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Don't wait for The Old White Man to understand you. He doesn't even recognise you. You were not made in His image. He does not recognise resistance on your face, even as you look Him, dead, in the eye. Resistance looks different on faces that don't look like Him or speak like Him or die like Him. You dare give your children names He cannot pronounce and teach them that the world is also theirs. It is His world.
The Old White Man, son of Neanderthal and African, extinguished one ancestor and traded in the other. He of the North does not recognise your Southerness or admit its humanness. He deals out democracy, diversity, inclusion, liberté, égalité, fraternité, freely. But only in proportion to the whiteness of your skin, your speech, your soul. He has wars with his fellow White Man and calls them World Wars. It is His world.
The Old White Man wears the magnificent cloak of His Burden to educate, civilise, and eradicate you, showing you His God and driving you faster into his loving arms. You: black, brown, red, yellow, and other colours of his designation, are a nuisance, an inconvenience, and an unnecessary evil. You stand in His way like forest stood in the way of His wood, and earth in the way of His progress. He does not share. It is His forest. It is His earth. It is His world.