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How to act human?

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Aug 31, 2004, 8:21:40 AM8/31/04
A baby crow fell from its nest. I took the bird in, and took care of
it for 3 months. When it was time to let the bird go, I opened the
window, and the crow flew to a nearby tree. The crow hovered around
that tree for more than 2 weeks before it started coming back to the
window. Many other crows always sit in that tree, but the crow always
kept coming back. I fed it for a few weeks, in the hope that the crow
would slow become free. It never did.

The point is, the crow forgot how to be a crow. It did not know how to
act as a crow. It did not even know how to sound like a crow.

Is there some truth in this for humans? Do we know what it is to live
as human being? Do unforeseen circumstances force people into being
alienated, like the crow? What code of standard tells us to act human?

Aug 31, 2004, 8:22:11 AM8/31/04

Meme Warrior

Aug 31, 2004, 8:53:27 PM8/31/04

"GIL...@HOTMAIL.COM" <> wrote in message

What code of standard is there for crows to act like crows. What if your
crow was to one acting like a crow and it was the others that were acting
unnatural. For humans it's not about acting human because there in no such
critera for that, it's about acting civilized.Our society tells us how to
act and we are judge how how closely we prescibe to that ideal

Sep 1, 2004, 7:53:29 AM9/1/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote

> What code of standard is there for crows to act like crows. What if your
> crow was to one acting like a crow and it was the others that were acting
> unnatural.

No, then there would not be any crows left!

> For humans it's not about acting human because there in no such
> critera for that, it's about acting civilized.Our society tells us how to
> act and we are judge how how closely we prescibe to that ideal

Which society? East, West, Capitalist, Socialist, Communist, Sudanese,
Israeli, Arabs, the Popular Cultures or what...?


Sep 5, 2004, 7:41:57 PM9/5/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote in message news:<bz5Zc.285431

> What code of standard is there for crows to act like crows. What if your
> crow was to one acting like a crow and it was the others that were acting
> unnatural. For humans it's not about acting human because there in no such
> critera for that, it's about acting civilized.Our society tells us how to
> act and we are judge how how closely we prescibe to that ideal

The bible is the only code of standard that can be used as a rule book
to live happy and fulfilled lives. No other system or societies have
the answers to complete human peace, love and fulfillment. Only the
Bible tells us how to live purposeful lives.

Gilbert Gerber

Meme Warrior

Sep 6, 2004, 3:51:11 AM9/6/04

> The bible is the only code of standard that can be used as a rule book
> to live happy and fulfilled lives. No other system or societies have
> the answers to complete human peace, love and fulfillment. Only the
> Bible tells us how to live purposeful lives.
> Gilbert Gerber

The bible tells a lot of things. How to live purposeful lives? probably.
I've never read it myself. But it is not the only anwser humans have for
that question.


Sep 6, 2004, 1:50:00 PM9/6/04
Yes the bible teaches us alot. Like how to commit adultery, demolish
innocent people, kill, plunder, lie, and deceive. A book full of
contradictions and a tool for fear inducement is such a good guide. I
like christianity (not)" do as I say or I'll burn you in Hell". What a


Sep 6, 2004, 10:31:52 PM9/6/04
to (GIL...@HOTMAIL.COM) wrote in message news:<>...

I think that crow was acting like a crow. It was acting like a crow
that was taken care of and fed therefore he knew where this hand of
care came from and wanted to return seeking the same love and care.
The other crows did not do this because they did not have the
experience the other crow had to go back to the window.

Sep 7, 2004, 8:18:03 AM9/7/04
to (Crystal) wrote in message news:<>...

Many people seem to forget that the New Testament is really, the good
news of the Bible. Jesus tells us to come to Him, with all our false
ideas, problems, warped opinions and sin, and He will change your

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that
has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood

You might remember that the Holy Spirit guides us in reading the
Bible. I am sure you experience some of this, with what you are doing.
Does not your spirits influence your perceptions? They guide you into
believing and living a different life.

What do they say about love?

Sep 7, 2004, 8:22:13 AM9/7/04
to (Brandy) wrote in message

> I think that crow was acting like a crow. It was acting like a crow
> that was taken care of and fed therefore he knew where this hand of
> care came from and wanted to return seeking the same love and care.
> The other crows did not do this because they did not have the
> experience the other crow had to go back to the window.

Yes, you are right. What is this hand, to us as human beings? Where
should we go for love and care?


Sep 8, 2004, 6:08:37 AM9/8/04
I'm always disturbed by the notion that a religion would serve as the
"only" guide on how to live a ethically and morally. Im also disturbed
by the notion that laws are what keep alot of people in check as
opposed to their natures. My parents did not raise me with religion,
yet I somehow figured out that treating people with compassion is good
(and not difficult) , that lying is bad, that cheating is bad, etc
etc. That we should love one another and be kind. Try to understand
one another, and so on.

I often wonder if I was ever given detailed instruction on ethical
topics by my parents or if I just figured it out from observation...
Its an interesting idea.Clearly we learn from observation and what we
see as we grow up tends to be a model for us in what it is to act
human. Unfortunately, this is how we learn to hate and fear. THis is
how triabl conflicts are passed on from generation to generation. The
dark side of religion is mistrust/mistreatment of people of other
faiths. The good and bad in people is probably innate, and
enivronmental experiences play these out. (GIL...@HOTMAIL.COM) wrote in message news:<>...

Sep 8, 2004, 11:50:06 AM9/8/04
tasoti (
I'm always disturbed by the notion that a religion would serve as the
"only" guide on how to live a ethically and morally. Im also disturbed
by the notion that laws are what keep alot of people in check as
opposed to their natures.

Hallo Tasoti

Many people ague your point about laws and religion. Christianity is
not about living by laws; it is about living with love. When we love
we live differently.

6 to 9th commandment
You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not
steal, You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
These commandments obviously protect us from ourselves and other
people. It is good and better for us not to do these things

10th commandment
You shall not covet your neighbour&#8217;s house. You shall not covet
your neighbour&#8217;s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox
or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.
This commandment protects us from falling into a constant WANT. There
is a point where desire, becomes unhealthy.

The Greatest Commandment
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And
the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law
and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
The bible tells us to love other people. It is really not about doing
or not doing things, it is bout loving yourself, loving other people,
seeing other people as equals, doing good to the poor, not only
thinking about success and money, looking after your body and soul and
accepting that people make mistakes and that Jesus gave His life
because we make mistakes.

Again, Christianity is not about living by laws; it is about living
with love. When we love we live differently.

With regards
Gilbert Gerber


Sep 8, 2004, 3:33:25 PM9/8/04
to (GIL...@HOTMAIL.COM) wrote in message news:<>...

This hand to humans is the same as it is to the crow; a caring hand. A
hand that gives what is needed. Not everyone gets the care and what's
needed just as not all of those other crows got the care and food from
the hand as this crow did. Same with humans. But deeper, what
determined it be this crow that recieved the care and food from this
hand. The falling out of the tree and the need the crow was in.


Sep 16, 2004, 3:12:55 PM9/16/04
to (Crystal) wrote in message news:<>...

how do we know that some of us are even human?

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