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Salmon of Wisdom?

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David Dalton

Nov 18, 2023, 3:51:49 AM11/18/23
November 18, 2023 is Occult Day.

I’m currently reporting on my latest attempt to magickally
instigate a global new age on the thread
"Waxing Salmon (of wisdom?) to D-moon”
on alt.religion.druid.

Bradán faoileán / a D.

-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"and the song of Luthien released the bonds of winter, and the
frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth
where her feet had passed." (Tolkien)

David Dalton

Nov 20, 2023, 10:19:05 PM11/20/23
On Nov 18, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> November 18, 2023 is Occult Day.
> I’m currently reporting on my latest attempt to magickally
> instigate a global new age on the thread
> "Waxing Salmon (of wisdom?) to D-moon”
> on alt.religion.druid.
> Bradán faoileán / a D.

I took a night off, and tonight have started a new attempt
that I am reporting on on the thread “fat-D-moon onset”
on alt.religion.druid .

I have made a start on a Glossary for that and other
recent threads, and have it as a subpage to my
Salmon on the Thorns webpage. Let me know if
there are any terms I have missed or if you want
more detail on any terms.

a D.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)

David Dalton

Nov 21, 2023, 12:25:26 AM11/21/23
On Nov 18, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):

> November 18, 2023 is Occult Day.
> I’m currently reporting on my latest attempt to magickally
> instigate a global new age on the thread
> "Waxing Salmon (of wisdom?) to D-moon”
> on alt.religion.druid.
> Bradán faoileán / a D.

You can look at it as a complicated prayer in which I have
done much of the groundwork over almost 4 times 7
years if you like.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
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