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bumper sticker

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Aug 10, 2001, 1:20:09 PM8/10/01
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."

-> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.

Stew Dean

Aug 10, 2001, 5:49:24 PM8/10/01
On 10 Aug 2001 13:20:09 -0400, (marlowe) added
to the meme pool:

>"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
>-> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.

My current favourite. "Jesus saves but does he back up?"
Stewart Dean -
alife guide -

Reed A. Cartwright

Aug 10, 2001, 6:13:20 PM8/10/01
"marlowe" <> wrote in message

> "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.

Most people with that bumper stick are the "poor."

Reed A. Cartwright
Graduate Student
Department of Genetics
University of Georgia
"Real scientists don't have ministries."

Reed A. Cartwright

Aug 10, 2001, 6:14:44 PM8/10/01
"marlowe" <> wrote in message
> "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.

I like "God is my copilot. But we crashed in the mountains, and I had to
eat him."


Aug 10, 2001, 8:14:38 PM8/10/01
On 10 Aug 2001 17:49:24 -0400, (Stew
Dean) wrote:

>On 10 Aug 2001 13:20:09 -0400, (marlowe) added
>to the meme pool:
>>"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
>>-> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
>My current favourite. "Jesus saves but does he back up?"

"Jesus saves but Owen scores from the rebound."

For all you merkins out there it helps if you live in Liverpool to
understand this one.


John R. Owens

Aug 11, 2001, 12:08:30 AM8/11/01
rossum wrote:
> On 10 Aug 2001 17:49:24 -0400, (Stew
> Dean) wrote:
> >On 10 Aug 2001 13:20:09 -0400, (marlowe) added
> >to the meme pool:
> >
> >>"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> >>
> >>-> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
> >
> >My current favourite. "Jesus saves but does he back up?"
> "Jesus saves but Owen scores from the rebound."
> For all you merkins out there it helps if you live in Liverpool to
> understand this one.

Huh? I did what?
From context, I'm guessing you're stating that I play better football
than Jesus? ;)

--John R. Owens


Aug 11, 2001, 7:27:34 AM8/11/01

rossum <> wrote in message

> On 10 Aug 2001 17:49:24 -0400, (Stew
> Dean) wrote:
> >On 10 Aug 2001 13:20:09 -0400, (marlowe) added
> >to the meme pool:
> >
> >>"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> >>
> >>-> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
> >
> >My current favourite. "Jesus saves but does he back up?"
> "Jesus saves but Owen scores from the rebound."
> For all you merkins out there it helps if you live in Liverpool to
> understand this one.

Our version of that one is: JESUS SAVES
Gretzky gets the puck. He shoots. He SCORES!



Aug 11, 2001, 12:33:25 PM8/11/01
In article <10Zc7.84139$>, "Reed A. Cartwright" <> writes:
> "marlowe" <> wrote in message
> news:9l1548$rqd$
> > "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> >
> > -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
> Most people with that bumper stick are the "poor."
> --
> ****************************************
> Reed A. Cartwright

Here in New Jersey, I've seen it on some very expensive cars. (Of course, the
owners could still be poor, I suppose.) But I suspect that JC would have meant
"the poor who don't even have cars, or jobs, or enough to eat" in the modern

And there are obviously other quotes (although I don't have the cites with me).
The one about praying privately, and the parable of the pharisee and the
publican (do you know, it took me forty years to finally understand what a
_publican_ was?) come to mind. The story of Ananias and Sapphira. For the
John Knight types, the story of Philip and the Ethiopian. The OT story of
Naaman the Syrian.

Sometimes, I idly think of having cards or bumper stickers printed up with
chapter and verse, and leaving them on the expensive cars (or cars that make
clear that the owners are very well-to-do, or consider themselves superior)
with the GSI bumper sticker. I won't because I respect their privacy, property
rights, and right to an opinion. But the inconsistency and apparent hypocrisy
bothers me.

[Note I've almost certainly got my own problems, But I don't claim to be one
of the elect, or to have an inside track on the straight dope.]

tom marlowe

Bob Casanova

Aug 11, 2001, 4:32:33 PM8/11/01
On 11 Aug 2001 07:27:34 -0400, the following appeared in, posted by "Aron-Ra" <>:

I've seen "Jesus Saves, but Moses Invests" a few times.


(Note followups, if any)

Bob C.

Reply to Bob-Casanova @
(without the spaces, of course)

"Men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness
to believe, but in proportion to their readiness to doubt."
--H. L. Mencken

Joe Rutledge

Aug 11, 2001, 5:43:45 PM8/11/01
All time favorite.....

"Jesus loves you.... everyone else thinks you're an asshole."


"Bob Casanova" <> wrote in message


Aug 11, 2001, 6:55:53 PM8/11/01
On 11 Aug 2001 00:08:30 -0400, "John R. Owens" <>

Only if your first name is Mchael and you play for Liverpool and

BTW the earliest example I am aware of is "Jesus scores but Keegan
scores from the rebound." Keegan was another Liverpool player, but a
long time ago.


Stephen Poley

Aug 12, 2001, 7:06:17 AM8/12/01
On 11 Aug 2001 12:33:25 -0400, (marlowe) wrote:

>Sometimes, I idly think of having cards or bumper stickers printed up with
>chapter and verse, and leaving them on the expensive cars (or cars that make
>clear that the owners are very well-to-do, or consider themselves superior)
>with the GSI bumper sticker. I won't because I respect their privacy, property
>rights, and right to an opinion. But the inconsistency and apparent hypocrisy
>bothers me.

I'd say go for it. As long as you don't damage the car in any way,
(cards placed behind the windscreen wipers should be fine) and only do
it to cars parked in a public place (not a private driveway) I'd say you
have every right.

Stephen Poley
Barendrecht, Holland

Bob Casanova

Aug 12, 2001, 8:13:58 PM8/12/01
On 11 Aug 2001 17:43:45 -0400, the following appeared in, posted by "Joe Rutledge"

>All time favorite.....
>"Jesus loves you.... everyone else thinks you're an asshole."

That's a *good* one! Thanks!

Louann Miller

Aug 13, 2001, 9:29:09 AM8/13/01
On 11 Aug 2001 17:43:45 -0400, "Joe Rutledge"
<joe.rutledge*> wrote:

>All time favorite.....
>"Jesus loves you.... everyone else thinks you're an asshole."

Pegging the vulgarity meter, a t-shirt:

Jesus loves you -- I know, because he moans your name whenever we

John R. Owens

Aug 13, 2001, 11:47:22 AM8/13/01

Heh. When I was young, I made up a favourite joke of my very own
substituting Joseph for the shirt wearer, God for the "you" of the
shirt, and Mary for Jesus. Punchline about "screaming ex-lover's
name". I think you can fill in the blanks.
As far as I know, I've never heard it anywhere else. I find it hard to
believe that no one had ever come up with that joke before, though.

Andrew Arensburger

Aug 23, 2001, 8:08:04 PM8/23/01
Reed A. Cartwright <> wrote:
> "marlowe" <> wrote in message
> news:9l1548$rqd$
>> "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
>> -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.

> I like "God is my copilot. But we crashed in the mountains, and I had to
> eat him."

Now you've done it. I wasn't going to post this, but you
pushed me over the edge. This is from my list of taglines at

Can priests turn other food into God, or only cookies?
Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades.
God is love; Satan is 30 and up one set.
God loves you and he is going to send you to Hell.
I have no problem with God. It's his fan clubs I hate.
If it's God's will, who gets the money?
I'd be an agnostic if I cared that much.
Militant Agnostic--I don't know and you don't either!
Evolved-Again Secular Humanist.
Thou shalt eat green eggs and ham--obey thy God, I-am-that-I-am.
Doing my part to tweak the religious right.
Evolution is a fact. God is a theory.
We're in St. Peter's Cathedral, where we've secretly replaced the
transubstantiated body of Our Lord with new Folger's Crystals. Let's watch...
If God doesn't like the way I live, let HIM tell me.
If God is omnipotent, why does he need my money?
It's YOUR God! They're YOUR Rules! YOU go to Hell!
And God said, `The initial conditions are established. Let's
hope the system converges... soon.'
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son,
that whosoever would believe in him would believe in anything.
If there were an afterlife, Isaac Asimov
would have written a book about it by now.
Fundamentalism means never having to say "I'm wrong."
A fundie with a gun stops a beating heart.
Religion is to rationality as bullshit is to horsepower.
Jesus is coming! Are you going to spit, or swallow?
Of course God loves you--He's just not ready to make a commitment.
God is my co-pilot, but the Devil is my bombardier.
When we talk to God, it's called prayer.
When God talks back, it's called schizophrenia.
Why does the Vatican have lightning rods?
If Jesus loves me, why doesn't he ever send me flowers?
Theology: The study of elaborate verbal disguises for non-ideas.
God so hated the world that he sent his only son so that whoever
did not believe in him would perish and be denied eternal life.
If God had wanted us to make sense, He would have existed.
Jesus loves me, this I know / For the Voices tell me so.
A mystic is someone who wants to understand
the universe, but is too lazy to study physics.
Since the Bible and the church are obviously mistaken in telling us
where we came from, how can we trust them to tell us where we are going?
Why don't gods have the common sense to do
things without being prayed at first?
How do vegetarian catholics deal with the transubstantiaton of wafer
into flesh? Does God know, and give them a lentil-based product instead?
If Jesus came back, would He be expected to take Holy Communion?
Only sheep need a shepherd.
Jesus saves -- Moses invests -- Cthulhu engulfs and devours.
Jesus saves -- Moses invests -- Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves -- Moses invests -- Cthulhu squanders.
Jesus saves! But Gretzky gets the rebound! He shoots! He SCOOOOOORES!
Jesus saves, and only takes half damage.
Jesus saves, but Clones 'R' Us makes backups!
Jesus saves, Moses earns, but the Mongol Hordes.
Jesus saves, Moses invests, Strawberry preserves.
Oh no! The creationists are mutating!
Can I yell "SCIENCE" in a crowded Creationism conference?
Religious Roulette: stand in a circle and blaspheme.
See who gets struck by lightning first.
Pat Robertson's just trying to make Christians look bad.
I'd worship Satan, but I'm going to Hell anyway, so why waste my time?
If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish,
he will eat for a lifetime. If you teach him to pray for fish, he will starve.
"'Faith' means not _wanting_ to know what is true." -- Nietzshe
Crus de agnus Dei con quilon menthae.
The problem with religious texts is that the answers aren't in the back.
In case of rapture, can I have your car?
Heaven and earth regard the ten thousand things as straw dogs, and I feel fine.
Do I believe in the Bible? Hell, man, I've seen one!
When an agnostic dies, does he go to the Great Perhaps?
I believe in free will. My religion says I have no choice.
Any belief worth having must survive doubt.
Is that seat saved? No, but we're praying for it.
Wiccan Sesame Street has been brought to you by Blessed B.
A crucifix? Oy vey, have you got the wrong vampire!
Some things have to be believed to be seen.
If you think I need to be saved from myself, I probably
need to be saved from you.
"Fund"=to spend money + "amentalist"=without thinking.
The Easter Bunny said it. I believe it. That settles it.
+1 Thumping Bible, +3 vs. Jehovah's Witnesses.
I'm not a cultist, I just like sacrificing virgins for fun.
Yes, but I'm a CHOSEN heathen!
Yes, I'm an agent of the Devil, but my duties are mostly ceremonial.
Little Bunny Foo-Foo died for your sins.
The end times are upon us! Send me a big fat check!
Religion is the work of the Devil.
Although it is said that faith can move mountains,
experience has shown that dynamite works better.
Christians believe that the most wonderful thing that can happen to them
is to go to Heaven, but few of them are in a hurry to make the trip.
Help preserve your child's belief in Santa Claus. Tell him or her
that Santa will send them to hell if they don't believe in him.
"Being unable to reason is not a positive character trait outside religion."
-- Dewey Henize
"The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike."
-- Delos McKown
I hate it when people speak for God. And you know what? So does he.
Faith is gullibility with a PR department.
Whoever said "Reading is fundamental" never met a fundamentalist.

Noelie S. Alito

Aug 24, 2001, 1:15:22 PM8/24/01
"Andrew Arensburger" <> wrote in message

> Reed A. Cartwright <> wrote:
> > "marlowe" <> wrote in message
> > news:9l1548$rqd$
> >> "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> >>
> >> -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
> > I like "God is my copilot. But we crashed in the mountains, and I had
> > eat him."
> Now you've done it. I wasn't going to post this, but you
> pushed me over the edge. This is from my list of taglines at

<snip list of in-your-face religion-taunting taglines>

Anyone with an investment in tire, autobody or windshield
repair shops in the Bible Belt can sent out a lot of these
bumper stickers to drum up business.

Laugh at your problems; everyone else does.


Aug 24, 2001, 11:47:55 PM8/24/01
Andrew Arensburger <> wrote in message news:<9m45st$ngl$>...
> Reed A. Cartwright <> wrote:
> > "marlowe" <> wrote in message
> > news:9l1548$rqd$
> >> "God said it. I believe it. That settles it."
> >>
> >> -> Sell all your goods. Give your money to the poor.
> > I like "God is my copilot. But we crashed in the mountains, and I had to
> > eat him."
> Now you've done it. I wasn't going to post this, but you
> pushed me over the edge. This is from my list of taglines at

(snip amusing stuff)

> If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish,
> he will eat for a lifetime. If you teach him to pray for fish, he will starve.


If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man

to fish, he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

(additional snippage)

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