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Tsangyang Gyatso popthrough applied

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David Dalton

Dec 11, 2023, 12:04:53 AM12/11/23
The Tsangyang Gyatso popthrough, which I have discussed on
here before, has recently been applied.

There were 36 (30 human and 6 cetacean) original workings of
the last 682 years that were still on to some extent. His
original region was the largest of the 30 and fourth largest
of the 36, in surface area.

Who is covered by his popthrough, and at what strength?

1. those covered by belief, at full strength,
2. those now in the original region, at 1/5 strength
3. those descended from at least one who was in the original
region when the original working came on, at 1/5 strength
4. those still around who were originally covered (this
could include afterlife someones or demons), at full strength.

Obviously if someone is in both 2 and/or 3 and 1 and/or 4
they would be covered at full strength,

What should the effects be? There may be a binding of
criminals but perhaps that won’t take effect until later.
But there should be in-person positive charisma modulation
of very good individuals. Later on this will be extended
to static pictures. For now, an honourary Maori popthrough
does cover static pictures, audio and video, as well
as in-person. And a bowhead whale popthrough covers
in-person, audio, and video. Within the next few hours
as well popthrough 37, the largest original region of the
867 popthroughs of the last 10,000 years, done by
a humpback whale figure of about 4000 years ago,
will come on and will include in-person negative
charisma modulation of very bad individuals. Later
I will extend that to include static pictures, audio, and video.

For my recent and ongoing progress see alt.religion.druid .

For background, including a Glossary, see my Salmon on the Thorns
web page, where I also added a little graphics not long ago.

Feel free to relay this to others, including ordained individuals,
especially if you notice effects. (But note that the charisma
modulation is not perceivable to the one who is modulated;
also I liken it to the transfiguration of Jesus and the
“radiant brow” of Taliesin.)

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And if I shed a tear I won’t cage it; I won't fear love;
And if I feel a rage I won’t deny it; I won't fear love" (Sarah McLachlan)

David Dalton

Dec 11, 2023, 9:21:50 PM12/11/23
On Dec 11, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):
It didn’t work yet, and I am planning to begin a new attempt
shortly after the exact time of new (dark) moon tomorrow
evening, then leading up to early waxing crescent, an
auspicious time for new beginnings. But for tonight I am
working on getting seven mystic blocks lifted.

David Dalton

Dec 21, 2023, 4:19:34 AM12/21/23
On Dec 11, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):
It should have worked now, and covered 3.2 billion.
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