N.O.W., the fringe but media-connected National
Organization of Whores, has again come out in defense of
Clinton. Betty Friedan has called Republican Congressmen, not
Clinton, "dirty old white males": a stunning combination of
racism and sexism in a single sentence. (Ms. Friedan
does not consider herself to be "white"). Why do feminists
continue to support Clinton and his Democratic groupies?
Our analysis starts with this basic observation: Bill
Clinton has vastly greater spending power than Bill Gates
(as well as better looking, a secondary consideration).
Bill Clinton doles out every year more than 1.5 million million
dollars of money taken primarily from the paychecks of
workers -- thousands of times as much money per year as
that handled by Bill Gates. Add to this sugar the honey
redistributed to his political followers through
regulatory programs like affirmative action.
Feminists know who has the Sugar. Bill Clinton
has taxed the American family into
oblivion and doled it out to his
welfare and affirmative action groupies.
It's only fair and natural that such a generous
Sugar Daddy should get some special favors
in return. Monica has only done what feminists
across the country consider to be a natural
biological response, as well as a fair political
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Why did you cross-post this to alt.religion.mormon ?
Mike Richey
Eschew obfuscation.
>Why did you cross-post this to alt.religion.mormon ?
Propably because Mormonism is supposed to fan out
into all the world, seeking out wisdom and knowledge
wherever it may be found, and incorporating it into the
Besides, Aint Mormonism a way of life more than a
religion? At least it used to be.
Absalom, Father of Peace
Sacred Scriptures for Mormons
Too bad for Friedan that many prominent blacks *also* want
Clinton outta there: Alan Keyes, Armstrong Williams, Ken Hamblin
among many others. As do many conservative women. See Arianna
Huffington's http://www.resignation.com .
So much for the "dirty old white males" theory.
> Our analysis starts with this basic observation: Bill
> Clinton has vastly greater spending power than Bill Gates
> (as well as better looking, a secondary consideration).
And political skills about a 1000 times sharper than Gates.
> Bill Clinton doles out every year more than 1.5 million million
> dollars of money taken primarily from the paychecks of
> workers -- thousands of times as much money per year as
> that handled by Bill Gates. Add to this sugar the honey
> redistributed to his political followers through
> regulatory programs like affirmative action.
> Feminists know who has the Sugar. Bill Clinton
> has taxed the American family into
> oblivion and doled it out to his
> welfare and affirmative action groupies.
> It's only fair and natural that such a generous
> Sugar Daddy should get some special favors
> in return. Monica has only done what feminists
> across the country consider to be a natural
> biological response, as well as a fair political
> payback.
In fact at least woman reporter, whose name escapes me at
this moment, a few months ago, *eagerly* offered Clinton
a BJ, in tribute of his stalwart pro-choice views.
"The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction
of the truth."
-- Bill Clinton, Oct. 15, 1995 at the University of Connecticut