A court defeat for the Texas Medical Board is changing policies—and
As we have reported previously, when integrative practitioners treat
the whole patient, their treatments often challenge traditional models
of medicine. State medical boards are aligned with the American
Medical Association’s brand of allopathic medicine. Because of this,
they have historically been biased against complementary and
alternative medicine—to the point that they not infrequently target
practitioners specifically for practicing a higher standard of care.
But the tide is turning, according to attorney Jacques Simon. Simon
represented Bill J. Rea, MD, in a stunning legal victory against the
Texas Medical Board (TMB). The suit has helped shift bad board
practices in Texas.
Jacques Simon has an outstanding success rate defending integrative
medical doctors in these types of proceedings. He is one of four
attorneys in the US who collaborate and specialize in this area. (The
others are Alan Dumoff, Algis Augustine, and Richard Jaffe.)
Dr. Rea is a leading researcher and clinician in the field of
environmental medicine and chemical sensitivity. For the past thirty
years, he has treated illness caused by food and wide-ranging
environmental factors such as air and water pollution. In 2005, the
Texas Medical Board filed a number of charges against Dr. Rea,
challenging his testing, diagnosis, and treatment—everything he does.
They even claimed that Dr. Rea was injecting his patients with diesel
fuel and harmful chemicals, a charge that was patently false.
After three long years in court, Simon was able to prove that the
Board’s claims were unsubstantiated. Instead of revoking his license,
the Board lamely told Dr. Rea to present a revised informed consent
form to patients saying that his therapy is not “FDA approved.”
If you are a physician and under investigation, it is important to
make no statement whatsoever to investigators or officials without the
presence and approval of a lawyer. As Simon told us, “When an
investigation starts, it is important for the physician not to make
the mistake of thinking they are the authority in the field. Pick up
the phone and call an attorney who specializes in these types of
proceedings.” (Feel free to contact ANH-USA for a recommendation.)
Simon noted that the TMB has targeted integrative physicians in the
past, but this has shifted in the last two or three years, and it
appears they now investigate an equal number of traditional MDs. This
is due in part to procedural actions taken by Dr. Rea through the
course of his ordeal, which including filing charges against the board
Texas has strong due process protections for doctors, but those rules
are not always followed. ANH-USA is working to get a bill introduced
in the Texas legislature that will provide physicians with redress if
the board doesn’t follow its own rules. Jacques Simon notes that the
more doctors fight back (and the more the boards are educated), the
better the landscape will become in state medical board proceedings.
Meanwhile, state laws and regulations are constantly changing, and it
is important to remain vigilant.
ANH-USA has just released an 80-page report, “Know Your State’s
Medical Board: An Integrative Medical Practitioner’s Guide to
Understanding the Legal and Regulatory Environments in the 50 States.”
Across the nation, state laws and regulations do not always adequately
protect practitioners’ due process rights in medical board
disciplinary proceedings, so we have created a guide and checklist to
provide a general sense of the legal protections, or lack thereof,
available in each state in the country. The report is available as a
PDF document, and may be downloaded here.
2 Responses to “Milestone Victory: Texas State Medical Board’s Attack
on Leading Integrative Doctor Beaten Back”
Sandra DenBraber says:
December 21, 2010 at 6:09 pm
The TMB received an anonymous complaint alleging I made it and even
with noterized sworn statement that I did not make it and have no
complaint against my physician they continue to pursue him. I even
sent certified return receipt letters to Tx attorney General and he
refuses to help.
I am glad this is good news now maybe the TMB will stop using a false
complaint against my physician.
William Martin Sloane, Esquire says:
December 21, 2010 at 9:20 pm
I’m very happy for Dr. Rea, a wonderful human being and former faculty
colleague. He is a trailblazer in the science of Integrative Medicine
and has now advanced the cause politically as well. Practitioners
should understand that, once the state-board investigators arrive,
they can probe *anything* that has happened in the office, even if
it’s totally unrelated to the original complaint. This is why
preventive legal practices are essential to the practice of preventive
>Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
>A court defeat for the Texas Medical Board is changing policies—and
Strangely, I am not the least bit surprised that you should be
supporting this crook.
<hagiography snipped>
How's the hooker business going, Ilena? I read about it on the
Internet so I can talk about it without fear of legal action (cf
Barrett v Rosenthal). Are you still having trouble getting "clients",
even though you hawk the dot in a naval port?
Peter Bowditch aa #2243
The Millenium Project http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud http://www.acahf.org.au
To email me use my first name only at ratbags.com
I'm @RatbagsDotCom on Twitter
Supporting slander Peter? Just because you hate Illena, doesn't
prove she is wrong on this topic or the Texas medical board isn't
bias. Texas
has more than its share reactionaries, many rather like you and
Barrett, IMO.
Still lusting after Illena? So it seems.
This hate festival has been going on for more than a decade.
Moses spoke to the stiff necked nation.........................Trig
>Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Jon Seda supports death sect / Open Letter to the Screen Actors Guild
Quote from http://www.deathsect.com :
The Fraud of the Metamediciners
Mega-Scandal in the American Film-Industry
Material about the meta-mediciners you can find here:
Die Metamediziner:
The meta-mediciners gain a foothold in Great Britain, Germany, Norway, and the
USA, where they defrauded at least 2 dozen screen actors. The meta-mediciners
made the actors believe that the meta-mediciners are engaged in breastcancer
research. The screen actors, among them celebrities like Geena Davis and Ben
Kingsley, are abused with their names and photographs taken for the PR of the
PICTURE: Screenshot of the web-site healbreastcancerawards.org,
with fotographs of 20 film und TV actors
I informed the American Screen Actors Guild, also some spokespersons of the
actors. If they will realize the goings-on ... is another question... One more
if they will admit to have brought their clients, the actors, into this
situation. Because it is not the actors themselves, but their agents and
spokespersones, who are responsible for these things.
Open Letter to the Screen Actors Guild
Screen Actors Guild
5757 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036-3600
Tel: 001-(323) 954-160-0 Main Switchboard
-6729 Agency Department
Screen Actors Guild
Bremerhaven, Germany, March 9th., 2007
Dear Sirs,
I ask you to please help me in a very serious and sad matter: a case of
fraud in which world famous film actors are victims.
In the web-page
you can see some of the victims:
Geena Davis
Ben Stiller
Rosie O'Donnell
Ben Kingsley
Alfre Woodard
Tommy Lee Jones
Paula Abdul
Harold Perrineau
Allison Janney
Lourdes Benedicto
Antonio Sabbato jr.
Kathy Griffin
Mario Lopez
Lisa Vidall
Terri Polo
Laura Innes
Jon Seda
Tyler Hilton
Kendall Payne
Andy Dick
The actors are abused for PR. They were made believe that they do something
good: that they are helping to fight cancer. But the truth is that an
international group of criminals is abusing them as public PR tools. The
group deals with "meta-medicine". (There are several versions of this word.)
You can see it at the bottom of that very web-page:
Copyright © 2006 Heal Breast Cancer Foundation
News Privacy Policy Disclaimer Contact Us META-Medicine
The background behind "meta-medicine" is the "Germanische Neue Medicine"
("New German Medicine") of the criminal psychopath Ryke Geerd Hamer.
Ryke Geerd Hamer was a medical doctor, who lost his approbation in 1986 as
his patients died because of his murderous nonsense "treatment". There are
media articles about him since the beginning of the 1980ies.
This is his biography, written by one of us: http://hamer.wordpress.com/
For some years now I investigate and publish about Hamer and his death sect.
Hamer has a network of helpers, many of whom being ill with cancer
themselves. They believe him --- and they die. So far I could find 130 death
cases related with Ryke Geerd Hamer and his scene.
As the Hamer scene denied that even ONE person died because of Hamer's
madness, I tried to find the victims and made a list:
I had found 87 dead, when some weeks ago I was given material about 43 more
dead: patients who died in the time about 1982, 1983.
There are 2 large groups of dead, the one mentioned with 43 patients and one
with 50 in Austria, mainly in the time from 1990 to 1995, when Hamer's
"center" in Burgau was closed by the justice and he fled to Spain (where he
still is). The material of that time in Austria is with the Austrian
Ministry of the Interior in Vienna. (The attorney office department(s) in
Vienna refuse any comments, but forward to the Ministry of the Interior.)
I have more than 2 dozen web-pages about Hamer in my web-site, the most
important being the obituaries for Michaela Jakubczyk-Eckert (who died in
november 2005) and for Christina Connell. I do very intensive
investigations, so I have no time for translating the pages - nearly all are
in German. The obituary for Christina Connell is in English:
Mrs. Connell was a musician and lived in Carthage, Missouri. She died in
march 2006, a victim of
Ilsedora Laker,
c/o Herbs and Health Holistic Centre,
6022 Yonge St.,
Toronto, ON M2M 3V9
Ilsedora Laker
3 Willer Ave.
Ajax ON L1T 3P4
Phone: 905-427 2790
which are a base in the USA and in Canada with http://www.newmedicine.ca
I am in contact with Mrs. Connell's son Stephen and her husband Dennis. I am
also in contact with families of other victims in Belgium, Switzerland, and
The fotographs in the obituary for Michaela
(that is the English version) show much more than words ever could what a
cruel crime is done to the ill. Now, imagine that these patients are
forbidden to take medication against pain... Hamer makes them believe that
Morphium would kill them rightaway...
Hamer makes the ill believe that their dieing is their healing. The worse
the situation is, the worse the pain becomes, the more the ill believe that
they are near to health. And so they die.
The families are under such a pressure that they break. For years these
people are not able to talk about what happened - even with families of
other victims.
And now look at the "Gala" with the world famous film actors being abused
for this crime....
I have contacts with journalists in TV and in print media.
This is one of the reports about deaths caused by Hamer, boardcasted by the
SWR in 2002:
A report by the RBB in 2005:
Some weeks ago there was one by the "defakto" TV magazine of the Hessischer
There also is an expert statement by the Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft:
We collected a lot of material during the last years - and I can give you
material and contacts to the media here and in Austria. In France is an
association against sects, the UNADFI:
France is the most active country: Hamer was sentenced to prison for 3 years
(by far not enough!) and was kept in prison for half of that time. The
UNADFI played an important role in those law-suits.
To ease your investigations I uploaded 2 archives:
They contain
a) material about the sites as they are now
b) material from the web-archive to show earlier pieces of proof
The best to do is to download the files, each in a directory on HDD, unpack
it there and the do a full-text search, mainly because of entries in the
meta-tags. In case you need help, please let me know.
Please pass on this information to the actors and their agents. I suggest to
have advice of lawyers. The dimension of what happened and still happens is
beyond imagination... We must take action so that such a thing will not
happen again.
THE FRAUD in the US Media Industry
Geena Davis suports a death sect
Here's another way to put it: The AAPS succeeded in appealing a
ruling that summarily dismissed their case, and now have the chance to
lose IN court instead. This will allow them to attempt to set the
precedent that no medical personnel can file a complaint without fear
of retaliation.
..."This will allow them to attempt to set the
precedent that no medical personnel can file a complaint without fear
of retaliation. "
How I read this BRown... is you are advocating pharma and chemical
shills like Barrett and Polevoy continuing to file anonymous
complaints against a target or mark of theirs, making up anything they
wish, and should be protected for their cowardice. Is that accurate?
I'll pull up a letter from Sue Happy Barrett when he went after Dr.
Rea some time ago.
According to Barrett, any and all complaints he HAS filed were NOT
anonymous. He has also opined that an anonymous complaint would need
highly detailed information (such as would likely be known only to the
care providers) to be taken seriously.
Once again, you are ignoring the potential harm that could be caused
by "altie" litigation. Only, on this occasion, the potential for
abuse has already been illustrated dramatically, in the prosecution of
two nurses who reported Rolando Arafiles. It is my impression that
even Tueman Tuck, who reposted many of Mr. Bolen's "reports", was
pleased to see that abuse of police power defeated.
lol. Barrett is a wel known liar.
It is clear you are a flack for Barrett who could not even pass his
exams. He's just a blow hard *Sue Happy* with no credibility.
The important thing here is the victims.
Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
2 Responses to Milestone Victory: Texas State Medical Board s Attack
on Leading Integrative Doctor Beaten Back
Sandra DenBraber says:
December 21, 2010 at 6:09 pm
The TMB received an anonymous complaint alleging I made it and even
with noterized sworn statement that I did not make it and have no
complaint against my physician they continue to pursue him. I even
sent certified return receipt letters to Tx attorney General and he
refuses to help.
I am glad this is good news now maybe the TMB will stop using a false
complaint against my physician.
William Martin Sloane, Esquire says:
December 21, 2010 at 9:20 pm
I m very happy for Dr. Rea, a wonderful human being and former
colleague. He is a trailblazer in the science of Integrative Medicine
and has now advanced the cause politically as well. Practitioners
should understand that, once the state-board investigators arrive,
they can probe *anything* that has happened in the office, even if
it s totally unrelated to the original complaint. This is why
preventive legal practices are essential to the practice of
any and all complaints he HAS filed were NOT
> anonymous. He has also opined that an anonymous complaint would need
> highly detailed information (such as would likely be known only to the
> care providers) to be taken seriously.
> Once again, you are ignoring the potential harm that could be caused
> by "altie" litigation. Only, on this occasion, the potential for
> abuse has already been illustrated dramatically, in the prosecution of
> two nurses who reported Rolando Arafiles. It is my impression that
> even Tueman Tuck, who reposted many of Mr. Bolen's "reports", was
> pleased to see that abuse of police power defeated.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
A court defeat for the Texas Medical Board is changing policies and
>On Dec 24, 12:37 pm, Happy Oyster <happy.oys...@ariplex.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 22:35:16 -0600, Ilena Rose <B...@mundo.com> wrote:
>> >Great news brought to you by Health Lover, Ilena Rosenthal
>> No.
Do you consider asking someone to give their account of events
equivalent to being a "PR flack"?
Again, you are ignoring the consequences of a legal action. This is
really an issue that should NOT be a subject of serious debate.
Coverups DO happen in the medical system, and the usual common
denominator is hospitals and other organizations trying to protect
themselves from the consequences when misconduct (up to and including
INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE) by those they put in authority becomes known.
Abolishing anonymity for complainants is a surefire way to make it
easier for such petty conspiracies to succeed.
David "Publicist and Disinformation Agent for Stephen Barrett and
other Healthfrauds" Brown finally asked an intelligent question:
"Do you consider asking someone to give their account of events
equivalent to being a "PR flack."
The answer is "yes." ...
For example, when you, David Brown, go on Usenet and blogs to post the
words, thoughts and hallucinations of Stephen Barrett and Terry
Polevoy, while they cower behind you ... yes, that is EXACTLY what
defines a "PR flack."
Especially so ... when you are posting lies and intentional
DISINFORMATION about legal cases they have already lost and are in the
process of losing.
Being updated because of the lies David Brown has posted about this
In response to Brown's opinion, " This is
really an issue that should NOT be a subject of serious debate. "
Bah humbug.
Correction on my answer to David Brown.
He wrote:
"Do you consider asking someone to give their account of events
equivalent to being a "PR flack."
To have been totally accurate, the answer is, yes, when YOU then
publicize "their account" ... such as you do when you say, "according
to Barrett" or "according to Polevoy" or when you don't admit you have
asked them, and post their words but put your name on it as if you had
written it yourself.
Yes. Yes.
I told you what I considered, and the truth. You have proven you are
a PR flack for *Sue Happy Barrett*, who could not even pass his exam.
<snip spam>
Not allowed here on MHA.
Ah, I see: Janet Mae Drew parrots again.
>I told you what I considered, and the truth.
That is plain bullshit and lies.
Says Janet Mae Drew, the notious spammer for the naturopathic mafia.
Also, I posted a very serious warning about a death sect. And I do it again:
>Yes. Yes.
Then read this:
Tyler Hilton supports death sect / Open Letter to the Screen Actors Guild
Quote from http://www.deathsect.com :
Dear Sirs,
In the web-page
They contain
Why doen does Janet Mae Drew spam all the time???
Geena Davis supports death sect / Open Letter to the Screen Actors Guild
Quote from http://www.deathsect.com :
>Hey, David, I thought you were not going to post to me, again.
Oh, my... a deja vue...
Correction on my answer to David Brown.
He wrote:
"Do you consider asking someone to give their account of events
equivalent to being a "PR flack."
To have been totally accurate, the answer is, yes, when YOU then
publicize "their account" ... such as you do when you say, "according
to Barrett" or "according to Polevoy" or when you don't admit you have
asked them, and post their words but put your name on it as if you had
written it yourself.
For example, when you, David Brown, go on Usenet and blogs to post the
words, thoughts and hallucinations of Stephen Barrett and Terry
Polevoy, while they cower behind you ... yes, that is EXACTLY what
defines a "PR flack."
Especially so ... when you are posting lies and intentional
DISINFORMATION about legal cases they have already lost and are in the
process of losing.
Being updated because of the lies David Brown has posted about this
In response to Brown's opinion, " This is
really an issue that should NOT be a subject of serious debate. "
Bah humbug.
>Bah humbug.
That sums up what Ilena Rosenthal writes...