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Let us learn the message which God coded into the Bible which He

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Nov 19, 2007, 4:49:32 AM11/19/07
A monkey looks very similar to a human. It also have grabbing hands
like people do and also is able to use tools. Furthermore, it has a
high intelligence. In fact a monkey is even able to carry out
implication and logical deduction - like people do. Can thus a monkey
be classified to a category of people. Of course NOT. Everyone knows
jolly well that a monkey is an animal - only that it has a high
intelligence and an appearance similar to humans. So what causes that
given creatures can be classified as people? After all, it is NOT
intelligence - because intelligence is also present in monkeys and in
various other animals. For example my cat called "Teecee", described
in more details on the web page about "bandits amongst us" (see the
web page "bandits.htm"), also displayed the intelligence which I
compared to the intelligence of a 2-year old human, and even displayed
the morality which I estimate as higher than morality of an average
"serpent-UFOnaut". (E.g. Teecee always show the sense of guilt with
his behavior each time he returned from stealing food designated for
cats of a neighbor, while e.g. UFOnauts do not feel guilty even when
they murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people (see the web page
"day26.htm"). But Teecee still belonged to the animal kingdom. To the
category of humans do NOT qualify the appearance either. After all,
monkeys have, while Neaderland Men had, the appearance very similar to
that of people. But no-one classifies them as people. The having
grabbing hands also do not make one to be a human, neither the use of
tools. So what causes that a given creature is qualified to the
category of people, not to the category of "animals gifted with high
intelligence and with human appearance"?

The clarification of this puzzle is encrypted into the Bible
authorized by God himself (see the web page "bible.htm"). Namely,
creatures which by the Bible are called "serpents", "dragons",
"devils", etc., while by present people - "UFOnauts", in the entire
Bible authorized by God himself are consistently qualified to the
category of animals, NOT to the category of people. For example, in
this way categorizes them the verse quoted in previous item #F2 from
the "Book of Genesis", 3:1, quote: "Now the serpent is the most
cunning of all the animals that the LORD God had create." The same
refusal of qualifying UFOnauts to the category of people forwards to
us also the reply of Jesus to the temptations of Satan, given in the
"Evangel of St. Matthew", 4:4, quote: "It is written, Man shall not
live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God." (It means, that this verse tries to tell us, amongst
others, that "a human is only this one, who does NOT live just by
bread, but who studies words of God". In turn Satan, serpents, devils,
etc., who mainly are concerned about material goods, about power,
pleasures of the body, etc., in eyes of God are NOT humans at all.)
Simultaneously from our research on UFOs (see the web page "ufo.htm")
it is already known to us, that these serpents-UFOnauts are close
relatives of people. After all, both humanity and these serpents-
UFOnauts originate from the same ancestors of humanity from the Terra
planet - as this is explained more comprehensively on the web page
about "evolution" (see the web page "evolution.htm"). In spite of this
blood relationship of people and UFOnauts, God qualify people to the
category of humans, but for serpents-UFOnauts the same God
consistently refuses to qualify them as people and qualifies them as
animals equipped with intelligence and human appearance. As this is
clearly indicating, "in the eyes of God someone's qualifying to the
category of people or the category of animals does NOT result from the
fact that parents or ancestors of this someone were people, nor from
intelligence and human appearance shown by this someone, but from
attributes and behaviors that this someone displays". In other words,
"God so designed living creatures, that they must earn becoming humans
and it is NOT enough for them that they were born from human parents".
What even more interesting, the above concerns all creatures which
live on the Earth. In other words, NOT all present members of humanity
in eyes of God will be qualified as people, and a significant
proportion of humanity God is going to qualify to the world of
intelligent animals and then treat the same as animals. On the other
hand, to some present creatures with animal (currently) structure of
the body, God intends to give in the future a chance to be born as
humans and to become humans.

So what are these attributes which in eyes of God qualify someone to
the category of people? This question is so important, that if someone
does NOT gain for himself or herself such attributes, then in eyes of
God is going to be treated as an animal. Of course, the reply God
again coded into the content of the Bible that he authorized. Well,
from the information encrypted in this Bible stems, that the most
important out of these attributes is "the ability, will, and effort of
embracing God". Means, the ability, will, and effort to see the
existence of God in the world that surrounds us, to distinguish the
"hand" of God when God gives something to us, to study intentions and
requirements of this God, to give to God the correct evidence of our
obedience to his commands, etc., etc. In other words, those ones who
are unable, or do not have intentions, or do not wish to undertake the
effort, of embracing God, for example all atheists - according to the
information contained in the Bible which is authorized by this God, in
fact belong to the category of animals with human appearance and human
intelligence, not to the category of people. Of course, there is a
number of manners this ability, will and effort of embracing God
should manifest itself. Let us list here at least several most vital
out of them. Here is several most vital ones:

1. Recognize the authority of God and obey requirements that God
imposed over people. In other words, e.g. every atheist in eyes of God
is just an intelligent animal with human appearance. After all,
animals are unable to recognize and acknowledge the authority of God.
They are also not able to obey God's requirements. For example,
animals everywhere see only the existence of other animals - only that
sometimes more dangerous or more provided than they themselves,
because gifted with a bigger power, cunningness, or ability to
generate something delicious. For example, my cat Teecee with the same
respect related both to me, and to the home fridge. In me he saw a
bigger and stronger animal than himself. Therefore, in order to make
me friendly he used to bring me, in his opinion tasty mice and frogs.
In turn fridge for him was a kind of a cow which instead of milk
generates infinitive supplies of tasty cat's food. So in order to also
make the fridge friendly towards him, according to the cat's etiquette
he used to sit opposite to it and show to it his respect in exactly
the same way as outside of the flat he show his respect to other cats
by sitting for hours in front of them. Once I noted that he also
brought a living frog to the fridge and wanted to give this frog to
the fridge. Information about this "requirement-manifestation of the
belonging to the humanity" is contained, amongst others, in the verse
quoted previously from the "Evangel of St. Matthew", 4:4, quote: "Man
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out
of the mouth of God." But in fact this "requirement of qualifying to
the category of humans" is so important that it is repeated across the
entire Bible.

2. Gain skills of recognizing hand, work, and acts of God, from hands,
work, and activities of other powers. In other words, in order to
become a human, one needs to learn see the hand of God where this hand
in fact do acts. Therefore, these people, who are unable to notice in
the Bible the authorship of God, but see in it just a book with
stories of ancient shepherds, in fact are in eyes of God just
intelligent animals. (For example, for me is extremely impressive this
well hidden supernatural intelligence encoded into the Bible (see the
web page "bible.htm") and manifesting itself e.g. in the manner with
which the Bible expresses extremely correctly even these most refined
ideas, the effectiveness with which it gives to us the working recipes
for living that prove themselves in action, the effectiveness with
which these ever actual messages were getting through thousands of
years of censorships of serpents-UFOnauts, etc., etc. Also I do not
understand how it is possible, that some people remain blind to this
supernatural intelligence of the Bible - most clearly in order to
appreciate intelligence contained in something else, one needs also
have at least a threshold level of it.) These biologists and their
sympathizers, who e.g. in the creation of the first couple of people
see just only the act of random evolution (see the web page
"evolution.htm") also have NOT acquire the ability of recognizing the
hand and act of God. Or these physicists, who remain blind to the
conclusions that result from the fact that electromagnetic waves
belong to the category of "transverse waves", which propagate
exclusively along the border of two mediums (see the web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm"). Or these medics who search with scalpels
through corners of the brain in order to find soul (see the web page
"nirvana.htm") in there, but they simultaneously remain blind and deaf
for NDE (Near Death Experience), multiple personalities, and other
phenomena of this kind. Etc., etc. The information about the gaining
ability to recognize hand, work, or act of God, is contained, amongst
others in "2 Corinthians", 4:3-4, quote: "But if our gospel be hid,
it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath
blinded the minds of them which believe not."

3. Place emphasis on the development of positive non-physical
attributes such as morality, consistency, helpfulness, goodness,
peacefulness, etc., etc. In other word, obedience to the popular
saying "eat to live, not live to eat", or more strictly "use our body
as an instrument which helps us to acquire positive intellectual and
spiritual values, instead of treating our intelligence and spirit as
tools which allow us bring pleasures to our body." The information
about the need of using our body as a tool for accomplishing positive
spiritual and intellectual qualities, not in reverse, is spread all
over the Bible. For example, this information is illustrated by every
word and every action of Jesus - including into this also words quoted
in item 1 above.

4. Learn totalizm and implement totalizm in our own life. It is enough
to notice in the Internet how "serpents-UFOnauts" react on every
message of totalizm, to become clear that totalizm is NOT just another
one amongst these dozens of philosophies invented by "armchair
academics". The Bible let us know about this quite clearly - as it is
explained fully in item #F3 of the totalizm web pages (see
"totalizm.htm"), the addresses of which are listed below.

5. Differentiate between our secular duties and obligations towards
God, give to God the correct kind of contribution, and maintain a
constructive balance between giving to God and fulfilling our secular
duties. In other words, we should not allow that in our lives any out
of these two main components (i.e. God or secular life) overpowers the
other one of them. Both these components must in us complement and
enrich each other - not compete with each other. So we should NOT
allow that the spiritual matters overshadow or dominate our secular
life, not allow that our secular engagements completely alienate us
from connecting to God. After all, the life is to live, and to
implement what God send us to the Earth to do with his assistance and
guidance. Furthermore, God requires that we give to it a right kind of
contribution. For example, He does NOT want we give to Him our money,
possessions, or any other material goods. For God material gifts are
like these mice and frogs that my cat Teecee used to bring to me, in
order to make friendly towards him this large and powerful animal
which he saw in me. It is God that gives to us material goods so that
we make out of them a right use in our fulfilling our secular duties,
not that we should give them back to Him. God demands from us
immaterial contribution, such as voluntarily recognizing His
existence, recognizing His hand and work, searching and studying His
intentions, obeying His commands, remembering about His requirements
in every secular matter in which we act, etc., etc. In fact, through a
clear showing the difference between the manner of fulfilling the
contribution towards God in the Biblical "New Testament" (which
describes humanity which already is composed of "people"), and a kind
of gifts which inhabitants of the Earth used to give to God in times
of the "Old Testament" (i.e. when humanity was still belonging to the
world of "intelligent animals"), God very intelligently and
illustratively let us know what kind of contribution towards him He is
asking for. The information about the necessity to maintain a
constructive balance between giving contribution to God and fulfilling
our secular duties, is contained, amongst others, in "Evangel of St.
Luke", 20:25, quote: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be
Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's." In turn the context
in which the above verse was repeated and stressed in three Evangels
of St. Luke", 20:25, Mark 10:25, and Matthew 19:24, reveals to us very
clearly, that God does NOT wants material belongings from us, e.g.
financial donations, but wishes we give to him all these non-material
efforts and actions, which He defined for us with the content of the
Bible, commandments of moral laws, configuration of the moral field,
etc., etc., and from understanding of which He made one of our duties
towards Him (or more strictly "Her" - as explained in item #B7 from
the totaliztic web page about God (see the web page "god.htm").

Of course, the above are just a few first and most vital "requirements
of qualifying to the category of people" contained in the Bible.
Similar requirements is more. But the goal of this web page is NOT to
discuss these. For example God requires from people to devote to
building and lifting up, not to destruction and pushing down. God
orders to defend ourselves when we are attacked, but it forbids
aggressive attacking. God orders to share with others, and not just
take everything for ourselves. Etc., etc. If we would like to express
all these requirements and commandments of God with a single allegoric
statement, then we could state that "God asks from us everything that
an ideal woman who loves us very much would demand from us". As this
is explained in item #B7 of the web page about a secular understanding
of God (see the web page "god.htm"), this thinking components of God,
which by the Christianity is called "Holy Ghost", in fact is a female.

The Bible warns us many times, that for all those who do not obey
commandments of God, awaits not pleasurable consequences. So we should
NOT expect that if God gave to someone a chance to become a human,
because he allowed to be born from human parents, but that someone
spurn and rejected this chance, then God will still be generous
towards such someone. After all God has the power and thousands of
different possibilities to execute from disobeying ones the warning
which he authorized in the Bible. For example, only the simplest out
of these possibilities is, that for those who insist so much to remain
animals, God allows to be born again as animals. Therefore, I
personally feel obliged to realize with the aid of these descriptions,
that - as Englishman say "God means business". After all, God does NOT
need to worry that there will be NO creatures interested to qualify
into the category of people. Just only on the Earth every second
millions of existences are coming to life, the level of intelligence
of which allows them to stand up in a queue to the chance of becoming
a human. For example, my cat Teecee (see the web page "bandits.htm")
is one of them. But God created the physical world of a finite volume.
So He cannot non-selectively advance to the honor of a person every
out of these millions and millions of creatures, and then give an
everlasting life to each person. The God's justice is to be fulfilled
if every creature "gets a chance from God" of becoming a human, and
then the further fate of this creature is to depend how this creature
performs when getting this chance. So God has reasons to make very
difficult the advancement from the status of an "animal" to the status
of a "human". No wonder that in the Biblical Evangel of St. Mark,
10:25, is written - quote: "It is easier for a camel to go through the
eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of
God." (A rich person typically practices the philosophy of parasitism
- see the web page "parasitism.htm", which just gives to people the
animal attributes.) So it is not know neither "when" nor "if at all",
these ones from our fraternity who in the present life lost already
the chance to prove themselves as "people", will obtain a next such a
chance. In fact such another chance they may get after waiting in the
queue for hundreds or even thousands of years, or even do not get this
chance ever again. So it is better already now do everything that the
Bible encourages us to do, and in fact put the effort which we can
afford in order to prove God already now that we deserve the name a

At the end of this item I would like to propose to the reader a small
verifying test. Namely, I propose to check, whether according to
requirements given to us by God and clearly explained above from 1 to
5 of this item, in eyes of God the reader deserves to be qualified to
the category of humans, and to receive privileges granted by God to
humans, or else he or she deserves only to be qualified to the same
category as "UFOnauts-serpents" - means to "animals gifted with
intelligence and human appearance", and then receive the same
treatment as animals. Means, whether the reader: (1) recognizes the
authority of God, (2) gained the skill of recognizing the hand and
acts of God, (3) uses his body as an instrument to accomplishing
positive intellectual and spiritual goals, but not opposite, etc.,
etc. Then I propose to match similarly to the same criteria all these
close ones whom the reader loves the most. Finally I propose to
consider what in the reader's opinion the reader should do with
conclusions to which he or she arrived in this test. Means, whether in
such a vital matter as the eternal future for himself or herself and
for his or her close ones, the reader should leave the matter just on
checking, and then continue the sitting on his own hands in matters
for which God requires actions, or rather should take actions which
are suggested by this test. After all, we need to remember, that after
publishing formal scientific proofs for the existence of God (see the
web page "god.htm"), the power, authority, and the actions of God
ceased to be just a matter of believes, and become a scientific
certainty. These God's capabilities do not cease to be such a
certainty only because some intelligent animals in the Bible called
"serpents" spit on these proofs the entire saliva that their venomous
tangs are able to generate.

Serpents-UFOnauts consider themselves to be a kind "super-humans"
which are positioned so much higher above people from the planet
Earth, as much higher people from the Earth are positioned above
animals. Also at every occasion these UFOnauts let us know about this
their supposed superiority. It seems to come easy to them. After all,
they stole time vehicles and telekinetic vehicles from some other
civilization. They also have a capability to travel around entire
Universe. Because of the telekinetic flickering (see the web page
"dipolar_gravity.htm") they also can become invisible to human sight.
So they are very unhappy that the truth revealed in the Bible states
about them something completely opposite. Namely that in eyes of God
just they, serpents-UFOnauts, are creatures inferior like animals,
while us, humans from the Earth, are superior over them by the
"humanitarianism" of our attributes. Because totalizm disseminates the
knowledge about this truth that is so bitter for UFOnauts, this
dissemination provides one more reason for which UFOnauts so viciously
try to destroy totalizm. After all, they do not like when something
reminds them the truth that in eyes of God they are just animals
provided with human intelligence and with human shapes.

Explanations presented above are extended by further information in
items #F2 and #F3 of the newest update of the web page of totalizm
having the physical name "totalizm.htm". This update carries the date
not earlier than 17 November 2007. The web page "totalizm.htm" should
be available at following addresses (unless it was already sabotaged
in there by intelligent animals with human appearance, which in the
Bible are called "serpents"):

Please notice that under each address indicated above in fact all the
web pages of totalizm should be available (unless some of these web
pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view
descriptions from any other web pages of totalizm mentined in this
message, then in the above addresses the name "totalizm.htm" is just
enough to exchange for the name of the web page that one wishes to
look at, e.g. the web page "text_1_5.htm", "evil.htm",
"changelings.htm", etc.

With totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

P.S. Motto: "Even if you force a serpent into a bamboo tube, still you
cannot straighten its twisted nature." (A Chinese proverb).

P.P.S. I already placed this message here around 1.5 days ago.
However, these "serpents-UFOnauts" obviously have a secretive
surveillance of this discussion group, because they blocked this
message and it never appeared. Now I am trying again - we will see
whether this time they stop it again. Sarcastically, the same
"serpents-UFOnauts" which prevent this educational message from
appearing, themselves are flooding the group with a river of spam
messages about MI5. But these spam messages will be the topic of my
next information about them. By the way, these are "serpents-UFOnauts"
described here, about which I wrote in one of my previous messages
entitled "Who pays these guys for turning internet (including this
group) into a gutter?" - see


Nov 19, 2007, 9:59:55 AM11/19/07
WOW, do you need serious professional help.
UFO-anauts???? LMFAO!
Stop taking whatever substance you've been abusing (glue etc.) its
obviously messed up your head.

chris thompson

Nov 19, 2007, 10:25:05 AM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 4:49 am, wrote:
> A monkey looks very similar to a human. It also have grabbing hands


Einstein's paper, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy
Content?", in which he derived E=mc^2, was two pages long. Watson and
Crick described the structure of DNA in one page.

What is it about the kooks that they must ramble on interminably?



Nov 19, 2007, 11:18:24 AM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 10:25 am, chris thompson <>

He's off his thorazine...

Nov 19, 2007, 11:30:03 AM11/19/07
On 19 Nov., 16:25, chris thompson <> wrote:
> On Nov 19, 4:49 am, wrote:
> > A monkey looks very similar to a human. It also have grabbing hands
> snip
> Einstein's paper, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy
> Content?", in which he derived E=mc^2, was two pages long. Watson and
> Crick described the structure of DNA in one page.

The famous and very influential computer-science article "Goto
statement considered harmful" by Dijkstra was one page long.

> What is it about the kooks that they must ramble on interminably?

Indeed. They try to hide the fact that their ideas has no logic
coherence in long vague sentences, and hope to use repetition in stead
of argument.
Just from style you are able to determine whether an article has any



Nov 19, 2007, 11:31:12 AM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 4:49 am, wrote:

Positive proof that a baboon can type.



Nov 19, 2007, 11:47:17 AM11/19/07
In article <6f350936-3662-4a43-8982-25d12ec4d3fc@>, says...

> On 19 Nov., 16:25, chris thompson <> wrote:
> > On Nov 19, 4:49 am, wrote:
> >
> > > A monkey looks very similar to a human. It also have grabbing hands
> >
> > snip
> >
> > Einstein's paper, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy
> > Content?", in which he derived E=mc^2, was two pages long. Watson and
> > Crick described the structure of DNA in one page.
> The famous and very influential computer-science article "Goto
> statement considered harmful" by Dijkstra was one page long.

at which point I can't help but post


Contact Address matchstick a t oofg d o t com
"The wages of sin are death... but the hours are good and the perks are

Earle Jones

Nov 19, 2007, 7:57:17 PM11/19/07
In article
<>, wrote:

> A monkey looks very similar to a human. It also have grabbing hands
> like people do and also is able to use tools. Furthermore, it has a
> high intelligence. In fact a monkey is even able to carry out
> implication and logical deduction - like people do. Can thus a monkey

> be classified to a category of people. Of course NOT....

I'm curious to know which audience this posting is aimed at.

If it is anyone who has studied beyond the sixth or seventh grade, it is
doomed to fail.

Even though signed by "Prof. Dr. Eng" it reads like a juvenile rambling
of a totalistic (excuse me, I mean totaliztic) fundamentalist.

Crap, in less polite words.

"When a proposition is ludicrous enough, we lend it undeserved
credibility when we respond too politely."

--Robert M. Price

Baron Bodissey

Nov 19, 2007, 9:14:59 PM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 4:49 am, wrote:

The clarification of this puzzle is encrypted into the Bible
authorized by God himself ...

Is this something like the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval?"

Baron Bodissey
We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the
- Rev. Ray Mummert, Dover, PA

Nov 19, 2007, 9:43:56 PM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 8:30 am, wrote:

> > What is it about the kooks that they must ramble on interminably?
> Indeed. They try to hide the fact that their ideas has no logic
> coherence in long vague sentences, and hope to use repetition in stead
> of argument.
> J.O.

This tempts me to ask you whether you can reply with your mouth as
well, as we people do here on the Earth, not just with the lower part
of your body? But I will NOT lower myself to your level. Instead I
will rather reason with your "spitting" at my systematic presentation
and the point that I made.

Well, firstly I do not see the point that you are trying to make in
your writing, apart from the clear intent to hurt me emotionally.
This may mean that you actually belong to these creatures which God in
the Bible qualifies to the category of animals, and thus the reason
why you are writing is to revenge the fact that I am trying to
disclose your existence on the Earth. The second curious thing about
this post of yours and also posts of these once who belong to your
team of "professional spitters", is that the arguments which you all
provided in support of your spitting, can actually be made in support
of any claim. So these your arguments do not say anything about my
message, but say a lot about yourself, for example (1) that your
knowledge about this matter is shallow and near zero - means that you
know nothing about the matter that you are expressing your opinion
about and thus you do not use any expert knowledge of this subject in
support of your statements, (2) that you have some reasons other than
finding the truth to pick on my message, and (3) simply that you are
not a nice character by becoming personal towards me instead of
discussing the truth which I am trying to disclose. In other words,
the content of your post seems to match these posts which try to turn
the internet into a gutter and which originate from the group of
"internet terrorists" about which I wrote in one of my previous

To the above I would like to add a message which is provided as the
motto to item #B2 from my web page "bible.htm" (it is the web page
"bible.htm" that in item #B1 proves formally with the method of
mathematical logic that "The Bible is authorized by God himself").
Here it is this motto, quote:
"The differentiation of mischievous spitting and sarcastic scoffing at
an idea under the excuse that it is just a criticism of that idea,
from a true constructive criticism of that idea, is simple:
mischievous spitting raises points which can be raised about any
possible idea and against any possible person; in turn a constructive
criticism concentrates exclusively on matters which relate directly to
the subject that this criticism concerns and therefore which do not
apply for any other idea, person, or matter. So just by simple
checking whether someone's objections can be applied to all other
ideas as well, or just to this one, you immediately know whether the
criticizer is just trying to be mischievous and smart, or really have
valid points to make."

The web page "bible.htm" should be available at following addresses

(unless it was already sabotaged in there by intelligent animals with
human appearance, which in the Bible are called "serpents"):

Please notice that under each address indicated above in fact all the
web pages of totalizm should be available (unless some of these web
pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view

descriptions from any other web pages of totalizm mentioned in this
message, then in the above addresses the name "bible.htm" is just

enough to exchange for the name of the web page that one wishes to

look at, e.g. the web page "evil.htm", "changelings.htm",
"text_1_5.htm", etc.

With totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

P.S. Why you promote Einstein so much in your writings! Does Einstein
have any connection with your group that terrorizes constructive
discussion in Internet? Have you noticed that his chin has two buttock-
like protrusions, while his hair grows upwards on his head. If not -
have a look at his photographs at
. What this may mean is explained and illustrated with photographs
from "Fig. #5abc" on the totaliztic web page "evil.htm". I will try to
explain it in greater detail what all this actually means for our
civilization in one of my next messages.

Nov 19, 2007, 10:06:45 PM11/19/07
> 3. Place emphasis on the development of ...

What is the aim of you fanatical loon that tries to muscle into the
modern age....?
Trying to convince 21st century people that god has done a lot for us?
Name some development from your god to contribute to our human
society, while every day lives of ours today have all the scientific
objects, industrial products, tools, computer and skills.

Nov 19, 2007, 10:13:10 PM11/19/07
> messages

> To the above I would like to add a message which is provided as the
> motto to item #B2 from my web page "bible.htm" (it is the web page
> "bible.htm" that in item #B1 proves formally with the method of
> mathematical logic that "The Bible is authorized by God himself").
> Here it is this motto, quote:
> "The differentiation of mischievous spitting and sarcastic scoffing at
> an idea under the excuse that it is just a criticism of that idea,
> from a true constructive criticism of that idea, is simple:
> mischievous spitting raises points which can be raised about any
> possible idea and against any possible person; in turn a constructive
> criticism concentrates exclusively on matters which relate directly to
> the subject that this criticism concerns and therefore which do not
> apply for any other idea, person, or matter. So just by simple
> checking whether someone's objections can be applied to all other
> ideas as well, or just to this one, you immediately know whether the
> criticizer is just trying to be mischievous and smart, or really have
> valid points to make."
> The web page "bible.htm" should be available at following addresses
> (unless it was already sabotaged in there by intelligent animals with
> human appearance, which in the Bible are called "serpents"):

> Please notice that under each address indicated above in fact all the
> web pages of totalizm should be available (unless some of these web
> pages were sabotaged in the meantime). Thus, if someone wishes to view
> descriptions from any other web pages of totalizm mentioned in this
> message, then in the above addresses the name "bible.htm" is just
> enough to exchange for the name of the web page that one wishes to
> look at, e.g. the web page "evil.htm", "changelings.htm",
> "text_1_5.htm", etc.
> With totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)
> P.S. Why you promote Einstein so much in your writings! Does Einstein
> have any connection with your group that terrorizes constructive
> discussion in Internet? Have you noticed that his chin has two buttock-
> like protrusions, while his hair grows upwards on his head. If not -
> have a look at his photographs at

> . What this may mean is explained and illustrated with photographs
> from "Fig. #5abc" on the totaliztic web page "evil.htm". I will try to
> explain it in greater detail what all this actually means for our
> civilization in one of my next messages.

You have no brain to search for truth.........PERIOD.

Nov 19, 2007, 10:09:04 PM11/19/07

A baboon?
Even a modern baboon can be much more intelligent than him...!

Lee Jay

Nov 19, 2007, 11:10:50 PM11/19/07
On Nov 19, 7:43 pm, wrote:
> Well, firstly I do not see the point that you are trying to make in
> your writing, apart from the clear intent to hurt me emotionally.
> This may mean that you actually belong to these creatures which God in
> the Bible qualifies to the category of animals, and thus the reason
> why you are writing is to revenge the fact that I am trying to
> disclose your existence on the Earth.

Hate to break this to you, but you, your family, all your relatives,
everyone you know, everyone you have ever known, and all your
ancestors going back a very, very long time, are animals, by

If you think you aren't an animal, please tell us into which kingdom
you fit:


If you do feel you are in Animalia, but are not an animal, then tell
us where you fit in that kingdom. If you don't want to use the
kingdom approach, then just tell us where you are in this tree:

Let me guess. You feel that every life form on our planet fits nicely
into that tree, except humans, who are somehow "special" compared to
all the other life forms, even those most closely related to us.

Lee Jay

Nov 20, 2007, 4:38:12 AM11/20/07
On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, wrote:

> A baboon?
> Even a modern baboon can be much more intelligent than him...!

Wow. Serpents! Are these all arguments that your intellects can swet
out? And the entire pack of you can do only this - throw mud and spit.
Then I am sorry for you. No wonder that God in the Bible calls you
"animals" and refuses to use the word "humans" to describe members of
your civilisation in spite that your are so closely related to humans.

I recommend to have a look at the totaliztic web page "evil.htm" - it
describes quite well both, you, and also the reason why you are
bullying all your way through for the last almost 40 000 years of your
secretive occupation of the Earth. Here are addresses of this web

With totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

P.S. Your masks fit quite well. And it seem to work well - attacking
from behind a mask. Do you also have names and faces?

Martin Kaletsch

Nov 20, 2007, 6:55:54 AM11/20/07
to wrote:

> On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, wrote:
> ...
>> A baboon?
>> Even a modern baboon can be much more intelligent than him...!
> ...
> Wow. Serpents! Are these all arguments that your intellects can swet
> out? And the entire pack of you can do only this - throw mud and spit.
> Then I am sorry for you. No wonder that God in the Bible calls you
> "animals" and refuses to use the word "humans" to describe members of
> your civilisation in spite that your are so closely related to humans.
> I recommend to have a look at the totaliztic web page "evil.htm" - it
> describes quite well both, you, and also the reason why you are
> bullying all your way through for the last almost 40 000 years of your
> secretive occupation of the Earth. Here are addresses of this web
> page:


> P.S. Your masks fit quite well. And it seem to work well - attacking
> from behind a mask. Do you also have names and faces?

Get professional help, soon!

"It was the laugh of the Elder Gods observing their creature man and noting
their omissions, miscalculations and mistakes." Fritz Leiber

chris thompson

Nov 20, 2007, 9:44:56 AM11/20/07
On Nov 19, 9:43 pm, wrote:
> On Nov 19, 8:30 am, wrote:
> ...
> > > What is it about the kooks that they must ramble on interminably?
> > Indeed. They try to hide the fact that their ideas has no logic
> > coherence in long vague sentences, and hope to use repetition in stead
> > of argument.
> ...
> > J.O.
> This tempts me to ask you whether you can reply with your mouth as
> well, as we people do here on the Earth, not just with the lower part
> of your body? But I will NOT lower myself to your level.

Don't play at taking the high moral ground, asshole. You walked in
here and labeled all atheists animals- did you expect a happy time
after that?

Fuck you, AND the horse you rode in on, you hypocrite.


Nov 21, 2007, 5:44:00 AM11/21/07
On Nov 20, 6:44 am, chris thompson <>

You walked in
> here and labeled all atheists animals- did you expect a happy time
> after that?
> Fuck you, AND the horse you rode in on, you hypocrite.
I repeated the message that seems to be coded by God into the Bible
which God authorizes. This message says, amongst others, that all
these ones who do NOT believe in God (e.g. Biblical serpents,
atheists, etc.) God qualifies to the category of animals with human
appearance and with human intelligence. Thus it is highly probably
that all these who are born from human-like parents, but by God are
NOT qualified as humans, will receive from God the same treatment as
animals - means probably will NOT be reincarnated into people, but
into animals. This in turn is an important matter which we should
consider carefully - as there are formal proofs that God does exist.
And this God one day is going to judge us. So the logic tells us that
it is in our vital interest to know the criteria that God is going to
use when judging us. In other words, the knowledge of God's message
coded into the Bible can only help all of us. This is because it
conveys outcomes of research on quite important matter which at the
end of our life-journey is going to affects all of us - as it reveals
the God's list of priorities, and thus it warns all of us about which
God's priorities are the highest on His list, so that we could all act

The decoding of God's message regarding God's treatment of these
people, could be compared to a life situation that we all may stand
under a cliff which is about to collapse - but we do not know it. So
if one of us would determine by his or her research that the cliff is
to collapse, then he or she would have a duty to inform others about
this fact. And the ones who should be informed first are these ones
who stand right under the cliff (e.g. Biblical serpents, atheists,
etc.). So if they decide to remain standing their - it is NOT because
of the lack of information, but because of their fully informed
decision they make. I actually keep admitting in my monographs

that in a young age I was an atheist myself. But I was an atheist only
because of the lack of information - my teachers failed to tell me the
truth about a huge body of scientific information available about God.
In turn my teachers were scared to tell me the truth that there is a
lot of scientific information about the existence of God, because
these "serpents-UFOnauts" who secretly occupy our planet for already
almost 40 000 years do NOT allow the reliable scientific information
about God being disseminated amongst people. The result is that the
human science has a lot of information which confirms the existence of
God, but scientists are scared to disseminate this information amongst
people. If they do disseminate, the reaction of these "serpents-
UFOnauts" is identical like on this group here (where all spitting at
me is dome mainly by these "serpents-UFOnauts" hidden behind masks of
their pseudo-names). Some amongst this huge information confirming the
God's existence and the God's authorization of the Bible is provided
in post number #139E, #137E, #136E, #135E, and #134E of the following

Now I am a scientist myself. So I have an access to this scientific
information about God. Although there is a huge pressure exerted on me
to NOT reveal and to NOT disseminate this information, I decided that
it is my duty to let others know what I know - no matter what
consequences it is to bring on my head. It is still up to others
whether they take seriously what I am writing, but I am doing my duty,
i.e. making available to others the vital scientific information
about: (a) the actual existence of God which is scientifically
provable and verifiable, (b) about the existence of eternal human
souls which also is scientifically verifiable and confirmable, (c)
about the existence of the counter world in which God resides (and our
souls as well), (d) about the creation of the fist couple of people by
God, (e) about the secretive occupation of the Earth by close
relatives of humans which look identically to people and which the
calls "serpents", "devils", etc., and about many other matters.

chris thompson

Nov 21, 2007, 9:04:05 AM11/21/07
On Nov 21, 5:44 am, wrote:


I take back my anger at you. You're mentally ill and you need help.
Please see a mental health specialist at the earliest opportunity. One
should never insult those suffering from maladies such as yours. On
the other hand, there's nothing that says normal people have to listen
to your ravings, either.



Nov 21, 2007, 9:22:00 AM11/21/07
On Nov 21, 5:44 am, wrote:
> blogs:

> Now I am a scientist myself. So I have an access to this scientific
> information about God. Although there is a huge pressure exerted on me
> to NOT reveal and to NOT disseminate this information, I decided that
> it is my duty to let others know what I know - no matter what
> consequences it is to bring on my head. It is still up to others
> whether they take seriously what I am writing, but I am doing my duty,
> i.e. making available to others the vital scientific information
> about: (a) the actual existence of God which is scientifically
> provable and verifiable, (b) about the existence of eternal human
> souls which also is scientifically verifiable and confirmable, (c)
> about the existence of the counter world in which God resides (and our
> souls as well), (d) about the creation of the fist couple of people by
> God, (e) about the secretive occupation of the Earth by close
> relatives of humans which look identically to people and which the
> Bible
> calls "serpents", "devils", etc., and about many other matters.
> With totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak (Prof. Dr Eng.)

Rubbish. Put up or shut up.



Nov 21, 2007, 9:26:30 AM11/21/07
On Nov 21, 4:44 am, wrote:
> On Nov 20, 6:44 am, chris thompson <>
> wrote:
> ...
> You walked in> here and labeled all atheists animals- did you expect a happy time
> > after that?
> > Fuck you, AND the horse you rode in on, you hypocrite.
> ...
> I repeated the message that seems to be coded by God into the Bible
> which God authorizes.\\\\

seems god's a huckster...selling salvation from the back of truck. the
bible 'codes' information? why is god so shy? what's he afraid of that
he has to 'code' things?

> >
> that in a young age I was an atheist myself. But I was an atheist only
> because of the lack of information - my teachers failed to tell me the
> truth about a huge body of scientific information available about God.

what a coincidence! the world's scientific community hasn't figured it
out either. imagine! god has had scientists prove what no scientist
has ever proven: god exists.

so god's shy AND he deals in contradictions...

is there any more proof needed that religion is a license for

Rupert Morrish

Nov 21, 2007, 8:53:06 PM11/21/07
to wrote:
> On Nov 19, 8:30 am, wrote:
> ...
>>> What is it about the kooks that they must ramble on interminably?
>> Indeed. They try to hide the fact that their ideas has no logic
>> coherence in long vague sentences, and hope to use repetition in stead
>> of argument.
> ...
>> J.O.

He complained that you wrote too much. You replied that he talked out of
his ass, but you took 830 words to do it. I think you proved his point.
----------------- - *Completion*Retention*Speed*
Access your favorite newsgroups from home or on the road

Kent Paul Dolan

Nov 21, 2007, 9:14:08 PM11/21/07
to wrote:

> Everyone knows

It is just awesome how much human idiocy, and not
just creationist idiocy, has that phrase somewhere
at its wellsprings.


Kent Paul Dolan

Nov 21, 2007, 11:00:17 PM11/21/07
to wrote:

[388 lines of intense oral flatulence snipped]

"My research shows that conciseness is
interpreted as intelligence."

Literature psychologist Daniel Oppenheimer
(Princeton U.)


Nov 23, 2007, 4:55:58 AM11/23/07
On Nov 21, 6:26 am, wf3h <> wrote:

> so god's shy AND he deals in contradictions...

God is NOT shy. She (as God is She - see item #B7 on the web page
"god.htm") just does NOT wish to break our "free will". If She leaves
NO doubt for us whether She does exist, then we would have NO "free
will". In turn when we have no free will, we would have no choice, but
to worship God. In turn if we had no choice but to worship God, it
would be the FORCED worshiping, not the voluntary one. In turn when we
have the forced worshiping, then God could NOT distinguish between
these ones amongst us who worship Her stronger - and thus who deserve
a reward, from these ones who worship Her less or NOT at all, thus who
deserve a punishment. In turn when God has no distinguishing between
these who get a reward, and these ones who get a punishment, then all
creatures of the universe would need to go to heaven. So heaven would
be full, amongst others, creatures like "devils", "serpents", etc. -
it would NOT be pleasant to go to heaven and have such companions in
there. Actually it would be like reading these posts from here which
are mainly written by "serpents" - as the Bible calls them.

Summarizing the above, God is NOT shy. She can create or destroy
entire galaxies with one movement of Her finger. But in order to
reassure the healthy competition to heaven and in order to make sure
that to heaven only these ones go who truly deserve it, She needs to
give us the choice whether we volunteer to embrace Her, or rather
prefer to behave like these animals called "serpents" in the Bible -
who are showing their "spitting" and "mud throwing" capabilities on
this group.

I should add, that there is many formal scientific proofs that God
does exist. Each one of you can verify the merit of these proofs. One
of these formal scientific proofs is published in item #B3 of the web
page "god.htm", which you should be able to view at following

So neither God is unreal, nor unreal are these "serpents" described as
animals in the Bible (in spite that "serpents" really are relatives of
humans, and in spite that they just are writing all these negative
comments on this thread).


Nov 23, 2007, 7:36:55 AM11/23/07
On Nov 21, 4:44 am, wrote:
> On Nov 20, 6:44 am, chris thompson <>
> wrote:
> ...
> You walked in> here and labeled all atheists animals- did you expect a happy time
> > after that?
> > Fuck you, AND the horse you rode in on, you hypocrite.
> ...
> I repeated the message that seems to be coded by God into the Bible
> which God authorizes.

authorizes what? the code? you to decode it? why are you more
reliable than the tens of thousands of other freaks in history who've
claimed to 'decode' a bible?


Nov 23, 2007, 7:42:08 AM11/23/07
On Nov 23, 3:55 am, wrote:
> On Nov 21, 6:26 am, wf3h <> wrote:
> ...> so god's shy AND he deals in contradictions...
> ...
> God is NOT shy. She (as God is She - see item #B7 on the web page
> "god.htm") just does NOT wish to break our "free will".

and why is communicating in code somehow supposed to protect our free
will if the whole goal of codebreakers is to tell us what the coded
message is?

that's a contradiction.

> If She leaves> NO doubt for us whether She does exist, then we would have NO "free
> will".

which is nonsense. i know police officers exist but i still break the
speed limit.

So heaven would
> be full,

what's the problem? god can't make more real estate? hell i live in
texas. if god has a real estate problem, she can come and see me.

> Summarizing the above, God is NOT shy. She can create or destroy
> entire galaxies with one movement of Her finger.

but she's kinda stupid it seems. she has a real estate problem AND she
doesn't realize that telling us about herself does not destroy free

> I should add, that there is many formal scientific proofs that God
> does exist. Each one of you can verify the merit of these proofs. One
> of these formal scientific proofs is published in item #B3 of the web
> page "god.htm", which you should be able to view at following
> addresses:

every crackpot in history has said this. you joining the club?

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