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Anti-White Racism: The Hate That Dares Not Speak Its Name

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Apr 28, 2016, 12:22:00 AM4/28/16
It is a strange election cycle when Republicans go to war with each other
with a ferocity rarely manifest when they are confronting Democrats and
their progressive agendas.

It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
threaten the very foundations of America's social contract. These include a
frontal assault on the system of individual rights that the Founders set in
place. The left envisions a fundamentally transformed America where
individual rights are secondary to the collective rights of races,
ethnicities, genders and classes. That is why the particular circumstances
of individual acts, such as the ones that led to the death of Michael Brown
in Ferguson, for example, don't matter to progressive mobs. It's the races
of the actors that do.

This progressive assault is being waged in the name of an "identity
politics" that places whites at the bottom of the racial totem pole while
holding them responsible for all the sins attributed to Americans but none
of their achievements, specifically their success in creating the most
tolerant and inclusive society on earth. Identity politics has a long and
ugly history under its proper name - fascism - which is another term for the
socialism of the Volk or nation (as opposed, for example, to the socialism
of classes). Today p.c. fascism is an integral feature of the ethos and
tactics of the progressive left, which has become the dominant force in the
Democratic Party.

Republicans may feel they have the luxury of being nasty towards each other
because they fail to grasp that in the hands of their opponents politics has
become a form of warfare conducted by other means. It is no longer about
getting elected and enjoying the perks of office. It is about defaming
opponents with the intention of driving them from the public square, so that
only the party of "decency" and "compassion" remains standing. Its effect is
to traduce the culture of civility that respects dissent, and its logical
conclusion is a one-party culture and state.

In this destructive enterprise the left's chief weapon is race, which it
uses to attack departures from its orthodoxies as racial bigotry. But even
as progressives prosecute this race war, racial bigotry by whites has ceased
to be a factor in public life. Progressives deal with this intractable
reality by inventing a fictional construct called "institutional racism" to
which they attribute all the disparities affecting blacks. "Institutional
racism" is a necessary fiction - institutionalized racism has been outlawed
for sixty years - because actual racists have become so hard to find.

Even as white racism has become a phenomenon of the insignificant fringe the
left's accusations of white racism have escalated to the point of terminal
absurdity. Thus Black Lives Matter and other progressive voices describe
America as a "white supremacist nation." This accusation is made against a
country that outlaws racial discrimination, that has twice elected a black
president, has recently had a black four-star general head of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, two black secretaries of state, three black national
security advisors and two successive black attorneys general along with
thousands of black elected officials, mayors, police chiefs and congressmen.

The statement that 2016 America is a "white supremacist" nation is not only
the reflection of a deranged hatred for whites, but an act of hostility
towards black America, whose opportunities and rights in this country are
greater than in any other under the sun, including every African nation and
Caribbean country governed by blacks for hundreds and even thousands of
years. The characterization of America as "white supremacist" trivializes
the historic sufferings of American blacks, seeks to divorce them from their
historic contributions to American culture and society, and depreciates the
moral struggles of the civil rights movement that achieved their liberation.

Black Lives Matter - a driving force behind the white supremacist meme - is
a roving lynch mob whose premise is the claim that a systematic war is being
waged on black people. This claim is deployed to justify riots in the
streets, the burning of cities and open incitements to kill police. (What do
we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!) There is not a shred of
evidence to support the claim that there is a hunting season on blacks.
Black Lives' blood libel is sustained by portraying black street predators
like Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Gray, who died resisting arrest,
as civil rights martyrs.

Here is how Black Lives Matter justifies its rhetorical venom and
articulates its political goal: "#BlackLivesMatter is working for a world
where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted
for demise." According to the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seattle
chapter, Marissa Jenae Johnson, the phrase "All lives matter," which was
coined as a response to the original, is a "new racial slur." Her
justification: "White Americans have created the conditions that require a
phrase like 'Black Likes Matter.'.Do you know how horrific it is to grow up
as a child in a world that so hates you? While you're literally being gunned
down in the street, while you're being rounded up and mass incarcerated and
forced into prison slavery."

Johnson's racial lies are easily refuted by the facts. White America does
not hate black children, and blacks are not being gunned down in the streets
by whites or "rounded up" like Jews in Nazi Germany to be forced into
"prison slavery." According to a study conducted by the Washington Post,
last year police officers (who are black and Hispanic and Asian as well as
white) killed 662 whites and Hispanics, and 258 blacks. The overwhelming
majority of all those police-shooting victims were attacking the officer.
Overall, there were 6,095 black homicide deaths in 2014-the most recent year
for which such data are available-compared to only 5,397 homicide deaths for
whites and Hispanics who constitute 80% of the population. Thus it is true
that blacks are being gunned down in numbers far out of proportion to their
representation in the population. But the truth Black Lives Matter racists
want to obscure is that almost all of those black homicide victims were
gunned down by black killers. It is not whites who are gunning down blacks
in the streets but other blacks. Moreover, 90% of the homicide victims of
black killers are black. In other words, the real oppressors of black
communities are the Black Lives Matter movement and its Democratic Party
sponsors who are enabling a criminal element in inner city communities to
terrorize law abiding black citizens, while crippling the efforts of law
enforcement to protect them.

While blacks are only 13% of the population, they commit 38% of the violent
crimes and over 50% of the murders. In Chicago and New York, two of the
homicide capitals of America, blacks and Hispanics commit more than 95% of
the murders. If one removes from the equation the criminal elements of the
black and Hispanic populations of this country, America's violent crime
rates shrink astronomically until America looks more like European countries
whose citizenries have no guns.

Since blacks are 90% of the victims of black criminals, it is obvious that
crime expert Heather MacDonald is correct when she writes, "The one
government agency that is the most dedicated to the proposition that black
lives matter is the police."[1] The war on police is a war to deprive law
abiding black citizens of their only real protection, since Democratic gun
control advocates have already removed from the black and white populations
of Chicago, Baltimore and other crime ridden cities much of their right to
bear arms.

According to FBI data, over the past decade 40% of cop killers have been
black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the
rate at which blacks are killed by police officers who are black as well as
white. Those blacks killed by police are with few exceptions resisting
arrest, do not have their hands up and are not pleading, "Don't shoot." ?Yet
the sinister propaganda of Black Lives Matter is to suppress and invert
these critical facts. That Black Lives Matter is attacking the police who
constitute the first line of defense for inner city blacks reveals the truth
about this movement, which is anti-white in its intentions, but anti-black
in its effects.

In other words, the greatest daily threat to black lives in America is an
anti-white racism that has made violent street criminals its civil rights
heroes, multi-racial law enforcement agencies the targets of its hate, and
actively suppresses the facts about black and minority criminality by
attacking anyone who attempts to raise the issue as racist. The results of
the attacks on police departments were entirely predictable. In the
immediate wake of the Ferguson and Baltimore race riots, homicide rates rose
56% and 60% in those areas and significantly elsewhere as police retreated
from the streets while local Democratic officials curtailed anti-crime
measures, rewarded the families of career predators like Freddie Gray with
six-million-dollar-settlements, and emboldened violent criminals to prey on
vulnerable citizens, who are mainly poor and mainly black.

A prime cause of this catastrophic war on police is the vicious propaganda
spread by progressive and liberal elites and Democratic Party operatives,
beginning with presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I-VT)16%
. For them, America is still mired in the pre-civil rights era of more than
60 years ago when there was systemic injustice in the criminal justice
system, and white attitudes towards blacks were radically different. How
different? In 1960, as commentator Larry Elder has pointed out, 60% of
Americans said they would never vote for a black president, but in 2008,
more than 50% of Americans did just that, and did it again in 2012.
Moreover, in 1983 a Republican president, Ronald Reagan, made Martin Luther
King's birthday the only national holiday honoring an American. To do so he
eliminated the national holiday specifically honoring George Washington the
father of the country. If that isn't a revolution in attitudes, what is?

Facts, however, don't prevent Black Lives Matters supporters like Ta-Nehisi
Coates, America's most pampered racist, from promoting poisonous fictions
like this: "And so that beauty that Malcolm pledged us to protect, black
beauty, was never celebrated in movies, in television, or in the textbooks I'd
seen as a child. Everyone of any import, from Jesus to George Washington,
was white." Coates was born in 1975, and was eight years old when King was
honored with the nation's only national holiday honoring an American, and
George Washington was sent to the back of the bus. The first motion pictures
championing civil rights and equal dignity for blacks - most notably Home of
the Brave - began appearing in 1949. Sidney Poitier won the Academy Award as
best actor for his role in "Lillies of the Field" in 1964. In 1960 Harper
Lee's novel about racial justice for blacks won the Pulitzer Prize and went
on to sell over 60 million copies. In 1977, television featured "Roots" the
epic miniseries about black oppression which was the most widely viewed show
of its time. Its episodes were viewed by more than 30 million Americans and
it won a score of Emmys. As is typical of Black Lives Matter and "social
justice" progressives generally, Coates simply lies to sustain his hatred of

Because Coates is the most celebrated of the new racists, he is a perfect
emblem of the corruptions of a "liberal" culture, which condemns invisible
white racism while defending black criminals who prey on the minority
inhabitants of America's inner cities. A principal source of the war on
white people generally and law enforcement in particular is our leftwing
university and literary culture, which for forty years has taught college
students that it is politically correct to hate white people; which fosters
a hatred of America so virulent, that it has inspired millennials to flock
to a lifelong supporter of communist causes like Bernie Sanders and to avert
its own gaze from this impertinent fact: the largest, most oppressive and
most violent inner cities in America are 100% controlled by the Democratic
Party - the party of slavery and segregation - and have been for fifty to a
hundred years. Everything that is wrong in the social environments of
America's black poor that policy can affect, Democrats and progressives are
responsible for.

Ta-Nehisi Coates is a prime product of this cultural sickness. Although he
never graduated college, Coates was made a visiting professor at MIT, was
offered a column by the New York Times (which he turned down) and is
currently an editor at one of America's most venerable liberal journals, The
Atlantic. He is also currently the recipient of a $625,000 MacArthur "Genius
Award," and this year was given the National Book Award for Between the
World and Me, accompanied by fawning reviews in the New York Times and the
rest of the liberal press. The book is written in the form of a letter of
advice to his teenage son to whom he explains that if a black cop kills a
black youth (which is what happened to Coates' best friend) that is because
the black cop is acting white. In other words, whatever crime is committed
by a black person the white devil made them do it. This is Farrakhanite
racism in its purist form.

"White America," explains Coates, "is a syndicate arrayed to protect its
exclusive power to dominate and control our bodies." Portraying killings of
blacks by police officers as racist business as usual, Coates continues,
"there is nothing uniquely evil" about these officers "endowed with the
authority to destroy your body;" they "are merely men enforcing the whims of
our country, correctly interpreting its heritage and legacy." America's
heritage is killing black people because they are black. America's heritage
is slavery - control over black bodies. Actually - historically speaking -
it is black Africa's heritage is to have enslaved black people and delivered
control of their bodies to others; America's heritage is to have liberated

The historical reality is actually this: slavery had existed for 3000 years
in every country but was never proclaimed immoral until white Christian
males in England and America did so towards the end of the 18th Century. In
1776 a new nation dedicated itself to the proposition that all men have a
God-given right to liberty that no government can take away. Within 90 years
of America's declaration, slavery was abolished on this continent at the
cost of 350,000 mostly white Union lives, and then - thanks to the English
and the Americans - throughout the western hemisphere and large parts of
Africa. This is the truth the left desperately seeks to suppress so it can
justify its attacks on a country that has provided not only blacks but all
minorities with privileges, rights and opportunities unprecedented in the
history of mankind.

Hatred of America and contempt for its guardians among the police and the
military is the social gospel of the left. For nearly half a century this
hatred has been the unwavering theme of the "progressive" movement in our
universities and our streets and in the Democratic Party; its practical
agendas are the destruction of the culture of individual liberty and
accountability at home, and America's retreat abroad. This is what
Republicans and all Americans, black and white, should be concerned about
and what they should be joining forces to defeat.


Apr 28, 2016, 7:02:54 PM4/28/16
On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 23:21:58 -0500, "DoD" <>

>It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
>right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
>threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.

Which shows how completely, tire-biting insane the right has become in
the past few decades. Today's Democratic Party is to the right of
where the Republican Party was in the 1970s, and would be considered
part of the moderate right in any other First World country. (Both
parties have drifted rightward since the 80s, the Republicans
practically off the charts.)

Hot Lantis

Apr 28, 2016, 7:56:11 PM4/28/16
On 4/28/2016 5:02 PM, raven1 wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 23:21:58 -0500, "DoD" <>
> wrote:
>> It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
>> right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
>> threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.
> Which shows how completely, tire-biting insane the right has become in
> the past few decades. Today's Democratic Party is to the right of
> where the Republican Party was in the 1970s,

Are you doped up?


Apr 28, 2016, 8:22:33 PM4/28/16

"Hot Lantis" <> wrote in message news:nfu6ac$dr2$
Isn't it obvious?

Apr 28, 2016, 8:55:27 PM4/28/16
The above post is the most accurate, most truthful thing that I
have ever read in 20 years of surfing the internet.

Particularly striking is it's stark honesty, and resistance to any
tendency of embellishment or exaggeration.



Beam Me Up Scotty

Apr 28, 2016, 9:15:00 PM4/28/16

JFK - Path to Prosperity

That's where the Republicans are..... and sliding to the Left.

That's Karma

#24.0.1 - All businesses strive to stay in business.... How any one will
do that is never exactly the same as the rest, because no two businesses
are exactly the same. That's why Socialism's "one size fits all" central
planning doesn't work.

Rudy Canoza

Apr 28, 2016, 9:16:01 PM4/28/16
On 4/27/2016 9:21 PM, DoD wrote:
> It is a strange election cycle when Republicans go to war with each
> other with a ferocity rarely manifest when they are confronting
> Democrats and their progressive agendas.
> It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
> right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
> threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.

Complete bullshit. Proggie groups have moved that far left, but not the
Democratic Party.


Apr 29, 2016, 10:23:28 AM4/29/16
No. Are you twelve?

Lantern Jaw

Apr 29, 2016, 2:34:19 PM4/29/16

The Demotards are now in the control of the hard left = Wasserman
Shultz, Sanders, Soros, et al.

Why do you ALWAYS lie, Jonathan?


Apr 29, 2016, 3:55:00 PM4/29/16
You must live in La La land. Your head is out of joint or suffers from
too many joints.


Apr 29, 2016, 3:55:45 PM4/29/16
OK, not doped, just dopey.

Rudy Canoza

Apr 29, 2016, 8:15:19 PM4/29/16
On 4/29/2016 11:34 AM, Lantern Jaw wrote:
> On 4/28/2016 7:16 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>> On 4/27/2016 9:21 PM, DoD wrote:
>>> It is a strange election cycle when Republicans go to war with each
>>> other with a ferocity rarely manifest when they are confronting
>>> Democrats and their progressive agendas.
>>> It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
>>> right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
>>> threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.
>> Complete bullshit. Proggie groups have moved that far left, but not the
>> Democratic Party.
> Liar.


> The Demotards are now in the control of the hard left

No, and the "hard left" isn't in control of the Democrats, either.

Why do you suppose Wall Street and the Koch brothers support Hillary?


Apr 29, 2016, 9:47:53 PM4/29/16

"Rudy Canoza" <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in message
Looks like I got the short end of Rudy's coin toss.

Rudy Canoza

Apr 29, 2016, 10:05:49 PM4/29/16
Looks like you got the brain that came in the dented can.


Apr 30, 2016, 11:52:58 AM4/30/16
You must be under 40. The GOP under Nixon was well to the left of the
Democratic Party of today on economic issues. Wage and price controls,
anyone? Support for universal single-payer health care? Creation of
the EPA? Exorbitantly higher taxes on the rich? Bueller? Bueller?


Apr 30, 2016, 11:57:24 AM4/30/16
You really don't know much about either recent US history, or the
political landscape outside the US, if you don't recognize that what I
wrote is correct. On economic issues, Richard Nixon's GOP was much
closer to Bernie Sanders than they were to Ronald Reagan, and Sanders
is an outlier who is significantly to the left of the Democratic Party

Lantern Jaw

Apr 30, 2016, 12:07:03 PM4/30/16
On 4/29/2016 6:15 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
> On 4/29/2016 11:34 AM, Lantern Jaw wrote:
>> On 4/28/2016 7:16 PM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>> On 4/27/2016 9:21 PM, DoD wrote:
>>>> It is a strange election cycle when Republicans go to war with each
>>>> other with a ferocity rarely manifest when they are confronting
>>>> Democrats and their progressive agendas.
>>>> It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on the
>>>> right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
>>>> threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.
>>> Complete bullshit. Proggie groups have moved that far left, but not the
>>> Democratic Party.
>> Liar.
> No.

Denial is your life, Jonathan, go appraise some tough sheds.

>> The Demotards are now in the control of the hard left
> No, and the "hard left" isn't in control of the Democrats, either.


Alexander Bolton has a column at The Hill where he explores the question
of whether or not the ascendant, hard left, liberal wing of the
Democrats has finally pushed their part to a tipping point in the run-up
to the next presidential election and how that might affect some
downticket races as well. The main area he focuses on is the anti-arms
race going on among Democrats as they each try to one-up each other on
who would ban the most guns the fastest. But given the consistent poll
numbers we’ve seen on the subject of gun rights, are they alienating a
significant section of the general election audience and putting
unwanted pressure on their Senate candidates in critical states?

There’s division within the Democratic Party over how aggressively to
push gun control, an issue that is growing more urgent among the liberal
base but threatens to hurt centrists running in battleground states.

While Democratic senators from liberal states such as Connecticut and
Oregon are rolling out new gun control legislation in Washington, some
strategists warn the issue could alienate pro-gun voters in key states
such as Colorado, New Hampshire, Florida, Pennsylvania and Nevada.

But it could be difficult for Democratic Senate candidates to keep the
gun issue at bay, given the rising fervor in the liberal base for action.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley
have tried to tap into the grassroots anger over gun violence, zeroing
in on the issue during their first presidential debate.
The problem with the “swing states” is that almost all of them tend to
swing toward gun rights, often heavily. The Democrats are going to have
a serious messaging problem if a significant number of their candidates
go off tone and start contradicting their presidential candidate on the
campaign trail. But by the same token, if they toe the party line
they’re going to give their GOP opponents a serious opening.

The overall issue of the Second Amendment isn’t the only place where the
Warren Wing is pushing the party into potentially untenable territory.
The SJW has got both Clinton and Sanders rushing to placate the Black
Lives Matter movement, threatening to shut down their campaign events if
they don’t mouth the correct catch phrases. (And frequently shutting
them down anyway even if they do.) Getting into bed with that segment of
the party may look great in the primary, but it’s going to cause trouble
in the general election. Consistent polls show that Americans by and
large still widely support the police.

Despite all the stories about police violence and bad behavior in
federal law enforcement, a new HuffPost/YouGov survey shows that most
Americans still trust the agencies tasked with upholding the nation’s laws.

Majorities of the poll respondents said they have a “great deal” or
“fair amount” of trust in their local police department and in police
nationwide, as well as in the FBI. Americans were a bit less trusting of
three other federal agencies, though around half expressed similar
support for the CIA, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Secret
Further, when the “protesters” get out of hand and go after the cops,
national support for the movement plummets. Only 25% of respondents in a
different poll felt that the riots in Baltimore “were sparked by
legitimate grievances” while a very solid majority described them as
criminal actions. It’s possible that the Democrats’ candidates have
spent too much time watching the skewed views of reporters on MSNBC and
CNN and came away thinking that theirs was some sort of national
consensus view while nearly the exact opposite was the case.

In some ways this is a great popcorn moment for conservatives. It’s
generally the GOP which is pegged as having their base drive their
candidates too far from the center to win national elections.
Unfortunately for the Democrats, overreach is a problem on both sides of
the aisle and if they’re not careful they will find themselves stuck in
the same trap they tried to set for the Republicans.


Apr 30, 2016, 3:41:02 PM4/30/16

"Rudy Canoza" <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in message
Rudy is so goofy...!!!

The Urt and Rudy Show

Apr 30, 2016, 3:52:14 PM4/30/16
On 4/30/2016 1:41 PM, DoD wrote:

>>>> Complete bullshit. Proggie groups have moved that far left, but not
>>>> the Democratic Party.
>>> Looks like I got the short end of
>> Looks like you got the brain that came in the dented can.
> Rudy is so goofy...!!!

He's in a total AGW lather right now and it is a HOOT to watch!

Rudy Canoza

Apr 30, 2016, 5:12:54 PM4/30/16
On 4/30/2016 12:41 PM, DoD wrote:
> "Rudy Canoza" <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in message
> news:%pUUy.1716$Iu...@fx01.iad...
>> On 4/29/2016 6:47 PM, DoD wrote:
>>> "Rudy Canoza" <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in message
>>> news:kByUy.502$IU7...@fx19.iad...
>>>> On 4/27/2016 9:21 PM, DoD wrote:
>>>>> It is a strange election cycle when Republicans go to war with each
>>>>> other with a ferocity rarely manifest when they are confronting
>>>>> Democrats and their progressive agendas.
>>>>> It is especially puzzling because a general consensus has formed on
>>>>> the
>>>>> right that the Democratic Party is moving so far left that its agendas
>>>>> threaten the very foundations of America's social contract.
>>>> Complete bullshit. Proggie groups have moved that far left, but not
>>>> the Democratic Party.
>>> Looks like I got the short end of
>> Looks like you got the brain that came in the dented can.
> Rudy is

right about you, as always.

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