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Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?

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Michael Ejercito

Aug 3, 2018, 8:11:44 AM8/3/18
Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
by Alan M. Dershowitz
August 3, 2018 at 5:00 am


Transparency and public accountability are the cornerstones of democracy.
Prime Minister Netanyahu's very public opposition to Obama's Iran Deal -- a
deal opposed by most members of Congress and most Americans -- was just as
consistent with democracy as Winston Churchill's public demands for the
United States to help Great Britain fight the Nazis.

Holocaust denial is quintessentially anti-Semitic, because it falsely
accuses the Jews of fabricating stories of the murder of six million Jews.

Noam Chomsky may be intelligent when it comes to linguistics, but his
statements regarding Israel, Russia, and the Holocaust are simply
counter-factual. There is no other word for his bizarre views, if he
actually believes them. If he does not, then there is another word that
aptly describes his statements: bigotry.

Noam Chomsky has gone off the deep end once again. This time he claims that
in "most of the world" the issue of Russian interference in U.S. elections
is "almost a joke." The real villain, according to him, is, of course,
Israel -- as it almost always is with Chomsky. According to the world's "top
public intellectual," Israeli intervention in U.S. elections, "vastly
overwhelms anything the Russians may have done." His proof of this absurd
and false charge is that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a
speech in front of Congress "with overwhelming applause." Only on Planet
Chomsky would it be worse for the Prime Minister of an American ally openly
to accept an invitation from the Speaker of the House to address Congress
about an issue of mutual concern, than for Russian agents surreptitiously to
try to manipulate voters by false social media campaigns, hacking emails,
and other illegal actions.

Chomsky simply fails to understand how democracy is supposed to work.
Transparency and public accountability are the cornerstones of democracy.
Prime Minister Netanyahu's very public opposition to Obama's Iran Deal -- a
deal opposed by most members of Congress and most Americans -- was just as
consistent with democracy as Winston Churchill's public demands for the
United States to help Great Britain fight the Nazis.

Pictured at left: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill addresses a joint
session of the US Congress on December 27, 1941 (Image source:
Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images). Pictured at right: Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of the US Congress on
March 3, 2015 (Image source: US House of Representatives/Wikimedia Commons).

American presidents, as well as Israeli prime ministers, seek to influence
the policies and electoral choices made by their allies. That, too, is part
of democracy. The United States has pressured Israel to stop building
settlements, Israel has pressured the United States to be more aggressive in
preventing Iran from developing a nuclear arsenal. This, too, is part of

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is an American
organization that lobbies on behalf of American support for Israel. Lobbying
is as American as apple pie.

What is un-American, and what is undemocratic, is for secret agents working
surreptitiously on behalf of Vladimir Putin's Russia to commit numerous
crimes, for which several of its agents have been indicted, in an effort to
influence American elections without transparency or public accountability.

Chomsky is smart enough to understand this, but his willful blindness toward
anything involving Israel leads him to make the kind of false comparative
statement that no intellectual should ever make. Again, only on Planet
Chomsky would Russia's continuous efforts improperly to intervene in
American elections would be characterized as "almost a joke." Only on Planet
Chomsky would Israel's open, transparent and democratic efforts to have
America support its security be deemed worse than Russia's crimes. But such
blindness is to be expected from Chomsky when it comes to anything regarding
Israel, Jews, or anti-Semitism.

Remember this is the same man who defended the so-called "research" of the
notorious Holocaust-denier, Robert Faurisson. Not only did Chomsky defend
Faurisson's phony research, but he denied that Faurisson -- who is a
notorious Jew-hater -- had said anything that qualifies as anti-Semitic.
Here is what Chomsky wrote:

"I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas
chambers, or even denial of the Holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic
implications, per se, in the claim that the Holocaust (whether one believes
it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for
Israeli repression and violence. I see no hint of anti-Semitic implications
in Faurisson's work..."

Chomsky, who is a prominent linguist, knows nothing of the meaning of
language in context. Holocaust denial is quintessentially anti-Semitic,
because it falsely accuses the Jews of fabricating stories of the murder of
six million Jews.

Experts understand that there are different kinds of intelligence. Chomsky
may be intelligent when it comes to linguistics, but his statements
regarding Israel, Russia, and the Holocaust are simply counter-factual.
There is no other word for his bizarre views, if he actually believes them.
If he does not, then there is another word that aptly describes his
statements: bigotry.

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at
Harvard Law School and author of "The Case Against Impeaching Trump,"
Skyhorse publishing, 2018.

Follow Alan M. Dershowitz on Twitter and Facebook

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jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Aug 4, 2018, 7:58:59 AM8/4/18
On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 05:11:54 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
>by Alan M. Dershowitz

jew opinion....DISMISSED!


RJ (preferred jew aliash)


"You are full of shit. You'll never convince any of us real Jews that
there is no Jewish look. I know my people and I can see their
Jewishness. Susan is not a Jew. If you want to get down her panties
just ask her she'll let you. She's a non-Jew."
Message-ID: <>

"You can try all you want and get all the plastic surgery you want but
you'll never look like one of us because you are not a Jew. You are
an Irish Shiksa that Isn't even a righteous non-Jew a Ger Tzadeck You
are VEEDMUS amongst us and are a gentile. I would not be surprised if
you ever go to Eretz Israel and spout off your non-senseical lies that
a Jew doesn't kill you or a gentile murder you. You are wicked because
you antagonize and lie about the Tzadeckim. The best place for you is
scrubbing toilets and urinals in a gymnasium that is predominate used
by Negros."
Message-ID: <>

- drug-fucked jew wannabe Y-chi Netfish, mocking neo-jew Suzy KKKohen's
attempted 'conversion' to the jew race

"Warren is not well. He's a non-Jewish mental patient who usually declines to
take his medications. Please keep this in mind when viewing future posts."
Message-ID: <JZQTk.1726$>

- neo-jew 'convert' Suzy KKKohen, mocking drug-fucked jew wannabe Y-chi Netfish's
claim to be a jew

Michael Ejercito

Aug 4, 2018, 12:44:27 PM8/4/18

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 05:11:54 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
>>by Alan M. Dershowitz

>jew opinion....DISMISSED!

Mangina, you were never able to deal with the merits of articles written
by Jews like Alan M. Dershowitz, William A. Levinson, Judith Bergman, Jeff
Jacoby, Dennis Prager....

You must feel really small when confronted with Jewish intellect.


Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew Andrzej Baron

Aug 4, 2018, 3:58:32 PM8/4/18

In article <>,
A shiteating cowardly nazoid sub-louse PEDO named Andrew "Andrzej"
Baron (aka "Ron Jacobson"/etc") wrote:

> Photograph of inferior polack criminals hanged by brave
> German liberation army fighters:

Why do you hate Poles so much? Didn't you use to extensively
post in Polish NGs (in fluent Polish)? <tssk!>

jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Aug 5, 2018, 12:03:19 PM8/5/18
On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 09:44:37 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>aliash)" wrote in message
>>On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 05:11:54 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>><> wrote:
>>>Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
>>>by Alan M. Dershowitz
>>jew opinion....DISMISSED!
> Mangina, you were never able to deal with the merits of articles written
>by Jews like Alan M. Dershowitz, William A. Levinson, Judith Bergman, Jeff
>Jacoby, Dennis Prager....

jew assholes such as Dershowitz, Levinstein etc are INCAPABLE of
writing ANYTHING with merit. ALL they do is plagiarise the work of

> You must feel really small when confronted with Jewish intellect.

YOU must feel really small when confronted with a nigger dick about to
sodomise you.

Michael Ejercito

Aug 6, 2018, 7:11:11 AM8/6/18

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 09:44:37 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>>aliash)" wrote in message
>>>On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 05:11:54 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
>>>>by Alan M. Dershowitz
>>>jew opinion....DISMISSED!
>> Mangina, you were never able to deal with the merits of articles
>> written
>>by Jews like Alan M. Dershowitz, William A. Levinson, Judith Bergman, Jeff
>>Jacoby, Dennis Prager....

>jew assholes such as Dershowitz, Levinstein etc are INCAPABLE of
>writing ANYTHING with merit.
Nithing, their articles prove you wrong.

>ALL they do is plagiarise the work of
You have no evidence of plagiarism.

>> You must feel really small when confronted with Jewish intellect.

>YOU must feel really small when confronted with a nigger dick about to
>sodomise you.

Just because you feel that way when confronted with those kind of dicks
does not mean everyone feels that way.

No wonder you are jealous of Doutzen Kroes.

jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Aug 7, 2018, 8:22:12 AM8/7/18
On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 04:11:24 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>aliash)" wrote in message
>>On Sat, 4 Aug 2018 09:44:37 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>><> wrote:
>>>"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
>>>aliash)" wrote in message
>>>>On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 05:11:54 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>Chomsky Calls Russian Interference a Joke - Blames Guess Who?
>>>>>by Alan M. Dershowitz
>>>>jew opinion....DISMISSED!
>>> Mangina, you were never able to deal with the merits of articles
>>> written
>>>by Jews like Alan M. Dershowitz, William A. Levinson, Judith Bergman, Jeff
>>>Jacoby, Dennis Prager....
>>jew assholes such as Dershowitz, Levinstein etc are INCAPABLE of
>>writing ANYTHING with merit.
> Nithing, their articles prove you wrong.

Dreclkgook, their inane plagiarised articles prove me RIGHT.

>>ALL they do is plagiarise the work of
> You have no evidence of plagiarism.

You have no evidence of originality to counter the default assumption
of jew plagiarism.

>>> You must feel really small when confronted with Jewish intellect.
>>YOU must feel really small when confronted with a nigger dick about to
>>sodomise you.
> Just because you feel that way when confronted with those kind of dicks
>does not mean everyone feels that way.

Just because you're in denial does not mean that you do not feel that
way when confronted by nigger dicks about to sodomise you.

> No wonder you are jealous of Doutzen Kroes.

No wonder you keep pics of her being sodomised by her coon 'lover' in
your online porn portfoliolio!

Michael Ejercito

Aug 11, 2018, 11:20:22 AM8/11/18

"The Peeler" wrote in message news:ZjhaD.190260$PJ7....@fx01.am4...

>On Tue, 07 Aug 2018 05:22:02 -0700, serbian bitch Razovic, the resident
>psychopath of sci and scj and Usenet's famous sexual cripple, making an ass
>of herself as "jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry'
>Shein's jew aliash)", farted again:

>>> Nithing, their articles prove you wrong.
>> Dreclkgook, their inane plagiarised articles prove me RIGHT.

>Provide ONE proof of any plagiary, you pathological LIAR! Of course, as
>usual, you CAN'T!
We can expect him to provide proof after he blows his load into a
woman's womb!

>>> You have no evidence of plagiarism.
>> You have no evidence of originality to counter the default assumption
>> of jew plagiarism.

>The EVIDENCE of originality is that there is NO other identical article
>prior to those articles, you mentally handicapped psychopathic swine!
No doubt about it!

>>> Just because you feel that way when confronted with those kind of
>>> dicks
>>>does not mean everyone feels that way.
>> Just because you're in denial does not mean that you do not feel that
>> way when confronted by nigger dicks about to sodomise you.

>Stop projecting your OWN depravity and sexual predicament onto all those
>that you feel are way superior to you and straight unlike you, you sexually
>crippled perv!

>>> No wonder you are jealous of Doutzen Kroes.
>> No wonder you keep pics of her being sodomised by her coon 'lover' in
>> your online porn portfoliolio!

>Point out those alleged pics, you miserable, lying, fucked up, sexual

Doutzen Kroes never posed for porn.

jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Aug 12, 2018, 8:50:44 AM8/12/18
On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 08:20:22 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"The Foreskin Peeler" wrote in message news:ZjhaD.190260$PJ7....@fx01.am4...

[FLUHS Grik skata]

Watch, it anus!

> We can expect him to provide proof after he blows his load into a
>woman's womb!

Since you are EXEMPT from squirting your mini-load into a woman's womb
or anus we can expect ZERO proof from you to the contrary.

> No doubt about it!

Inane Oriental monkey 'me too'!

> Doutzen Kroes never posed for porn.

Doutzen Kroes is not an asian slut, mong.

Michael Ejercito

Aug 12, 2018, 12:25:45 PM8/12/18

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 08:20:22 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>"The Foreskin Peeler" wrote in message

>[FLUHS Grik skata]

>Watch, it anus!
We watch vulva instead.
>> We can expect him to provide proof after he blows his load into a
>>woman's womb!

>Since you are EXEMPT from squirting your mini-load into a woman's womb
>or anus we can expect ZERO proof from you to the contrary.
There is nothing exempt about me.

>> No doubt about it!

>Inane Oriental monkey 'me too'!

>> Doutzen Kroes never posed for porn.

>Doutzen Kroes is not an asian slut, mong.
She is a white woman and a world-famous model!


Aug 12, 2018, 3:48:17 PM8/12/18
She's a piece of shit race traitor who would even fuck with your
needledick if she were desperate enough. No decent White man would
ever fuck that AIDS ridden cunt.

Michael Ejercito

Aug 13, 2018, 7:11:46 AM8/13/18

"NEMO" wrote in message
There is nothing race traitor about her!

> No decent White man would
>ever fuck that AIDS ridden cunt.

Plenty of white men would be tempted to fuck her cunt.

But her cunt is reserved for one man!

jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew aliash)

Aug 14, 2018, 7:52:06 AM8/14/18
On Mon, 13 Aug 2018 04:11:42 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
<> wrote:

>"NEMO" wrote in message
>>On Sun, 12 Aug 2018 09:25:46 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
Yes, there is. She 'married' a coon!

>> No decent White man would
>>ever fuck that AIDS ridden cunt.
> Plenty of white men would be tempted to fuck her cunt.

No, they would not. ESPECIALLY after she's been sodomised senseless
by her nigger 'hubby'.

> But her cunt is reserved for one man!

Her cunt and anus are leased to one subhuman but available to anyone
eligible. That excludes YOU mong.

Michael Ejercito

Aug 14, 2018, 12:17:56 PM8/14/18

"jew pedophile Ron Jacobson (jew pedophile Baruch 'Barry' Shein's jew
aliash)" wrote in message

>On Mon, 13 Aug 2018 04:11:42 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
><> wrote:

>>"NEMO" wrote in message
>>>On Sun, 12 Aug 2018 09:25:46 -0700, "NOT Michael Ejercito"
>>><> wrote:
>>>> She is a white woman and a world-famous model!
>>>She's a piece of shit race traitor who would even fuck with your
>>>needledick if she were desperate enough.
>> There is nothing race traitor about her!

>Yes, there is. She 'married' a coon!
That does not make her a traitor to anyone or anything.

>>> No decent White man would
>>>ever fuck that AIDS ridden cunt.
>> Plenty of white men would be tempted to fuck her cunt.

>No, they would not. ESPECIALLY after she's been sodomised senseless
>by her nigger 'hubby'.
They would still be tempted even though she was knocked up by her

>> But her cunt is reserved for one man!

>Her cunt and anus are leased to one subhuman but available to anyone
>eligible. That excludes YOU mong.
Wrong, for she took a vow.
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