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Even The Nation disputes Russian hacking

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Aug 11, 2017, 12:19:06 PM8/11/17

Perhaps the most telling sentence in the entire article is this:

"We are urged to accept the word of institutions and senior officials with long records of deception."

Sounds like they are talking about the deep state.

Is it possible there is still some journalistic integrity on the left?


Aug 11, 2017, 6:25:12 PM8/11/17
Doubtful. Usually integrity only surfaces when totally backed into a
corner of lies and then usually the offender just quietly accepts being
fired for lies about fake gas tank fires or whatever and another liar
with a new face quietly steps into the propaganda position.


Aug 11, 2017, 10:16:43 PM8/11/17
I don't think they have been backed into a corner. Most of the lib media is still playing up the Russian hacking angle. The Nation seems to be out front on this one. In fact I came across an article by them from January and even then they were sounding skeptical about claims of Russian hacking. They were demanding to see the evidence of which this latest article indicates is non-existent.

Now they might have an ulterior motive. The Nation is on the far left of Democrat politics and without looking it up my guess is they were backing Bernie Sanders. It was probably a Sanders person on the inside of the DNC who leaked the emails and The Nation is trying to exact a measure of revenge against the DNC for going into the tank for Hillary. This might be their thumb in the eye of the Democrat establishment.


Aug 12, 2017, 4:52:08 PM8/12/17
Makes total sense to me. But assuming they can actually get the vote for
impeachment in 2018, it only works if they can somehow invalidate the
election to justify putting Hillary in the White House. Bernie being
the leak just is a fly in that ointment.


Aug 12, 2017, 9:19:43 PM8/12/17
I'm sure Bernie didn't personally leak the information but it was likely a Bernie supporter within the DNC who saw how they were rigging the nominating process to ensure Hillary would win and he/she was trying to expose it.

Unless there is a smoking gun as there was with Nixon, Trump is not going to be impeached. The Republicans hold a majority in the House and are likely to retain it in 2018. Most of the Senate seats up for election in 2018 are held by Democrats including many in states which Trump won. The likelihood is the GOP will gain seats in the Senate. Even if by some miracle the Democrats were to gain a majority in both houses of Congress, they need a 2/3 vote to convict Trump in the Senate. That is going to require lots of Republican votes and that isn't going to happen unless somebody uncovers rock solid, irrefutable evidence he has committed a high crime or misdemeanor. To date no such evidence has surfaced.


Aug 14, 2017, 2:41:42 AM8/14/17
You are being logical Bigdog. That isn't how the "resistance" thinks.
It's simple. There is not the slightest question in their mind that they
will win a majority in both house and senate in 2018 and with a strict
vote on party lines will impeach trump. Democrats and their allies in
the media have been campaigning (without having to spend a cent) since
Hillary lost the White House. They will continue to do so until 2018.
Trump is a liar, incompetent, insane, a racist, a white-supremacist, a
Muslim-hater, a lackey of the NRA and Gun manufacturers, and has
colluded with Putin as well as Neo-Nazis to win the election. I mean he
even blamed the left for the violence between Neo-Nazis and progressive
resistance in Virginia. What more proof does anyone need that he needs
to go?

A couple of good votes along party lines and Trump is toast! Democrats
so far have already proved they stick together as they refuse to vote
for ANY republican proposed bills. Not even ONE defector. Same to kick
Trump out. And best of all it will be for "collusion" with Russia that
will be the crime. And that means the last election was NUll and VOID!
And that means with Trump out, Hillary can take her rightful place in
the oval office that she won fair and square with the popular vote and
no cheating or collusion.

This is the progressive future and the reason for the resistance. THis
is GOING TO HAPPEN! Polls all show it, as Trump sinks to new lows and
Media all agree this is going to happen. This is how progressives dream
to get America back on track with single payer health care, sensible gun
control, planet-saving energy taxes to end climate change and Europe and
our allies all back on our side. It's as simple as this.

This is your future Bigdog. Get ready for it.

Wile E. Coyote

Aug 14, 2017, 9:36:46 AM8/14/17
benj <> wrote in
Waiting for the mass suicides mrning after election day 2018.

It's time for the students to step up their game and kill people like

Siri Cruise <> April 25, 2017
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