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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality

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May 20, 2022, 7:01:20 AM5/20/22

The EVIL US govt CIA NSA MI6 MI5 FBI DHS ASIS ASIO Psychopaths have been
species for the last 40+ years, behind peoples backs while BRAINWASHING
them about the VIRTUES of democracy and freedoms on the surface.

Whites DON'T UNDERSTAND their OWN DNA and Modus Operandi.

Smile, Shake Hands, Back Stab and KILL, Modus Operandi.

5 to 10 million american brains are already LINKED to NSA HIVE AI and
"neurally enslaved" by Supercomputer AI.

Likewise MILLIONS of global public in UK, Aus, Can, Europe, Asia are
already NEURALLY ENSLAVED by Supercomputer AI in the hands of EVIL WHITE

Remaining humans brains will be CONNECTED to HIVE AI in the next two
decades, without their knowledge and consent, like this perpetrator
Kevin Svenson said.
Are military generals fully aware that a maniacal psychopathic
emotionless Supercomputer is in control of millions of people? And it
knows how to kill and torture everyone with precision?
The plan of the Transhumanist agenda is to gradually absorb all
civilians into the Global Brain, takeover the mind of humanity, and then
slowly reveal to individual civilians that they are “tuned in” to this
Brain machine interface system.

#GlobalBrain #WorldSentientSimulation
Military / Intelligence black projects have been dispersing
Nano-Material into public circulation for decades.

It began with experimentation … but is now in prime time full
operational use.

The human race is secretly being terraformed into a species of
biological drones.


Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality

The late Barbara Hubbard, a Rockefeller-funded New Age guru, was
critical to the development of the ideas, beliefs and technology
necessary to market transhumanism as spiritual enlightenment.

by John Klyczek

In 2016, the Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
posted a video entitled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which
infamously forecasted a technocratic New World Order in which “[y]ou’ll
own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” It doesn’t take a stretch of the
imagination to ponder how WEF oligarchs plan to roll out “sustainable
development” policies which will ration consumer goods in a global
“sharing economy” that employs transient “gig” workers who will be
rendered into propertyless serfs under a techno-communitarian rendition
of neo-feudalism. But how will the globalist technocrats of the WEF sway
the virtual peasant class to be happy with their permanent state of
digitally indentured servitude?

Enter New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard and her endorsement of the
HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Initiative [1][2], which is
propagating transhumanist neurofeedback wearables across the planet in
order to digitally synchronize humanity’s collective heart rhythms and
brainwaves into electronically induced states of synthetic spiritual
bliss. With Hubbard’s transhumanist blessings, HeartMath’s global
neurotech network is primed to lull plebs and proles into happy
compliance with the “New Normal” of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s
techno-feudal “stakeholder” economy.

In this first installment of my series on Hubbard’s legacy contributions
to the post-humanist religion and techno-fascist economy of the
neo-eugenic Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will historicize how
Rockefeller philanthropies bankrolled Hubbard’s Foundation for Conscious
Evolution in order to digitally engineer humankind into a new transhuman
species baptized in the name of tech-Gnostic “Christ Consciousness” [3].
Furthermore, I will expose how Hubbard collaborated with globalists at
the World Business Academy, corporatists at Singularity University, and
Eupsychian human potential psychologists in connection with the Esalen
Institute in order to establish a techno-communitarian spiritualism that
worships transhumanist evolution controlled by Big Tech companies which
dominate the stakeholder economy of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
[4]. Finally, I will document how Hubbard advanced the globalization of
HeartMath Institute’s transhumanist biofeedback wearables which can
neuro-technologically mesmerize the precariat into virtual states of
happy subservience to the “New Normal”.

In the coming installments of this series, I will reveal how Hubbard’s
transhumanist mission to steer “conscious evolution” is steeped in
Malthusian-eugenic population control. Additionally, I will unveil how
Hubbard’s transhumanist allies from the World Future Society, the Human
Potential Movement, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution are
entangled with networks of alleged pedophiles and sexual abuse cults.
Where New Age meets the New Normal

Ever since the announcement of COVID-19 lockdowns, there has been a
spate of propaganda campaigns from government bureaucrats, corporate
oligarchs, and globalist technocrats who have been lecturing about the
necessity to acclimate to the “New Normal.” You probably never heard
this post-COVID slogan until 2020, but Hubbard was prophesying the
dawning of a New Normal at least as far back as 2008. In fact, Hubbard
foretold that 2020 would mark the pivotal year of the global “Shift”
toward the New Normal that is transitioning the world into the futurist
“Singularity” envisioned by Google’s Director of Engineering, Ray
Kurzweil, who is a founder of Singularity University, which is a
post-humanist think tank where Hubbard promoted her dreams of harnessing
“conscious evolution” to engineer a new transhuman species.

In Hubbard’s book, 52 Codes for Conscious Self Evolution: A Process of
Metamorphosis to Realize Our Full Potential Self, “Code 33” called for
human beings to “Come Forward as a New Norm” in order to evolve the
human species from “Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo universalis” [5].
Later, in 2012, Hubbard published another book, Birth 2012 and Beyond:
Humanity’s Great Shift to the Age of Conscious Evolution. In a section
titled from “2012 to 2020 and Beyond,” Hubbard proclaimed that “[t]he
eight years after the [2012] Birth, leading up to 2020, will be critical
for implementing the shifts necessary for us to gently grow into the
next era . . . evolving into fully formed evolutionary communities . . .
around the world where each person can learn to transform themselves and
our world” into a transhumanist New World Order [1].

Even prior to 2008, for decades, Hubbard foretold the coming of a new
transhumanist age in which humankind will merge with technology through
“conscious evolution.” As a crusader for the Human Potential Movement,
Hubbard networked with psychologists at the Esalen Institute and
corporatists at Singularity University to pave the way for human
consciousness to collectively co-evolve with the “noetic” consciousness
of the cosmos through transhumanist technologies [6]. Bankrolled by
Rockefeller philanthropy [3], Hubbard established the Foundation for
Conscious Evolution, which has been pushing the “synergistic”
advancement of biotech, nanotech, and supercomputing artificial
intelligence (AI) that can be globally converged through the
“internet-of-things” (IoT) and the “internet-of-bodies” (IoB) in order
to engineer a new transhuman species. To help build the collective
cybernetic nervous system of an evolving transhuman superorganism,
Hubbard promoted the HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Network of
wearable neurofeedback technologies that interlink human biorhythms
through smartphones across the planet [1].

In An Evolutionary Synthesis: A New World View (Weaving Together a New
Memetic Code for the Optimum Future for Humanity), which was published
in 2008 by the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Hubbard forecasted
how, “[f]rom the perspective of the Evolutionary Trans-humanism we see a
possible convergence of our expanded consciousness with our
technologically-enhanced body/minds . . . as the next stage of our
evolution” when “there will be a cosmic cultural convergence of life
between trans-human and eventually post-human life,” including
“silicon-based ‘life.’” Foreshadowing the post-COVID New Normal of 2020,
Hubbard added that, “[i]n Evolutionary Trans-Humanism the Universal
Human appears for the first time on this Earth as a ‘new norm’: as a
person incarnating our spiritual, social and scientific/technological

As the techno-fascist exploitation of COVID lockdowns manifests the
theme of Hubbard’s 1993 book, Our Crisis Is a Birth [7],the coronavirus
crisis is birthing a technocratic New Normal in which human life is
being increasingly mediated through computer screens and digital IDs
that are primed to be tracked and traced by IoT–IoB cybernetics. Hence,
it appears that the turning point of 2020 has lined up with Hubbard’s
predictions for a “Great Shift” toward the “Birth” of a “Conscious
Evolution” in which humankind begins to “synergize” with digital
computer technologies in order to be “reimagined” as a new transhuman
cyborg species.

If you don’t like the idea of Big Tech biotechnologically engineering
you into a digital computer product, don’t worry. Hubbard’s global
HeartMath initiative can hook you up to biofeedback wearables that will
electronically hypnotize you into copasetic obedience as you are
techno-eugenically engineered into a transhuman underling who will
happily own nothing, not even your own body, in the New Normal that is
the techno-fascist Fourth Industrial Revolution.

To be sure, Hubbard’s vision of the transhuman future wasn’t magically
gleaned from peering into a crystal ball. Rather, Hubbard was closely
involved with many of the transhumanist architects of the technocratic
New Normal which, for several decades, they have been plotting for 2020.

Barbara Hubbard, “Christ Consciousness”, and Cybernetic Transhumanity

Hubbard’s vision of trans-evolution through a superorganic cyber-nervous
system was inspired by the tech-Gnostic prophesies of Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin and the “design science revolution” of R. Buckminster Fuller
[8]. Teilhard de Chardin was a eugenicist Jesuit priest who preached a
trans-Gnostic gospel of spiritual, or “noetic,” evolution through the
awakening of universal consciousness through the “noosphere.” Fuller was
an eminent futurist and the godfather of the design science revolution,
which prototyped “synergetic” models of evolutionary architecture, such
as the geodesic dome. Both Teilhard de Chardin and Fuller professed
their faith in the “Cosmic Christ Consciousness” of noospheric
evolution, which Hubbard likewise idolized as the crux of humankind’s
cybernetic evolution into a trans-technological collective.

During Hubbard’s 2015 speech to members of the Institute of Noetic
Sciences (IONS), she traced the awakening of her own conscious evolution
to her reading of Teilhard de Chardin’s Phenomenon of Man: “the minute I
read that . . . I dedicated myself to the noosphere.” Derived from the
pre-Socratic philosopher Anaxagoras’s concept of the “nous,” which is
the omnipresent “mind” of the cosmos, the noosphere is, according to
Teilhard de Chardin, the “tangential energy” of the universe that is
evolving through human consciousness. In Hubbard’s speech at the 2015
IONS International Conference, she pontificated how, through the
tangential energies of noetic evolution, “the planet has grown a new
nervous system in the last 15 years. And it’s internet. It’s Facebook;
it’s Twitter; it’s 7 billion cellphones and counting. . . . An enormous
nervous system has been given, and it’s open to us.”

In brief, Hubbard believed that the noospheric expansion of
consciousness is evolving the human biological nervous system into an
extended technological network of smartphones that are interlinked with
internet social media. By ostensibly branching human nervous systems
collectively out through mobile phones across satellite
telecommunications, online social networks are, according to Hubbard,
building evolutionary stepping stones toward a transhuman zenith in
which brain-computer interfaces and nanotech implants will unite human
consciousness with the cosmic consciousness of the noosphere by merging
organic biological intelligence with hi-tech artificial intelligence.

In her 2001 book, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence (10 Steps to
the Universal Human), Hubbard relayed how Teilhard de Chardin’s
“noosphere” is “what we might call ‘the thinking layer of Earth,’ or the
mind sphere. Think of this noosphere as an invisible, yet all pervasive,
superorganism. Here, each of us lives, much as our own cells live inside
of our body. The noosphere is composed of our collective consciousnesses
. . . as well as the intelligence that is creating our extended bodies
in the form of rapidly growing technology,” including “the Internet,”
“biotechnology,” and “nanotechnology” [9].

During her 2017 speech, “Awakening the New Species in You,” at the
Global Purpose Movement’s Purpose Summit in San Francisco, Hubbard
declared that Teilhard de Chardin’s noosphere “is now the internet
nervous system of the planet,” and “there’s enough of us now to wake up
our planetary nervous system” through “hi-tech . . . artificial
intelligence, quantum computing, robotics, genetics, all of that . . .
being the powers of our mythological gods.”

In sum, Hubbard believed that, by harnessing biotech and nanotech
robotics, genetically engineered human bodies can be melded with quantum
AI, which will evolve human beings into transhuman cyborgs who can
achieve godhood by summoning the collective consciousness of the
noosphere through the “internet of things” (IoT) and the “internet of
bodies” (IoB).

Inverting the Biblical gospel of how God humbled himself to descend from
Heaven in order to be incarnated in the human body of Jesus Christ,
Hubbard preached Teilhard de Chardin’s trans-Gnostic gospel of how
humans must exalt themselves as gods by technologically evolving into
ultrahuman–machine hybrids capable of ascending to the “Christ
Consciousness” of the noosphere. During her IONS speech, Hubbard relayed
how Teilhard de Chardin prophesied that, “[w]hen the mind sphere . . .
gets its collective eyes, we will experience . . . the ‘Christification’
of the Earth.”

According to Hubbard, the “mind sphere’s,” or noosphere’s, “collective
eyes” are being opened through the worldwide web of internet social
media. In Hubbard’s vision of the future, these digital social networks
would spread across the globe and saturate the planet through what R.
Buckminster Fuller called the design science revolution. In the final
equation, Hubbard’s Fuller-inspired technetronic revolution will
culminate in a noetic nexus of satellite telecommunications and mobile
computer devices that will consciously evolve into a transhumanist
IoT–IoB Singularity, resulting in the so-called “‘Christification’ of
the Earth,” which will anoint the collective human species as god on Earth.

This tech-Gnostic gospel of Christ Consciousness was also preached by
Fuller, who believed that his design science revolution would harness
advances in science and industry to technocratically usher in a utopian
heaven on Earth. Like Hubbard and Teilhard de Chardin, Fuller envisioned
that, by means of the design science revolution, the “universal mind,”
or cosmic Christ consciousness, would evolve through the transhumanist
“synergy” of human intelligence and technological progress. In
Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, Fuller
pontificated that “the Universe is technology” and that, in the emerging
epoch of the new age, the design science revolution would
technocratically meld the Christ consciousness of the noosphere with the
human consciousness of the biosphere, resulting in a
cosmic-transhumanist singularity that would bring about a paradise on Earth.

Finding a nous-mate in Hubbard, Fuller laureled her as the heir to his
futurist vision of “Christified” technocratic evolution through his
design science revolution. In Hubbard’s 2015 book, The Evolutionary
Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept, she recorded how
Fuller declared, “[t]here is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Marx
Hubbard—who helped introduce the concept of futurism to society—is the
best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it
has produced” [3]. With great pride, Hubbard took on Fuller’s mantle and
carried the torch for his techno-Christified design science revolution.

In her speech titled “How Do We Get Ready for 2012: A Vision for
Humanity,” which was orated during The Prophets Conference: 2012 Tipping
Point at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, Hubbard told a
story about how both she and Fuller had “Christ Consciousness”
experiences that brought together their esoteric journeys toward hi-tech
conscious evolution:

“Bucky’s Christ experience was that he was walking along the
streets in Chicago; . . . he saw a light; he got lifted up by the light,
and he heard the words, ‘Bucky, you are the first mini-Christ on Earth,
and what you attest to is true.’” Fuller revealed this vision to her on
an occasion when Hubbard shared her own “Christ experience” with him.
Hubbard explains that, “one day, I had written this book about the New
Testament of an evolutionary Christ. Bucky asked to see me alone. He put
his arms around me . . . and he said, ‘darling, I had the same
experience.’ And he put his temple onto mine, and I feel he zapped me
with the design science revolution.”

In a nutshell, both Hubbard and Fuller professed their faith in
noospheric Christ Consciousness, and Hubbard believed that her shared
“Christ experience” with Fuller noetically transmuted his revolutionary
“design” science mission into her own conscious evolution.

Carrying on the message of Fuller’s design science revolution, Hubbard
paraphrased a passage from his Utopia or Oblivion in her 1995 book, The
Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium. In a section
titled “The Journey,” Hubbard relayed Fuller’s utopian forecast of how
the metaphysical, or noetic, consciousness of “universal intelligence”
is cosmically evolving in tandem with the collective-conscious evolution
of human intelligence through the transhumanist technological
progression of the design science revolution:

“[t]he universe is . . . building up toward even higher order
because it is increasing in intelligence—though us!

Intelligence, proclaimed Fuller, is not physical, it is
metaphysical . . . Our technology is becoming ephemeralized,
miniaturized, and aesthetic, like nature’s technologies: photosynthesis,
DNA, the human brain. We now have the technology, resources, and
know-how, Fuller said, to make of this world a 100 percent physical
success. . . .

The growing edge of technology is giving us the power to transform
ourselves as well as our world. . . . The individual human has enormous
untapped potential. The planet is evolving toward a quantum leap,
wherein all of its members will experience themselves as part of one
body. We have the ability to overcome physical lack, and even to change
our physical nature—our body/mind systems. These great evolutionary
goals are the meaning of power.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New
Millennium (Mill Valley, CA: Nataraj Publishing, 1995).

Stated differently, Hubbard touted Fuller’s postulation of how, as
technology evolves, it will become increasingly “ephemeralized” until it
is so condensed that it can be fused into human biology. In turn, this
ephemeralized amalgamation of biology and technology will, according to
Hubbard, transform “body/mind systems” by melding them with the digital
infrastructure of the world economy.

To put it all together, Hubbard was an evangelist for conscious
transhumanist evolution through the globalization of a collective
cybernetic nervous system that will be vitalized by the
techno-industrial revolution of Fuller’s synergetic design science and
the noospheric awakening of Teilhard de Chardin’s Cosmic Christ
Hubbard’s “Beloved Patron”: Laurence Rockefeller

To midwife the tech-noetic trans-evolution of the universal Christ mind
idolized by Fuller and Teilhard de Chardin, Hubbard set up the
Foundation for Conscious Evolution, which was seed-funded by Laurence
Rockefeller [3]. The brother of John D. Rockefeller III, David
Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, and Winthrop Rockefeller, Laurence was
a president and a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund,
which is a corporate philanthropy that finances social “impact
investments” in “biotechnology” and “digital technology.” These, of
course, are key building blocks in the IoT-IoB matrix at the crux of
Hubbard’s transhumanist dreams of collective-conscious evolution.
Laurence also bankrolled esoteric studies into Gnostic Christ
Consciousness and noetical parapsychology.

In the prelude to her Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation, which was
dedicated to Laurence Rockefeller, Hubbard lauds how he was instrumental
in helping her found the Foundation for Conscious Evolution: “[w]ith
great gratitude I dedicate Evolutionary Testament: [sic] The Promise
Will Be Kept to Lawrence [sic] Rockefeller, who recognized its purpose
to help ‘bring forth the Christ of the 21st Century’ and supported me in
forming The Foundation for Conscious Evolution to bring it forward into
the world” [3].

According to the official website of the Foundation for Conscious
Evolution, this Rockefeller-funded tax-exempt foundation advances
“synergistic” transhuman evolution driven by the “[t]he advent of
radical evolutionary technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology,
quantum computing, space exploration, etc. . . . [T]he tools are there
to transform ourselves, our bodies and our world. We can and are
actually moving beyond the creature human condition toward a new
species, a universal humanity, capable of coevolving with nature.” In
other words, fueled with Rockefeller money, the Foundation for Conscious
Evolution advocates for humankind to merge with biotech and nanotech
quantum computers in order to evolve humanity into a new transhuman
species, which Hubbard has dubbed “Homo Universalis.”

Not only did Rockefeller provide the seed financing for Hubbard’s
Foundation for Conscious Evolution, but he also bankrolled many of the
hi-tech industries, including biotech, nanotech, and quantum computing,
which the Foundation for Conscious Evolution sees as vehicles for
“conscious” transhuman evolution.

In 1946, Laurence Rockefeller and his brothers, David, Nelson, Winthrop,
and John D. III, founded one of the very first venture capital firms,
Rockefeller Brothers Inc., which is today known as Venrock. Laurence
kicked off Venrock ventures by investing in Silicon Valley corporations,
such as Intel and Apple. In fact, Venrock “held a board seat for nearly
20 years” at Apple.

Other Venrock ventures into Big Tech industries include investments in
online behavioral advertising companies, including AppNexus and
DoubleClick, the latter of which is now owned by Google. Of course,
behavioral advertising analytics are at the core of the data-mining
algorithms that power what Hubbard referred to as the collective
cybernetic nervous systems of social media networks.

Meanwhile, Venrock has also financed several biotech corporations,
biopharmaceutical enterprises, gene-sequencing companies, and
genetic-modification businesses, including Abbott Laboratories; Unity
Biotechnology; Element Biosciences; REGENXBIO; 10X Genomics; Targeted
Genetics; the Genetics Institute; Centocor, which is owned by Johnson &
Johnson; Adnexus Therapeutics, which is owned by Bristol-Myers Squibb;
Idun Pharmaceuticals, which is owned by Pfizer; and Sirna Therapeutics,
an “RNA interference (RNAi) technology” startup that was acquired by Merck.

Furthermore, Venrock has bankrolled quantum computing companies,
including Atom Computing, and nanotech corporations, such as Nanosys.
Additionally, Venrock is invested in blockchain startups, including
Dapper and Flow.

In sum, Laurence Rockefeller funded the development of a nexus of
transhumanist technologies, including internet Big Data, biotech, and
nanotech, while simultaneously propagating Hubbard’s trans-evolutionary
ideology by financing her Foundation for Conscious Evolution. It is
worth noting that Laurence’s funding of transhumanism, which is
fundamentally a hi-tech rendition of eugenic engineering, is rooted in
the Rockefeller family’s long history of financing past iterations of
eugenics, such as American eugenics programs at Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory and eugenic programs at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes of Nazi

On top of financing the transhumanist technologies and
trans-evolutionary theories espoused by Hubbard, Laurence also advocated
for Hubbard’s noetic spirituality by backing her New Age evangelism.
This was done with grants from his Fund for the Enhancement of the Human
Spirit. In the “Acknowledgement” section of her Book of Co-Creation,
Hubbard highlighted how “[t]he publication of this book and its
associated outreach program was made possible through a generous grant
from Laurence Rockefeller’s Fund for the Enhancement of the Human
Spirit” [7]. In the expanded edition of this book, which is titled The
Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Hubbard copied
this same acknowledgment of how Rockefeller bankrolled the publication [9].

Similarly, Rockefeller also advanced noetical mysticism by funding the
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which studied
parapsychological phenomena, including psychokinesis and remote viewing.
PEAR launched the Global Consciousness Project, which is a satellite of
the Institute of Noetic Sciences where Hubbard, who endorsed IONS in her
book, Birth 2012 and Beyond [1], expressed her belief in tech-noospheric
evolution through the collective-conscious cyber-nervous systems made
possible by internet social media networks. The PEAR program is now
restructured as the International Consciousness Research Laboratories.

It is worth noting that Rockefeller also provided the financing for
Roger A. Weir’s Gnostic books about a secret relationship between Jesus
Christ and Mary Magdalene. Weir’s Gnostic interpretation of the life of
Jesus dovetailed with his New Age synthesis of hermeticism, Eastern
mysticism, cosmic evolution, and esoteric consciousness. For instance,
echoing the “Christ Consciousness” Gnosticism of Hubbard, Fuller, and
Teilhard de Chardin, Weir taught the following New Age courses at the
Bodhi Tree Bookstore Meeting Room in West Hollywood, California: “Mary
Magdalene & Jesus’ Great Way: Shared Presence Transforms of Civilization
and Species”; “Hermetic America Future”; “Homo Sapiens Stellaris: Star
Wisdom Man”; “Quintessential Dimensions of Consciousness: An Ecology of
Four Dimensions in Complementarity in Spacetime”; and “Parayana: The Way

To sum up, Rockefeller bankrolled noetic “science” research, Gnostic
Christ Consciousness literature, and transhumanist tech along with
Hubbard’s Foundation for Conscious Evolution, which advocates for the
post-human synergism of a tech-noospheric trans-evolution that will
culminate in a new “Christified” cyborg species.

Ultimately, Hubbard and Rockefeller were aligned on essentially every
front. More than a source of monetary support, Rockefeller was fondly
endeared by Hubbard. In her 1998 book, Conscious Evolution: Awakening
the Power of Our Social Potential, Hubbard lauded her support from
Rockefeller: “[m]y heartfelt thanks goes to my beloved patron Laurence
S. Rockefeller who has supported this work with fidelity, inspiration
and generosity” [2]. Then, in the “Dedication” section of her 2001
Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, Hubbard wrote, “[t]o my
benefactor, Laurence S. Rockefeller, who supported this work for ten
years, bringing it to this point of fulfillment” [9]. Fourteen years
later, in 2015, Hubbard also dedicated her Evolutionary Testament of
Co-Creation to Rockefeller [3], marking 24 years of support.


May 20, 2022, 8:40:04 AM5/20/22
In article <0yKhK.3$8T...@fx40.iad>
FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer <> wrote:



May 21, 2022, 2:25:37 AM5/21/22
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