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the Republican Party has lost its marbles

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Harry Hope

Aug 15, 2009, 11:26:05 AM8/15/09

From The Des Moines Register, 8/15/09:

Party of idealism became one of greed

By John Rundle

Several columnists - Eugene Robinson, Leonard Pitts, Richard Doak, and
even the conservative Kathleen Parker - have finally noticed that the
Republican Party has lost its marbles.

However, following the trail of lost Republican marbles back through
time does not lead to competence or to sanity.

It leads to Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and the
Great Depression.

Today's Republican Party has abandoned the legacy of Theodore
Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

Roosevelt was the first president to call for universal health care
and national health insurance.

He was a trust-buster, a conservationist, a defender of
trade-unionism, a Darwinist and the first American president to win
the Nobel Peace Prize.

Today's GOP represents big insurance and pharmaceutical companies,
corporate polluters and climate-change deniers.

We remember Lincoln as "honest Abe" and "the great emancipator."

But the GOP has become the party that welcomed segregationist
Dixiecrats into its ranks, that voted against the Voter Rights Act and
the Equal Rights Amendment, that called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and
Martin Luther King a communist, and condoned torture and enabled
corporate looting of our economy.

The GOP has degenerated from a party that upheld and even defined
American idealism into a party of greed, bigotry and crackpot
conspiracy theories.


I feel that the Repug Party hasn't really changed that much. It's
always been a party of greed, bigotry and crackpot conspiracy


Aug 15, 2009, 11:38:56 AM8/15/09
Ever wonder why Obama lost the European-American vote in a 60-40
landslide? It's because the 3/4 of Americans who are European-
Americans reject the Democrat Party overwhelmingly.
Democrat Party - just a party of nonwhites and government employees! is
the all-states, continually-updated calendar of "town halls." - your source for hard-to-find stuff!

Christopher Helms

Aug 15, 2009, 11:47:04 AM8/15/09
On Aug 15, 10:26 am, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> From The Des Moines Register, 8/15/09:

That's an excellent article. It nicely outlines the canyon between the
Republicans' rhetoric and what they actually do these days whenever
they get into power. They talk about fiscal responsibility and freedom
and limited government, what the framers intended and all that
wonderful stuff, they get into power and it's eight years of shoveling
public money at Big Business as fast as they can possibly shovel it.
The government never shrinks, freedom never expands and money gets
spent faster than ever. The Republican party is just completely,
irreversibly full of shit and people are finally, thank God, starting
to realize it. Voting Republican has come to mean "Yes, I think banks,
oil companies and drug conglomerates should be running the government
for their own benefit."

President Soetoro

Aug 15, 2009, 12:01:04 PM8/15/09
On Aug 15, 10:26 am, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> From The Des Moines Register, 8/15/09:

It is the "greedy" people that have kept you pimps-of-poverty in
power. You steal our hard earned monies to enslave generations of
blacks to the chains of socialism, and now you want to kill off all
the old people, the "useless eaters", those that are medical dependent
upon others, force them to make the "ultimate sacrifice" for the sake
of society!

wouldn't be easier for the mindless obamatrons who are gonna run this
abortion, to keep a loaded gun in the "doctor's office" and blow the
brains out of the people who want health care? and hell, you could
create a couple of jobs for illegal aliens, "clean up in examination
room 7".... oh, wait... what's the spanish for that??


Aug 15, 2009, 12:12:03 PM8/15/09

"President Soetoro" <>
wrote in message

An example of RRRs distortions and lies.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Aug 15, 2009, 12:35:34 PM8/15/09
Christopher Helms wrote:
> On Aug 15, 10:26 am, Harry Hope <> wrote:
>> From The Des Moines Register, 8/15/09:
>> Party of idealism became one of greed
>> By John Rundle
>> Several columnists - Eugene Robinson, Leonard Pitts, Richard Doak, and
>> even the conservative Kathleen Parker - have finally noticed that the
>> Republican Party has lost its marbles.
>> However, following the trail of lost Republican marbles back through
>> time does not lead to competence or to sanity.
>> It leads to Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and the
>> Great Depression.
>> Today's Republican Party has abandoned the legacy of Theodore
>> Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
>> Roosevelt was the first president to call for universal health care
>> and national health insurance.
>> He was a trust-buster, a conservationist, a defender of
>> trade-unionism, a Darwinist and the first American president to win
>> the Nobel Peace Prize.
>> Today's GOP represents big insurance and pharmaceutical companies,
>> corporate polluters and climate-change deniers.

The Democrats are cashing those campaign finance checks from
Pharmaceutical companies. It looks like Democrats are making DEAL with
AARP and BIG Pharma companies, Unions, Acorn, the AMA and the rest of
the BIG corporate interest with BIG money on the line.

President Soetoro

Aug 16, 2009, 10:49:23 AM8/16/09
On Aug 15, 11:12 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
> "President Soetoro" <>
> wrote in

Sid, Government operates on a zero-sum game. Government has never, nor
will it EVER create wealth. The Government steals money from those who
make it, and redistributes it. The Government never adds any value to
the money while it has it's grubby hands on it. It was the error of
the Soviet system and socialism in general, and it is a FACT that
seems to constantly elude you socialist uberlib DemonCraps.

So now you want the Government to seize 1/7th of the US economy? And
for what purposes? Under the guise of benevolence? When the Government
seizes healthcare, 1/7th of the wealth creating capacity of the U.S.
is gone, yet control over it by the Government will continue in a zero-
sum, rationed form.

All healthcare is rationed. If you don't have insurance, healthcare is
self rationed and based completely on need. If you have private
healthcare, the company rations it based upon a number of factors. And
when the Government controls it, it will be rationed using similar
criteria. There are only so many dollars available to provide
diagnosis and treatment regardless of the model used.

Have you ever tried to steal money from a poor man? You can't.

So who is going to pay for this abortion? Are you gonna create a tax
similar to medicare/medicaid? And have both business and individuals
pay for the coverage? Or are you going to add even more burden to
those who make money? You call it make the rich pay their "fair
share", yet 5% of the people in this Country already pay 95% of the
taxes, and are you now going to make them pay for 1/7th of the U.S.
economy as well?

This is insanity at it's craziest, at it's most insane!!

Businesses don't have to be based in the U.S., and executives who run
those companies don't have to live here either. Look at what is
happening to NY City under the growing burden of taxes you dumb-ass
socialists are levying on them. They are leaving the State and moving
elsewhere where the tax burdens are lower.

Where are you lechers, moochers, thieves, robbers going to get money
from when there is no more money to steal? Socialism exists only when
there are more victims to steal money from.


Aug 16, 2009, 12:13:39 PM8/16/09

"President Soetoro" <>
wrote in message

This assumption it the lie that carried Reagan into office.

Did you ever hear of the an example?
Made America rich


Aug 16, 2009, 12:33:05 PM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 7:49 am, President Soetoro

IIRC, Blackwater and Halliburton did pretty well off government
contracts; and those dams that went up as part of Roosevelt's programs
generated quite a bit of wealth and are still generating it today.

> So now you want the Government to seize 1/7th of the US economy? And
> for what purposes? Under the guise of benevolence? When the Government
> seizes healthcare, 1/7th of the wealth creating capacity of the U.S.
> is gone, yet control over it by the Government will continue in a zero-
> sum, rationed form.
> All healthcare is rationed. If you don't have insurance, healthcare is
> self rationed and based completely on need. If you have private
> healthcare, the company rations it based upon a number of factors. And
> when the Government controls it, it will be rationed using similar
> criteria. There are only so many dollars available to provide
> diagnosis and treatment regardless of the model used.
> Have you ever tried to steal money from a poor man? You can't.
> So who is going to pay for this abortion? Are you gonna create a tax
> similar to medicare/medicaid? And have both business and individuals
> pay for the coverage? Or are you going to add even more burden to
> those who make money? You call it make the rich pay their "fair
> share", yet 5% of the people in this Country already pay 95% of the
> taxes, and are you now going to make them pay for 1/7th of the U.S.
> economy as well?

Instead of paying insurance company CEOs huge bonuses and supporting
their lobbyists, each dollar I would pay toward government-operated
national health care coverage would buy me more health care than the
current system.

> This is insanity at it's craziest, at it's most insane!!
> Businesses don't have to be based in the U.S., and executives who run
> those companies don't have to live here either. Look at what is
> happening to NY City under the growing burden of taxes you dumb-ass
> socialists are levying on them. They are leaving the State and moving
> elsewhere where the tax burdens are lower.
> Where are you lechers, moochers, thieves, robbers going to get money
> from when there is no more money to steal? Socialism exists only when

> there are more victims to steal money from.- Hide quoted text -

Do you think you should get roads, firefighters, police, product
safety, wage and labor protections, clean water and air for nothing?


> - Show quoted text -

President Soetoro

Aug 16, 2009, 2:38:10 PM8/16/09
On Aug 16, 11:13 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
> "President Soetoro" <>
> wrote in

So you are going to compare a couple of dams to 1/7th of the U.S.
economy? Was the hydro electricity generated by the dams given away
for free? Is it given away for free today? Or do the users of the
electricity pay to recover the capital costs associated with it. Damn
Dam, imagine that concept for a second... people have to pay for
something, that not EVERYTHING is free. What a shock THAT will be to
some who are thinking that this is gonna be free!

Besides, your little quasi-government entity lost $167 Million last
quarter, and has lost $339 Million YTD. Any other fine examples?.
Also, why does your little quasi-fed agency have to pay over $1
Billion per quarter to purchase power from other companies? The CEO
for TVA is paid $2.9 Million per year... not as much as Payton
Manning, but still how many times more than what the "messiah" makes?

Good example Sid, you got any more?


Aug 16, 2009, 2:41:03 PM8/16/09

"President Soetoro" <>
wrote in message

Asshole, for years it took the residents of the area out of
their poverty.
It's still a tremendous asset to our nation.

President Soetoro

Aug 16, 2009, 2:45:33 PM8/16/09

How well is algore gonna do off his company that is mandated to sell
carbon credit offsets? $1 Billion?... $10 Billion? You fucking idiot
believers of this scam... it's un-fucking believable that you bought
this hook, line, and sinker. You made algore a VERY rich man. Which is
what it was all about anyway... $$$$$$$$$. But it's ok since this is
"green" money, and "green" money makers can NEVER be considered as

How does protecting the borders, building roads, the general
infrastructure of the U.S. have anything in common and anything to do
with supporting people who won't work, and demand via you pimps-of-
poverty that everyone else has to carry the burden for their support?

Message has been deleted

Bret Cahill

Aug 17, 2009, 11:45:18 PM8/17/09
> Ever wonder why Obama lost the European-American vote in a 60-40
> landslide?  It's because the 3/4 of Americans who are European-
> Americans reject the Democrat Party overwhelmingly.
> Democrat Party - just a party of nonwhites and government employees!

Similarities between the GOP and Nazi Party:

1. both were the white man's party.

2. both were based on hate and drove minorities out.

3. both were anti women.

4. both deployed jingoism.

5. both were impervious to logic as well as facts.

6. both would try any lie and repeat it over and over.

7. both would villify their opposition

The difference is that the info age exposes Repugliars' lies in real

Bret Cahill

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