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Petzl was right - Trump won in 2020

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Nomen Nescio

Jan 18, 2024, 10:55:27 PMJan 18
A new statistical analysis shows that the 'votes' for Biden
do not follow the distribution of any other winner, hence
they were false, fake, cheated.
Look it up on Youtube!

Rod Speed

Jan 18, 2024, 10:59:55 PMJan 18
Nomen Nescio <> wrote

> A new statistical analysis shows that the 'votes' for Biden
> do not follow the distribution of any other winner,

Hardly surprising given that Trump's only win didnt either.

> hence they were false, fake, cheated.

Wrong, always. m

> Look it up on Youtube!

Just because some fool claims something...


Jan 19, 2024, 4:57:19 PMJan 19
When does 2 + 2 = 10?
The facts and figures have always been there,
The only state Biden MAY of taken/won is New York (state).
The real question is how did this massive fraud come about?
Obviously the Main Stream media world wide is with the communists as a
PYSOP operation, Doctors are not allowed to honestly give advice to
patience, Biden crime cartel protected by their government agencies!
None of this is a coincidence.
Joe Biden used the FBI to raid several
journalists homes to find his daughter's diary
which accuses him daughter's diary which accuses
him of being sexually inappropriate with a minor.
This is the same Joe Biden that just
nominated a pedophile sympathizer
to the Supreme Court.

Rod Speed

Jan 19, 2024, 5:14:30 PMJan 19
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Nomen Nescio <> wrote

>>> A new statistical analysis shows that the 'votes' for Biden
>>> do not follow the distribution of any other winner,

>> Hardly surprising given that Trump's only win didnt either.

>>> hence they were false, fake, cheated.

>> Wrong, always.

>>> Look it up on Youtube!

>> Just because some fool claims something...

> When does 2 + 2 = 10?

No one ever said it did.

> The facts and figures have always been there,

Yep, and have never shown that the election was stolen.

> The only state Biden MAY of taken/won is New York (state).


> The real question is how did this massive fraud come about?

There never was any massive fraud.

<reams of even sillier shit flushed where it belongs>


Jan 19, 2024, 6:44:36 PMJan 19
Not according to my reading of 5 eyes reports (USa have like you both
eyes on this matter, but have increased surveillance on American
voter, if there is a civil war there, it will make WWII look like a
Because of Joe Biden bringing WWIII much, much closer, Australia has
now released a Nuclear Attack survival book!
Get yours Rod it tells one how to put your head between your legs to
kiss your arse goodbye!
The public was encouraged to pick up a copy of the 66-page manual,
complete with helpful maps of states and territories, ring-marked with
likely blast and fallout zones and medical tips on combating radiation
for those not quick enough to flee to a bunker.
Here's a pic of that book cover
Donald Trump has shown the entire nation irrefutably,
explicitly & beyond any shadow of a doubt
that U.S. government & their media propagandists are
corrupt to the core.
Our Legal System is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!)
are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared,
our Borders are OPEN, our Elections are Rigged,
Inflation is RAMPANT, gas prices and food costs
are through the roof, our Military Leadership is Woke,
our Country is going to HELL,
and Michael Sussmann is not guilty. How’s everything else doing?
Enjoy your day!!!
Donald J Trump

Rod Speed

Jan 19, 2024, 9:07:00 PMJan 19
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Petzl <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Nomen Nescio <> wrote

>>>>> A new statistical analysis shows that the 'votes' for Biden
>>>>> do not follow the distribution of any other winner,

>>>> Hardly surprising given that Trump's only win didnt either.

>>>>> hence they were false, fake, cheated.

>>>> Wrong, always.

>>>>> Look it up on Youtube!

>>>> Just because some fool claims something...

>>> When does 2 + 2 = 10?

>> No one ever said it did.

>>> The facts and figures have always been there,

>> Yep, and have never shown that the election was stolen.

>>> The only state Biden MAY of taken/won is New York (state).


>>> The real question is how did this massive fraud come about?

>> There never was any massive fraud.

>> <reams of even sillier shit flushed where it belongs>

> Not according to my reading of 5 eyes reports

Then you need new glasses, BAD.

> (USa have like you both eyes on this matter,


> but have increased surveillance on American voter,


> if there is a civil war there, it will make WWII look like a picnic)

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

No modern first world country that matters
has EVER had more than just one civil war

Its only tin pot steaming turds like Greece and
Thailand that are ever actually that stupid and
none of them are ever actually very significant and
are actually coups, not civil wars and there is no
possibility what so ever of the USA having a coup.

> Because of Joe Biden bringing WWIII much, much closer,

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

> Australia has now released a Nuclear Attack survival book!

We had one more than half a century ago now and just
because some fool has been stupid enough to update it
proved nothing except that there are plenty of fools around.

> Get yours Rod it tells one how to put your headbetween your legs to
Just because some fool journo in the worst shit
rag in the fucking country claims something,..

> The public was encouraged to pick up a copy of the 66-pagemanual,
> complete with helpful maps of states and territories,ring-marked with
> likely blast and fallout zones and medicaltips on combating radiation
> for those not quick enough toflee to a bunker. Here's a pic of that
> book cover
> <>

Completely fucking irrelevant to the bare faced lie that the
previous US presidential election was stolen or was a fraud.


Jan 20, 2024, 10:17:17 PMJan 20
BREAKING: Yesterday in court, Michigan University professor & voting
machine expert J. Alex Halderman hacked into a Dominion voting machine
& changed vote totals while only using a pen IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE
Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue an order halting the use
of these demonic machines. The Georgia legislature should also create
a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots
The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, Brian Kemp, and Brad
Raffensperger ARE OVER. Their gaslighting is falling apart in
Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN
Professor J. Alex Halderman has made a career studying electronic
voting security. His research has changed the concept of stolen
elections from theory to reality.

Rod Speed

Jan 20, 2024, 10:34:33 PMJan 20
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Petzl <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Nomen Nescio <> wrote

>>>>> A new statistical analysis shows that the 'votes' for Biden
>>>>> do not follow the distribution of any other winner,

>>>> Hardly surprising given that Trump's only win didn't either.

>>>>> hence they were false, fake, cheated.

>>>> Wrong, always.

>>>>> Look it up on Youtube!

>>>> Just because some fool claims something...

>>> When does 2 + 2 = 10?

>> No one ever said it did.

>>> The facts and figures have always been there,

>> Yep, and have never shown that the election was stolen.

>>> The only state Biden MAY of taken/won is New York (state).


>>> The real question is how did this massive fraud come about?

>> There never was any massive fraud.

> BREAKING: Yesterday in court, Michigan University professor & voting
> machine expert J. Alex Halderman hacked into a Dominion voting machine
> & changed vote totals while only using a pen IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE

Pity that most dont use Dominion voting machines.

> Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue anorder halting the use
> of these demonic machines.

She doesn't get to do that.

> The Georgia legislature should also create
> a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots

Stupid approach now, dinosaur.

> The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, BrianKemp, and Brad
> Raffensperger ARE OVER.

FANTASY. The days of Trump ARE OVER.

> Their gaslighting is falling apart in real-time

Trump's attempt at insurrection will see he not allowed to run,

> Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN

Nope, dope.

> <>
> Professor J. Alex Halderman has made a career studyingelectronic voting
> security. His research has changed theconcept of stolen elections from
> theory to reality.



Jan 21, 2024, 2:17:14 AMJan 21
On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:34:26 +1100, "Rod Speed"
Download the court pdf of it yourself

Read here
If voting made any difference,
They wouldn't let us do it- Mark Twain

Rod Speed

Jan 21, 2024, 3:33:14 AMJan 21
Never happened.

>>> Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue anorder halting the use
>>> of these demonic machines.

>> She doesn't get to do that.

>>> The Georgia legislature should also create
>>> a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots

>> Stupid approach now, dinosaur.

>>> The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, BrianKemp, and Brad
>>> Raffensperger ARE OVER.

>> FANTASY. The days of Trump ARE OVER.

>>> Their gaslighting is falling apart in real-time

>> Trump's attempt at insurrection will see he not allowed to run,

>>> Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN

>> Nope, dope.

>>> <>
>>> Professor J. Alex Halderman has made a career studyingelectronic
>>> voting
>>> security. His research has changed theconcept of stolen elections from
>>> theory to reality.

>> Fantasy

> Download the court pdf of it yourself
> <>
> or

Doesnt say that.


Jan 21, 2024, 3:57:25 AMJan 21
On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 19:33:06 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:
judges Conclusions

1.2 Main Conclusions
On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
reach the followingconclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
secured against technical compromiseto withstand vote-altering attacks
by bad actors who are likely to attackfuture elections in Georgia.
Adversaries with the necessary sophistication andresources to carry
out attacks like those I have shown to be possible includehostile
foreign governments such as Russia—which has targeted
Georgia’selection system in the past [49]—and domestic political
actors whose closeassociates have recently acquired access to the same
Dominion equipmentthat Georgia uses through audits and litigation in
other jurisdictions.– The ICX BMDs can be compromised to the same
extent and as or moreeasily than the AccuVote TS and TS-X DREs they
replaced.3Both systemshave similar weaknesses, including readily
bypassed user authenticationand software validation, and
susceptibility to malware that spreads from acentral point to machines
throughout a jurisdiction. Yet with the BMD, thesevulnerabilities tend
to be even easier to exploit than on the DRE system,since the ICX uses
more modern and modular technology that is simpler toinvestigate and
modify.– Despite the addition of a paper trail, ICX malware can still
change individualvotes and most election outcomes without detection.
Election results aredetermined from ballot QR codes, which malware can
modify, yet voterscannot check that the QR codes match their intent,
nor does the state comparethem to the human-readable ballot text.
Although outcome-changing fraudconducted in this manner could be
detected by a risk-limiting audit, Georgiarequires a risk-limiting
audit of only one contest every two years, so the vastmajority of
elections and contests have no such assurance. And even the2Over the
past six months, I have repeatedly o?ered (through Curling
Plainti?s’counsel) to meet with Dominion and share my ?ndings, so that
the company could begindeveloping software ?xes where possible, but
they have yet to take me up on this o?er.3I conducted similar analyses
of the TS in 2006 [31] and the TS-X in 2007 [11

>> or
>> Read here
>> <>
>Just because some fool claims something...
Gough Whitlam when Joe Riordan lost the seat of Philip in Sydney’s
eastern suburbs. “Comrade, comrade, how negligent of you. To lose a
seat in which there is not one but three cemeteries is unforgivable.”

I had an uncle that lived in Wellington. He voted Liberal all his
life until he passed away 10 years ago. Now he votes Labor.

Rod Speed

Jan 21, 2024, 1:13:33 PMJan 21
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>>>>> The only state Biden MAY of taken/won is New York (state).

>>>>>> BULLSHIT.

>>>>>>> The real question is how did this massive fraud come about?

>>>>>> There never was any massive fraud.

>>>>> BREAKING: Yesterday in court, Michigan University professor & voting
>>>>> machine expert J. Alex Halderman hacked into a Dominion voting
>>>>> machine
>>>>> & changed vote totals while only using a pen IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE

>> Never happened.

Ignoring that won't make it go away.

>>>>> Judge Amy Totenberg should immediately issue an
>>>>> order halting the use of these demonic machines.

>>>> She doesn't get to do that.

>>>>> The Georgia legislature should also create
>>>>> a law that mandates hand counting of all ballots

>>>> Stupid approach now, dinosaur.

>>>>> The days of Fani Willis, Stacy Abrams, BrianKemp, and Brad
>>>>> Raffensperger ARE OVER.

>>>> FANTASY. The days of Trump ARE OVER.

>>>>> Their gaslighting is falling apart in real-time

>>>> Trump's attempt at insurrection will see him not allowed to run,

>>>>> Trump was right, the 2020 election was STOLEN

>>>> Nope, dope.

>>>>> <>
>>>>> Professor J. Alex Halderman has made a career studying
>>>>> electronic voting security. His research has changed the
>>>>> concept of stolen elections from theory to reality.

>>>> Fantasy

>>> Download the court pdf of it yourself
>>> <>
>>> or

>> Doesnt say that.

> No?

> judges Conclusions

> 1.2 Main Conclusions
> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks
> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.

Nothing like your lies and just because
some fuckwit judge claims something...

<reams of even sillier shit flushed where it belongs>


Jan 21, 2024, 6:06:06 PMJan 21
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 05:13:27 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>>> Doesnt say that.
>> No?
>> judges Conclusions
>> 1.2 Main Conclusions
>> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
>> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
>> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks
>> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.
>Nothing like your lies and just because
>some fuckwit judge claims something...
But you believe the corrupt Obama/Biden appointed judges are above
Make up what's left of your mind!
Score So Far-

-Unemployment Rate
-Wage Growth
-# Blacks Employed
-# Hispanics Employed
-# Women Employed

-Slick Speaking
-School Shootings
-ISIS Wins
-Homegrown Terror Events

Rod Speed

Jan 21, 2024, 7:56:29 PMJan 21
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>> Doesnt say that.

>>> No?

Nope, dope.

>>> judges Conclusions

>>> 1.2 Main Conclusions
>>> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
>>> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
>>> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks
>>> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.

>> Nothing like your lies and just because
>> some fuckwit judge claims something...

> But you believe the corrupt Obama/Biden appointed judges

She isnt, liar.

> are above reproach???

Nope, dope. The US legal system has been broken for centurys.


Jan 21, 2024, 9:09:36 PMJan 21
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:56:22 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>Petzl <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> Doesnt say that.
>>>> No?
>Nope, dope.
>>>> judges Conclusions
>>>> 1.2 Main Conclusions
>>>> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
>>>> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
>>>> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering attacks
>>>> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.
>>> Nothing like your lies and just because
>>> some fuckwit judge claims something...
>> But you believe the corrupt Obama/Biden appointed judges
>She isnt, liar.
Never said she was like you don't know!
>> are above reproach???
>Nope, dope. The US legal system has been broken for centurys.
Yes it's been corrupt since George Washington took office, simply got
Joe Biden supporters
same as Ordogs
Obama is like a guy who couldn't open a jar for 8 years,
and then Trump opens it and Obama says
"I loosened it for you"

Rod Speed

Jan 21, 2024, 9:20:35 PMJan 21
Petzl <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Petzl <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>>>> Doesnt say that.

>>>>> No?

>> Nope, dope.

>>>>> judges Conclusions

>>>>> 1.2 Main Conclusions
>>>>> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
>>>>> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
>>>>> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering
>>>>> attacks
>>>>> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.

>>>> Nothing like your lies and just because
>>>> some fuckwit judge claims something...

>>> But you believe the corrupt Obama/Biden appointed judges

>> She isnt, liar.

> Never said she was like you don't know!

Try that in english. Even google translate doesnt do gobbledegook yet

>>> are above reproach???

>> Nope, dope. The US legal system has been broken for centurys.

> Yes it's been corrupt since George Washingtontook office, simply got
> worse


Jan 22, 2024, 12:39:56 PMJan 22
On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 13:20:28 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>Petzl <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> Petzl <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>> Doesnt say that.
>>>>>> No?
>>> Nope, dope.
>>>>>> judges Conclusions
>>>>>> 1.2 Main Conclusions
>>>>>> On the basis of the technical ?ndings described in this report, I
>>>>>> reach the following conclusions:– The ICX BMDs are not su?ciently
>>>>>> secured against technical compromise to withstand vote-altering
>>>>>> attacks
>>>>>> by bad actors who are likely to attack future elections in Georgia.
>>>>> Nothing like your lies and just because
>>>>> some fuckwit judge claims something...
>>>> But you believe the corrupt Obama/Biden appointed judges
>>> She isnt, liar.
>> Never said she was! Like you I don't know!
>Try that in english. Even google translate doesnt do gobbledegook yet
>>>> are above reproach???
>>> Nope, dope. The US legal system has been broken for centurys.
>> Yes it's been corrupt since George Washingtontook office, simply got
>> worse
>Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.
Only because you read the sanitised version of American history.
Most Americans don't know their nation was settled by the same convict
stock Australia was.

The first slaves imported into the American colonies in 1619 were 100
white children from Ireland
children in 1619. four months before the arrival of a the first
shipment of Black slaves. Many were brought from Ireland. where the
law held that it was no more sin to kill n Irishman than a dog or any
other brute".
King James II, followed by Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, sold over
500,000 Irish Catholics into slavery throughout the 1600's onto
plantations in the West Indies Islands of Antigua, Montserrat.
Jamaica. Barbados. as well as Virginia and New England. Irish slaves
were less expensive than African, and treated with more cruelity &
In the 18th Century. from 1600 until 1699. there were many more Irish
sold as slaves than African's. There are records of Irish slaves, well
Into the 18th Century. Many never made it off the ships. According to
written record, in at least one Incident 132 slaves, men, women. and
children, were dumped Overboard to drown because ships supplies were
running low. They were drowned because the Insurance would pay for an
"accident," but not if the slaves were allowed to starve.

The so called "potato famine" in Ireland was caused by the English who
were overseas landlords of Ireland, the potato shortage just meant all
food was being taken from the Irish to be sold to the English.
The English also sold the Irish as slave labor
Reality many Irish were slaves sent over to US as convicts
Chained up and whipped, forced to work. Often for the crime of simply
being Irish.
That's not "sentence", that's slavery.
15 - The number of FBI agents sent to investigate Bubba Wallace's garage door handle
25 - The number of FBI agents sent to arrest Roger Stone while sleeping in his pajamas
0 - The number of FBI agents sent to see Joe or Hunter Biden after given a laptop showing Quid Pro Quo.

The wheels are coming off.

Trump's inspired massive MAGA tsunami turnout forced them to cheat so big they lost their minds in a fraud frenzy.

Their Unconstitutional legal moves alone are dooming them.

"I caught the swamp. I caught them all" -- DJT

Rod Speed

Jan 22, 2024, 1:14:17 PMJan 22

> Most Americans don't know their nation wassettled by the same convict
> stock Australia was.

Bullshit it was.

> The first slaves imported into the American coloniesin 1619 were 100
> white children from Ireland

Those were not slaves. There progeny were not owned
or bought and sold by the alleged slave owners.

> children in 1619. four months before the arrival of a the first
> shipment of Black slaves. Many were brought from Ireland.where the law
> held that it was no more sin to kill n Irishmanthan a dog or any other
> brute".

More pig ignorant bullshit. And nothing to do with what
is being discussed, dominion voting machines.

> King James II, followed by Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, soldover
> 500,000 Irish Catholics into slavery throughout the 1600'sonto
> plantations in the West Indies Islands of Antigua, Montserrat.
> Jamaica. Barbados. as well as Virginia and New England.

Nothing even remotely like slaves.

> Irish slaves were less expensive than African,and treated with more
> cruelity & death.


> In the 18th Century. from 1600 until 1699. there weremany more Irish
> sold as slaves than African's.

Nothing even remotely like slaves.

> There are records of Irish slaves, well Into the 18th Century.

Nothing even remotely like slaves.

> Many never made it off the ships.

Many of the sailors didnt either. In spades with the marines.

> According to
> written record, in at least one Incident 132 slaves, men, women. and
> children, were dumped Overboard to drown because ships supplies were
> running low. They were drowned because the Insurance would pay for an
> "accident," but not if the slaves were allowed to starve.

Those were not slaves.

> The so called "potato famine" in Ireland was caused by the English who
> were overseas landlords of Ireland,

It was actually caused by the stupid irish planting just one
potato variety and seeing the potato blight wipe that out.

> the potato shortage just meant all
> food was being taken from the Irish to be sold to the English.

More mindless pig ignorant bullshit with potatoes.

> The English also sold the Irish as slave labor

You wouldn't know what a slave was if it bit you on your lard arse.

> Reality many Irish were slaves sent over to US as convicts

Convicts aren't slaves.

> Chained up and whipped, forced to work.Often for the crime of simply
> being Irish.


> That's not "sentence", that's slavery.

Nothing even remotely like slavery.
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