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Radiofrequency Weapons Against the Human Mind

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Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99

Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project: [Not Necessarily Endorsed]

From: Book Search Co-ordinator <>
Subject: Radiofrequency Weapons Against the Human Mind
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 8:53 PM

Now! Here is a post we can only pray is totally false.

However, I do think circumstantial evidence is accumulating
that such technologies are already in use to create incidents
to provoke the mass hysteria required for folks to
surrender more and more liberties.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FBI, David Koresh, "Defense Electronics" and Igor Smirnov
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 00:53:02 EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

from the International Movement for the Ban of Radiofrequency Weapons
Controlling the Human Mind:


In the years 1993 and 1994 American weeklies DEFENSE ELECTRONICS (Defense
Electronics, July 1993, DOD, Intel Agencies Look at Russian Mind-Control
Technology, Claims FBI Considered Testing on Koresh), NEWSWEEK (Newsweek,
February 7, 1994, Soon Phasers on Stun) and VILLAGE VOICE (Village Voice,
March 8, 1994, Mind Control in Waco) published the information that Igor
Smirnov from Moscow Academy of Medicine demonstrated for the U.S. secret
services and FBI experts a device which was capable to subliminally implant
thoughts in peoples minds and in this way control their actions.

According to those news the FBI considered the use of this device against
David Koresh during the siege in Waco. In reaction to this publication of the
Russian National Security Information first the Russian newspaper Pravda
(Pravda, March 6, The Art to Control the Crowd), wrote on March 6, 1994:
“Village Voice printed “scandalous news” that Russians are capable to control
human behavior...” Two weeks later the Russian weekly the Moscow News
(Moskovskie Novosti, March 20 to March 27, 1994, Shall we Succeed to change
the Lie Detector into the Detector of Truth?) printed a long article on Igor
Smirnov. The author writes that Igor Smirnov uses, for medical purposes, a
device broadcasting into the human ears “noises” which contain questions.
Those questions are not audible for the patient but perceptible to his brain
and the brain answers those questions. The answers are registered by the
electroencephalograph and analyzed by a computer. In this way Igor Smirnov
performs a very fast psychoanalysis. Then, again using the “noises” played
together with music, the healing messages are sent into the human brain,
which the patient will obey. According to the author of the article Igor
Smirnov added: “Do not forget, in your denigrating note, to precise our goals
- to heal and to teach. And do not assign us others - inhuman ones.”

A participant in the meetings with Igor Smirnov in the USA (wishing to remain
in anonymity) is quoted in the article in the DEFENSE ELECTRONICS as saying:
“the intelligence agencies... had been tracking Smirnov for years..., we know
there is evidence the Soviet Army‘s special Forces used the technology during
the conflict in Afghanistan.”

But there is still another possibility how to deliver them into the human
brain - and this is electromagnetic transmission. It can not be a very
complicated problem to transcode those high frequency messages into
electromagnetic signals just the same way the radiofrequency sound can be
transmitted into the human brain.

When the journalist from the Moscow News asked Igor Smirnov whether he could
make people vote for certain person in the elections he replied: “In
principle it can be done. And it is not difficult. But not interesting.” He
could have in mind either placing of ultrasound “noises” into the radio or TV
broadcasting (this technology was used by the U.S: troops during the war in
Persian Gulf against Iraquian soldiers listening to their military radio
broadcasting - they were surrendering even to American journalists - see
Newsweek, July 30, 1990, pg.61) or, as well, electromagnetic implanting of
those noises into brains by means of special radars. About his participation
in Waco Igor Smirnov narrated: “I suggested that voices of children and
families inviting the suicidal people back home could be mixed with the noise
of police car engines (the building was surrounded with them).” FBI then
did not proceed with his proposition when he guaranteed only 70% of a chance
for success. This account is in keeping with what the DEFENSE ELECTRONICS
wrote. Half a year later the Newsweek wrote:

“Sources tell Newsweek that the FBI consulted Moscow experts on the possible
use of a Soviet technique for beaming subliminal messages to Koresh. The
technique uses inaudible transmissions that could have convinced Koresh he
was hearing the voice of God inside his head” (Newsweek, February 7, 1994).
Let us assume that “inaudibility” meant that no one else would hear the voice
of God but Koresh and that even him would hear it only inside his head. When
Allan Frey did his experiments with beaming sounds into people‘s brains they
located them inside their heads or just behind it. So in Newsweek‘s account
David Koresh would hear inside his head electromagnetic broadcasting of the
“voice of God”. A month later the deputy chief of the FBI‘s technical
services division, Steve Killion, told the journalists from Village Voice:
“In the normal course of your negotiation with the individual by telephone,
you can impress a coded message... It is not realized consciously by the
individual, but subconsciously, subliminally they understand it” (Village
Voice, March 8, 1994). This time it could have been done again by means of
“noises” played into telephone.

Another half a year later, in August 1994, the Newsweek published an
interview with Igor Smirnov. In the introduction they write that FBI asked
advice from Smirnov during the siege at Waco and the solution proposed by
Smirnov they describe as follows: FBI wanted to “pipe subliminal messages
from sect member‘s families through the telephone lines into the compound.
For David Koresh the group‘s leader... the FBI had in mind a special voice:
God as played by the venerable actor Charlton Heston” (Newsweek, August 22,
1994), You will read this story). In this case the sect members would be
influenced by “electromagnetic” (otherwise they would not be transmitted
through the telephone lines) high frequency voices of their relatives, and
David Koresh would hear in his head the radio broadcasting of the voice of
God played by Charlton Heston. The FBI would have to find the individual
frequencies of the sect members if the idea was to work out.

The electromagnetic broadcasting of inaudible speech could have been used in
the experiment of J. F. Schapitz. He spoke about electromagnetic
transmission. But since he wanted, as an introductory experiment, to record
brain waves of a man who took drugs and then emit those waves back into the
brain of this man instead of the drugs, it seems possible that he had in mind
transmission of thoughts from one brain into another.

In October 1994 appeared, again in Moscow News (Moskovskiie Novosti,
September 26 to October 1, 1994) an article on American Non-lethal weapons
where we can find the following lines: “The FBI, in 1994, studied the
possibility of the use of nonlethal technologyy against David Koresh. FBI
then informed Russians about technology that enables them to transmit to
Koresh subconscious signals. In this way the FBI wanted to assume the role of
the voice of God.” The author of the article gives as his source of
information the American and French press.

It is possible that at Waco two different technologies were considered: one
American and the other Russian. But as well it is possible that those lines
served as a warning for Americans that the Russians, too, may disclose the
American National Security Information. I am not aware of another breach of
this Russian national security information in the American mass media since
then until April 5 1999 when The New York Times, probably in reaction to the
split with Russia over the crisis in Yugoslavia wrote "Under a top-secret
project known as Bonfire, Soviet scientists in 1989 discovered "a new class
of weapons"…that could "damage the nervous system, alter moods, trigger
psychological changes and even kill" (The New York Times, April 5, 1999,
William J. Board, Judith Miller: "Defector tells of Soviet and Chinese Germ
Weapons). (To be complete, according to the article in the DEFENSE
ELECTRONICS, the rights to Igor Smirnov‘s technology bought the American
Psychotechnologies Corp. in Richmond, Virginia).

In the same issue of the Moscow News where the interview with Igor Smirnov
appeared there was another strange article (Moskovskiie Novosti, Sept. 26 to
Oct. 1, 1994, The Experts from the Defense Factory state that they produced
Psychotronic Weapons) In the introduction is printed the invitation letter
from the deputy director of the factory producing for the Russian Department
of Defense. The deputy director writes: “In the course of the last 20 years
our enterprise specialized in the production of psychotronic apparatur for
defense systems, design of navigation equipment for intercontinental missiles
and cosmic apparatur...” and he invites the journalists to get acquiented
with “biophysical reinforcer (metatron) Miranda designed with the use of the
newest fundamental discoveries in the area of psychotronics.”

During the visit the people from the management of the factory told the
journalists that Miranda is one of the side products of psychotronic weapons
and the deputy director of the Medical research center of the factory,
Vladimir Niestierov told them that it is produced in the American licence on
basis of the agreement signed by KGB and CIA on September 24, 1990 and
providing for joint research in the area of psychotronics. The Miranda device
emits on the patient sound electromagnetic impulses and in case that his body
does not resonate with them it starts with the diagnosis of his ailment.
However the representatives of the factory invited the journalists to get
acquaiented with a machine which was not in working order - when the
journalist asked for the demonstration of the machine, they were told that
Armenia does not supply one important part of the machine.

In 1992 the Independent Moscow Institute for Foreign Affairs published in the
weekly Stolitsa the communication by Victor Sedletski that already in 1982 in
the USSR began the development of the new radar system which could be used to
create “psychotronic field for mind control” (Stolitsa, no.43, Nov. 2, 1992,
Alexei Myasnikov, MC-Ultra programme, pg. 40, quoted from Russian Press



In 1993 in the December issue of the American bimonthly Microwave News
(Microwave News, Nov.-Dec., 1993, Military on Non-lethal Weapons: A Very
Attractive Option) appeared the report that in November of the same year, at
the John Hopkins University (engaged in research of radiofrequency radiation
- for example Samuel Koslov, one of the researchers in the project Pandora,
replicated there experiment where rabbits exposed to microwave radiation
developed corneal cataracts , a secret conference took place, sponsored by
the National Laboratory in Los Alamos, involved in the development of non
lethal weapon systems. In the invitation to this conference we read: ”The
purpose of this conference is to bring together industry, government, and
academia to explore the potential of non lethal defense and identify
requirements so that the defense community can work together in leveraging
the non-lethal concept. Industry, particularly, will benefit from a more
precise understanding of requirements and operational constraints regarding
non-lethal defense technologies. All attendees will have the opportunity to
embrace a new perspective in international relations.” in simple words the
objective of the conference was to convince the industry about the
lucrativity of the production of non-lethal weapons which will be used in the
international relations.

On Wednesday, November 17, 1993 at 9 AM the lecture by Dr. George Baker from
Defense Nuclear Agency was scheduled. The lecture was entitled ”RF Weapons: A
Very Attractive Non-Lethal Option”. At 11.10 AM of the same day, Dr. Clay
Easterly from Oak Ridge National Laboratory lectured on ”Application of
Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons”. Clay
Easterly told the Microwave News that since the conference was closed to
anyone without security clearance, he could not discuss the specific effects
he referred to in his talk, but he admitted that his presentation dealt with
the possibility of developing measures that would affect people.

On the lecture by Dr. George Baker the Microwave News comment that ”it is
difficult to know, based on unclassified information, whether this ”option”
has ever been used” and ”That there were also allegations that non-ionizing
radiation was used against the women’s peace activist encampment at Greenham
Common in the U.K. in the mid-1980s”.

Since four and half years have passed since that conference it is logical to
suppose that the mass production of those weapons was launched in the USA as
well as in Russia according to Victor Sedletski.


It goes without saying that for as long as the existence of those weapons
remains subjected to the National Security Information laws there will be no
confirmed reports of their use. But we should not afford to take easy the
facts suggesting that those weapons have been in use already for years. About
the strange symptoms from which the women at Greenham Common Base suffered
there was talk here already twice. The article in the DEFENSE ELECTRONICS on
Igor Smirnov quotes an employee of the U.S. intelligence agencies, wishing to
remain in anonymity, as saying that this equipment was used by the special
forces of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan to prepare them for the operations
requiring atrocities against civilian population.

During the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems E.
Del Giudicce from the Department of Physics at the university in Milano,
Italy, spoke about the possibility to create blood clots by coherent
propagation of electric waves in the supporting medium when the fibrinogen is
present in the blood (recall the interactions of electromagnetism and
chemicals). Several American newspapers published the news that the son of
Saddam Hussein, in his newspaper Babel, printed the news that American secret
services attempted to kill his father, trying to form a blood clot in his
heart or brain by means of ”psychotronics and biocommunication”.

According to the former director of the Freedom of Thought Foundation (now
the director of the CAHRA organization), Cheryl Welsh, in the USA over 500
people complaining about being subjected to mind control experiments are
documented. Also in Russia the Association of Victims of Mind Control
Experiments was formed. Its director is Emilia Cherkina, former deputy in the
Russian city of Zelenograd. Most probably it was her case that inspired a
group of Zelenograd deputies to mail to the president Yeltsin a petition
signed by 150 people demanding that he opens an investigation into the use of
biolelectronic weapons (69). In the same article is a quotation of one of the
alleged victims: ”They controlled my laughter, my thoughts and caused pain in
different parts of my body.”

On Internet on the Mind Control Forum pages every month new people from all
over the world assert that they have fallen victims to experiments with mind
control weapons. The most common symptoms are: hearing of voices inside their
heads, sudden changes of mental states and disturbed sleep. Some of them also
realize the presence of somebody else’s thoughts in their minds. Many
experiences described on the pages of Mind Control Forum make impression that
they were written by a mentally ill person. But for as long as the mind
control technology remains subjected to the National Security Information
laws, it is impossible to decide whether they are mentally ill or whether
they fell victims to inhuman experiments. Many of those people acquired, on
basis of the Freedom of Information Act, documents stating that there is a
National Security information pertaining to their persons. (The World
Organization Against Torture, in their annual report for the year 1998,
demands independent investigation of those claims.) The only proof that, at
least in the past, such experiments were performed, are the roentgen
photographs of brain implants in the heads of some of the people who
complained about those troubles. The parents of one of those victims are
convinced, that it was implanted into the brain of their son during the
operation of tonsils at the age of 4 years, after which they had not seen him
for 48 hours, and then found.................etc., etc.

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ofrequency Weapons Controlling the Human Mind</A>

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