sore virus. Apologies for not
fixing that sooner.

>Paul Martin's wife comp Joe Clarke, ex-prime-minister of Canada.

>Maureen McTeer comp with leader of Japan.

Mauren McTeer is THAT Joe Clark's wife. And I mean the
elected political leader of Japan.

>His wife comp with The Dalai Lama

I mean the wife of the elected political leader of Japan
is compatible with the Dalai Lama in a rare-2.


This simply marks the spot in this series of posts, which I have
recently been calling NEW PARTs, where the third in a series
of three posts began in March, 1998. Why was it broken into
three parts then? Because there is a limit on file size of a
file to be posted with the newsreader/newsposter program I
use, which is called Free Agent. Hence the summary posted in
March, 1998 of matches found by me in March, 1998 was posted
in three parts. The "OLD PART 3" there denotes where the third
of those parts posted in March began. In this NEW PART series
this is the NINTH and final part.

>Sean Panting (NF sing./songw) comp. Tea Party trio in The Telegram
>this past week and Madonna. [this might be wrong, I'll check again
>when sensitive]

This is a good match, and was posted originally on March 9, 1998,
so look at the March 6, 1998 paper (or there is a smaller chance
it could have been the February 27, 1998 paper).
Three male members of the Canadian rock band called The Tea Party
were in a picture on the entertainment page of a Friday
Evening Telegram. That paper is based in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada. Any other paper also called The Evening Telegram
is not the one I mean.

those three members
Sean Panting, singer/songwriter, lead vocalist in the alternative
rock band called Drive, of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
famous American singer/songwriter and actress called MADONNA
are a rare-5

>Gary Hughes, former UBC grad centre bartender, Vancouver, ->F
>was also 1987 vol. 3 #2 Waterlily cover (cracked glass, empty?)
>compatible with Lolly, Paperboys drummer or was 2.5 years ago.
>[Gary wasn't on that cover so maybe that woman is compatible with Lolly.]

UBC means University of British Columbia.

THAT Gary Hughes->F type: THAT woman who was pictured on the cover
of the 1987 vol. 3 #2 Waterlily cover. This Waterlily is
the feminist publication which was published in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada, and not any other Waterily.
Lolly, who is male, and is the drummer in the Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada band called The Paperboys (which I often write as The PaperBoys)
are a rare-2

THAT Gary Hughes,
THAT Lolly->F type: Dr. Rhoda Ree, a doctor who works at The University
of British Columbia Student Health Services
are a rare-2

>Anne Walton Vanc., friend of Gary, comp. Pat Moran of The Punters.

Anne Walton of Vancouver, a friend of THAT Gary Hughes
Pat (who is male, Pat is a form of the name Patrick) Moran, the fiddler
in the Newfoundland celtic rock band called The Punters
are a rare-2

>A Luxy, Vancouver restaurant, waitress of 4 years ago who I thought might
>be lactating once from her sweet
>smell but maybe she is vegetarian or fishetarian, comp. Luciano Pavarotti
>and is not bi.

The Luxy is a restaurant on Davie Street in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada that specializes in huge servings of pasta. That is a good
match. I didn't want to mention the "possibly lactacting" bit
but figured I had to as a clue. My coined word "fishetarian"
means like lacto-ovo vegetarian but also eats fish. It may
have been coined by someone else previously and independantly
or may be an original by me. I can dig through my files and paper
notes to see when I first used it if anyone is interested.

>Cecili-Bartoli comp rocker Lux something.
>Then I said "real Lux compatible with Charlotte Lane orig of C.B.C."
>but I think the first match is correct, but will check again when
>my intuition is better.

I have already corrected this earlier in June. Also I
have said that that "C.B.C." means Conception Bay Central.

famous opera singer Cecili Bartoli (who is female)
the younger brother of famous rock musician Peter Frampton
are a rare-2

Charlotte Lane, who is about 31 years old and is originally from
Lake View or Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland,
Canada and has light brown or blonde hair, and may have been
born in a St. John's hospital as many from Conception Bay Central
have been, and that shows on the birth certificate
Lux something (meaning I forget his last name), a famous rock musician
are a rare-2

Why do I have to go through all this clarification trouble to fend
off golddiggers for someone? If there is true compatibility there
will be strong attraction and if there are two individuals claiming
to be the same one (for example Charlotte Lane) then the one that
is the true love will stand out in terms of attraction, Lux would
know that she's the right one. But the Charlotte Lane I mean
probably doesn't even know about thi match yet, whereas others
perhaps with the same real name and perhaps not are posing as
her to Lux, I would guess. This applies to others as well, and
I divined that the younger Gallagher brother (of the famous British
rock band Oasis) went through something like that.

>Woman I kissed in spin-the-bottle about age 15 at Larry's
>is comp Pavel Bure. [check]

This was in the basement of the house of George and Marion Kennedy,
the parents of my friend Lawrence George Kennedy, who is now in
Banff, Alberta, Canada but has permanent physical address in Lake View,
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, as do his parents. (The mailing
addresses are to the Harbour Main post office, over a mile away.)

I was about 15 years old, and she was about 14 or 15 years old as well.
"spin-the-bottle" is a game where a group gathers and then one
spins a bottle and has to kiss whoever the bottle points at. That
person then spins the bottle on the next turn.

She has dark hair and is 33 or 34 years old and knows my friend
Joe Fewer, who went into the Christian Brothers for a while
but then left it, I think, fairly well, and is either from
Lake View very close to the border with North Arm, Holyrood
of from North Arm, Holyrood, very close to the border with
Lake View. I would guess the second. Those place names are in

Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada.

She is in a rare-2 with famous hockey player Pavel Bure.

> Harry Martin comp real Katie Rich oral cold sore virus imbalance?
>Katie Rich comp young fellow next to Black Elk
>in MUN library book. [I think the first match is right, will check.]

I've corrected this earlier in June, 1998 as well.

Labrador, Canada singer/songwriter Harry Martin
famous American singer/songwriter Emmylou Harris
are a rare-2

Katie Rich, an Innu or Inuit chief in Labrador, Canada
is compatible with New Zealand author Keri Hulme's second oldest brother
(not the oldest brother, but the brother that amongst males is next younger)
in a rare-2.

The young (when the picture was taken) fellow next to Black Elk in a
picture near the front cover of a MUN (Memorial University of
Newfoundland) library book which is shelved in the Lakota section
(or the Sioux section, there seems to be one section for Lakota
and one section for Sioux) near the front cover, is compatible with
Telsa Gwynne, supposedly nursing student in mid-1997, who has posted
to soc.religion.paganism in 1997 and with whom I had a short e-mail
correspondence. (I incorrectly said 1996 before when I meant 1997.)
in a rare-2

>John Truesdell comp Willowkendra, once on soc.religion.paganism

Willowkendra was the computer e-mail alias name at least and I may
have her e-mail address somewhere, or a web search engine search
for "Willowkendra" would locate her web page. She posted to
soc.religion.paganism in 1997 as well.
John Truesdell is a native American native rights activists,
environmentalist, peace activist who spoke at a concert Sarah McLachlan
played at in Portland, Oregon once featuring The Indigo Girls as well,
I think in 1995.
They are a rare-2.

>young woman at the CMC benefit at the Fat Cat a
>while ago, compatible with Margo known at The Spur,
>from Switzerland, -> M

The Spur is a bar in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada,
and one of the regulars (or she was in 1997) at that bar
is a woman named Margo or Margot who I think is from Switzerland
but I might have that wrong, she might be Canadian.

At the Citizen's Mining Coalition (CMC) benefit night at
Wom/men jammin' at The Fat Cat nightclub (bar) in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada, there was a young woman with dark hair
who had hyperbola type eyebrows who was about 18 years old (maybe 19)
and who I thought had a fluorescent aura, at the edge of vision.
She is in a rare-2 with THAT Margo->M type: Thomas Francis McGrath,
a young (18ish) man from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada,
with interests in druidism.

THAT Margo
THAT fluorescent auraed young woman->M type: the younger brother of
the woman who plays Cinder Calhoun on the American television
show Saturday Night Live
are a rare-2

>Margot's fellow comp Julie of red toenails
>who I saw after the red toenails (orig) in a fur coat
>in Banff.

There are two John Daltons based in Banff, Alberta, Canada. My
brother, who is 41 yars old and originally from Lake View,
Newfoundland, is one of them. He has been working at the
ski resort called Sunshine near THAT Banff but is now I think
working in a hotel in a park nearer the US border, Mount Washington
Park or something like that.

Margot's boyfriend (adult male lover) in 1997 at least
a woman named Julie from Nova Scotia originally who my brother
John (see above) introduced me to at a get-together (small party)
in Banff, Alberta, Canada (not Banff, Scotland) in about 1990.
At the get-together, late in the evening she was painting her
toenails red. The next day I saw her with a fur coat on,
on one of Banff, Alberta, Canada's main streets, and it was winter.
I think later she may have moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada. My
brother John (not the other John Dalton) may know for sure.
are a rare-2

>Nastassia Kinski compatible with the Mystery Machine (band on
>Sarah's label, Nettwerk) drummer of Feb95.

famous actress Nastassia Kinski
the man who was the drummer in the Vancouver, BC, Canada band called
The Mystery Machine in February of 1998, particularly at the
Nettwerk Records 10th Anniversary concert, and who may still be
drummer in that band
are a rare-2

>president of China 1 O10h (I will check that, don't think hir
>eyebrows are right for that, will check when sensitive too)
>[I already posted a correction to that, which is incorrect.
>This bit I wrote in on Sept. 4, 1998, 11:21 p.m.]

That was indeed incorrect.
That should have read June 4, 1998, 11:21 p.m. NDT.
I have already posted a correct match for the president of China
earlier in June, but will repeat it. He is not a 10th orientation
hermaphrodie (O10h). The word "hir" can mean "his or her"
or I sometimes use it for something in-between, so "hir book"
could mean "his or her book" or it could mean "hisher book"
where the himher is a hermaphrodite. But the word "hir" is
not in common usage and though I coined it I believe that probably
someone else coined it independently before me.

I will repeat the matches for the president of China, the
premier of China, and the former president of China.

the man who was president of China in 1997 and visited Washington DC
and expressed an interest in American history and I thing wore
an American Revolution style hat called a tricorn or tricorner hat,
is compatible with the actress who played Archie Bunker's wife
(I think named Edith in the show) on the LONG running American
TV (televison) show All in the Family which ended its run a few
years ago but may still be around in reruns.
they are a rare-2

premier of China is in a rare-5 with actor who played Archie Bunker (actor
Carroll O'Connor) on that same TV show actor who played Meathead, which is a
nickname, on that same TV show new (current) president of China Marie
Osmond, female famous American singer and actress

the actress who played Meathead's girlfriend on that same TV show

is in a rare-5 with

Chelsea Clinton (daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton)
Francesca Swann (cello player in Tickle Harbour, a Newfoundland band)
Jackie Kennedy, prob. 35, of Avondale, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
originally, and who went to elementary school with me. Jackie is a form
of the name Jacqueline. She is female.
Donny Osmond, male famous American singer and actor, brother of Marie


>Oh, and another Fat Car woman bartender with brassy golden type
>hair, shinier than Diane's a bit, maybe a manager, shorter than
>Diane, poised, I said was like Dorothy Livesay so if there is a
>young version of the Lakota Turtle than she might be compatible
>with him. I will think about this again when I'm sensitive,
>I may be completely wrong since I can't remember Dorothy Livesay
>looking like her, in eyebrows (or not, though).

"The Fat Car" should have read "The Fat Cat".
The Fat Cat is a bar on George Street in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada. Diane is a bartender who works there.

brassy-haired shorter-than-Diane Fat Cat bar personage who I said was Dorothy
Livesay is compatible with a guy I think with darker hair who busks on
a tapered drum on Water Street north side west of the Rose and Thistle
late some nights. [The Water Street and The Rose and Thistle in
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, not any other.]

>I think that was about the last possibly valid match I did, before
>the sensitivity gave out last time. If it resumes I will start
>another thread such as Eyebrows: new thread name though then
>may direct followups to a subset of these groups and indicate that
>in the opening post. I may post a short pointer to this thread
>indicating web page updates and pointing to the new thread perhaps,
>but that should be all. Now I need to focus on properly editing
>the dtales.html page a bit and of course the eyebrows.html
>page, with some tree-ification and descriptions and graphics and
>some of the stuff from this thread edited in. Then when (if) the
>sensitivity kicks in again I will collect some more new data and
>check the ones I mentioned I wanted to check.

That was written in March, 1998, and in this most recent period of
sensitivity beginning on the morning of May 30, 1998 and ending
on the morning of June 10, 1998, I have corrected the mistakes I
made in March, 1998 and have found many typs of rare-4's,
rare-5's and rare-2's that I did not have before.

"tree-ification" means breaking a long web page into shorter segments
which would then be accessed from a table of contents.

My Eyebrow Orientation web page
still is one long linear file and has few of the results from March, 1998
let alone the results from June, 1998 in it so far. I still hope to
proceed with editing that web page substantially and would welcome any
graphic arts assistance from anyone wishing to collaborate. My first
goal after I take a day or two off from the computer, beginning after
I post this, will be to edit what is on the web page already for
clarification and to add a summary of matches found by me in
late November and early December, 1997; January, 1998; March, 1998;
and June, 1998. Once this is done, probably by late June, 1998,

I will post a pointer to

pointing to the updated web page. The subject of this pointer post
will once again begin with "Eyebrows: " but what follows will be
different from "The Cinderella Matches".

>Again, let me know if there have been any successful matches based
>on my theories and/or matches! I promise I won't bellow the
>names across the net, won't breathe a word if requested (though
>an anonymous mention might be OK, if you say it's OK) but such
>would provide some encouragement for me, even if you don't say
>which match, just an anonymous match.

That still stands, I'd love to know if I helped bring true loves

>And unmatched lonely souls feel free to e-mail me to commiserate
>if you like and eventually when sensitive I will be able to match
>you, of may be able to from my back files/theories even, some.
>If you are having problems with depression feel free to e-mail
>me, I have some good tips on dealing with that too.

That still stands, though I am behind on my e-mail and will be taking
a day or two or three off now and it will take me a while to catch
up on my e-mail, including a full to-reply folder. But still
feel free to e-mail me if you need a match since I might be able to
get one from your eyebrow type, and am hoping that with my data
I and collaborators (none so far) will be able to construct a
matchmaking catalogue containing scanned images of eyebrows and eyes
and perhaps graphic art drawings as well. And even if I can't get
a match from your eyebrow type I could save the e-mail message until
I next have strong matchmaking sensitivity. This might be never,
or it might return in 1 to 5 months or ten years.

>p.s. I built more mystery yet into the Salmon on the Thorns
> subpage and the subpage of that Recent Changes which is a
> mess of edits.
>"let me hound you sir... but you just wok away" Sarah McLachlan

"that Recent Changes" should read "that, Recent Changes" and I will
work on updating that soon too.

I apologize to Sarah McLachlan for distorting her lyrics and attributing
the result to her without inderting a smiley [ :-) ] or other indication
that I had done word play lyric juggling. The

"let me hound you sir... but you just wok away"

is MY modification of her lyrics
"let me surround you... but you just walk away"
on the second song on her CD entitled Surfacing.

So that should be all from me, in terms of this thread, for those
who have expressed concerns about the number of posts in it.
The only way I will post another post to this thread is if I
need to respond to followup questions or if I discover an error
I need to correct. In either case such followups would be short.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----

Jun 12, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/12/98

A few points, before I begin NEW PART 8, which will be the second last
in the NEW PART series (NEW PART 9 will be the last):

1. Yesterday I said how to get all posts in this thread (67 posts including
this one) from the web page . That web page has
archives of posts going back at least two years, and it is also possible
to get posts from the old threads I mentioned and other old posts by me
or by others.

2. More than once I said that if there was reduced compatibility due to an
STD (sexually transmitted disease) and/or oral cold sore virus and/or
yeast imbalance that a condom could be put on a metre (meter) away
and that then sex could proceed normally upon closer approach. I no
longer believe that to be the case.

3. When using pointers such as "someone's lover" you have to map that
to "that someone's lover at the time the pointer was written".
If there is a doubt as to that time, ask me. Remember again that
I was acidentally inserting September or Sept or Sept. instead of
June for a while.

4. I have a few more duplicate type matches by e-mail including a
rare-2 and two rare-5's (one which could include Teddy Kennedy's
ex-wife and her female lover) but will respect the privacy of
the individuals who e-mailed me and their friends. But my
matchmaking sensitivity faded at June full moon, I'm sure now,
and I don't know when it will return if ever. But still feel
free to e-mail me if you need a match and I will consider it
when next I have matchmaking sensitivity, if ever. Even if
you let me know your eyebrow type I may be able to give you
some pointers if not a sure match. This should be even more
possible eventually if some people volunteer to help me
construct an eyebrow matchmaking catalogue.

5. In the NEW PART series of edits made in June, 1998 to the summary

posted in March, 1998 of matches

found by me in March, 1998, I have made edits in pen ink on a
printout first. These were made early on June 3, 1998. As I
type these in in the lines not beginning with a ">" sign in these
later parts (and in the earlier parts the sections enclosed in
square brackets) I add clarifications and grammatical corrections.
However the matches and mappings were done before my matchmaking
sensitivity faded (and again I don't know when it will return if ever).

Now here is the EIGHTH NEW PART, which I also call NEW PART 8 of the

edits made by me in June, 1998 to the summary posted by me in March, 1998

of the matches found by me in March, 1998. There will be one final
NEW PART, NEW PART 9, which I will post just after this one and which
might even show up earlier than this one in your newsreader. (David Dalton) wrote:

>Lisa Garrison of Pender Harbour/Sechelt B.C.
>comp with her husband, the weightlifting female form -> M
>who I thought was bi. Rare 1-1 F-M comp.

"Her husband, the weightlifting female form" is incorrect and I apologize.
I mean the Lisa Garrison's shorter, dark haired, darker skinned (than
Lisa) friend who Lisa introduced me to at the Thorn Tree Cafe (a
restaurant on Dunbar Street near 16th Avenue in Vancouver, BC, Canada)
and who later once, with Lisa, saw me jogging by the apartment building
in which Lisa then (1986 or 1987) had an apartment. That apartment building
is located near University Village in Pacific Spirit Park, Greater
Vancouver, BC, Canada.

That friend of Lisa-->M type: Gary Myers of Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay
Central, Newfoundland, Canada
Lisa Garrison Compagna (or Campagna)
are a rare-2

THAT Gary Myers's wife is in a rare-5 with four men she is involved
with other than Gary. Those four are all compatible with each
other too, of course, since each in a rare-5 is compatible with
each other in a rare-5. However they might not want to interact
much at first without her as a (voluntary) bridge.

That friend of Lisa
Lisa->M type: Grant Fuhr, famous NHL hockey goalie
are a rare-2

>Her not-bi sister comp with Axl Rose.

Lisa's sister is in a rare-2 with Axl Rose, famous rock musician.

>Her dark-haired not-bi friend at the party where I met her
>is comp. with her husband, VERY rare types, one other not-met-yet
>two in 50s.

I met Lisa at a party where there were some physicists around
April 20, 1986, in Vancouver. At that party there was another
woman who I believe was also in the Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
program at The University of British Columbia (UBC) and who had
dark hair and fair skin and was about the same height as Lisa
and who I thought was a friend of Lisa. That woman is in a
rare-2 with Dr. Tom Campagna (or Compagna), originally of
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, who is (or was) Lisa's husband.

The husband of that woman
Jackie Kirby, originally of Holyrood, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
are a rare-2

THAT Jackie (a form of the name Jacqueline) Kirby's ex-husband
THAT Jackie Kirby's fiance'
THAT Jackie Kirby's younger brother
that younger brother's male lover
the shortest female bartender at the Blarneystone Pub, THE ONE IN
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, not Vancouver, at least
as of a few months ago (I mean I saw her there a few months ago)
are a rare-5 of four men and one woman all compatible with one another

>A not-bi postpartum mom I met in mental hospital, blonde, it
>was at UBC Dettwiler Pavilion, I forget which time but think
>the second, looks a bit like Lisa's sister. comp with her
>husband and Kevin Costner and a road movie fellow [Nicholas Cage]
>, who is involved with six lesbians comp. with each other, and
>his two boyfriends in a HIV-D rare-5 group, all, and he has
>been knowingly spreading it, stop him! 6 lesbians should
>stick to each other until a cure is assured, I think soon.
>[This I bet is wrong, that if any spreading ocurred it was
>probably unconscious/thinking he was clean, or this might be
>completely wrong, and I hope it is.]

I already posted a correction to that earlier in June, 1998 and
will repeat it:

Famous American actor Nicholas Cage is not HIV positive and has
not been spreading it and is not involved with two boyfriends
and six lesbians. He is in a rare-2 with Anna Stassis, the one
who is an actor of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, and as far
as I know is now in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada and until
recently was on stage at the LSPU Hall in St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada in the play entitled "Good Night Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet".

Famous American actor Kevin Costner Colleen Tapper, well known locally as a
softball player, I didn't say she was on the national team or anything, of
St. John's Newfoundland, Canada and a married couple of British Columbia of
whom the woman was in mental hospital recovering from postpartum depression
the same time that I was in, UBC hospital, I think May92 but may have been
Sept-earlyOct91. If she still has mental health problems at all then the
entire rare-4 rather than two separate twos I bet would solve it. She is
blonde and looked (in 1991 or 1992) a lot like the woman who I just said
(typed) is in a rare-2 with Axl Rose, famous rock musician. are a rare-4 UBC
means University of British Columbia. UBC Hospital is now called Vancouver
General Hospital, UBC Site.

>Conne River Mi'kmaq dancer I thought was bi, not-bi,
>comp. B.C. Washing of Tears chief.

One of the women who was on stage at the St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Arts and Culture Centre main stage production by the Conne River,
Newfoundland Mi'kmaq dancing amongst others is compatible with
the chief of the British Columbia native people who are
sometimes called the "Washing of Tears" people.

>Washing of Tears bi poster distributor at Ridge movie showing
>in double bill with Labrador low-flying stuff comp is not bi
>(I guess these never were, I just thought they were due to
>the distance attraction and up close it woulddn't work like with
>a real bi, I theorize) comp bottle drop picker upper actor
>I guess Maori, in The Gods Must be Crazy I.

At The Ridge movie theatre (cinema) in Vancouver, BC, Canada there
was once a double bill of two movies. The first movie was about
Labrador, Canada native struggle against low-flying military flights.
Then during the intermission there was a presentation by the
Washing of Tears people, including they gave out some things,
including a poster, rolled up. The young woman who gave out the
poster may be a daughter of the chief but I'm not sure. This I
believe was the last evening of the series of nights on which the
movies were shown but I don't remember, my friend Rob Luzitano of
Golder Associates in Vancouver might remember more clearly. The
second movie was about the Washing of Tears people and somewhat
about their struggle to recover their artifacts from the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC, USA.
That young woman
The actor who played the character who picked up the bottle dropped
from a plane in the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy (which originally
didn't have a "I" appended to it but it often does now in referring
to it to distinguish it from the sequel or sequels)
are a rare-2

>In case Liz didn't pass this to Jon:

I e-mailed this to a friend named Liz who knows Jon better
than I do several months ago but I knew she didn't think
much of me eyebrow and related theories so I decided to
post it as well.

>Oh the short orange haired woman who I thought would
>like wearing a small strapon for sandwich type
>stuff is not bi, is in a fivesome with the
>died-red-med-hair-miniskirt woman, a young
>tannish-haired woman who was at the door of an
>upstairs LSPU gig once, a young East-Indian-fabric
>dressed woman who walked near me at the same gig
>when I was near the sound board, and Jon Whelan
>with protection on for now at least, are a
>compatible rare-fivesome. They are rarebi and
>he rare4th. I think HIV is cured but don't know
>for sure yet. When it is there will be attraction
>up close without protection. So I guess he must
>put on the condom at least a meter away. But tell
>him I think HIV viruses are evolving plus we are
>evolving so that they will be benign soon and that
>orgasms and love and orgasms have healing effects
>too, and also get a healer to do a working on him
>and others perhaps worse.

>Oh no, my condolences to him! [Hope this is wrong. If
>not though the above about attraction with protection
>might not be true yet, but all four women are compatible
>at least.]

The "I think HIV is cured" meant that in March, 1998 I thought
it was being automatically cured by divine intervention. I now
think that LOVE has provided gifts through me of the pointers
to the antibodies, the pointers than I posted earlier in June,
and that some active participation is required by humans to
follow up on those pointers and bring about cures. I no
longer believe that HIV viruses are evolving or that we are
evolving substantially.

Also in March, 1998 I thought that even with an STD (sexually
transmitted disease) imbalance that with protection (a condom
on a male, a dental dam, which is a piece of plastic, on a
female) there would be compatibility up close, if the protection
was put on a metre (meter) away or more. I no longer believe

this to be the case.

On the morning of June, 3, 1998, Jon (Jon Whelan, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada rock musician and former lead singer of the
band Bung and who ran for the Green Party in one election
recently) had no oral col sore virus, but had HIV A,C,D.
The four women each had oral cold sore virus and HIV B.
At 11:55 a.m. NDT (14:25 GMT) all have HIV A,B,C,D
At 11:57 a.m. NDT (14:27 GMT) Jon got o.c.s.v.
Thus since 11:57 a.m. NDT (14:27 GMT) June 3, 1998, all five
are compatible (unless one gets yeast, for example, when that
one would not be compatible with the rest unless they also
got a yeast infection or the yeast infection of the one with
yeast is cleared up; this has affected Steve Tyler before,
and others involved with bread makers).

>AND OH NO, along with the above four being not bi,
>Bridget of Ana of Sumeria whose name I don't know who was on the door Sat.
> nights Culture Club at the Ship Inn a fair number of times in 1997
> and who is not Diana who has flat-roof-slanting-eave O4f eyebrows
> but has closer to low bi hyperbola I guess and has dark hair and is
> quite attractive for 501, h.b., darts number today, and is not good,
>is not bi, and is compatible not with N.N. Natalie Noseworthy but
>with N.N. NICK NOLTE,

That is the Ship Inn in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. The
dark-haired about 5'8" tall about 27 years old woman who was on
the door at THAT Ship Inn some Saturday nights in 1997 working
for the event promoters for that night. There is a regular
weekly event at THAT Ship Inn every Saturday night, put on by
Newfoundland fiddler Kelly Russell and his wife Tonya Kearley.
That event is called "The Culture Club" but it is not a location.
It is held at THAT Ship Inn. That woman (who is not Tonya) is
not the Diana, again of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, who
also worked (and may still) at THAT Ship Inn as a doorperson on
The woman I mentioned who is not Tonya and not Diana, and does
not have glasses (unless she never wears them in public)
Famous American movie star Nick Nolte
are a rare-2

I'm getting sick of having to clarify so much because of golddiggers.

I once thought that any low hyperbola eyebrow meant bisexual but I
no longer think that is the case.

>Nick Nolte's wife, married today in Mexico City, comp leader of Germany

I did say, several times, that that was originally written in March.
The "today" was the date of original posting of that line, which was
before I prepared a summary in March. It was March 7, 1998.

>Denis Parker comp Vonnie Baron. oral cold sore virus imbalance?
Both are St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada musicians and the
imbalance has been fixed by them or accidentally, and they are
now fully compatible. It was fixed noon June 3, 1998
(14:30 GMT June 3, 1998)./

>Roger Howse, Halifax blues guitarist, Juno winner for Live at Bridgett's
>I thought but mayb it was just as part of the Great Canadian Blues CD
>as Denis said to me once, ex-of St. John's, ex-of England before that
>I think. comp with blues singer of Vancouver who goes by the stage
>name Blue Rose.

I meant that Roger was once of St. John's, Newfoundland and
I think England before that.

>Mike Hanrahan comp 5 with Deanta whose 2 m -> f.
>Mike NF bouzouki and more player.

Mike Hanrahan, young St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada bouzouki player known
to Paddy Keenan (the two males in the Irish band Deanta)->F types: Diana
Doyle and Corinne Wade both originally of Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Diana is about 34 years old and Corinne is about 36 years old
the two females in the Irish band Deanta are a rare-5

THAT Mike Hanrahan->F type: Cathy Corbett of Lakeview/Chapel's Cove
border area (I forget whether she is from Lake View or Chapel's Cove)
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland. THAT Cathy is about 34 years old.
the two males in the Irish band Deanta
(the two females in the Irish band Deanta)->m types: Leo Woodford and
Rodney Fewer. Leo is about 35 years old and is from Harbour Main,
and Rodney is about 32 years old and is from Avondale. Both
Avondale and Harbour Main are communities in the group of
communities known as Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada
are a rare-5

THAT Cathy Corbett's husband
THAT Cathy Corbett's older sister Diane Corbett
are a rare-2

THAT Leo Woodford's wife
Chris Walsh of Lake View, Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland
are a rare-2

>Paddy Keenan comp. Carolyn Hynes's (mentioned above) older
>sister Michele or was her name Elizabeth, I think Elizabeth.
>Granddaughter of Fred Fleming of Lakeview Newfoundland.

I mean Paddy Keenan the famous Irish uillean piper, who is
now an honourary Newfoundlander, but I think lives in
Chicago or Boston.

>Dorte von Drigalski, author of Flowers on Granite, ->m
>comp with Alice Miller.

I mean the famous psychologist and author Alice Miller.

DvD->m type: THAT Alice Miller's husband for the past two weeks as of
14:43 GMT June 3, 1998
THAT Alice Miller
are a rare-2

THAT A.M.->m type: Dorte von Drigalski's late elementary school ex,
no longer ex as of 14:44 GMT June 3, 1998
Doret von Drigalski
are a rare-2

>Sylvester Stallone comp w. soccer player in the St. John's
>Evening Telegram a while back, MUN F soccer star sort,
>who I thought was bi. Oh no.

By the "who I thought was bi. Oh no" I meant that at the time
of original writing of that I thought I was 4th orientation male
and directly compatible only with bisexual females, and was
discovering that many of the women I had foun attrative were not
bisexual, so I said "Oh no" not meaning that it would be bad for
her to be bisexual (which I was indicating she was not) but meaning
that she was another one I thought I was compatible with that I
wasn't. I later dicovered that I am in a rare-5 type, which I
have posted several times and will not repeat here.

>Arnold Schwarzenegger, his wife, his high school sweetheart,
>her high school sweetheart, her (the wife) junior high
>sweetheart rare-5. So think about your ex-es to see
>if there is any attraction that stoppes e.g. when one
>got cold sore virus when other did not, or when one got
>a chronic yeast infection, of even a mild one during initial
>courtship stages (this is fixed now).

"stoppes" should have read "stopped" and I guess then
"is any attraction" would have to read "was any attraction".
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous now-American movie star.

>Jackie Chan comp. Michelle Calder who maybe UBC Alumni have
>a pointer too, UBC animal science grad, Cornell M.Sc, then?
>Badminton player, orange hair and freckles. Both spir. app.

"pointer too" should be "pointer to". UBC means University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, and Michele is a
recreational badminton player. She did attend Cornell
University in New York State in the USA after UBC. The
Jackie Chan mentioned is the famous male movie star,
"Jackie" can be a form of "Jack" as well as a form of

>Michele's husband comp Meryl Streep.

THAT Michele Calder's husband is in a rare-2 with
famous American movie star Meryl Streep.

>Meryl's husband comp Susan Strangway.

THAT Meryl Streep's husband is in a rare-2 with
Susan Strangway, daughter of Alice and David Strangway, the David Strangway
who is a former president of The University of British Columbia and
also has been involved in the NASA space program some, I think.

>Susan's husband comp her sister Trish (daughter of David Strangway,
> ex-UBC president). Trish, that guy both spir. app. Hi, Trish.

>David and Alice comp 1-1 M-F rare type, 600, h.b.

They are not 600 years old, but they are a rare-2.

>Is the next series related to moon rocks and Reverend Moon
>mass wedding. Are these timed to marry today, some?

I commented on that a bit already.

I am not associated with Reverend Moon.

I do see this next series as a major divinely influenced coincidence,
however, but that doesn't mean that Reverend Moon had anything to
do with it. Some should listen to a Newfoundland, Canada version
of the song Mary Mack. One such version is on one of the CDs
released by the Newfoundland band called Great Big Sea.
(I like the bit in the Newfoundland song Sarah too after
the Mother beats the fellow all around the shop.)

>Trish's woman lover comp Oliver Stone.

the woman lover of THAT Trish (form of the name Patricia) Strangway
famous movie director (and producer?) Oliver Stone
are a rare-2

>Oliver Stone's wife [LINE 1] comp Trish's woman lover's husband
> the wife's boyfriend comp husband's girlfriend LINE2
> prev. M's fiancee comp prev F's fiancee [LINE3 through a million]
> That is , LINE3 through LINE1,000,000 read the same!!!

>Suddenly, 7:35 p.m. NST (11:05 p.m. GMT) March 7, 1998, all those
>lines read prev. M's wife comp prev F's husband!

This was still the case last week, June 3, 1998 but I don't know
if it is now. The "11:05 p.m. GMT" should read "23:05 GMT".
At the time it was NST (Newfoundland Standard Time) here which
means the clocks had not been advanced to NDT (Newfoundland
Daylight Savings Time) yet. NST=GMT - 3.5 hours.
NDT=GMT - 2.5 hours. NDT=NST + 1 hour.

>More stone soup, please?

That was partly a joke, on the name "Oliver Stone", referring
to Charles Dickens book "Oliver Twist" which has been made
into numerous plays and movies, including a recent animated one
named "Oliver". In that story, Oliver asks for more soup.

>Stephen Spielberg comp George Lucas-> F.

Both are very famous in the movie industry.

S.S.->f type: The paternal aunt of Ian Jardine, an oceanographer who
may still be working for the Department of Earth and Oceanography,
oceanography section, at UBC (University of British Columbia).
THAT George Lucas
are a rare-2

Stephen Spielberg
G.L.->f type: the older sister of the Sabine Capelle originally of Belgium
who obtained a Master's degree in geophysics (which is now in the
Dept. of Earth and Ocean Science, was until recently in The Dept.
of Geophysics and Astronomy) at UBC in the late 1980s and is also
known in international sailing circles
are a rare-2

>Sabine Capelle, known in Belgian and int. sailing circles, geop.,
>Hain but is in T325 and a good match there is Timmy Crawley of
>Chapel's Cove, Newfoundland, Danny's brother.

The T325 is wrong, old leftover stuff, but THAT Sabine and
THAT Timmy are both Hain. There are many Hain matches (1-1, M-F)

>Danny Crawley comp
>Archbishop of Canterbury -> F
>"because the night belongs to love" orig? F singer
>"total eclipse of the heart" F singer
>"99 Luftballons" F singer

Danny (form of the name Daniel) Crawley, not Crowley, who is about 35 years
old and is originally from Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Canada Archbishop of Canterbury-> F type: the punkish Northern
Ireland woman who on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's recent series,
perhaps even the episode hosted by Hannah Gardner, on Nothern Ireland
leading up to the recent big vote on the peace accord for Northern Ireland,
who said something like "I can't believe in God after all the murders". the
female singer who had a hit single with "because the night belongs to love"
where I am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from the song,
but it might be the title as well. I'll call her FS-A for reference below.
the female singer (Bonnie Tyler) who had a hit single with "total eclipse of
the heart" where I am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from
the song, butit may be the title as well. I'll call her FS-B for reference
below. the female singer who had a hit single with "99 Luftballons" where I
am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from the song, but it
may be the title as well. I'll call her FS-C for reference below. are a

THAT Danny Crawley-> F type: the "Erwin Hessle", may actually be an Erwin
Hessle, who posted one or more followup posts in May to the thread started
by me entitled "Healing Circle activated!!!" and hence his post (or each of
his posts) on that thread would have subject "Re: Healing Circle
activated!!!" on talk.religion.newage and other newsgroups. The Archbishop
of Canterbury FS-A -> M type: the Roman Catholic bishop of Central
Newfounland, who was also responsible for Conception Bay Central Catholics
(and I have renounced my Catholic confirmation out loud to LOVE, see the
Recent Changes subsection of for
more information on that) in 1979. I mean the Roman Catholic bishop
responsible for Catholics in Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, in the
year 1979. FS-B -> M type: a man named George, at least on the net, who
posted some to alt.religion.druid in 1997 and who is Irish. FS-C -> M type:
the head of The Church of Set are a rare-5

>A.of C.'s wife T325 comp Joshua B. of alt.magick and soc.religion.paganism.

Again the T325 is incorrect but the match is fine.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's wife and
Joshua B. (I forget his last name, it's like Bracewell or Bardwell) who has
posted to alt.magick and soc.religion.paganism in 1997 at least.
are a rare-2

>Kathy Phippard comp Neil Bishop. oral cold sore virus imbalance?
Those are both Newfoundland, Canada musicians and the o.c.s.v.
imbalance has been fixed, as of 15:01 GMT June 3, 1998.

>Guy M. Cross and Brygida Cross's friend Marina (?) Polish orig,
>blonde, had magic mushrooms trouble one night, comp with
>Barbara -> M, Greschia (both of South Surrey), Kevin Eng (keyboards)
>and Crispin Horng (badminton, ex-pharmacy, dentist).

South Surrey is a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

THAT Barbara (Polish origin)-> M: Tom Duquette, an artist who sometimes
lives in East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and is a friend
of Roberto Carrascco, who is of Cuban origin and lives in Vancouver.
THAT Marina, who is a woman with blonde hair
THAT Greschia (of Polish origin, metal sculptor, Barbara's husband)
Kevin Eng, who lives in the Vancouver area, possibly in the suburb
of Vancouver that is called Richmond (suburb of Vancouver, BC,
Canada) and often played keyboard at my jam session at the UBC
graduate student centre
Crispin Horng, who studied pharmacy but later switched to dentistry,
both at UBC (University of British Columbia) and lives in
the Vancouver area still as far as I know and is a recreational
badminton player friend of mine
are a rare-5

THAT Barbara (a sculptor, of Polish origin, living in South Surrey,
British Columbia, Canada). She is a woman.
THAT Marina-> M type: Paul Mellema, who has been in the Canadian military
before and may still be, and is originally of Greater Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada and has an older sister named Christine
(or Christina) and an even older brother named Garfield.
THAT Greschia (may be spelled wrong)-> F type: Sister Joan Baldwin,
who was a nun in the late 1970s and 1980 and was at Roncalli
Central High School in Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, Canada
then (at least in 1979-early 1980)
THAT Kevin Eng-> F type: Jane Coop, pianist and professor of music at
the School of Music (or is it called The Department of Music?)
at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,
THAT Crispin Horng-> F type: Irene Kelly, originally of Avondale,
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland and now working in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada as a geophysicist in the oil industry (working
for an oil company or a company that serves oil companies).
are a rare-5

THAT Paul Mellema's wife
"Godzilla" the goalie (NHL goalie who has nickname "Godzilla")
are a rare-2

>Janet of Burnaby, Chinese descent, badminton, friend of Michele Calder,
>and her girlfriend and their high school prom dates both -> F are
>compatible with Arthur P. Smith known at MUN Physics and Chemistry
>and Math a bit and was at Cornell Physics a while ago.

Burnaby is a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
and I forget whether Janet's name is Janet or Janice but am
almost sure it is Janet.

THAT Janet her female lover THAT Janet's high school prom (graduation dance)
date (male)->F type: the sister of the Robert Craig who graduated from the
Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) in either the fall of 1985 or
spring of 1986 with a joint honours bachelor's degree in Physics and
Computer Science THAT Janet's female lover's high school prom date (male) ->
F type: an illegitimate daughter of Ernest Wilhelm of Upper Tenth Jade and
Hairstyling (it isn't called exactly that) which is located next to the
Safeway (a supermarket chain name) on West 10th Avenue in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada. The particular illegitimate daughter (I don't know if he
has more than one) I mean is in The Philippines and turned 37 years old as
of 06:27 GMT September 9, 1998. This match was not done on June 3, like
most of the other insertions but was done later when on scanning over the
printout I found I had missed this one. The Arthur P. Smith who graduated top
of the university graduating class from Memorial University of Newfounland
in the spring of 1985 with a joint (combined) honours bachelor's degree in
Physics and Mathematics and later studied solid state physics at Cornell
University in Ithaca, New York State, USA. are a rare-5

THAT Janet-> M type: the brother of a man who works at the Radio Shack store
in the Atlantic Place shopping centre in downtown St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canada. I mentioned the man who works there once before in some thread but
am not going to try and dig that out now (I said incorrectly that he was a
Sarah McLachlan clone transmogrified male, ha). THAT Janet's female lover-> M
type: that brother's boyfriend (adult male lover) THAT Janet's high school
prom date (male) THAT Janet's female lover's high school prom date (male)
THAT Arthur P. Smith-> F type: Keri Hulme's adopted-out daughter. Keri Hulme
is an award-winning New Zealand author. The term "adopted-out" means after
Keri Hulme gave birth to the daughter she gave her up for adoption. are a

>Rachel Roberts -> M comp Kim Strong, her 2 girlfriends,
>Joanna Hughes in rare-5.

Rachel Roberts, Kim Strong, and Joanna Hughes all graduated from
Memorial University of Newfoundland, I believe Rachel in the spring
of 1985 in Mathematics, and Kim and Joanna I think in the spring
of 1986 in Physics. Another individual who graduated from the
same university around then, maybe spring of 1987, is a Michael Clase.

THAT Rachel-> M type: THAT Michael Clase
THAT Kim Strong
THAT Kim Strong's two girlfriends (adult female lovers)
THAT Joanna Hughes
are a rare-5

THAT Rachel
THAT Kim Strong -> M type: Chris, an electric bass player who back in
1993 to 1994 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, was the
electric bass player in the band Dishpig (the Vancouver, BC, Canada
band of 1993-1994, not any other band called Dishpig) which did
not release any recordings but which often played at the UBC grad
student centre when I was the music coordinator there
THAT Kim Strong's two female lovers-> M types: Arnd (or Arndt) Juergensen,
the one who was in that same Vancouver, BC, Canada band Dishpig, not
any other Dishpig, and his male lover.
THAT Joanna Hughes -> M type: the father of an about 11-year old Kevin from
up the street where I am living in St. John's. That Kevin is a friend
of my two nieces.
are a rare-5

THAT Kevin's mother
the guy who sometimes makes caveman noises outside the back of the house
uphill and next door to me, where the woman compatible with Bob Dylan lives
are a rare-2

THAT Kevin's father's female lover (other than Kevin's mother)
THAT Kevin's father's younger brother
are a rare-2

>The above 2 girlfriends' husbands are in rare 5 with
>Kim's h., Joanna's g.f., and that g.f.'s husband.

the two husbands of the two female lovers of THAT Kim Strong
THAT Kim Strong's husband
THAT Joanna Hughes' girlfriend (female lover)
THAT female lover's husband
are a rare-5

just after this one, and which might even show up before this one
in your newsreader.


Jun 12, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/12/98

Some very brief corrections:

1. I ( wrote:

> (David Dalton) wrote:

>>Patricia who was in MUN Physics Society 194-1985 and
>>drove a VW bug, who I thought was bi, comp Pete Townsend.
>>both sprir. app.
>The woman named Patricia who was in the Physics Society, a club, at the
>Memorial University of Newfoundland in the academic year 1984 to 1985
>(at least, she may have been there past the spring of 1985 but I don't know)
>and who owned and drove a Volkswagen (VW) car of the type which some call
>a "VW bug" and who is fairly short, is in a rare-2 with Pete Townsend,
>famous rock musician.

I am pretty sure her name is Roxanne, not Patricia. She gave me a ride
home in her VW bug once. So THAT Roxanne and famous rock musician
Pete Townsend are a rare-2 and are both spiritual appointees.

2. Four women friends of someone who e-mailed me are in a possible rare-5 with
Paul "Boomer" Stamp, a St. John's, Newfoundland drummer. All five have
no oral cold sore virus. If one gets oral cold sore virus that one would
no longer be fully compatible with the other four, and the other four would
have to get oral cold sore virus so that each in the five would be
compatible with every other person in the five. For now all five have no
oral cold sore virus and there is STD (which I include oral cold sore
virus and yeast infections in) balance. STD means sexually transmitted

3. The Erwin Hessle I mentioned is female. I will repeat the match
involving her below. She may be a real Erwin Hessle or simply have the
fake Internet name "Erwin Hessle" but in any case is FEMALE even though
I accidentally said "his" instead of "her" after the "->F type:".

Danny (form of the name Daniel) Crawley, not Crowley, who is about 35 years
old and is originally from Chapel's Cove, Conception Bay Central,
Newfoundland, Canada Archbishop of Canterbury-> F type: the punkish Northern
Ireland woman who on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's recent series,
perhaps even the episode hosted by Hannah Gardner, on Nothern Ireland
leading up to the recent big vote on the peace accord for Northern Ireland,
who said something like "I can't believe in God after all the murders". the
female singer who had a hit single with "because the night belongs to love"
where I am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from the song,
but it might be the title as well. I'll call her FS-A for reference below.
the female singer (Bonnie Tyler) who had a hit single with "total eclipse of
the heart" where I am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from
the song, butit may be the title as well. I'll call her FS-B for reference
below. the female singer who had a hit single with "99 Luftballons" where I
am not giving the title of the song but am quoting from the song, but it
may be the title as well. I'll call her FS-C for reference below. are a

THAT Danny Crawley-> F type: the "Erwin Hessle", may actually be an Erwin
Hessle, who posted one or more followup posts in May to the thread started
by me entitled "Healing Circle activated!!!" and hence his post (or each of
his posts) on that thread would have subject "Re: Healing Circle

activated!!!" on talk.religion.newage and other newsgroups. OOPS I
OBVIOUSLY SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN "hence her post" and "each of her posts"
there. That "Erwin Hessle" is female. The Archbishop of Canterbury FS-A ->

M type: the Roman Catholic bishop of Central Newfounland, who was also
responsible for Conception Bay Central Catholics (and I have renounced my
Catholic confirmation out loud to LOVE, see the Recent Changes subsection of for more information on that) in
1979. I mean the Roman Catholic bishop responsible for Catholics in
Conception Bay Central, Newfoundland, in the year 1979. FS-B -> M type: a
man named George, at least on the net, who posted some to alt.religion.druid
in 1997 and who is Irish. FS-C -> M type: the head of The Church of Set are
a rare-5

>A.of C.'s wife T325 comp Joshua B. of alt.magick and soc.religion.paganism.

Again the T325 is incorrect but the match is fine.

The Archbishop of Canterbury's wife and
Joshua B. (I forget his last name, it's like Bracewell or Bardwell) who has
posted to alt.magick and soc.religion.paganism in 1997 at least.
are a rare-2

This is the 69th post by me in this series, one with subject
"Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches" and 68 with subject
"Re: Eyebrows: The Cinderella Matches".

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