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Audie Blazek

Dec 6, 2023, 9:28:42 AM12/6/23
Notes on external images: External images might be under copyright. If you do not get permission to use it, you may be in violation of copyright laws. In addition, you cannot control external images; they can suddenly be removed or changed.

A container image represents binary data that encapsulates an application and all itssoftware dependencies. Container images are executable software bundles that can runstandalone and that make very well defined assumptions about their runtime environment.


Container images are usually given a name such as pause, example/mycontainer, or kube-apiserver.Images can also include a registry hostname; for example: fictional.registry.example/imagename,and possibly a port number as well; for example: fictional.registry.example:10443/imagename.

As well as providing binary images, a container registry can also serve acontainer image index.An image index can point to multiple image manifestsfor architecture-specific versions of a container. The idea is that you can have a name for an image(for example: pause, example/mycontainer, kube-apiserver) and allow different systems tofetch the right binary image for the machine architecture they are using.

Kubernetes itself typically names container images with a suffix -$(ARCH). For backwardcompatibility, please generate the older images with suffixes. The idea is to generate say pauseimage which has the manifest for all the arch(es) and say pause-amd64 which is backwardscompatible for older configurations or YAML files which may have hard coded the images withsuffixes.

The following is a listing of pictures electronically placed on the phonograph records which are carried onboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. The contents of the record were selected for NASA by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University, et. al. Dr. Sagan and his associates assembled 115 images and a variety of natural sounds, such as those made by surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales, and other animals. To this they added musical selections from different cultures and eras, and spoken greetings from Earth-people in fifty-five languages, and printed messages from President Carter and U.N. Secretary General Waldheim. Each record is encased in a protective aluminum jacket, together with a cartridge and a needle. Instructions, in symbolic language, explain the origin of the spacecraft and indicate how the record is to be played. The 115 images are encoded in analog form. The remainder of the record is in audio, designed to be played at 16-2/3 revolutions per minute. It contains the spoken greetings, beginning with Akkadian, which was spoken in Sumer about six thousand years ago, and ending with Wu, a modern Chinese dialect. Following the section on the sounds of Earth, there is an eclectic 90-minute selection of music, including both Eastern and Western classics and a variety of ethnic music. Once the Voyager spacecraft leave the solar system, they will find themselves in empty space. It will be forty thousand years before they make a close approach to any other planetary system.

Credit: National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Cornell University (NAIC)
Please note that these images are copyright protected. Reproduction without permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

The diagram of male and female image is one of the pictures electronically placed on the phonograph records which are carried onboard the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft.Credit: Jon Lomberg
Please note that these images are copyright protected. Reproduction without permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

Images must have text alternatives that describe the information or function represented by them. This ensures that images can be used by people with various disabilities. This tutorial demonstrates how to provide appropriate text alternatives based on the purpose of the image:

Informative images: Images that graphically represent concepts and information, typically pictures, photos, and illustrations. The text alternative should be at least a short description conveying the essential information presented by the image.

Decorative images: Provide a null text alternative (alt="") when the only purpose of an image is to add visual decoration to the page, rather than to convey information that is important to understanding the page.

Functional images: The text alternative of an image used as a link or as a button should describe the functionality of the link or button rather than the visual image. Examples of such images are a printer icon to represent the print function or a button to submit a form.

Images of text: Readable text is sometimes presented within an image. If the image is not a logo, avoid text in images. However, if images of text are used, the text alternative should contain the same words as in the image.

Complex images such as graphs and diagrams: To convey data or detailed information, provide a complete text equivalent of the data or information provided in the image as the text alternative.

The word 'image' is also used in the broader sense of any two-dimensional figure such as a map, graph, pie chart, painting or banner. In this wider sense, images can also be rendered manually, such as by drawing, the art of painting, carving, rendered automatically by printing or computer graphics technology, or developed by a combination of methods.

A mental image exists in an individual's mind, as something one remembers or imagines. The subject of an image need not be real; it may be an abstract concept, such as a graph, function, or imaginary entity. Different scholars of psychoanalysis as well as the social sciences such as Slavoj Žižek and Jan Berger have pointed out the possibility of manipulating mental images for ideological purposes.

Images perpetuated in public education, media, and popular culture have a profound impact on the formation of such mental images:[2][page needed].mw-parser-output .templatequoteoverflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 .templatequote .templatequoteciteline-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0

What makes them so powerful is that they circumvent the faculties of the conscious mind but, instead, directly target the subconscious and affective, thus evading direct inquiry through contemplative reasoning. By doing so such axiomatic images tell us what we shall desire (liberalism, in a snapshot: the crunchy honey-flavored cereals and the freshly-pressed orange juice in the back of a suburban one-family home) and from what we shall obstain (communism, in a snapshot: lifeless crowds of men and machinery marching towards certain perdition accompanied by the tunes of Soviet Russian songs). What makes those images so powerful is that it is only of relative minor relevance for the stabilization of such images whether they actually capture and correspond with the multiple layers of reality, or not.

A two-dimensional (2D) image is a visual representation of something that is represented using only two spatial dimensions. Many 2D images are in the shape of rectangles. A common process by which 2D images have historically been displayed is called rasterization. As of 2021[update], 2D images are the most common types of image.

Three-dimensional (3D) images are less common than two-dimensional images. Three-dimensional images feed into the visual system's perception of depth to more accurately portray visual information. Common physical forms of 3D images include holograms.

The docker images command takes an optional [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] argumentthat restricts the list to images that match the argument. If you specifyREPOSITORYbut no TAG, the docker images command lists all images in thegiven repository.

This will display untagged images that are the leaves of the images tree (notintermediary layers). These images occur when a new build of an image takes therepo:tag away from the image ID, leaving it as : or untagged.A warning will be issued if trying to remove an image when a container is presentlyusing it. By having this flag it allows for batch cleanup.

React Native provides a unified way of managing images and other media assets in your Android and iOS apps. To add a static image to your app, place it somewhere in your source code tree and reference it like this:

Many of the images you will display in your app will not be available at compile time, or you will want to load some dynamically to keep the binary size down. Unlike with static resources, you will need to manually specify the dimensions of your image. It's highly recommended that you use https as well in order to satisfy App Transport Security requirements on iOS.

Sometimes, you might be getting encoded image data from a REST API call. You can use the 'data:' uri scheme to use these images. Same as for network resources, you will need to manually specify the dimensions of your image.
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