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Africans-American "kids" invade home of white couple, rape wife in front of husband

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Jan 6, 2008, 10:11:50 PM1/6/08
Shavon D. Page celebrated his 18th birthday Tuesday in chains,
arraigned on charges he and two teenage companions invaded a couple's
East Knox County home, pistol-whipped the homeowner and forced him to
watch the rape of his wife.

Right now, Page and co-defendants Dameion S. Nolan and Michael L.
McMahan, both 17, are charged via delinquency petitions in Knox County
Juvenile Court.

That may change soon, however.

"This is a case the state intends to file notice on," Assistant
District Attorney General Debbie Malone told Juvenile Court Judge Tim
Irwin, explaining that prosecutors want the trio tried as adults.

The teenagers are accused of crimes in a single June 3 incident,
ranging from burglary to robbery to kidnapping to rape.

According to the delinquency petitions, it was 2 a.m. and a couple
living on River Shores Drive was asleep when three armed suspects
broke into the home.

The couple were awakened and then terrorized, according to the

The gunmen pistol-whipped the 65-year-old homeowner, causing a serious
gash on his head, Knox County Sheriff's Office Detective Allen
"Wolfie" May wrote in the petition.

The man was then bound so he could not move, the petition stated.

The assailants "stripped" the man's 37-year-old wife "of her clothing
and stole her jewelry, according to the petition.

The gunmen made the husband watch as she was forced to perform a sex
act on each of the three suspects, the petition alleged.

"(She) was also tied up before the defendants left the residence," May

The couple apparently had a huge collection of commemorative state
quarters, valued at $3,000. The suspects stole the coins, along with
the homeowner's bank debit card, the petition stated.

Page lived on Woodbine Avenue and had last attended the Richard
Yoakley School, an alternative school, according to the petition.
Nolan, who listed a Linden Avenue address, last attended Austin-East
Performing Arts and Sciences Magnet High School and McMahan of Truman
Avenue is a dropout pursuing a General Equivalency Diploma, according
to the petitions.

It's not clear how the trio knew each other or why they allegedly
targeted the couple.

Apparently, KCSO detectives had identified the trio as suspects a few
weeks ago and had filed miscellaneous charges to hold them pending a
more exhaustive probe. Petitions charging them in the alleged home
invasion were not filed until Monday.

All three were arraigned Tuesday. Defense attorney Rick Clark was
tapped to handle one of the cases, while Page's mother said she would
hire an attorney.

Irwin set an Aug. 8 hearing date, at which Malone is expected to argue
that the threesome, all of whom have prior records, are too dangerous
and too beyond rehabilitation to remain in the juvenile system.

Frank Arthur

Jan 6, 2008, 10:34:11 PM1/6/08

"." <>

I have just contributed to the Southern Poverty Law Center to fight
racists like you!
Thanks for your added incentive to contribute.

Jan 6, 2008, 10:45:31 PM1/6/08
On Jan 6, 10:34 pm, "Frank Arthur" <> wrote:
> "." <>

> I have just contributed to the Southern Poverty Law Center to fight
> racists like you!
> Thanks for your added incentive to contribute.

You make me puke ziopig. You are trying to cover up the mass rape and
murder of whites by your fellow immigrants. Stop vandalising the
threads you slimeball.


Jan 6, 2008, 10:50:08 PM1/6/08
On Jan 6, 5:34 pm, "Frank Arthur" <> wrote:
> "." <>
> I have just contributed to the Southern Poverty Law Center to fight
> racists like you!
> Thanks for your added incentive to contribute.

Oh, so you want these thugs protected from
the law so they can be released to rob, rape and steal again?


Jan 6, 2008, 10:52:11 PM1/6/08
On Jan 6, 5:34 pm, "Frank Arthur" <> wrote:
> "." <>
> I have just contributed to the Southern Poverty Law Center to fight
> racists like you!
> Thanks for your added incentive to contribute.

Do you ever suggest to the Center that they might
offer birth control and family planning; one of the plans
being : have children after you get married and then
stay around and raise them?

Frank Arthur

Jan 7, 2008, 4:09:23 PM1/7/08

"robbielynn" <> wrote in message

Apparently you have not read or comprehended what the Southern Poverty
Law Center
What I am opposed to is racists who pretend that White people don't
rob, rape and steal .
In fact I would like you to find any crime committed by a black person
that isn't also comitted
by whites.

Robert not Roberto

Jan 7, 2008, 5:47:58 PM1/7/08

"Frank Arthur" <> wrote in message

That's a hell of a way to spend your welfare check.

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