The first time that you encountered the Top Six you could not figure out
why the other anti evolution creationists could not deal with them and
they quit the ID scam. You asked for assistance, but Glenn, Bill and
Kalkidas would not help you out. After a period of absence you again
encountered the Top Six, but you claimed to not remember the previous
encounter and how that turned out. You again asked for assistance from
the other creationists, but no one would help you out. After another
period of absence you again came back and claimed to not remember the
previous encounters with the Top Six, and again you failed to understand
why the other creationists could not deal with them in an honest and
straightforward manner. You have never understood why the others quit
supporting the ID scam and the Top Six.
Do you recall claiming that I was not refuting the Top Six, and that I
had to tell you that I had never been trying to refute the Top Six?
It is just a simple fact that all the other anti evolution creationists
who quit the ID scam did so because the ID perps shot themselves in the
head by presenting them in their logical order of occurrence as to how
they must have happened in this universe. The designer that fills the
Top Six god-of-the-gaps denial arguments is not the Biblical designer
for nearly all IDiotic type creationists in existence. The order of
creation is wrong, and a lot of it isn't even mentioned in the Bible.
The scientific creationists used the same Top Six gap denial arguments,
but just as the ID perps continued to do, they used them as fire and
forget bits of denial that the rubes were supposed to use to lie to
themselves just long enough to forget that gap and lie to themselves
about another. You obviously are a champion at forgetting what your
argument was, and it is why you are about the only anti evolution
creationist still posting on TO.
You can go to the Reason to Believe old earth creationist web site and
see how they can't deal with the Top Six. They use them for denial
purposes, but they then have to deny the denial because they need land
plants to be created before sea creatures, but the Cambrian explosion
occurred long before there were land plants in the ordovician, and the
angiosperms described in the Bible do not evolve until after dinosaurs
had evolved. Even though they use Meyer's claim that a 25 million year
period over half a billion years ago is too short of a time for the
diversification of bilateral animals to have occurred they want land
plants to be created before sea creature. Life had been evolving for
billions of years before the Cambrian explosion, and that fact isn't
mentioned in the Bible.
What you are posting to is MarkE's denial of reality. MarkE could not
give up on the Gap denial even though he, like the other anti evolution
creationists, could not deal with the Top Six in an honest and straight
forward manner. Instead he tried to keep wallowing in the denial of
each one separately. He spent a significant effort defining the origin
of life gap. In doing so, he had to demonstrate what was around the
gap. The Big Bang (#1) had happened over 13 billion years ago, and it
took around 8 billion years to produce the elements that our planet was
made from, as products of dying stars, to create that part of the fine
tuning argument (#2). Really, it took 8 billion years to produce the
elements that made it possible for life to be created on this planet
(#3). MarkE knew that the surface of the earth would have initially
been molten rock before cooling enough for there to be liquid water.
Once there was liquid water there could be the chemistry for abiogenesis
to occur, using the elements that it took 8 billion years to create. The
origin of life likely occurred over 3 billion years ago. This is not
mentioned in the Bible, nor are the billions of years when life was
evolving as microbial lifeforms. The flagellum (#4) evolved over a
billion years ago among the microbes that existed at that time, and it
looks like a flagellum (not identical) evolved independently in archaea
and eubacteria. The Cambrian explosion (#5) occurred within a 25
million year period over half a billion years ago, long before land
plants evolved, and the gaps in the human fossil record occurred within
the last 10 million years of the existence of life on this planet.
MarkE found that he did not want to believe in the god that filled his
origin of life gap. It is not the Biblical designer. He refused to
describe how his Biblical designer fit into that gap. In spite of this
realization he continued to lie to himself that gap denial was at all
useful in maintaining his religious beliefs.
You are just too incompetent to understand what you are doing when you
use the gap denial stupidity. The other anti evolution creationists
were not that incompetent. Did you see the post where Kalkidas claimed
that ID and the Top six were no longer worth thinking about even though
he had probably been an IDiot for decades? I should have saved that
post, but maybe someone else did. Kalkidas is still a Biblical
creationist, but he no longer wants to use the gap denial stupidity to
support his religious beliefs. The designer that fills those gaps in
their logical order of occurrence in this universe is not the Biblical
designer. It turned out that the ID perps never wanted to accomplish
any ID science because any success would have just been more science for
the Biblical creationists to deny. The majority of support for the ID
scam still comes from young earth Biblical "literalists". Even the old
earth Biblical "literalists" at Reason to Believe can't deal with the
Top Six in an honest and straightforward manner, and neither could a lot
of the old earth Biblical creationists that we had posting on TO.
Ron Okimoto
>> Ron Okimoto