During 2011 Juan R.I Cole, University of Michigan professor of history and former board member of NIAC (a covert IRI lobby group in Washington), was acting in the capacity of an ad hoc media spokesperson for the US State Department then headed by Hilary Clinton. Cole was exposed by John Walsh on Counterpunch during the same year for being a consultant to the CIA
Cole's constant presence in assorted global media outlets in 2011 propagated the spin, false pretext and lie that built consensus for Obama and Hilary Clinton's 2011 NATO intervention into Libya and the false UN security council resolution that facilitated the overthrow of the Libyan state and the murder of its leader, Muammar Qaddhafi, by Islamists armed and coordinated by the governments of the United States and France. Where the destruction of Libya is concerned, I have characterized Juan Cole as being Hilary Clinton's Alfred Rosenberg. As such the blood of the Libyan people and the destruction of their society very much is a responsibility that Juan Cole bears as a two-faced actor of American "liberal" imperial interventionism.
Additionally, his active board membership in NIAC (the National Iranian American Council) until his departure only recently, puts the blood of many Iranians on his hands as well since NIAC, despite its pretensions to the contrary, is an IRI lobby group.
Among other things, Juan Cole needs to face a war crimes tribunal or an ad hoc court prosecuting war criminals because his role in the destruction of Libya as a spinmeister for Hilary Clinton's USSD 100% qualifies him for it.
I also have several personal bones to pick with Cole since he has been connected to Hamid Farnagh, an IRI intelligence officer on a European Union sanctions list, and Cole was the individual who facilitated and was instrumental in the relationship between Farnagh's Baha'i-Pazhuhi and individuals such as Eric Stetson, Dale Husband, Steve Marshall and others who had exclusive editions of that IR Ministry of Intelligence funded rag devoted to them.
Juan Cole epitomizes the corruption and two-faced duplicity of the neoliberal wing of the US Democratic Party. His affiliation with Unitarian Universalism also further spotlights that organization to be nothing more than a trojan horse for the US Democratic Party and the policies of its Clintonite-Bidenist neoliberal imperialist interventionist wing.
While the alternative to the Democrat's fascism-lite is Trumpian fascism, the Democrats are truly the scum of the earth and Cole is a scum's scum amongst them.