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9/11 LIGHTS ON! Remember what the Arabs did to 3000 American Civilians that DAY!

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Aug 24, 2002, 8:05:20 PM8/24/02

>PLEASE forward this email to everyone in your address book
>asking them to also forward it.
>Please join us on 9/11.....................we have over a month to
>get the word out all across this great land we love and call the United
>States of America. Let's see how powerful e-mail can be!
>On Wednesday, September 11, 2002 everyone in the USA who will
>be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights
>on during daylight hours.
>Though no explanation is needed as to why we are commemorating
>September 11.........................we hope more importantly to pay
>respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity
>and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces.
>You can help by sending this e-mail on to others!
>Remember......................9/11 LIGHTS ON!


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