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The 4th Dimension!

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Sep 5, 2004, 11:06:35 PM9/5/04
I saw an interesting documentary several years ago, and it explained
the following:

A dot, (without length, width, or breadth), moves along a straight
line. This line formed, is the FIRST dimension.

If the theoretical line were moved perpindicular to the first
linear motion, then a plane is formed. The original dot would only
see an edge of the plane, and therefore would not see the plane; it
can only see 'length', but not breadth. this is the SECOND dimension.

If the plane were moved upwards, it would form a cube, or the THIRD
dimension. The original 2 dimensional plane would see the cubes
length and width, but not it's height; therefore it would see the cube
as a mere plane like itself.

What direction does the cube move in, to form the 4th dimension?
Is the 4th Dimension here around us, but are we unable to see it?


Sep 6, 2004, 7:10:27 AM9/6/04
> What direction does the cube move in, to form the 4th dimension?
> Is the 4th Dimension here around us, but are we unable to see it?

The 1st dimension is compounded by second dimension
The second and the first dimensions are compounded by the third
dimension. And movement along time compounds all three dimensions.
Therefore the fourth dimension must be time.


Sep 6, 2004, 4:49:57 PM9/6/04
to (Joey) wrote in message news:<>...

Why Time? Could there not be another visual dimension?


Sep 6, 2004, 10:28:06 PM9/6/04
to (Jack) wrote in message news:<>...

Could there be many dimensions? Fractals are an infinate spiral and so
could the same be with dimensions. Could it be spiraling infinate
dimensions. Can you exist in time as a dimension? There can be many
types of dimensions, two types physical and the other metapysical. I
imagine there are other types. Could celluar levels be a dimension?

Meme Warrior

Sep 7, 2004, 2:34:29 AM9/7/04

"Brandy" <> wrote in message

> (Jack) wrote in message
> > (Joey) wrote in message
> > > > What direction does the cube move in, to form the 4th dimension?
> > > > Is the 4th Dimension here around us, but are we unable to see it?
> > >
> > > The 1st dimension is compounded by second dimension
> > > The second and the first dimensions are compounded by the third
> > > dimension. And movement along time compounds all three dimensions.
> > > Therefore the fourth dimension must be time.
> >
> > Why Time? Could there not be another visual dimension?

Time is visual, when we see movement we are seeing time.


Sep 7, 2004, 7:51:34 PM9/7/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote in message news:<V69%c.320646$M95.90353@pd7tw1no>...

The generally accepted theory is that time is the 4th dimension, as
even a spiral only moves in 3 dimensions, just in a different pattern
than the lines and dots used in the initial description. The 5th
dimension is generally postulated to be co-existing realities, or
parallel universes just like in sci-fi. To date, humanity has only
scratched the surface of exploring the mysteries of the 4th and 5th
dimensions. Sci-fi has even explored the possibilities of
cross-dimensional phenomena, like the movie Cube 2 which featured a
combination of parallel existances and varying timelines in one. Not
a great movie but topical. If any additional visual dimensions exist
then the discovery of such a dimension would be Nobel prize material,
so let us know if you find one.



Sep 8, 2004, 3:29:30 PM9/8/04
to (Liam) wrote in message news:<>...

Time is a measurement of the passing of physical events. What limits a
spiral to three deimensions? Knowing limits are important in
determining an answer.


Sep 10, 2004, 1:42:14 AM9/10/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote in message news:<V69%c.320646$M95.90353@pd7tw1no>...

Not to be argumentative, but merely to discuss this further; My
point is that even if there is no visible light, and an action occurs,
it still occurs whether or not anyone was there to 'see' it happen.
The whole idea of light = time to me seems illogical. A star goes
supernova on the other side of the Universe, we don't see it for 400
years, so what?, it still happened 400 years ago. The event there
didn't change. Light may be a way of measuring time, but it isn't
time itself.
The other thing I wonder about is, if we are prepared to think of
a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimension, wouldn't these dimensions ALSO exist in
time-space? I have to think that Time-Space is a constant over all

Meme Warrior

Sep 10, 2004, 2:06:25 AM9/10/04

"Jack" <> wrote in message

In the way you describe it, time doesn't equal light, however, time occurs
relative to the speed of light. If an action occurs, the passage of time
reflects the relation of the speed of light to the speed of the action
occuring. This is to ensure that the speed of light remains constant.


Sep 12, 2004, 3:06:36 PM9/12/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote in message news:<B_70d.356521$M95.155415@pd7tw1no>...

Unfortunately the speed of light isn't constant. Were you
suggesting that the speed of light is normally made a constant in
formulas to work other problems out?
I can see how time and the speed of light might be relative to
each other, but only close by. As distance increases, in my thinking,
the two become further and further apart. Think of it like this; you
tape an event as it occurs. You file the tape away for four years.
You watch the tape. The event takes the same amount of time, however,
the event is 4 years in the past.
On another angle, if you travel speeds approaching light speed,
why would time change? To me, time is a constant, lightspeed is the
variable. If you were watching the tape in a spaceship approaching
the speed of light, the event recorded earlier, would still take the
same amount of time to occur, wouldn't it?

Meme Warrior

Sep 13, 2004, 1:50:04 AM9/13/04

"Jack" <> wrote in message

The speed of light is constant for all observers. This is a fundamental
principal of the theory of relativity. If you are in a ship watching a taped
event while travelling at near the speed of light then yes it would take the
same amount of time to occurs but that is only because the tape and you are
traveling at the same speed. If you are travelling at the speed of light and
watching a tape event which is playing on a television not travelling at the
same speed you are, then it would not take the same amount of time to occur.
The reason for time's instabilty is because the speed of light has to be
constant. If you are traveling away from a source of light, then to you the
speed of that light beam is slower because it would take longer to reach
you. During such a instance, time would slow down to allow the light to
reach you in the same amount of time it would take if you are standing
still. Thus the speed of light will always remain constant.
Althought I'm not a 100%, I belive this has been proven in experiments.


Sep 16, 2004, 3:16:49 PM9/16/04
"Meme Warrior" <Me...@meme.mem> wrote in message news:<g171d.388904$M95.184946@pd7tw1no>...

4th dimension wots the 3rd

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