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Challenge to fellow conservatives

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Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
Liberals today just hate democracy - so it's time for we who
believe in democracy to go into a fightback mode, before we lose
yet more of our rights to a nanny state in which legislative
questions, such as what the sales tax on Marlboros should be or how
much you will pay on your next gun for what amounts to a sales tax
for some faraway big city you cannot vote in, are decided without
a single vote cast by any elected representative of the people.
The "culture war" now raging in America is a guerrilla war,
and it must be fought as such - using the completely-lawful and
nonviolent weapon of outing.
It's time for you to enlist in the "culture war." Shut off
the damn television and start outing anti-freedom product-liability
lawyers, mayors, and liberal politicians generally. Use the
Field Manual for outing liberals this newspaper at
includes to get started outing every liberal who threatens your freedom.
Do it for your children - or they will blame you for the loss of
the freedom you got as a birthright for being born American if
you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."
Dissident news - plus immigration, gun rights, Y2K, Al Gore
Outed liberals

Trevor Zion Bauknight

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
In article <>,
(GLC1173) wrote:

> Do it for your children - or they will blame you for the loss of
> the freedom you got as a birthright for being born American if
> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

Hey rube, I'm a liberal. There. How you gonna "out" me now? And what
the hell do you think you're going to do about it?



Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
Trev quoted me:

>> Do it for your children - or they will >>blame you for the loss of
>> the freedom you got as a birthright for >>being born American if
>> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

and replied:

>Hey rube, I'm a liberal. There. How you >gonna "out" me now?

No - we dissidents aren't going to waste our time with nobodies like you.
We're going after the big boys and girls in public office, the media, and
prestige lawyers when we out the liberal *elite*.
So far, Alamance Independent has outed prominent media people, antigun
lawyers, and a big-city liberal mayor. Neither I nor other dissidents has time
to waste on small fry like you.

Gail Weasel

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
GLC1173 wrote:

He didn't. He stole it word for word
from a North Carolina web site, where
people are naturally concerned about
the tax hike on cigarets.

This, of course, is not a liberal vs. conservative

Ask John McCain.

> Liberals today just hate democracy - so it's time for we who
> believe in democracy to go into a fightback mode, before we lose
> yet more of our rights to a nanny state in which legislative
> questions, such as what the sales tax on Marlboros should be or how
> much you will pay on your next gun for what amounts to a sales tax
> for some faraway big city you cannot vote in, are decided without
> a single vote cast by any elected representative of the people.
> The "culture war" now raging in America is a guerrilla war,
> and it must be fought as such - using the completely-lawful and
> nonviolent weapon of outing.
> It's time for you to enlist in the "culture war." Shut off
> the damn television and start outing anti-freedom product-liability
> lawyers, mayors, and liberal politicians generally. Use the
> Field Manual for outing liberals this newspaper at
> includes to get started outing every liberal who threatens your freedom.

> Do it for your children - or they will blame you for the loss of
> the freedom you got as a birthright for being born American if
> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

> =======================================================
> Dissident news - plus immigration, gun rights, Y2K, Al Gore
> Outed liberals
> ALAMANCE INDEPENDENT weekly newspaper


Gail Weasel

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
Trevor Zion Bauknight wrote:
> In article <>,
> (GLC1173) wrote:
> > Do it for your children - or they will blame you for the loss of
> > the freedom you got as a birthright for being born American if
> > you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."
> Hey rube, I'm a liberal. There. How you gonna "out" me now? And what
> the hell do you think you're going to do about it?
> Trev

The poltiics of personal destruction!

Don't worry too much. It's only a web site by
one person in North Carolina.

Here's Mr. Maggio's advice, though:

You then do an AltaVista search by the target's name. Many
politicians run web sites of their own; quotes of stupid
stuff the
target said make for great "in his own words" outing.
searching is likely to find you newspaper articles from
outside his
hometown or Washington - quite often of an embarrassing
nature - as well as
what other people contend about him (that you must then
For instance, the Illinois Republican Party had plenty
of things
about Carol Moseley-Braun on its web site - things that
were easily verified.
You then get yourself over to the courthouse if the
target is
local. In North Carolina, arrest records are
computerized since
1983 and can easily be checked - free of charge - on
provided for the public at the criminal division of the
Clerk of
Superior Court; ask someone to show you how to use them,
the procedure is tricky at first. While just the fact
that the
target was arrested is useful - particularly if he's got
a history
of many arrests - check out the disposition (as the
assistant clerk
to show you how) of each charge; that will tell you
whether that
bad check was for $5 or for $500. You are particularly
in anything other than traffic - and in DUIs. (If the
target has teenage kids 16
or older, check them out; any problems of theirs can be
used to raise the
issue of how good a parent the target is.)
In North Carolina, lawsuit records are in the Clerk of
Superior Court's office too - but in the civil division;
someone there to show you how to use the free terminals.
stop at checking for lawsuits; also check for judgments
- which
includes IRS and unemployment-comp liens, unpaid water
bill liens,
etc. When you find a judgment, write down the book and
numbers; you must look up the judgment in the books
there so that
you will find the amount - and whether it was ever paid.
If you
find lawsuits in which the other party has the same last
name as
the target, it's probably divorce or child custody; ask
assistant clerk to pull the file for you so that you can
see if
it's a messy divorce. (Unless the target is a
businessman, any
litigation involving anyone but a business is likely
related.) Lawsuits earlier than 1983 must be checked
through a set
of books - so check them as well as the computer; the
clerk will show you how.
Marriage licenses in North Carolina are kept in the
of Deeds office - and each shows how many prior
marriages each
party has (plus whether they ended by divorce or
widowhood), plus
amount of schooling, race, etc. If your target is a
woman, it also
shows you her maiden name and any prior married names -
which you
then go back to the Clerk of Superior Court's office to
criminal and lawsuit records on again. Marriage licenses
in North
Carolina also show birthplace and date of birth of both
(If your target is a man, note his wife's name - and
then check her
record for arrests and particularly lawsuits too; many
couples max out one spouse's credit and have him default
on debts,
while keeping the other's spotless to allow necessary
credit purchases.)
In North Carolina, the Register of Deeds is also the
place to
go to find what property a person owns; you may find
that your
"liberal" target is a slumlord - it has happened in
North Carolina.
In North Carolina, wills and related informtion can be
at the estates division of the Clerk of Superior Court;
you can see
who left money to your target - and how much.
Then get creative in using what you have learned; use
talk radio as well
as the newsgroups.


George Leroy Tyrebiter, Jr.

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
On 15 Feb 1999 05:11:39 GMT, (GLC1173) wrote:

> Liberals today just hate democracy - so it's time for we who
>believe in democracy to go into a fightback mode, before we lose
>yet more of our rights

You seem inconsistent. You propose govt controls on imports, and who
can come here.

to a nanny state in which legislative
>questions, such as what the sales tax on Marlboros should be or how
>much you will pay on your next gun

YOU are the nanny - proposing that there be govt limits on my ability
to get paid for the harm done to me. Butt out and let me sue whom I

for what amounts to a sales tax
>for some faraway big city you cannot vote in, are decided without
>a single vote cast by any elected representative of the people.

What the gun companies charge you is their business. You propose nanny
rules to interfere with THEIR choice.

> The "culture war" now raging in America is a guerrilla war,
>and it must be fought as such - using the completely-lawful and
>nonviolent weapon of outing.

Remember, you said we should do this. You are dumb.

How does it feel to be outed?

> It's time for you to enlist in the "culture war." Shut off
>the damn television and start outing anti-freedom product-liability

God, you don't even grasp that it is YOU who argues against freedom.
If a gun maker wants to charge you X, who are you to gripe? And if I
sue them for harm they have done me, who are YOU to gripe?

Don't you even understand that YOU are a tremendous OPPONENT of

You say we should NOT have the freedom to buy what we want, employ who
we want, and sue when we want and you call OTHERS opponents of


mayors, and liberal politicians generally. Use the
>Field Manual for outing liberals this newspaper at
>includes to get started outing every liberal who threatens your freedom.

> Do it for your children - or they will blame you for the loss of
>the freedom you got as a birthright for being born American if
>you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

> Dissident news - plus immigration, gun rights, Y2K, Al Gore
> Outed liberals
> ALAMANCE INDEPENDENT weekly newspaper

George Leroy Tyrebiter, Jr.

Trevor Zion Bauknight

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
In article <>,
(GLC1173) wrote:

> No - we dissidents aren't going to waste our time with nobodies like you.
> We're going after the big boys and girls in public office, the media, and
> prestige lawyers when we out the liberal *elite*.

You're giving real "dissidents" a bad name...


Frances Del Rio

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
GLC1173 <> wrote:
: Liberals today just hate democracy - so it's time for we who
: believe in democracy to go into a fightback mode, before we lose
: yet more of our rights to a nanny state in which legislative

: questions, such as what the sales tax on Marlboros should be or how
: much you will pay on your next gun for what amounts to a sales tax

: for some faraway big city you cannot vote in, are decided without
: a single vote cast by any elected representative of the people.
: The "culture war" now raging in America is a guerrilla war,

Hey -- the culture war was declared by you right-wingers, and you have now
lost a big battle in it... So get real...

: and it must be fought as such - using the completely-lawful and
: nonviolent weapon of outing.
: It's time for you to enlist in the "culture war." Shut off

: the damn television and start outing anti-freedom product-liability

: lawyers, mayors, and liberal politicians generally. Use the

: Field Manual for outing liberals this newspaper at
: includes to get started outing every liberal who threatens your freedom.

Hey, you fanatical right-wingers, just continue to do what you've been
doing for the last few years, continue yr intolerance, your religious
fanaticsm, your gay-bashing, your anti-govt rhetoric.. the more you guys
continue on this path the better it is for us...

Be our guest, man...

Onward christian soldiers!!



Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
Gail quoted me:

>> Do it for your children - or they will >>blame you for the loss of
>> the freedom you got as a birthright for >>being born American if
>> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

and replied:

>The poltiics of personal destruction!

And proud of it.

>Don't worry too much. It's only a web site by
>one person in North Carolina

So is Drudge Report - and it breaking the Newsweek editors' conspiracy to
suppress the Monica story showed your hero as the shit he is.

Gail Weasel

Feb 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/15/99
GLC1173 wrote:
> Gail quoted me:

I wasn't quoting you. I was quoting the web site
you stole it from.

> >> Do it for your children - or they will >>blame you for the loss of
> >> the freedom you got as a birthright for >>being born American if
> >> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

> and replied:

> >The poltiics of personal destruction!

> And proud of it.

> >Don't worry too much. It's only a web site by

> >one person in North Carolina
> So is Drudge Report - and it breaking the Newsweek editors' conspiracy to
> suppress the Monica story showed your hero as the shit he is.

Clinton was never my hero, but last time I looked
he was still President.

> =======================================================
> Dissident news - plus immigration, gun rights, Y2K, Al Gore
> Outed liberals
> ALAMANCE INDEPENDENT weekly newspaper



Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
Gail quoted me:

>> Do it for your children - or they will >>blame you for the loss of
>> the freedom you got as a birthright for >>being born American if
>> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."

and replied:
>I wasn't quoting you. I was quoting the web >site
>you stole it from.

I *own* the Alamance Independent - the web site you claim I stole from.

James DAngelo

Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
The question was "What do conservatives see as less governemt".

I'd recommend that all conservatives read "Take the Rich off Welafre",
published by the Odonia Press and start there!

James D'Angelo Youngstown State University
The Enunciator--Ideas the elite doesn't want you to know.

Gail Weasel

Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
GLC1173 wrote:
> Gail quoted me:
> >> Do it for your children - or they will >>blame you for the loss of
> >> the freedom you got as a birthright for >>being born American if
> >> you are a draftdodger in the "culture war."
> and replied:
> >I wasn't quoting you. I was quoting the web >site
> >you stole it from.
> I *own* the Alamance Independent - the web site you claim I stole from.

My apologies, Matt.

Why the secrecy?

> =======================================================
> Dissident news - plus immigration, gun rights, Y2K, Al Gore
> Outed liberals
> ALAMANCE INDEPENDENT weekly newspaper



Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
Gail wrote:
>I wasn't quoting you. I was quoting the web >site
>you stole it from.

quoted me:

>> I *own* the Alamance Independent - the >>web site you claim I stole from.

and replied:

>My apologies, Matt.
>Why the secrecy?

Hardly any "secrecy" when the Alamance Independent prominently says "Matt
Maggio Publisher and Editor" on every page.
I first was on AOL for four years before I started the Alamance Independent
a month ago. I picked the screen name GLC1173 after my law office - named
"Guilford Legal Clinic" and its phone number.

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