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Tibet self-immolations concurrent with China’s repression and failed dialogues, says US report

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Peter Terpstra

Oct 12, 2012, 5:29:31 PM10/12/12
Tibet self-immolations concurrent with China’s repression and failed dialogues, says US report
Phayul [Friday, October 12, 2012 12:54]
DHARAMSHALA, October 12: A new report by the United States Congress has stated that the increasing use of
repressive measures by the Chinese government and the failure of the stalled Sino-Tibet dialogue process have been
concurrent with the demands of the growing number of Tibetan self-immolations.

The bipartisan Congressional-Executive Commission on China in its 2012 Annual Report on developments in human rights
and rule of law in China, released Wednesday said that during the reporting year, the incidence of Tibetans resorting to
self-immolation “accelerated sharply” with the Chinese government refusing to accept its policy failure in Tibet.

“The Party and government have not indicated any willingness to consider Tibetan grievances in a constructive manner
and to hold themselves accountable for Tibetan rejection of Chinese policies, and handled the crisis as a threat to state
security and social stability instead of as a policy failure,” the report said.

The report noted that the status of religious freedom in Tibet “declined steeply” this past year with the Chinese
government initiating “unprecedented measures” to strengthen Party control.

“Commission analysis demonstrated an apparent correlation between monastic self-immolation and increasing Chinese
Communist Party and government repression of freedom of religion in Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and nunneries,”
CECC said.

“The Chinese Communist Party and government initiated two unprecedented measures to further strengthen control
over the Tibetan Buddhist religion and monastic institutions and transform them into entities prioritising loyalty to the
Party and patriotism toward China, while seeking to bring to an end to the Dalai Lama’s influence on Tibetans.”

The report said the first development was the October 20, 2011, opening of the Tibetan Buddhism Theological Institute
aimed at “establishing a normal order for Tibetan Buddhism, and to resist the Dalai clique’s religious infiltration” and
the second unprecedented measure, initiated in November 2011 and completed in February 2012, was the
establishment of a Monastery Management Committee headed by Party cadres and government officials in all 1,787
monasteries in the so-called Tibetan Autonomous Region.

“MMCs, in terms of status and function, are more intrusive and repressive than Masses Supervision and Appraisal
Committees established in Qinghai province by prefectural-level Tibetan Buddhist affairs regulations,” the report noted.
“MSACs are not headed entirely by Party and government officials, members do not directly manage monastic affairs,
and they do not all reside within a monastic institution.”

The CECC said the formal dialogue process between the Dalai Lama’s representatives and Chinese Communist Party and
government officials continued to remain stalled since the January 2010 ninth round, making it the longest interval
since the contacts resumed in 2002.

“Zhu Weiqun, Executive Deputy Head of the Party’s United Front Work Department, Director of the Party’s General
Office of the Central Coordinating Group for Tibet Affairs, and principal interlocutor for the Dalai Lama’s envoys,
reiterated Party positions seeking to prevent Tibetans from securing protection for their culture, language, religion,
and environment, and instead pressure the Dalai Lama to support Party positions on Tibetan history and China’s
relationship with Taiwan,” the report said.

Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), Chairman of the Commission, and Senator Sherrod Brown (OH), Cochairman of the
Commission in a statement at the release of the report said that one of this year's major findings was the “visible
frustration and well-founded impatience” the Chinese people are expressing about their own lack of basic human

"Across the 19 issues of our report, we observed Chinese citizens at all levels stepping up often at great risk, to
demand human rights, rule of law, fair labor practices, and accountability from their leaders," the said.

The report recommends that the U.S. Congress and President urge China to immediately ratify the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, strengthen the rule of law, enhance transparency, and engage in dialogue with
ethnic minorities without preconditions.

A beautiful song from Tibet
I miss Dalai Lama


Oct 12, 2012, 7:10:44 PM10/12/12
"I would clap hands at seeing another monk barbecue show, for one can
not be responsible for the madness of others."
A quote from Madame Nhu.

Oct 13, 2012, 12:17:08 AM10/13/12
One cannot be responsible for it, no. But it is another thing
altogether to take pleasure from it.

Peter Terpstra

Oct 13, 2012, 5:18:48 AM10/13/12
“If we speak the truth, they will beat us to death”
Phayul [Tuesday, October 09, 2012 23:30]

DHARAMSHALA, October 9: In one of the rare voices from behind the veil of China’s military lockdown in Tibet, a
Tibetan woman has told an undercover international news reporter that Tibetans have no rights and are beaten to
death for speaking the truth.

The woman, who’s identity is not revealed, is from a region near Ngaba in eastern Tibet, the epicenter of the ongoing
wave of self-immolation protests in Tibet.

“We don't have any rights, even the right of speech. They tell us exactly what we have to say. If we speak the truth,
they will arrest us and beat us to death,” the woman tells Australia Broadcasting Corporation’s China correspondent
Stephen McDonell.

When asked about the self-immolations, she says that she has heard of it.

“They forced those people to die. There is something wrong with the Communist Party and this country,” she tells
Stephen in Mandarin. “All countries in the world should pray together for the downfall of the Communist Party so it's
not here anymore. They are extremely bad.”

Although Tibet remains, for the most part, a no-go zone for foreign journalists, the team from ABC found a way to
sneak into eastern Tibetan areas. In earlier instances, journalists attempting to enter Tibet have been warned,
detained in some cases, and forced back.

Throughout the 10-minute video report broadcast today, Stephen’s team is followed, warned, and eventually thrown
out of the region.

“Every Tibetan town we visit is crawling with police,” Stephen says in his narration. “We're inevitably seen, and from
this point each time we walk out the door people are waiting for us. The same cars appear behind us again and again,
and spotters start popping up all over the place.”

At one point in the report, a Chinese government vehicle pulls the ABC team on a mountain road and tells the team
members, out of “concern,” that Tibetan dogs could pose a threat to them.

Recently, the Chinese government had refused to allow an investigative team of Australian officials from entering Tibet
to find the causes behind the wave of self-immolations, which has seen 54 Tibetans set themselves on fire demanding
freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Tibet’s elected leader Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay has maintained that the blame and solution for the self-immolations
lie with the Chinese government.

“We have discouraged drastic actions, including self-immolations, but unfortunately Tibetans seem to be saying this is
the only form of protest left, because any other form of protest the consequences is similar - you get arrested,
tortured and often die,” Dr Sangay said.

The ABC team, after a successful detour, is again traced by “angry” Chinese government officials. When Stephen asks
them why they are being sent back and what is the problem, the Chinese officials simply reply: “Because you're a
journalist. Because this is a Tibetan area.”

“We're escorted out of town until they make sure we're leaving the area well and truly. Behind us is fear, resentment
and tragedy, along with government policies showing no sign of winning over Tibetans,” Stephen sums up his short visit
to Tibet.


Oct 13, 2012, 11:33:04 AM10/13/12

The Progressive Voice

Oct 16, 2012, 12:38:17 PM10/16/12
Hello Rusty,
Did you kick out wusong, the quivering ass toy from his box, in the
basement of your house?
Why do you not respect self sacrifice? Do you worship your own ego and
the baseless libido nurtered and sustained by the disposable culture
of global monopoly capitalism? Why are there no brave CCP cadres
willing to self immolate themselves for the Maoist stooge Bo Xilai? At
least those Tibetan monks had the courage to sacrifice their pleasures
and lives to Buddha and for a Future Free Tibet. If communist rule is
working so great in Tibet than why are there more growing protest
demonstrations against chinese communist rule.


Oct 16, 2012, 1:29:51 PM10/16/12
On Oct 16, 9:38 am, The Progressive Voice <>
> On Oct 13, 8:33 am, rst0 <> wrote:
> > "I would clap hands at seeing another monk barbecue show,
> > for one can not be responsible for the madness of others."
> > A quote from Madame Nhu.
> Hello Rusty,

Hello, there. Who are you?

> Did you kick out wusong,

Now, why would I kick out wusong? He's my friend.

> the quivering ass toy from his box,  in the
> basement of your house?

Sorry man. California houses have no basement.

> Why do you not respect self sacrifice?

Self sacrifice in what way?

Self-immolation is useless and meaningless, especially in Asian
society. Nobody gives a shit when someone dies, especially a monk.

If you really wanted to make an impact in the world with your body,
do it like the Muslims. Strap a powerful bomb on your body and
explode it around a group of your enemies.

> Do you worship your own ego

I have no ego, only a lot of time to think, to analyze, and to

> and
> the baseless libido nurtered and sustained by the disposable
> culture of global monopoly capitalism?

A retiree with "global monopoly capitalism"? You are out of your

> Why are there no brave CCP cadres
> willing to self immolate themselves for the Maoist stooge Bo Xilai?

Only fools self-immolate. The CCP has better things to do, I think.

> At
> least those Tibetan monks had the courage to sacrifice their
> pleasures

Buddhist monks are beggars in the first place. There is no pleasure
in the life of a monk, only hunger and starvation and death.

> and lives to Buddha and for a Future Free Tibet.

Today, Tibet is free of the tyranny of the Lamas, especially the
tyranny of the Dalai Lama. Six million Tibetans can't be wrong. Only
about 200,000 are followers of the Dalai Lama.

> If communist rule is
> working so great in Tibet than why are there more growing protest
> demonstrations against chinese communist rule.

Six million Tibetans are living happily in Tibet, and there are 80,000
tourists visited Tibet daily. Authoritarian monks are forcing young
monks to self-immolate and create chaos for the people of Tibet and
you people are cheering them on. You guys should be ashamed of

> thomaswheat1975

Well, Thomas Wheat again. Where have you been hiding?

The Progressive Voice

Oct 17, 2012, 9:03:38 PM10/17/12
Oh Rusty, the emissary of Real Politic cynicism,
The colonization of Tibet by the Han has made the Tibetans a minority in their own home land. All of the best jobs are reserved for Han and now all business and government transactions throughout most of the country have to be in Chinese, depriving the Tibetan the ability to speak the language he is familiar with and access to all the CCP services reserved for Han settlers, illegally squatting on occupied land in violation of two UN general assembly resolutions.
Everybody knows Tibet was a Declared Neutral Power during World War 2. Both the Allies and Axis powers were not permitted to cross into Tibetan air space. The only reason why we did nothing for the Tibetan resistance was because we didn't have the resolve to take on more possible Chinese Human wave attacks in a land war in Asia again after the stale mate in Korea. Tibet under Nixon was served up on the altar of Communist sellout to Monopoly Capitalism, aka Kissinger and Mao'sie Dung, Nixonian Detente strategy, at a Champagne Toast were Zhou Enlai later died of rectal cancer because Mao blocked his access to treatment in a vain attempt to play doctor himself. Mao believed that since Tigers never brush their teeth and have them for a long time, that he didn't need to brush his teeth either. During the Cultural Revolution he contracted Herpes, around the time wusong's mother became infected in her anus and spreaded it profusely among the Red Guards and any little act of Pederasty that the state condoned and abated every pleasure Mao desired. Mao was a rotten piece of trash. Deng was his Capitalist "Butt Hole Surfer" red herring who effortlessly seized power as Mao's annointed successor, their plan all along was to seize power and recreate the sweatshop serf economy of Engels.

The Progressive Voice

Mar 6, 2021, 12:17:21 PM3/6/21

The OSS and the Dalai Lama
February 8, 2011 By Hilary Parkinson, Posted In - Exploration, - Spies And Espionage, - World War II, Rare Videos
Today’s post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty.

OSS spies Brooke Dolan and Ilia Tolstoy traveling to Lhasa (still from "Inside Tibet", Records of the Office of Strategic Services)
OSS spies Brooke Dolan and Ilia Tolstoy traveling to Lhasa (still from “Inside Tibet,” Records of the Office of Strategic Services)
In the summer of 1942, the Allies’ war against Japan was in dire straits. China was constantly battling the occupying Japanese forces in its homeland, supplied by India via the Burma Road. Then Japan severed that supply artery. Planes were flown over the Himalayan mountains, but their payloads were too little, and too many pilots crashed in the desolate landscape to continue the flights.

The Allies were desperate to find a land route that would reconnect China and India. The task fell to two OSS men—Ilia Tolstoy, the grandson of Leo Tolstoy, and explorer Capt. Brooke Dolan. To complete the land route would require traversing Tibet, and to traverse the hidden country required the permission of a seven-year-old boy, the Dalai Lama.

When the two men arrived in Lhasa, the remote capital of Tibet, these spies were received as ambassadors. A military brass band played, and they were treated as guests of honor in a city that only a few decades earlier had forbidden Westerners to enter.

They came carrying a message from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On December 20, at 9:20 in the morning, they were granted an audience with His Holiness. As a further sign of his respect for these two emissaries, the men were allowed to ride horses up the Potala to the quarters of the Dalai Lama. After a brief wait, they entered the highest room in Lhasa. Lt. Col. Ilia Tolstoy wrote of his first glimpse of Tibet’s leader in a 1946 National Geographic:

His Holiness was seated cross-legged, a high-peaked yellow hat on his head. We were immediately impressed by his young but stern face and not at all frail constitution. His cheeks were a healthy pink.

Tolstoy proceeded through the tradition of offering gifts to the Dalai Lama—bread and butter followed by an image of Buddha, a religious book, and a chorten (a Buddhist reliquary). Then, for the first time in history, he made direct contact between the Dalai Lama and the President of the United States by passing a letter written by FDR to the young leader.

After half an hour of discussion, the men left. A week later, they received the permission they were seeking to cross Tibet. It was the first such permission granted in 22 years, according to Tolstoy.

Five months later, they crossed the Tibetan plateau, and the two men arrived in northern China, completing their journey. They had traveled over a thousand miles and spent over a hundred days in the saddle to pioneer a route to connect allied supplies with allied fighters across some of the world’s harshest terrain. Their mission was complete.

While the route was never employed during the war—a diplomatic crisis prevented its use, and planes continued to fly “the hump” across the Himalayan mountains—Tolstoy and Brooke made history, bridging two cultures that before had never formally met. Brooke Dolan filmed the entire journey, and the reels are now housed in the motion picture holdings of the National Archives. The video is below.

For more on spies and the National Archives, join us at 7 p.m. tonight at the International Spy Museum for “Spies and Conspiracies: Espionage in the Civil War.” For more footage from the OSS, CIA, and FBI, you can pick up our latest offering from the National Archives eStore: FBI/CIA Films Declassified.

Tagged American History, Brooke Dolan, CIA History, Dalai Lama, Ilia Tolstoy, Ilya Tolstoy, National Archives And Records Administration, National Archives Blog, Office Of Strategic Services, OSS, Prologue Blog, Spy History, Tibet, World War 2, Ww2
Little house in the big archives
Cloudy with a chance of records
George DeGroot
february 8, 2011 at 4:24 pm
Found this to be a very interesting piece of history! Why is not some of this type of information and resource not being used in our educational institutions? Perhaps we have fewer drop-outs and have a more informed populace!

George DeGroot
Austin, Tx

Travis Barr
february 19, 2011 at 10:45 am
This is amazing footage – thank you thank you thank you to all those who had a hand in preserving and carrying into the digital medium.

Please remember to not “overlink” the net – as this increases the risk that archival footage like this may get lost or ghost-archived. Save a full copy in the most basic format possible, and embed the file, not the link in your page and help preserve our history and humanity!

Thanks again for the amazing footage.

My opinion: its amazing to me that the narrator is unimpressed, seemingly, by the dress and dance style of some of his gracious hosts – if I did not know this was 1942 footage I would have thought I was watching professional break-dancers wearing the costume or fashion from the likes of Gaultier. The pole dancer is especially titillating 😉


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