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Blame Others, or Take Responsibility?

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Feb 18, 2024, 9:02:25 PM2/18/24
From American Thinker dot com

What happens when generations of children are reared to view others as less than human, unworthy of basic human rights?

It creates a dysfunctional society, which has lost any sense of morality. It’s a society in which rape, torture, kidnapping, and the wanton murder of innocents is met not with moral outrage, but with celebration.

It’s a society incapable of coexisting with others, because its values have diverged from anything considered “civilized.”

When such a society is created, it must either subdue others around it or be subdued itself. There can be no negotiated peace when one side of a conflict refuses to acknowledge the inherent humanity of the other side. There can be only a winner, a loser, or perpetual conflict.

The Palestinians are the sad story of an entire people condemned to lifetimes of violence and misery because they accepted the sentence of “victimhood.”

They have bought in to the notion that their lot in life isn’t driven by their own decisions, but is the result of evil visited on them by others.

In embracing victimhood, the Palestinians have accepted hatred in lieu of empowerment.

They have mentally placed their future in the hands of others and sacrificed the foundation necessary for self-improvement — a commitment to improve their community themselves. The Palestinians have traded self-determination for the false nobility of victimhood.
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