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The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Government in U.S. History

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Rick Saunders

Aug 28, 2010, 10:20:02 AM8/28/10
Mort Zuckerman, who once supported The One, is not
happy that he has screwed the country along with the

There are two warning signs of a budget crisis: rising debt and
the loss of confidence that the government will deal with it.
This administration is on the verge of fulfilling both
conditions. In fairness, there is no majority coalition in
Congress for deficit reduction today. It is also true that the
growth of public debt has been driven by a dramatic diminution
of tax receipts due to the recession, the extra spending to
avoid sinking into a self-perpetuating depression, and all those
billions we invested to save the financial sectors from their
sins. Voters see the politicians most vociferous about reining
in the federal budget as those who are out of power and want to
use it against the majority party. Too many politicians claim
they are all for balanced budgets—but only by reducing the other
party’s priorities. Republicans want to reduce social spending.
Democrats want to reduce military spending. It is Washington as

Amid the clamor and counterpromises, the historic record is
worth keeping in mind. We paid for World War II through growth.
The national debt, as a percentage of gross domestic product,
fell sharply through the postwar presidencies of Truman,
Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson (despite the Vietnam War) and
continued edging down through most of Nixon’s, rising a little
with Ford’s. We marked time in the stagflation of the Carter
years, and then the debt percentage increased dramatically
during the Reagan-Bush presidencies. It shot up again to the
present dangerous levels under George W. Bush and Obama. The
only good years were Clinton’s.
Of course, "the good years" of the Clinton administration came
only after Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 and
reduced spending -- which delivered a budget surplus.

And they took Congress after Clinton's attempt to restructure
the health-care sector really pissed off Americans. Sound familiar?

Lamont Cranston

Aug 28, 2010, 4:29:35 PM8/28/10
On 8/28/2010 7:20 AM, Rick Saunders wrote:

...was the administration of George W. Bush. It took a quarter of a
trillion dollar budget surplus and turned into a $1.2 trillion deficit
via tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and two needless wars.

Walter Harding

Aug 28, 2010, 10:33:20 PM8/28/10
On Aug 28, 1:29 pm, Lamont Cranston <>

Getting VERY tired of you shitheads blaming everything on Bush. You
guys have controlled the House for four years. The White House for
two. You've gotten everything you want, and the country's gone to

Business as usual going being boarded up. The race card has been
maxed out.


Aug 28, 2010, 10:40:02 PM8/28/10

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You gave Reagan 7 years time to fix his
mess, so you gotta give Obama 7 years to fix Bush's mess. Fair

Oh, but I forgot. Right wingnuts don't believe in fair play. It's
only about "me, me, me" with them. And if they don' get it their way,
then it becomes "wah, wah, wah" with them.

Cry baby Harding self-barricaded in housing project unit to keep away
from the ugly foreigners and strange-colored sort in his building.
Wah, wah, wah.

Walter Harding

Aug 28, 2010, 10:45:46 PM8/28/10
On Aug 28, 7:40 pm, wy <> wrote:
> On Aug 28, 10:33 pm, Walter Harding <> wrote:
> > On Aug 28, 1:29 pm, Lamont Cranston <>
> > wrote:
> > > On 8/28/2010 7:20 AM, Rick Saunders wrote:
> > > ...was the administration of George W. Bush.  It took a quarter of a
> > > trillion dollar budget surplus and turned into a $1.2 trillion deficit
> > > via tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and two needless wars.
> > Getting VERY tired of you shitheads blaming everything on Bush.  You
> > guys have controlled the House for four years.  The White House for
> > two.  You've gotten everything you want, and the country's gone to
> > Hell.
> > Business as usual going being boarded up.  The race card has been
> > maxed out.
> Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  You gave Reagan 7 years time to fix his
> mess, so you gotta give Obama 7 years to fix Bush's mess.  Fair
> play.

Things were on the mend with Reagan after two years.


Aug 28, 2010, 11:00:21 PM8/28/10

Nothing was on the mend. Unemployment was still over 7% straight
till 1986. Then he went and borrowed $2 trillion to add to the debt
so as to needlessly pump up the military and cover the tax cuts for
the rich. But that didn't work out too well because the government
was still not getting enough money, so then he had to raise taxes on
businesses and the rich before he left office. He never delivered a
surplus budget in any year of his term in office. Whatever was "on
the mend" was all an illusion sold to you as a reality you never even
experienced and you so easily bought into it all hook, line and sinker
because you're just the perfect fool for right wingnuts. Like blood-
sucking vampires, they thrive on your ilk.

Walter Harding

Aug 29, 2010, 12:32:05 AM8/29/10
On Aug 28, 8:00 pm, wy <> wrote:
> On Aug 28, 10:45 pm, Walter Harding <> wrote:
> > On Aug 28, 7:40 pm, wy <> wrote:
> > > On Aug 28, 10:33 pm, Walter Harding <> wrote:
> > > > On Aug 28, 1:29 pm, Lamont Cranston <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On 8/28/2010 7:20 AM, Rick Saunders wrote:
> > > > > ...was the administration of George W. Bush.  It took a quarter of a
> > > > > trillion dollar budget surplus and turned into a $1.2 trillion deficit
> > > > > via tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and two needless wars.
> > > > Getting VERY tired of you shitheads blaming everything on Bush.  You
> > > > guys have controlled the House for four years.  The White House for
> > > > two.  You've gotten everything you want, and the country's gone to
> > > > Hell.
> > > > Business as usual going being boarded up.  The race card has been
> > > > maxed out.
> > > Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  You gave Reagan 7 years time to fix his
> > > mess, so you gotta give Obama 7 years to fix Bush's mess.  Fair
> > > play.
> > Things were on the mend with Reagan after two years.
> Nothing was on the mend.   Unemployment was still over 7% straight
> till 1986.  

Down from 11%. Obama's administration is now saying that the mid 9%
is the "new normal."

>Then he went and borrowed $2 trillion to add to the debt

Over an eight year period - Obama does the same in little over a
year. Reagan could point to a recovered economy and winning the cold
war. Obama has sung "Hey, Jude" with Paul McCartney was is major

Also, Reagan could point to an out of control. spending like a drunk
sailor, Democrat Congress - an option sadly denied Obama. I mean,
seriously - Democrats are hystrical because a Republican minority
aren't following Obama in lockstep. Reagan had to deal with Tip

Above all, Americans never doubted that Reagan's patriotism, or his
honor. Obama and his followers don't even bother to hide their
contempt for the American people.

Reagan was a thoughtful, well read man, not the arrogant fool who's
currently in the White House. The modern Democrat substitutes
belligerence for thought, insist on a self-destructive purity, lash
out at the American public, and question the wisdom and viability of
the country’s institutions.

In the past 20 months, Democrats have had the power to do almost
everything they want, except command the allegiance of the public.
That has made them and their allies feel embattled, isolated, and
perpetually aggrieved. They act like a forlorn minority at the same
time they control every lever of elective power in Washington.

Lefties have a deepening alienation from our nation and turning on the
American people with a vengeance. They thought they had a mandate from
heaven in 2008, and can’t bear the thought that they deluded
themselves. They’ve gone from triumphalism to a petulant and
uncomprehending tantrum in less than two years.


Aug 29, 2010, 1:35:34 AM8/29/10

We'll see in December. His 19 months of 9%+ unemployment will come to
an end then and if he manages to get it under the line, as Reagan did
after 19 months, maybe it won't be the new norm.

> >Then he went and borrowed $2 trillion to add to the debt
> Over an eight year period - Obama does the same in little over a
> year.

What difference does that make? It's still $2 trillion that you're
likely still paying off on just the interest alone.

 Reagan could point to a recovered economy and winning the cold
> war.  Obama has sung "Hey, Jude" with Paul McCartney was is major
> victory.

The so-called recovered economy didn't materialize until Reagan's last
year in office, and not even fully by then, and winning the Cold War
happened when Bush was in power - you know, when the Berlin Wall came
down in November 1989, 10 months after Reagan left office, and the
USSR came undone in 1991, 2 years after he left office? So he had two
whole terms of 8 years to work his supposed magic. Obama's been in
office only 1 year and 7 months. You gotta give him 6 years and 5
months more if it's going to be fair between the two of them. Yeah, I
know, that's going to feel like an eternity to you. Suffer.

> Also, Reagan could point to an out of control. spending like a drunk
> sailor, Democrat Congress - an option sadly denied Obama.   I mean,
> seriously - Democrats are hystrical because a Republican minority
> aren't following Obama in lockstep.  Reagan had to deal with Tip
> O'Neil.

Meanwhile, Reagan restructured Social Security so he could raid it of
a trillion dollars. There are no saints among them all.

> Above all, Americans never doubted that Reagan's patriotism, or his
> honor.  

They got confused by all those patriotic movies he did. He was
backing the likes of Saddam Hussein by selling him chemical WMDs in
their war with the Iranians while selling weapons to the Iranians in
their war with Iraq and funding and arming the Mujahadeen in
Afghanistan in their war with the Russkies while he was trying to get
Gorbachev to be his Russkie best buddy. The guy was just all over the
geopolitical terrorist map under the pretense of being a "patriot."
The rise of bin Laden to prominence can even be attributed to Reagan:

Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion. Just like
the movies he made.

Walter Harding

Aug 29, 2010, 2:07:33 AM8/29/10

Yeah, the American people are stupid. Fuck you, and fuck Slade.

> Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion.  Just like
> the movies he made.

Ronald Reagan served his country as a Captain in the US Army. Obama
spent you youth being constantly drunk, high, and doing as much blow
as he could afford. He hung around with Marxists, and was a black
supremist. The source for these claims are his autobiographies.

He got his political start from an unrepentant terrorist, and his
"spirtial leader" is a fascist, American hating racist. He allowed
one half brother to live in an African slum on three cents a day. His
brother "Samson" (I guess the name "Spider-Man" was taken) Obama
couldn't attend Barry's coronation because of an London arrest after
he sexually assaulted a 14 year girl.

Reagan ended the Cold War. He fixed the US economy. He made America
proud again.

And you have the gall to question his patriotism? Fuck you. Go back
and daydream about Obama beating people up. It's all you're good

And, yes, you were a huge disappointment to your parents.

And you got the gall to question the patriotism of Ronald Reagan?
Fuck you..

Message has been deleted

Walter Harding

Aug 29, 2010, 2:38:02 AM8/29/10

> > Above all, Americans never doubted that Reagan's patriotism, or his

> It's settled. You're inane.

I'm talking about Americans. Not America haters. Big difference.


Aug 29, 2010, 3:37:00 AM8/29/10

Hey, you said it, not me.

> Fuck you, and fuck Slade.

Who's Slade?

> > Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion.  Just like
> > the movies he made.
> Ronald Reagan served his country as a Captain in the US Army.

Yeah, sounds impressive. Let's look at his real military record, why
don't we?

"Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to
eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only,
which excluded him from serving overseas. His first assignment was at
the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as
liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office. Upon the
request of the Army Air Forces (AAF), he applied for a transfer from
the Cavalry to the AAF on 15 May 1942; the transfer was approved on 9
June 1942. He was assigned to AAF Public Relations and subsequently to
the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California. Reagan was
promoted to First Lieutenant on 14 January 1943 and was sent to the
Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is The Army at Burbank,
California. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture
Unit, and on 22 July 1943 was promoted to Captain.

In January 1944, Captain Reagan was ordered to temporary duty in New
York City to participate in the opening of the sixth War Loan Drive.
He was assigned to the 18th AAF Base Unit, Culver City, California on
14 November 1944, where he remained until the end of the war. He was
recommended for promotion to Major on 2 February 1945, but this
recommendation was disapproved on July 17 of that year. On 8 September
1945, he was ordered to report to Fort MacArthur, California, where he
was separated from active duty on 9 December 1945.

While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th
Army Air Forces Base Unit, Captain Reagan served as Personnel Officer,
Post Adjutant, and Executive Officer. By the end of the war, his units
had produced some 400 training films for the Army Air Forces."

Wow. That really is impressive. He sat out the whole war due to
"eyesight difficulties". Funny. I never seen him wear any glasses,
ever, even into his 80s and 90s. And what does he do the whole time
while not being on the frontlines getting disabled or dying with his
buddies while acquiring one easy promotion after another until he
becomes Captain? PR work, a stint with the "Task Force Show
Unit" (yep, that sounds very S.W.A.T.-like for sure), and churned out
400 training films. Mm-hmm, if anything qualified him to be a
Commander-in-Chief, that certainly was it.

> Obama
> spent you youth being constantly drunk, high, and doing as much blow
> as he could afford. He hung around with Marxists, and was a black
> supremist.  The source for these claims are his autobiographies.

Beats being barricaded in a housing project all your life.

> He got his political start from an unrepentant terrorist, and his
> "spirtial leader" is a fascist, American hating racist.  He allowed
> one half brother to live in an African slum on three cents a day.  His
> brother "Samson" (I guess the name "Spider-Man" was taken) Obama
> couldn't attend Barry's coronation because of an London arrest after
> he sexually assaulted a 14 year girl.

Wow, and to think Obama still made it as president and you didn't.
How do you explain that?

> Reagan ended the Cold War.  He fixed the US economy.  He made America
> proud again.

The Cold War ended 10 months after he left office and the USSR
collapsed 2 years after he left office. Clinton fixed the economy
because all the pretty charts prove it. And the last time America was
proud of anything was during the Kennedy years a half-a-century ago.

> And you have the gall to question his patriotism?  Fuck you.  Go back
> and daydream about Obama beating people up.  It's all you're good
> for.

I could swear I can hear you crying now. Reagan made training films,
he fought no one, especially when he spent most of his time in
California during the war. A real patriot actually would've gone to
Europe or the Pacific with his buddies, despite his "eyesight
difficulties" (yet he could still make 400 training films), and laid
his life on the line, not make stupid little training films.

> And, yes, you were a huge disappointment to your parents.

Projecting inward again, I see.

> And you got the gall to question the patriotism of Ronald Reagan?
> Fuck you..

You already said that. And in case you missed it, Reagan made
training films, he fought no one, especially when he spent most of his
time in California during the war. A real patriot actually would've
gone to Europe or the Pacific with his buddies, despite his "eyesight
difficulties" (yet he could still make 400 training films), and laid
his life on the line, not make stupid little training films.

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 29, 2010, 5:14:28 AM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 12:37 am, wy <> wrote:
> Wow.  That really is impressive.  He sat out the whole war due to
> "eyesight difficulties".  Funny.  I never seen him wear any glasses,
> ever, even into his 80s and 90s.  

You'd be wrong. His poor eyesight is well documented and much remarked
upon by those close to him. See Lou Cannon's bio, for example, along
with every other comprehensive bio. His poor eyesight dated to his

Walter Harding

Aug 29, 2010, 6:20:21 AM8/29/10

> > > Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion.  Just like
> > > the movies he made.
> > Ronald Reagan served his country as a Captain in the US Army.
> Yeah, sounds impressive.  Let's look at his real military record, why
> don't we?
> "Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to
> eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only,
> which excluded him from serving overseas.
So, let's see if I've got this straight. Served his country. Spent
his youth drunk, high, stoned and spending all him extra money on

Which one do you condemn? Which one do you defend?

> Wow.  That really is impressive.  He sat out the whole war due to
> "eyesight difficulties".

No, he didn't. He could have - he could have made a ton of money
starring in major Hollywood pictures while other stars were in the
Service. Instead, he served as best he could.

Obama? Hung out with communists, hated whites, and snorted coke.

> Funny.  I never seen him wear any glasses,
> ever, even into his 80s and 90s.

There was an invention at the time called "contact lenses.

 And what does he do the whole time
> while not being on the frontlines getting disabled or dying with his
> buddies while acquiring one easy promotion after another until he
> becomes Captain?  PR work, a stint with the "Task Force Show
> Unit" (yep, that sounds very S.W.A.T.-like for sure), and churned out
> 400 training films.  Mm-hmm, if anything qualified him to be a
> Commander-in-Chief, that certainly was it.

Why do you demand nothing less than heroic military service from
Republican Presidents, while ignoring out and out treasonous, drug
addicted, behavior for Obama?

Oh, right, you're a hypocrite.

> > Obama
> > spent you youth being constantly drunk, high, and doing as much blow
> > as he could afford. He hung around with Marxists, and was a black
> > supremist.  The source for these claims are his autobiographies.
> Beats being barricaded in a housing project all your life.

I wouldn't know. However, doesn't really change the fact that your
Messiah is a drug addict and a traitor, does it?

> > He got his political start from an unrepentant terrorist, and his
> > "spirtial leader" is a fascist, American hating racist.  He allowed
> > one half brother to live in an African slum on three cents a day.  His
> > brother "Samson" (I guess the name "Spider-Man" was taken) Obama
> > couldn't attend Barry's coronation because of an London arrest after
> > he sexually assaulted a 14 year girl.
> Wow, and to think Obama still made it as president and you didn't.
> How do you explain that?

So did Nixon. Obama is not going to be remembered nearly as well as
Tricky Dick, sadly.

> > Reagan ended the Cold War.  He fixed the US economy.  He made America
> > proud again.
> The Cold War ended 10 months after he left office and the USSR
> collapsed 2 years after he left office.  

You want to give President Bush credit for ending the Cold War

> Clinton fixed the economy
> because all the pretty charts prove it.

Of course, Clinton was a fiscally conservative "New Democrat" who had
a solidly Republican Congress. Clinton was smart enough to know when
to move to the right. Obama doesn't share than intelligence.

> And the last time America was
> proud of anything was during the Kennedy years a half-a-century ago.

I was quite proud to see a half million Americans in Washington this
afternoon, proudly taking back their country. They were called every
name in the book, they were provoked, and through it all, we stood
proud. THAT is America. THAT is greatness. Not sitting alone in a
room dreaming that Obama will beat up someone.

Whereas you're proud that, 15 years ago, your PM strangled someone who
asked him a question.

> > And you have the gall to question his patriotism?  Fuck you.  Go back
> > and daydream about Obama beating people up.  It's all you're good
> > for.
> I could swear I can hear you crying now.

Because that's what you desperately need to beleve.

>  Reagan made training films,
> he fought no one, especially when he spent most of his time in
> California during the war.  A real patriot actually would've gone to
> Europe or the Pacific with his buddies, despite his "eyesight
> difficulties" (yet he could still make 400 training films), and laid
> his life on the line, not make stupid little training films.

If you demand armed combat to be considered a "patriot", what do you
consider Obama, who squandered his youth doing blow and hangin' with
commuists and racists?

> > And, yes, you were a huge disappointment to your parents.
> Projecting inward again, I see.

Nope. Both my parents are will with us, and we get along splendidly.
I can't help but notice that you don't pretend that your parents cared
for you.

Tim Crowley

Aug 29, 2010, 8:32:14 AM8/29/10
On Aug 28, 7:33 pm, Walter Harding <> wrote:

> Business as usual going being boarded up.  

Maybe an English class would be in order. Let me guess, you're
opposed to public education?


Aug 29, 2010, 4:27:30 PM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 5:14 am, Ernst Blofeld <> wrote:

How many went into the service wearing glasses? He couldn't wear any
glasses because....?


Aug 29, 2010, 4:58:14 PM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 6:20 am, Walter Harding <> wrote:
> > > > Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion.  Just like
> > > > the movies he made.
> > > Ronald Reagan served his country as a Captain in the US Army.
> > Yeah, sounds impressive.  Let's look at his real military record, why
> > don't we?
> > "Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to
> > eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only,
> > which excluded him from serving overseas.
> So, let's see if I've got this straight.  Served his country.  Spent
> his youth drunk, high, stoned and spending all him extra money on
> cocaine.
> Which one do you condemn?  Which one do you defend?

You mean Reagan spent his youth drunk, high, stoned and spent all his
extra money on cocaine too?

> > Wow.  That really is impressive.  He sat out the whole war due to
> > "eyesight difficulties".
> No, he didn't.  He could have - he could have made a ton of money
> starring in major Hollywood pictures while other stars were in the
> Service.  Instead, he served as best he could.

Sitting out the war in sunny California making training films and
somehow getting promoted all the way to Captain while doing so.
That's a pretty cushy way of climbing up the ranks. Sure beats the
trenches any day.

> Obama?  Hung out with communists, hated whites, and snorted coke.

And yet, he's president and you're not. I still don't get it.

> > Funny.  I never seen him wear any glasses,
> > ever, even into his 80s and 90s.
> There was an invention at the time called "contact lenses.

Then that should've been enough for him to be able to go fight in
Europe or in the Pacific. People did serve wearing glasses and I'm
sure there were some that wore contact lenses too.

>  And what does he do the whole time
> > while not being on the frontlines getting disabled or dying with his
> > buddies while acquiring one easy promotion after another until he
> > becomes Captain?  PR work, a stint with the "Task Force Show
> > Unit" (yep, that sounds very S.W.A.T.-like for sure), and churned out
> > 400 training films.  Mm-hmm, if anything qualified him to be a
> > Commander-in-Chief, that certainly was it.
> Why do you demand nothing less than heroic military service from
> Republican Presidents, while ignoring out and out treasonous, drug
> addicted, behavior for Obama?

Who the hell cares about any military service? The Constitution
doesn't require it to be president. But if you're going to make a big
stink out of it, then I'm going to ridicule you for saying stupid

> Oh, right, you're a hypocrite.
> > > Obama
> > > spent you youth being constantly drunk, high, and doing as much blow
> > > as he could afford. He hung around with Marxists, and was a black
> > > supremist.  The source for these claims are his autobiographies.
> > Beats being barricaded in a housing project all your life.
> I wouldn't know.  However, doesn't really change the fact that your
> Messiah is a drug addict and a traitor, does it?
> > > He got his political start from an unrepentant terrorist, and his
> > > "spirtial leader" is a fascist, American hating racist.  He allowed
> > > one half brother to live in an African slum on three cents a day.  His
> > > brother "Samson" (I guess the name "Spider-Man" was taken) Obama
> > > couldn't attend Barry's coronation because of an London arrest after
> > > he sexually assaulted a 14 year girl.
> > Wow, and to think Obama still made it as president and you didn't.
> > How do you explain that?
> So did Nixon.  Obama is not going to be remembered nearly as well as
> Tricky Dick, sadly.

Tricky Dick had 6 years, you gotta give Obama 6 years. Fair is fair.

> > > Reagan ended the Cold War.  He fixed the US economy.  He made America
> > > proud again.
> > The Cold War ended 10 months after he left office and the USSR
> > collapsed 2 years after he left office.  
> You want to give President Bush credit for ending the Cold War
> instead?

It happened under his watch. It's all about under whose watch things
happened. You know, like the collapsed economy happened under Baby
Bush's watch.

> > Clinton fixed the economy
> > because all the pretty charts prove it.
> Of course, Clinton was a fiscally conservative  "New Democrat" who had
> a solidly Republican Congress.  Clinton was smart enough to know when
> to move to the right.  Obama doesn't share than intelligence.

Well, when the odds are stacked against you in the House, a president
has no choice but to show more compromise. So, if you should get
lucky in November and take control of the House the same way it
happened in 1994, Obama will have no choice but to show more
compromise too. But let's hope you don't get lucky because the
Repugnants have still not come up with any credible proposals of what
they would do once they got in, which'll only then really spell doom
and gloom in a way as to make what's happening now look like sunshiny,
rainbowy days.

> > And the last time America was
> > proud of anything was during the Kennedy years a half-a-century ago.
> I was quite proud to see a half million Americans in Washington this
> afternoon, proudly taking back their country.  They were called every
> name in the book, they were provoked, and through it all, we stood
> proud.  THAT is America.  THAT is greatness.  Not sitting alone in a
> room dreaming that Obama will beat up someone.

There were no half-million Americans taking any country back. But
I'll admit that you were sitting alone dreaming of that in your
housing project unit, doors barricaded and shotgun in your lap ready
for any Latino or Black or Asian who wanted to bust into your place.

> Whereas you're proud that, 15 years ago, your PM strangled someone who
> asked him a question.

There should be more moments like that. Very inspiring to see a true
patriotic leader take on a little runt like that. And he went on to
serve for another 7 years after that, too, as Canadians rewarded him
with not one but two re-election victories. Not like Reagan whose
only patriotic duty was making training films out of sunny California,
and you call him a hero?

> > > And you have the gall to question his patriotism?  Fuck you.  Go back
> > > and daydream about Obama beating people up.  It's all you're good
> > > for.
> > I could swear I can hear you crying now.
> Because that's what you desperately need to beleve.

What's beleve?

> >  Reagan made training films,
> > he fought no one, especially when he spent most of his time in
> > California during the war.  A real patriot actually would've gone to
> > Europe or the Pacific with his buddies, despite his "eyesight
> > difficulties" (yet he could still make 400 training films), and laid
> > his life on the line, not make stupid little training films.

> > > And, yes, you were a huge disappointment to your parents.

> > Projecting inward again, I see.
> Nope.  Both my parents are will with us, and we get along splendidly.

What's are will with us? And yeah, you'd probably get along
splendidly with them if they're just as happily stupid as you are.

> I can't help but notice that you don't pretend that your parents cared
> for you.

I try to keep my parents out of dirty little environments like this

Ray Fischer

Aug 29, 2010, 5:14:45 PM8/29/10
Walter Harding <> wrote:
>On Aug 28, 1:29 pm, Lamont Cranston <>
>> On 8/28/2010 7:20 AM, Rick Saunders wrote:
>> ...was the administration of George W. Bush.  It took a quarter of a
>> trillion dollar budget surplus and turned into a $1.2 trillion deficit
>> via tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and two needless wars.
>Getting VERY tired of you shitheads blaming everything on Bush.

Like two wars, a recession, and a massive deficit?

Next you'll be whining that people are still blaming Hitler for WWII.

Ray Fischer

Ray Fischer

Aug 29, 2010, 5:15:23 PM8/29/10
Walter Harding <> wrote:
> wy <> wrote:
>> On Aug 28, 10:33 pm, Walter Harding <> wrote:
>> > On Aug 28, 1:29 pm, Lamont Cranston <>
>> > > On 8/28/2010 7:20 AM, Rick Saunders wrote:

>> > > ...was the administration of George W. Bush.  It took a quarter of a
>> > > trillion dollar budget surplus and turned into a $1.2 trillion deficit
>> > > via tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and two needless wars.
>> > Getting VERY tired of you shitheads blaming everything on Bush.  You
>> > guys have controlled the House for four years.  The White House for
>> > two.  You've gotten everything you want, and the country's gone to
>> > Hell.
>> > Business as usual going being boarded up.  The race card has been
>> > maxed out.
>> Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  You gave Reagan 7 years time to fix his
>> mess, so you gotta give Obama 7 years to fix Bush's mess.  Fair
>> play.
>Things were on the mend with Reagan after two years.

How long has Obama been in office, asshole?

Ray Fischer

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 29, 2010, 6:46:41 PM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 1:27 pm, wy <> wrote:
> How many went into the service wearing glasses?  He couldn't wear any
> glasses because....?

Sigh. He was in the Army. He didn't meet the criteria set by the Army
for eyesight needed by those in a combat role, so he was placed in a
support role.

"...His state
Is kingly: thousands at his bidding speed,
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait."


Aug 29, 2010, 8:02:57 PM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 6:46 pm, Ernst Blofeld <> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 1:27 pm, wy <> wrote:
> > How many went into the service wearing glasses?  He couldn't wear any
> > glasses because....?
> Sigh. He was in the Army. He didn't meet the criteria set by the Army
> for eyesight needed by those in a combat role, so he was placed in a
> support role.

It depends on whether or not his vision was correctable within a
certain range with the aid of glasses or contact lenses. I don't
think we know what his actual visual acuity was. But the military
allows for it to be off by as much as 20/400 in one eye (which is
beyond the legal definition of blindness), but only if it can be
correctable to an acceptable requirement. If Reagan was as blind as
bat, he sure didn't show it.

Lamont Cranston

Aug 29, 2010, 9:18:34 PM8/29/10

LOL! Unemployment *averaged* 7.5% during Reagan's "on the mend" 8 years.

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 29, 2010, 10:49:31 PM8/29/10
On Aug 29, 5:02 pm, wy <> wrote:
> > Sigh. He was in the Army. He didn't meet the criteria set by the Army
> > for eyesight needed by those in a combat role, so he was placed in a
> > support role.
> It depends on whether or not his vision was correctable within a
> certain range with the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

The Army had criteria. He didn't meet the criteria for combat, but was
good enough to be in a support position.

Take it up with General Marshall.

Message has been deleted

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 30, 2010, 10:33:26 AM8/30/10
On Aug 30, 2:55 am, Behind China Blue Eyes <>

> Such questions are only relevant for political leaders who are casual or even
> eager to send other people to war. Reagan had no problems reducing central
> america to violence and chaos in his proxy war against the Sandinistas.

I call upon you to denounce chickenhawk Barack Obama, who has never
served a day in the military yet advocates escalated military force in

Not to mention the use of drones to kill enemies of the state and the
civilians around them.


Aug 30, 2010, 10:41:18 AM8/30/10

Making training films, and becoming Captain from that, is hardly a
support position.

> Take it up with General Marshall.

I smell a rotten fish.

Message has been deleted

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 30, 2010, 8:08:32 PM8/30/10
On Aug 30, 7:47 am, Behind China Blue Eyes <>

> > I call upon you to denounce chickenhawk Barack Obama, who has never
> > served a day in the military yet advocates escalated military force in
> > Afghanistan.
> Casually or eagerly?

Formally and eagerly, as a war-mongering war criminal and fascist.

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 30, 2010, 8:13:37 PM8/30/10
On Aug 30, 7:41 am, wy <> wrote:
> > The Army had criteria. He didn't meet the criteria for combat, but was
> > good enough to be in a support position.
> Making training films, and becoming Captain from that, is hardly a
> support position.

Sure it is. The Army has officers and enlisted doing everything from
slinging hash to keeping track of accounting. They're all support.

> > Take it up with General Marshall.
> I smell a rotten fish.

Why? The army says you need vision of X to be deployed. Reagan didn't
have the necessary vision, so they had him do something else.
Deploying him would have not merely have endangered him, it would have
risked the lives of those around him, because he was physically
incapable, in the army's judgement, of doing the tasks necessary in
combat. They deep six people with color blindness, too. Or stuttering
problems. Or paralyzed legs.

Message has been deleted

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 30, 2010, 11:09:15 PM8/30/10
On Aug 30, 5:53 pm, Behind China Blue Eyes <>
> So what planet are you posting from?

Ah--so you're backing away from denouncing Obama.

I'm still curious at to why Bush was a fascist for detaining enemy
combatants and trying them in military tribunals, while Obama is not,
despite blowing those same combatants (and those around them) to
bloody chunks without a hint of due process.

Rick Saunders

Aug 30, 2010, 11:10:27 PM8/30/10
On Aug 30, 8:53 pm, Behind China Blue Eyes <>
> In article <>,
> So what planet are you posting from?

He's posting from an undisclosed location on Planet FarLeftWing,
where your komrades used to delight in slinging those charges at
Bush. Funny how you bunch dutifully shut up when The One adopted
Bush's terrorist-fighting tactics, huh?

Ernst Blofeld

Aug 31, 2010, 9:07:14 PM8/31/10

> On Aug 30, 5:53 pm, Behind China Blue Eyes <>
> wrote:
> > > > > I call upon you to denounce chickenhawk Barack Obama, who has never
> > > > > served a day in the military yet advocates escalated military force in
> > > > > Afghanistan.
> > > > Casually or eagerly?
> > > Formally and eagerly, as a war-mongering war criminal and fascist.
> > So what planet are you posting from?
> Ah--so you're backing away from denouncing Obama.

Your support for death squads is noted.

Message has been deleted

Stevie Nichts

Aug 31, 2010, 10:40:39 PM8/31/10
On Aug 31, 9:10 pm, Behind China Blue Eyes <>
> In article <>,
>  Ernst Blofeld <> wrote:

> > Your support for death squads is noted.

> I'm whatever you want me to be, sweetheart.

Why do you find it impossible to criticize even the most
heinous of Obama's policies?

Message has been deleted

Walter Harding

Aug 31, 2010, 11:15:20 PM8/31/10
On Aug 30, 7:41 am, wy <> wrote:

And what did Obama do in his time in the military, exactly?

Or his Vice President?

Or his Secretary of State?


Aug 31, 2010, 11:28:31 PM8/31/10

Being in the military is not a requirement to be president, so it's
irrelevant. And as if making training films was "being in the
military" for Reagan.

> Or his Vice President?

Not a requirement, so it's irrelevant.

> Or his Secretary of State?

Not a requirement, so it's irrelevant.

Walter Harding

Aug 31, 2010, 11:54:41 PM8/31/10
On Aug 29, 1:58 pm, wy <> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 6:20 am, Walter Harding <> wrote:
> > > > > Yeah, Reagan was a real patriot alright - all an illusion.  Just like
> > > > > the movies he made.
> > > > Ronald Reagan served his country as a Captain in the US Army.
> > > Yeah, sounds impressive.  Let's look at his real military record, why
> > > don't we?
> > > "Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on 19 April 1942. Due to
> > > eyesight difficulties, he was classified for limited service only,
> > > which excluded him from serving overseas.
> > So, let's see if I've got this straight.  Served his country.  Obama spent

> > his youth drunk, high, stoned and spending all him extra money on
> > cocaine.
> > Which one do you condemn?  Which one do you defend?

Serving country honorably good. Now, I have no problem whatsoever
with someone enjoying adult beverages and having a good time. But
when it stops being about having fun, and becomes a way to numb one's
brain, as was the case with Obama, then you have a person unworthy to
be president

> > > Wow.  That really is impressive.  He sat out the whole war due to
> > > "eyesight difficulties".
> > No, he didn't.  He could have - he could have made a ton of money
> > starring in major Hollywood pictures while other stars were in the
> > Service.  Instead, he served as best he could.
> Sitting out the war in sunny California making training films and
> somehow getting promoted all the way to Captain while doing so.
> That's a pretty cushy way of climbing up the ranks.  Sure beats the
> trenches any day.

And Obama's military record was....?

> > Obama?  Hung out with communists, hated whites, and snorted coke.
> And yet, he's president and you're not.  

And Bush was President, and you didn't even make Prime Minister.

> > > Funny.  I never seen him wear any glasses,
> > > ever, even into his 80s and 90s.
> > There was an invention at the time called "contact lenses.
> Then that should've been enough for him to be able to go fight in
> Europe or in the Pacific.

Really? And that expert opinion was based on what, exactly?

>  People did serve wearing glasses and I'm
> sure there were some that wore contact lenses too.

There was a limit to how strong the glasses could be.

> >
> >  And what does he do the whole time
> > > while not being on the frontlines getting disabled or dying with his
> > > buddies while acquiring one easy promotion after another until he
> > > becomes Captain?  PR work, a stint with the "Task Force Show
> > > Unit" (yep, that sounds very S.W.A.T.-like for sure), and churned out
> > > 400 training films.  Mm-hmm, if anything qualified him to be a
> > > Commander-in-Chief, that certainly was it.
> > Why do you demand nothing less than heroic military service from
> > Republican Presidents, while ignoring out and out treasonous, drug
> > addicted, behavior for Obama?
> Who the hell cares about any military service?

I never said that you cared about military service, I said you
demanded same from republicans, when demanding nothing from
Democrats. I'm calling you a hypocrite. I don't believe you care
about anything other than your inflated ego.

>  The Constitution
> doesn't require it to be president.  But if you're going to make a big
> stink out of it, then I'm going to ridicule you for saying stupid
> things.

Actually, you're the one who brought up military service, not me.

> > Oh, right, you're a hypocrite.
> > > > Obama
> > > > spent you youth being constantly drunk, high, and doing as much blow
> > > > as he could afford. He hung around with Marxists, and was a black
> > > > supremist.  The source for these claims are his autobiographies.
> > > Beats being barricaded in a housing project all your life.
> > I wouldn't know.  However, doesn't really change the fact that your
> > Messiah is a drug addict and a traitor, does it?
> > > > He got his political start from an unrepentant terrorist, and his
> > > > "spirtial leader" is a fascist, American hating racist.  He allowed
> > > > one half brother to live in an African slum on three cents a day.  His
> > > > brother "Samson" (I guess the name "Spider-Man" was taken) Obama
> > > > couldn't attend Barry's coronation because of an London arrest after
> > > > he sexually assaulted a 14 year girl.
> > > Wow, and to think Obama still made it as president and you didn't.
> > > How do you explain that?
> > So did Nixon.  Obama is not going to be remembered nearly as well as
> > Tricky Dick, sadly.
> Tricky Dick had 6 years, you gotta give Obama 6 years.

No, I don't. What are you going to do about it?

> > > > Reagan ended the Cold War.  He fixed the US economy.  He made America
> > > > proud again.
> > > The Cold War ended 10 months after he left office and the USSR
> > > collapsed 2 years after he left office.  
> > You want to give President Bush credit for ending the Cold War
> > instead?
> It happened under his watch.  It's all about under whose watch things
> happened.  You know, like the collapsed economy happened under Baby
> Bush's watch.

No, it went bad under Bush. It collapsed under Obama. Bush is
responsible for a relatively mild recession. Obama created a

> > > Clinton fixed the economy
> > > because all the pretty charts prove it.
> > Of course, Clinton was a fiscally conservative  "New Democrat" who had
> > a solidly Republican Congress.  Clinton was smart enough to know when
> > to move to the right.  Obama doesn't share than intelligence.
> Well, when the odds are stacked against you in the House, a president
> has no choice but to show more compromise.

And he is now the President you guys point to with pride. When Obama
had a filibuster proof majority in Congress, you guys are left
sputtering ".... but, what about Bush?" Sadly, Obama is too stupid to
listen to Republicans who are the only hope of him saving his

> So, if you should get
> lucky in November and take control of the House the same way it
> happened in 1994, Obama will have no choice but to show more
> compromise too.

I don't believe so. The guy's a narcissist - he doesn't have the
brain wattage to make compromises, and he's burned too many bridges.

>  But let's hope you don't get lucky because the
> Repugnants have still not come up with any credible proposals of what
> they would do once they got in, which'll only then really spell doom
> and gloom in a way as to make what's happening now look like sunshiny,
> rainbowy days.

If the Republicans don't win, if the Democrats somehow manage to hold
onto the House and Senate - they'll allow the Bush Tax hikes to
expire, and the country will be in SERIOUS trouble. They will DESTROY
their party.

> > > And the last time America was
> > > proud of anything was during the Kennedy years a half-a-century ago.
> > I was quite proud to see a half million Americans in Washington this
> > afternoon, proudly taking back their country.  They were called every
> > name in the book, they were provoked, and through it all, we stood
> > proud.  THAT is America.  THAT is greatness.  Not sitting alone in a
> > room dreaming that Obama will beat up someone.
> There were no half-million Americans taking any country back.

Yeah? Where you there? Did you take everybody's name?

Ernst Blofeld

Sep 1, 2010, 1:36:06 AM9/1/10
On Aug 31, 8:08 pm, Behind China Blue Eyes <>

> > Why do you find it impossible to criticize even the most
> > heinous of Obama's policies?
> Once you let one president set a precedent, you've allowed every subsequent
> president to do the same thing. Too bad nobody stopped Bush.

Yes, as I said, your support for presidential death squads has been
noted. There's no need to reiterate your support for them. We all
understand that you're in favor of unfettered war crimes and the death
of any innocent civilians that happen to be in the area when the
president decides to rub someone out without the benefit of due

I'll just have to keep looking for a lefty that's willing to condemn a
Democratic president who engages in these practices.

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