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Gun Expert Joe Biden: “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger”

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Klaus Schadenfreude

28.06.2019, 09:57:2628.06.19

Biden pushes smart guns as solution for gun violence during primary

During Thursday night’s Democratic debates, former Vice President Joe
Biden pitched his “smart gun” policy on the national stage when asked
how he would work to combat gun violence.

“We should have smart guns,” Biden said. “No gun should be able to be
sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s
within our right to do that. We can do that. Our enemy is the gun
manufacturers, not the NRA. The gun manufacturers.”

It’s a policy Biden has been touting frequently along the campaign
trail, but the first it’s been brought up throughout this year’s
Democratic debates.

Proving, once again, nobody is as dumb as a fucking Democrat.


28.06.2019, 19:05:5028.06.19
This is the same guy who advocated firing a shotgun through a door. Looks like
they are all ganging up on Shotgun Joe. I'm loving it. I hope there is no
clear cut front runner in the early primaries and the nominating process turns
into a blood bath and Democrats start eating their own. My fondest dream is that
there isn't a first ballot nomination and the convention gets brokered. Then the
fireworks will really start.

max headroom

28.06.2019, 23:05:4228.06.19
In, bigdog <>
Oh, you dreamer!

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