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Just How Far Will the Left Go? <-- Great VDH summary

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Jul 23, 2018, 5:17:37 PM7/23/18
There was no honeymoon for the unlikely winner of the 2016 election.
Progressives have in succession tried to sue to overturn Trump's victory
using several different approaches. First on the bogus claim of fraudulent
voting machines. Then they sought to subvert the Electoral College by
bullying electors into renouncing their respective states' votes.

Massive protests and boycotts marked the inauguration. Then there were
articles of impeachment introduced in the House. Some sued to remove Trump
on a warped interpretation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.
Others brought in psychiatrists to testify that Trump was ill, disabled, or
insane and should be removed in accordance with the 25th Amendment. The
former FBI director, CIA director, and director of the Office of National
Intelligence have variously smeared the president as a coward, a traitor,
and a Russian mole.

The Mueller Investigation
We are about 430 days into Robert Mueller's investigation; the special
prosecutor whose team of lawyers and investigators has in a large part been
made up either of Clinton donors, clear Clinton partisans, lawyers who have
in the past represented Clinton interests or employees, or partisans already
removed for expressing clear Trump hatred. The media grew ecstatic over its
creation, dubbing it an "all-star" or "dream" team, as leaks assured the
public that next week, next month, or "soon" there would be a sensational
indictment proving that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the

We have gone through the psychodramas surrounding Michael Cohen, Stormy
Daniels, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Carter Page and a host
of others. Any second, any minute they would be indicted for collusion in
throwing an election, or they would soon flip and end the Trump presidency.

When we learned that Robert Mueller initially did not disclose to the media
why he had fired Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and why he had spaced out their
firings to prevent the impression that they were connected, we were only
reassured of the professionalism of the Mueller investigation.

It was considered blasphemous to suggest that Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and
James Comey were all former associates and friends-and thus it would be
awkward to ensure the public that they could pose as disinterested
investigators, given the reality that some of the investigators might soon
end up as the investigated.

When indictments of Manafort, Flynn and some minor Trump officials followed
that had nothing to do with the original mandate of collusion, the press
cheered them as appetizers for the main course of impeachment to come. It
was considered unpatriotic to suggest that Mueller did not find Russian
collusion in a sea of collusion-at least as evidenced by a prior Obama hot
mic quid pro quo promise to calibrate U.S. policy on European missile
defense to Russian behavior conducive to Obama's 2012 reelection, or huge
Russian-related donations to the Clinton Foundation roughly at the time
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped to facilitate sales of some U.S.
uranium to Russian companies. Trump is said to be paranoid, uncouth,
reckless, and crude. And he has been at times. But no prior president has
been under investigation for 80 percent of his first two years in office, by
an investigatory team that is so patently compromised by conflicts of
political interest, and so unable to find collusion or wrongdoing in a sea
of what is likely to turn out to be FBI, CIA, and Justice Department
criminality in 2016.

Killing Hitler Trump
The methods of rhetorically assassinating Trump all have been tried out by
progressive celebrities, politicians, and academics: decapitation, high
explosives, nightly ritual stabbing, hanging, death by elevator, death by
escalator, shooting, incineration, and fisticuffs. The reason that Kathy
Griffin, Madonna, Robert De Niro, Kamala Harris, or Snoop Dogg have been
lately quiet about killing Trump is that the various ways to do so have long
ago been exhausted.

Trump as Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin is now old hat. Trump as traitor was
boring long ago. What can one say after she has compared Trump's agenda to
Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, and 9/11? If the tax cuts, immigration policy,
or NATO and Russian summits are equal to killing 3,000 Americans, what is
left to the imagination? If talking sloppily about Putin is tantamount to
the Holocaust, then what exactly was the Holocaust, a bad press conference?
And if we are to believe that anything Trump has done is equivalent to
starting a war that killed 65 million people and engineered the Final
Solution, then among our 325 million fellow Americans perhaps a few dozen
will watch CNN or MSNBC talking heads lecturing on the Führer, and conclude
the only patriotic thing to do is to eliminate this new incarnation of

Trump War on All Fronts
Progressives are urged to go to stores, gas stations, restaurants and
confront Trump Administration officials, in a sort of Obama-like "get in
their faces" or "take a gun to a knife fight" advice to make life miserable
for anyone who would dare work for Trump.

A former Clinton aide has organized adolescent noise-maker rallies near the
White House, ostensibly to make so much racket that Trump will not be able
to sleep in the presidential bedroom. Restaurants have refused to serve
Trump appointees.

There is no respite from the war against Trump. The NFL, the NBA, late-night
comedy shows, cable news, sitcoms, Hollywood movies, books, and music have
all found ways to turn their genres into anti-Trump theater.

There is no respite; there is no refuge-not the Super Bowl, not the Emmys,
not the Grammys, not the Oscars. Almost every aspect of American culture has
been weaponized to delegitimize Trump.

The Roots of Trump Derangement
Is the anger, then, that we are in a depression, war, or plague?

Actually, no. The economy is growing at rates that we have not seen in over
a decade. Unemployment, especially minority joblessness, is at a historic
low. Even The stock market is at record highs. The United States is now the
world's largest producer of oil, natural gas, and coal. Consumer and
business confidence is at a near all-time high.

NATO is re-calibrating its military contributions to increase defense
spending. North Korea has stopped talking about nuking our West Coast. The
Iranian theocracy is panicking after the end of the Iran Deal. There have
not been any incidents this year of Iranian hazing of U.S. ships. China is
scrambling to find ways to readjust its lopsided trade surpluses induced by
commercial cheating and dumping. Never has a Republican president appointed
and had confirmed more conservative and stellar judges. The National
Security team of Pompeo, Bolton, Mattis, and Haley is perhaps the most
skilled since World War II.

Why then the hate, the furor, the sheer mania?

The Left lost what it thought was a sure-thing election. There is now no
assured 16-year Obama-Clinton regnum that would complete what the Obamas had
called the final "fundamental transformation" of the United States. It
cannot accept that it blew certain victory. A huge fundraising advantage, a
toady media, massive defections of Republican establishment intellectuals
and pundits, the lack of prior military or political experience of candidate
Donald Trump, and a popular vote plurality all proved for naught. The
unimaginable then became all too real.

And fantasy was substituted for reality as smears, slurs, and denials
ensued. Think of the 2000 election cubed.

Trump is not a George H.W. Bush or Mitt Romney. He knows no etiquette. He is
no gentleman. He is a bruiser, brawler, exaggerator, and performer. What
created President Trump was not just "The Apprentice" or the Manhattan real
estate market (such a résumé only honed his pugilist skills).

Rather, half the country was tired of Republicans grimacing as they were
portrayed as throwing grandmothers off cliffs. They were tired of seeing
political commercials of bodies of the murdered dragged behind trucks, or
charges that Republicans cruelly put their pets on their car roof. They were
tired of the anti-Semitic and racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a presidential
candidate's personal pastor, being off limits, but not the supposed senility
of John McCain who in 2008 was pilloried as a doddering multi-millionaire
who forgot how many houses he had owned. In 2012, it was Mitt Romney's wife
whose sins were wearing equestrian clothes.

Given the growing furor over half the country as demonized clingers,
deplorables, and crazies, if Trump did not exist, a don't-tread-on-me street
fighter would have had to be invented. Progressives have gone ballistic that
any opponent would reply to them in kind. Think of "Caddyshack," when
uncouth Rodney Dangerfield burst into smug Ted Knight's country club.

The Left did not just lose the 2016 election, it lost the Congress, the
presidency, and the Supreme Court. And it lost them all to a rash, uncouth
Queens-accented Manhattan billionaire reality TV star, who systematically
planned to dismantle eight years of Obama Administration executive-orders.
And unlike almost all prior politicians Trump when in office kept his
promises and systematically went about to halt the supposed progressive
future. Think of a liberal nightmare something akin to Sarah Palin as
president in 2012.

The Obama apparat and the proverbial deep state never imagined Trump could
win and thus to ensure that he would not just be defeated but humiliated,
vied to use the power of government to destroy the Trump candidacy.

The National Security Council was weaponized and thus unmasked the names of
surveilled Americans and leaked their names to the press to undermine the
Trump campaign. The Department of Justice was weaponized to ensure Hillary
Clinton was exonerated for her misdeeds concerning her email server and quid
pro quo collusion with a variety of foreign and domestic influence peddlers
and buyers. The FBI and CIA were weaponized to subvert the Trump campaign,
by peddling an unverified smear dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton, by
implanting informants into the Trump campaign, and by undermining a FISA
court through dishonest presentations of evidence for warrants to spy on
American citizens.

All such behavior was assumed to ensure the landslide Clinton victory and
thus would be seen as sacrifice beyond the call of duty to be rewarded by a
President Clinton not as illegal behavior to be punished during a Trump
administration. And as a result, the more culpability that was exposed, the
more the culpable went on the offensive-on the theory that constant attack
is the best defense against their own criminal liability. Think of the fears
of John Brennan behind bars.

The progressive hysteria reveals the lack of an idea. Kill, humiliate,
delegitimize Trump is not a sustainable political agenda whether winning a
local assembly seat or a liberal majority on the Supreme Court. But then
neither are socialist ideas. If the Left was intellectually honest it would
run in November on what it now professes are its new core beliefs: the
abolition of ICE, the end to all deportations, open borders, expansions of
affirmative action, abortion on demand, and identity politics, cancellation
of student debt, universal Medicare-like coverage for Americans of all ages,
massive tax hikes, more regulations, and less fossil fuel production, and an
EU-like socialist-democratic foreign policy.

The problem is that the above is probably not a 51 percent winnable program.
And progressives fear that their base will not allow them to move to the
center to capture the old blue-collar white working class, or the Perot,
Tea-Party and Blue Dog voter. Nor can they afford to move much further
leftward, given they are increasingly dependent on Obama-like identity
politics candidates without an Obama-like charismatic candidate.

Democrats privately acknowledge that Obama wrecked the Democratic
Party-losing Congress, the presidency, state and local offices, and now the
Supreme Court. But they must praise the forces of that wreckage and seek to
trump them by becoming the party of hyper-identity politics. In other words,
the Democrats know what sort of agenda might bring them back into power as
it did in 1992. But they feel that Clintonesque cure is worse than the
disease of being in the purer political wilderness without power.

So, for now, they rant, they rave, and they stew, accepting that they cannot
do what might save them and therefore they only do more of what is
destroying them. Out of that lose-lose dilemma was birthed Trump hatred.
Without a persuasive argument, progressives came up with the mantra that
Trump is a traitor, and that all they needed to do was to explain to
supposedly dense voters that their current economic renaissance was actually
jackbooted National Socialism.

How far will the Left go? I fear that we have seen nothing yet.

We need to stop calling them liberals and
begin referring to them as exactly what they
are: American communists, that wish to partake
in the destruction of western civilization

Candace Owens


Jul 23, 2018, 6:29:13 PM7/23/18
"DoD" wrote in message news:pj5glg$1f7$
> So, for now, they rant, they rave, and they stew, accepting that they
> cannot do what might save them and therefore they only do more of what is
> destroying them. Out of that lose-lose dilemma was birthed Trump hatred.
> Without a persuasive argument, progressives came up with the mantra that
> Trump is a traitor, and that all they needed to do was to explain to
> supposedly dense voters that their current economic renaissance was
> actually jackbooted National Socialism.
> How far will the Left go? I fear that we have seen nothing yet.

Give the 'Crats enough rope and they'll hang themselves:


Jul 23, 2018, 6:36:12 PM7/23/18
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 16:17:35 -0500, "DoD" <>

>The problem is that the above is probably not a 51 percent winnable program.
>And progressives fear that their base will not allow them to move to the
>center to capture the old blue-collar white working class, or the Perot,
>Tea-Party and Blue Dog voter. Nor can they afford to move much further
>leftward, given they are increasingly dependent on Obama-like identity
>politics candidates without an Obama-like charismatic candidate.
>Democrats privately acknowledge that Obama wrecked the Democratic
>Party-losing Congress, the presidency, state and local offices, and now the
>Supreme Court. But they must praise the forces of that wreckage and seek to
>trump them by becoming the party of hyper-identity politics. In other words,
>the Democrats know what sort of agenda might bring them back into power as
>it did in 1992. But they feel that Clintonesque cure is worse than the
>disease of being in the purer political wilderness without power.
>So, for now, they rant, they rave, and they stew, accepting that they cannot
>do what might save them and therefore they only do more of what is
>destroying them. Out of that lose-lose dilemma was birthed Trump hatred.
>Without a persuasive argument, progressives came up with the mantra that
>Trump is a traitor, and that all they needed to do was to explain to
>supposedly dense voters that their current economic renaissance was actually
>jackbooted National Socialism.
>How far will the Left go? I fear that we have seen nothing yet.

thank you for posting that


Mr. B1ack

Jul 23, 2018, 9:32:57 PM7/23/18
Byker wrote:

> "DoD" wrote in message news:pj5glg$1f7$
>> So, for now, they rant, they rave, and they stew, accepting that they
>> cannot do what might save them and therefore they only do more of what is
>> destroying them. Out of that lose-lose dilemma was birthed Trump hatred.
>> Without a persuasive argument, progressives came up with the mantra that
>> Trump is a traitor, and that all they needed to do was to explain to
>> supposedly dense voters that their current economic renaissance was
>> actually jackbooted National Socialism.
>> How far will the Left go? I fear that we have seen nothing yet.
> Give the 'Crats enough rope and they'll hang themselves:

The ideal solution ... and as they're rapidly moving
into CrazyLand it appears they're doing just that. The
base, a BIG group, is retreating from the rads & nutters.
Trump/MAGA look better to them every day.

I also expect some overt terrorism - and if their Blue
Wave turns out to be a ripple in a birdbath that's
guarenteed. Like good little commies, if they fail to
convince with words they'll decide to persuade at the
point of a gun.

And, of course, if they start to ACT like terrorists
then they can be TREATED as terrorists (and their
benind-the-scenes money people too).

Interesting how the early 2000's are kind of a mirror
of the early 1900's. Everything's in flux, radicalism
is rampant across the globe, the old solutions and
truisms just don't seem to be getting it done anymore.


Jul 23, 2018, 11:32:14 PM7/23/18

"abelard" <> wrote in message
Apparently I was right over the target... It set off a flurry of forges from
some snowflake(s).... lmao...


Jul 23, 2018, 11:35:37 PM7/23/18

"Mr. B1ack" <> wrote in message
The folks over at Fox are pushing for Trump to release the FISA
un-redacted... and they are pushing hard even though Trump said
he wasn't' going to do it, just yet... Sara Carter and Greg Jarrett seem
to believe it will be enough to put the hammer down on the whole cabal...
Trump is
seeming to be waiting for something... This is going to get heated really


Jul 24, 2018, 4:01:59 AM7/24/18
On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 22:32:11 -0500, "DoD" <>
the desperate attempts at distraction are interesting(to me)

they seem to start forging because they can get no-one
to take them seriously...a very strange behaviour
i wonder what their logic is? why would they expect it
to work for them

we have a hard left supposed government channel in the
uk(the bbc) with a nightly (fake) news program...
last night they had sean spencer being very calm and reasonable
being interviewed by some woman named (believe it of not!)
the whole session was her trying to force out false narrative
while constantly interrupting(the interrupting is standard
for the reptiles on the program staff)
as usual she was desperate to get spice to say what she
wanted him to say rather than let him say what he meant.
he handled her rather well...

that pattern is increasing as 'guests' increasing stop taking
the reptiles seriously....
something is going to break

trump is correct to call the reptiles the real opposition



Jul 24, 2018, 4:52:10 AM7/24/18
On 23 Jul 2018, DoD wrote
(in article <pj5glg$1f7$>):

> How far will the Left go? I fear that we have seen nothing yet.

Well, the right went as far as demolishing the WTC in order to frighten folk
into war with Muslims; so I suppose the left have a long way to go in order
to match that.

Mr. B1ack

Jul 24, 2018, 10:28:38 AM7/24/18
The FISA scam is *really bad stuff*. Shows a very
deliberate effort by a number of tippy-top people
to rig the election and then persecute the winner
they don't like. Makes Nixon and his plumbers look
like rank amateurs.

I expect Trump to get an unredacted, or minimally-
redacted, version out - but closer to election time.
For the next few weeks it's probably better to let
"due process" (such as it is these days) play out.
There may be even MORE juicy stuff coming too ...
icing on the cake.


Jul 24, 2018, 10:47:35 AM7/24/18
On 24 Jul 2018, Mr. B1ack wrote
(in article<>):
Don’t be silly.

Look what happened to people such as JFK, Robin Cook, David Kelly, John
Smith; and that Namibian guy who threatened to upset the bunker controllers
and was booked onto Panam 103.

No one will prosecute Blair because they don’t have the power.

The power lies well underground.


Jul 24, 2018, 11:52:03 AM7/24/18
"abelard" <> wrote in message

> the whole session was her trying to force out false narrative
> while constantly interrupting(the interrupting is standard
> for the reptiles on the program staff)
> as usual she was desperate to get spice to say what she
> wanted him to say rather than let him say what he meant.
> he handled her rather well...

Sounds like watching don lemon on CNN... Something I try to avoid....

> that pattern is increasing as 'guests' increasing stop taking
> the reptiles seriously....
> something is going to break
> trump is correct to call the reptiles the real opposition

They are not just opposition... They are flat out enemies..


Jul 24, 2018, 11:53:03 AM7/24/18
"Mr. B1ack" <> wrote in message
The suspense of this is driving me crazy....


Jul 24, 2018, 1:11:10 PM7/24/18
On 24 Jul 2018, DoD wrote
(in article <pj7i0u$ur4$>):

You are obviously a nobody.

No one in power is going to reveal anything to low-lifes such as yourself.


Jul 24, 2018, 2:25:11 PM7/24/18
TRUMP is waiting for October and then he will drop the hammer....

That's Karma


Jul 24, 2018, 2:30:30 PM7/24/18
"#BeamMeUpScotty" <> wrote in message

I wonder if he should wait that long... They might try and get him on
mattress tags or something, and these
people are desperate enough to try...

Mr. B1ack

Jul 24, 2018, 9:44:33 PM7/24/18
Heh, heh ... well, you'll just have to WAIT :-)

TIMING is important here. You want the material
to go public just in time to stink-up the elections
for the Dems ... but not TOO soon lest they have
time to start nitpicking it apart.

Trump is in the drivers seat here. He has the
power to control the release - his opposition
does not. He was handed a big political stink-bomb
and a match to light the fuse, and at the right
moment ........

And, best of all, this shows that all that "stupid
stuff" he was saying about campaign spying and a
rigged-up witch-hunt early on was TRUE :-)

Avenging Angel

Jul 26, 2018, 10:26:43 PM7/26/18
"Mr. B1ack" <> wrote in
Ain't gonna be no Oktober Revolution here. Jusyt piles of dead bodies of

Avenging Angel

Jul 26, 2018, 10:28:33 PM7/26/18
johnny-knowall <> wrote in
Fuck off and die, loon.
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